Justify Persona 5 Royale not just being a $15 DLC.
Justify Persona 5 Royale not just being a $15 DLC
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>outlined navel
She's an outie
>implying not wanting to pay $60 for this petite gymnast cutie
It's still technically another game.
People are stupid
t. owner of Spore
Weebs are retarded so they abuse it
help me fap to her
They know I'll buy it again at full price, they have no reason to not exploit my poor sense of value.
Sure, whats your adress user?
Based on the trailer it looks like they're significantly altering the existing dungeon content, which is good. It still might not be worth full price, we'll see once it's out, but it's probably more work than a $10 DLC or something could justify.
Cynical answer? Atlus got away with it in FES.
Pragmatic answer? Don't know how you'd just make it DLC in the first place. It completely changes major things throughout the entire game, it's not just an added scenario on top of the things already there.
>Don't know how you'd just make it DLC in the first place.
Same way FF15 Royal DLC worked which works same as this one.
It's impossible without sounding like an retard.
Give the ching chong man a finger and he starts furiously masturbating and starts abusing you.
Every fucking time.
They don't like lootboxes but reselling same shit is in their ching ching genes.
>It's not just an added scenario on top of the things already there
But it literally is
We wont know the extent of the changes until it's actually out.
You gotta pay premium to see Akechi-kun getting REDEEMED
Why do the evil trolls who complain about her outfit don't complain about Symmetra as well?
>completely revamp the game
>”j-just make it DLC”
when has there ever been a DLC like that?
Symmetra is a grown woman and Kasumi is 15. And people still, got mad at Sym for being “sexualized”.
Justify what? It's a leisure product. If you even blink at losing 60 dollars you're too poor to be playing video games.
Cause she's a goblin and (((they))) love goblins
By the time Royale comes out Persona 5 will be close to a three year old game; you can't count on everyone who bought the original game will care enough to revisit it and because it's DLC you wouldn't be bringing in any new customers.
I thought it was just about the outfit and the fact that you can see er thighs.
The whole point is that she’s underage. (for the most part).
t. poorfag
>completely revamp the game
>unironically believing this
Futaba is 14 though, and nobody complained about her DFC costume that I recall.
Silly user, if it doesn't show skin, it's not sexual!
Futaba is not sexualized
New game+ DLC, you keep the old scenario in normal mode then you get the new additions in this NG+
I beg to differ.
Because they made a new engine for P5 and need to recoup costs by using it for more than one game.
it is a new engine right
that would require people to actually play the game
Real life underage girls wear swimsuits at real life beaches.
compared to any other hobby video games are cheap
And those real life underage girls wearing swimsuits at real life beaches are sexualized.
seethe and anal prolapse some more, shitlet
God bless America
A good PC costs more than a good acoustic guitar, and the latter will last for much longer.
Justify or Explain?
The latter's way easier, Fatlus fanboys will buy it again.
If the person can afford to buy it, they deserve to have it. It doesnt need a justification.
Thats the way life and money works.
"Good" is subjective.
I can't, it's bullshit but I will still buy I can't help it.
Doesn’t matter, if it’s anime artstyle they will complain that her face looks too young eventhough she is in the 20s and has adult body. See dragon’s crown sorcerer
Depends on the argument. One could argue that selling it again full price with so little new content is unethical, for example.
Really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Businesses want to make money, and if enough consumers will support it then that's that.
Diablo 3, which launched its DLC for 40 dollars, the same implicit cost as Royal.
Let's say "good" as defined by logicalincrements, I think we can agree on that. A "good" PC costs $600, while I bought my guitar almost 10 years ago for $200 and it's still in great condition.
Her skintight bodysuit is sexy. If it’s a cute female someone will find her sexy
>someone will find her sexy
That doesn't make a character sexualized. Some subhumans here find Aloy sexy.
And that is why you get it at a cheaper price. In lieu of haggling, find a discount or wait for the game's price to drop over time. Games have so little value that they quickly go from the standard $59.99 to fifteen bucks or so.
Some people find floor tiles and the shape of the state of Ohio sexy.
A 200 dollar guitar is not good by any means
Torna the Golden Country.
