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Still 386 millions less than Epic accounts.
The good guys won
one billion incels
steam killed the game industry
>guys look i said the word again give me replies
initiate fornication
Account number don't mean shit when you have 3rd world fuckheads making hundreds of CSGO, Dota 2, and TF2 f2p accounts.
The same thing applies to Epic's launcher and the faggots who have multiple accounts for fortnite.
dont forget that thailand guy who used literally everybodys email to make epic accounts
Woah, that's like 1/6th of world now.
Half of which are bot and alt accounts used to scam, trade and smurf
Wat, seriously?
>Account number don't mean shit when you have 3rd world fuckheads making hundreds of CSGO, Dota 2, and TF2 f2p accounts.
>same goes for fortnite
>being a brainlet
It does, because those are video games that attracted an audience and allowed the store to get their foot in the door. Once you make an account, you are literally one click away from purchasing other products rather than bitching about them not being on the other store.
Those 3rd worlders now j]have a habit of going into steam or egs and sooner or later they will see a discounted game and get it.
How do you think steam cut piracy so much?
All me
>Industry starts and thrives with incels and weirdos
>Somehow they are the ones killing it
>making alternate accounts for f2p games and actually buying other games on them
Are you retarded?
Are there people who actually do this?
Are they retarded as well?
gaben is the king of the virgins
>tfw I missed out on Gabe because I was there 1 day too early and did not know hes doing a presentation.
I will probably never have the chance to stand close to our Lord ever again.
Yea but I don't think he's a virgin himself
1 billion farming accounts?
Useless number. How many of them have been active in like the last 30 days would be a far more telling statistic.
go to The International then
What the fuck is that graph?
Is it some Mandarin shit do I have to read it from right to left or upside down?
Could this be the stupidest poster of the year?
Coronary failure in 3.. 2...
We need chinese!
I also don't understand what the graph is supposed to symbolize.
We won
I think it's just a stock image user, it's how these articles work
All those racist WHITE MEN, where is the inclusivity?
>good guys
yea nah.
>omg when will steam wake up and start seeing epic is competition
They aren't competing though. Valves market is PC gaymin. Epic is just shitty console ports trying to port the console wars as well.
serious, look up "ican icanaw" on google to see various reddit threads talking about how its from the same company/guy in thailand
You will not erase us
all of these people look like shit, what the fuck happened to genetics
it's divide, no erase
Those are all Yea Forums users. You are not looking at societies best and brightest.
how do you guys even take anyone of yourselves seriously what the fuck...
what did chicks mean by this?
i want to impregnate trish
>all those white people
I'm sure I've seen more niggers in the supposed /pol/ meetup
Holy shit, can they ever dress themselves proper?
Not really an achievement when most people have 2 or more accounts each...
>1 billion accounts
>less than .001 percent plays TF2
It’s over, hatbros
People looked wonky as fuck before + no physical work for people makes them even skinnier than before. Stop basing your standards on idealized art and entertainment depictions.
Trying to beat your competition by making them seem better by comparison can backfire.
Who'd have thunk?
They are over
When has Valve ever pretended anything?
They don't even have PR social media accounts pretending to be people like most corporations do.
It is because pretty much every other service running on accounts has the same thing.
>implying epic store is good guy too
>most people have 2 or more accounts each...
Sure, give me your data and i'll believe you
>being against a company that provides good product and service
Based commie poster
Forcing people to register online and install your spyware isn't "a good product or service".
that was in Germany
I have an extra account to store my TF2 crates and several others I haven't used in ages just to log in on other websites to shitpost.
If you want definitive proof about botting accounts: look at the number of aimbotters in TF2 or look at the price of the "sack of gems" on the market.
>literally less than the population of china
>I want more and I want it for nothing
Yup, typical commie slug.
teehee gaben is muh lord get it guys cuz he made the based game platform known as steam!
Edit: woah this blew up, thanks!
Edit2: thanks for the gold kind stranger
Report crap like this.
>This was 7 years ago
Time's going by fast.
>being this jaded
Unironically you became the most reddit post in this thread by knowing how reddit works. Well done Epic
>white service for white people
Why is Gaben so much more charismatic than Tim Sweeney?
Stubborn annoying Steamfags
>le lesser devil is le good guys
when the fuck are you going to learn both are bad, stop fucking bringing epic everywhere when that user never mentioned it, rent free you fucking retard, rent free.
>I-it will f-fail. Any day now! I bought a couple of indie devs for cheap!
Fuck Steam, rooting for EGS to win and destroy the malignant cancer that is Steam.
