God Tier: Bloodborne
Great Tier: DS1, Sekiro, Demon
Ok Tier: DS3, DS2(SOTFS)
Shit Tier: DS2
You know this is objectively true.
God Tier: Bloodborne
Great Tier: DS1, Sekiro, Demon
Ok Tier: DS3, DS2(SOTFS)
Shit Tier: DS2
You know this is objectively true.
des = bb > dark souls shit
didnt play sekiro
Move Demon's into God and I'll agree.
Dark Souls 1 doesn't hold up
Armored Core > souls shit
God Tier: Bloodborne, DS1, DS2, DS2(SOTFS), DS3, Sekiro, DeS
Great Tier:
Ok Tier:
Shit Tier: OP, these threads
Actually, if you think about how groundbreaking demons was when it came out, it really does deserve to be regarded as god tier.
SotFS is actually garbage compared to DS2 and plebs like you just use it as an "out" because you're vaguely embarrassed at being such a bandwagon retard back at release
Similarly only garbage faggots like you constantly create this tier shit instead of appreciating all the games for their unique features
Kill yourself stupid zoomer
>Saying DS2 is shit tier
>not remembering that DS2's DLC is God Tier
checkmate faggots.
>Yea Forums babbies are now dropping DS1 left and right just because "muh grafics are shit bro"
Wish I could say I was surprised.
Great Tier: Anything that isn't DaS2 and 3
Shit Tier: DaS2 and 3
God Tier: Sekiro
Great Tier: DS1, Demons, Bloodborne
Ok Tier: DS3
Shit Tier: DS2
>ds2 ok tier
ha no
DS2 has no """"""unique features"""""" faggot. Im unironically being serious when I say its literally unplayable.
t. Someone who platinumed every single souls game
Genuine Question:
What makes SOTFS better than ds2
The day bloodborne comes to PC it will shift to Ok tier and demon souls will be god tier.
And don't worry that will happen because it tanked so hard(2.5mil out of 95mil) that sony won't let it go to waste.
I liked all of them desu.
Sekiro is god tier but it didn't BTFO Hollywood kikes the way Bloodborne did. For decades they've been trying to adapt lovecraft to a visual medium and a video games beats the entire industry to it and did a damn good job at it too
Patrician taste.
Sekiro's gameplay is the best
Bloodborne has the best setting,
Dark Souls has the best lore (BB lore is mostly headcanon & you know it)
Demons Souls gets respect for being the OG
Dark Souls 2 is unfinished & also heavily compromised due to 7th gen Console limitations
Dark Souls 3 is Souless, nothing but "REMEMBER DARK SOULS?"
based /m/an
I miss early Demons Souls community, before we knew what the fuck we were doing and Flamelurker, Gargoyles and Allant seemed nearly insurmountable. My first character had max magic and never leveled vitality once.
no ur a faget
I wouldnt say DS3 was soulless but yeah it was pretty by the numbers. Was expecting at least one new mechanic but it was still the same old circle strafe R1 gameplay
Damn I never thought of that but you're right
are there any good communities out there who want to partake in jolly cooperation? I can't get summoned for shit in DaS1R and its even hard to find others' summon signs
>implying Sekiro isn't worse than DS2
I haven't owned a playstation since 2 so I can't say anything about bloodborne or demon souls, but here it goes.
Shit Tier:DS2
Ok Tier:DS3
Great Tier:DS1
God Tier:Nioh
Every bodies shitting on ds2 but it's PvP scene was the best and least cancerous of any of the souls titles.
Any list with DS2 at the end is an acceptable list.
God tier: Demon's Souls
Great tier: Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro
Everything else: irrelevant
never played demon souls but i can mostly agree with this
they're all great games except das2 and das3
move sekiro down a tier, move ds1 up a tier, and ds2 sotfs is still shit tier
soulsborne trannies will never stop seething huh lmao
Play Demon's Souls
You can't settle it once and for all because a new generation will come past in X years and regard all 6 as really good, then once they play them they'll create a new metal of ranking system.
which area is that?
witch of hemlock with the big axe guys?
It was already confirmed
Why do console players act like Bloodborne is a masterpiece
it has the same glaring flaws as all form games, and by no means it is the best one.
That would be either DS3 or Sekiro in terms of gameplay.
And don't come with "atmosphere" or "lore", you don't play these kinds of games to get immersed.
>Dark Souls 3 is pandering, nothing but "REMEMBER DEMON'S SOULS, DARK SOULS 1, DARK SOULS 2, AND BLOODBORNE?"
>Demons Souls
DeS is god
Are you seriously implying that ds3 has better gameplay than bloodborne?
DS2 DLC is only regarded as good because the base it's building off of is so shit. It's mediocre at best when considered in isolation.
Do we have to have this discussion every day?
>arguing about weebshit when you could be playing immortal unchained
Haven't played sekiro through yet, but objective order is:
1 > BB > 3 > DeS = SotFS > Cancer > 2
console niggers
God tier: your first From game in this "series"
Shit tier: your last
Quickstepping and trick weapons >>>>>> faggy rolls and weapon arts
Anybody here beat Bloodborne via PS Now? Do you recommend it?
thats a yikes from me
Is it worth playing dark souls on the switch?
No but a friend of mine tried and even with 15 ping on every game we played he said it had a sickening input lag.
SOTFS does not elevate 2 in any way shape or form, if anything it makes the game even more unbearable in many place. And the DLCs having the only good bosses in the entire game with the exception of Darklurker is not a compliment considering half the DLC bosses are still pure dog shit.
>And don't come with "atmosphere" or "lore", you don't play these kinds of games to get immersed.
If that was the case, I'd go play Nioh. It has a much more build variety, and deeper combat than Souls and Ki-pulsing blows the fuck out anything in Souls or BB. But I don't, because it's set against a bland and boring setting, MMO tier art direction, forgettable bosses (even though they are leagues harder), a cringey and half assed story, shit OST, shit PvE etc, etc.
DS2 was already bad before it was even made
God Tier: Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne
Great Tier: DS2, SOTFS, DS3, Demons
Here OP, fixed your faggot 'time to be a contrarian to impress Yea Forums' list.
I wanna play ds2
Should I pirate SOTFS or base game+DLCs?
Play SOTFS. Some people might talk about how they disliked the new enemy/item placements, but they didn't bother me personally.
>shit OST
from all of your retarded opinions this is the most retarded one
not a single Souls game or Sekiro has as good OST as Nioh
the main theme alone is more memorable than anything from FROM games
True Souls Tier: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls
Half-assed knockoff Tier: everything else
this is the only correct opinion, and experienced computer game connoisseur would agree.
Go with SotFS and when you think about all the idiots from reddit saying that this game is awesome, remember that you are playing the definitive and fixed edition of the game.
DS 2 (both versions) is in great tier. otherwise yeah, correct.
Oh look. A retarded frogposter. Oh wait, that's redundant.
Demon's Souls still has the best playstyle variety because everything feels powerful and weapons had way more varied movesets. Dark Souls deliberately makes everything that isn't R1 spam with a straight sword or curved sword mediocre.
Fromsoft tier: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro (The order depends on what you value in video games)
Contractually obliged sequel tier: Dark Souls 2/3 (The order depends on what you value in video games)
Haven't we agreed on this yet?
>every game is the same shit
>somehow one is a masterpiece and the other is irredeemable trash
is the souls community the worst to ever exist? I'm convinced not even smashfags are this retarded
shut the fuck up, retard