Is she right Yea Forums, should video game reviewers stop worrying about things like framerate and gameplay and focus purely on a game's story/themes?
Is she right Yea Forums, should video game reviewers stop worrying about things like framerate and gameplay and focus purely on a game's story/themes?
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No playing games for the story is like eating soup for the spoon.
Another pseudo-intellectual English major who desperately wants to find use for their degree so they're willing to talk about something they have no interest in and complain when they realize people don't care about how God of War relates to some has been philosopher.
Yes. Only people who care about frame rate are no gaems PCücks
that chick is playing Dwarf Fortress but that image looks like it's from the 90s
It's Bjork
>that chick
>is she right
opinion automatically discarded, don't even have to click the video or even read its summary to know she's wrong
>i play for the story
it's Bjork
>Another pseudo-intellectual
yes that's how you sound like, try watching the video next time before leaving a pretentious comment
I watched the before dumbass. That's literally what it is, a cunt with no interest in video games patting herself on the back because she can bring up Kant and Nietzsche in a video game discussion while reviewers like IGN are too busy worrying about meaningless things like whether or not a game's framerate dips on one platform.
Remember that Uruguay dude who killed himself on video when he found out Bjork had a bf?
well, i guess it doesnt matter if you watch “videogames” on youtube like she does.
No, story is not important.
John Carmack was right.
>"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
The more I have played, the more true it is. Story based games are the lowest form of art in video games. Game mechanics, the actual art has gotten boring because of story fags, fuck you all.
Top 3 most played games on the planet have a story exactly the same way John Carmack said, nobody give a shit.
>should video game reviewers stop worrying about things like framerate
> and gameplay
Kill yourself
>and focus purely on a game's story/themes
>Discussing the technical side of a game, like framerate, is like if people talked about what camera was used for a film
She might as well have admitted she just watches cutscene compilations and saved everyone their time. I also love how she goes on about how game journalists need to read more books (they should desu) but then she goes on about how she doesn't engage with game journalism out of some fear it'll taint her sublime and amazing videos. Reminds me of wannabe authors who don't want to read so they try to excuse it with "I don't read because I don't want to get generic ideas from other people!"
that girl is either fucking black guys nowadays or turned into a rabid feminist
the only special thing that games have as a media is the fucking gameplay
theres plenty of other media for failed artists to go into, go there please and stop shitting up my only hobby
hoooooooooooooooooooooooly shit she sounds so fucking pretentious and high off her own farts, she was making sense for like 3 minutes and then said we should just remove reviews for (??????) reasons.
also she really wants to use that domain dependency phrase as much as possible to sound intelligent its like im listening to a fucking 14 year old.
we r so much smarter than others we read books hurr durr fucking hell get a grip
Decent food analogy.
I always thought Bjork was a Asian
Framerate is important you idiot
It's a telltale sign of technical competence, as in not making an unoptimised mess
I appreciated that metaphore
shes white.
I'm not going to watch some dumb pseudo-intellectual video that doesn't know what monoculture means but sure, there is a point in that. There is a reason why framerate and usability are key points but there's too much focus on that and not whether the game is actually worth a damn aside from those points. There's little true criticism and more a make do with culture of a game being exciting enough, a good enough exprerience etc. No game critics look to what games should be doing with their story the same way a film critic critiques film despite journos constantly babbling on about games being cinematic. Yes, cinematic in the same way mindless blockbusters are cinematic it seems.
Durmehn Duhpendenceh
Jesus could you be any more up your own ass about the subject. Just talk normally, cut the inspirational music, and don't front load your video with like/sub begging. I had to turn it off.
video game journalists should ONLY talk about gameplay and nothing else. Maybe have a line about framerate if it makes the game unplayable, which never really happened, but now we have a whole generation of PC*cks crying about framerate and hardware only to not talk about games themselves.
well she's like 60 so idgaf
Game reviewers should focus on what the game is to portray
If it's a movie game then sure, 24fps is fine
If it's an action game, it's important that it runs well
Why not just go discuss literature if you want to so bad? Oh wait, the field is over-saturated and you need more than just being able to graduate with an English degree to get in.
