New half life game finally coming out

>new half life game finally coming out
>you must own a vr device that costs hundreds of dollars to play it
>not even a sequel to hl2 ep2 so we still won't know what happened after that big ass cliff hanger

Let's prepare for review bombing anons, this shit is not what we wanted

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares

Laying the groundwork for a crazy good FPS campaign in VR is one of the only ways Half Life 3 could live up to the immense promise. There simply is no way Valve is going to be able to pull off the level of jaw-dropping trailblazing required to make good on a series known for dropping jaws without diving into a new technology like VR. Half life seems perfectly suited to it too since the protagonist is already a voiceless shell for the player

But really, it's not going to happen. The steam index is going to launch with underwhelming software support from Valve and flop.

That being said, no way is it going to happen.

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>giving a shit about anything valve does
that company died in like 2009 man

>Laying the groundwork for a crazy good FPS campaign in VR is one of the only ways Half Life 3 could live up to the immense promise. There simply is no way Valve is going to be able to pull off the level of jaw-dropping trailblazing required to make good on a series known for dropping jaws without diving into a new technology like VR. Half life seems perfectly suited to it too since the protagonist is already a voiceless shell for the player

Accurate. We'll get HL3 is when VR has advanced enough.

>Let's prepare for review bombing anons, this shit is not what we wanted
Sorry Epic Store zoomer shill, you have to sit this one out. You can't come along this time. It's not for you :)

Do you have any idea how much time and effort Valve has put into VR?
Like this isn't some off project handled by interns that Artifact was.

why do they keep pouring money into vr? you can make a super nice hmd year after year but there's still barely any games that aren't techdemo crap or cheap cash-ins

>why do they keep pouring money into vr?
Gosh i dunno why are so many huge tech corporations pouring money into VR
It's almost like they know something you don't
Nah how could they possibly be smarter than your average Yea Forumsirgin who has transcended the concept of currency

is that percentage from the same people who declare Trump had 0.1% chances to win the election?

Half Life 3 confirmed

>Laying the groundwork for a crazy good FPS campaign in VR is one of the only ways Half Life 3 could live up to the immense promise.
I've been saying this for a while. Half-Life games were always part tech demo, and there really isn't too much left to be done with traditional hardware. I know a lot of people were unimpressed with VR because it wasn't "real" VR that's perfect, but I think it's going to keep improving and probably start another golden age of gaming at some point.

Just thinking about playing my favorite games in virtual reality at some point has me excited for it.

>I know a lot of people were unimpressed with VR because it wasn't "real" VR that's perfect, but I think it's going to keep improving and probably start another golden age of gaming at some point.
It was never supposed to be released as early as it was, Facebook's attempt to sneakily monopolize the market after stealing Valve VR research and personnel forced Valve to team up with HTC and rush a unit out the door to compete. But VR was so undercooked it left a poor impression.
Now that Index is releasing and Facebook is taking their ball home to mobile because they failed to decisively beat HTC, we're going to return to a state of normalcy instead of Zuck's attempt at prematurely disrupting the burgeoning industry.

When is the Index annoncement?

This, fuck oculus and facebook, they set VR back at least 2-3 years with their bullshit.

1st of may, dont know actual time but probably standard steam update time and they'll throw up a splash page on the main store page.

I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to play f-stop

Only boomers care about half life

Fuck off, no one gave a shit about VR until oculus did their kikestarter and generated some serious cash which made people rethink wether VR could be viable yet or not.

HTC's price gouging did a far worse number on the industry and caused fuckbook to go full retard in the other direction.

why do people want another HL? HL2 was terrible

Still the best fps ever made but ok zoomer fag

At least the core Oculus members finally understood in the end what the price is for trusting a zuck
Who is even left at this point?

Kill yourself shill, it's funny how HTC is such a shitty company but just the fact they weren't Facebook was enough to keep them competitive against FB's desperate attempts to lure people in. Zuck blew so much cash lol

More like a 3 percent chance.

