Other urls found in this thread:
I know this is going to end up as an off-topic thread, so I have something to confess.
Big Boss is Venom Snake.
anyone made my boys yet?
I never liked people saying you could do *ANYTHING* in this or any other upcoming title because it blows expectations way out of proportion. But you can do plenty enough things, and exaggerating this game's greatness really spergs some anti-Sony kids out, so I fully intend to keep that mindset going.
Watch out, Anonymous! You just entered a thread you don't like, AND posted in it!
This would've been better on PC or even switch since kb+m / joycons would actually allow you to do things. Shame it isn't.
Not sure but I did find a way to find a lot more creations. Just go to dream shaping and look for dreams there. I guess a lot of people haven’t published stuff yet so it doesn’t show up in regular dreams browsing
What would they joycons do that the ds4 can’t?
Joycons act as a move controller
Ds4 has built in gyros. It’s actually how you interact with everything
Okay defensive smug barriers should be considered up. Can we really discuss this game now?
Show me what you guys made.
Also use my apple! I love seeing my props in things!
From what ive seen the playable models seem to be very limited. I don't think you can create a character model like ratchet without simplifying it a lot
ok guys
teach me how to sculpt. I'm absolute shit. I just want to make a cute platformer.
Undergo intercourse
Now imagine splitting them into two separate controllers
I want a recreation of Veldin 2 in the vain of a psone game. This would be the ideal project to use the CTR filter.
durr what are PS Move controllers?
If it helps, they spilled the beans during one of their streams ages ago about supposedly having a "ten year plan" with Sony. That's all they said, but it was in response to the question "will Dreams ever release on PC?"
Seems simple enough.
Literally UE.
Not true. I’ve seen tons of impressive models
Imagine putting them in your butt and setting vibrate to max
Several porn artists like it. I can't wait for someone to make a VR doujin.
literally anybody who cared about that spoiler would have already known by now.
now if you REALLY want to spoil people on something just talk about how even though life might seem tough at the moment you can and will attain the level of happiness you want you just gotta hang in there bro. I'm rooting for you then I promise you the tears will rain down.
10 years is two console generations though
Wtf is that
Their sequel to LB2's micro chip feature? Oh lord
are there any videos about sculpting?
I didn't buy it yet because I'm poor. Let me start taking commissions and I'll start creating TM
Are there any good tutorials on YouTube? When I played the beta, I just couldn't get used to the controls on both DualShock and Move. I did the in-game tutorials, but they don't teach me how to sculpt something decent. The idea of making point-and-click adventure games on Dreams is appealing to me.
player models? i would have to see one
Jps are working on it
I assume the agreement is really just a license. They probably agreed to make Dreams under the condition they can port it to new stuff of their choosing after it's completely ran its course. Sony probably wouldn't take that shit from anyone but MM, really.
The playing experience of going from one dream to the next and playing basically two to three games at the same time is pretty fucking great.
You’ve probably been looking at poor modelers then. A lot of people are just using the default puppet and are poor sculptors
/3/ here. Looking forward to this. How would you say the modeling and sculpting is?
Not as complex as a real modeler by any means, but the best I've ever seen in a video game. Your level of skill reflects greatly on the end product.
People are having f*n
could somebody make a Pokemon-esque game in this?
The scale of this mecha is nice. Especially when you enter it
Good to hear. I’ve been in a majorly depressed state, and working on my 3D art has been just impossible with my current mindset. I’m hoping that messing around with this helps get my passion back.
How the fuck did this nigger do this so quickly during the beta?
Sorry about your depression m8. If you get into sculpting let us know in these threads so we can check them out.
Here’s some gameplay of the mech Incase anyone is interested
I have sculpted before, I’m just in a really bad spot currently.
Anyone taking request? Can someone sculp a bat with tits? I need this.
I hope it does. When I get stuck in a mindset like that in Dreams, I like remixing other people's creations to look gross or scary.
I would take request if I could fucking sculpt or even draw.
In general, how different is the creating in this compared to LBP?
oh shit we can actually make a game by sharing assets and what not
same philosophy but a completely different toolset, as far as i can tell logic and programming is basically the exact same as LBP though.
