Explain yourself, americans
Is not an argument
Explain yourself, americans
the top is non consensual
The bottom is, since both you and the opponent agreed to fight
Fuck this retarded double standard.
excellent answer my america friend!
I have no desire to defend that.
Japan/EU: sex good, violence bad
US: sex bad, violence good
I swear we went over this many, many times.
This. Violence is expected in a violent game, sex is not
retarded shill
>Character's choice of wardrobe is nonconsensual
>Being impaled by a fucking spear is
Kys tranny
>excessive gore is fine
>panties not fine
the SJW west.
Land of the fre-
Violence Is never depicted in a way that makes you think, ''HMM, violence gud'' unlike oversexualization of females which does.
>consensual murder
It would be ok if she was fat and ugly
western caliphate can't allow that.
>Violence Is never depicted in a way that makes you think, ''HMM, violence gud''
>Draw some tiddies on America’s wall
>They are forced to take it down
Duels, lawful combat
I'm glad they covered all the females in MK, I would have been offended to see so much skin while I cut their limbs.
What happened to America
When did feminists go from "let women wear what they want" to "cover up all women"?
The act of viewing violence was never deemed immoral, although the act of committing violence against someone innocent was. The act of viewing sexually explicit content was deemed as immoral, even if one is not partaking in the act.
Video game violence isn’t real violence, but a cuss word in a video game is the same as a cuss word spoken by someone in real life.
Viewing content, even animated, that portrays something sexually explicit is immoral because you’re looking at explicit imagery. Violence is okay to look at as long as you aren’t committing it, so video game violence is fine.
Nintendo believes that going for E rating secures more sales. If nintendo didn't mind a T rating or even M rating the games would come uncensored (case being for games like bayo or conkers bad fur day)
>When did feminists go from "let women wear what they want" to "cover up all women"?
Nah dude, both are correct, women can wear what ever they want, expect if they are pretty or/and not real.
Violence is part and parcel of living in american city.
the top causes incels to go and rape women, the bottom causes incels to make strawmen arguements on the internet
Puritan values mixed with military industrial complex propaganda lead to banned explicit imagery but a glorification of violence to train the next generation of soldiers
Haha what an awful thread
religious faggots have some fucked up logic
Of course, why else would they be religious?
I can't
I fucking despise this shit too.
Well?, I hate video games!
Take your pills
The consensus is that the people that censor things are low IQ.
can't wait for it to be legalized so we can finally have Unreal Tournament
Let fat and black women wear what they want. Let pretty and 2D women wear burkhas.
It literally stems from the USA's religious founding.
Personally, I think that line of thought is outdated, but it is Puritanical beliefs held by powerful people who lived before us that caused this shitshow to start and never end
Well, for all of history up until really the 19 century, conquest was simply a part of life. The Europeans did not consider colonization “evil” because they had been doing it to each other for years. Even the natives had been fighting with each other forever, just on a smaller and more primitive scale. War was just a factor of life.
Even into the modern day, gore has long been something that everyone, even children, that wasn’t rich has been familiar with, whether it be farming, hunting, or more war. However, the importance of sexuality (and how the perversion of sexuality has historically lead to societal ruin and decay) has lead to it being long held as sacred and immutable.
Of course, modern comforts mean most don’t have to view violence, which has affected a lot.
Seeing that scene is literally a reward you get for wining.
>and how the perversion of sexuality has historically lead to societal ruin and decay
this is something that has literally never happened
you stupid religious faggots have been linking sexuality to social decay for centuries because some dumbass sandnigger wrote about it and stuck it in the bible in the story of sodom but it has
name one time "perversion of sexuality" has EVER lead to "societal ruin and decay", and if you say the weimar republic, i'm going to kick your ass
Stop pretending to be horrified by MK fatalities you dickless loser.
You think I want this shit to happen?
Stop pretending to be outraged by anime tiddies you soi-addled loser.
I literally cannot stop thinking about Americans.