There's a 1% chance I manage to get my spread asshole in front of a CNN camera this week

>review bombing
reddit tantrum

>all weapons suck ass
>only like 5 enemies in total
>best fps

If valve waste more time on VR when they should be spending most of their money and time improving steam they really are lost.

For making games, sure but they still develop tech.

That's inciting violence against the press and suppressing the first amendment you terrorist

People really are going to be fucking seething if HL3 is VR
So much of Steam is third worlders and dumb as fuck kids that have no way to buy a headset
Kind of like Yea Forums

Are you suppressing my sexuality you fucking bigot?
I'll make sure to eat a bean burrito before I get on camera just for you

>there's still barely any games that aren't techdemo crap or cheap cash-ins
Stop believing Yea Forums memes.

What like the complete revamp of the controller interface that lets you use pretty much anything and map it however you like?
Pray tell what improvements does milord demand

epic store had a good run

>quantity over quality
confirmed pleb, go back to looter shooters
>weapons suck
actually they are way more creative and satisfying to use than in any orher fps that ever existed

>t.only played Boring Life

then release it on PSVR like they released HL on Xbox, problem solved.

Some sort of HL VR makes total sense and I figure they plan on doing VR CS based off it as well. Could be huge.

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Read the leaks.
It's hl2 and portal2, this time with native VR.

Maybe they would except Sony and Facebook have made exclusivity such a big thing in VR already. There's limits to even Valve's magnanimity especially considering how far they'd have to dumb it down to fit the wonderfully gimped PSVR.

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Any word on eye tracking yet?

Quest/Rift S not launching until 21st, after Index has already been delivered to consumers

oh no no nono no no

Valve has made a shitloads of mistake in recent history, but this VR thing is probably the biggest

It's not my job to think of them, it's Steams job to stay above the competition in every way possible so they can never catch up.

Considering less than 1% of steam users have VR though, that's not the way.

Thanks, I was expecting a faggoty dodge response and I got exactly that
Kill yourself ignorant dumbfuck

Right? This is almost as bad as that time they created Steam and made it necessary to play Half-Life 2, what the fuck were they thinking...

After following VR for years I'm hype as fuck to finally jump in with the index. I'm stocking up on my popcorn for the shitstorm though since HLVR strings keep being datamined. No matter if it's going to be a prequel or a remake, Yea Forums is absolutely going to implode.

it's not going to happen because Valve will not finish the game, the only vidya Valve had made recently is Sailens, CSGO battle royale meme, and Artifact

The only reason I'm even slightly optimistic is because the recent VR home update contained a bunch of new shit. I'd laugh if it got cancelled in the last few days since then though.

I can't fucking wait until enough fags here have VR headsets and we're all playing F2P poker games and shit together as FOTM Yea Forums shit

Vr headsets will never be cheap enough so that the majority of gamers own it

Never gonna happen, Yea Forums has a disproportionate amount of thirdies who can never afford VR at any price point

I don't need a majority of these niggers to own it, just enough people to play/fuck around on shit with

>People think Valve will be announcing ANY game, let alone something Half Life related

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The main problem is everybody who worked on HL left this shit tier company long time ago. There's is literally no way this won't be another shartifact.

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Shame it's 100% likely to be a disappointment. I'm hoping for eye tracking and foveated rendering but it won't happen. It will be a slight upgrade to the existing headsets on the market.

A lot of third worlders play in cyber cafes. I'm in the USA but I've even seen more VRcades popping up.

Boneworks will be an Epic Games Exclusive

While I'm not hyped at all, you people are pretty fucking young if your main complaint is "no one has a VR headset!!!!!!!!!!". When Half Life dropped, it was one of the first games I came across that required a dedicated GPU and yet look at what happened.
As someone itt mentioned, Half Life has always been a bit of a tech-demo, and after the promise of two, it's better to flop being the first "robust" VR title or whatever than flop as a regular game, because on the latter there's at least a chance of historical merit or whatever.

I would buy a VR headset instantly if they announced a new HL game, shame it'll never happen, the series is over.

