Tfw you realize you will have to deal with SJW shit in games for the rest of our lives since they’re in our generation

>tfw you realize you will have to deal with SJW shit in games for the rest of our lives since they’re in our generation

Is there any way to win Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Is there any way to win Yea Forums?


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Only support games that doesn't have sjw crap, and never stop fighting, yeah it sounds cheesy but that's all you can do.

Play old games. Watch old movies. Read books. Read old comics. Read manga. Do something productive.

Only buy Japanese games


>Is there any way to win Yea Forums?

Yeah; to embrace it.

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SJW is just a trend like emo, and it has already peaked and in decline.

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I'm a spic and I still love my black bros whether or not they're Peruvian or not.

We need more diversity in video games.

It's going to be 15 years soon, and is only getting stronger.

Oh god I'm going to have to endure your bitching until I'm dead or too blind to read.

dumb asses said that when it started with Anita and just ignore her, that was the biggest mistake of a generation

Kill them, when they bitch about being oppressed from you killing them it means you haven't won yet and you should get off your fat ass and keep killing them.

It's gonna run out of steam eventually, and you have the other extreme to look forward to when the pendulum swings the other way. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, it will be the gaming equivalent of Trump getting elected.

Knowing this makes it worth it.

Shut the fuck up about it already and just stop paying mind to things you hate like a well-adjusted adult.

Origin of faggotry propaganda comes from way above in the corporate ladder.
Do not mistake pawns for their masters.

The fuck are you talking about, it's been going on since the early 2010s. Sure there are traces of it before, but the actual movement didn't exist then, there are plenty of games ~2005-2013 that had 0 SJW influence, they're the vast majority.

You did the exact opposite of ignore her though and that is precisely why people started to take her seriously.

I don't think making constant threads about her for years is considered ignoring her

It won't if they tape the pendulum in place, and deplatform, ban, blacklist, etc, anyone that attempts to remove the tape for the pendulum swings normally again.




Just don't buy any of them

to be honest, Anita is really old news

Maybe it’s time to get a new hobby if you don’t like the direction society is moving in.

What is sjw “shit?”
Whats the last game you bought?

make your own games faget

It's unsustainable since the developers themselves are largely against it

That's not even emo. More scene than emo

More like strong armed.
And nah, fuck you, you get a new hobby if you didn't like the direction it was going originally.

Honestly that's just going to make the reaction even more intense, cornering a rat is a bad idea.

Its the same thing that has happened to every other art and media, but applied to video games.
Its not new and even Hitler didn't get into art school because of it.
So called sjw are just tools of their corporate masters invented to destroy occupy wall street movement.

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the only way to win is to not play the game

Kill them all

Just play japanese and indie games and leave western AAA in the trash where it belongs

>tfw I watch exclusively asian movies and tv shows and there's no sjw shit or niggers
Oh, wait, there was one black guy in this comedy samurai drama but I guess that's historically correct. Thanks Portugal.

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see the world for what it is

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You Yea Forums kids are alright. That's why you gotta be demoralised with faggot trap porn. The Man, y'see, he wants you to chop your dick off and get pozzed so he can profit selling retrovirals and won't have to share the Earth with your progeny. Don't do it, Yea Forums. We're all gonna make it. And even if we don't, there's no harm in trying. At least you can look God in the eye and say you weren't some tweaked out dick chopping dilating trap. I believe in you, Yea Forums

Please don't post that ever again. Even if you made her smile so not ever pls.

Don't worry. Soon SJW become stronger and accuire real power. After that they import muslims. Muslims will let in moar muslims. And then they enforce sharia crap and execute all faggots and faggotry defenders. Just wait. It'll be fun.

Play Japanese games

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>reject God
>God comes back with a vengeance
checkmate atheists

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>muh japanese games
Just you wait, it'll happen to them too. Look at the current state of Sony, where the fucks at California dictate everything they do. Soon other japanese companies will follow suit.

Kill yourself discord garbage

They won't

Nothing wrong with SJWs unless they're right wing christian ones. Fuck those.

I was actually talking about shows and movies since you mentioned sjw shit infected every other media, but still I wonder if it's it would affect the asian media I consume eventually, I mean Japan is still isolationist and protect it's culture a lot, Korea is super conservative and even porn is illegal there and China is fucking China and they would execute anyone that tries to start shit.

>right wing christian
literally opposites

Korea is literally ruled by feminists.

Stop being lazy and makes your own games
At least SJWs have a work ethic

and thank goodness for that

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>since they’re in our generation
And boomers are former hippies so what

>boomers are former hippies

They parented many modern SJWs

Stop blubbering like a baby every time you see a colored gentlemen in your bideo bames

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I really find that hard to believe, probably because I watch korean shows daily and they mock fatties, divorcees, would hit women and do a lot of stuff that would trigger feminists.
And then there's the realities/road shows with actual normal citizens and the culture is still very conservative and the gender roles still well defined.

You have no clue...

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At least those brought about a lot of girls who liked acting cute and were easy to bang.
God, i'll never forget the summer I spent banging one of these daily.

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Yeah, seek out and take screencaps of literally who twitter posts, journo articles and pick up each and every speck of outrage farm manure you run across on your way here before dumping it on the hour, every hour to make sure not only is there no reprieve from how squalid things are outside here but that here too is made as horrid by you yourself.
All ironically, of course.

SJWs are pure cancer, though.

>tfw you realize it's incredibly easy to avoid SJWs by just not consuming the media that panders to them and not interacting with them
Feels good

By recognizing that they're not really wrong about anything and it is mostly the way they frame their ideas and their public perception where they fail.

>they're not really wrong about anything

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> all caps

make him fuck off faggot

Adi didn't get into art school because he was a boring derivative hack who couldn't draw perspective for shit.

This, but unironically. The concept of equality and peace is fine, but seeking out things to get mad at and trying to police everyone's thoughts is obnoxious.
Then again, we get that here on Yea Forums, too.

Name a thing that they are wrong about, if it so easy.

>Is there any way to win Yea Forums?

Yes, stop playing Triple A trash and go back to older games

racism = power + privilege

How is it right to force censorship on games you had nothing to do with?

What if these same people start painting over nips and censoring classic art? Don’t say they wouldn’t do it they don’t they’re conpletely shameless

>there are XXXXXXX amount of genders
>you cant be racist to white :)
>you cant be sexist to males :)
Thats 3, just from the top of my head.

Unironically move to Japan and bury yourself in weeb content. Just don't be a gigantic disruptive cunt and you'll be fine over there. Go about your business and enjoy never having to see another SJW in your life.

I’m fine with people suggesting things but to boycott a game for instance because it lacks diversity is ducking stupid.if you want games with no white people they should make them. Not force change on others.

Bully Hunters was pretty cringy.

Define wrong

Looking at things objectively, survival of the species is the greatest good there is, and the suffragette and later feminist movement contributed to a screeching halt in reproductive rates, directly contradicting evolution's primary purpose

Dilate and kill yourselves

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Planet's overpopulated anyway. No matter how low those reproductive rates are, our species is increasing in numbers faster than at any point in history.
Actually, that just contradicted your original point anyway.

they're strategy is already tanking, look at battlefield 5. Just don't buy SJW-shit and the problem will solve itself

first comprehensive and good post about this thematic I've seen

Mass replying should be a bannable offense. Just one thing we could do to fix Yea Forums

>Planet's overpopulated
plenty of room left

This. It's what people told SJWs to do for years and now they cry that they took their advice.

Americans/the West can't take credit for the booming third world reproductive rates. Survival of your bloodline and race also factor into it, the primary drive is "preserve yourself" not "preserve chinks and pajeets".

>Planet's overpopulated
not really
we produce enough food and energy to sustain 11billion people and we're not even close to being efficient with our given resources

So what you're saying is that if you exert power to acquire privilege over other races it isn't racist?
That seems an interesting view to hold.

How is the developers recognizing their market and making adjustments censorship exactly?

And don't be silly, video games aren't art and the ones that can be considered as such, these people don't care about them and neither do you.

1 is a strawman and you know that.
2 and 3 are the exact thing I am talking about when I say their framing of ideas and public perception is very bad, as that is how you think about them.

it's the power of the precious free market to call for boycotts of any game you want.

It was, but it drew attention the real issue of people being really mean in video games and people not socialized with this tone of interaction like yourself or myself might not handle it well.

Objectivity is a spook.

>So what you're saying is

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>Objectivity is a spook.
The concept of "wrong" is a spook, the SJWs don't have to be wrong or right, them doing what they like is preventing us from doing what we like, no one is right and the only thing that matters is who comes out on top

>So what you're saying is that if you exert power to acquire privilege over other races it isn't racist?
Dilate and learn to read.