Great to see. I was the only guy posting for literal years.
>Yea Forums making a game
I just want to see what kind of lewd things will come from this game when fully released
Whatever happened to that beat 'em up
Lewds can be made right now
Super Jario
pls be gentle
>omg such obvious shilling
>Media Molecule is desperate
Has this board really become so shit that people find it impossible to believe anyone could be legitimately excited for a video game?
I'm gonna have fun
A niche game can't be hyped, else it's shilling
Expensive is what they are. Joycons come with the system.
hahaha lmao
I can't stop looking up there. Those eyes stare into your soul.
___, ___ ___ ____!
Holy shit, i didn't even know that made on Dreams until the end.
He must have done it with the move controller for the puppets.
18 minutes. Impressive.
This dude is still modeling the character on stream. Very dedicated man.
Tell him to make the new senran game while he's at it
you know whats not on your trash system? Dreams
The absolute madman did it
He’s still at it? Holy shit
Post the stream
>it's like Luigis mansion, but with anal vore
You know what will forever be trash on your system? Dreams
Enjoy a bunch of dudebros buying it and never touching it again because the PS4 doesn't have the playerbase for something like this. Hell, mario maker 2 will have better levels and games than dreams.
Seething retard, fuck off.
How many times do people have to prove you idiots wrong?
LBP did fine
Just curious as to what compels you to make a post in this thread? Not being condescending either.
Wew I'm gonna love this game. Hopefully my 2d art skills help me learn sculpting
>boob jiggle physics
lol thread is dying after i posted the streamer, seen like 10 people join right away
Kek I’m watching too. He’s going to fuck up the face isn’t he
honestly surprised she hasn't went to sleep yet, been streaming for some 24 hours now.
narrator was telling me i was wonderful and how i was doing a good job.
fuck...didn't know anyone cared that much.
hold me, Yea Forumsros
2 am in est. I'm going to sleep
The music on this stream is fucking great. Is that in game?
yeah, she.
That is very common with creative people when they get "in the zone". They can get so invested that they even forget to eat.
But 24 hours is still, a lot.
>24 hours
God bless the tism
How is there still not a release date for this game?
I don't know if the streamer is doing it but a lot of people have just recorded music off the internet and uploaded it to dreams so you can just search a song and add it to the level while your editing.
>dof is enabled for closer attention to detail
Why are mm such smart lads. Also cunt shut up let this streamer stay up all night
Can confirm
I drew for 13 hours today doing deliveries for /e/
That's Media Molecule for you.
Report to dreams immediately for duty user. We need oc
Fuck you el trashboat
say something in the streamers chat
After I'm done being really poor
>Too scared to donate plasma again because they always say my bp is high
Donate more. We’ll pay for the funeral user
i've been pretty vocal, im not trashboat though.
>clay_young : that's how I walk too.
Do I have to pay for early access
You can use a keyboard and mouse on ps4....
Yes but you get it half price and when the game fully releases you get your early access version upgraded
Yes, it's $30 burger bucks now, and you get the full version when it's released.
Is there any kind of texturing system? It seems like everything I've seen has that play-doh look to it
When I get the game
I'm gonna make a smaller scale of that tower they fight in from early Hunter x Hunter, and make some rooms you can relax in too
Yeah but you get the game half price. I only wish you could get the physical version for half price.
Why is this game on PS4 of all things? Looks more like a PC game.
the 3d modeling looks satisfying
Looks like a media molecule game
Which is more of a PlayStation thing
sony first party game
bideobased : v has come to
bideobased : this nigga baldin
Toybonbonmk4 : ban
yes, there are different materials, styles and paint
I'm having a lot of trouble starting a character, so I decided to practice by making a male physique (to complement our streamer girl).
>put any sort of mover on any sort of sculpture, powered but doing nothing
>make the sculpture collideable
>jitters like crazy
Truly the lowest point of Yea Forums this week
You made him European by mistake
How is it with the Move?
>giant bat tits in background
>grotesque giant baby
lmao i wanted to make a kid (trying to make a ness-like character), then I decide he would be manlet, then when I was done he was giant?
you get used too it. The DS4 is easier to manipulate but not as flexible. So trade offs must be made. You can swap as you please though, the game doesn't mind.
