Will star citizen ever actually release?
Will star citizen ever actually release?
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Within this decade? Probably not.
Will Squadron 42 release? Yes.
Why would it need to release, they're making bank as is
Hmmmmmmmm it's almost as if it's a scam to steal money from people by promising them something that will never exist
It will if you donate more money. Need several hundred million more. GO DONATE
Yes. But it will suck
whats the endgame of everyone involved in this even?
Redpill me on Wing Commander.
chris said the game needs at least 400 million dollars more
its been released multiple times, the latest being 3.5
and yes they are milking it even more by releasing half of something already unfinished
It's already in a playable and somewhat optimized state if you're not going to spend a lot of time in the new area, albeit somewhat buggy. Plenty of weapons, ships and locations to visit, but only one system to explore, which is unfortunate.
The game already has more to offer than some recently released AA and AAA titles, so I don't see what the fuss is all about. Not a backer, btw.
The only thing that worries me about SC is that they have implemented a single system, and it took them this long. How they're going to do the planned 100 more, or even at least 10, is unclear to me. The only hope is that they're doing them behind the scenes and there's a small team that focus on keeping the backers happy with PU.
People who claim that this game is a scam are certified retards.
Pretty good game series, but just like with every other fucking hack director or game designer who comes back 20 years later, how good a game was in the past has nothing to do with how good a game will be now
When should I build a PC to play this?
Not a scam but certainly designed to milk people.
bout the same time you build a butterfly net to catch leprechauns
Oh, undoubtedly. I don't think that they milk out of pure greed, just have to have money on hands to keep the development going.
Post yfw you didn’t fall for scam citizen
Chances are your PC is already capable of running SC. My rather old rig runs the game on medium with ~50FPS while outside the Area18, which is very much playable.
I remember being sad in high school that I won't be able to play this because I had no money for PC/subscription. Finishing my master's degree now. It's been what 8 years now? 8 years of development, 250 mil and release nowhere in sight. Can't wait to not play this.
it will be in a perpetual state of early access. its only a matter of time before they announce they're switching engines again and have to start over
They spent most of their time refining the engine, no way they're going to ditch it. In fact, by the time the SQ42 is ready the fork of their engine is going to be the most valuable property they have. The thing is as next as gen as it is.
It already has hasn't it? as in people who support it already get to play whats there.
they're waiting for Pearl Abyss and citadels to slowly kill off Eve Online before they release Scam Citizen 15 years from now
Are you stupid?
Playing beta is not a release.
2 years after v1.0 release
cute fantasy, too bad it's not true and never will be true
why would you pay out a ponzi scheme? That kills it!
You're correct about it not being released, but it's in Alpha still -- not beta.
>believing such lies
pls gieb chris roberts industries more moenies for coffee machine plx.
I dunno it's an interesting experiment though. It'll be neat to see if you can push a game with a publicly funded budget this size and make something decent, especially over the length of time it has taken them.
Will we see unparalleled freedom and polish, or will we see nothing but unfortunate wreckage riddled with bugs and virtually unplayable?
>mfw friend has dumped $1900 into it
>he only has 4 hours in it
>cuz he's broke he refuses to buy any more games
>YFW you didn't fall for the SCAM CITIZEN meme
nah a guy here who makes custom doors like that estimated it to be worth $20~25k at least
Not counting their $9000 coffee machine
you think they are actually building a game instead of collecting a lot of money for a scam?
BTW has anybody noticed that the biggest, most succesful 'game designer' frauds, Chris Roberts and Moulineux are both Brits? There is ofcourse (((Tim Schafer))), but at least he made some games.
What's he gonna do, drink instant? Good coffee is integral to getting any work done in an office.
is that WORTH 20k? Wow, that makes that 'investment' a literal money printing machine! *cough*
It´s a common price for a machine used in a high frequency. You don't want to have low quality stuff if you need several hundreds cups per day. Also what is rental.
Whoa, someone said it on here ("here" being the reputable news outlet 4channel.org)? Then it has to be true and then some!
the only thing you're going to see is a documentary about people falling for this game who will blame everyone and everything else except themselves interspersed with footage of chris roberts living in an enormous beachside mansion a in tax shelter country with no extradition waving to the cameras and laughing.
