>$79 for full-priced game
>main campaign over in ~10 hours
$79 for full-priced game
Other urls found in this thread:
it's 40 on steam
This game is an insult to true plane games.
>no flightstick favoritism
>story is cringe with anime dialogue
>every mission has its own melodrama orchestral piece that is constantly out of place with the objective
>forced solitary reddit meme
>fictional mockery aircraft that insult you with lasers, railguns and drone attachments
>multiplayer is circlejerking madness with 2 gametypes
>the MC is more of a blank slate than a damn childrens Nintendo game, but everyone in the shitty story rides his dick for some reason
>gameplay is boring
>gigantic unnecessary and laughable superweapons that the game takes way too seriously
>literally no emblem maker and the customization is literally non-existent
>all of the fans are weebs who care about everything but the planes
Worst game of 2019.
wow it's almost like AC is an arcade game...
it was worth it
shut the fuck up and go fly your giant airbus for endless hours, so immersive....
I just finished mission 8.
I don't get it. Everyone called it a piece of shit but to me is just another Ace Combat with a bunch of weather conditions.
>Everyone called it a piece of shit
Last time I checked, everyone in a actual AC thread call it a return to form, not as good as the holy trinity but still pretty good
you have to go back you dynamic shill
Metracritic, non AC general threads and Steam reviews say otherwise.
>80% on metacritic
>Mostly positive on steam
I have not been in a single general thread and it was pretty well received in Yea Forums threads
That's the length games should be. Over 10 hours is pushing it, over 15 and I know you've sold out to the contentcuck audience.
I'm looking forward to flying the Raven, even if the Season Pass feels like overpriced bullshit.
This was what the reviews were at on day one from people who aren't fans.
Well it's longer than Vanquish at least.
Fuck all of these false flagging niggers.
Post your planefus
Go back to your dying general
AC7 does rely too much on timed missions, but I loved it. Still, I would've liked to see one or two bigger battles with a 60 minute time limit, like in AC6.
do you only play rpgs or something?
Every single mission in AC is timed
It is an arcade style video game
>From people who aren't fans
>Day one purchases
I don't think you understand.
Fans are the majority of sales on preorders and day 1s
>Judging the game based on day 1 reviews
>When most of the time those reviews are mixed with launch issues
>"Metracritic, non AC general threads and Steam reviews say otherwise."
>Steam review is mostly positive
>"Nu-uh look at this day 1 screenshot"
Keep moving the goal post faggot
You're almost at the point where you realize that there's not really a story and it's just a bunch of missions strung together incoherently.
Does anyone play the MP?
Yeah, fans of certain media tend to be biased. Who knew.
Only two gametypes and you can't hit anyone. It's still populated but it's annoying and boring.
Rent free, every day
Ye because those were made by retards like you that start from the 7th entry of the game and don't read what its genre is, they just see a plane and think right away that it's an autism simulator. All the bad reviews were from zoomers that couldn't use their fake pilot controller.
you need help
How many rewrites did the story go through? Why does the game bring up dozens of plot threads in the first half that are completely dropped? Why even have the penal unit arc if it's not going to go anywhere?
Its a fucking jrpg you retard
>That entire bit about the clouds
Literally how bad do you have to be at the game? This is only my second Ace Combat game, with the last one being like 5 fucking years ago, and I never once crashed because of clouds. And clouds being required to dodge missles? Just fucking High-G turn at literally any point; I think the only time I've gotten hit by a missle were times where I literally did not feel like dodging or was otherwise just flying in a straight line. Fuck, late game planes can borderline outspeed missles entirely.
>Score missions where you're given nowhere near a reasonable amount of time to beat
Oh, so he's just trash. The only valid thing in that entire wall of text is the aircraft tree being meaningless fluff that exists to make you waste points on shit you don't want.
unironically correct
ac6>0>4>5>>>>>>b-b-but the story in 6 is cringe!
missions themselves are the most fun and there is no "that mission"
seething autism
...it.... it is.