It's not an argument, but it's a damn good explanation
Just because you're a fat tranny thats insecure about their body doesn't mean all people are.
one is a kids game and one is not.
>the perversion of sexuality has historically lead to societal ruin and decay
Name literally one (1) instance of this happening. Don't say Greece or Rome, their collapses had nothing to do with sex.
Honestly I’d say we got the better end of the deal there
When was the last time violence got censored in an EU release of a game (outside of Germany)?
He looks strangely happy
>let women wear what they want
How many women do you think designed the character in OP’s post?
>paints Burqa over Mona Lisa
>fucking Christians
>Yea Forums is retarded and thinks panty shots are sexual content
>meanwhile CERO bans exposed tits and violence in god of war, grand theft auto, and dante's inferno
no wonder you're all pathetic.
christian bashing hasn't been used as a justification for the past 30 years of war in the west
All these reasons about evolution and society and religionand consent is just beating around the bush. the real reason is because most gamers are still "male virgin losers" and people dont want them satisfied. Its not about protecting anyone, its about taking things away from people they don't like. End of story.
The devs don't care to see that stuff so they won't provide it for people that do, because they don't respect horny losers.
>Yea Forums is retarded and thinks panty shots are sexual content
I think the point is literally the opposite, the only people that think they are sexual content is the ones censoring it.
In what country today are duels considered lawful?
(((Religious))) hysteria and propaganda.
(((They))) hate the idea that you might not follow whatever nonsensical doctrine they dictate for your life, so they have to stir bullshit and constantly attack anything that might give off the idea that you're an agent of your own who can think by yourself.
God forbid you look at a depiction of a 15 year old and believe they're sexually viable. No, you gentile need to find morbidly obese pierced feminists attractive, and give them all your shekels. Otherwise you're a pedophile who needs to be put in jail.
If you don't believe pic related is the ideal body, then you're a creep who needs to be put in jail.
Canada. But good luck in court...
One game is rated M and one is rated T
the tharja censor is still stupid though
I'm all for based titguy army but desu you get used to the violence pretty fast and they sell games based on being shocking and it worked like usual
God I hate this shithole country.
what violence was censored in japan/eu
I'm not outraged at anything faggot, I'm tired of seeing your threads.
based useful idiot
la creatura
Overpopulation is a problem, we need to star killing people not making more
Drumpf BTFO
Some of the major founders of the original colonies that became the US were the hard core religious prudes that were too hard core for European Christians.
Re 2, mk11 I think. I know there are a few for sure though
What the fuck are you smoking? The scene above is when you both AGREE to fuck.
this aint then or the 90s bud
They probably die from falling debris because of the 8.5 earthquakes she causes with every step.
Sex appeal is cringe. It's for porn addled permavirgins.
Ultraviolence is based and manly.
>Explain yourself, americans
Violence is good, weeb trash is bad.
It's really quite simple.
Your gay.
Mortal Kombat hasn't been released in japan since Trilogy on the PS1.
CERO refuses to rate the series giving it a formal ban since 2002 since a rating is required by Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony. during the few years between Trilogy and the establishment of CERO licenses simply weren't granted by the platform holders.
no, it's "let women do what they want", except when it doesn't side with retarded leftist ideology. that's why hundreds(thousands?) of pit babes lost their jobs.
I think you're confused user, he said violence is good and weeb trash is bad, if he were gay he would have said the opposite.
So who forced her to wear that?
So you admit that video games have a negative affect on everyone who plays them, in this case gamers who see sexy game women desire to go out and rape real women.
are retards getting mad that mortal kombat of all games has killing in it
No, people are rightfully angry that it's considered acceptable to display the inside of the human body, mutilated and dismembered, but it's not considered acceptable to show the outside of the human body, intact and in a bikini.
Americans are fucking garbage. I genuinely wish that country would get nuked. I don't care if things are bad for ten years, it would be best for the planet.
Times where westerners stoled superior character design?
>we need to star killing people not making more
Don’t worry, all the people making these decisions are white liberals and whites of all political leanings will be eradicated from the USA by 2050.
