>no other game on the planet that does what Mount&Blade does
How? How does this happen? How does a bunch of roaches manage to corner an entire gameplay niche that's clearly of commercial value?
>no other game on the planet that does what Mount&Blade does
How? How does this happen? How does a bunch of roaches manage to corner an entire gameplay niche that's clearly of commercial value?
no other company has ever tried to make a the sims clone either
also the jews at paradox managed to corner the entire grand strategy market
Those are titles from big value devs though. M&B has cornered an entire (popular) gameplay niche, started by some guy and his wife.
It's baffling that no major studio has tried to move into the territory, given that M&B is literally the only competition within it. There clearly money to be made.
Not enough broad appeal for the AAA publishers to fund it.
On that note, whatever happened to the smaller studios publishers were funding for a while? We got some cool stuff out of that like State of Decay.
That's not true,there was a German porn sims clone.
more like never-ever-lort
There’s tons of stuff like it.
I really want a competent dev to make a Total War clone since CA is destroying it
>There’s tons of stuff like it.
like what?
name one game that directly takes on warbands gameplay, not just an individual aspect like melee fps combat or "medieval setting". ONE. Tip: there isn't any.
Stuff like M&B doesn't work as anything but autistic passion projects, and few of those actually succeed.
Not him, but could you specify any preconditions to your demand? Because I don't want you to move your goalposts after I post a few titles.
Not him, but I'm desperate for any game that mixes real time single character
combat with strategy. Kingdom Under Fire was the shit, but that was years ago. Nowadays I have to settle for Dynasty Warriors Empires, which has barely any strategy.
Is there a Warhammer 40k mod for M&B? Is it any good?
Would that be a decent stand alone game
You're too young to know about The Singles.
Freeman: Guerilla Warfare and Starsector are two notable M&B clones.There's a couple more that are in (very early) development but I can't remember their names.
God, that was terrible. I’m so glad we’re past sex bait with no delivery
There is star sector.
Why aren't there roads in this game?
Space Rangers is a better sanbox experience imho
It's like NWN, They gave people tools so amazing some PWs are still running active today while many AAA MMOs came failed and died already.
I wish for this too user, so fucking badly.
God I hate CA.
I'll check them out. Thanks user.
what do these abbreviations mean?
Wrong, there are other Grand Strat titles, you just haven't heard of them. Alea Jacta Est is good for the Roman era.
Neverwinter Nights; Persistent World, meaning the game is hosted on a separate server like an MMO.
needs to tick *all* the boxes that warband ticks.
>medieval-fantasyish world
>FPS-action-rpg-strategy-management-sandbox hybrid gameplay
>entirely sandbox world/gameplay with all the freedom that that entails
>500 man onscreen battles, allowing me to play from the FPS perspective, each unit with its own A.I/stats
freeman GW is set in modern times. I own it, It's fun, and it's clearly M&B influenced but it doesn't do what warband does because of the very different combat style that makes up half the game.
starsector is a 2D sci-fi game from what I remember. Hardly going to scratch the itch of people wanting a medieval based 3D FPS game with all the other M&B elements.
Neverwinter Nights
Persistent Worlds
user's Anal Aids
Massively Multiplayer Online
>tons of stuff
>two titles
>Starsector nothing like M&B
well done fag
Devs has stopped experimenting and try new things years ago.
Or publishers keep them from it, either way it sucks ass and that's why we're stuck with the same FPS/RPG under a new coat of paint over and over and over again
So you want a game that's 99.8% a literal clone of M&B, got it.
>not him
>...after I post a few titles
Climb back into your tree, nigger.
publishers are absolute cowards in every medium
Two is not a few moron. "I can't remember" do not count. You named two games and Starsector has almost nothing in common with M&B. If you're going to stretch that far why not include 4x titles or Hegemony?
If someone wants to make a M&B-like game, they just make a M&B mod.
I repeat. Climb back into your tree and take a book with you that you can read.
>Starsector has almost nothing in common with M&B
Literal retard.
fucking squabbling over nothing, the absolute state of Yea Forums
Also you clearly quoted "tons of stuff". What happened to that one?
Ignore him, he is full of shit as evidenced by his responses. If he were honest he would have come up with more than two titles.
What does "a few" mean then?
cd project red is currently working on a sequel to witcher which is basically a mixture of mount and blade, dota and dmc
basically you play as a hero character with different strengths and move sets and lead an army of npcs soldiers
some heroes don´t get to lead any npcs but have much better combat skills or magical abilities in return.
What does "tons of stuff" mean?
Ask the user that made that claim. I'm the user that said "a few".
So again, tell me what "a few" means. You're just backpedalling because you've run out of arguments.
>There were a few people at the party
>It will take a few days
>Few like his work
>When I arrived there were only a few remaining
>He left and a few followed him
>A few breeds are known for their size
No native speaker of English conceptualizes two in the above scenarios. Pic is from the Cambridge English Dictionary site. No native English speaker conceptualizes two in any of the given example sentences there either. There is a reason native speakers use the word 'couple'.