>Mission 20
The game would honestly be better if they just cut this mission entirely. It's such an anti-climax compared to everything that game before it, and the awful starfox 64 tunnel sequence at the end is probably the worst part of the entire game. Yeah I get that making you fly planes through cramped tunnels is an AC tradition at this point, but that's not an excuse.
>This thread again
you can't complain if you bump it
I really really hope the missions they're making are going to make use of these. I also really really hope they make another "destroy everything" mission like mission 11.
I'm bumping it because it's gonna eventually turn into a regular Ace Combat thread.
time to kys
>no vr on pc
Have sex
This is the 50th time you've made this thread despite there being no one else talking about AC7.
I don't mind it. It lets us talk about Ace Combat 7 without making a thread.
Thanks, Schizo obsessed OP.
>anime/jap game series collabs with another anime/jap game series
wooooooooooooooooow so shocking
You already stole my plane-fu with my banana paintjob.
Don't respond to him. He's a retard. He's obsessed to the point of looking up these crossovers in order to prove some kind of point. It's pathetic, but also funny as fuck.
This is what V2 was for
Stop kidding yourself. Nobody has heard of this trash besides a handful of plane autsimos, which is what this game is geared towards.
What if, now just hear me out now, What if- Schizo OP keeps making these threads because he's secretly working for Belka, and he's making an AI similar to ZOE that, instead of being trained off of the magical old man, it's trained off of angry batshit anons who fling shit at eachother
>le funny and retarded solitary man mayzmay!!!!!111
Ace Combat 7 was the best selling Ace Combat to date. Plenty of casual players play it because either the music or the talk drew them in and a vast majority of them aren't Simfags, so they enjoy a fun, video game-y arcade flyer.
I buy it.
>Score missions where you're given nowhere near a reasonable amount of time to beat
Pic related
MG and No Damage Run
More stuff to bomb would be great
Though I would like to have random mission generator.
t. in solitary
What’s the premise of the story without spoiling too much
Pretty sure it's some faggot who loves AC and just makes these bait threads to shill the game even more
Which is exactly what these threads accomplish
I'm convinced Bandai Namco has troll farms to shill AC7. They all use the same language and pictures.
After letting it stew for a while, I think my ranking of the series overall is:
0 > 7 > 5 > 3 > 4 > X > 2 > 1
Still haven't played 6 though, or the other PSP game. Gotta finish getting my plat on 7 though. Didn't touch the multiplayer yet. Is it still alive?
Who are you quoting? I just posted a picture of McKinsey.
>load into the first level
>the leitmotif hits a minute in
Erusia bullies Osea and it's up to you to bully Erusia back.
you shoot the president in the fucking cockpit then get sent to jail
The guy likes his sandwiches.
He literally posted a picture of a character from the game. What's your issue?
I feel like the people who complain about the time limits just never use the UGBs or bought any of the other retardedly OP ground special weapons and just tried to missile everything to death, or wasted time chasing after singular flying targets.
Long day I can kinda see someone having trouble with the first time around, especially if they're new to AC, but fleet destruction requires you to actually be retarded to not blow the point requirement out of the water.
Damn I was hoping for some left field profound cuhrazy elements, that sounds kinda boring
fucking die you fuck
There's some conspiracy stuff in there.
>Damn I was hoping for some left field profound cuhrazy elements, that sounds kinda boring
user, you said not to spoil anything, I did just that. The game has it's fair share of cuhrazy moments.
How's solitary, friendo?
A ton of it, actually.
It's only left field cuhrazy if you're a longitme fan when you find out about Not Wesker's origin. Or if you find a conspiracy behind the murderer of the ex president based on drones and the world's reliance on a technology that is stated to be infallible interesting.
A belkan dog infiltrates Erusea and sparks off a war that ruins the entire continent for the 8th time in 20 years.
Ace Combat is an all-around boring series that only planefags can comprehend, these faggots are so jacked up on childhood nostalgia they can't see trash for what it really is.