A guy casually wearing a lab coat? NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE.
One is cool the other is cringe
let's start with you then
PIV is always rape.
Nigger where the fuck does it say in the Bible that you have to find fat hairy feminists attractive?
I accept your defeat.
A lot of sexy skimpy female characters were made by women.
This censorship is so old, It was due to a few sjw at treehouse nintendo that gloated about removing this stuff and guess what, they got the boot and now nintendo is pretty good with these things.
>believe in something that you have no proof of, if you don't you're gonna suffer in the after life
>nah, i'm good. that's dumb
>hurrr tips
"Videogames are still viewed as kids toys" is the only true answer. You get nudity in movies all the time, uncensored.
That's how they looked in those times
>>believe in something that you have no proof of
Based retard
Imagine the seething defensive neckbeard that made this. And the equally seething retard that keeps it in a folder.
I want us all to have girls who would hum in our ears when we sleep tonight
What makes me laugh hard is SJWs praising realistic females in MK yet somehow not recognizing now you get realistic females get brutally ripped to shreds in that game instead of porn parody strippers.
Wait, is there any proof that anything supernatural is real? Can you link it?
this has always been strange to me since they are totally okay with horrific violence in widely known and popular franchises like Berserk and Jojo, as well as putting out films like Tokyo Gore Police, etc.
I dunno I can play MK just fine in europe.
t. assblasted neckbeard basedboy
thats ok though as long as they're uglier than me
none of what you posted is as gory as MK
>Implying you faggots will ever stop them
You're too busy being angry on the internet.
No more pretty girls?
Even when dueling was a thing, the intent was not to actually kill your opponent. They were basically just big games of chicken where both dudes were showing off to everyone that they were willing to die for whatever stupid argument they were having.
Dueling has been largely illegal since at least the 13th century, and murder has been deemed unacceptable and illegal by every civilized society since antiquity.
Sjw bullshit. Plain and simple.
>The fact that things exsist is proof for my very specific world view
Even if we accept things MUST be set in motion by a creator (which is baseless) there is still no prove that it's your creator or that it even wants to be worshipped.
i love europeans!
Remember this any time you see sex appeal in entertainment being attacked.
Feminists want it dead because if men can receive sexual gratification from entertainment, it diminishes the sexual bargaining power of women. Judeo-christians want it dead because their book says anything that leads to less childbirth is against god's will (don't use condoms, Africans!), since it was written at a time when only a few million humans existed.
Never get it confused. The reasons they give you are bullshit. They are only hiding their actual motivations.
how about we just draw cute girls
Wtf brits are disgusting.
>all of these gods and entities are not real and fake bullshit
>but not mine
>mine is real
>Wtf my no thought retort is being made fun of???
I can't even lie I've been lonely as fuck.
religion is made specifically for sub-90 IQs
They are all equally gory or more so, have you even read or seen any of those? Jojo is the tamest but still mk level
Don't even wear low rise jeans anymore
Learn to pick up sarcasm autist
The world is my oyster.
Violence is an exercise of male virtue. It shows willingness to kill for scruples, virtues and fealty. Violence solves problems.
Scantily-clad women are the symptom of a lack of scruples. They are in excess where morals are low, decadence is high and the population is licentious, uncultured, directionless and doomed to failure. Whores are a copious symptom of a greater problem, much like the herpes warts they often end up with.
Hugo got fucking destroyed, holy shit
>Murder is good
Just because it solves problems doesnt mean it's something to strive for. Basically every philosophy worth anything agrees that the world would be better if we could solve problems without voilence.
>T rated game vs. M rated
>made by different studios with different demographics
Y'all got autism somethin' FIERCE
>Bait talk
Don't give this faggot a (You)
>logic = bait
it is pretty silly isnt it?
You can literally split women apart - literally conditioning people into seeing ladies as nothing but butchered meat. But showing skin is not okay.