>Monolith releases that and a shitload of DLC Blades and a challenge arena AND alternate colors/swimsuits all as a $30 DLC bundle
>there’s a bunch of shit they could’ve put a price tag on, but released as free update material instead
I’m not trying to shit on The Royal, I’m very excited to play it, but good golly, I’m amazed at how generous Monolith Soft was considering the DLC standards this day & age.
I won't.
>Graphics upgrade
>New gameplay mechanics
>An entire third semester
$15 is too cheap and $60 is too expensive, but $30-40 seems reasonable
You really can't prove that's all it is. We know there will be an added scenario in the form of the third semester, but there's also evidence that an effort is being made to re-do aspects of the original game through addition, and by association, revision. All we can do is compare what we've seen of the trailer and the information released to how Atlus goes about these remake versions of Persona in the past.
P4 Golden added a lot of things but they also re did voice lines in the game, that's work done in new VA. They changed the way the game worked on a mechanical level, persona fusions, persona stats, character stats and what they can do in battle. As someone who played P4 vanilla first before playing Golden on the vita, the game is so different operationally from the original that it justifies being sold as a different game because that's what it is. I would never want a scenario where the P4 vanilla was lost forever because it came with a software update that would change the present game to Golden mechanics, while also coming with a DLC add on to paste in the Golden story and gameplay additions. If Atlus continue that road, then I will probably come to the same conclusion for P5
Did you get any bonuses in P3FES if you had a P3 save or similar?
Anyway, I'll still buy the game because my cute wife's in it. Already bought P5D twice because I'm that retarded.
It's part of the greatest RPG series of the past two decades. Even if it could, you can't blame Atlus from trying to bring home more income.
You had the choice to carry over social stats, compendium, and known fusion spells. Other things too but I don't remember them
really? I should go to the beach sometime then...
Oh, so kinda like a New Game+ right off the bat, then?
I guess they might do the same for P5R. Neat. Might want to try the game "Vanilla" first to see if I can 100% in one go when knowing all of the cheap stuff.
BotW Master Mode, probably doesn't change as much as Royal but still changes enemy placement, item placement, and adds tons of floating platforms with rare loot
Most companies who do stuff like this with their games will at least offer a discount if you own the original version. Charging full price for a slightly changed game is Game Freak tier.
I literally can't
I just wish they would give owners of P5 a discount.
Just make P5R cost half price if Persona 5 is already in your library, making it a pseudo-DLC.
>>implying not wanting to pay $60 for this petite gymnast cutie
>Futaba's arc will be changed because they want to redeem Goro
ohnonono Atlus is going to ruin the best girl to save the fujo's favorite character
Futaba is fucking shit tho.
The only way we're gonna know if it's worth 60$ is by playing it. Conversely, there's no real reason to say it's worth 15$ without playing it.
I will say this, though; Persona 5 gave me more than its money's worth in entertainment. I'm willing to take the risk of getting Royale.
You're shit tho lmao
I'll probably wind up getting P5R eventually but not right away.
Don't speak ill of Cute-aba!
Because people will pay $60 for it. Since when are video game companies charities?
If 5 all persona waifus become big black cock sluts
I will happily pay $60 to date these girls. If you want to sell something to me, put loli romance in it.
Hopefully it flops then Atlus will realise their shitty business practises aren't accepted anymore.
divinity original sins 1 and 2
it's going to change so much that it's going to be a rather different game in both gameplay and story from the start, usually an update that consequential would cause newer save files to be incompatible with the old ones. If it was a DLC then people would have to uninstall the DLC any time they want to play the original story. The game also came out 2 years ago, ironically it will much more copies as a standalone game as it will be back on shelves in public view again. Just the fact alone that it will sell much more as a full price game than it would have as a $15 dlc just nullifies your point completely to be honest.
so it basically changes nothing but decimal points, wow such value
If you want a real answer, it seems like P5R is gonna overhaul things more than P4G did. New story confidants, changes to the narrative, etc. It'd probably be very difficult to implement with a mere patch.
>he thinks they are romanceable
Are you blind? Look at the image posted. If you can't read moon, Justine is making a naive comment about someone living in the castle but it's an amusement part. That confirms these are like Liz's dates in P3 FES.
There's also already a love confession in the base game and now you get 3 extra months with Lavenza.
