Why is this game hated? I remember playing it as kid and not too long ago on PCSX2 and i honestly think its very good, the graphics hold up to this day the combat is a fun mix between real-time and turn-based and the EQ mechanics like combining weapons and getting new shit was fun as fuck, also great fucking OST
Why is this game hated? I remember playing it as kid and not too long ago on PCSX2 and i honestly think its very good...
Story being pants on head retarded mostly. So bad it brought it down to mediocrity even with how fun everything else was.
Cant remember much but wasnt the story just some guys going on an andventure in space looking for something while our MC was merely pretending to be a warrior?
>playing games for story
I wouldn't say it's hated, it has a lot of soul. That said, there are a lot of boring and tedious stuff in the game.
It was the girl in the OP cover trying to save her kingdom while all others were there for the ride, trying to exploit her status of princess. Then the MC out of fucking nowhere starts being a special snowflake with edgelord powers, end of the world stuff, his father being a warrior genius who obviously knew everything but didnt warn them for shit, the list goes on.
And the ending is probably one of the biggest blueballing in any media.
because dark chronicle is superior
all i can remember is the 3 or so villains fusing together with their spaceship or whatever it was to make the stupidest final boss ever
Dont they have literally the same gameplay
Is it hated? I just remember it being decent, looking beautiful, having totally not Xiahou Dun as a party member, and being pretty obtuse with the crafting mechanics. Also the mafia world where the cute elf takes dog dick is kino start to finish
Also Beetle pokemon. I mean it's a fucking level-5 game, mediocre as it is it's got a lot going for it just by virtue of the devs caring enough to flesh it out
Sounds like a by the book JRPG shit to me. What did you expect? A high status or mysterous young girl and an MC under 20 pretty much guarantees those events happening in every single JRPG.
I didn't hate it, but Desert Wind and Supernova absolutely break the game.
Great soundtrack
Good graphics, hold up even for today's standards
Combat is fun, but can get very repetitive and grindy, for example Zerard Towers
Story is pretty mediocre
Other game mechanics can be pretty good (literally spent hours in the factory, but never touched Insectron)
Just a quick summary of my opinion. As a kid, it blew my mind. I thought that this was one of the best PS2 RPGs. But letting go of nostalgia, I can say that this is a solid title and that, while it has it's flaws, is a game worth playing, especially for JRPG fans.
>as kid
>on PCSX2
So what are the best PS2 JRPGs?
I have a lot of good memories with this game. I remember just really liking the adventure aspect, and going to different planets and shit.
I replayed it about 5 years ago and thought it was still pretty decent.
Not when its as badly and suddenly shoved in your face like it did. Read the post, I specifically wrote "out of fucking nowhere". Didn't write that just for shits and giggles, it really does happen with 0 foreshadowing.
If you think you can play a 60 hour game, go about your way and see the world being normal and fine, then on the 55 hour mark, some arab fucker running towards you telling you armaggedon itself has started now and then suddenly galactic tentacles tear through reality even though its never happened before then yeah, good game.
>those events happening in every single JRPG.
Good job generalizing all JRPGs. You clearly dont like the genre, why are you here?
This. I played this game too but as a teen on an actual PS2. But it's 2019 and children born in 2000 are now 18/19.
I remember playing it for a whole weekend while my internet girlfriend from another town visited me while having to do her uni assignment or something. So she would do her stuff on my pc and I would just play this in the background all day long while taking fuck breaks every two hours.
Very pleasant memory that I refuse to tarnish by ever replaying the game.
Saying that all jRPGs have shit stories is hardly false. This is also widely acknowledged by people who actually like the genre as well.
Not him but read you illiterate niggers
> I remember playing it as kid AND not too long ago on PCSX2
Like you're actually making me fucking embarrassed to be a 30yo boomer
Front Mission 5's roguelike simulator, unfortunately it's attached to one of the best TRPGs of all time and gates floor thresholds to plot progression, so you have to play the main game for a while
So...it's good then? Does it help if I played FM4?
Because it wasn't anywhere close to as good as Dark Cloud 1 and 2.
