'Minecraft’ Creator Excluded From Anniversary Due to ‘Comments and Opinions’

>Minecraft creator Marcus “Notch” Persson, who sold the title to Microsoft or $2.5 billion in 2014, won’t be part of 10-year anniversary plans for the game because of his “comments and opinions,” Microsoft tells Variety.

>“His comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or Mojang and are not representative of ‘Minecraft,” a Microsoft spokesperson told Variety.

>Persson, once an involved member of the video game development community, has increasingly ostracized himself with his Twitter comments, including transphobic statements and comments about a “heterosexual pride day,” and that “it’s ok to be white.” Persson has about 3.7 million followers on Twitter.


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=kill white people&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX_MScpvfhAhUFmIsKHd04Cz4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1680&bih=976#imgrc=_

i thought it was because he doesnt own the IP anymore or something, not because of some stupid twitter posts
also use an archive link you faggot

based and redpilled.

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Surprise, surprise, the grown ass billionaire who ripped off a Lego video game acts like an autist.

The "heterosexual pride parade" thing was actually pretty bad.

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He's a fatass edgelord who's very online. He has no value to anyone anymore. He should come here and troll Yea Forums with the other degenerates until his inevitable suicide.

>make an autist game in java for shits
>game takes off
>sell it for 2.5 billion
>don't get innvited to an event
why would anyone give a single fuck, given that amount of money. if that was me, i'd literally throw a party with coke and high class hoes on the same fucking day and stream that shit on the internet while giving exactly zero fucks. even more, i'd break fucking mathematics and give negative amount of fucks, so there'd have to be people in the room with me to actually give some fucks so the reality doesn't implode.

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Oh no! They gave him 2.5 billion dollars AND took his name out of the credits? How will he sleep at night, OP?

>Persson, once an involved member of the video game development community, has increasingly ostracized himself with his Twitter comments, including transphobic statements and comments about a “heterosexual pride day,” and that “it’s ok to be white.” Persson has about 3.7 million followers on Twitter.
>comments about a “heterosexual pride day,” and that “it’s ok to be white.”
The horror!

mean to say guest list*

Mojang's offices are located in the same building as the ballet school I used to go to. You wouldn't even know they were there if you didn't read the tiny-ass sign on the back.

What's bad about that tweet?

It should be illegal for one person to have billions of dollars.

>“it’s ok to be white.”
The fact that is considered so controversial is exactly why it needs to be said.



I thought it was because he fucked over his team for some big bucks?

he has all the money in the world to fuel his ennui, he probably doesnt care

That's right, it shouldn't be his money at all.

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this. judging by the shit the man says all day on twitter he clearly doesn't give 2 shits what anybody thinks about him. he's reached monty burns status

It's controversial because it's a white nationalist meme. No one said it's not okay to be white. It expresses a feeling of victimization that comes from buying into white nationalist thought.

>No one said it's not okay to be white

Attached: I like your ass.jpg (600x315, 11K)

Seems to me Notch would vastly prefer validation of his beliefs about society than being honored or something by Microsoft


What the fuck is supposedly so wrong about white nationalism?

if hitler said to brush your teeth you would stop brushing your teeth

>No one said it's not okay to be white

You wanna check the facts on that one, Chief?

What if I said “it’s ok to not give a fuck about black people”. Does that also make me a white nationalist?

What was that "Rule" that SJW's had again?
Think it was something like "The comments on a thread saying feminism is needed prove that it's actually needed"?
We just need to turn that against them.

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You shouldn't want to shoot people who don't buy into giving the status quo an arbitrary, snarky, participation trophy for not having to worry about being murdered for kissing the one you love in public.

> it's a white nationalist meme
>No one said it's not okay to be white

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Notch has reached Bruce Wayne status

>No one said it's not okay to be white.
Nobody is falling for your gaslighting anymore, faggot

Don't even bother

>none of his opinions are concepts that are actually at the detriment of any minorities or group
The power of narrative control

i didn't know being white was a nation

my only problem with the situation in general is how much of a boring and sad faggot notch is.

he has all this money and doesnt do shit with it.

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Joking or not joking I hope you die faggot

This is exactly why Fascism is becoming so attractive to young men. You say that it's totally okay to be white, but in the same sentence say that it's a "white nationalist meme" to say that it's okay to be white. It either is or isn't okay to be white, if it's okay to be white, then it's okay to say it's okay to be white. If it isn't okay to be white, then the White Nationalists are right.

