Why are there no video games set in Australia, cunts? Even New Zealand has that one Hitman intro mission

Why are there no video games set in Australia, cunts? Even New Zealand has that one Hitman intro mission

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Mad Max, and the Borderlands presequel gets an honorary mention. Beneath a steel sky was a fucking classic and set in a dystopian Australia.
And every AFL game ever.

Mad Max
Golf Story
One level in Sly Cooper 2 or 3

because fighting abos would be too easy
they don't even have weapons

australia is hell on earth, there are plenty o games that are set in hell

Crash Bandicoot
Ty series
That one Forza game
Mad Max?
I'm sure there are some indie titles as well

Forza Horizon 3
A boomerang combat system would be cool. Like the glaive from Dark Sector.

Does anyone have the webm of this guy dancing in a circle while other countries watch and clap?

Rage,mad max and fist of the north star is the closest you'll get

>zoomers don't know about lenny loosejocks

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God, Imagine being Australian.

Down Under Dan


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livin the dream fuarkwit

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'ello Ty!

Path of Exile

>boomerang combat system
There is one in Dead rising and it's meh

it's pretty fucking good mate.

isnt blight town basically australia

Y'all can go to hell if you've never played this. Bush Rescue is better, tho.

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UT2004 has an official assault map set in the Australian outback. Borderlands Pre-Sequel is all Space Australia.

idk,I love them both but found the levels in 1 a bit more interesting, idk if it was the music or just the areas themselves.

Total War: 3 Kingdoms

Isn't DOOM set in Australia ?

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isn't team fortress 2 set in australia

>Why are there no video games set in Australia, cunts?

because people don't actually know what Australia looks like. All they think about is the dry deserts or Sydney opera house.

no, it's definitely set in freedomland

Melbourne = best state in Australia

How you cunts enjoying ya Tuesday night?

Based Soldier

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Imagine not being Australian

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The fuck wits in Parliament would probably find something to get upset about.

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I don't think it's set there but Australia is integral to the plot

>Quintessential Australian

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God I wanna leave this shit hole and move to the u.s

I really wish we weren't associated for dumb bogan culture and acting like absolute tryhards on the internet

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Someone post the video of the abo stick song on qanda

Fuck melborne's shit. Nothing ever happens to these cunts.
I honestly wish police would just shoot them all. fucking irredeemable wastes of oxygen.

I want a game where I can throw people off the gap in albany

You're being colonized by the Chinese just as bad as Canada is.

Have some Australian rap instead

Least the government treats them as a security threat even if they refuse to do anything about then as an economic threat.

That one Duke Nukem 3D game on Gameboy Advance has an area set in Australia, I guess.

Literally the best racing game ever made is set in Australia.

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bugmen keep to themselves mostly we now have a sudanese problem that took 16 years to infest the Australian inner suburbs and low income areas. I use to think it was racist joke that black people don't know how to use contraception but they literally have 6-8 kids on average. I can't even go out to town anymore because 20 packs of groids are everywhere. This isn't just melbourne anymore, its statewide.

>African gangs running rampant
>Melburnians still push for more unchecked immigration because they just can't help themselves
I'm in Victoria myself I admit but I'm glad to be as far north as I can be without actually going into NSW

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Doesn't the game hop all over the world, now? I know most of the maps are in "the Badlands" somewhere in the USA, but we've definitely been to Asia and South America.

post aussie characters

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>best anything

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>Even New Zealand has that one Hitman intro mission
Australia was literally the tutorial mission in Hitman 2016.

Sort of.

What the fuck is fosters, is that some Eastern states shit, it was in beneath a steel sky as well.

Melbourne isn't a state user, it's a city, and a shitty one at that.

It's a belgium owned pale lager that was shilled in Crocodile Dundee, that's the only gimmick, its only sold in europe and the US.

I don't think i've ever tried it while i was traveling, i was just drinking this for the novelty.

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>I use to think it was racist joke that black people don't know how to use contraception but they literally have 6-8 kids on average
How the fuck can they even afford Australia's high standard living?

centrelink, government housing

It's a meme beer that's sold overseas. Tastes like shit.

There is already one in Hitman, Bangkok.

>Tastes like shit.
Well yeah, it's beer

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dude opinions lmao

where do you live?

no, that would make me a thought criminal

Lol, that shit is supposed to be hawkes bay.
Except there are no snowy mountains by the beach, and we don't have Canadian accents.
Even farcry3 did a better job, by using actual Maori voice actors.

nobody likes us because you disgusting bogans keep saying pushing the meme of putting cunt in every sentence

aw yeah nah fuck up ay

Beneath a Steel Sky
Beyond a Steel Sky
Tony Hawk's Underground 2

I live in western Sydney.
There is absolutely nothing noteworthy about australia.

Australia is a bigger texas with less cowboys and more druggies. Its also infested with ethnics now days.

>join australian wow discord
>everything is normal
>guy with american accent joins and says hi
>all the people start saying 'cunt' every few words and up the amount of aussie slang

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This game takes place in NZ

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You poofta m8?
You fucking cunt

>Beyond a Steel Sky
Wait what
Why was I not told about this.