America is so twisted. It's like everything is geared towards serving up conditioned and desensitized meat for Israel.
>Implying you didn't post the hillbilly talk specifically to bait
she agreed to be photographed in the game, so they did have consent. you stupid.
its wierd women just want something to fight against even when its themselves.
Is that how america works? You can legally consent to being decapitated and have your severed head brutalized with a spear?
How is Particle Image Velocimetry rape?
There's nothing realistic about the gore in MK
>no argument
>insult posting style
Predictable and weak
violence bad is only a german thing i believe
The only video game I can think of which doesn't immediately make me think "hmm, violence gud" is spec ops. Retarded bait.
seething euroslave using the mudslime mayor of london's words against america
Third worlders are embarrassing
he literally is correct, religion IS a litmus test for morons
>hello here is concept
>where is the proof for this concept
>here in book from two thousand years ago
>okay I read book but where is proof events happened, where is god
>there is no proof, proof is faith
if you don't dip out of religion at this point then you are a sheep, and that's that
In the US version the censor makes it seem like she is in the process of taking her panties off and you can easily imagine that her bare ass is exposed.
Checkmate, faggots.
>conservatives are still anti-violence
some things never change
MK never releases in Japan due to their censorship laws. Until Dawn had EVERY death cut out. Just goes to a black screen when it happens. I am sure there are many examples but those are two.
This. You just need to blindly trust scientists, that's my faith.
Would you rather trust people who are alive and can prove and disprove things about the world you live in, or trust the worlds of a bunch of sand rats from 2000 years ago?
Or are you one of those ultrapussy "agnostics"?
Nigger have you even read berserk?
Top is underaged
Bottom is a 45 year old Chinese guy
I know, right? Why would I need to trust some sandn*gger when I can trust a scientist who claims there are 64 genders and that males are inferior?
Fuck reLIEgion, it is a bunch of shit made to control people and appease them.
Duelling is legal by federal law. There are also fair fight laws
Berserk isn't as gory as MK and has gotten extremely soft recently
yes, and it isn't nearly as gory
>Berserk isn't as gory as MK
lol retard
Go ahead and post proof
Retarded retard is retarded. All religion is false, but not all scientists are wrong. In fact, the word you would use to describe scientists like that, who make claims without empirical evidence, is religious. They are gripped by dogmatic, religious fervor, worshiping the god of social justice. You have to be a literal child not to see this.
>it is a bunch of shit made to control people and appease them
couldn't have said it any better myself
Why would I? So you can claim it doesn't count and you still need more evidence or dismiss it with some greentext?
>let women wear what they want
This is what attractive women say.
>cover up all women
This is what blue haired landwhales say.
Because we both know it doesn't exist and I wanted to hear your bullshit
Scientists are never wrong. They have evolved past the trappings of shitigion, so even if they are wrong sometims, they are less wrong that the sheeple who love Jeebus.
I fucking hate rejewlion, it is the opium of the people. It doesn't make you stare at space while smoking cannabis, it just mutilates children's genitals which is something only gender study doctors should do.
>an entire band of mercenaries is slaughtered by demons
>woman is raped while man is held down by a demon, one eye is blinded, cuts own arm off with broken sword
>spearlike thing is shoved clean through both cheeks and man bites down on it
>men are strapped to torture wheels and their limbs are broken
I guess you're probably being retarded and haven't read it, but do go on and tell me how your gore is so much more mature than my gore.
A strawman worthy of the /pol/tards who actually take themselves seriously, but I don't believe you're being genuine.
>America's wall
What wall?
>literally every guy in the manga gets bisected or has his skull crushed with flying eyeballs
definitely take my hat off to MK, for STILL rustling jimmies with its trademark violence, 25 years on
>no arguments
Are you sure you don't believe in YHWH? You sound butthurt like a muslim who got fucked by his goat
There must be a name for this, right? The fallacy of calling your own fallacy out?
the religious right is built off murdering people it doesn't like, while using sexual repression to control people
america was built by the religious right
the weimar republic you faggot
Since I am an atheist scholar, I know every fallacy out there due to endless internet debates with religious cunts like you. ( not that they are hard to deal with)
You are just projecting your own faults onto me. It wont work, you retarded kike worshiper. This is the last time you, or anyone on this site, called me a fedora.