Since when Yea Forums are no more defending racist and transphobic talks?

Microsoft as a private organization has no obligation to associate with a controversial individual.
Its not a fucking conspiracy to control narrative, its a company protecting their brand from a cunt that takes joy in triggering people

Who is saying it's not okay to be white?

A white nationalist's ultimate goal is creating a white ethnostate. This cannot be enforced without the violent removal of non-whites.

Apparently Hitler was a globalist, so I extra don't know what that has to do with anything.

>No one said it's not okay to be white
Yeah I don't know about that one chief

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he's probably gone through the rounds of what kind of attention and partying can be bought with money and found out he doesn't particularly enjoy any of it

well, he could do some indie curation or whatever, but it's his choice and i don't hate him for it.


The entire reason it became a "white nationalist meme" is because people decided to put up posters and meme it up everywhere, gambling that everyone would freak the fuck out about it. And they did, proving their point. You do realize if no one had gave a shit about saying "it's ok to be white" and just said, yeah cool bro, no one would care, right? You could put up posters saying "it's ok to be black/asian/a fucking martian" and no one would bat an eye, but somehow the same statement when applied to whites is evil? The entire reason the meme blew up is because it exposes the way so many people actually think, which is to say, they don't think it's ok to be white at all.

>autist who created game for autists does autistic shit

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You're making the mistake of equating being white with being a white nationalist. It's okay to be black, but it's not okay to he a black nationalist. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

whites so btfod they need to go hide in a safe space.
What a joke, no wonder theyre race is declining

It's okay to be black.

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I'm pretty sure he already does that.

Even if basic empathy doesn't clue you in, the goals of white nationalism are impossible to achieve without mass state violence and disenfranchisement.
If your question is then "what's wrong with facism tho", consider that no facist movement has ever been content to target only its inital enemy, and will continue to vilify arbitrary groups to preserve its power. And eventually, one of those groups will be one you care about or belong to.
TLDR: Because you are a rational actor with a healthy self-interest

he's a twitter warrior sperg he could cause tons of havoc online with the money he has but he sticks to really weak shit.
like he doesnt even use it for the things he enjoys and does all day and that just reflects how much of a boring and stupid faggot he is.

>Who is saying it's not okay to be white?
google.com/search?q=kill white people&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX_MScpvfhAhUFmIsKHd04Cz4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1680&bih=976#imgrc=_

No, that's an international thought across races. Even black people.

This post sums up in a paragraph not only why Donald Trump got elected, but why zoomers are becoming unironic Nazis and White Nationalists.

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'Its ok to be white' literally is a white nationalist meme that they use in response to people advocating for rights of minorities or women because of the epic jewish conspiracy than any such civil rights movement is a conspiracy to destroy the white race.
I dont give a fuck if you think rights advocacy is legitimate, but to ignore that context is dishonest

>unlimited responses everything

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>violent removal of
Fuck em.
Each race should have its own nations baring massive sociatial failure like south africa or whatever the fuck happened to sweden

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>we reached a point where people are offended openly by the phrase 'its okay to be white'
clown world

>a bunch of literal whos
>many of whom are white
is this what they mean by white fragility?

Takes a idiotic idea then runs desperate with it. It'd be funny if he just mentioned it but then he had to go REEE YOU FUCKING GET SHOT REEE like some retard.

>This cannot be enforced without the violent removal of non-whites
Yes, and?
Why would I as a white man, have any issues with that?
Securing living space for my race is a good thing. Non-whites belong to a competing biological population and their existence in my peoples territory is detrimental to us.


maybe he's grown some kind of complex about using his money now, even for himself. idk

>wtf y is the guy that sed he wants ppl shot not invited at a gathering after numerous places were shot up this year
This board is so dumb. Learn to think before you hunt for Jew witches.
And stop making this thread every hour.

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What the fuck happened, he made it big, he had a wife, he had a comfy group of friends to code and have fun with, how did he screw it all up so completely?

>No one said it's not okay to be white, but you're not allowed to say it's okay to be white
lmaoing @ these mental gymnastics

>No one said it's not okay to be white
Nice try, Era.

