>game gatekeeps you at final boss and wastes 60 hours of your life
Game gatekeeps you at final boss and wastes 60 hours of your life
you know once you learn his pattern and realize ichimonji double is a godsend when he leaves himself open he becomes less of a problem.
It's easy, just don't get hit
How does the difficulty in this game compare to Soulsborne? People act like it's much harder. I'm getting it for my birthday soon.
Thx bro here my strategy has been to get hit the entire game and it's worked so
Bosses are harder if you go in blind, mobs are way easier. Read threads and you'll learn cheese and remove all difficulty except for isshin, who is harder than anything in any of the other games
Imagine being that bad to use any arts or any shit like crackers or shield.
nothing wrong with damaging posture.
Literally git gud, dude.
The game taught you everything you needed to know to beat Isshin.
>beat him 3 times
>and Owl 2 once
>only played MGR, no Souls
git gud scrub, I'm not even a Soulsfag and I wrecked this game. Also p1 Isshin is the best fight in the game, if you can't enjoy it this was never a game for you
DSP beat him in like 3 tries.
imagine being this much of an incel elitist
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.
You really should try to beat all bosses without any cuts. Be a real man.
>except for isshin, who is harder than anything in any of the other games
>tfw he's my favorite fight
Did I luck out waiting for Sekiro and skipping Grind Souls 1-3?
Imagine not having any variety in how you play
>game tells you to use your shit
>"it's cheating"
Butthurt Samurai dectected, eat my crackers bitch.
you're a bit of a moron desu, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw some similarity to MG:R
If you call having autism lucking out
>the last 60 hours of gameplay that I enjoyed count for nothing because I can't beat the last guy
It's a videogame. You play videogames. Did you enjoy playing the videogame up to this point? Then it wasn't a waste. Or at least not any more of a waste than videogames usually are.
I have a massive backlog of games that I haven't finished and yet I'd say I've got my money's worth from most of them.
I wish the blue firecrackers were good against anyone outside of slow bosses. Pulling them out against Owl or Isshin is like asking to die.
I have done so. I'm on my third playthrough and it's time to put these arts to some good use. Dragon Flash is fucking insane against bosses.
Hard bossfights are what these games are for fag. I am trash and died like 100 times to isshin and enjoyed every second
Sorry you can't handle basic human converse and hyperbole :(
>using literally baby mode items
Why is Yea Forums that casual? Game is literally designed to be beatable without any shit. You just skip most intresting puzzles and instead unga bunga your enemies with broken shit.
>using handholding shit that makes the game easier
This. It's like people don't know how souls games are meant to be played.
dsp beat him in 3 tries
you fucking suck dick
What is everyone's problem with Isshin??? It took me 6 or 7 attempts to beat him, but I wouldnt say he's the strongest by a long shot
>Game is literally designed to be beatable without any shit
no fucking shit, it's also designed to let you use your brain a little and use your tools to your advantage, you retarded faggot
Based. Have fun now.
I don’t understand how people can struggle with him. If you haven’t figured the game out at this point you never will
Didn't he over-level his attack with the mask though. I don't watch him but I saw someone else say that.
he's very aggressive and hits like truck. i can see why people would have issues. also, not to mention 4 posture phases to deal with.
>dark souls but with only 1 main weapon and like 4 choices for left hand
Thanks user! I'm having a blast with the arts, each one seems to offer something new to the table.
i think he did and it was strange, a ton of attack that should have hit him missed entirely. i think it was luck.
this poster is absolutely based and also redpilled
if you use any combat arts or any prosthetics you're a literal coward and kekold
>seething pvp fag
I am, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the similarities between deflect and Raiden's parry
>mfw "okay, this fight sucks unless you had fun with Monsoon" in most guides
>I had fun with Monsoon
you mean like 10 choices for left arm?
fuck off soulstard
Loaded umbrella.