Because burgerclaps are retarded.
>Scientists are never wrong.
It barely shows anything and generally will only flash a panel during one of the less disturbing moments of the act. MK goes into gory detail.
Go post a page
Oh yes, we must trust a high desert dweller who lived 2 milennia ago and created a cult of desert dwellers hellbent (hell doesnt exist but you get my point) on controlling the world, right?
Get out of my site, child mutilator.
This, We should be more like Sweden, a modern...ugh...""paradise"""...I loathe that word. A more fitting word should be Utopia.
No, you should stop being retarded about sexualization.
And have your population develop a personality beyond consuming entertainment media.
lol I want to see how you'll get out of this one
>It's not that violent!
>It doesn't count!
When they realize they are wrong, they correct themselves, smooth brain.
You got it wrong
>let them wear what they want
Says okay to good looking women
>let them wear what they want, unless that women looks better than me, then she has to cover up
Says the landwhale
I'm glad after all those years on rotten.com I'm still going in paradise then
I am not retarded about anything, friend. I am a sexually liberated Adonis, unlike your nation of prudes.
I have mastered a lot of sexual techniques through the use of manga and patreon sex games. I don't mind that girls don't want anything to do with me, female sexual liberation is the greatest secular invention of the 21st century.
Different companies with different values. One is a developer which revels in gory hyper violence, one is a distributor/localizer who is trying to maximize the game's potential audience.
That people don't realize this is a joke sickens me, holy fuck.
Holy shit, youre so far gone i dont know where to start
Of course, you now resort to racial slurs. I am fine with anti-white cuss words since whites like myself are the source of many evils in the world, but you can't say nigger or kike or chink in front of me...and expect no repercussions...
Science help me, I will make you pay.
Either way leftist are still retarded to the core.
All you faggots are missing or outright ignoring key points:
1) Berserk is cartoon violence, not photo-realistic
2) Berserk's violence has context to its story
2) Manga are not judged by the same rating systems as video game
3) the Japs gave the last Berserk movie an 18+ rating
This argument is fucking retarded from every angle
My main question is why are they all so obsessed with fucking hats? Seriously, every Abrahamic religion has got a position on hats.
So...just like Mortal Kombat? Why is one ok but the other isn't?
It's all fine. Looking at fake violence is fine. Looking at nudity is fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of this.
Haha yeah bro I watch Carlin too!
In fact he was the one who introduced me to atheism, if we replaced churches with stand-up comedy shows, the world's IQ would improve greatly
Get out of my Yea Forums and go back to your bible studies group
I'm pinning the blame on California.
Europe&Japan: *makes balanced and healthy meal*
That is genuinely nauseating.
Yea Forums was the last bastion of atheism and scientism before it got infected by religious zealots like you.
I can't wait for the day some oppressed atheist stabs you in the back after years of suffering at the hands of religious sheeple, and in the last breaths of your misguided life you realize there is no afterlife or gOD and you should have toked some marijuana and watch Science documentaries on TV
Have sex
why do americans eat like they have free healthcare?
Please give me an example of a person who's so drunk on anime tits that he goes out and rapes 3d women.
Have sex
>halal meal made of curdled goat milk and infidel blood because brown people love this shit and it's racist to do otherwise
>no meal because eating is invitation for dishonor and seppukku
>tasty, nutritious and fun to eat
violence was never censored anywhere on europe, germany got wolfenstein games censored to remove nazi flags and thats about it
>no arguments
>posts memes
every time
>germany got wolfenstein games censored
And half-life, and fallout, and counter strike...
>No brain matter or eyes fully popped out showing optic nerve
>accuses others of posting memes
>posts memes xerself
lol third worlders are funny
>Violence Is never depicted in a way that makes you think, ''HMM, violence gud'
Then why do so many mutts have a clear "HAHA YEAH KILL'EM!" attitude?