> brb destroying my country to own the libs
America doesn't deserve to exist

>theyre race is declining
yea and so is that grammar. nigger

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And that's why it's okay to be white, but it's not okay to post white nationalist memes.

>who is saying that?
>these people
>lol they don't count
fuck off

You are absolutely fucking retarded

We are RIGHTFUL citizens.

Browse it frequently huh?

So then it is okay to say "It's okay to be white" or "I'm happy I'm white"?

Notch has a fucking terrible personality as you can see by reading his twitter, proof that all the money in the world doesnt stop you being a fucking loser

his wife left when he was a fledgling millionaire. should've waited another year or two, but if the money wasn't enough to keep her around maybe she really did want to get out ASAP for her sanity

>be filthy rich
>screw up
the fuck you on about bitch

Yes and? There's literally nothing wrong with nationalism.

>whatever the fuck happened to Sweden
Its amazing here, you've been lied to
>t. american living in scandinavia

If there are no foreigners in your nation, who gets blamed for its failures next?
Or are ethnostates somehow solve every problem a society faces?

Seething white cuck.
remember to give up now and dont have kids.
if you do your grandkids will be mullatos anyways.

I mean the existence internationalist near-monopolies help contribute to the legit fascist part. Why the fuck should some cheap chink slave labor even be allowed to be sold here? Why continually allow the companies who move away for said near slave labor market access?
There is a reason the established republicans are now disfavored and being voted out in favor of outsider, right leaning-centrists or hoppe type libertarians who are both nationalist, but hands off about it.

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It doesn't. At least you and the Fascists can agree.

>This cannot be enforced without the violent removal of non-whites.
Or you know, not importing them en masse in the first place.

Who is saying it's not okay to be white? Is there a movement saying "it's not okay to be white" which prompts "it's okay to be white"? Is this an "all lives matter" sort of thing that came from "it's okay to be black"?

>"guys saying your race is nice is okay, you can be proud of who you are"
>"unless you are white, you're no allowed to say it"
fuck off

if you honestly think that, then by doing nothing you're a failure to your race :)

By that own logic it forces the population to blame themselves, then as always work to fix whatever the fuck is wrong as not to feel like shit

that doesn't answer the question at all. If no one is saying it's not okay to be white, then why is saying "It's okay to be white" controversial in any sense?

Protip: just because voilence is necessary doesnt mean it's desirable.

>Who is saying it's not okay to be white?
a shitload of retards in america

Stockholm had GRENADE ATTACKS!
You lazy urbanite trash!
t. Dane

And they freaked out because it was linked to /pol/ and it was obvious that it was a white nationalist meme. You're autistic enough to think the people doing this don't have obvious intentions and it's just a harmless meme.

You mean like muslims do?
The third world is a terrible place to be gay

A piece of paper does not make you a members of my race let alone warrant any amount of solidarity from me to you, nor do I expect any from you either. As far as I am concerned, people who don't belong to my race will always fall to the category of a competing outsider when it comes to determining my own ingroup.
In short, your citizenship doesn't matter jack shit to me, as I see you as a member of a biologically different competing population and as such, a threat.

Who specifically? What group or movement had this stance in America that this is a response to?

>be hated and alone
>spend his days whining on twitter
Money isn't everything, brainlet

It's not so much about autism as it is just being dishonest.

i'm alone except for my immediate family, if i had 2,5 billion dollars i'd be the happiest person on the planet

You're willing ignoring the argument and simplifying things because you are a remedial faggot.
Don't lie to me and say that "ITS OK TO BE WHITE DURR" is completely innocent when its always used by triggered poltards in response to rights movements or feminism or immigrants or whatever boogey man is trying to undermine western civilization. The entirety of the alt-right movement runs on this conspiracy theory you dishonest bitch

honestly he brought this upon himself.
there's being a little right wing/conservative and then there's being an obnoxious fatfuck about some shit you probably watched a 10 minute youtube video on or on /pol/.
by the way you fatfuck, good job on never finishing your fucking game.

you wouldnt

You sound just like the chimps you claim to hate

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A certain level of it should always be desirable as to keep its place in the public eye as a necessity

We are not talking genocide, just deportation at most unless some leftie / urban cunts actually try and start something. Then they would die.


What exactly is wrong with that? Seriously, if I won the lottery I'd buy the biggest plot of land, run a wall around it and build a house in the middle. I would LOVE to be alone.