If you want a movie, go to the movies. If you're too lazy to read a book, they make audio books that you can pretend are a movie in your head. Its already fucking nearly unbearable when I'm playing something and I have to intentionally pace myself and slog through side quests not because I like them, but because I know if I move the main story along, I'll be in cutscene hell for 15-20 minutes if I dont skip that shit.
>24 fps is fine
it isn't a film you retard.
24 fps looks good on a movie. it will look like shit on a game
24fps is literally painful
Fuck off, framerates, load times and all that shit is still important and worth discussing because it affects the game as a whole.
And unoptimesed trash is getting more and more common due to retard devs and rushing publishers. If a game had dips even on high end hardware it's worth pointing out for the shit job they did
So weird how she looks Asian but is apparently white.
>Entire point of the medium is interactivity via gameplay
>Completely ignore that aspect of it when talking about it
This is like fags who ignore cinematography in movies or prose in books.
Jesus christ, this is terrible. Like listening to a 17 year old libertarian argue exclusively through theory and definition.
Corporate game journalism is terrible but the way a game runs matters and gameplay is the most important part of it.
I feel embarrassed for her as she considers herself superior for reading books and then goes on and recommend a pop-mythology book instead of something worth your time.
Games shouldn't be treated as movies or celebrated when they become consumable story fiction to broaden the culture industry and capital accumulation by catering to the masses. The 'experience' found in games is the gameplay and mechanics. I don't mind shit like The Last of Us or The Stanley Parable, it shouldn't be discouraged to try something new but criticising their downfalls should be done.
Just watch a movie.
She's a Scandi, they're not white anyway
No, video games are enternainment, if don't recognize that you are a brainlet that should never talk seriously about it.
Play games for the story is like playing board games for the picture on the board.
Seems like you skipped both the part when I say that it shouldn't make the game unplayable, and the last ten years of gaming journalists being hardware reviewers because explosions in X game made the fps drop to 50 on xbox pro
I don't think I've ever enjoyed a video game purely for its gameplay. I can't name a single example. For me, a game does not have to be extremely polished, but it needs to succeed in it's world building and being coherent with a vision.
My favourite games are the ones that managed to evoke emotions. These games are always gonna be more meaningful compared to something I did enjoy while playing but ultimately I was just sitting there like a robot.
For me, a game like Super Mario is like a TOP 40 UK pop chart I listen to while I drive to school. its pleasant, easy to consume but also extremely safe and forgettable. That's why I always thought Nintendo games were extremely overrated.
Games like Nier, Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Ico are albums I would buy and listen to them at home with more attention and remember them many years later.
That being said, personally I would put God of War into the first category. it was nice to play, but it did not leave me with anything.
Northernmost europeans look asian, here in northern sweden the sami people have dark hair and squinty eyes
No, she's an actual brainlet pending to be very smart. Games are art, but they also function as entertainment and pieces of technology that are subject to failure and lapses in functionality in ways that other art isn't. She's calling out the places that focus on evaluating the functionality and basic entertainment value of games for something they really shouldn't be doing.
That's what playing a game for graphics is, come on user.
What's that? Black speech?
>should video game reviewers stop worrying about things like framerate and gameplay and focus purely on a game's story/themes?
I don't play games for the story, i play for silky smooth 240hz and i seriously hate that journalists are trying to intellectual-ify gaming beyond the actual fucking games. Does this person actually have an example to base what they are saying off of? How can you discuss these "problems" without having any actual evidence that they exist?
No one would enjoy reading a book if the paper is crumpled and covered in snot but as long as the pages are clean and the font is readable it's ultimately the story that matters.
Same goes with games, Bloodborne has good gameplay, it's the core of it and if it wouldn't be good the art and music you enjoy so much wouldn't matter other than being things of their own.
The gameplay matters the most, but a game with amazing gameplay vs a game with amazing gameplay, music and art will likely be enjoyed more, sure.
>he doesn't know Björk
Nigga have you seen people from finland?
>she literally has a fetish for younger guys.
Yeah, scares the cum right out of my penis.