>People still support Valve even though they haven't made a good game since 2007
>"Here's all this amazing VR tech that nobody gives a shit about, and here's a shitty card game nobody asked for"

Wew lad, and I thought that Blizzard fans were total retards

why would you even give a click to a site this shit lol

>Half Life dropped, it was one of the first games I came across that required a dedicated GPU

Most of the people aping about half life have absolutely no clue what made Half life what it is because they've played tons of games that utilized the gameplay mechanics that emerged from the fucking game already.
They just know OLD GOOD NEW BAD and ape everything they're told

>it was one of the first games I came across that required a dedicated GPU
That even isn't close to true, fucking larping ass 12 year old.

I played it in software rendering initially though I do recall being amazed at the rippling water when I got my voodoo card

>I came across
notice that sentence, i need you to analyze it

What is your top price Yea Forums? I am thinking I can't justify spending more then $650

half life was always a showcase of new technology.

What do you mean user? I bought it a decade after it released at 5$, surely MY experience is what everyone loves Half Life for?

Don't ask, I'm just hoping for the best
I love my Odyssey+ but I want a good screen AND lighthouse tracking and there's no way Valve will gouge people like HTC does

$200, anything higher is too much for me and for 99% of other gamers

$200 for headset or $600 if headset comes with PS5.

They're already really, really far beyond anyone else in the market.
>Controller compatibility layer
>Can even stream games to your other devices

They're pushing VR because it's probably the future of entertainment and a massive potential market.

Nice backtracking when you get called out by older anons. Dedicated GPUs and games that used them came way before Half Life you retared zoomer.

>there's a 0.0001% chance Valve will announce Half Life 3 this week

Gotta love the clickbait and immoral articles gaming """"journalists"""" pump out.

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>Here's all this amazing VR tech that nobody gives a shit about
(You) aren't everyone

>HL2 was terrible
Found the tasteless zoomer, point at him and laugh.

This is what you all deserve for supporting a monopoly that has stunted PC gaming beyond repair.

Hello, fellow Epic employee, what are you getting paid? I'm feeling a little disgruntled

thirdies go back to your peruvian version of Yea Forums please

It's going to be a full VR remake of the entirety of Half Life so far. So HL1, HL2 and all the episodes combined into a single game package with modern graphics in VR.
It will also be released for non-VR and will not be exclusive to VR. It will however be bundled with the Index on release (time sensitive sale, not permanent) and will come out on VR first and release for normal monitor play about 6 months later.

After everyone has been caught back up on the story so far, HL3 will be released about 4 years later for both VR and non-VR.

It was okay, but I think the mods/games that used the engine were better. I still play some multiplayer Source mods and VtMB is my all time favorite game

HL2 is actually a lot better in VR than it ever was flat
VTMB is neat too though it's really janky in VorpX due to all the menus
Hopefully VR mods get a lot better with the Index release drawing a lot more talent to the VR modding scene

HL2 may have been mediocre, but HL2 Episode 1 and 2 are unironically the greatest FPS games ever made

Will it be the sequel to HDTF we all wanted?


I can't wait until a proper VR Rape Simulation game is made where you stalk women and rape them violently.

Half because it makes my dick hard and half because the SJW outrage for the "Rapist Training Simulator" will be hilarious. When it does happen just remember to download it quick before they manage to get it banned in the west or something.

Literally nobody puts that much effort into porn games anymore

It's a damn shame too. There's a very real market for this shit and everyone is too lazy or afraid of the backlash to put real effort into a proper game.

Here's hoping the Studio FOW's cuckfest game makes enough money to show people that there's a real market for porn games so that some actual good ones start getting made.

Well, there's this porn game called "The Rack 2" or something like that which is pretty good but... well... it's furry shit

Patreon milking is just too stable and low effort, not to mention if you upset the wrong people they can axe you for no reason by banning you from Patreon, banning you from payment processors, etc.

Have to hand it to the furries, they know how to filter undesirables just by being disgusting. Yea Forums used to know how to do that too.



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>and half because the SJW outrage for the "Rapist Training Simulator" will be hilarious.
It might be scary to some people but I think having a VR alternative would probably prevent actual rapes

>VTMB is neat too though it's really janky in VorpX due to all the menus
I forgot about the menus. How does melee work in VR, since it's third person?

