Are there any games where you save a prince or man in distress?
Are there any games where you save a prince or man in distress?
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eehhh there isnt any big entries like Zelda.
You wont get that with zelda either. However look up the tales RPG series. There seems to be some female protags that do that in rpgs.
>male heir
>pampered and sheltered
No ruler would ever do that, shit premise.
Do you know what the word fiction means?
good times breed weak men
NieR: Automata, when 2B has to save 9S after the Drowned City chapter.
Why does Link look like he swallows musty cocks?
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
Luigi's Mansion
ahahaha wasn't this made by some faggot who got butthurt and claimed BotW had ripped him off
Super Princess Peach is some good shit. I miss when other Mario characters would get their own games.
Super Princess Peach for that matter.
DKC2 and DKC3. Reminder that Dixie Kong was playable in more of the original DKC games than DK himself was.
>Villain is a PoC
Post the whole thing, bits of it were decent concepts afaik like a character focused on spells / stealth rather than sword and boarding.
They should have used DK in 3 instead of Kiddie. That way the main Kongs each had two games they were playable in. Sometimes I think of picking up ROM hacking just to insert him.
The link prince is shit. Garbage.
That bit of Ganondorf being a "good" guy starting out and slowly unraveling the truth for himself as he slowly grows more powerful leading to a fight for hyrulean whatever would be fucking KINO though. I hate how all the games are all "oh he already got everything" basically.
>make a zelda a stronger version of link
>make link a worse version of zelda
What ever happened to Diaz?
fuck off
>This is Zelda, she's wise and versed in magic and swordsmanship unlike STUPID MAN LINK
>Here's prince link, he's stupid and sheltered and naive unlike WISE PROACTIVE PRINCESS ZELDA
Super Princess Peach
No because men don't need to be saved because they're not inherently valuable
Just kidding, Metal Gear does it all the time, and also Bad Dudes for the NES
He was sniffing is own farts so much he actually got brain damage.
I used to like Dresden codak because the art was kinda nice but it turned into a real shitshow.
You save Niko and Roman from a life of poverty but introduce more problems along the way
Time and Eternity I think
The best part about this artist is that he was so desperate to fuck Ashly Burch (and she wouldn't fuck him) that he made an entire comic about a Mary Sue based on Ashly Burch being the best at everything. She never fucked him.
Why the fuck do all the girls he draws have the same face?
Well duh. Despite making up only 13% of hyrule's population, Gerudo make up more than 50% of the crime.
why would link be ignorant? does he not get the triforce of wisdom in this? does zelda get all the powers of the triforce because girl power?
Who is ashly burch?
Kind of, although the dude you have to save is around for the whole game and acts as the animal mascot, you just have to find a way to turn him back into a human.
Women do not like weak men.
I always had a hard time reading it because it gave me such a bad vibe for reasons I couldn't quite put my finger on. But that was back when I had no idea what a complete shitfest the internet would become.
Remember when he redesigned Xmen to look like fucking freaks except for Kitty Pryde because she's his perfect waifu
a q.t.
or Justice League where he turns Cyborg into a nerd even though he became anti-nerd specificaly to spite his parents
Also he's Moss because I guess Diaz doesn't know any other black people
Not an argument
Hey how about we turn Superman into a shapeshifting abomination which means Martian Man Hunter is basically pointless
Yeah there where some real warning signs of what would become of him and the internet in general.
Still the hob storyline was quite neat in the beginning. Too bad what happened.
Sameface girl strikes again
Boy I'm glad I never gained a following during my "stupid reimaginings" phase
Post proofs
wow someone really hated botw
This shit is ancient.
You know I like the idea of a Bruce Wayne who dips a little into Scarecrow territory, with them hallucogenic gas.
The epitome of lazy fuckheads who want Zelda as the progagonist
How do you even know that?
I am a knower. There was proof of his obsessions/interactions but I never saved it, thus you must simply trust me.
>Sources: dude would I lie?
>fart sniffing faggot doesn't get surface level lore
You don't fucking make Link the prince, you just swap the genders.
Steampunk is also the lamest aesthetic to exist.
I can confirm that this user speaks the truth.
t. another knower
it's like you've never seen the British.
historians speak often of the gay, gentle lily white hands of their kings.
I was interested in this since Ico was one of my all time favourite games. Was it any good?
Well I can't blame him, Ash is probably crazy in bed, and tender sex with her would be absolutely unearthly.
Idk, i dont own manchild's console
these dudes are solid.
I mean, who would lie on the internet?