Why don’t you just stream for this thread
hey, that's me.
I was streaming earlier, maybe later this week if i see a thread is up. I have to go to sleep.
No you don’t. We need more bat tit
someones got to pay rent user and judging by your fetish it won't be you
Sucking dicks doesn’t pay that much user. Why don’t you try getting a real job at McDonald’s instead?
lmao gottem
what should i say to streamer friend
Ask her if she’s from london
go to sleep
>unable to have any games on PS$ sony released a gamemaking tool
Genius. "mods will fix it" of consoles.
Yell raid and log into your alternative account and spam nigger
Oof use a comma next time
Anyone have any requests?
So what are your ideas Yea Forumsrod? What are you working on? Here’s mine,
>Conspiracy game based in early 90s New Mexico with ayyys,alphabet spooks, and underground bases
The dialogue system will work like LA Noire when trying to compile information and the combat/stealth will be reminiscent of mgs2.
Make the flan guy fron courage the cowardly dog, have him roll and make simple flan objects to suck up
go into streamer chat and say n word
Sculpt Dong.
JC Denton. Just a nice sculpt
I can do a sculpture. Not fucked around with logic much, been too busy with school.
Initiate strong cuddling
you dont really have to actually "sculpt" it's like spore
Can we have late night dreams daily threads now
don't wanna say it in chat cuz it'd be rude but the face is looking a little bit like an Aleister Crowley demon rn
Actually unnerving
that DeeDee is some spooky shit.
Here’s the full thing. He actually included the lab itself now
Why does it look like a short black person cosplaying her gdi
>inb4 plebbit
I know but take a look at how fucking crazy this creation is and it’s animations
Why is this WebM blank?
This is going to have multiplayer later right? Who's climb pic related with me
Yea MP is coming at launch
when did Kaiba get so god damn THICC??
>want to make creations
>see this shit
That's a yikes from me, big dog.
im and i stand corrected
Post more webms
>disclose security problem about dreams creator beta that gave users an alpha build
>they thank me and handle it
>get nothing out of it
>decided to ask if i could release footage of the alpha after launch as to not spoil anything
>"no you cant stream it, but you can stream the early access"
>nowhere in this did i ask to stream it
they said no so i have to suck it up but why would i stream this
Are you the user from the beta threads?
depends which one we're talking about
He was posting screenshots from the alpha
turns out theres not much in there but theres things ive noted down.
not going to lie this is depressing. when is this game releasing again?
No idea but what did you note down?
That is if you want to share of course but if you don’t want to could you at least tell us if there was any neat stuff in there that’s not in the early access?
physics bugs, camera bugs, stuff ive repeated at least 3 times and still forgot, stuff of interest (blocked areas), mostly ramblings about the cursor going offset so fucking much
i heard the early access doesnt have keyboard and mouse support yet they expect me to make complex scripting shit with motion controls? i tried to do some shit but its so fucking difficult that i just dont have the dexterity to keep it up things like this are next to impossible in the alpha
If it makes you feel any better MM said they’re working on patching in the ability to fully create and navigate menus without using motion controls
it does because until then i dont see anything impressive happening. yes theres a few hyperautists out there doing ridiculous shit already but thats because theyre overly dedicated
im not in early access but its still miles better than the alpha ill give you that
I agree with your complaints of the imp constantly fucking going off center.So much to the point that I keep my finger hovered over the reset imp button
i would like to mention briefly that the imp designs changed from alpha to current. theres a few i havent seen make a return yet
i like it but the feet gotta go
I think they mentioned that a more robust imp customization creator was on the horizon
Weird. My PS4 must be broken because it doesn't work for me.
got any footage of someone showing all the available imps on hand? i can point out which were added since alpha
Sorry user
Sorry for what? media molecule taught me not to be ashamed of our imps
>australian remaking the last of us already
what the fuck
As a poorfag, someone please explain to me what Dreams really is since I don't have a ps4 to try it out.
its basically a sandbox to make stuff for other people to play or use
think of it like a box of lego but you can share it online
you can play stuff people made if youre a brainlet or you can make stuff for people to play if youre a big brain
>TFW hands too shaky so cant effectively sculpt with motion controls
still gonna keep at it
keep at it user, i belive in you
Give it up user, I don't believe in you
This is gonna be the best game I ever pick up and give up after 2 hours of playing. At least there will be plenty of community content and hopefully some good multiplayer fuckery comes out of this.