But still, I'd love to try VtMB and Silent Hill 1 in virtual reality. System Shock 2 and Deus Ex would also probably be really awesome.

Press-button melee in VR just isn't remarkable in the first place while first person shooting is much more comfortable, even with nosegunning. If you're mad enough to try it the sudden perspective shifts are...jarring.
I tried SH3 in SBS3D and Heather is very cute but boy do those games have fucked up camera physics so forget headtracking.
Fatal Frame was interesting thanks to have a first-person mechanic (camera) though I haven't played much.
Unfortunately VorpX handles SS2 poorly to the point it's not worth it which is a shame because that's the game I wanted to play the most in VR.

>Press-button melee in VR just isn't remarkable in the first place while first person shooting is much more comfortable, even with nosegunning. If you're mad enough to try it the sudden perspective shifts are...jarring.
I think there's a first person melee mod with the Unofficial Patch if you can get that to work in VR then. Might make it a little better.

>Unfortunately VorpX handles SS2 poorly to the point it's not worth it which is a shame because that's the game I wanted to play the most in VR.
That really sucks, but it's still a fairly popular game so it'll probably work right at some point. Especially if 3 turns out to be a flop, might get more people looking into what can be done with 2.

You're replying to another guy but it doesn't change the fact that the two games I came across that required a dedicated GPU were Half Life and some LotR licensed game for Fellowship of the Ring.
Sorry mate.

Calling it now; Half-Life VR will be THE biggest failure in the history of video games. Yes, it will fail harder than Lawbreakers.

if that doesn't sound like a 10/10 gaming experience you're a fag

Index is going to flop so hard.

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flop its dick on your face lmao

Unironically this
>inb4 zoomer
I actually prefer HL1 even the rails part

review bombing doesn't work on steam anymore there wouldn't be a point, unless it were to vent some steam...

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I hope all of Yea Forums is united in review bombing any and all future Valve projects that explicitly isn't Half-Life 3.

Wait a second
>about to release new hl game
>they know everyone will hate and try to review bomb it
>lets hide the negative reviews guys

It was planned all along

Yeah bro, we'll bring valve to it's knees

>vent some steam

Attached: 192[2].png (828x766, 211K)

>make something else
>review bombed for not being hl3
>make hl3
>review bombed for being vr
They are trapped

VR is a spook

Then Valve needs to learn their place. Cancel VR, and focus 100% on making Half-Life 3 (without any shitty gimmicks like VR) at the expense of everything else.

Imagine living in the third world and having an ego this massive.
An insurgent group could roll in and execute you right now and nothing would change dude.

lol wtf is hl3 going to be made to push then?

>the company that pretty much owns pc gaming needs to learn their place or I will give them bad reviews on their own platform

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>Laying the groundwork for a crazy good FPS campaign in VR is one of the only ways Half Life 3 could live up to the immense promise. There simply is no way Valve is going to be able to pull off the level of jaw-dropping trailblazing required to make good on a series known for dropping jaws without diving into a new technology like VR.
Except locomotion in VR makes the vast majority of people sick for a couple of WEEKS.

You might be able to power through it in a few days if you're a god or a genetic freak, but no company is ever going to make a game that makes people sick.

Which means the best VR has to offer is teleport garbage and standing experiences. These can be fun, Superhot was a good couple of hours and Beat Saber is the kind of game you could potentially play for a while if you're an Osu retard, but nobody is going to be playing a 20 hour campaign game in VR.

You only have to look at how Steam have behaved in the past 3 years to realise that this is a last ditch effort to recoup some losses. SteamVR is hot garbage. It's buggy, it crashes a lot, it's the very opposite of user friendly, and most of the features are hidden in the 80 different types of menu it has and not mentioned in any documentation.

I don't know why Valve fanboys are delusional enough to believe that they're suddenly going to revamp a dying market.

>SteamVR is hot garbage. It's buggy, it crashes a lot, it's the very opposite of user friendly, and most of the features are hidden in the 80 different types of menu it has and not mentioned in any documentation.
Pretty much par for the course for VR across all platforms
Such is life on the bleeding edge of technology. Rome was not built in a day, neither was Steam, neither will VR which was rushed to market by Oculus way before it was ready for primetime.

