>tfw game has a faithful dog companion
Tfw game has a faithful dog companion
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i hate dogs. i much prefer cats. this is my cat.
Cats are essential fag core.
i am a literal homo yes
Oops! Looks like you own a shitbull. Let me fix that problem for you- free of charge.
>the game gives their dogs modeled penises
>tfw used to take my dog for walks twice a week
>take him driving to places like the beach
>been so fucking lazy, now only go for walk once a week, sometimes once every two weeks
I may as well be a pathetic catfag... I feel so sorry for him but fuck I'm so lazy
That's a cute pitbull.
kill all shitbulls
>it can die
Do it user, it'll make you feel better
>tfw mod the game to fuck dog companion.
You know what I hate?
>Pitbulls are a peaceful breed, wouldn't hurt a soul.
>Gives them a giant spiked collar or fucking chains.
>ai is questionable
The goodest boy
>Randomized companion.
>It gives you a pitbull.
>It has a 85% chance of randomly flipping out and killing you.
>You cant kill your companion.
>tfw game has exotic mini micro aliens 2x crimeboss
I remember Fable 2.
Underrated game.
Dogs are not that bright. An area like that should have a higher barrier if there are animals or children around it.
Reminder that Border Collies are the best dogs
Haha i love this trope
Personally I love Jack Ruzsells. Pic related is my dog
are pitbulls the niggers of dog breeds?
I have a black lab x border collie mix, what now faggot?
300 iq good boy
will there ever be a game like ar tonelico 2?
>that stance
>that mouth
That's a staffy, lovely dogs, wonder how many posts it'll take until someone regurgitates soccer mom umbrella term nonsense and calls it a pitbull
Four. The answer is four posts
Will I make it?
Because chinese are literally soulless.
Congratulations, user
nigbulls btfo eternally
Enjoy having toxoplasmosis. Look it up.
>+5 ATK against low level enemies
Thanks bro, but why did you post a blank gif?
Will I get a job?
Yeah we know
Was I right to have sex with her?
Unless they plan on eating their cats or their cat's shit, there is no reason to worry about this other than to get your pets the the vet once a year for their annual preventative exam, vaccinations, and bloodwork.
t. Vet Technician.
>go to animal shelter to look for new dog
>all they have is shitbulls/staffies/cattledogs/etc
>every piece of media advertising shelters has cute little dogs on it, every fundraising has cute little dogs, etc
Pounds are a fucking meme. Neuter your shit dogs and we wouldn't even need them
Am I going to get laid tomorrow with that chick from work?
Will I ever have a tomboy gf?
He was about to testify in congress
Pretty much
Why do pitbulls trigger you pussy ass white kids?
Feel old yet?
The truth behind that comparison.
>dumb nigger defends dumb nigger dog
so surprised
10/10 buddy to stalk the wilderness with. Also one of the only games I've seen with a faithful cat companion.
>postal 2
>animal companion collects loot for you
>game has a faithful human companion
What in the fuck? Are those some kind of salamander?
pick one
Will everything be ok?
Shame she is asian
Should have grabbed a staffy, they're very affectionate. In the UK (the english breed is smaller, mind) you can't even leave them in the yard because fucking chavs steal them to sell on
cute dog
Will I kill myself and bleed out within 10 minutes?
>Unironically prefers roasties
Lmao imagine having a dog grow up that much just to kill itself.
It's honestly not the dogs that trigger me, it's the owners. Most abuse and neglect their dogs. No less, getting all excited or upset over something in the presence of a dog like that is guaranteed disaster. But, no matter, your kids at risk, not mine.
>not preferring your own race
Sounds söy to me
>It's honestly not the dogs that trigger me, it's the owners.
Do you believe the same about humans?
>unironically prefers any kind of 3dpd
>Preferring his own race that cucks him for niggers over his dicklet ass
Look at this dude! oh nonononononononoppiiiifffftttthhahahahahahaha
not him, but I've only had pits growing up before the ban in Ontario. they are some of the most loyal and faithful breeds you will ever come across. the fact that people tarnish the reputation by creating and raising them to be monsters is such a shame.
>Imagine wanting a roastie white girl who take a deep dicking weekly by niggers
same could be said about parents and suicidal kids...
This, pitbulls are peaceful, I had one growing up and he only bit me once
>[freedom intensifies]
Based catbro sharing some of his Chad parasites with me
>implying that I want anything to do with real women
>Preferring roastie sjw riddled white girls isn't considered onions taste
They're snakeheads. They're an invasive species that some gooks brought over. They breed insanely fast and can survive on land
based and fagpilled
Peaches is a good kitty, and a surprisingly strong one. It's like Jess with a good attitude.
holy christ...
Imagine thinking this disgusting faggot looks cute.
Dude, you know that the oocysts can be everywhere once wild cats live in an area. You can find it in the soil, unclean water, its literally everywhere. This is why about half of the human population has latent toxoplasmosis. Do you really think people keep eating cat shit?
>You can find it in the soil, unclean water
Why are you eating dirt and mud?
There is nothing wrong with pitbulls besides the fact that niggers groom them to be participants for the Micheal Vick dog show. I have owned 3 different pitbulls, 1 of which was a ex nigger sponsored cage dog. They are just as sweet and innocent as most other dogs. Besides dalmations
>cuts off as it was about to devour the pup
Literally you cucks.