How did Ash even react to Diaz and his creepy obsession with her?
Try Phoenotopia or Princess Remedy, both free with decent difficulty
>Released on Switch, PS4 and PSVita
Transistor, kinda.
All consoles are for manchildren, user.
>ear holes in the hood
That completely defeats the purpose of a hood.
The sister of Anthony Burch
>Wonder Woman is a living marble amazonian statue
all other garbage aside this is a neat fucking idea, cool
Metal Gear series, you save plenty of guys in those
Is she as big of a failure as her brother?
The Burch siblings are not failures. Anthony has written for several extremely popular franchises and Ashly has fucking infected the voice acting scene in the US. What's funny is nobody actually likes her voice acting, they either tolerate it or loathe it because her range is "bitchy American teenager" to "embarrassing accents" and nothing else.
>is anyone on this planet as big of a failure as Anthony Burch
>t. Anthony Burch
Say what you will, neither of them are "failures" by any means. Anthony is a creepy, divorced sex pest who wants to fuck his sister and Ashly is an enormous whore who would fuck random men so loudly that it kept Anthony from sleeping while they lived together by his own admission, but neither of them have failed at life. Ashly is a AAA-grade voice actress despite completely lacking in talent and Anthony has written for numerous games including League of Legends while also using his positions of power to have sex with desperate women whom he lied to about being able to get them gigs at Gearbox and Riot Games.
She is reverse Antony Burch, if anything.
Miss Pauling, Dark widow, Tiny tina Chloy (life is strange), Aloy, April O'Neil, and many, many more.
Her voice acting is pretty good and satisfactory unlike her brother's writing. She has her own show where she is main star.
She was on Critical Role several times(popular DnD show with voice actors)
Openly bi and was never cucked
Her only downside is she is sister to Antony Burch.
>Her voice acting is pretty good and satisfactory unlike her brother's writing
No it's not, it's bad. She's bad. Her existence in the voice acting scene is owed to the fact that she is a good lay, not any intrinsic talent.
He sounds like a supreme gentleman.
Women are so entitled...
Thats subjective. See this for example.
I doubt so many people want to bang Ashly Burch, she is not THAT pretty. Also she is in way too many games for that too.
But like I said, you can believe whatever you want, its all subjective, i'm not your mom
>Ashly Burch does her Ashly Burch voice as a stereotypical hyper-competent Ashly Burch character
Spectacular, really. Also, dude, HEAPS of people want to fuck her. Her brother wanted to fuck her, Diaz wanted to fuck her, by Anthony's admission she was getting railed by new guys constantly. There are people in this thread who want to fuck her. You probably want to fuck her. The only way someone would be an apologist for Ashly Burch would be a desire to fuck her, because God knows her talent is so minimal that you'd have to be completely deluded to think it was worth defending.
>Her voice acting is pretty good
Her "acting" is shit. She's only good when she voices herself, i.e. Tiny Tina. Otherwise it's okay at the very best. She can't act.
Her "calm" voice acting is not far from Antony's writing.
>she voiced Mayuri
I wish I could punch that user who linked youtube video with it.
He is literally a failure.
He deleted his twitter.
He doesn't have an article on wikipedia unlike his sister
He is known cuck
He is known femenist
His wife broke up with him.
His writing in Borderlands 2 are literally the worst thing about it.
He was fired almost immediately(not even after 1 yeat) from most companies, including Riot.
He is literally the reason thousands of anons didn't kill themselfs because they understand no matter how shitty their life is, at least they are not Antony Burch.
I know i'm replying to the bait, but I hate Antony that much
>Also, dude, HEAPS of people want to fuck her.
Prime example of CHAD. Living the dream.
why so many people here dislikes steampunk whenever it's brought up?
Because it has degraded to "lol quirky englishmen in steam powered clockwork 19th century.
MGSV: Ground Zeroes
Ashly burch wasn't too good starting out especiallly when she was voicing crazy hyperactive girls, but she has since improved.
I like her VA work for Fortnite's PVE mode
It's stupid and attracts faggots, why are you asking user?
>lol quirky englishmen in steam powered clockwork 19th century that inexplicably has 21st century racial and sexual diversity
As well as modern day political issues
The Dutch King is pampered and sheltered.
It's not like he does much ruling, it's mostly diplomatic stuff.
Looks like a boy, terrible.
they have no taste andits cool to hate whats popular
I have no idea, personally I cannot wait until welding goggles and other assorted inventionism trinkets become fashionable
Dark Knight Returns Batman was all about it