>not even a sequel to hl2 ep2 so we still won't know what happened after that big ass cliff hanger
Gordon and Alyx find the ship, Breen is a slug, there's a dyson sphere and G-Man leaves Gordon to die before the vorts save him. the end.

Index is already a failure.

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dude who cares this is the first HL title in over 10 years and the first actual valve title that isn't a card game in who knows how long, anything is good at this point
we're all desperate

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A VR game is never good, and making a Half-Life title a VR game is an insult to Half-Life's good name.

>Rome was not built in a day, neither was Steam, neither will VR which was rushed to market by Oculus way before it was ready for primetime.
Steam VR has been out for THREE FUCKING YEARS. Not only is it a buggy piece of shit, lots of important features are straight up broken, and have been for years without any intern bothering to fix them.

The other day, I was looking into how to replace the controller models in VR home, only to find out that this feature had been accidentally broken in 2017, and never fixed. VR home itself has been in "beta" for years, and you're honestly better off disabling it entirely and doing all your game selection from the laggy desktop display, because it kills performance and constantly pops up errors.

I'm glad all these pretentious retards will be left in the dust
Bye poorfags :^)

just like how they forced DVD drives and Steam with HL2

>VR game is never good
> Half-Life's good name

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>be poorfag
>no vr
>buy hlvr just to leave a review complaining that it's a VR game instead of a game you can actually play

Don't forget to refund immediately afterward so you don't lose money to Valve's bullshit.

lmao you fucking retard, you're trying to compare brand new technology to shit that was established over decades of refinement. Steam was a shitshow for ages at the beginning.
Just go back to playing flat games until all the kinks have been worked out. It's going to take a while because the hardware has been in flux over these past three years with about the only "stable" part being the OG vive and Rift CV. Sounds like it'll be easy for you to manage because you loathe VR.

Like it's been said, HL games were always part tech demo. The "gimmicks" you don't want would mean Valve isn't making the games with their original purpose in mind, which was to be fun, but also to showcase what their engine is capable of to other modders and devs so that they want to use it too.

These grapes are pretty good

Imagine paying 800 bucks for something that doesn't even work properly.

I don't think I've had even a single smooth VR experience. Honestly, the hardware is great. The tracking is solid, everything works fine when you get lucky and bluetooth connects properly, your controllers don't DC for no reason, and your headset doesn't die and require a hard reset by unplugging the breakout box from USB and the power supply.

The problem is purely one of software. I have lost fucking count of the number of times I've had to remove my headset just to click on something on-screen, enter a keyboard command, or do some kind of basic function.

You know how hard it is to double click in VR? It's almost impossible, I have to generally mash the trigger about 10 times to get it to recognise because the cursor is jumping around too fast for windows to understand. So, you'd think you could just use right click, right? Except that's mapped to the trackpad, and 95% of the time the trackpad decides that you don't really want to right click, you want to adjust the fucking system volume.

For a system that blinds you to the world so well, it's astonishing just how much it still relies on you having access to that world to configure things.

>Getting THIS riled up over an obvious shitpost
WOW, that's fucking pathetic

>Steam VR has been out for THREE FUCKING YEARS
That's really not that long if you use previous generations of gaming as a comparison to see how long it took for them to develop.

Imagine thinking that three years is an acceptable time period for something with totally static hardware and requirements to have utterly stalled in development for.

You know what happened in the 3 years between HL2 and the Orange Box? A fucking lot. Steam got a lot better in terms of performance and basic usability. What's happened with VR in the same time frame? A few garbage indie titles have come out, and steamVR today is somehow less usable than it used to be.

None of these issues should take more than a week of development to fix, though. The problem is that nobody gives a shit, Valve have abandoned VR on the software side entirely, and they were the only ones making any kind of effort.

EP2 didnt have a cliff hanger, they had shut down the combine portal and were going to where juddith was, them advisors happened.

It was a emotional ending.

>says while dancing in fortnite

u mad?