I never had a problem finishing AC7 missions within the time limit. I just wanted to shoot stuff for longer than 5-20 minutes.
Like in every other Ace Combat game.
Roombas decide to defect and assault humanity with aeroplanes
Doesn't this ever get boring for you, Belka Barry? It's like the third night in a row you've made this thread.
All the crazy shit is spoilers, dumpass.
Post High Scores
That and fucked up all satellite communications.
Let him have this. It's all he has.
but user! I thought (you) were a plane fag? you DO like dcs do you not?
I want more missions like 6 where you're supporting offensives and resupplying requires you to capture an airport and land while under fire.
that's exactly what it is, I mean come on- this is literally "OP is a faggot: the thread" every fucking time, and nothing really baits people who've played the game harder than someone being shit at it
If it wasn't obvious to anyone after the 20th fucking time then all hope is lost on them
Uh no, the only thing I like is dilating.
The whole game is a retelling of the Tower of Babel (the space elevator being the tower), and deals with the chaos and confusion caused when people can't communicate with each other
Also Trigger is Archangel Gabriel and Mihaly is Archangel Micheal
Anyone wanna dispute this ranking?
webm-related is the type of games that Ass Combat fags enjoy
Yeah sure, it's all just one person.
why is pyra so perfect?
>tfw Ace Combat of all series gets a dedicated asshurt shitposter
It's kind of impressive
For me, it's:
04 > 7 > 5 > 0 > 3 > 2 > 1
Haven't played 6 either. I'm currently playing through X and I like it.
Thank you for proving my point. Literal trash fanbase.
Ring the bell, Ring the bell!
To be fair to AC4 in my ranking, I understand why people love it so much, and I'd probably rank it over 3 and maybe 5 if it had less of those score attack missions. I'd probably also rate it higher if it was my first, but that was 5 which I still have a really sweet spot for even though I hate the stupid filler in it when I replay it,
That's how you know we've made it, Ace Bro
what's cross rumble? jp exclusive?
I wish there was a high res version of the AC:0 ost cover without the text.
Or at least just high res.
That's the japanese name for the 3DS remake of Ace Combat 2. It was called Assault Horizon Legacy in the US, despite having nothing to do with that shitty game Ass Horizon.
cross rumble got localized as assault horizon legacy
dont ask why, someone was fucking retarded
It's the Jp title of Assault Horizon Legacy
Which was a remake of AC2, so I have no idea why they named it that since it has nothing to do with assault Horizon which was shit
alright yeah cheers ideal
but the memories will last you forever GOD BLESS
I don't know about you, but I always flounder about because of those platforms. If I could get my shit together and strike them perfectly, pretty sure the world of 80k + would open up. I never bother doing so, though.
>I have no idea why they named it that
probably because it has same mechanic as AH DFM?
>played through the campaign 7 times
>check distance flown
>barely halfway to the achievement
Why would they do this?
Probably because some marketing team figured the people would recognize the more recent assault horizon title that something relating to ac:2.
Just nobody told said marketing team nobody liked AH
Just EML the things.
My main problem is the fighters that spawn after you destroy everything even if I have ~3 minutes to spare.
it's to separate the average from the turbo autist whales so bamco can target them with microtransactions in the future
Question to fellow pilots of AC:0
Did you have a designated plane/s for the pilot style in Zero?
Mine is:
Mercenary: ADFX-01 Morgan/Su-37
Soldier: X-02 Wyvern/F-22A Raptor
Knight: ADF-01 FALKEN/YF-23 Black Widow
Fly through the midsections at the right angle and spam the pulse laser.
>he doesn't plaster anime girls over everything to trigger his enemies
>Never see this guy again
>Never get resolution on him or Bandog
>Cross Rumble has Circle Pad Pro support
>localized version does not
Fucking why?
It's implied he dies when he gets sent to the frontlines.
Kill yourself disgusting Ass Combat faggot.
>It's implied he dies when he gets sent to the frontlines.