I will use whatever i want you piece of shit
weak bait
People have trouble because you can get through so many fights up until this point without understanding the game. Then there's the fact that a lot of the harder bosses like Ape and DoH don't play like the rest where you are encouraged to counter everything which is how he plays.
They don't know the sweep bait trick
>get close when he sheaths
>he'll get impatient and check you
>then sweeps
parry, jump, punish, be ready for a potential mikiri. Isshin 1 done.
My first playthrough, I thought the two biggest difficulty spikes by far were butterfly and the last boss
High monk to counter sweeps is better even after the nerf
This but with demon of hatred
It's like I'm fighting Ludwig but he's 10x as big and doesn't ever fucking stop or shut up
Please fucking help me
Yea Forums soulsfags are same shit, just abuse shields/great swords/magic/summons
>use your brain a little and use your tools
Based and smallbrainpilled. Big brain is no tools/no arts mode.
I had a lot more issues with the fucking ape and demon of hatred than with isshin. Fighting huge bosses that damage you by just moving around is always harder to me than duels with bosses your own size.
well more like 40ish if you wanna be a nigger about it but let's be honest there's a stupid amount of overlap, many are situational and many cost more spirit emblems than they're worth
Imagine never playing BB
Get the fire umbrella
I figured out that almost every normal move for 1st phase isshin is countered by parry twice immediately followed by slash twice
You should definitely feel bad if you can't beat Sekiro because even a complete retard like DSP can do it.
I'm on NG+4 but starting to realize this game isn't really that good as I thought it was my first few playthroughs
Puppeteer best skill
A shinobi knows the difference between honour and victory.
If I beat isshin does it automatically go into ng+ or can I go fight owl and doh?
Pay attention to learn his moveset, learn how to deflect, learn how to mikiri. Run away from his huge spinning spiral attack. Besides his fucking out-of-nowhere six shooter, his attacks are heavily choreographed. Especially for his phase 3, where his lightning attacks are basically spelled out for you. Make sure you learn how to deflect lightning because if you do, not only will it do heavy posture damage, it'll also stun him for you to chip away at his health. Cheese methods like ichimonji are unneeded, and don't give you the same kind of satisfaction that actually playing the game does. He's far from impossible. If I, a complete retard can do it, you can too.
Imagine being such a literal fucking BABY that you beat Sekiro using deflections/block. Be a real man and beat it with this arbitrary restriction I obviously didn't puton myself.
it's a shame that they croak eventually.
Fire umbrella with counter attack and malcontent
multiple weapons with 2-3 unique moves
or a single weapon with like 20 different moves
You can only fight owl2.0 if you got the bell before you killed the divine dragon. And no it doesn’t go into ng+
>Big brain is no tools/no arts mode
>it's somehow smarter to limit myself to only my core moveset
sekiro is nowhere near as hard as it should be for you to be elitist like this, after the combat clicks it becomes one of the easiest, on the level of DaS3. you're likely to beat SS on your first try every playthrough after you've beaten it once
Based optimisticfag. I feel the same way about many of the games I've played too.
>beat him on the first day in around 4 hours
I'm not a god or anything, but holy shit. GIT
well to answer your question sekiro is way easier than people are making it out to be, once you "get" the combat and it clicks it's way easier than most souls games, and if you ask me they should have pushed the combat further like giving regular attacks unblockables and making the entire combo genichiro does unblockable or at the least his finisher
while I think you should play all the soulsborne games except DaS2 (and starting with Demon's Souls) they aren't about their combat and a lot of people don't get that, it annoys me to no end desu
You gonna cry?
>i beat it without defle-
>60 hours of your life
Don't worry dude, 60 hours of YOUR life is no big loss
>or a single weapon with like 20 different moves
What game are you referring to?
If it's Sekiro then there is no such weapon
btfo holy goddamn
>it's somehow smarter to limit myself to only my core moveset
It is. Arts/tools are just easy mode skip items for free hit/free posture damage/free block with no posture damage to you.
It literally takes less skill to beat bosses with arts/tools. Also you just skip intresting mechanics that you suppose to also beat without cheating in any way.