I bet your friends laughed a lot when you offered them to start a company with you.
Btw I worked at a game company, you rent those things (the cheap kind), like you do with any normal company.. you're full of shit.
>samefagging this hard
>you think they are actually building a game instead of collecting a lot of money for a scam?
Derek, please log in, it's more playable than some of the recent $60 titles.
No, and everytime I see a Star Citizen thread, I just feel like reinstalling Freelancer.
I'm not sure what kind of company your friends run but obtaining and keeping talent requires this sort of stuff. He's not recruiting just anyone to make the greatest game of all time, and talented people expect a lot of shit, too much some would argue, but they can because they can be offered all that extravagant shit elsewhere if you don't.
>200 mln
>9 years
>triple A bullshit
>alpha state
keep the dream alive user, I hope I can still post in these threads 9 years from now.
Maybe in 5 more years
Let me help you from your dream user. as you obviously have 0 work experience in any office related or game related field. People WHINE about coffee in every company. If your company is rich (game companies rarely are), you hire a fresh brew machine. What you dont do, is pay 13k for a stupid investment when you are on a tight budget. Unless, you aren't really making a game.
I have yet to meet a single person that 'left' a company because the coffee machine wasn't up to snuff.
Maybe Jordan Schlansky would, sadly he's a fictional character.
>Btw I worked at a game company
i worked at a "gaming" company too and for around 50 people we have a $50 electric kettle and a $500 coffee machine.
10k for a coffee machine is throwing your money away
took you long enough to open mspaint. Are your sure your toaster can run thre AMAZING alpha, I mean GAME?
>I can't do any work unless I drink the greatest coffee in the world
Exactly. It's telling how you can easily filter out people that have no real work experience, by typing asanine comments like .
gaming companies are often really fucking cheap with money, especially indies, they have no choice.
I know enough to know that a $13k isn't that much if it keeps talent happy and working hard. Whether or not he rents it we don't know and it's also irrelevant since it costs money either way. What costs a lot more than any coffee machine, even this one, is turnover.
See, you (I'm assuming) and I can't be like that because we're not that sought after in the job market. Sure we can get hired and get decent performance reviews, but we can also be replaced and our options are much like where we are. As in, there's no company with a 13k machine actively trying to recruit us. If there were, and it is the case for some people, we might consider it. Not because we need it but because we're petty humans who respond to incentives and think we deserve whatever we can get.
hey man at least he isn't pretending to be working a union job to support his retarded communism fetish
shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit
>I know enough
> proceeds to post more BS that betrays his NEETlike inability to understand money
>not knowing Scam Citizen is a money laundering operation
yeah? Please explain to me how I can give them my drug money and how they give it back to me
Yes. But it will be called an unfinished scam by many.
Those that defend it will call it rushed by execs.
Those that deny it will call it flawed like all other games.
You're confusing a talent business with a run of the mill office. Consider all the shit especially tech companies offer highly educated employees nowadays: freezing of eggs, in-house day cares, drivers, housing and so on. A nice coffee machine is just one of these things, and a cheap one at that. But they're all (relatively) cheap and that's why they do it. Competing on direct compensation is more expensive and less effective.
You're not talent and you don't hire talent. You are workforce. You are common. Nothing wrong with that, most of us are. But just because we don't matter doesn't mean this world isn't very real for those who do.
>i'm poor
I'm so sorry anons.
please. stop talking. you're just embarassing yourself you goddamn mongoloid.
Let me help you by giving you something a colleague of mine (I work at a major bank) who is a banker that checks if the bank wants to give companies loans (I'm ESL so I dont know his job title in English).
He says this: I always like to visit the company and go to the toilet. If I see marble I know this is a bad loan and my time is wasted.
Do you understand this? And please dont be retarded enough to take it literally.
What car does this guy drive?
>yeah i totally send money to nigerian princes because i can afford it, what are you, poor?
Funny anecdote, but not to worry. I don't take anything you say very seriously. Being ESL is the least of the problems with how you talk to people.
Going by his shitty watch, tat and general outfit I'd say a SUX 6000.
a prius, obviously
I've given you useful info from the real world of companies. I hope you store it somewhere for later reference, infant.