Does Germany still censor blood? When I was a kid we always heard that Germany either removed blood or made it green in cartoons and vidya.
So the first lol
Thanks for proving me right again
>literally places in the land of the fat
>calls others third worlders
It was tame as fuck though. They even blacked out the gash at the bottom panel.
This is circumcised slave caste also known as "Jewmericans" in a nutshell
> founded by jew freemason (most likely a faggot too) faggot Washington
> released the niggers from slavery
> agreed on circumcision
> agreed on keeping jews the protected class
> bought by jews
> controlled by jews
> fought WW1 and WW2 and all the "democracy/terror" wars for jews
If you're not openly displaying hatred for any, and I repeat ANY Jewmerican, you're a satanic jew and the discussion ends right then and there. There is no such thing as "good jewmerican" or "honorary jewmerican" or anything. If you payed 1 cent to the IRS, you support jew wars, pedophilia, child slaughtering and molech offerings, usury and theft thru taxation and you are the part of the problem.
99,9% of "jewmerican mutts" aka circumcised goyim go along with EVERYTHING their master kikes tell them because all a jewmerican kike wants is a burger, some fries, a new Ford F150 with a lift kit and sports game on big screen tv. That's their price and they will sell out their souls and life energy to get it.
Death to America.
>my no-name country is better than the USA because some greentext shitposting
Abdul, you can do better than that
ahahah he keeps doing it!
it's ok Pedro cope harder
>Whiter than you Achmed!
lol americans
>no u!
It's ok, maybe one day will manage to become second-world lol
based Americans living in europoor's heads rent free
ssshh...you'll trigger poor Mahmut and he'll call you fat....sshh...
Prudes in the tree house. Violence is considered more manly by many more across the globe. Prudes also have a problem with sexy drawings
justify THIS, american....
Europeans are sexually starved since they come from the middle east, so we are seeing an opportunity here
ask our lefties, they learned everything from you
>chu chu rocket still isn't on steam
>hentai is in a grayspot where steam still deletes it because of retards getting upset
how could what appeared to be a golden timeline immediately turn into the darkest timeline
The worst part is their shitty pop "culture" flooding Europe since 50 years
It's almost like Europeans are easily influenced retards...wow...
It's almost like people who control europe are the same people who control america...wow..
The violence isn't real but the sexual arousal is real.
mmm hmmm....keep telling yourself that, Mohammed
The disgust is real
Butterlord when?
Add in the censorship of words like fuck and shit.
I mean, on. You rip out their intestine, skin them, remove their brain.
But woe me if you curse! That has to be censored! Think of the kids!!
Come on, Germany in particular is famous for fucking with violent games' graphics and turning the humans into some dumb shit like robots or zombies with green blood. They're the reason the rest of the world got Contra, while Europe got Probotector.
let's be honest here, the ones that get deleted weren't the best exemples.
Disgust doesn't make you go around raping people though.
>european wants his games to be full of tits and curse words like in his shitty french movies
You people are a meme, you know that?
>censorship is good
>please censor violence! we need more nudity though!
>american humor
Does the middle finger still get censored on T.V? Because if it does it really does say a lot about our society.
I think " You can legally consent to being decapitated and have your severed head brutalized with a spear" is the 38th amendment.
Now you're just baiting
I love butter, and ive always thought that i normally put a bit too much butter on toast, but jesus christ this is just absurd
Im american and i'll eat some weird shit but that is fucking vile. I would shit myself inside out if i ate that. That has to be a joke how could anyone eat that and not gag?.
The Flashgitz guy is a Brit or Aus, though.
The same scientists that "eradicated" measles?
Nobody said that.
We are only pointing out the hypocrisy of american censorship.
Either censor it both or none at all.
Outdated,Peach is in a burka now
Who, me?
I mean, violence is such a common thing in America, of course they treat murder as a normal thing
Based free thinker.
