What's the most underrated game you ever played?

what's the most underrated game you ever played?

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Lost planet 2

Came our around the first half-life with little advertisement. It's a shame because it's pretty good shooter with cool powers and weapons that have great feel. Tho hitscaning enemies can be sometimes bs and the game is bitch to run on modern system.

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Commit terrorism until collaborators get shanked in back alleys. It's pretty great.

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lost planet
legend of legaia

Psyvariar Delta
14 reviews and all-time peak on Steam is criminal for how excellent that game is.

>LP2 multiplayer
>there are two vital suits that have no earthly connect that can combine and fire a fucking nuke and kill everyone
>actually have the ginyu force poses
>zip lines fucking everywhere
>you can play as the akrid monster and fight hunters
>fun as fuck multi player campaign
Such a great game. Shame LP3 killed the franchise.

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asura's wrath was absolute fucking kino

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It was kino because it was a fucking movie

maybe capcom will bless us with a 4th one now that they're good guys again

the explosions looked so fucking good for the time

I love this game.

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Enemy Zero on Saturn
Night Slave on PC-98 (emulated)
Magicians Dead in the Arcade

Castlevania 64, not sure why everyone shits on it, it's a good game.

I tried playing lost planet almost a decade ago and it made my old shitty computer overheat and shut down. Is it too late to give it a try now that I've built myself a monster rig? What's good about it?

god I miss that game

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It looks like a mediocre FC clone, which is fine by me. But does it runs like hot garbage?

It's not a movie. It's an 18 episode shonen anime complete with title cards for the commercial break in the middle of each 22 minute long level. They even managed to throw in a hot springs episode!

Once you realize what the game is doing and you learn to grove on it's wavelength it becomes fucking amazing and the closest thing you will ever get to being the main character of your own anime.

I'm one of the few here that gave the game a chance. it's more fun than FC, but also buggier. Game ran fine but I also played it last year, as opposed to at release when apparently it ran like shit

also, just fyi I might be biased because I really really liked the setting

So right up on my alley
And I too, like the setting of future LA on Terminator

it's really fun, big maps, lots of enemy variety, mechs, fun satisfying weapons, and the energy thingie is well balanced IMO. game is a bit on the easy side, though.

it also has some of the best effects of any video game I played, especially smoke, even though it doesn't persist as much as I like.

I didn't like it on KBM, though, this is probably the only shooter I'd consider playing on PC, with a gamepad, but aiming also isn't as clunky as a console because PC has less latency and all that.

well content wise it's pretty repetitive, but you can do fun stuff like set up ambushes for patrols on the side, with the whole scorched earth/wont care for collateral feel. gunplay is also very fun, IMO, weapons have very high rate of fire, are punchy sound wise and bullets aren't hitscan

it's definitely a very mediocre package, but it delivered where I wanted

also if you want to go for 100% autism be advised there are still some bugs left that might stop you from doing it

Both great games.

Capcom could monopolize the hunting genre if they turned Lost Planet into a hunting game. It already had the formula for it, it just needs the focus. It could fill that niche Freedom Wars once did.

I'd enjoy a premise like that with lost planet gameplay/design

Tenchu Z

PC port when

I actually read about it being underrated on other websites before, never played it buy why did it get such low scores?
you might emulate it soon

It's the only Tenchu I've played but what I understand is that it's pretty weak compared to the other games, but it's still a great stealth game with a fun amount of customization.

Way of the samurai 4.