The thing is, if the average person sees a "it's okay to be black" poster, they shrug and continue on with their day, but if they see a "It's okay to be white" poster they immediately have a visceral reaction. Why do you think that is?

>few cars burned no one died
LMAO you Scandinavians have no idea how good you have it bro. I'm from fucking LA, lets permanently trade places


Originally the whole point of it was as what said. That it's somehow inherently controversial for absolutely no offense. On it's own it should be passed up as a nothing statement. It shouldn't be looked at any differently as "It's ok to be female" or "it's ok to go to church". It's the most effortless and yet poignant rebuttal of this popular "sins of the father" mentality that's dominated Social Sciences.
>white nationalist meme
And here's where we can use it as the perfect example of appropriation and narrative control. White Nationalism/Alt-Right is the new boogeyman, the new Red Scare. The actual numbers for Alt-Right supporters is pathetically low, reported to be in the 5,000s. When given actual criteria and precision of language is applied, we can designate Alt-Right as a tangible group as opposed to a faceless horde that we never see. So why is it always reported as if it's millions of angry racists? Because the Alt-Right in its colloquial usage is usually used as "anyone right of center" designation to drum up fear/hate by those who believe their agenda/politics are the inherent good. Tie in how it's become popular to "trigger the libs", and you have a fraction of a percentage of the population being represented as if they are a majority because theyre surrounded by those that just want to rebel/take the piss/be the new counter culture. So here comes this statement, that anyone should just pass as if it's nothing (because that's a possible action to take, ignore it), and it's causing "the Libs" to lose their fucking minds. Why wouldn't meme machines as well as actual Alt-Right and White Nationalists take advantage? More ammunition in their perceived Culture War? CNN will cover it and call it obscene, more people will lash out in absolute disgust/anger at the sight of "It's ok to be White" because of its implied connotations, and everyone else will continue on shitposting.

It's both fascinating and disturbing how things have become.

Its okay to be a refugee residing in europe.

There's all sorts of white festivals and celebrations. Whites won the culture war. Cultural victory, if this were civ. Everyone is wearing out jeans.

Fuck it.

John Brown Gun Club
Redneck Revolt (Personally my most hated. Applachain myself and they are dragging our ancestors who fought in the mine wars through the dirt! Unionist is not communist!)
The LITERAL DNC is several addresses
Bernie "New sports car" Sanders

Need I fucking go on?

ITT: People saying white nationalist memes are actually harmless jokes
Also ITT: white nationalists defending ethnic cleansing
Seems legit

>Is there a movement saying "it's not okay to be white"
Pretty much, but that doesn't really matter when your entire argumentative stance boils down to pretending to be oblivious.
You're not the first one to do this, it didn't work the first 1000 attempts, it won't now. What you're effectively trying to do is convincing everyone you're a retard. Yes, I know your college prof or some other retard told you it's a briliant strategy. The catch is, it's entirely reliant on empathetic reaction to weakness and "oh look, it's just a non-threatening retard, how cute" response. And that's just not how Yea Forums treats retards.

When I see a post like this, I have a hard time putting myself in the position of the person typing it.
Like, have you taken a history class? You remember the whole slavery thing? Jim Crow laws? Current white supremacy movements and racism?
You REALLY don't understand the difference?

>some people are using a word, signal or sentence with a slightly malicious intent
>everybody has to stop using it
fucking look at yourself. and it's not even bad in itself, it's just retards got so triggered by a completely normal sentence ebcause they're retards, and now nobody can use it in case retards get triggered. it's like with the whole white power hand sign, which isn't white power haand sign at all but idiots trolled retards and now you can't use it, becausse retards trolled by idiots will get mad about it.
it's all your fucking fault it's like this.

>muh laws are the sole arbiter of truth and morality

Top fucking lel. Laws are social constructs, man made rules, enforced ultimately via violence, and also eternally malleable. No law has the power to make me view racial aliens as my kin.

>The actual numbers for Alt-Right supporters is pathetically low, reported to be in the 5,000s
Where did you pull that number from?
I wish it was that low, maybe Yea Forums would be less of a shithole

The poor and criminals?
The combination of those usually being poor foreigners and foreign criminals.
Once they become external threats it's more of a fight keeping them out.