Re7, GTA 5
We're trying to implement Sharia law
>Nobody said that.
lol is that why in every thread people are claiming violence is a no-no and we need more tits and ass because it "natural"?
>Either censor it both or none at all.
Then you'd whine about the evil religious prudes/SJWs who destroy your games
french comic
>he said after yet another terrorist attack in non-american ground
El Americano comic
Germany had Insane censorship up until Dead Space 2. EA won a lawsuit and got it released uncensored, after that most violence got through, although splatter effects are sometimes toned down.
I kinda miss the old days tho, devs would just say "let's just make them zombies/robots" and we got gems like the C&C localizations.
>please censor violence!
Nobody ever said that. This is a "both or neither" situation, a "if we cant have our thing you cant have your thing" situation
Name 10
Sengoku Rance
You're working hard, and you deserve the endorphin rush only a (you) can provide.
>le european comic is good-good because no yucky violence
Read Metabarons moron and then return to this thread
Scientists can be wrong, but science itself never is.
Science is a system that seeks to uncover truths about our world through observations and predictions. The difference between a scientist and a religious person is that when a scientist is shown how his theory is wrong and can verify that explanation, he changes his theories according to the evidence. Scientists are changing their theories and understandings of the universe constantly as they get closer and closer to the ultimate truth. As opposed to religious people that don't give a shit about the truth. 1500 years ago the entire Bible was taken as actual transcription of what happened. Now the church admits that the universe actually is 14 years old and that evolution happened and shit like that, yet they still believe in their magic sky man.
*14 billion years old
>tfw you try to make the villain look bad by telling the truth
>I don't need religion
I dont think that was his point.
This. Fuck religion.
I want them all to die so we can live in a peaceful world without violence, plenty of sex for us atheist virgins, drugs and space memes.
>people stopping at the huge yellow boxes
Technically there's a lot of fines to be sent in that picture.
Oh really? What was his point then? Because it sure looked like shitposting to me
>actual religiousfag can't muster actual retort so he resorts to false flagging
The art on the french one is miles better so that might be it.
>american comic
>censor swearing
>still show gore tho
fake. There are no generals present
>unsollicited opinion on Israel??
>underaged teenager
>underaged teenaged drawing
Kill yourself, American.
Islam is ok though, I respect them.
>when a scientist is shown how his theory is wrong and can verify that explanation, he changes his theories according to the evidence
Go ask the scientists why niggers are so stupid. They're just as dogmatic as any religion.
The whole point is that he tries to make it seem worse than it really is and only highlights all the bad, abusing negativity bias and false equivalency to manipulate someone. I'm sure you were dumb enough to fall for it on here.
So...no arguments? Just shitposting?
Thanks for proving me right...again.
Japs are notorious for not counting many actions that would be considered crimes in other countries. There is also a huge amount of "missing persons", more than America despite being nearly 3 times as small. There is also far less youth to commit crime yet a fucking DOA player can rob 100 homes and get charged for one count.
Yeah dude, unlike those British who always report their rapes.
The best available statistics must be flawed by a magnitude of 5,000%. Otherwise, you would be wrong, and that can't happen.
Tis a silly place
>mastlubating on chirdren's dlawing good
>rive expeliments on chinese arso good
>gaijin bad bad bad
I honestly don't know how Mortal Kombat gets by ratings boards. Fucking Manhunt couldn't make it because first level you suffocate someone by putting a plastic bag over their heads.
You're really going to tell me that's worse than the shit Mortal Kombat does? Those fatalities make me uncomfortable they just go too far.
>The whole point is that he tries to make it seem worse than it really is
It's almost like times change....
>Hey man I'm gonna disembowel you and cut your face off that cool?
>Yeah dude no problem
I mean in Saudi Arabia yeah
>this webm
Just like you
>enter a tournament called Mortal Kombat
>"UUhhmm why is there so much violence? We need more revealing outfits and anime tits!"
>I mean in Europe* yeah