I don't mind to use arts/tools for fun. But you really need to kill all bosses without arts/tools before or after having fun(better at first clear without tools/arts, since later you will get more and more of things, so kinda that is that fun mode after beating main game)
um.. sweety.. it looks like 13 of these use your sword... sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com
I could beat Street Fighter II on the highest difficulty without using a single special move but I won't because that's retarded.
I absolutely loved every boss fight in this game
Isshin is kind of a joke when you get to his third (or fourth I guess) phase though.
Lightning should not have been included in this fight honestly.
Corrupted Monk on bridge was maximum comfy
and O'Rin of the water was such a beautifully done fight
Ape was awesome too
>60 hours
>speed runs take 20 minutes
feels bad man
>you can use all combat arts at the same time
That is not really how that works. It's basically just spells that you can swap out and use if you wish, not to mention how useless anything but Ichimonji is
I like the game and all, but there's no reason to come up with random examples that don't even make sense
I bet you're one of those guys who plays through every Mega Man game with buster only.
>Lightning should not have been included in this fight honestly.
I feel like he would've been a little too much for normalfags if he didn't have that ez 4th phase. But yeah, i can see where you're coming from.
It's not Dark Souls.
Not that much, skill levels take too long later on. So the damage difference after attack power farming was noticeable but if you suck dick against the boss you will still die
I think of it more like a weird Zelda-ish game with a little bit of Souls elements.
>Lightning should not have been included in this fight honestly.
I don't know user, I think it fit perfectly, the last boss had you use EVERYTHING you've learnt. You aren't forced to use lightning reversal, you can just dodge it anyway.
It's a really well made fight, and my first time this was the only boss where I've used all 3 of my resurrects, all 10 gourds and Kuro's rice ball at the end, was ridiculously kino
>Double Ichimonji
It's good I'll give you that
>Aerial Double Ichimonji
NOW we're cooking with peanut oil
Can take a while to get used to the combat. But once you do it doesn't feel harder than Dark Souls
I was having so much trouble getting him past his 3rd phase
as soon as I did and got his final phase I beat him
Lightning crippled him so much it's ridiculous
you can keep puppeteering them
It's actually the best and last Dreamcast game.
well you're right, the fight was kino
I just kind of wish the lightning reversal didn't have SO much effect
but then again there's a reason why only genichiro/isshin/divine dragon can use lightning stuff
dangerous glass cannon moves
And bloodborne is more monhun with randomly generated for coop party dungeons and breakable mechanics for beast like enemy bosses
Wish weapons had more variety though
Lightning phase was cool and fit the rain thematically. Also bosses with lightning attacks were underused.
Okami use lightning too
if you think I'm going to both killing demon of hatred or any apparition enemies without the respective umbrellas you're mistaken
you're like one of those fags that do a "no parrying, blocking or rolling" run in Souls
>Also you just skip intresting mechanics
no you don't, the core combat is the same, YOU skip interesting shit by leaving out all your variation
don't get me wrong, some of the tools absolutely trivialize certain bosses but you're missing out unique interactions
>But you really need to kill all bosses without arts/tools before or after having fun
if it's not fun why would I? this game doesn't have a high skill ceiling user
>you can only equip one at a time
>many of those are upgrades
>only a few are useful in general, and a few situational, with shit like floaty massage being basically worthless
you're left with highmonk and ichimonji with a few other stylish moves that cost emblems
no one wants to see dumb thots user, it's repulsive
You are still just a puppy
100% right
oh that's right i forgot
I have nothing against Bloodyfaster but she is not attractive at all. Not saying she's a monster either. She's a perfect 5/10 unremarkable face.
>killing demon of hatred or any apparition enemies without the respective umbrellas you're mistaken
You unironically can kill him without umbrella, you faggot.
Just use feathers vs melee charge, thats all.