Report all intentional trolls

Attached: The pol screaming troll.jpg (816x1356, 378K)


antifa is a reaction to the alt-right, the clue is in the name

of course i would you dip.


No you just have the self awareness of a brick.

>Bernie "New sports car" Sanders
Get off Yea Forums grandpa, go shit on the Libturds on facebook

Nein, I may be overtaxed, but at least we are not full communist like that shithole

Antifa isn't saying it's not okay to be white. They're mostly white people. You aren't making any sense. Please back that up with a source that their stance is that it isn't okay to be white.

name one where only whites are allowed

Japan is a good example you cum gurgling retard.

yeah okay, and antifa's criterion of "fascist" includes everything from my 80 year old grandma to my german shepard

>everybody has to stop using
We aren't arguing that. You seem to think that people should be free from judgement for the speech they use, and its not how it works. You are still ignoring the reason its a controversal statement so theres no reason in continuing this conversation

First, fuck you

Second I think he means Richard 'Totally non controlled opposition' Spencers boys.

>omg have you never heard of these bad things!
why are you all like this? why do you all assume you have special knowledge of the past that not everyone else knows? you obviously know that it isn't okay to be white in mainstream culture, why are you pretending that you don't?

It literally started to point out the hatred towards white people. Campuses freaked the fuck out, and they equated that phrase with white nationalism because they had no other way to hate on it without saying they hate white people, which ultimately it's a growing sentiment now more than ever. It showcased what every white male was feeling, hated. It did so perfectly. To say it's white nationalism is to undermine the real reason they want it to be white nationalism, because they can't just say j hate whitey. Even saying something critical against BLM marks you as a target and a white nationalist. It's all very poorly constructed, a house of cards ready to fall. Keep pretending feminism and the left don't have a bias against masculinity and white man, but the truth is even the psychological association now deems masculinity problematic.

>enforced ultimately via violence,
Yeah, and that's why you're boutta finna get dabbed on by a SWAT team like Etika did.

Plenty white men have friends and family that aren't white. I care a lot more about my personal friends and family than "the white race." And why should I as an Irish guy feel a bond with every other type of white person? There's not one unified white culture. I feel closer to the Filipinos that go to my church than some random WASP.

Stay mad you dumb fuckin' niggers and always remember...

It's okay to be white. :)

We dindu nuffin! We just want to murder and remove everyone we annexed and imported because it's okay to be white!

>like he doesnt even use it for the things he enjoys
He bought some rare Aphex Twin vinyl for almost 50k

How is saying "it's ok to be white" an "obvious white nationalist meme"? It's not even a statement like "it's great to be white", just "it's ok" and somehow it's wrong to say that? Is it really so hard to see why it worked so well, when people reacted so negatively to a neutral statement that no one would've cared about at all if applied to any other race? If Nation Of Islam members had gone around putting up posters saying "it's ok to be black" would it have been vilified? Of course not, because no one takes any issue with that statement even when it's coming from fringe or radicalized political groups. Except, in the case of whites, it's somehow a problem? The reaction to the meme proved the very point it was making to begin with, which is why it was so successful.

it's okay to be thanos

>the fucking LARPing itt

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It's almost like we aren't all the same fucking person, holy shit what a crazy concept amirite?

Gay people being killed for being gay in the West is so fucking rare statistically and yet you faggots proclaim that you're facing a genocide.

You will all be mutted up, like in South America. Enjoy Brazil 2.0

They freaked out because it's an obvious white nationalist meme from /pol/.

>Antifa: tear down the family! destroy the institutions of whiteness! open borders for all! destroy the hierarchy and begin the Anarcho-Communist revolution!
>normal people: please don't do that
>Antifa: found a fascist! kick his ass!

thats not what the alt-right is
you cant put a number on people who hold a belief

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>You seem to think that people should be free from judgement for the speech they use
no i don't, but now you're gaslighting me into thinking it's wrong to use, it, it won't work
> You are still ignoring the reason its a controversal statement
no, i specifically said why is it "controversial", because of retards. in reality, it's not controversial at all, just like saying it'ss okay to be black, or asian, or it's okay to be a blue colllar worker or a single mother. it's okay to be all these things and it's okay to say it's okay. if you think otherwise, then it's your problem, not those people problem.

I'd like to see them try reaching me here in Europe.