I don't know user, I don't care in you.
Thanks, now my brain is shaking like my hands
t. MJF
thanks for reminding me i had this saved
You guys could learn Unity and create an actual game
Venom died years before Boss m8
I can code and stuff but I'm no artist. I literally can't into drawing or creating stuff, I don't have the imagination nor the creativity.
You can export your Dreams creations to Unity. Don't rag on people for wanting a fun and accessible way to get into modelling and game logic and play around with other people's projects.
>You can export your Dreams creations to Unity
Wait what what what
You know the triggers are pressure sensitive so you can get more nuance in your movement right?
Just half press it to get twice the range of motion for your arm.
Wait this actually looks fantastic
How the hell does the stretch tool work? So far I can't get it to do anything the move tool doesn't do.
Old article and not much has been said about it recently so it could have been scrapped but that's the plan. 3D printer compatible as well.
>people doing all these top notch animations and characters
>I can’t even figure out how to paint a puppet
I wish I was like Uli sometimes bros
We're never going to make our games, are we?
Is there actually a game here or do you just create stuff to show to people in threads?
>all Sony games are movie trash fuck snoy!
>please port Dreams to switch though...
>cant make a party where everyone just fucks around
>cant have multiple people working on shit at the same time
you can do it user, make the game you envision!
When the final comes out you will.
brainlet here
Does this shit get interpreted?
Would it bet easier to just compile it after the level is finished?
>that thermo
guess he's never making an actual level for it with that much overhead
>japs get the game
>suddenly tits and mechas
Bless them
cute robutt
I had a dream about dreams
>can't get heart rate to calm to go donate and get money for game
>based high blood pressure user is still here
Why dont you sell something on eBay or something
wow I would have never imagined that you could make this well moving characters in the game
You can. I’ve seen even more impressive stuff it just takes effort. The monkey one is borderline AAA animations
That's normally how I make my money yeah but sales have been slow as fuck lately. I'll have dreams soon...
What do you sell
I used to order way too many anime and mangas weekly when I had a job so those, and video games. Video games sell fastest but many have been dropping price thanks to the constant spew of re-releases. I have the limited edition of Disgaea 5 in shrinkwrap but who tf wants that with the complete edition out. Yomawaris LE on vita new but who wants that when it's on pc now etc
which monkey?
>Big Boss is Venom Snake.
Big Boss isn't Venom Snake, but Venom Snake is Big Boss.
What's the porn scene gonna be like?
>tfw you spend ages sculpting a mountain and it still looks like pure shit
You can have people working on shit at the same time. It works the same way conventional gamedevelopment works with proper version control etc.
However i guess what you want is a ton of people creating in the same space, which is a neat idea that probably wont make it till PS5 or something like that.
Online multiplayer will come after launch tho.
Save it for when we make Yea Forums: the game
I'm going to the blood donar. If I'm not streaming the game tonight, I probably died
fat mom ass
I love to be the cringelord smartass but this is the type of shit I did in lbp 2 as a kid and it makes me chuckle that people marvel at image related
the latter and literally all there is to show off is NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN tier from people who lack self awareness
t. Pu Chang who created the functional calculator on his lunch break
I did make a calculator in lbp 2, it's actually really simple look up how a binary adder is laid out to get started, it doesn't get much more complicated than that, hardest part for me was translating from binary to decimal numbers
I mean making the logic so that the calculator would display decimal numbers, but even that is really simple to an adult mind
>with dreams you can make anything you want! make what you've always dreamed of making! make something there isn't even a word for yet!
>99% of content is just people remaking something that already exists
I don't want to bring or spark console war into this shit but I wish it was available for PC, I don't own a PS4 and it seems pretty fun.
Is there an equivalent for it?
because even if it's supposed to be really quick to make shit, it's really not quick at all if you want remotely decent looking shit, it takes a lot of effort still
So is this game just 3D littlebigplanet?
yeah unreal 4 and unity, paired with blender, photoshop and like fl studio
Pretty much.