Fair enough. My bad for not knowing the English language well enough.
There's Starsector, though it's an indie that's still in development. Gameplay is incredibly similar to M&B. Start with essentially nothing, work for various factions as you see fit or even ally with one in a living breathing world. Combat is fantastic and imo better than M&B. Only problem is, like M&B, there's not really much to do late game.
Does Kenshi count?
i mean there were a couple of attempts back in the day but nowadays i'm seriously surprised some indy dev hasnt made a basic Sims 1 or 2 clone and let the community just submit hundreds of hats, clothes and furniture via the Steam Workshop.
shit would print fucking money.
If kenshi was not as shit as it is , yes
Blood & Gold: Caribbean and Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare are M&B clones but they're also pretty niche. In the unlikely event that Butterlord ever comes out and is successful we'll probably see more.
not OP, but seconding this
obviously they're not THAT similar but playing kenshi did give me M&B vibes, just with a higher level of micromanagement as far as managing your guys and what they're doing. takes ages to build up an actual settlement / army too so I'd say kenshi is more like M&B if you were playing as a squad of mercs than a noble leading an army / kingdom, up until you manage to stop getting raped over and over again by your surrounding neighbors and create a town of your own.
>Only problem is, like M&B, there's not really much to do late game.
M&B would probably be my favorite game of all time vanilla if this wasn't the case. Luckily there's mods but even they can only go so far. The early to mid game in M&B is probably some of the most fun vidya there ever is out there, just that grind to get up there and slowly piece together an impressive army, that satisfaction of taking your first fortress/town and having it be your own, slowly rising through the ranks in your kingdom, gaining more power and fiefs for yourself. Unfortunately it all fizzles out at a certain point and the only thing left to do is the boring grind of trying to take control of every single last settlement on the map.
Shit, I might have to check this out. Fucking love micromanaging my individual dudes.
They made state of decay 2, and despite years of development time managed to barely improve the formula at all and made a shite game
That feeling when Napoleon was the zenith of total war and everything since then has been stripped right back.
There is a mount and blade clone called earlier or something. Its the exact same game but built from the ground up to use guns, and I think it uses the arma engine. It looks pretty bad tho
>Fucking love micromanaging my individual dudes.
If you're into that you're bound to love kenshi then, it's more or less "micromanagement: the game." I got a good hundred hours of my fill of it.
The basic premise is, you start out with anywhere from one to a couple guys in a large open world and can do just about anything from there on out, up to and including building large, living cities full of people as you grow your own civilization and work on wiping out others. It's essentially a single or squad based open world RPG that slowly starts to turn into a M&B-style kingdom sim where you run your own town/city/country, at any single point in the game you can take control of any individual associated with you and play as and micromanage the fuck out of them, or you can give out orders and have people follow them. It's all real time too so you can send squad members or people in a town out to any portion of the map and switch between them on the fly taking control or seeing what they're up to as far as progress goes from the last order you gave them.
It's loads of fun but prepare for a brutal as fuck experience where you spend most of the beginning getting the shit kicked out of anything you own.
forgot to say-
basically imagine this game as a top down mount and blade but instead of you playing as a single playable character with an inventory/stats and then the rest of your kingdom and anyone in it being AI every single person in your squad/town/kingdom is their own unique individual with their own inventory, stats who you can take control of at any given time and play as / level / do whatever the fuck you want.
imagine mount and blade where if you were the king you could for example, take control of and play as any noble, merchant, trader, infantryman etc. in any part of your kingdom at any time exactly as you would play as your main character in M&B and then just go from there doing shit you want with them. it's a really cool experience that's def worth checking out if you can
Yep, Sounds like my type of game. I really liked Battalion Wars for the same reason: being able to control any individual unit.
he's try doing that with me I'd punch him right in that roach face
Because in order to enter the market you have to compete with the current product, which means starting from scratch to enter it and then you have to one up them.
Its more cost effective to just target the most recent mainstream fotm instead like BR since it has a larger market share. While games like M&B and paradox games do well, they are niche games.
What mod is that and do you need to be a good M&B player to conquer that much land?
Because the hedge fund manager boomers that run modern game companies are retarded and utterly out of touch with their product. M&B with a bigger budget, an actual story and lore and more involved mechanics would print money.
Wouldn't swear on it but I believe it's Anno Domini 1257.
Also no, you don't really need to be a good player to conquer land in M&B, except maybe having some management skills, it's mostly a trial in patience.
What if I have 300 hours in the game and never managed to get a proper kingdom outside of one castle that I had to cheat to get?
Kenshi does Mount & Blade better than Mount & Blade, except with a more honest hands off autoscroller combat
I like M&B combat in good old multiplayer skirmish, but in singleplayer it's inconsequential