Umm I find the fact she has flesh highly problematic. This is literally child porn you sick fucks.
>3 extra months with Lavenza
Joker will die of exhaustion.
persona didn't get away with it in FES. FES costed 30 bucks on release. FES had the whole game with updates and the bonus chapter.
Then what arbitrary metric does? That’s the annoying thing about this whole topic, the argument she’s sexualized is based on everyone just projecting their own fetishses that I guess they’re ashamed of seeing how they act all smug and hateful about it.
Japs cant dont DLC right. R* has made 3 giant dlc campaigns that changed the game and I think they were still 15$ each.
What's the likelihood we'll be able to transfer over saves from the base game for NG+ right at the start?
Or at least transfer over stats. Grinding out courage/charm/etc is my least favorite part of persona games.
If people are retarded nuff to buy a downgraded portfor 60$
It would have been better if you could access the story DLC as part of the main-story like in P5R.
It all depends on how much the game has been remixed. Atlus might just want people to start over from scratch especially if ended up redoing all of the dungeons.
Persona 4 to Persona 4 golden had a fuck ton of mechanical changes
If they fix how long and monotonous the space dungeon was I'm game. It felt like doing the same thing in every section 5 times, none of which were very fun except maybe the maze (but that wore out it's welcome fast too)
Justify Joker in Smash not being free
>Joker isn't even that tall
jesus just how small is she?
Jesus she already has so much fan artwork.
You can already see some sort of change to it in the PV since Joker is using his grappling hook to get around in it now.
Honestly from the trailer alone you can already infer that they are changing a fuck lot from the base game that it really can't be even called a DLC.
>english release many months after japanese release
Everything is going to be spoiled to high hell by the time it comes out here.
Even Pokemon has worldwide releases now. Why are Atlus so incompetent/lazy?
They know sonyfags are drones that will buy anything as long as it's a Sony exclusive.
125 cm same as the twins
The models in P5 aren't really to scale, Joker looks like a huge lanklet who should be 190 cm but he's really only 175 cm
Granted, we've only seen a 3 minute trailer and they probably cherrypicked a bunch of shit but the changes look pretty significant so far.
Sega has stated that any game that will come out starting in 2020 will be aiming for a worldwide release, but sadly P5R falls into 2019.
So Switch owners will buy P5S because it's not Sony exclusive? Is there a hidden correlation here I'm not seeing?
>game is already dubbed and subbed for the most part
>still need to wait probably 6 months before it drops in the states
How the fuck can SE do almost simultaneously releases while Sega cant?
>what if mitsuru was even more autistic and had a less focal role in the plot?
>that'll be 15 dorrar american howaito piggy
I played p5 twice, once normally, the other on merciless, I didn't 100% the game but I didn't care to, I just wanted to play minigames and advance social links in between the lazy dungeon crawling.
ALSO, I was disappointed after gunning it straight for the hot goth gf that you really can't do anything with them, Kawakami and fortune teller girl are the only useful confidants.
>game releases
>release same game but with small changes for the same price
How do you fucks defend this shit? Same thing as P4G
It looks like they changed a lot more than they did in golden and FES
Are you sure that isn't just because it's in Japan
Atlus apparently didn't let Atlus US work on P5 until the game went gold so Royal is probably the same thing. If the new semester ends up being a full 3 months then Atlus US has somewhere around 20 to 30 hours of content to translate and that doesn't include the new events during the base game.
P5R looks like a pretty big step up in terms of new content and changes compared to P4G. It's just like how P4G was a massive step-up from what FES brought to P3.
it looks like Darkrai at the top there
At least P4G was on a completely different console and released 4 years after P4. I wanted them to release P5R on another console, not because I some begging fag, but because I dont want to buy essentially the same game again on the same console. That's why will be waiting for the xbone port :(
Not even as bad as PQ2 and Strange journey deep dish supreme.
There were months between their Japanese and English releases and they didn't even get dubbed. Just sub only in the year of our lord 2011 + 8.
Say what you want about subs vs dubs autism. But a major studio releasing something without an English dub today is just super unprofessional.
Makes you wonder how many Japanese teens loiter around, and look into the windows, on a daily basis.
It's ok when Japan does it
>3 extra months with Lavenza.
