

Attached: 74611c41ab236ed57d91e1871b20c785.jpg (400x491, 93K)

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Who's your favorite demon, anons?

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Why does she wear the mask?

look at this cutie

Attached: pinky.gif (200x200, 8K)

The mask is actually the top part.

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Attached: nonko (118).jpg (635x636, 322K)


Attached: Ocarina of Time.jpg (804x1080, 168K)

So, is that a trap?


if they are, hot as fuck 10/10 and would treat their boihole to a pounding all day. but they probably aren't.

Or some say kotm

That literally means "shit" in my language, more specifically animal shit

>Neko has practically no porn on gelbooru
Now that just ain't right.

Attached: adachi.png (680x451, 453K)

your language is retarded


I just love bugs in general
Ace frost is a very close second

Attached: Beelzebub_SMT.png (1095x1170, 1.16M)

Кoт is a male cat by the way

Well, "kot" isn't


Great design if they just didn't slap the Captain Harlock logo on the wings.


Attached: home.jpg (2081x659, 363K)

And female cats are "кoткa"

It's "кoшкa" (koshka) in the only slav language that matters.


No, it's кoткa


Attached: cot.jpg (1074x1200, 307K)

Let's not fight, guys.

Attached: Axis.Powers .Hetalia.full.2498286.jpg (900x1364, 258K)

never even noticed the stupid skull and crossbones until you pointed them out
im havin a laff

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Can't beat Pixie.

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Still remember stumbling upon him and thinking “Oh, it’s a Minotaur. OH, it’s a Minotaur! OH, IT’S A MINOTAUR!”

Attached: EF602817-B740-4CBA-9836-6E814B84407D.jpg (698x1280, 134K)

You just posted her
paizuri doujins when?

Its киca you dummy.


Attached: White_Rider.jpg (1024x787, 77K)

I really fucking enjoy the Christshit in these games

Attached: UrielSMT2.jpg (250x325, 20K)


Attached: TOOT TOOT.jpg (1744x2480, 498K)

These artworks look all so good.
Too bad they look like dogshit in game.

Superb taste.

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I wonder if Yea Forums normalizes capital Cyrillic T, like it does with other letters.
Cyrillic: T
Latin: T

Attached: 4AADE342-5220-46B9-8E9F-A4A5DAD80D64.gif (512x384, 897K)

Huh, it does, smart Hiroshimoot.

Attached: By my Hee and my Ho, I shall win again.jpg (1000x1414, 872K)

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Very true user, hand drawn in game sprites would make me cream tbqh


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>nobody posting the based Jack

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When are they going to add Flouride?


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What is this newfag tumblr reddit tranny shit? Am i gonna have to get the mods and ban all of you?


Attached: Amateratsu.jpg (1000x1393, 176K)



best design out of iv desu. I hope for more kino designs like this from doi

Unshaved minge

video games aren't real life

I'm gonna hee your ho, buddy.

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Attached: H.jpg (1000x1893, 195K)

You guys know about the kot, but do you also know about the sobaka?

I've seen a pic of some half black half white demon guy, what's his name? I love the design but I haven't played the SMT where he appears yet

thats pretty vague. was he small? tall? generic humanoid? etc


Attached: Zeus_SJR.jpg (1000x1000, 97K)

I've been playing Strange Journey redux recently, it's pretty fun. I am somewhat vexed by getting destroyed by bosses to learn their weaknesses and then having to go off and fuse my whole team specifically to stomp them, though.

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The weird 3d cg models used for their portraits really unsettle me for some reason

It's a tall half white half black guy, with his hands on his hips, the white side looked like clouds iirc. He doesn't look like a generic demon, I think he part of one of the routes. Sorry I've just randomly happened to see a pic in one of these threads and thought "oh cool" but since I'm looking for a game to play I want to play the one where he's in.

Oh fuck that's him, I love that design. Thanks user

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This image is really stupid.