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Do not play triple AAA sjw garbage, do not read sjw\twitter drama news. Do not purposefully seek for something to be upset\mad about

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Their value is the negative attention they receive from bad people like the alt right, racists, sexists, etc.
Give them positive attention for the wrong reasons.

pleasure is a spook

Who fucking cares retard just play whatever games you want goon ass moron who cares what people say about it

>reading comprehension of a 12 year old

Racism is bad, black people have suffered for too long.

>Do not play triple AAA sjw garbage
t. pixelated indie pretentious garbage dev

>Do not purposefully seek for something to be upset\mad about
You'd think as much as SJWs do this, Yea Forums would have the god damn self-awareness not to.

Oh yeah? Watch this.

t. """progressive""" whateverthefucksexual modern dev.
Not every AAA is garbage.

how is this social justice?

They should take it up with their African brethren who gladly sold them into slavery

>The rest of our lives
Bit early to say on that front. People change as they grow up. We have no idea what's awaiting us. If anything it'll probably be worse, but it likely won't be SJWs. Aren't they starting to lose support due to fracturing too much?

Their hearts were in the right place.

If corporate culture exists it will be taken over by SJW.
To corporations SJW's are a godsend since they change class warfare into gender/race/whatever where they benefit

Trying to "save" kids by wanting to ban pokemon for being satanic.

How can you build class consciousness if people of your own class are stepping on you?

>It was, but it drew attention the real issue of people being really mean in video games and people not socialized with this tone of interaction like yourself or myself might not handle it well.
SJW's care more about social issues than video games, and they're taking advantage of the medium/culture of video games as a vehicle to promote their causes.

>1 is a strawman and you know that.
Ha, hahaha, i fucking wish.
> I say their framing of ideas and public perception is very bad,
No, no its not, i studied this garbage on college. They made their little spook called the patriarchy which will NEVER be defeated and with it white straight males will forever hold the magical "power" despite whatever shit conditions he finds himself in that makes him both an uberman and hitler, which means you can shit on every specimen that fills those characteristics as they are bathed in this original sin that is the "privilege".

Its the biggest social scam ever made to divide and conquer the "minorities" and putting all of their "interests" on the left while making the right the "devil" side, its disgusting.

You decided to become OBSESSED
Now live with the consequences

They're are killing themselves

You fuck off.

refer to

refer to

We got too cocky Apex bros.

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Why are my fellow peruvians all a bunch of fags?

>They're are killing themselves
Not fast enough

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So? nothing wrong with social justice. If infiltrating video games can stop intense negativity such as racism, sexism and homophobia then I'm cool with it. It's a noble cause to aid those in need.

The right place would be outside of their bodies

Christchurch was a start.

...of a Mossad OP

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I'm sorry, but most feminist theorists agree on a model of gender which is based on the idea that you perform a sex-specific social role. How many of those are there?
I count two.

Saying there's more than two genders, no matter who does it is dishonest. And nobody who understands the field would claim otherwise.

>i studied this garbage on college
You sure paid very little attention in your gender studies classes, then.
Because what it is saying is that there is an abstract power structure which benefits straight white men, as "straight white man" is the default. And the idea of "privilege" is not that the "straight white man" lives a better life, but that when things go bad for the "straight white man". It is much easier to overcome hardship as a "straight white man".

The term "privilege" is incredibly poorly chosen.

eh, I personally have not measured their effect on video games/video game culture, and personally have not noticed video game culture to become more socially aware/just.

Thankfully, generation Z is starting to get to that age where they can create things now, video games included, and they're a fair bit more conservative than millennials.

>Best friend from HS
>Long hair
>Very smart
>Progressive but capable of actually holding a conversation with someone who dissagreed with him
Now he goes to school in California. He's a trans lesbian communist and he's like morbidly obese now. He'll either kill himself or die from being so unhealthy.

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Why was anyone dumb enough to every believe that complaining about liberals on Yea Forums every single day for 5 years would somehow make liberals disappear?

I'm not saying everyone should be a smug centrist who doesn't care about anything, but everyone needs to realise that once you start fuming about your "enemies" constantly, when they are just people who have a different opinion to you, that's it for life now. When you are on your deathbed, there will still be SJWs/nazis/whatever. And there will be forever. You don't "win" and the enemy doesn't disappear. Even if somehow you did, they rise again. This has always happened, and it always will. Only retarded zoomers who see the world through "videogame issues" and no further could ever be so dumb as to wonder why the battle isn't over yet, or to announce that their "enemies" or already dead or about to be defeated once and for all.

This is classic projection. In reality, video game devs just tend to be left-leaning, and this tends to show in their video games, but they are still primarily motivated by making video games, because there are actually way more effective ways of getting your message across if that was all you cared about. However, Yea Forums actually cares more about upholding ideological purity than it does about video games, which means they can't play video games they disagree with, and that is a problem both because they do want to play video games as they've built their identity around being a person who plays video games, and because of the cognitive dissonance from saying the game is more important than the politics and then refusing to play games due to your own politics. And that is why Yea Forums is such a miserable bunch of no-fun losers.

>your bloodline will die because of some tranny
Not unless you're the tranny you dumb faggot.

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>No, no its not, i studied this garbage on college.
Clearly not very closely. Seems like you might have cracked open a gender studies book once to confirm your biases and stopped after the introduction feeling confident that your assumptions were correct.

I literally can't understand why people don't understand the concept of the swinging pendulum.

Things are crazy liberal FOR NOW but they won't always be, give it like ten years and things are gonna be relatively conservative again.

Less women than ever want to have children depriving men of their drive to continue their bloodline

This is 100% correct but I don't like it so now I will call you a SJW and disregard your point. I might even spam soi memes as a bonus.

Yeah, but with the Big Momma the left is funding, the swing will crash our civilization

Why did the Mortal Kombat girls start wearing burkas when they were in bikinis for decades

>Things are crazy liberal

The pendulum is actually at the far right at this moment for you to even be able to think that

obvious shill samefag

Why is the alt right too stupid to make their own games?

Another peruvian here, kys faggot spics and niggers need to be nuked right after the jews

Because it looks better. The game still plays largely the same, doesn't it?

IF YOU ____ THEM, THEY'LL _____!
oops! didn't happen like that, right boys? :^)
Enjoy what you choose

>I want a career, I'll have kids when I'm older
>I'm in the middle of building my career, I'll freeze my eggs
>Okay I'm nearing 40, better get onto having kids
>What do you mean my shit is barren and my frozen eggs aren't going to work??? How could this happen to a progressive woman like me?!

>things are crazy liberal now
A surge in nationalism worldwide is liberal?

People attracted to radical movements are often complete failures at life.

One of two reasons.
A) New people joined up at Nethrealm over the years that happened to either be further left-leaning and wanted to cover girls up for that reason, or more people joined up who simply didn't like skimpy outfits that much, artists primarily is who I'm thinking of.
B) The opinions of the already-existing Nethrrealm employees simply shifted over time, the goals for the character designs and the game as a whole shifted; people's opinions and taste CAN and DO change over time, and I think that's the most likely reason for it.


>How is the developers recognizing their market and making adjustments censorship exactly?
Dead or Alive 6. That's all I need to say.

You're talking to a kid whose entire world is videogames. A nigger in Wolfenstein means the world is crazy liberal now.

Gonna need an explanation on what "Big Momma" is my man

No, I'm an exception, not the rule, and I'm not far-right by any means, I'm a centrefag through and through.

Commit mass shootings

It's a suppressed reaction
The pendulum is still swinging to the left by artificial means

Eh in 20 years we are all gonna starve to death anyway so we good.

dont worry the micronova will end it all in another 28 years

Nah. I know this is a genuinely terrifying thought for you, but it's possible for more than one person on Yea Forums to have an opinion you don't like.
If this upsets you, then you have to admit you come here expecting and hoping for a circlejerk hugbox where you don't see opinions you don't like.

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That's simply conforming to the market. The invisible hand and all that. No one prevented them from cranking up the titty physics to 11 and dressing all the girls in bits of string, they just decided against it and then whined that they couldn't make soft-core pornography and also appeal to the mainstream at the same time. That's not censorship. That's entitlement.

lol this

i love black women so much

>No, I'm an exception, not the rule, and I'm not far-right by any means, I'm a centrefag through and through.
The "centre" is pretty far to the right these days, as indicated by a self-identified "centrefag" taking a look at this capitalist hellhole we inhabit and concluding that we're in the midst of leftist dominance.

>Big Momma
Like Big Brother but fatter and less efficient, but also less sexist and racist

MKX was 3-4 years ago and had skimpy revealing outfits

I saw enough to see for what it truly is,

>abstract power structure
Ah yes, the "abstract power structure" that conveniently exists forever and ever now, everywhere, sure those white farmers in zimbabwe sure enjoyed those benefits

> but that when things go bad for the "straight white man". It is much easier to overcome hardship as a "straight white man".
God what a load of biased contextless bullshit. It is just as retarded as i read it now as it was when i first heard this garbage.

