I'm at Kama Palace and getting pretty bored, should I keep playing or skip to 2?
I'm at Kama Palace and getting pretty bored, should I keep playing or skip to 2?
please respond, the two people on Yea Forums who have completed this game
Skip to 3 where the series started to be good and unique
Enjoy having to go through the whole thing again once you reach the boss
Just use estoma bro
There are plenty of unique things about 1. The things people claim are bad about 1 aren't, and the actually bad things about 1 are never talked about. Which makes me think barely any of you faggots have actually played it and the discussion has been one long game of telephone.
^ this
Is it worth doing the Snow Queen quest? I only kind of enjoyed SEBEC
Sadly 1 and 2 are quite slow for today's standards.
It is fucking hard to play them because of how fucking SLOW the whole thing feels.
If you don't feel like it, skip to 3 where the battles get less boring and the enemy encounter rate isn't so obnoxious
Keep playing. It gets fun.
Pretty much this. There's a reason why Fatlus ignores P1 and P2.
You can finish entire trilogy in less time than it takes to snooze through Tartarus.
Keep going its Grundy but probably my second favourite m, first being eternal punishment
My main issue right now is just how boring the dungeons are. And it's NOT because they're first-person (I love Strange Journey). These dungeons just have really uninspired designs. So many dead-ends with nothing in them, and the mini-map reveals them so going down them is pointless. My guess is the PS1 version didn't have the mini-map? Only way it makes sense, but that makes it even worse.
The game is slowly introducing gimmicks like one-way paths and drops but even those are executed in really half-assed and predictable ways.
Id say skip to 3. P1's final dungeon will likely get to you if youre not enjoying it now since the final part doesnt fuck around. 2 is easier, but the gameplay can still drag if the story doesnt pull you in since the streamlining isnt til 3.
The game is garbage but you were patient enough to see it a decent way through, so might as well see it all the way to the end. Would make P2 more fun since it has a few recurring P1 characters.
P2 isn't particularly great either but it's well within the "tolerable" zone at least, whereas P1 is one of the lowest points of Atlus as a developer and JRPGs as a whole.
>The things people claim are bad about 1 aren't, and the actually bad things about 1 are never talked about.
What an insightful and not at all vague thing to say, you blithering retard.
Not a flaw:
>first-person dungeon crawling
Actual flaw:
>dungeons are poorly designed
If you're bored with 1, you'll be bored with 2. Try 3 or 4
just skip to 3. 1 and 2 suck
You have to if you want to see everyone
While the first part of your post is not wrong , recommending 3 speaks loud and clear how you havent touched 1
Probably skip to 3. P2:IS is the worst game in the series.
is 2 also a first person dungeon crawler?
just don't play shitty games user
what trilogy
Imagine having an opinion this bad.
The worst games in the series are p4 and p1.
No since P2 assumes you've played SEBEC and SQQ
1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4
Daily reminder
2 is miles better in the story department, as it has more character development and lacks those huge stretches of nothing happening that plagues 1.
At the beginning of both 2:IS/EP, the dungeons are also much better, but they take a massive dive in quality at the second half and go back to featureless labyrinths.
Combat is just as much unbalanced and broken in 2 as it is in 1. Except instead of broken Personas with endgame spells at level 20, it's Fusion Spells. At least P2's combat is less of a slow drag, I guess.
Overall, 2:IS/EP gives you strong opening hours but falls pretty fast. It's worth at least a quick look, and if you don't like the first hours, just drop it immediately.
Beat the SEBEC route, but don't do snow queen since it's annoying to go through.
>So many dead-ends with nothing in them
The dead ends really kill P1, definitely.
2 is just as boring just skip straight to 3, just ignore the meme that '2 has best story' it doesn't even have a good enough translation to even understand what's going on half the time.
Should I play IS if I'm not going to play EP after? I don't want to play the game if I'm going to get a shitty cliffhanger ending. And is the story really that good?
IS doesn't exactly ends with a cliffhanger. It ends its own story, even if in an unsatisfying way. As for the story, it's pretty great just as long as you have some willing suspension of disbelief. Yes, it's a bit off-the-wall at times, and I don't think it's spoilers to say that Hitler makes an appearance at some point, but just like P3~5, it's presented in a more grounded, humane fashion.
It's not, but that doesn't help the uninspired dungeons with stupid encounter rates.
Just skip to 2. There's barely any story in 1 and it can be explained as the girl on the right of the the protagonist on the boxart is in the hospital and wants to be in HS like her friends.
Why is Yea Forums so slow today ? Im surprised this thread is still up