Nope. But one thing is for sure, and that is the fact that the PS4 controller is used extremely well for this game.
The motion controls have finally been used in a perfect way.
>PS4 doesn't have the playerbase for this
Don't be fucking stupif
I don't care.
Oh but you do. That is why you just replied. You didn't leave the thread.
Mouse and keyboard would be fucking trash for this game.
Dang it user.
Shame, I'll still look it up once in a while to see what kind of stuff people come up with though.
is this for people who somehow assume that unreal engine is beyond their scope and something only the "big people" make use of? because you can create infinitely better shit in that
in concept, in execution it's much more complex. But yes, it's designed to be accessible and easy to start creating and the limits are supposed to be your imagination.
actually it's not even more complex, you're still sculpting shit and using logic gates as a basis for your visual scripting
all creative practice starts with imitating the greats
is this like the playstation equivalent of labo basedboy shit?
I'll buy this exclusively to make Renamons
if you search my lbp.me you'll find out I mostly did Renamons there too ,somehow I never got banned
wtf dude
buy it
thanks user
>still haven't fapped to renamon
I'm proud of myself.
>those scuffed as fuck costumes made with stickers and accessories
Man i miss LBP1 and 2, they had so much SOUL. I liked it so much as a kid i ended up spending 50€ on cosmetic and maps packs.
I got every single dlc from LBP1 and 2, so probably about $200
most of them are discontinued btw.
This kills the casual.
Will the in-game tutorials prepare me for this?
you can just steal his logic
you don't need to start from zero or CREATE everything from zero
Just got the "game" and trying to get through the tutorials.
This is gonna take a while, isn't it?
But I gotta, if I just take from others I'll never learn and it'll fuck me in the long run.
have experience with Unity and programming in general.
How easy would it be to make stuff in this?
This is the one thing putting me off purchasing the early access. That and I don't have my move controllers yet.
pretty sure you dont need move controllers, just use a regular controller
It would be easy for you but there would still be a learning curve
thats great. Anyone have something on the kira puppet or a creation about antigravity racers ?
I know but doesn't it improve the experience? MM always promoted getting the move controllers in their streams.
I think arcade sticks sucks for fighting games ;)
haha good point I guess I'll just buy it and decide later if I'm struggling with the regular controller
come on
even is not capable to run undertale.
wip of my """game"""
sculpting is awkward as fuck though, where is my Move and Clay Buildup tool?
it's brainlet tier
Anyone know the file size for the early access?
2.3 gb
with a (probably) 32.mb save system size.
damn really? thats tiny I was expecting like 30 gb
I never thought a game like this could work as a console exclusive, but this is by far the best utilization of motion controls I've seen on the ps3/ps4. I can't believe how easy it is to get lost in this thing. I bought this last night and spent played it until about 5am even though I had an exam at 9:30AM today. I'm not gonna make an opinion because I'm still engrossed by it, but I can really see myself getting into it. Already making up concepts for games and stuff in my head.
>MM always promoted getting the move controllers in their streams.
i mean they're a sony first party dev, and of course sony wants to sell those move controllers
Now, is there a feature implemented in the game for preset "scripts"? I think that would be extremely beneficial to simplifying things if you could just search up functions like "Acceleration modifier" and change it around as needed.
There are microchips but for something like acceleration you would most likely just use a mover and then use a variable and plug the variable into the mover, or just set the movers speed directly.
I do imagine.
I imagine the genocide of furries worldwide everyday.
Sculpting with the DS4 is way too hard. I'm wasting all my time with nothing good to show for it. Guess I'll stick to logic and music
think outside the box for sculpting
forget how you do it on PC/standard tools
Literally just advanced littlebigplanet, shouldn’t be too hard
Do you need PS+ to play other peoples levels and upload your own? Part of the fun of LBP for me was playing all the crazy levels people made, and I don't want to have to pay extra for that.
wtf my boss just walked past me as i opened this and now i'm fired?
>tfw donating plasma atm
I'm vuying it 2nifht bros
the head is awful but otherwise pretty neat
Get a job and have sex