>Atlus apparently didn't let Atlus US work on P5 until the game went gold
This is objectively wrong given how much fully voiced yet cut lines are in the game, including a massive chunk dedicated to features that were planned but entirely removed from the game before it was finished.
But somehow this is okayy..!!????
>wanted them to release P5R on another console
>P5R becomes a PS5 launch title
>buying non-G/U MH games
That's just retarded and you have nobody else to blame
why would they make a direct sequel $15 dlc? switch beggars need to get over it and stop crying.
I'll just leave this here.
When did they confirm how P5R will be released? Last time they did an updated re-release on the same console they did it in the form of a cheaper add-on disc for people who already had the game, plus a separate combined edition for people who didn't.
>direct sequel
Stop pretending to be retarded
Why do you keep reposting this in every thread when you get BTFO literally every time?
>buying non-fes/golden/royal persona games
It's possible it could change, but the Japanese site only lists buying the game separately with no mention of DLC.
Because Atlus has been doing this shit since existing and their cocksuckers pay full price every time and they are okay with it.
he doing it for the (you), so you basically got baited
Hold up, PQ2 isnt dubbed? Now that's retarded. Why the fuck does it take so fucking long to bring to the west then? It pissed me off with SJ because the game was pretty much 80% translated and it still took 6 months to bring it to the west.
Fucking hell Atlus is so fucking incompetent.
>implying I did
are you really going to play 100 hours of story that is unchanged for 5 more hours of content?
cope. it's a sequel this time, not a nintendo-esque rehash.
At least the handheld games are 40$. Now that they are switch games, its gonna be 60$.
>a VN
>not a nintendo-esque rehash.
But that's exactly what it is.
People like playing video games even though you don't, so probably.
Maybe in 5 years when it's $15 and I've forgotten all about how terrible the story is
Pardon my ignorance but I gave up on the FF series with 12.
Wasn't 15 Royal just the base game, with the dlc chapters for the 3 bros, slightly reworked skill trees to allow you to play as the bros, and an extended cut of chapter 14? And then the dlc chapters for other characters like Ardyn were still their separate thing?
Yes. They're already going to put in new events during the base story and are changing the dungeons. The third semester could also be over 20 hours long if it is actually a fully playable 3 months and not what P4G pulled.
P5's story is a 10/10, though.
>it's a sequel this time
They already told us it's just new content, make better bait. Last (You) from me
can you at least try to hide how much you're seething at no switch port?
>The third semester could also be over 20 hours long if it is actually a fully playable 3 months
Lmao. Even if it was fully playable what would you do in it? You think they're making 6 new dungeons to have something to do in that time?
I don't even own a Switch, that doesn't change the fact that is another Atlas-tier rehash that they're peddling for full price.
Why bother dubbing? 3DS is pretty much dead, so it would be a waste of money to even do so. Also, they announced the localization of PQ2 around the 1st week of February.
>You think they're making 6 new dungeons to have something to do in that time?
I love the game but it's over 100 hours
y'all need to have sex
>At least the handheld games are 40$
$40 but sold three times
>the two new romances are girls younger than Joker
Is the era of the cake over?
>They're already going to put in new events during the base story
Can't wait to play the same 30 hours to get those sick new 3 minute scenes and events that I paid another $60 for.
>Younger than
Kasumi's the same age as Joker, though.
She's 15.
She's a year younger. She explicitly calls you senpai.
Joker is a 2nd year student at 17 while Kasumi is a first year at 15 or 16. It's why Kasumi refers to Joker as senpai.
Who actually was bought each game? Me and my friends always coordinated which games to get, and at least for me, I never bought the 3rd game.
Twins/Lavenza aren't human and probably older than Joker though.
S-She´s actually 6000 years old
>Wasn't 15 Royal just the base game, with the dlc chapters for the 3 bros, slightly reworked skill trees to allow you to play as the bros, and an extended cut of chapter 14? And then the dlc chapters for other characters like Ardyn were still their separate thing?
Royal Edition is:
Base Game
Season Pass (3 bros episodes and multiplayer DLC)
Royal Upgrade DLC (this adds the extra scenes, extended chapter 14, shitty bosses, a boat, and Argmier Unleashed)
>shitty bosses
Git gud.
The Velvet Room literally exists outside normal time, though.