The rare bad ending

I would pay $500 max. I'm from Brazil so the taxes here will double the price.

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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I hope they make a comfy automation video for it & knuckles

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An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded

there is a 1% chance fallout new vegas 2 will be announced next year
there is a 1% chance stalker 2 will be released tomorrow
there is a 1% chance clickbait news titles will die soon

boneworks is hl3 spiritual successor, it's pretty clear that devs are trying to make a point with their gameplay featuring not-headcrabs being beaten with not-hl2 crowbar in a place that uses hl2-like textures for all of the enviroment around, including placeholder grids and placeholder orange walls/floors. it has everything, it's a game that attempts to take its kind of vidya to the new level, it tries to master available technology, it has the right kind of attention to detail

Boneworks looks like a shit version of HL2 at best. I can't honestly imagine being excited for this shit, especially when fucking modders are getting shit like Gmod working in VR which looks TEN times better than anything in boneworks.

>being poor

Honestly poorfags on 4xhan are the most unlikable people on here so I dont even feel bad. Price keeping poorfags out of vr is why multiplayer vr games are still fun and enjoyable. Look at vr chat and how shit it is now to see what poorfags do to games. The world should not be built around catering to failures.

That does look fantastic

>checking steam page
>"Meня yжe тoшнит oт твoeй виpтyaльнoй peaльнocти, peaльнo"
>"I'm already sick of your virtual reality, really"

Attached: 1447606683828.jpg (297x370, 51K)

Really gives you a glimpse of the "people" that are in the know about how bad VR is

>Tyler has just uploaded damage control
>"The hype was caused by valve, not the community (eg me)."
>"You shouldn't expect good prices, like I've been saying"
>"Because of bullshit reasons, we won't be getting games, like I've been baseding out about for the last month"

Attached: 1554102294769.gif (250x250, 177K)

>Price keeping poorfags out of vr is why multiplayer vr games are still fun and enjoyable.
Multiplayer VR is hot garbage. Pavlov is filled with 1deag spergs, Onward is camping sim trash, and Rec Room is literally so filled with kids that I feel ashamed playing it.

It's honestly amazing the level of buyer's remorse VR cultists have. Imagine trying to pretend only having 20 active players online at any given time is somehow a GOOD thing.

At most they might release a demo of those times you were stuck in a room with someone yammering about something. They'll call it "Half-Life: Abridged" with HD models.
Maybe let you play with the gravity gun or the gnome or something.

Because the main issue with VR is that enemies can only interact with the player with projectiles. They can't knock over the PC or throw them over a cliff. Even some of the swordfighting webms I see, there seems to be no incentive for the player to dodge any swipes.

holy shit does he ramble on

You know you can turn that "filter" off, right? I mean you're not that stupid, are you anons?

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>Even some of the swordfighting webms I see, there seems to be no incentive for the player to dodge any swipes.
This is generally because damage in VR feels so toothless.

You can't move a players view to show damage because they'll get sick, and things like bloody screen so real lose all impact. So you're stuck either making games where one hit means death, or games where damage is just a regenerating invisible bar that players treat as a time limit for fights, because it's impossible to really understand why a hit did 30 damage instead of 10 as a player.

Most melee combat can be cheesed by waggling. The problem is that there's no way for a motion controller to even simulate the weight of a weapon well.

This is why it's generally easier and better to go with a more arcady style of melee combat, like gorn or that new Asgard game.

Sure, and those games feel like absolute garbage that only retards can enjoy, because they're participation medal themepark games.

Most games these days are themepark bullshit with no challenge, but VR really takes it to the next level. With melee especially, at least with gun combat there's the possibility of aiming, although the terrible resolution makes this pretty infeasible at any distances that would actually require skill, but I can see that issue being solved in 20 years as resolutions increase to something more lifelike.

But melee? It's going to feel like boring shit forever.

insider here
boneworks + hl3 + the gallery trilogy bundle
you heard it here first folks

I'm down. Fuck Valve

Who cares? Valve isn't a game dev

Steam is fucking good though, dumb sonycück.

Half-Life has been dead for a long time