Am I just playing this game wrong or something? I find this game insanely harder than souls and BB. I just try to parry everything and have found basically every mini boss a wall until you learn their specific moveset down pat. I must be playing wrong when people say this doesn't have a high skill ceiling because the way I'm playing makes it feel thousands of times more precise and difficult
Don't listen to false-flagging faggots who probably got filtered by butterfly or genichiro. There's a reason why everyone says it's the hardest souls game.
Basically I'm playing it like BB. I've played through all the games by parrying with mostly no issues at all, it's my favorite way to play. This game just feels way too precise in its timing due to how it's faster paced and most enemies attacks just visually look the same. I'm in Isshin too and half of his shit is just a blur to me. Ape was the best fight in the game, with Monk being what felt the most satisfying and fair
fuck you
>But you really need to kill all bosses without arts/tools before or after having fun
Why though?
You're playing as a Shinobi so it makes a lot more sense to use every dirty trick to your advantage rather than fighting honorably. Even Miyazaki said one of the reasons he wanted to design a Shinobi game and not a samurai one was to allow players to use a lot of cheap tricks to win, he said that opened more interesting gameplay options which is why they went with it.
you can parry most anything
just remember you dont -have- too
choose when to dodge/parry
I know you meant to reply to me so I'm just going to tell you to fuck off and call you a retard
those fights are not fun or hard they're tedious and take too long
and mist raven is a tool so by his criteria I can't use that either
don't call me a faggot because I used the tools given to me in the best way, the way you do it is way more wasteful anyways
I was having trouble with him until I realized my game must have glitched because whenever I tried to parry after attacking sekiro would simply stand there and take it, restarting the game and stomped this joker
first phase: attack attack attack, mikiri everything, stomp on anime charge attack
second phase: his posture is shit while dual wielding (lmao powerstancing) parry his flurry of attacks, stomp when he charges anime power, bait jump attack for poke and get ready for double wind demon fang, he likes tales of
third phase: he is already dead, wait for pikachu, jump before it hits you and reversal, ez money
I really wish there was a boss rush mode, it's so fun
Owl 2 is the real gatekeeper. He's what stands between you and the happy ending and the devs know it.
The overwhelming majority of people that say Sekiro is easy are just try-hards that want to look cool.
download 72 hour puppeter mod, bring all the tengu to the ogre and watch as they beyblade him
here you go you baby,
They're also fat and have at least one one mental illness.
Less RPG character build stuff to worry about, more direct tutorial stuff, easier level design. Some early stuff is unforgiving, you have to “get” the combat system pretty quickly but it’s not too bad. Endgame bosses are harder than anything in the base games of the series, and right up there with the hardest stuff in DLC, maybe even more
took me about 15-20 tries to take down the final boss with all upgrades except for Owl (Father) and rematch with Jozou. I missed out on those two fights. Ludwig was still the hardest Souls boss I've ever faced
It's a matter of getting a feel for the game combat. I was getting my ass kicked at the beginning of it to the likes Lady Butterfly and the well Ninja, but after the Genechiro battle i got the hang of the combat in this game and it became much more enjoyable.
I actually feel it's more forgiving than Souls if you played the latter without ultra cheesy builds or summoning phantoms. The boss battles give you a lot of room to watch the boss and get the hang of his moveset before stomping you, unlike Souls where you need generally die in seconds on your first few tries against a hard boss. This is because you have a lot of mobility and defense capabilities in Sekiro, so you can stall the battle for a good amount of time if you just play defensively until you get the flow of it, not to mention you resurrection and the fact you can use healing items almost 100% of the time without being punished unlike Souls.
I'd advise you to keep in mind that the combat is very much based around rhythm and flow. And another thing is that you don't need to always try to force yourself to r1 l1, use shit like prosthetic tools and your mobility to your advantage (using running to circle/space bosses and then punishing them after they miss and things like that for example) when it's convenient.
based and shinobipilled
literally deflected and dodged my way through the game. based
It's certainly not easy if you compare to your standard AAA game, but it isn't nearly as hard as some people are making it out to be.