That civic nationalist mentality of yours is not shared by majority of humanity.

So foreigners are gone, the only criminals and poor are of the white master race.
Then what?
Whatever you choose, you'll have opponents saying you've broken with your ideology. How do you deal with them?
Remember: the society you've created has established that you deal with your problems through violent relocation, at best.

/v is just /pol2

Alright Yea Forums, it's that time again!
Who wants to play "spot the subhuman ape" again??

Tell your grandma to stop being a fucking fascist boomer and off herself already. 80 years of being a boomer parasite is plenty.
Day of the pillow soon.

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The point was to get liberals to freak out over an innocuous word to in turn increase the number of white identity supporters.

Basically you can't win this. You freak out, and you fulfill the meme's goal. You can't ignore it because people will see that meme and get reminded to go to Yea Forums /pol/.

Oh no I totally agree on that,
The term is a lazy, 'catch all' for anyone right of centrist but I was saying the number given was likely to ta a certain *cough*faked*cough* rally

Eat shit retard, what some other mongoloid did 80 150 years ago that isn't related to me has no bearing on it being ok to be my race.
>oh NOOOOOOOOOO a white person did something bad at some prior point in history, guess we should fix this issue by
a) Trying hard to figure out how and why it happened and then working on solving the issue
b) Blame every current member of said race for not owning a time machine or not being enrolled in Hogwarts, all but guaranteeing that it will happen again

But it was the truth, they could openly say, that that phrase isn't ok. It's not ok to be white, it's problematic. Are you seriously ignoring all the shit the fling at white males in the media and in news articles?? Are you foe real right now??

/pol/ had threads about it. It's putting forth the narrative that there is an oppressive group saying it's not okay to be white, that it accepts that narrative, the white nationalist narrative.

notch is /our guy/

Unironically true. Goes to show how nobody actually understands.

We're not giving up the board just yet, trannies

OH NO NO NO NO! When Merkel sees what you've been posting...*WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE* Whole continent boutta finna dab on you

>In short, your citizenship doesn't matter jack shit to me, as I see you as a member of a biologically different competing population and as such, a threat.
literally monkey tier

So I misr-emembered the numbers. 5,000 is the estimated membership of the KKK. So replace my statement about the actual numbers of Alt-Right and just use the phrase "meaninglessly small". Because, as the links I'll post point out, actual Alt-Right membership doesn't exist. It's loosely thrown together of groups that constantly shift, and seem to just be used as troll fuel.


Because that IS the meme. Are you dense?

Why do lonely neets who spend their lifes cumming on anime figurines instead of getting married act like they care about "the family"?

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I ain't a German, you nigger

I mean they do got that baller leading them now. Landowners got guns again thanks to him and the biased schools getting a hard investigation. A good first step.

get dabbed on

Attached: dab.gif (554x400, 45K)

>live in slavland
>my country told eu to fuck off with immigrants

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getting screwed by a roastie truly transformed him. God bless him

Look at this fucking brainlet.

Europe is not one country and Merkel doesn't rule anything outside of Germany, retard.

Notch is insane. He has all this money but he does nothing but vomit alt right bullshit on Twitter. What an idiot.

Whay about that kid dancing for money in new york to gay men?? Apparently that's ok. That's pretty Fucking ok. Can that be considered bad?? Am i allowed to say fuck these degenerates?? Is that too problematic?? Please i wanna know I don't want to be ostracized for wrongthink.

Either we're all guilty of the sins of our Fathers, now and forever, or none of us are.

You don't get to pick and choose arbitrarily.

I feel little sympathy for him. Someone who's having a hard life maybe but this moron acting like some NEET in his little mansion, I'm expected to sympathise with this freak? Uh, muh white man. Why would you even care if you were a billionaire... oh, unless people don't actually respect him and his billions are a joke. Oh yeah, they are, he sold out.

The world we live in.

If you hold right-wing opinions then those in power will just unperson you out of existence.

You first zoomzoom, like quit blaming all your problems on some old fucks, maybe get a realistic career goal instead of "DURR ME WANT BE LIKE NINJA AND PLAY GAME ALL DAY YIPEE" and you wouldn't be whining about how they fucked everything up lmao
Day of the tidepods can't come sooner.