The only one I'm mad about is we never get to see Clown or Golem again.
Color me suprised pc gamers who only like to play shitty sims dont like this game.
I know you like this series a lot but you're trying way too hard and I'm worried about you
F-15C for everything unless I feel like dabbing on b*lkans with the Draken.
Yes, this is exactly the kind of reaction I'm looking for.
more vr levels when?
They should have been there for mission 19.
The whole game is a disjointed mess.
Keep seething faggot and do your pre-flight checks
You mean flightstick people who forgot what console this game was on for a while? Or the fact that Cross Rumble is on the 3DS of all things?
>They should have been there for mission 19.
Man, I could have sworn they got mentioned some time during mission 19 but I'm not sure.
reminder that op is a fag and don’t forget hide all his posts and enjoy this ace combat thread
>never got to make papa clown proud
I'm just mad they tried to con people to spend $20 on the half-assed story mode that is a hellish grind if you use the in-game credits.
Clown got shot down by Mihaly. You don't notice it because they only show it for like 2 seconds when Schroeder is talking in one of the scenes.
Yeah, it bombed.
Bless you
I fucking love this cover
>Ass Combat
>Being successful
I'd be willing to go turboautist on top scores if I was willing to do the online stuff where the parts actually buff you much better than the stuff you unlock during the campaign.
Yeah, those can be real cunts, too. I still see it as an issue of being too slow on the platforms, though. What's better than having 3 minutes to mop up fighters? 4 minutes. What loadout do you use? I use LACM on the Rafale, so I have no excuse for not being able to do it. Theoretically, it should be a piece of cake with that loadout, but in practice I'm just a shitter.
>using "cringe" as an adjective
>"ewww anime!"
>muh realism
>muh multiplayer
>muh character development
>muh special snowflake avatars
Thanks I'm going to playthis game just because of you
>Ace Combat 7 is a great game!
Said no one ever.
Don't lie, nostagiatard
Emulate AC4/5/0 to see if you like the series. You could pirate 7 too, just consider buying if you like it. The devs put a lot of heart into it.
could it be built?
it has begun
We can barely get our fucking F35s, let alone that thing.
Giant flying wings have been made. I'm pretty sure some of them have been autonomous too. The real bitch is how this thing would resupply its drones.
>using metacritic at all
Wow, it's like I'm in a fucking Breath of the Wild or Dark Souls thread RIGHT NOW!
Shit looks retarded and I'm sure you'd love to throw a cartoon girl on it.
Wow, those Idols really do live rent-free in your head.
for me it’s /m/echa
>he wouldn't roast that bird
>Bigass arsenal mech
Come to Papa.
*Switches to EML*
Wow. Based Ace Combat community guys!
Rent fucking free.
Yeah the waifushit skins are kinda cringe, but keep fucking seething retard
>believes in Santa Claus
>kosmos, cosmos
That one Idolmaster skin for the Su-33 was ridiculous. Fucking 80+ QAAMs.
>every idolmaster plane is loaded with missiles
>Even though most AC fags only played the PS2 games and shit on or completely skip over the PS1 games
so based.
People who grew up on the PS2 can post here, gramps.
not so fast
imagine talking to yourself
so this is the amazing ace combat community I've heard so much about
Stay mad, disgusting weebo
so do you think after the next two games or so, we’ll start getting space combat? maybe get a game set in the ugsf universe?
>t.Spare Squadron
space combat is overrated, there's an entire over-saturated genre of space flight games, why does AC have to jump on the bandwagon too?
Boomers defy technological advancement
>Old good new bad
The clouds look really fuckin' good tho
Adrenaline Junkie kills people for fun and ends up saving the world
>Machinegun only run
>S-Rank missions
>Ace Difficulty playthrough
>Aces for additional skins
>Medal requirements
>Replaying for cash to buy planes and parts
>10 hour game
Game was review-bombed by austists for not having flight-stick support on Day 1
The majority of the negative reviews are fuck sticks that are mad that they can't sue their autism hot ass set ups or retards that went in expecting dcs. Otherwise I've seen it pretty universally praised as a great entry in to the ace combat series.