Game Journalists say its very hard.
the game is way easier than you fags make it out to be
deflect windows are MASSIVE as long as you don't spam or fail a deflect, but even then they're a slight amount bigger than RG windows in DMC3
perilous attacks are all immensely telegraphed by a giant red kanji, and even though at first it feels needlessly difficult to figure out weather it's a thrust, sweep or grab, once you get used to it you can't fuck up unless you dodge or jump at the wrong time
even if you do have those attacks you just can't adapt to, you have plenty of tools to just avoid them, from mist raven to umbrella to firecrackers to sprinting to fistfuls of ash to anything specific to whatever boss you're having trouble with
I enjoyed it more as an experience than anything else, the combat as it is isn't anywhere near where it needs to be and once you get used to it, it's about as easy as DaS3
The combat is extremely satisfying to play and better than anything in Souls regardless of difficulty.
>making the entire combo genichiro does unblockable or at the least his finisher
If you're not backsteping out of the way after the first two hit when he pauses and poses like the retard he is then you're a damn fool Though that pose they both do when you perfect parry the entire combo is pretty sick
wait what pose
He's not that hard. Once I stopped trying to perfect him I beat him very easily.
>The combat is extremely satisfying to play
No it's not. You need to play better games if you think this way.
The Corrupt Monk fights are remind me of Maria, fundamentally perfect fights and without much cheap bullshit but really easy when you have a firm grasp of the mechanics of the game same with every Ginichiro fight
And you need to have better taste
>You need to play better games if you think this way.
What's the special snowflake game you have in store for me?
>filtered by Ogre
That lunging retard combo Gin does has a two hit start up, after the first two hits he strikes a short pose before he does the real lunging combo. That short couple seconds can give you a chance to sidestep out of the range of the lunge combo, trivializing the fuck out of it and giving a great opening but you loose the chance of having a rule of cool samurai pose off if you don't perfect parry every blow in that specific combo. Some of the human bosses have alternate recovery animations for some of their signature combos depending on whether you perfect parry the entire thing for example If you perfect parry Emma's backstep dashing combo the last hit causes Wolf to throw her off balance and cause her to stumble behind him Posture damage also effects this.
keep going. I promise it will be worth it
did you miss the point on purpose just to shitpost or are you just retarded
>it's about as easy as DaS3
Which isn't an easy game.
What a action game based around deflecting the right move at the right time with the right button has to in common with Zelda ?
I love the way you avoided my response with ad hominem
>Not using the cheesiest tactics possible to beat the game to fully immerse yourself into being a shinobi
Get a load of this guy
Be honest with yourself, you cheat and use cheesy builds just because you can't beat game on your own.
Imagine being a parry spammer
which is why I said I enjoyed it as an experience but faggots saying SS is the hardest FROM boss every made are braindead
>and better than anything in Souls
Sekiro hardly gives you a moveset as good as most dedicated action games
you have R1s, one combat art at a time, most of which are useless aside from high monk and ichimonji, prosthetic tools which are mostly situational or stuff like umbrella which is literally "better blocking and easier deflects at the cost of spirit emblems" and items which allow you to cheese the fuck out of enemies like fistfuls of ash
the average Souls build has just as much of a moveset as sekiro when you factor in multiple weapons, weapon arts (which are more varied and useful than sekiro's) spells, stuff like bows and other off-hand tools etc.
you have a lot more variety in how you play, do you want to have hyperarmor on your attacks or weapons big enough to stagger even bigger enemies, do you want a greatshield for blocking or a small shield for parrying, do you want magic, if so you have miracles, sorceries and pyromancies which are all distinct enough from another
you can mix and match and while Souls combat is flawed in many other ways (and don't get me wrong it does have a list of flaws), to say it's better than anything in souls is just retarded
It's far too easy to avoid some shit all together
in general there's just a list of changes I would want for this game
the majority of games are easily beatable without dying as long as you're familiar with a controller
DaS3 isn't an easy game, it is pretty hard, but the point is that Sekiro isn't harder than anything in Soulsborne
How satisfying combat is has nothing to do with taste, the combat of Sekiro just isn't very satisfying. Enemies are too easy to punish which Fromsoft rectified by making your damage output miniscule, this leading to many drawn out bossfights, which just gets worse beyond new game.