>everyone's a fat retarded loser like me
okay user

> Japan is a good country
I never realised the hallmarks of an ethno-utopia were rising povery, higher average age, child abuse and plummeting birthrates

>uh i actually talked about something different
>but it's still the number i think it is becaause uhhhh, i want it to.

>look at me, I am so civilized that I completely forgo looking for the self interests of the population to which I belong.

I have no desire to serve the interests of competing peoples.

Yea Forums - Video Games

just because you're a lonely tranny who will never reproduce doesn't mean the rest of us are.

That's not what /pol/ told me

It is okay to be white. No one is saying it's not. This loss of nuance you're selectively displaying would lead to people removing swastikas from Asian art as it could be seen as "nazi" by nature of it being appropriated. They see the meme as white nationalist activity because that's actually what it is, straight from /pol/.

You're an obvious faggot, still sad that Tyrone left your gay ass

I mean considering just about any person who says "it okay to be white" publicly is IMMEDIATELY shamed and made to apologize or otherwise completely ostracized... I feel like that narrative may not be that far off from the truth.

Far less people give a shit if you're a black nationalist than a white nationalist. Be intellectually honest.

Brazilian are violent and stupid, and that can't be fixed with a couple of reforms.

Because at least here we acknowledge we are the odd, outcast, and un-normal.

When shit is getting so crazy Yea Forums starts calling it awful you know its truly awful

>You freak out, and you fulfill the meme's goal
What goal?
Why are you assuming that the the "stated" goal of the "its ok to be white" movement is what the people WHO HATE THE MOVEMENT are saying that it is

You don't believe what a republican says about a policy that's planned by the democrats and vice versa, the opposition always lies to try and make their stance seem better in comparison, why are you assuming ANYTHING more than is being said, what is being said is "It's ok to be white", everything else is narrative strapped on by people who dislike the movement so obviously they will make it out to be something it's not.
How are you this fucking retarded and easily manipulated?

okay monkey

But baste and Redpeeled \Pol\ told me she was conquering the whole continent!

>all this fucking cope

Attached: 1431010835335.jpg (134x186, 7K)

>multibillion dollar corp doesn't want to be associated with "problematic" opinions
Wow, what a shocker. An assshole move for sure, but not one you should be surprised by

do not argue with shills, just call them out newfag

>No one is saying it's not.
seriously, have you been living under a rock for the last five years?

Attached: 1528473715089.jpg (280x373, 13K)

>No one is saying it's not
stop trying to lie to people over and over

Maybe he hardly spends it because he knows he lucked out, and essentially won the lottery.

White nationalists drink water in order to spite minorities in Flint that don't have clean drinking water. Clean drinking water is a white nationalist dog whistle.

>all these replies
Stay triggered Yea Forums.


Good. He became your typical poltard posting dumb shit for attention.

>I-I'm sure he'll wipe his tears with his billions

Fucking whatever. Here's a red pill for you faggots: The man is still miserable. user just HAS to believe that his money can fix anything because otherwise would be accepting that their own miserable existences might have no escape after all.

Attached: 13391381.jpg (822x1199, 140K)

My friend, you appear to have made some typos. I will fix them for you. It's actually "based and redpilled" (like the Matrix, or Total Recall). Now you can fit it with the rest of Yea Forums.

Attached: I'd tip my hat to you (but I haven't got a hat).gif (380x285, 1.64M)

To be fair the initial topic was tangentially related to video games, it just got off topic almost immediately when the
>muh /pol/ boogeyman!
folks showed up.

>guys no one is saying it's not okay to be white
>but saying it's okay is a nationalist thing, so don't say it
>even though it's okay
>but it's not
do you even fucking listen to yourself

>rapidly aging demographic
>massive welfare state impact
>massive economy impact
>decades after a major crash, there are still large segments of the population in complete poverty
>large rising NEET problem
>booming male host industry that primarily serves female hostesses who in turn serve foreign businessmen
>yakuza runs at least 25 percent of everything
>police artificially suppress crime stats
>rampant unfettered degenerate anime

Absolutely tard pilled my kekestani

Actually the births are stabilizing nation wide. Even increasing in rurals where families have moved to, to escape crowded city life and because its cheap as hell now.

Its normal for nations not to constantly grow. Ups and downs nigga.

Do show one example that isn't you misunderstanding what he's trying to tell you.
Then again I don't expect much from you.

...and the narrative proved to be right? What's your point?