Are those the people from the never ending story.
>frames and visuals/resolution shouldn't matter
>points to movies as an example
>not realizing the cinematic experience is compromised when a lower standard of presentation is used
she sounds like 60fps/4k is just memes the internet created
Writing on Games is a far better "Let's look at games thematically channel" probably because the guy who made it actually plays video games and can talk about how the thematics of a game's narrative is shown in its mechanics as well as within the narrative itself.
it would fit, since videogames videogames are for children and eating spoon is what children do.
children dont care about soup, user.
there are different game genres, and each genre should focuse on different things.
so yes and no.
Most reviews don't even mention technical aspects of games unless these are a problem with the game, things like noticeably low resolutions or stuttery framerates, this is true in other mediums where an unintentionally jerky camera or poor set/costume design can take the audience out of the moment. Most games journalists focus on story over interesting gameplay anyway, they are already in this dumb bitches camp, she's part of the monoculture but she is so biased that discussion of technical features seems to irk her and stick in her mind. If this wasn't true than games like God of War and The Last of Us wouldn't be held up as the epitome of the genre, and The Last of Us wouldn't be called game of the decade in a praising manner.
Extra Credits 2.0, get ready to rot your brains on even more sophistry.
They can do what they want, I haven't listened/trusted the opinion of a reviewer since the early 2000's.
>scares the cum right out of my penis.
Bjork sucks
There are more feminist on Yea Forums sometimes than incels.
Your example is pretty bad. A more fitting comparison would be an author who has original ideas, creative world building and an interesting story, but his actual style of writing, use of language (the core) is not outstanding.
Different elements complement each other, it's foolish to argue about how games would be if they removed x,y because then it would not be the same game, it would be a completely different experience. If Bloodborne had the lighting, sound design and overall art direction of Dark Souls 2, it would not be the same game.
Games like Pathologic have horrible, sluggish gameplay and I still enjoyed it because of the overall world building and unique atmosphere.
These are the same types of people who look down on games like Doom for being "childish" while praising melodramatic cinematic third person game#132135234. I really do love how Doom has done more for video games as a medium than shit like The Last of Us ever did.
whats the difference?
incels blame women for everything wrong in their life
feminists blame man for everything wrong in their life
No. That was easy. There's 100 reasons why, but no she's very much not right. Except for her assertion that journos are dosghit at their jobs, she's right on that one
Review games on an individual basis and rate them according to how successful they are at what they're trying to do.
Now fuck off
Damn this is the first food analogy I see that is not dogshit
Take your food analogies and send them to hell along with the souls of your entire family, including you.
Video games are programs, code, so talking about those technical aspects IS talking about the game. Comparing vidya to other mediums in these cases is ridiculous. A book can't be poorly optimised or have a low framerate.
in what universe do reviewers care about essential gameplay elements like framerate?
there's literally just digital foundry. totalbiscuit used to but rip.
The difference is you're only right about incels
It's only a relatively small part of the game though, one that's been incredibly overblown by a STEMlord demographic that cared more about technical performance than literary themes. Imagine if film reviews were pretty much entirely the goofs section from IMDB.
If you watch the video, there's a point where she flat out says she doesn't even pay attention to game reviews. She's literally just talking out her ass and complaining that IGN and Gamespot aren't trying to be "highbrow" places for video game discussion.
it has an incredibly important affect on gameplay, a game that runs like shit will feel like shit to watch and play.
its not a relatively small part.
imagine if someone aired a movie at 5fps and then people called reviewers entitled for calling out that it looks like shit
>The technical aspects of a game is a relatively small part of it
>The fucking foundation of a video game that determines how shit goes is a relatively small part of games
>Comparing that to movie goofs when it's far more comparable to whether or not the cameraman has the fucking camera held properly to begin with
>should video game reviewers stop worrying about things like framerate and gameplay
Absolutely not. To do so is poorfag cope to justify buying shit hardware in a shitbox you’re going to hide under your desk anyways.
That way women like her can score all of the brownie points of being apart of “le pc master race” while having a system so shit you might as well of stuck to consoles.