Literally any of these games are better than Sekiro.
All the ''billion'' options in Dark Souls give very little substance to the gameplay. It doesn't matter what weapon you are using, at the end of the day, the combat will revolve around watching what the enemy is doing, dodging at the right time and attacking when it's safe, the only thing which different weapons do is slightly changing the range, speed and damage, but in the end, the core gameplay is the same and it's very simplistic.
Sekiro, despite having fewer flavor options has infinitely more substance in its combat than Souls.
Lol fuck off.
>using EZmonji
crutch for bad players
No, the game is so hard it needs an easy difficulty mode.
Fuck off
In terms of first playthrough difficulty:
Butterfly > Genichiro > Ape > who cares
In terms of objective difficulty:
Isshin (charmless bell) > Owl (charmless bell) > Owl 2 (charmless bell) > who cares
What's the problem?
No, I'm just not some jaded, elitist fag who feels the need to start a dick measuring contest online to feel some false sense of superiority because I, allegedly, beat the game with some arbitrary restriction because I'm very self conscious about what others think of me to the point I have to gloat about how good I am at video games because I have nothing else to be proud about in my life.
Its a video game, they're meant for fun, get over yourself and stop being an elitist faggot on a Taiwanese surfboard discussion board
Sekiro is definately the most fun From game out if their last 3 games.
>what is Bloodborne
Hmmm, Sekiro never smiled in my game, what part is that?
Shura ending.
delete this
The people who struggle for 10-15+ attempts, how do you manage to do that? Don't you learn the enemy movements and patterns and timings automatically? By try number 6 or 7, you should be nailing most attacks and only letting a few through by accident.
>he used beads
>he usef memories
>he used healing items
>he deflected
>he used grappling hook ti get away
>he rested at idols
Get a load of this casual
>be shit
>wtf stop gatekeeping me bro
Is this the new "toxic" because that term just wasn't faggy enough anymore?
I try to not think and improve and do thing by instinct.
Ashina Cross was really helpful on bosses like Owl 1 for me. Also Dragon Slash or whatever it´s called can cheese bosses, even Isshin himself (in Shura ending).
I have shit reaction time, so it's hard to me to understand that moment when to mikiri or jump, or parry.
So it takes more time to memorize things by muscle memory.
At some point fights are really easy, since i can "predict" all attacks.
It plays the same as the Souls games.
>beat him in 3 tries
Why was this nigger so easy compared Owl 2.0?
Instinct is the most important, but I feel like trying to memorise some of the tells for the most dangerous attacks will make it much easier. It'll naturally embed itself into your "instincts" too.
>Sekiro hardly gives you a moveset as good as most dedicated action games
Because Sekiro isn't a combo based game but one centered around counters. It's closer to a fighting game than it is to a DMC. What makes it fun is reacting to what the enemy is doing at the right time with the right move (L1 for normal deflects, X for sweeps, Circle for pierces, Dodge/jump for grapples and several other attacks where it's more advantageous to do that, running around circling/spacing, using prosthetic tools like feather or umbrella for defense etc) and watching the enemy actually react to what you are doing in a organic manner; like the fact you can pressure bosses and put them on the defensive, or the fact they get flinched and react to your attacks.