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get a load of this gay cunt

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>tfw I have to tone down the slang I use IRL on Yea Forums because some urbanite autist shut-in will inevitably whinge incessantly about how I'm putting it on

I live around Melbourne, I want it to get nuked.

Youse probs are ya drongo

Name a more based Australian character.

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Sly 3 had the Austin level where scare out miners and save the bogans land.

the odd "fair dinkum" is all it takes to offend you RP sounding granny flat autismos

Ayy what suburb

>living in victoria

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Not him but live in Kew.
It's alright here, never go into the city though.

Forza Horizon 3

North East.

I work in the city. I never go out though, just go to work and leave. It's a shit hole

Crash Bandicoot islands are in the exact spot NZ should be. Look at the CTR intro

Truely the missing link

Only one year more.

Then your government will be full of traitors

Yeah city is shit. Think I have been there once this year.

At least you aren't know for "kiwiana" culture (acting like a dumb Islander ironically)

Does anyone else find Clive's attempt at politics really sad?
He's trying so hard to replicate Trump without ever understanding how Trump got elected.

I hope more east than north. Brunswick and surrounds are the hole of australia

Hold up. I thought he was South American?

How would you like Australia to be represented? New Zealand barely counts, it's basically an empty beach that could be anywhere in the world.

Yeah, hes shit. Fraser Anning is a mad man and I hope he wins


Brunswick area used to be pretty cool when it was a lot more working class and had a whole bunch of punk bars.
Now they are all nearly shutdown because rich hipsters moved in and complained that the live venue that they moved next door to made too much noise.

You could draw 45 degree line from Melbourne to where I am.

>living in the city
serves you right, you hipster cunt
i live out bush, no blacks or chinks here. shit's great.
maybe try moving out of Melbourne

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Anyone who believes in politicians are absolute retards and have no clue who they are connected to or how they got there in the first place. All of them suck someones cock for funding and support. They are not your friends and they look at you as a peasant.

unironically this
'ere the dingos get hungry

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I don't live in melbourne, the problem came to me instead.

get a load of this fucking melbourne hipster faggot cunt

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>be from the country
>travel overseas to Asia for work
>work with other aussies
>they're all urbanites, city slickers and hipsters
>they complain daily that my ""accent"" is ""too thick"" and ""not how real australians talk""
>mfw they all sound halfway like fucking yanks to me
fucking Coasties, dont trust em even once. fucking wog yank-wannabe cunts

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Nah Marduk is explained to be Australian.
He was in South America when he killed King.

From the country too and now teaching at university.
Get a lot of complaints that my accent is fake.

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this desu

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Fucking off yourself you stupid munted poofta cunt

I can picture the type. Atticus, from MALbourne, and doesn't shut up about it. Coffee snob, upwards inflection, vaguely effeminate voice, but mannerisms so camp you aren't sure whether or not he has cerebral palsy.

>Does anyone else find Clive's attempt at politics really sad?
It's funny because as shallow and obvious it is, it is working. Labor and LNP are buttmad a rich cunt can compete without sucking as much donor dick as them.

LNP, Labor and Greens go LAST. Tell everyone to do that.

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Literally the only one I know is Beneath A Steel Sky

Since we got actual aussies in the thread for once actually whats the vague opinion on friendlyjordies amongst you guys? I'm asking as while I like him, I worry I might be placing myself in an echo chamber on politics if any of the people at uni who also like him are anything to go by.

Incase anyone asks or cares politically I'm simply: fix the environment, fuck Rupert Murdoch.

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Some decent skits like Australian Rap but otherwise nah

I'm hosting a friend from Australia right now, y'all are good company. How can one island of drunks be so based?

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He's a labor shill you dumb zoomer. Australian comedy, and media in general, is all leftie controlled rubbish.

Australians and Israelis collaborating to burn down the mutts? Based as fuck.

I will never understand the hate Melbourne gets. I see people bring up the african gangs meme but they live so far out that it's barley considered Melbourne anymore. If the city has any problem it's too many homeless in the CBD and fucking Chinese e v e r y w h e r e

Can't exact miss that he is a shill he is pretty forthcoming, but yes agreed on comedy not so much media. Media is a lot more complicated in terms of which side is more in control but the small handful of entertainment content we produce is very left leaning, or obnoxiously political.

it's mostly a meme but melbourne does attract a lot more of the insufferable yuppie hipster type than most other cities in aus.

The current government are already traitors for sabotaging the nbn.

Don't agree with everything he says. But do appreciate him making people more aware of some of the shit that happens in this country due to the government.

Sydney was fairly full of them to from my experience there.
At least Melbourne is simple to navigate and things are open past midnight.

Personally, I attribute a lot of Clive's recent popularity to being the most prominent "a plague on both your houses" candidate. Most voters that aren't rusted-on Lib/Lab voters hate both of those parties with a passion, and would rather crash this plane with no survivors than let either of them have another term in power.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

Crash Bandicoot?

I'd love to get drunk with a group of Aussies
You guys seem like you would be pretty fun shitfaced
t. burger