I used to lean left until you fucks start spreading this bullshit, goddamn. Keep trying your control tactics, you wont fool me snakes.

Maybe in America it's right-leaning, but I'm Canadian.
I wnat LGBTQ rights, I'm not racist, I'm not really for government fucking with too much other than health care and whatnot, I'm not anything like a right-winger.

>the left
liberal SJW is just more right. identity politics exists as a smoke screen to distract people from class struggle, the more SJW things get the worse conditions are becoming and the more the ruling elite mush push it to drain revolutionary potential from society by causing them to bicker amongst themselves.

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And that game was likely being developed over the course of multiple years, their opinions easily could have changed over that time and when they got the chance to start working on MK11 they might have felt like going a different direction.

You need to realize that we're living in a fucking clown world. Ten year old children are cutting off their own dicks, and our society is so terrified of facing social ostracism that we pretend it's beautiful. Donald Trump is president, a green frog doing the "okay" sign is a symbol of hate speech, and Islam is the religion of peace. We're all going to die in a nuclear war, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry bro, but you were just unlucky, and now you're born in one of the most pathetic eras in human history.

Just sit back and enjoy it.

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Yea Forums is not a leftist politically-correct website. Stop trying to artificially change it to suit you, faggot.

IIRC there's also a correlation between kids being born with autism and the mother being older, but I have no clue if it's an egg-related issue or an issue with prenatal environment of the womb.

He's not doing anything of the sort, he's literally just telling you that there are at least two people who disagree with you lmao

Calm down bitch

user, the entire world is right-leaning now. You should look at what was considered leftist in the 60s and 70s. The modern left are just another flavour of neoliberal free market capitalists and Western imperialists.

I have a strange feeling that you aren't arguing in good faith. Leave, Resetera.

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Or we could crowdfund that Asteroid Attractor that Professor Burnitall wanted to develop, we get to kill 'em all and solve many other problems in one go!

>and now you're born in one of the most pathetic eras in human history
Socially, sure. Technologically we're doing well off enough though. We're doing well off enough that our largest complaint about technology is that we weren't born X years later to potentially see Y technology.

god i want that to be me

>Ah yes, the "abstract power structure" that conveniently exists forever and ever now, everywhere, sure those white farmers in zimbabwe sure enjoyed those benefits
Yeah, or actually the opposite of that. Are you sure you studied it at all?
>I used to lean left until you fucks start spreading this bullshit
Read: "I'm a selfish centrist who supported leftist positions when it was all about benefiting me personally".

open your mind beyond black & white and stop being an insufferable emotionally stunted piece of shit

or like other people said kys

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As if literally anyone here is ever arguing in good faith.

>the entire world is right-leaning now
No it's not.

Pretty sure the right has gone further right too. Not sure if it has as much as the left.

The world is fucking joke
And its gonna stay here for a decade
Just sit and don't give a fuck about everything

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That technology is literally driving us into a state of mass-psychosis. Social media is actively driving the west insane.

Blessed Chieposter

Make your own

Yea Forums is whatever the people posting on it are. There are no standards for entry. If you want to artificially impose restraints on which opinions are or are not allowed, you might want to try reddit. I think r/T_D is probably right up your alley.

Yeah, but, you know. Anime tiddies. In VR.

In what ways? Conservative values seem pretty consistent to me across the past few decades. Are you confusing literal nazis with conservatives?

hes right it is you just dont know what left and right is because in order to keep you from becoming a real leftist they have handed you a false paradigm with 'left' and 'right' scribbled over the pictures of two different megaporkys

Stop playing AAA shit. If there is some some controversy to do with anything political of any sort one way or another the game is going to be shit. Its a pretty good indicator to make you not get involved with something you wouldnt like anyway. There are lots of games being made still that have more to discuss other than SJWs and poltics and those are the games that actually pull through.

Again, stop playing AAA shit, the face of the industry will always follow the current fad trends and politics is on everyones lips right now.

This x500. People only pretended to care about Social Justice in the 2010's purely due to social gratification and validation. Things are now slowly, but surely, returning to normal. The 2020's will be like the 90's and 2000's, ie normal. I garantee it.

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>Ah yes, the "abstract power structure" that conveniently exists forever and ever now, everywhere, sure those white farmers in zimbabwe sure enjoyed those benefits
The entire point is that nobody benefits from it, it only causes harm to people.
The white farmer in Zimbawe has nothing to with this, because we are not talking about the socioeconomic situation in Zimbawe. At least I thought we were not.

>God what a load of biased contextless bullshit. It is just as retarded as i read it now as it was when i first heard this garbage.
How is it garbage or contextless?
All I am saying is "if you're not white, male and preferably straight things are less easy for you due to the way society groups people and the expectations placed on those groups". I don't see too much fault with this, to be honest.

>Read: "I'm a selfish centrist who supported leftist positions when it was all about benefiting me personally".
If you are not able to form a position that benefits yourself you are basically retarded. And no matter what, sucking off people who endorse the free market, when you are not a big boy player in that free market is acting against your own self-interest.

More right

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they are already losing support
zoomers all hate them

You slimy fork-tongued faggot.

There is a clear culture that was made on Yea Forums, and your kind wants to infiltrate and change it. You're using our anonymity as a weapon against ourselves.

I really do think Hiromoot hired a bunch of you faggots to make Yea Forums seem more "progressive" than it actually is. I'm guessing the lack of advertising is what drove him to do this.

jesus christ the irony

>open your mind

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Yeah, fuck off with this revisionist shit. It is precisely because of the Overton window shifting massively to the right that you're able to convince yourself of this shit. Fortunately, Marxist thought hasn't actually changed that much so we can objectively determine that it is hardly represented in modern politics at all. Unions are losing power. A liveable wage is seen as a luxury. Privatisation reigns. Socialism is a four letter word. By and large, not even the so-called "left" is willing to burn its hands on these controversial topics. Capitalism must not be questioned.

t. 2014fag

Nigger, Yea Forums is going to get fucking shut down soon because of the New Zealand shooter. Islam is slowly creeping its way into the West, and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. Things aren't "back to normal" THEY'RE GETTING FUCKING WORSE!

I genuinely hope you're right. I'm gay as fuck but I've gotten really really sick and tired of these retards acting as if they can speak for me and other minorities or abnormalities for lack of a better term.
It's one thing to want social justice, but another to be an insufferable faggot about it.

The exact opposite happened, retard. People made such a fuss about her that she turned mainstream

Hierarchy, blood and soil
Anarchy, equal rights

Economics have nothing to do with social issues of the wings since they fall under both sides

t. arrived during GG thinking all Yea Forums is or ever was was a "fuck the libs" discussion board

>Those aren't REAL right-wingers
fuck off reactionary apologist

user, keep in mind that leftism means killing people and taking their shit, because these people are causing serious problems for most.
We actively suck off these people and make life easier for them, so I suppose we are extremely far away from what's left-leaning.

What even is the Overton window anyway? I've heard that term thrown around from time to time, is it a collective consciousness sort of thing where if something's not within the window then literally NOBODY will think of talking about it, and the moment that even a single person talks about something means that the window is shifting?
Wanna make sure I'm understanding it correctly because it's a fascinating theory.

It's not about "fuck the libs" you absolute retard.

The moment, THE FUCKING MOMENT Yea Forums starts unironically advocating for "politically correct" speech is the moment Yea Forums loses what made it special. You are the foreign invader looking to colonize the site to fit your political views.

>And no matter what, sucking off people who endorse the free market, when you are not a big boy player in that free market is acting against your own self-interest.
Then why are you such a good little capitalist bitch?

you know what to do

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You are mentally ill, seek help.

So if started killing people in the name of leftism, there'd be no way for the leftist to distance themselves from me?

Not nearly as mentally ill as you, corporate bootlicker.

infilitrating companies and manipulating beloved IPs from positions of power is not creating your own games.

>advocating for "politically correct" speech
Nobody did you paranoid, delusional faglord

I've been here since before Yea Forums took its sharp right turn. Now, I'll admit that I've moved to the left, personally, but I'm still part of the original culture here, and you're not. Chillax brev, the internet isn't srs bsns.

It's borderline scene, but I'd say it still counts as emo.

>leftism means killing people and taking their shit

At worst they'd ask you to pay SLIGHTLY more on your taxes so that others can fucking eat in the morning mate, they're not kicking your door down immediately.

Social issues are almost entirely the result of economic conditions and the societies method of production.

An example provided by comrade stalin: the rise of socialism corresponded to the late industrial revolution due to all the people moving from the countryside and living and working in closer proximity to each other. This socialization of the method of production created a socialization of society.