FM4 is back end of FM5 iirc, the plot of 5 is living through the plots of 1-4 (minus 3 I think that one is ??? in the timeline) as an active wanzer pilot so you'll probably get more mileage playing through previous before 5
But it's FM and it was barely brought over so fuck it, play what you want. 5 is fantastic outside of the equipment customisation that makes the roguelike simulator nigh mandatory, think of FM4's link shenanigans now with friendly fire. You can dodge between two guys at a crossfire and they will shoot each other, while your squad shoots them
Its not terrible user, wont lie tho i played about way halfway through on my ps4, and havent touched it since.
Should have mentioned that the friendly fire brings in allies into the engagement. You're thinking obviously, right? Well the containers in the dungeon that hold the parts you slowly build yourself with count as those, and they can blow the fuck out of everything nearby if shot unopened. That simulator is pain and suffering, there'll be times you accidently a melee guy, then a ranged guy will align himself to shoot through the drop to get you and you're stuck praying it's a temporary short circuit and not damage
I didn't understand any of that but thanks, definitely going to play it and I actually enjoy roguelikes and suffering
If nothing else, I wish the story recap Star Wars-style scrolling text that plays when you load a save became more of a thing in other games. It was always a handy refresher if I'd put the game damn for a bit and come back.
The story isn't particularly good and the combat is pretty repetitive especially once you get aoe skills. Also 100% is a pain in the ass since you need to grind encounters to find enough rare enemies for the battle recorder.
Not a bad game, just a mediocre one.
Well I can't say I described it well
If you take anything from this it should be, well this:
The ending is one of the worst endings in a video-game I've ever seen.
yes, but the city management stuff is so fun.
Been sitting on it for a while, will start it tomorrow
>Last Raven and none of the rest
Top 10 ways to announce your ochinchin size to the room, fucking L E G E N D
Absolutely GARBAGE gameplay and dungeon design. I'd go as far as saying it was one of the worst JRPGs i've seen in that aspect. Story is a fucking dogshit as well.
I loved it as a kid. I don't understand the hate and never thought it could be hated since today.
What the fuck was the ending that people hate so much? I don't even remember it.
Princess dumps everyone because "muh destiny, must go rule, fuck you MC I hate you but secretly wanna fuck you". Then MC suddenly realizes he loves her, decides to steal her back.
And then just as they all decide to help MC get his dick wet, game ends.
Fucking barrier enemies.
The game has great graphics but since the dungeons are literally mazes they have to cut and paste many assets making it repetitive to travel and look at them, music and story and run of the mill, the gameplay could be great if the AI was good but it was pretty bad since they would die constantly so you had to spam potions, another deal was that many common enemies hit really hard, content wise the game had a crap ton of shit to do but even so all of the content was tedious the only side quest i enjoy where the bug fighting.
Over all it was a mediocre game, i play it because i played Dragon Quest VIII and IX (both from Level5) and those where great but it seems that certain someone was behind Level5 shoulders telling them what to do and what not to do.
Last Raven was shit. Silent Line was much better.
And yes, unfortunately i wasted my time and beat all endings, including ultimate zinaida for the trash ass python.
I have fond memories of this game. The space adventures on different planets were great.
The ps2 had so many nice jrpg. Wild arms is probably one of my favorite because the guys doing the french translation didn't take anythings serioulsy like calling the main girl Robert instead of Rebecca.
Dungeon design is very tedious if you aren't following a guide and some of the enemies are way too strong (shield) which can wipe out your party entirely. Other than that, if it had received a sequel and ironed out the issues, make the combat more fluid it would have been amazing.
>PS2 Killer7
Stop. Just play PC port, it's good. If you still want to emulate for some reason, then play GC version.
The only thing I remember about this game is getting stuck on one of the 4 towers. The boss is a one on one fight and has an instant death attack, so I would have needed to leave the dungeon to get an instant death protection accessory.
I like wild arms 3 though, and 4 was okay but pretty easy
How is this game hated? I still love it. It's just a bit grindy and was overshadowed by other rpgs at the time.
It was alright, but I really liked the weapon system of Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy's was kinda boring in comparison. Then again DC2 was more dungeon crawler and RG was more adventure. Kisala was hot though and I like a girl who kicks high.
No, RG's gameplay is closer to FFXII
You are either retarded or you didn't play one of those games.
No it doesn't. RG literally plays like an action RPG.
3 is a sequel to 5. A part of 5 directly progresses into the plot of 3.
I don't know. I think it's great, I'd like to play it on PS4.
if you play fm5 you need to play on "hard" mode, normal mode is boring as fuck and hard isn't even hard. download a save file first so you can skip ahead
you can