Not related to OP but
>playing vidya at best friend's house
>his older sister always brings us lunch/supper to his room
anyone else remember this feel?
We have no idea. She could actually be 2 years old for all we know, made shortly before Yaldy took over. Or she could be nearly as old as Igor and the VR, all the attendants created shortly after Igor (with Lavenza being the last).
that's not a Royal Edition boss, that is a Mutiplayer boss.
THIS is a Royal Edition boss
>atlus logo
>text describes nintendo's business model
what did you mean by this?
What Sekiro mod is this?
Personafags deserve to get milked
By the twins
I unfortunately only have a PS3, so I can't play The Royal.
The witcher 1 and 2 Enhanced Edition made it free for thier owners.
Sounds good to me
God, I wish that was me.
It clearly has way more content than would be in any 15$ DLC, retard
I know for a fact that it's not going to have more content than either of The Witcher 3's DLCs.
Do you really want to be this cute thief girl, user?
we're talking about games here, not mediocre movies like the shitcher.
not him but yes
Very much so.
>we're talking about games here
Are we?
How strange. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you two have distorted desires!
>Putting on auto mode makes it play automatically
Who'd have guessed.
Fuck off retarded secondary
You don’t know anything Persona or atlus
Didn't care for her phantom outfit at first, but it's starting to grow on me.
God, I wish that was me.
this can't be fun for you. at least start with better bait
>Say what you want about subs vs dubs autism. But a major studio releasing something without an English dub today is just super unprofessional.
Imagine being this much of a pleb.
If it's too much of the same, I'll just watch the difference on youtube or something. If it's different enough, then maybe I'll get it at a price I think is worth it.
I hope that P5R gives the holy grail its own theme since Rivers in the Desert really seemed like it was meant for Shido only. The Dengeki article stated that P5R is going to have a bunch of new music so I guess time will tell.
I agree with him. I like dubs and if something isn't dubbed I don't listen to the voices and just read and skip to the next line. Don't pretend you don't do the same.
It's the main characters theme so it makes sense for the holy grail too.
Same, it's a pretty nice piece
God, I wish that was me.
dubs are universally and unequivocally inferior to subs
You can't just keep wishing that you were Kasumi, user!
I can, and I will.
I feel like there's some sort of toobie thing going on here.
There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of weebs
Explain further
Weebs are the most oppressed minority.
I agree, I love rivers in the desert but it doesn't really make sense with the holy grail fight, especially since you have to lose parts of it
It's not even a matter of inferiority. Imagine refusing to buy a Japanese game because they didn't replace all the actors with English ones.
I assume she doesn't have a thong but the exposed upper thigh area reminds me a lot of 2B.
God, I wish that was me.
Yeah I get it now. Kasumi wears a leotard while 2B also wears a leotard, and those show off the thighs a lot.
God, I wish that was me.
>people complain about Kasumi
>meanwhile Ann is wearing a literal BDSM costume complete with whip AND constantly has her tits out but this is fine
You don't get all of the base Xenoblade 2 by buying the Golden Country DLC, and while it is an expansion by its own merit Torna is barely 14 hours long. Royal is all of P5 with extra stuff sprinkled within.
Could the P4 investigation team beat Nyx?
Do you actually think the people complaining have played up to the point she´s introduced or have seen any promotional material?
Is there a comparison between old and new P5 character portraits yet?
>Royal Edition is:
>Base Game
>Season Pass (3 bros episodes and multiplayer DLC)
>Royal Upgrade DLC (this adds the extra scenes, extended chapter 14, shitty bosses, a boat, and Argmier Unleashed)
dont forget the pointless Luna cutscene and that barrier which literally only exists so they can have a cutscene of the summons actually doing something
I know people are just reacting to the promotional material for Persona 5 and that 95% of them will never play the game, but it's still ironic.
I'm sure the dlc costumes will be added but what are the chances that Atlus goes full jew and adds even more dlc options?
>dont forget the pointless Luna cutscene and that barrier which literally only exists so they can have a cutscene of the summons actually doing something
that is part of the "this adds the extra scenes, extended chapter 14" stuff
No, and neither could SEES. I'm not even sure if they truly beat the Avatar.
Incineroar is ps4 exclusive