Hegel said slavery was invented when agriculture allowed the feeding of prisoners of war. Now instead of killing them you could capture them and make them work for you as property. This caused the idea of non communal property to be created; whereas before everyone owned everything now there was a class of non citizen who did not own things, and so the concept of ownership not of the society but of a subset of individuals was created.
All things stem from the productive conditions of the society.

This. Fuck off SJWs and centrists.

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If you're unable to woo a woman and have children with her, your bloodline wasn't worthy of being preserved desu

Wait it out. Gen-z is the most politically right-wing generation since the actual baby boomers.

>A liveable wage is seen as a luxury.
I really love hearing this shit whenever I drive to see my parents.
>Parents: "I can't believe they think $15 minimum wage will work, the price of everything else will just go up." "If you don't have any developed skills you should have to have multiple jobs if you want a family!"
>At the same time: "Our friends doing X job get paid so little, and barely get to have time off, they should really be treated better!"
Nobody cares unless it's somebody they know. They then don't care enough about said people to actually say or do anything even for those people, just enough to have complaints about their situation. It's amusing.

You're right, it's not my door they should be kicking down.
Why not just shoot everyone who has more than billion and use their personal fortune to fund feeding the poor?

When you can't win, make sure that the other side loses. Pirate the games, trigger the trannies or just ignore the degenerate games. Build a library of oldschool vidya and play them.

Alternatively you can go full 1488 against the SJW menace and learn to code, eventually making your own game.

Except they are.

Why do you think this "gamers rise up" meme made such a huge sudden boost in popularity? It's almost like Hiromoot is looking for a way to shut down and shame discourse that is blatantly anti-white and anti-gamer? The US government could try to ban video games because they're "offensive" and retards like you will just sit there and say "G-GAMERS RISE UP! xD"

Real talk for a second, the weird almost creepy focus on social issues by both the left and right is actually a sign that things are going well, generally speaking.

We can talk all day about culture war bullshit but the reality is that we're only able to worry about "the gays" or "the whites" because we aren't in survival mode, and are ABLE to focus on more mundane shit.

>why don't these people fuck off and make their OWN games!?
They do

I guess it's time to take your own advice. Learn to code. :^)

The Overton window determines the acceptability of certain ideologies, what is considered mainstream and what is considered fringe. For example, fascist ideas used to be pretty fringe but the Overton window has shifted in such a way that mainstream politicians now feel comfortable bringing them up and face relatively little criticism. Meanwhile, socialist ideas used to be more mainstream but bringing them up now will have people think you're a radical.

>user expresses his opinion and provides reasons and examples as to why he thinks so
>u don't kno shit lol

They literally wouldn't do that either but whatever man, believe what you want about even the most basic of government-provided care.

how about we use it to fund something useful instead

like VR porn games

I just have opinions different from yours lmao

ironically you're the one advocating for a form of political correctness

>the price of everything else will just go up.
This is true however, all raising minimum wage might do is improve quality of life through the ability to purchase things non locally from overseas sweatshops. Local prices always go up. This can improve quality of life but it is using imperialism and exploitation to accomplish it, in effect making the workers complicit in the crimes of capitalism.
Raising minimum wages is not a solution, you must abolish wage labor. This is the solution.

I kinda hope the window shifts again, not gonna lie. Getting real sick and tired of the government doing ANYTHING for the people with tax money from billionaires who should be paying more anyway being a taboo idea despite the fact that they will literally never use all that fucking money themselves.

The correlation applies to parents of either sex. The older a male is, the more unfit his sperm, and the more likely the child will have borth defects/autism

The social issues can directly be translated into economic issues by looking at how money affects these things.

Money is hierarchy, you position is determined by the amount you already have and in turn the amount of money you can make is determined by your position in the hierarchy.

>blood and soil
Property that way owned by the family in the past, should remain with the family. If you were born into a poor farmer family, you're gonna be a poor farmer. If you're the child of a billionaire, congratulations on your fortunate birth.

You're referring to Kropotkin, I assume. Yes, there are anarchist leftist leanings and anarchism as a whole is largely composed of left-wing theorists.

>equal rights
Under capitalism you can rephrase this as "everyone has a level playing field to start making money" and I don't think there's too much wrong with that to be honest.

No matter what the social issue, it can always be rephrased as a matter of money. The only thing politics is about is money. Please recognize this.

Oh, you actually are just a seething niGGer who has yet to let go.
Point out all the posts in this thread where people actually advocate for Yea Forums being politically correct. You can't. Your problem is you interpret every post mocking your autistic cringe crusade as an attack on free speech and a call for political correctness. It isn't.

Then women are shifting the standard of bloodlines "worthy of being preserved" to include fewer men than ever. The responsibility is on both sides.




>You actually support political correctness because you're against political correctness! LOL I'M SO SMART!

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You do what you should have been doing all this time. You ignore it.
>b-but ignoring won't make the problem go away!
It won't.
>b-b-but my favorite games are being censored!
Don't buy them. Walk away and don't look back.
If you care that much, then there's nothing I can do. Just ignore it, if your favorite franchise/developer/friend/movie/website/etc falls into that, just walk away and don't look back.
If you enjoy being angry, then by all means, keep worrying and getting hurt.

>They literally wouldn't do that either
That's a problem isn't it.


nuke NA

If you killed people in such a way as to further the leftist cause and their deaths can be motivated by left-wing rhetoric, it'd be hard for anyone to say that there's no relation, is there? I suggest starting with the CEOs of the 100 most polluting companies, followed by Wall Street execs. You could also do Trump but he also has many enemies on the right so it'd be less convincing. Avoid shooting up mosques or synagogues and then just transparently going "Bernie made me do it" because no one will buy it. Good luck!

It just means the west won't be prepared when the ruthless bugmen start invading

actually all of humanity is fucked thanks to impending ecological disasters caused by climate change so dont worry about it

God, you're so fucking disingenuous. Your side realized that they lost during the election, and now you're just taking notes from our books.

>leftism means killing people and taking their shit
Whereas rightism means taking people's shit and leaving them to die.

You mean the march trough institutions like SJW did?
Without banks and academia support it's impossible.

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Yeah yeah "muh white rayce", keep telling yourself you're literally being run out of your own country and not facing the reality that retards like you not having sex and having children are the problem.

They're purity death spiraling as we speak
Not to say that the damage they've done isn't lasting or that they haven't implanted their memes in their opponents but that's just the nature of social entropy
I'm more worried about what new horror will fill their power vacuum

Yeah, I'd much rather kill the rich who won't surrender their shit rather than exploit the poor for a few pennies more.

Right wing goverments rule all over the West, and Socialist/Social Democratic parties have all been coopted by neoliberal intent on killing class consciousness and the labour movement. Just because a party is more vocal in its support for the LGBT and minority races doesn't mean it's left.

>anti-white and anti-gamer

You are the reason RISE UP is a meme

There's a difference between a calamity that is going to rear its ugly head in a couple hundred years, and a disaster that's going to happen in TEN FUCKING YEARS TOPS!

No it's not a problem, why do you assume that I'm some fucking madman who wants to kill billionaires, Jesus fucking Christ you're stupid.

I just want them to pay literally any money towards health care, education, anything.

There would be, the method would not be condemning your actions but your timing. Socialists believe in the validity of violence, and even the ultimate necessity of it as no real socialist believes change of productive system occurs through elections, but not random violence or violence that does not accomplish anything in the long run. You either have enough violence to do something significant or you are best off being non violent.

They can call you an idiot for randomly acting with no real positive outcome.

The window shifts by people pushing at the edges. We all have our part to play.

So are you trying to say that people AREN'T demonizing gamers and white men? Because if so, you're completely fucking deluded.

SJW shit is not nearly as bad as people say it is. Name one time it actually RUINED a game. And no, shit like covering a womans tits does not ruin an entire fucking game so it doesn't count.

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They are also killing people to take their shit. See all the middle eastern conflicts of current day.

>You actually support political correctness because you're against political correctness! LOL I'M SO SMART!
You do, yes. I'm the one utilising my free speech to voice opinions you don't want to hear. You're the one who thinks I shouldn't be allowed. That is textbook political correctness.

Intersectionality. The only true privilege is money, all else is aimless navel gazing meant to divide the masses and stifle progress.

>equal rights

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Then give me a way that impacts the least possible people to source the money than seizing assets and executing whoever doesn't comply.

lol there's no way she would've been ignored, they had already figured out how to generate their own controversy using the tools the modern internet provides and abusing media contacts. And it cost them too, there's a reason you don't fuck with the bread or the circuses
There's no way any of this could have been avoided, it's the logical conclusion of the bed society has been making since the 30s and karma for once again neglecting the wisdom of our ancestors

>your side
I would honestly like to do you a favour and put a bullet through your rotted brains.
And you call me disingenuous when you're the one screaming about posts that don't exist. All I'm saying is they don't (which they don't, and you're welcome to prove me wrong) and that's enough for you to think I'm your strawman enemy.
I bet you haven't gone 24 hours without thinking about "my side" in literally years. Enjoy the personal hell you've created for yourself.