>the average Souls build has just as much of a moveset as sekiro when you factor in multiple weapons
See Souls different weapons and builds provide little substance to the game. In the end you will be doing the same simplistic pattern of rolling and punishing a boss when its safe, who on his end won't even react to your attack and you wouldn't even know if he actually took the damage if wasn't for the HP bar diminishing. Both the core combat of Sekiro, which I explained above, and the prosthetic tools actually provide substantial depth to the experience. You can blind an enemy with firecrackers and execute a art on him. You can play aggressively and rely only on deflects and relentless r1 to win. You can ignore the posture and play in a evasive way running around and dodging. You can take part of the enemy hp playing safely and then try to break his posture with deflects. In Dark Souls the only thing you can do is wait for the enemy to attack, dodge (or block which is even more boring) and punish him when it's safe. It doesn't matter what weapon or spell you use, this will always be your course of action. Pushing one button to dodge and another one to attack.
Just 100% a couple days ago and wish I would have timed my last run (Shura ending). It’s insane how short the game is when you only do necessary things and run past everything.
This for me as well, sometimes watching boss guides in YouTube actually made it worse for me, learning it by yourself and reacting by instinct feels a lot more natural
> watching boss guides in YouTube
> watching boss guides in YouTube
> watching boss guides in YouTube
Because owl has a shit ton of posture so you have to whittle down his hp to make sure he doesn't regain it
All it takes is a few accidents to get perma killed, I also have a bad habit of getting to confident or getting tunnel vision
Beat him on the first try lol
Get better
Yeah it was a mistake and i learned from it. Feels good
u sound like such a faggot
i fought this guy before i really got into deflecting so my strategy was running to his right and waiting for him to end his combo then poking him once. i died like 50+ times.
I love Souls, but the combat is very weak compared to Sekiro. It's a more immersive game, the atmosphere is far more engrossing and the exploration is better, but you have to be absolutely blinded by bias to believe the combat is better.
The game is literally present itself the many uses of the batman gadgets, that shit is an in-game feature and not a cheat. Cheating is when you cheese gyobu and dol by making them jump off a cliff
if not bait, living with parents.
Just leaving this hear cause its pretty funny and based
I hope you're just pretending to have subhuman IQ
cant get past this guy any tips?
trying not to look up a guide
Be more constructive with your criticism.
Try plunging but hole
I panic blocked and the boss killed himself, no idea what happened
Because you have reflexes of a snail who can't get into aggresive pace of Owl's fight, but happens to have psychomotoric functions retarded enough to handle cheaply delayed Isshin's attacks.
>the virgin ichimonji
>the chad One Mind
going full MOTIVATED on enemies is absolutely priceless and using it on punishes wrecks people
>red kanji
>not white
I had the same problem as you and really hated the game, it felt like we were speaking two different languages while trying to arrange a wedding
my advice is to carefully look for enemy weapon sparks when clashing, after you hear a loud CLANK it means you got deflected and they will follow up with a fast attack, immediately block and you should deflect back
don't focus too much on perilous attacks, listen to the sound instead and look carefully what move is coming out, most enemies have a really obvious tell, their weapon might glow, their cloth might spin or they could simply be doing mix ups
remember that if your posture is almost broken you can back off and keep blocking to regen it very fast!
>tfw everyone says isshin is the hardest ever but he is the only soulsbornkiro boss I have ever killed on my first try
>Did I luck out waiting for Sekiro and skipping Grind Souls 1-3?
Are you saying you lucked out by only playing one very good game and not 4?
>Grind Souls
The only people that cry about grinding in Dark Souls are people who cant beat the game without it, its basically easy mode for dark souls. you would have known that if you actually played it instead of shitposting about it here
bro imagine using game mechanics
i bet you never touched any of the consumables you fucking mongoloid
owl 2 is not really hard when you know what to do against his meme attacks
I had trouble with him until I stopped concentrating on the fight.
I put on a movie on my second monitor while fighting him and beat him easily while mostly paying attention to the movie.
Don't know whats the logic behind that but it worked for me.
probably because you kept running like a bitch and poked him for 40 minutes
Nope I was up on his face.
I did try the running cheese strategy earlier but it was super fucking slow and boring. It's way faster to just deflect his attacks and dodge when needed.
The fact that this kind of argument is brought up most often in Sekiro threads really shows how shit this game is.
One Mind is literally "nothing personnel" the skill.