Post yfw he fell for scam citizen
have sex
You've called me a mongloid and a lot of other embarrassing (for you) things, posted a lot of literally empty lines in figuratively empty posts and finally you gave me something kinda witty your colleague tells you which you confused for truth.
I see why you don't get a nice coffee maker. I'm sure you do a serviceable job but also that they could have another you in a minute. Again, that's true for most of us. We shouldn't feel bad.
>getting btfo'd
>"uhhh incel!"
lmaoing @ ur life
have gender
>you gave me something kinda witty your colleague tells you
I'm amazed how you even misinterpreted that basic example. What do you think we do when we talk to clients/ We just let you talk and we take it for granted? Well, it seems normal for you, you gave money to someone you don't know, that you've never spoken to, and never have seen his company run, who told you he'd 'give you this amazing product later bro, just wait!'
I am beginning to suspect the act of breathing requires much of your attention.
Please, humor me and try applying for a credit rating agency, make the job interviewer have a good time at your expense.
>laughing my ass offing
What did he mean by this?
i think they shouldve funded the money towards an actual space exploration. that wouldve made much more sense.
I like how you never bothered to learn the English titles for the job titles relevant to your employment, but know all these great insults. They just keep on coming. Truly speaks volumes of this supposed professionalism if yours.
post the screencap of that forum post about the wife of a guy having panic attacks because she found out her huband pledged a tiny amount to SC and their friend blew a shit ton of money over it
Why would I need to know the English job title of a colleague of mine in a completely different branch of my 16.000 colleague-counting bank? Did you forget the part where I am obviously NOT working with English clients? I could be a janitor for all you know, as I never told you my job title, you absolute moron. And why would I need to talk about this random colleague's job title? To my clients? And what does any of this have to do with my supposed professionalism?
Are you really that stupid?
Ofcourse you are, you gave your money to a scam, HAHAHAHAH.
>I could be a janitor
You know, I did kinda suspect it.
Then consider your dumbass told by a janitor.
lmao I work in a 4 star b&b and we use a 500 bucks coffee machine that makes absolute TOP tier coffee. These fags don't know the blend makes up 90% of the quality
You sure did tell me a lot of things. I'm just not so sure about any of it.
Marble in the toilet. Marble in the toilet.
I couldn't have fallen for it. The only kind of space sim that i wan't can't be made yet. It would have to be all high level RP stuff with players 100% committing to their characters and improvising good content on the fly with fully animated interaction scenes and well delivered lines. That's impossible with regular players so the second best thing would be the AI doing all that. Generating content on the fly by dynamically responding to player actions and dialogue changing storylines and events in a universe where all PCs affect each other. No AI is that advanced yet, maybe in 20 years but not now. And since i know that, StarCitizen was never a game for me. I'm not happy to just fly around and play with spreadsheets all day, i want the world to be my fucking oyster, not given a hammer and a saw and told to build my own kingdom.
>gets dropped by one puny .22 caliber bullet
Huh, guess this isn't what peak humanity is like
No, its already 'released'. The game is spending money to show off your money. They took p2w to the next level, it doesnt even require a real game anymore.
One day i expect they to post a notice that they are scrapping the project and starting to work on SC2, taking what they learned from the process to a fresh start. People will love it.
God made men, Colt made them equal.
Having a proper coffee machine is important in an office but that looks both overkill and not very practical. You can find some fully automatic machines designed for use in offices that wouldn't be quite as expensive.
Unless their offices are filled with coffee snobs that does look like a pretty poor investment.
>MS Paint
How technically illiterate are you?
>yacht and child, both purchased
I don't understand how that proves that the door system they've installed was made by these "Stanley" guys. Making a sliding door is not exactly rocket science.
If I rub your cock and balls and stick a dildo up your ass, but you're happy for me to do it it's not sexual assault.
If the people backing it are happy with it, the only one that is mad is you.
>being this fucking stupid
but nobody is mad here, just laughing at idiots who paid money to this scam
Qho gives a ahit? Even if this game qctually comes out and even if it's actually good, ot sill still be pay2win day 1
I'm sorry I'm not an intellectual like you, believing everything that's posted here if you feel like it validates your opinion.