You can use your free speech to say what you want. And I can use my free speech to call you an absolute nigger faggot.

Let's not pretend that your endgame is free speech though, bud. Let's be fucking real here.

I'll be pushing it to socialist shit but you can do what you want my man.

We rise up

Yeah, This shit has always been happening. It's just most of you guys are too young to remember it. It goes in phases, could last a long time, could be completely done within the next month,

>Play online game
>You have 12 choices for character faces
>6 of them female
>1 of them white
>everybody online only uses the white face
This is diversity in action

Yes it does
they are this cycles scapegoat, it was the jews last time. the cycles wont end as long as private ownership remains.

No problem, man. Enjoy your draconian leftist shithole where kids are cutting off their own dicks and niggers are free to rape whoever they want.

You're legitimately insane if you think any of that sounds good lmao
Christ, fix your brain, take some meds, something, anything, because it's clear you need help if you think I'm advocating for anything more than stricter laws and harsher fines/jail time for people who refuse to pay taxes properly.

>demonizing gamers

they don't make their own game they latch on to popular IP's like a parasite and kill it from within

Shooting up mosques is also not furthering the right-wing cause, the conservative value is preserving your own, not destroying someone else's. The leftist equivalent would be killing fellow compatriots indiscriminately regardless of belief, or killing white people exclusively, since that could be construed as helping the immigration/racism cause.

Intersectionality can be reasonably explained using money as a frame.

It is easier to make money if you are at the intersection of white and male, than at the intersection of black and transsexual.

This should be fairly obvious, actually.


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Women being more selective isn't necessarily a bad thing, we'll be rid of more genetic dead ends polluting the genepool. It's a boon, really. If you want to pass on your bloodline, you'll have to work for it.

How is advocating violence towards people who use their money to exert power over many people and actively cause harm to them that way insane?

No, it doesn't, you're just a drama queen.

>no real socialist believes change of productive system occurs through elections
That's No True Scotsmanning. There are incrementalists. Of course, social democrates only prolong the inevitable death of capitalism, but there are some hopefuls who believe that it can be achieved peacefully. Ironically, though, when people decry peaceful attempts to improve the lives of the working class because they are "communism" they are playing into the hands of actual revolutionary communists who rely on the discontent of the workers. Let's consider what's actually supposed to be so bad about communism, the intended end result, or the violent methodology? If it's the latter, then we should really consider implementing the former through democratic means.

We probably just have to be like Pixel and make our own damn games and release as freeware.

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It does i basically just buy games to fap

equal lefts doesn't have the same ring to it

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Advocating violence on any level is insane. I don't want anyone harmed, I just want them to pay the fuck up.

Ummm ok sweetie... have sex.

So...we're just going to ignore the gaming industry's attempt to push out gamers? Are you seriously jut going to cover your ears and go "LALALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING!"?

Post as many memes as you want. Facts are facts. The gaming industry fucking LOATHES white dudes, and you can see it from the way most developers talk and communicate with their audience.
>they are this cycles scapegoat, it was the jews last time. the cycles wont end as long as private ownership remains.

What do you mean?

How do you make someone pay up? Threatening bodily harm still seems to be the best way.

>internet exists, the entirety of human knowledge at your fingertips
>life expectancy has never been higher
>we're curing new diseases every year
>human education and living standards at all time high and getting higher
>on the verge of another industrial revolution
>possibly on the verge of colonising another planet

>one of the most pathetic eras in human history

You don't understand conservative ideology. It is an ideology of purity and conformity. The way it "preserves" society is by preventing and removing foreign pollutants. It cannot tolerate the "other".

Unless you're American were that's considered conservative it's generally left wing trait. America was founded on those ideals.

The outfits in Mortal Kombat 11 aren't as revealing as they were in previous games. That's why I come to Yea Forums to complain about trannies, niggers and muslims.
Got a problem with that? You have mental issues and don't belong on this website.

Not him, but I'm kind of past this point. I used to be REALLY anti-violence too, but it's getting to a point where push is coming to shove. People who live in a free society are demanding that this society should no longer be free. These people are willing to take up arms if need be, and you need to defend yourself at some point.

You're a joke, dude. You're literally distilled GAMERS RISE UP. You're a parody of yourself.

The thing is, even as a false flag operation it does more to further the leftist cause than shooting up a mosque does for the right.

No, there isn't. Even if everyone who hated this shut boycotted it, there would still be enough retards and normies that will eat it up to be trendy.

Either kill yourself or kill them

>le zoomers are conservative. le based Gen Zyklon's gonna hang you libshit millennials for not being right-wing enough teehee.

Yep 18-22 year olds (the ones who the media mislabels Millennials) who protest every time trump says something and have safe spaces in college suuuurrree are conservative. AND THEY'RE ACTUALLY EARLY ZOOMERS.

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Right-wingers are always under the delusion that their act of terror is but one battle of the race war and that if they can inspire others to take up arms as well they can clear the land of inferiors.

>Racial tensions are at an all-time high
>Every day we are inching closer to a nuclear holocaust
>The rich are getting richer
>The poor are getting poorer
>Civil war is going to break out in the US any day now
>B-But things are fine because muh technology

Okay, cool, so that's the tactic you're going to take. We're fucking done here.

You don't understand leftist ideology. It is an ideology of equality and diversity. The way it "equalizes" society is by sabotaging and removing the majority. It cannot help the "diverse".

They have factually been found to be more conservative than preceding generations at that age. Just because they all aren't doesn't change that fact.

Your hobby got taken over by normies.
It happens to every hobby.
Get a new hobby that normies haven't infested and enjoy it until they do. That's the way it's been for the last 80 years.

Yes grow out of video games.

Get a good gaming pc and wait for good deals so that you never pay full price.

And choose carefully games to play with your kids. Try board games or only local multi-player video games once you manage to create some offspring.

>the gaming industry's attempt to push out gamers?
I see now why you're so upset about GAMERS RISE UP, because you are exactly the kind of ridiculous autist that those memes mock.

I say that as a supporter of gamergate who was active during the first 2 years. Then and now we had a handful of you spergs that just couldn't keep your persecution complex in check. GAMER OPPRESSION is and always will be the most pathetic thing possible, and the only way I can deal with faggots like you is to assume you are legitimately EXTREMELY autistic and don't realise what a fool you're making of yourself.

The main target for video games is people under 20 years old. They have lost me as a customer 10 years ago.

If you're going to do a "no u" you should at least try to have it make sense.

>Racial tensions are at an all-time high
They sure aren't.
>Every day we are inching closer to a nuclear holocaust
What the fuck are you talking about?
>The rich are getting richer
>The poor are getting poorer
No, the poor are also getting richer.
>Civil war is going to break out in the US any day now

>It is easier to make money
Ok, but there is a problem with this.
Why does it matter if its easier to make money or not, unless there is another, deeper, problem associated with who has money and who doesn't have money?

To say there is a problem because its easier for one group of people to do a thing than another, is only valid if that thing itself is a problem. In which case you are claiming its just fine for this problem to go on existing (wealth disparity, exploitation) as long as all groups are equally represented.

So whereas the actual legitimate socialist goal is to end exploitation, the SJW just wants everyone to be exploited by a diverse and balanced group of assholes.

This exposes the entire point of it, the people in charge want to continue enjoying their own comfort and privledge at the cost of the lower classess, so they create identity politics in order to get people thinking in identity groups, then the focus of the problem can be shifted from 'these bad things happen' to statistics showing certain kinds of subdivisions of people are not able to do these bad things to others as frequently. They can then uplift some of them so there is a nice diversity quotad group of top executives and billionaires and claim the crisis has been solved


>>The rich are getting richer
>>The poor are getting poorer
>No, the poor are also getting richer.

Yeah but compared to the rich they're getting poorer

Even genetic dead-end women are being more selective. There's a trend arising in Europe, where local first-world-born women are too picky for the local men, who are resorting to much easier to "court" immigrated women. This means the local women are dying childless, and the genetic stock is being diluted by foreign genes.

I'll never understand progressive thought. I'm a gay man in a relationship with an Inuit that has native stock options. Democrats used to be anti authoritarian and against racebait but that's all they ascribe to now. It's fucking sad.