>Next two games
The series is dead because nobody bought this trash. Good riddance.
>Belka Barry
japs did
says a lot about the current state of pc gaming that your average guy doesnt know about or how to use x360ce or xpadder equivalent
It's been 3 hours, I know you love this game but don't you have a life?
Not that guy, but he's a useless commander who rides entirely on Triggers coat tails and then gets sent to the busiest, most dangerous parts of the front lines and is never mentioned again. Obviously it's left open ended, but the odds don't look good for him.
Game plays just as well on a controller. I don't get it. Then again, I'm not one of those strange people who play driving games with a miniature wheel/transmission/pedal kit. Or, in this case, a joystick.
Whats wrong with a 10 hour game now? I would rather a 10 hour game then a 40 hour one I will never finish, not in school anymore I dont need one game to last me a few months at a time
You can't use multiplayer parts in singleplayer though
Aren't enough gooks to save a trash series
but this is the seventh sequel user?
Except that those parts literally say "multiplayer only" you absolute fucked retard
I don't remember them all being locked to MP, but then again, I haven't touched the game for months and just replaying AC5 instead.
>mad that an Ace Combat game is an Ace Combat game
Your only legit criticism is that Multiplayer is busted. Sounds like you just want a skinner box for kids full of emotes and microtransactions.
Explain to me why an arcade flight game doesn't have to support flight sticks when literally every arcade flight game uses a flight stick?
>SU-47 > F-22
What makes this funnier is that in real life the SU-47 (along with the PAK-FA) are complete failures.
Holy shit I need these skins in 7, are these on the Nexus or have they still not been ripped from Infinity yet?
Ace Combat is only popular because consolefags don't have anything better. Why would I play this over IL-2?
FUCKING.... kys
Do you have autism? Then keep playing dcs or il2. Ace combat games are not simulators.
Modders recently figured out how to mod ac7. There's already a few anime skins out and quitr a bit of other good stuff. Check the nexus for em
I think you're missing a few
kys? you mean kiss?
no thanks faggot
I ain't gonna. What now, smartass?
I'm excited for the season pass drones.
Everybody post your favorite Pixy
Please specify CAD, my silly leaf friend. Before people start blaming Bandai Namco for our shitty exchange rate.
Also that is only like $6USD an hour. Shit is cheaper than a blu ray by a mile. Hell, it is cheaper than a ticket to see a movie once. I am honestly at the point in my life where I am 100x more worried about games wasting my time with dumb padding, than I am games being to short. I almost prefer short games.
doing this spawns both aces at once too
I can never post stall on demand like that. I always have to think about doing it then loose the window where doing it would have gotten me a hit on something.
I'm probably just a retard but I can't do post stalls consistently.
Only some planes can do it, and you need to go fairly slow at that.
Yea, I know. I'm using planes capable of doing it and I know how to do it but I just can't seem to do it when I want to. Guess I just gotta practice some more.
>Ace Combat of all games got its own dedicated shitposter
More confused than anything desu.
That said, AC7 was the first AC played since the original. Had a blast.
>Battle for Farbanti, Mr. X shows up
>Kicking his ass, already tagged him with a couple missiles without so much as a scratch on me
>Mr. X is now flying all over the place because Wiseman flies like a jack ass, proceeds to spend the next three minutes weaving between buildings and blocking all my shots before promptly exploding
Nah it's just some autist shilling the game by acting intentionally retarded, on top of already being retarded
I'm impressed Europoor DCSFag is still at it with these threads. He's been at it since the PC launch.
I know autism hits hard who would've thought the 7th game in a niche arcade game series coming out on PC would break some random Europoor's mind.
AC6, AC7, ACX, AC3, AC3D
ACAH, ACadvance
I have no clue why people hate this game, it was a fun top down shmup and it shows the rise of GR and the megacorporations