There's enough actual evidence that SC is vaporware without having to make up unsourced bullshit you know.
they genuinely wanted to make a great game, shit got to big and now they're too deep into the mess
I never donated a cent but I think its more a problem of overreaching and incompetence than a straight up scam
>mfw I've been staring at that image for a solid minute and still can't see it
I mostly agree with that (although I think that some of them are now aware that it'll never be finished and they're milking it instead of telling the users the truth).
It's a problem with the whole crowdfunding business model, since you get the money upfront you don't actually have an incentive to finish what you've started. Instead it's more rational to promise even more stuff to get more money.
Why do you care what other people do with their money, have sex you incel.
The endgame is they go back in time to several different points in time to get the infinity stones that we saw in previous movies by using ant man's pym particles to time travel through the quantum realm, Black Widow dies as a sacrifice to get the soul Stone just like Thanos sacrificed Gamora. They go back to the present, which is five years after the Snapening, Professor Hulk puts on a new gauntlet that Stark made and he snaps everyone back to life. Past Nebula pretends to be Present Nebula, and opens a portal so Guardians of the Galaxy 1 Thanos can pass through with his entire army. An enormous battle happens, Captain America gets Mjolnir, all the Avengers come back through Dr. Strange's portals, lots of punching and shit. Thanos gets the stones, prepares to snap everyone again, but Tony gets them from him and snaps the entire Thanos army to dust. Tony dies from using the gauntlet, Captain America goes back in time to put all the stones back from where they took them, but decides to stay in the past and live a happy life with Agent Carter, we see old cap sitting on a bench, he gives the shield to Falcon who becomes the new Captain America. Tony's funeral scene, emotional dialogue, end credits.
by have sex do you mean go to a bar or a club and pay $100 for two drinks and then try to use that shitty buzz to talk to a girl who's on her phone with a nasally voice and then tell her she's smart and beautiful and listen to her responses without laughing or crying and you have to maintain that engagement all the way till 2am when she might maybe stop talking to her friends and she might consider your advances and you might get her number and then you will have to pull out some more extra cash from the ATM (+$10 service charge) in order to buy her a drink or a cab home. And then you will have to maintain contact with her for like a week and then take her out to an expensive dinner and then continue to listen to her and pretend like you care about what she has to say and then you have to take her to your place or her place and you will have to have sex with her where you can't just cum in the first minute you will have to kiss her and rub her and maybe kiss her vagina a bunch of times and then you have to keep going for like an hour and then cum and then you have to keep playing it cool until you can leave and then you can post here again?
I find it funny that you retards are getting fleeced and asking for seconds. I’m not dumb enough to waste money on it, so it’s no skin off my nose.
this is why I will never donate and never pay upfront for something that is not finished (ie a car)
once someone gets the money the incentive and motivation is gone
It will, about 5 days after actual intergalactic travel becomes available.
I just had my tiny bathroom redone, 9000 euros. freinds price, cheap prefab material, all bought smartly in sales. you know nothing of construction prices.
This door is CUSTOM MADE. 22k is entirely possible, sadly.
but your mum is out of town today
rail on him all you want but leave the kid out of it. That's low, even for this sinkhole.
i got a whole small bathroom gutted down to dirt and remade, cost me around 2,5k euros in slavland.
My office has security doors like that on every floor, multiples of them even, there's no way they cost as much as this guy says and they come with the building anyway. All they've done is jazz one up a bit.
I mean find a girl and fuck the shit out of her so you don't sit on Yea Forums all day, getting older and fatter and worrying about a game you don't like
>custom made
The only custom parts are the doors themselves which is just some painted wood, the building likely already had a security door there already. You're looking at like $5k tops.
could use snipping tool, but ms paint is even faster.
Nice, I live in the first world though, and so does Chris roberts industries. Are the tiles positioned well and A+ grade (most important) and is it fucking A?
I do have to mention that the entirety was concrete, so the wrecking took longer.
>get a recommended video on youtube
>it's a an analysis of SC and what a scam it is
>it's 2 fucking years old
Women make up 53% of the population, no matter how worthless, fat, ugly, smelly you are there is a woman just as crap as you that wants the D.
You don't have to do any of that to have sex, stop idolizing women you retard. They are just humans the same as you, but with a cunt and pair of tits.
>just some painted wood
lel, that's at least a thou, and that's if you use 'meh' wood and a very cheap carpenter. sillybilly.