Please link to any posts in the thread advocating for Yea Forums to be politically correct
By the way, this does not mean "every post you don't like" or "every post mocking your gamer oppression posts"

No he;s right the more tolerant the left try to be the more intolerant they get they seem to to think they way to equality is through racism it some serious 1984 shit

God, you just sound like a fucking robot. So what, do you just believe that the game industry suddenly LOVES white men and they want their main audience back? Are you trying to tell me that EA DIDN'T tell its audience to go fuck themselves with a rake? Are you telling me that MK11 DOESN'T have an ending where a nigger goes back in time and undoes slavery just to increase racial tensions and normalize black entitlement?

>They sure aren't.
Then you're living under a rock, because we're having nigger riots almost every single day.
>What the fuck are you talking about?
Russia is breathing down our necks and threatening nuclear war. If Trump doesn't pull out of Syria soon then we're all fucking dead.
You live under a rock. Gotcha.

It makes about as much sense as your proposition, leftist want white men gone the same way conservatives want immigrants and foreigners gone, but I doubt the majority of either side would agree killing is the way to do it.

He was much better than the ones that got accepted...

Its a long sad story.

Attached: yare yare daze.png (490x387, 299K)

In the future everybody will be a shade of brown.
This has been common knowledge and accepted by society since at least the 50's

Kill them. Kill them all.

Why do I have a strange feeling that every single legitimate post I'd link would fall under your definition of "a post I don't like"?

How ironic.

Better check you're not running out of that tinfoil bro

>the gaming industry wants to kill gamers! WHITE GAMERS!
How do you function in the real world? Do you ever get invited to social gatherings? Do you ever have to deal with actual problems?

You see this is still liberalism. Let me tell you about equality:
The liberal (bourgeoisie) revolution of a few centuries ago demanded legal equality, that is the abolition of legal classes. The merchants and tradesmen and other middle class individuals were becoming very wealthy, and resented the fact that the aristocracy could enjoy certain legal privileges over them; that even a poor impoverished noble might have more privileged than a very wealthy merchant.
So they pushed for legal equality, the abolition of legal class. They believe equality means this. They believe that 'equal oportunity' is had already as long as there are no distinct legal classes of people on the books. This is why they are also for abolishing ideas like citizenship.

So when they, believing we already exist in an equal society, see demographic inequalities, they must assume there is some other force pressing down on these people, because their own validity, their ability to look at their prosperity and justify it, must come from the belief that they have earned it, fair and square.

The socialist, however, realizes that the theoretical promise of societal equality that having legal equality gives us, can not actually be realized as long as productive inequality exists. And so where the liberal sees problems in demographic representation amongst the stratas of societies production castes, the socialist sees the existence of this stratification as the problem, because real legal equality can not be realized in practice with out also having equal production status (no owners and employees, no stockholder and laborers).
Or to summarize, the difference between a liberal and a socialist is that liberals believe we have the conditions for social equality already, but some force of evil racists/bigots/incels/whatever are just sabotaging it, whereas socialists believe that the problems we have are to be expected as the conditions for those 'equal opportunities' does not yet exist.

But the majority of leftists are white men and they're usually those soibois with beards, glasses and flannel shirts.

Seems someone's had a bit too much coffee with their hourly pill.

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>triple AAA

You know what user, I'm getting that same strange feeling, just for different reasons.

>"Hey, here are a bunch of examples of game devs explicitly saying they don't want white people playing their games"

they hater themselves and at the same think they will be exempt from the purge

It's not my responsibility to rationalize their self hate

In this ITT thread

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>work ethic

Pick one

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What's bad about this sketch?
it's certainly a unique style, if slightly derivative of Picasso at the time. However, there is much potential to develop this into something great and distinct.
Unlike Adi's shitty landscape pictures.

And besides, Schiele is quite good on a technical level, all the modernists were.

Attached: large.jpg (482x640, 125K)

>No, the poor are also getting richer
I wish to be the "poor" of old.
Having enough for a house, car and support a family while your wife takes care of children would feel nice.

>America/ the West can't take credit

You're right. It was Asian agriculture and medicine that caused Indian and Chinese populations to explode.

Why you wasting your time on an image board?
We only have a few months left to live!!
Papa Putin is gonna drop the bomb bro! I need to buy some cans of beans!

It's funny that you yourself admit that there are no posts calling for a politically correct Yea Forums in this thread, but still insist they are here. You KNOW every post you link to ISN'T a call for political correctness, but just every post mocking you for thinking the gaming industry is committing white genocide. Mocking you for that idiotic opinion is not a call for political correctness, and somewhere, deep in the back of your damaged mind, you know it. But you're too stubborn to let your "enemy" have an inch.

Link the posts, user.

>racial tensions are at an all time high
What the fuck are you smoking? Things were worse in Jim Crow, things were worse during the Civil Rights era, things were worse in the 80s and 90s - see Rodney King. The only era that arguably had it as good as far as race relations were the 2000s, and that's because the zeitgeist was focused around 9/11 and national unity

>tfw you will have to deal with underage /pol/tard kiddies forever bitching about how "gaming is dead" and "muh SJWs" because they simply won't stop playing AAA

>Russia is willing to literally end the life on planet Earth over fucking Syria
>few niggers rioting for no reason means civil war is gonna start any day now

>For example, fascist ideas used to be pretty fringe
It still is, most people have never read one book on it and can't properly describe it other than the fact it's ultra-authoritarian.

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>of "old"
Yeah because landlords only started existing 20 years ago when boomers got their hands on houses. Don't mind the 10,000 years before that.
Even 100 years ago most people didn't own their own home.

Except it hasn't happened with this amount of social media integration ever before.

>I wish to be the "poor" of old.
You wish to be middle class of old.

>What do you mean?
When things get bad the right likes to single out a specific thing to blame for all the problems.

When capitalism starts to destabilize it flees to fascism, which retains the productive class system capitalism uses, but just gives it a sort of authoritarian hyperidealist underpinning "fanatical group identity" to try and hold people togeather long enough for it to go do some extra strong imperialism to try and inject enough back into the economic situation to let the people live comfortably a little longer.
Currently white males are being set up as the fall guy

Im saying those people are not legitimately socialists. historical materialism makes it quite apparent you arent going to change productive system nonviolently. Less violently perhaps. But look at the aftermath of the bay of pings invasion, the cubans who were going to assist the americans at fighting the new socialist government. Who did they comprise?
While there were many soldiers of the old regime, all the civilian partisans were higher class people, bankers, wealthy land owners. These people will fight to keep their status. Not all of them of course, but you cant expect them to all roll over, and because of their status they have the means to raise armies and put up resistance. This is not to be unexpected.

Because I just don't fucking care anymore. Let the bombs hit. Just don't sit there and pretend that there aren't any bombs coming.

Alright, here we fucking go.
This is just a small example, but it's very obvious that your end goal is the normalize political correctness and leftist ideals on Yea Forums.

zoomers and underage posters repeatedly out themselves by claiming "things have NEVER been worse than they are now" and the irony is they think the world has never known more hardship than it does today because some lewd VNs were removed from steam

Social Media will get canned sooner or later.
You think this shit will last forever?
You're so naive

every generation is weak and liberal before they hit their 30s or a major war accelerates their mental development
the guys who fought in wwii were actually accused of being the softest generation in the 1930s
give it time, nature always sets things right

If genetic dead end become too selective, then they won't pass their genes either. Or if they do, it's in a context where their progeny will be disadvantaged and therefore less likely to reproduce when it comes to their turn. It's literally just the natural order weeding out undesirables left and right, there's really nothing wrong in that.

The Bombs have been coming since the 1920's
They still haven't arrived.

I'm not aware of the causes of the population boom in asia, all I know is that western progressiveness is impacting western birthrates.

You can try to bullshit all you want, that will not change the fact that he wasn't accepted because he didn't fit in with the kike agenda for >modern art.

Except there is nothing wrong with the genes, they're being manipulated into being selective.
We're being domesticated bro.
In a thousand years 99% of the human race will literally be sheep.

So where is the money disappearing into now?
If I am getting "richer" by owning a smatphone then I want to exchange for house ownership.

Do you ever get invited to social gatherings? Do you ever have to deal with actual problems?

What is wrong with modernist art, exactly?

>Women being more selective isn't necessarily a bad thing, we'll be rid of more genetic dead ends polluting the genepool.
Only if women based their selection on thorough examination of their mates and cross referenced that with facts and theories on the best traits for the advancement of human race.
Whcih I doubt they do.

Yes, I god-damn want it

>Literally UNIRONICALLY using the "have sex" meme

You're just proving my point more, bud.

It really isn't though. If anything, you should be thankful that all these fucking retards are not reproducing. The mainstreaming of this ideology is a covert eugenics project IMO.

>the current state of Sony, where the fucks at California dictate everything they do

Well duh. but no one else is controlled by cali progressive cucks. Nobody in nippon likes this current Sony and their gay censorship, and no one is insane enough to follow suit. If anything, it's an opportunity to fuck them over.