>console port exclusives
>endless sea of unplayable indie shovelware
"PC gaming"
Because Sweeney tells it like it is and look like a gremlin whereas Gabe plays the good guy card and looks a bit more familiar to the target audience
Why would he do that though?
>strong looking
Literally the nerd chad archetype
Everything in life isn't just classified as shit or not shit. There are degrees of shit and if you can't see why epic is a thousand times the shit steam is then there's no hope for you.
post em faggots, I don't have em all
>Sweeney tells it like it is
All he does is talk like a pretentious fuck who completely disregards consumers, he's not telling it how it is.
He's just showing everyone his kike nature.
>steam doesn't have a monopo-
might sound crazy, but i think epic hired them to register all these accounts to boost their user numbers
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case
I remember "That's what I get for working at microsoft", I remember when Gaben was a beatles member, I also remember when he answered my email about what he would have wanted valve to do if they weren't in the videogame industry, he said he wanted them do genetically engineer tiny elephants you could have on your desk.
Was Sweet lies swindley ever a beatles member with a dream to genetically engineer desk elephants and punished for working at microsoft huh?
how do you edit on Yea Forums?
it's actually retarded as fuck
you can register an Epic account without verifying Email
I don't know if they fixed that
Because Gabe is actually given a presentation, and not reading a script written in Chinese.
Why not just lie? And if it was for that why would existing users have their emails changed by chip chop chang?
Doubt it, their numbers are already boosted like crazy from fortnite. Epic claims that every fortnite player is an EGS user
Nah, it's how it is. It's no surprise that Valve drones prefer to hear Gabe's lies so they can pretend like they have a friend.
Why the fuck would epic do that when they can just go register legit emails instead of using other people's emails?
I think it's more likely that these guys will find their way to a reclaimed account and steal credit card info like the reddit threads say
All the soi Boys in that picture. Wow.
You could do this for steam until very recently too. I know because I made a lot of accounts for dota smurfing.
I remember how assmad the "gaming press" was about this. Good times.
When Epic shits the bed
He spends my money wisely.
I wonder how much Gabe really influences with what's going on at Valve
Like will it shit the bad even more if he'll be gone?
xavier looks p cute
what a chad
Who? I remember even Kotaku didn't say anything much about it
I do remember various tweets and snarky comments from IGN videos.
Gaben is the best
Gaben, I...
cringe and bluepilled
Big fat man has big fat resolution
t.have 5 steam accounts for dota 2
>Sweeny tells it like it is
holy kek. imagine trusting a businessman
You retards who think that this is some renaissance for steam are beyond pathetic. You have to thank CSGO for becoming f2p for this. People make one account, play with hax on it, get banned, create another one, and the circle closes an the wheel goes on and on.
And by banned I meant vac banned of course, their accounts are still up, but they are unable to play online.
you need to go easy on anime
>They gave Gabe that box on the ground as a birthday gift then made him pay $2.49 to unlock it
Not a virgin
>/int/ poster
>doesn't show flag
closed video right there
those fags should not post at all
40 of these are my TF2 hacking alts
doesn't use twitter
I always wondered why he took those promo model-tier shots. I guess he knew he was good looking
According to employees who have been laid off all Gabe really does is play Dota 2 and lets everyone else fuck around with what ever they want.
If he dies Valve will probably be taken over by a retard who will suck Tim's dick or sell the company to EA or something so hopefully Gabe lives a while longer
spending money on white women isn't spending your money wisely...... they're like vampires
That doesn't look cooked.
Try ext4.
They're whores not wives.
Did Gaben lose weight?
Never have I felt such contempt for such a simple comment.
Insane considering about 100 mil users.
That's 10 accounts per user and vast majority aren't multiboxing.
>That doesn't look cooked
That's from ages ago
Well, cannot recommend ReiserFS for obvious reasons, can I?
>Businessman tells the truth
holy kek indeed
>being a corporate shill
>Valve drone calls his life sad
Hey, this one's got self-awareness!
Epic has about the same amount of users dumbass
>reading comprehension
do you love making strawmen? when the fuck did I shill for steam?
rent free
I had a hunch. Thanks for confirming though lmao
Finally steam is dying
>Steam reaches 1bil users
>gonna save VR tomorrow
Remember to review bomb all Valve projects that isn't Half-Life 3.
Stop using epic game launcher
>corporate drone
>"no u"
you're so pathetic
I have a bud who does this.
Yes, we're well aware.
>no u
show me where I defended steam
Plebs don't use DMM GAME PLAYER launcher
>one thousand million accounts
>not a single new game worth a damn
I have 12 Steam accounts I use for various purposes.
How many of those are Dota smurfs
>buying out insecure developers and Ubisoft made zero dent in the grans scheme
what will Swiney think off next to ''compete''