>I live in the first world though, and so does Chris roberts industries
sure thing, never said it should cost you the same brother. still, 20k for office doors is a disgrace.
>Are the tiles positioned well
you mean in mine? yeah, my old man did it, everything is pretty great.
>one thousand for wood and paint
As a home owner that's done some DYI you're literally talking out your ass kiddo.
>20k for office doors is a disgrace
It absolutely is. that's why you dont get 'custom retard doors' installed in your indie office, unless you really dont give a shit.
feck, only got half of your post.
>my old man did it
ah nice user, real nice.
The thing with those 22k doors is this.
Either Chris is highly incompetent, overpaying some expensive company by at least 12k
OR Chris 'paid' a company 22k, gave them 4k (actual construction costs), they kept 4k off the books as a bonus, and chris pocketed another 18k for himself.
I find the second scenario the likeliest by far.
spotted the wagie
The first could be possible if he’s going for the pretending to be retarded method of dodging the IRS.
If he gives himself a salary and then runs his company into the dirt, he can completely legally get away with scamming all the idiots because there’s no proof he wasn’t just mismanaging. If he’s got dumb decisions like overpaying for shit like this in the books, it will be all the more convincing.
Though he’s still probably pocketing petty cash too.
So this is where PCbrainlets spend the money they save from pirating everything. Throw it at obvious scams.
Main problem I have is it takes fucken 10 minutes to get to the new mission areas, how the hell am I supposed to have fun waiting all this time for ftl to hurry up?
>3.5 is out
>decide to try it out
>jump in my cheap shitty ship
>want to go to the new planet
>quantum drive there
>tab down since it's gonna take 20 minutes or something to get there
>tab up
>notice my ship has stopped
>activate quantum drive again
>"engine critical"
>wtf is this shit
>wait a couple of minutes for it to cool down and try again
>get to planet
>entire planet is a city
>warp to one of the points
>can't fint landing zones and nothing pops up in contacts
>after mindlessly flying around and looking for a place to land I finally find a tiny little landing-pad on a tall building
>finally about to leave my ship and explore this new area
>open my door
>click leave through door
>character gets sucked out through the door and slammed into the floor and then back into the ship
>respawn at the starter station
Glad I paid the minimum amount for this buggy piece of shit.
probably. although you can never rule out human incompetence. Idiots live both in higher and lower echelons of society. It's just that the lower echelon idiots like this example are easier to detect.
Still, since their marketing is pretty good, I'm leaning towards an organized scam. Making games is hard, and Chris is getting a bit older as well. Time to think about your pension and your kids future, huh.
Oh I agree.
The only question is how he’s planning on getting away with it.
Not while idiots are still giving them money for nothing.
why wouldn't he? just declare bankrupcy at some point. Those turbonerds can't do anything about it. The only reason why I don't like this particular scam is because it illuminates to me just how stupid people can be.
The Shitizens spent literally years pining for an update that added fucking asset streaming to the engine, and acted like something that has been common in vidya since Crash Bandicoot was revolutionary.
They spend all their time fiddling with the flight mechanics and shaders and the fan base rewards them by buying more JPEGs. The in game economy is already broken to shit because of whales.
So like what are people doing in the game? I saw the shitizens talking about living their virtual lives as bounty hunters, gun traders, smugglers, cartographers, traders, fleet commanders, etc. All in a dynamic virtual world. Kind of sad like they’re filling the void in their real life but whatever.
From what I’ve seen in game it is mostly people being space FedEx deliverymen for dead-eyed NPCs but maybe I’m missing something.
I hate the character and ship designs of this "game". Talk about generic.
S42 looks cringy as fuck. I feel ashamed for Gary Oldman.
The project's YouTube channel has more "content" than the fucking product.
When the whole scam became obvious it just added to my hate of this thing, even though I didn't spend a dime.
At this point I just want it to fail so badly that Roberts ends up in jail. I hate everything he represents.
>be stupid enough to give your own money to a scammer
>be smart enough to build a high quality content series with a strong analysis about said scammer
I'm almost beginning to think this man should THANK chris roberts for activating his dormant brain.
It's already out and looks great. A bit buggy but I'm sure they will fix it.