Birth rates are just fine.
All populations have a population boom, then normalise and even slightly decrease.
It's been observed everywhere in nature. It's basically a physical law.
The only unnatural thing is bringing in outsiders to artificially inflate the birthrates.

>except there is nothing wrong with the genes weeded out
Have you seen what the people left behind look/are like? They're a cesspit of mental and physical illness, dude, believe me, it's for the better

Most of it is garbage with 0 artistic or any other value.
It is useful for money laundering and pyramidal schemes.

That's good for you, but don't compare that to poor people today.

Why aren't women having children with me? I spend most of my time on Yea Forums complaining about liberals, and absolutely loathe women. But I'm white. Don't they want to save western civilization by embracing my superior genes?

Saying it's okay for kids to become transgender.

back in the 1940s and 50s?

The problem is that middle class barely exists now

Since kids/teens always rebel against the adults and the establishment, it is only a matter of time until social fucks get attacked from two sides.

Things are going to be okay. It doesn't matter how rich you are, because the only thing that really matters is who you love and what you're passionate about. If you feel lost in life, that's okay. Everyone feels that way sometimes. Just remember that things always have the potential to get better, and things used to be MUCH WORSE.

I love you, Yea Forums. It's going to be okay.

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Buy a house then.
What is actually stopping you?
Where is the law that says that you cannot buy a house?
You're spending your money on your fucking avocados and video games instead of investing in a house.

But the normalization and decrease are caused by the prosperous conditions enabled by the boom, which in turn enable progressive ideas to take hold.

Focusing on race relations, undoing the progress we had until now by turning the country into a battlefield of races

shut the fuck up nigger

Too subtle, almost fell for it.
It's amazing that there are people who genuinely think this way.

Daily reminder Gen Z will nuke this world.

shut the fuck up nigger

Since at least the late 19. century...

>only 121 posters
Really makes you think

While you are correct, it is also important to recognize that a fundamental change in the system like the one you propose is ultimately not viable, with the amount of power the bourgeois hold. Therefore the goal should not be incite a violent revolution or anything like that, even if it may be fun to jokeabout.

You see, the socialist, while fundamentally correct refuses to accept the political and economic realities of the world. Therefore the goal should be to first reach the fundamentally liberal situation where these are no arbitrary social concerns beyond class. This is the goal that intersectionality has. You see without actual liberalism on a social level, you cannot build class consciousness and you cannot overcome the liberal reality on an economic level.

Think how elections function, do the right wing politicians make reasonable arguments about economic policy that benefit their electorate? No, they don't. The distract from their indefensible economic positions by preying on the fears of the other. Would the lower classes be able to attain actual class consciousness, they would not fall for this.
And if they don't fall for this, they can elect representatives who can change the system in a meaningful way.
The only way to build class consciousness is recognizing and ensuring that people have no issues with one another, beyond the issue of class. Intersectional theory is an attempt at bringing forth this state.

Whether it is all that effective or not is debatable and I'd personally err on the side of "not really, but you got anything better".

I understand that socialists have issues with social democracy, mostly due to the killings, but think about it on this level.

I do not believe that a violent revolution or a change in the capitalist that is not mandated by a government are possible, but feel free to change my mind on this.

By not being a fucking sperg about it, for starters. No, seriously. It only got this bad because /pol/ and the cancer portion of Gamergate got the people they agree with discredited by association. You could make the most compelling case in the world against devs trying their hand at social manipulation, and people would still doubt your sincerity if you have obnoxious middle-schoolers, skinheads, and wannabe klansmen taking your side en masse.

>I haven't worked a single day in my life so I don't know what things cost in the year of our lord MMXIX

Then why does it also happen to rabbits? Flies? Leeches? Ants? Stars? Literally anything that can be a population?
Do they all get progressive ideas too?

I think we can all agree that racism is bullshit and only divides people and distracts from the real issues
We can definitely all agree on that

Even if you have kids, there's thousands of 3rd worlders flooding our countries daily who all have 10 kids.

Thanks qt

I would

So you think someone like Monet has 0 artistic value?
Can you elaborate on this, please?

Attached: 16-claude-monet-paintings.jpg (660x907, 240K)

they are trying to censor any game they don't like even if they don't play those games they are no better than the christian right was during the 90's

Then why aren't you doing the same, you faggot?

And there's Indies too.

All games with a blatant Right-wing slant were ugly crap where the dev used JPG images as enemies to shoot at as scrolling text container a violento chimpout. Where's a game that uses any kind of finesse to say a message like that?

Eh, looks like shit. Could paint that with my dick.

>food +244%
>salary -5.5%

How come we are not dead?

If you adapt 1978 money to 2019 money in one category you have to do it in the other too.

Fell for what?
You spend $700 on a new smart phone that instantly depreciates in value, you spend $100 a month on subscriptions to shit, you spend $ on video games, excessive amount of extravagant food etc.
Boomers didn't do that shit, so they had money to buy a house. You're just making excuses. You think houses should just be give to you for nothing?

Except I've worked lots of days and managed to buy a house. It took sacrifice and hard work but I managed it. What's stopping you apart from your crippling autism?

Yes? Progressive ideas are essentially about comfort rather than the species, here's what happened in a mice "utopia"

>At the peak population, most mice spent every living second in the company of hundreds of other mice. They gathered in the main squares, waiting to be fed and occasionally attacking each other. Few females carried pregnancies to term, and the ones that did seemed to simply forget about their babies. They'd move half their litter away from danger and forget the rest. Sometimes they'd drop and abandon a baby while they were carrying it.

The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, the females—and few males—inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.

imagine the smell

Then why aren't you a master artist?

that's a straw man there were plenty of level headed people in GG SJW's don't care about that they always take a few people and say they make up the majority of the people they disagree with

>Then why aren't you doing the same, you faggot?

I could easily say the same thing to the countless niggers who won't get jobs, yet I'm pretty sure you support diversity quotas.

Cuz who the fuck wastes their time painting in the current year? Do yoy realize what board you're on?

>how come we are not dead
Two things: Debt, and the working class doesn't have any savings anynore

>there are people who cry about liberals on a videogame discussion board all day every day while maintaining the delusion that they are actually sane and reasonable people
How would you explain these threads of yours to people in the real world? If you had to go on TV and talk about why you cry about liberals on Yea Forums constantly, what would you say? Would you try and spin that you're "j-just joking, bro..." or would you go full crackpot and scream about cultural marxism because "they're letting black characters into videogames now!"?
Serious question.

You're missing the point.
Please look up Population mechanics.
What you're describing is a symptom rather than a cause.
The cause is an unpreventable physical law of the universe.

You don't even have to paint to be a master artist today!

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no, I'd cum even faster

>So what you're saying is that if you exert power to acquire privilege over other races it isn't racist?
>That seems an interesting view to hold.

Oh hello there, Cathy Newman.



I follow every single gaming news site but don't read any of their articles. I have never read a gaming article. I only read the headlines. And if I see a headline with a liberal slant on it I screenshot it immediately and report my findings on Yea Forums. I might only find one every two months or so but I make sure that everyone in the thread is under the impression that this makes up 99% of all games journalism and that if we do not become conservatives western civilization will be destroyed forever. You'd be amazed how well it works, too.

>biggest mistake of a generation
Alright lad i'm no fan of anita but calm down, there have been worse mistakes than whether we didn't make a fuss about tropes vs women

working class had savings for that deficit along more than 40 years? WE WERE KINGS AND SHIT

Then tell me what he is saying in clear words, he posted three words and two mathematical symbols.
If you don't speak in clear terms like Dr. Lobster, don't be surprised if people rephrase your "arguments" into real words.

You didn't need to paint to be a master artist at any point in time, a lot of people were just sculptors or engravers.
Also, that work is pretty good, sorry.

Damn, I could have bought a house by now if it wasn't for all this extravagant food """etc""" that I've been buying

Attached: gamergate-comic-1.png (625x605, 52K)

>why do people talk about moral crusaders trying to ruin their hobby

Attached: 1541178267465.gif (172x209, 4K)

Here is an example of a painting on the same topic that i consider to have a higher artistic value than that which you posted... Thats my opinion and my taste in art.

But they are comparable.

Several squares retardedly colored with a technique that any kindergarden kid can reproduce that have no message and don't cause any feelings in the viewer and are being sold around for several hundred thousand dollars and exhibited in New York galleries are pure fraud and jewish wankary.

Attached: aimg60015360.jpg (500x402, 136K)

>(You)ing me
Oh you little fucker. That user was right, you're demented.

I was illustrating here not for political correctness but how, as pointed out, literally FUCK ALL has been accomplished by telling us what we already know and knowingly left such dismal corners when we came here.

bringing it here are the invader, you were their fucking gateway into this place and now you want to re-interpret being justly called out and ridiculed for being caught with a head of lice as a form of censorship, or like that user said you want a politically correct atmosphere of never being ridiculed.