There’s literally people that’d unironically recommend you get anything in the 10-series other than a 1080 ti
Story is important. Framerate is dependent on game. Fighters: 60 stable, but for things likd rpg's, adventure and platformers: 30 is decent.
I'm not a picky nigga, though. I just play games to kill time and enjoy a decent story and fun gameplay. I miss arcade games.
you dont need a 1080ti to hit stable fps at good settings in modern games.
shit is very easy to nail with way weaker hardware as long as you stick to 1080p.
but thats a big difference between PCs and consoles. not only are consoles generally weaker, they also dont give you any settings. so you cant lower the shadows to increase your fps. you are always stuck with a choking piece of shit at settings it cant properly handle.
Her name is Dwork, she is German, and that picture is from the 80s
fucking hell
oh that's awful. why put WORDS WORDS when the original image worked fine?
>you dont need a 1080ti to hit stable fps at good settings in modern games.
>unless you actually want to play on ultra settings
>unless your definition of a “modern game” isn’t the Witcher 3 or cs:go
>unless you game on anything higher than a 1080p
>unless you want to hit 144fps in 1080p 144hz
>thats a big difference between PCs and consoles
There’s literally no difference if you game with a shitbox, other than the fact the console would be relatively cheaper but offer a similar experience, which will arguably surpass sub-1080 ti shitboxes next generation.
current mid-range computers are so monstrously powerful that there isn't any excuse for dipping below 100 FPS.
I actually appreciate a game with a good story but story isnt important. A good story with shit gameplay isnt going to be a good game but a game with a a shit story and good gameplay can easily still be a good game.
For me it depends on what the game is aiming for, VN's and Adventure games normally search for telling a good story. In those cases is important to focus on the story more than you would do with an normal game, but Gameplay should NEVER be ignored, because Videogames are meant to be an interactive medium and if you remove Gameplay you have a book or a movie basically.
I agree that Framerate it's something secundary as long as it doesn't interfere with the gameplay, 30 fps is fine for most games with the exception of maybe fighting and racing games where 60 fps is the standard.
I’m just saying. I remember when I built my first PC and some shitlord suggested that a 1070 ti would sufficiently meet all my needs at 1080p, only to find out newer games at high settings ran like shit, and lowering the settings made the game look like shit.
And even at lower settings I’d be capped at 75fps max. Otherwise I’d be teeter-tottering between ~60 fps and it’d looked like shit. Brought a 2080 ti for 1440p 165hz fps and will never look back at poorfag non-enthusiast specs. Hugely worth it.
>she's cute
>search Google for this image
Jesus Christ! She aged like milk.
depends on the game and how optimized it is.
but yeah low-mid settings 60fps 1080p with a 1070.
story is the worst part of every game that isnt the legacy of kain series. story pffffft
What did you expect anyone?, She is 53 now. And until a few years she looked really good.
Was it a midlife crisis?
shit user you need to update your shoopdetector
I want to fuck bjork while she screams like a banshee
She might look Asian, but damn did she age like a white woman.
Ironically she proves we need more actual game critics with GAME knowledge by her poor analogies. And then there's a second layer of irony because of her ignorance related to films when preaching about importance of other mediums.
Intersterall absolutely had its image quality mentioned in reviews, funnily enough some scenes were out of focus which super duper IMAX quality made easier to notice. Which as an actual percetible quality of the image is much closer to game framerate than her retarded camera analogy. Closer thing to a camera being used would be shading models used in games - which no one discusses except the rare occasion they're actual breakthrough technologies that afffect perceptible qualities. And people absolutely did mention these for movies, back when technological breakthroughs in movies were still happening at a regular pace. What movie reviews did she read that didn't mention technical qualities of Avatar CGI?
Or the uproar when The Hobbit was filmed at 48
user get the fuck out and never come back
I don't get it
What the fuck is Icelandic anyway? I figured that's eskimo and they're basically mongolians.
No, she was just angry that she got deported for not wanting to play Eve Online.
t. Bootyblasted grimesfag mad that her latest album is shit I'm mad too
she's still angry about her divorce
>Video essay