Fuck that and fuck you, this place has gone to shit not because of any absence or presence of "homophobic, xenophobic, ethnophobic, gamerphobic" jargon but simply because all of you psychotic wackjobs, both sides of whatever this nonsense has even been about for the past decade, absolutely had to dredge your soaking wet tampons in here for some fucked reason.

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What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I ever read.

nope I would show them the hundreds of people within the industry that celebrate every time a game is censored how incestuous the industry is with the media that is suppose to judge it and how all the other shitty things like microtransactions seems to come at the same time as all the WOKE shit


Now leave.

So you don't think that white men make money easier than black trannies?

Working class could save up for their retreat, and to a certain extent own their homes. It is no longer the case

Attached: gamergate-comic-3.jpg (1116x4736, 1.7M)

Invent a time machine, help Hitler

nigga if I had a time machine I would be Hitler

All I understood from your word salad is that you're angery

Poor user. Take your pills.


user, do you know what happened in the late 19th century and in the early 20th century? A new art form was emerging that made painting the way you like meaningless.

>don't cause any feelings in the viewer
Have you ever seen a Mark Rothko in person?


Now please stop being so toxic, user. We don't want any problematic arguments in this thread, do we?

No, I tell them that despite being 13% of the population...

Attached: I understood that reference.jpg (1024x683, 138K)

>Also, that work is pretty good, sorry.
It is, it's really good.

it amazing how much the left have become like the Christian right but with a different ideology

Attached: bideo gaems.png (2968x4112, 538K)

This needs a Boomer pasta

You are well programmed, good goy.

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it shows that they weren't really opposed to what the christian right were doing, but the reasons. They just wanted to hold the gun themselves

>that's a straw man there were plenty of level headed people in GG
That's my point. Those level-headed people were undermined by their own support.

Except that I don't.

If they are out of job and there's no reason to think they are being disvriminated against, then they won't get a job unless they shape up/compromise their objectives.

I personally think that Mondrian is a useless hack.

>no one else is controlled by cali progressive

It was always about power.
The lowly NPC grunts had to wait for their update.

>literally avocado toast posting
Lmao, is this a legit baby boomer?

It's not even different. It's literally hyper-calvinism with Marx instead of Jeus.

The only thing cringe about that comic is the multiculturalism. The message is good but should do more to raise awareness that gaming companies are complicit in white genocide.

there are always going to be people on the fringe and anyone who uses such people as the example are being dishonest and never wanted to listen in first place it's just concern trolling at that point

I think it would be a wee bit strange for mentally ill to not be disadvantaged in the workforce.

And in regards to color of your skin, doesn't matter. If you're looking for a reasons to not succeed, you'll find them either way.

You won't reduce the social problems if you try to eliminate the symptoms, and not the causes.

Attached: 7d734b86141682342690498321_700wa_0.gif (213x210, 683K)

They see an imbalance in genders in the gaming industry as a problem, not a career preference.
You don't here men whining about the imbalance in nursing or teaching positions being majority female.
In short, make your own fucking games.

Attached: 1556370240697.gif (688x480, 533K)

When the bolsheviks were first getting started they focused on the russian proletariat. At the time this was a rather small group, the vast majority of the russian lower classes were peasants. But by applying historical materialist analysis they realized that the proletarian class would grow with time, and the peasant class would shrink in time. Thus they correctly determined that focusing on the future conditions, and not the present ones, was the way they could achieve success.

In the modern time the working class is shrinking. Both due to the inevitability of automation, as well as the liberal desire to lower wages by importing more and more cheap labor. Both of these will see, and are even now seeing, a rise in things like homelessness. And the current NEET population is unknowable, but now and then you hear articles about just how many people in their 20s and even 30s are simply living at home with their parents either with spotty temporary employment or simply full NEET.

There is no need to try and force a revolution in the first world. Lenin said you will never see a revolution caused by an ideology, rather conditions for revolution will occur, and revolution will occur. The conditions for revoluton to occur in the first world will be when the automation increase, rising unemployed/homeless labor force increase, and rise in no longer supported neets who have outlived their parents intersect to create a massive hoard of people with out any sort of societal support. The liberal welfare state can not support such a burden, you will need socialist solutions.

The chances of non violent resolution are fairly slim, though anything is possible i suppose. But remember by the time this gets bad it will be not only the creepy /jp/ hikki whos out on the streets, but ex soldiers, mechanics, factory workers, programmers.

Trying to use elections in ways to position the lower classes in more favorable conditions when this occurs is of course good practice

>make your own fucking games
Why can't Yea Forums take its own advice?

ironic considering all you faggots run to a script
>le money laundering
>le kikes
>le emperor's new clothes
all to try and ward off the existential terror that washes over the autist when they are forced to consider that taste might actually be subjective

>Calling somone else naive when you think this amount of social integration with technology will go away
Social media platforms themselves will come and go, but social media itself will never disappear. It'll only become more prevalent as phones and data becomes cheaper.

>How come we are not dead?
Food was (and still is) pretty cheap.

There has been no trickery, those are all equalized on inflation.

>That comic
You're missing the customer having explosive diahorrea all over the table while crying that it's the woman cook's fault that the steak Is bad.

that's actually kinda nice

I'd love to make my own games.

It's a shame the industry blacklisted me for being a white dude.

it will get banned sooner or later

Yeah, but this fringe is extremely loud.

>co-opting existing franchises is the same as making your own games
Nobody cares about walking simulators

its just pathetic how they claim its for the greater good .people who invade a medium to spread their agenda are scum and clearly dont care for anything else but how their messages are received.

>any other industry
I fondly remember the day I decided my car wasn't very good so I was given a replacement for free, and they even threw in a bunch of extras for half price

go download godot
you will get all excited then relaize while your mind is full of mechanics and desires you have no inspiration to actually start making anything

Thats the gist of it.

Anyone can paint it and similar shit, but his shit will somehow be acclaimed by reviewers, exhibited in the best most important galleries, hyped up, sold and resold,etc.
Students in art collages will have to pretend its good so they don't fail class, teachers will have to teach about it and call it a masterpiece regardless oif their opinion because they would lose their job and status otherwise, etc.

You are thought that some recent techniques of painting render some other older techniques obsolete and useless, meaningless.
You can't question Monet, it is ingranid into your feeble mind that it is taboo to question Monet.
You are scared of ridicule, that someone will point a finger at you and say:
>this fool questioned Monet

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: picasoPepe.png (1500x1500, 136K)

>(((Corporate))) is supporting my every move but it's you who are wrong

death by snoosnoo

every fringe is loud by that logic everyone on the left hates white males because a small group of crazy feminist on twitter keep yelling about them and that means there can be no listening to anyone on the left

Thanks user, you're a good guy

Did you find it acceptable that you had to get fixes on Day 1 of getting your car?
Or that you had to gamble in order to get the color of car you wanted?
Or that the "Paid Braking DLC" wasn't included?

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This thread has proved that actual autism is the antithesis of SJW

Chris-chan is the best proof

Gonna help you out bro

Shouldn't you be castrating yourself, tranny?

Did you take off your trip to samefag or is there a hue discord out there ready to defend your italian born literal who late-to-the-party impressionist that nobody but you give a fuck about? Nobody else takes Santos-Dumont seriously either.

Already have and I'm proud.
Dilation is just a meme

So this is the power of the white race

No that would be reason and logic

>small group of crazy feminist on twitter
Feminist academia is an entire industry. One quick look at wikipedia and I found 45 distinct feminist academic journals that publish hundreds of feminist research that thousands of people produce. There is untold millions upon millions of dollars behind this garbage.

The point is that this meme painting is useless garbage with 0 artistic value useful only for money laundering and pyramidal schemesAnd that is directly related and the same thing that happens with sjw cancer infected corporations that produce cancerous sequels of good games

welp then I guess the left is unredeemable they should change their name and start over

Attached: Laughter stops.jpg (585x464, 56K)

I was under the false impression that it started with the ancient Greeks.

>Occupy Wall Street
What was this? I was only 10 at the time.

people are not equal, and you shouldn't want them to be because by doing so you'll have also want the means by which that is made possible. Mainly demoralisation of the higher types so that they succumb to the lowest. People are born different even inside the same race.

lmfao they even called it a "work". It's a fucking pile of bricks nigga lmao fuck off

No user.
While Mondrian is a useless hack it is important to recognize that de stijl is an artistic movement that is primarily based in design. While, Mondrians paintings are not very good, they are still representative works of this style and the way it is applied to different artistic fields, such as carpentry and architecture.
The recognition that he is a hack comes in when you realize that applying De Stijl to painting just is boneless and uninteresting.

But I understand that you don't know shit about art in general.