what the FUCK went wrong ?
What the FUCK went wrong ?
Vocal minority constantly shit on it to try and bump Ds2 up from worst on power rankings.
It's pretty solid overall.
They went in over their head and were unable to realize their vision.
A perennial problem for From Software.
took ques from bloodborne moving away from being a methodical dungeon crawl for dummies and more toward a straight up action game
a lot of the environmental detail is pretty average at least as bad as 2's worst stuff too
literally nothing, it's hands down the best souls game of the series
it wasn't longer and didn't have more nonlinearity
While it is very strong in some areas, it’s ultimately uncreative and rushed and as a result has the worst plot and lore out of the three Dark Souls game and the worst world design
t. virgin
Unneeded sequel. Same as dark souls 2
bland trash for pc virgins that never got to play bloodborne
Another shit bait thread. DS3 is the best souls game
kys normalnigger
Ds2 actually made playing a mage fun, dont get me wrong any experinced player could counter a mage but atleast your shit had tracking
Ds3 playing a mage in pve isnt bad the bots dont really dodge for shit, pvp though anyone with half a brain can just move slightly left or right and there untouchable.
Nothing it's perfect for pvp.
Ds3 is better than ds2.
Same reason DS2 was flawed for the most part: Rushed. DS3 had just a bit more PvE polish and that's it, because every step forward it took from DS2 it took one back.
All of the Souls games in this trilogy are rushed and Bamco'd but none of the sequels have something as big and realized as DS1's world progression with good lore mirroring it.
for me
BB > DS1 > DeS > DS3 = DS2
DS2 has an awesome last 1/3rd and DLC so it's a tie between it and DS3 , I only bump up DeS for the novelty factor.
Meant for
Ask someone who thinks DS3 is the greatest Souls game anything.
Why are you so cool?
I guess you can throw Sekiro in there somewhere but it's tricky to compare; they pretty much just wanted to make a perfect ninja Zelda game.
>Dark Souls Thread
>someone brings out the laggy, "epic builds", non-fun pvp
Isn't it only DS3 that's not p2p anyways?
That’s why I’m glad they gutted pvp in sekiro
How many delusional ds2fags do you have to argue with on a daily basis?
All of them are p2p.
yeah this pretty much. the plot was fucking awful.
DS3 isn't the best in the series but it's absolutely better than the dumpster fire that was DS2.
BB > DS3 > DS1 > DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS2
normies have more sex than you user
Focusing on fun instead of dreadful boredom
Its only sin is being the third (fifth if you wanna be THAT guy) game in a franchise that revels in an unreasonable amount of hype. Even if you consider it the lowest point in the franchise, DS3 is a solid 8/10 at worst.
>not liking pvp
Literally dark souls is for pvp i mean playing it for pve lol are you a cuck or what?
>implying that plot matters in a Dark Souls game
Miyazaki actually said that most concepts from the story came up during development. And THEN there's the infamous case that around 80% of the story is behind ambiguous lore from items and weapons who some might not even have proper translations.
Dark Souls 1 had a proper story, and the plot made sense for the most part. Yes there were some things that weren’t explained but it’s nowhere near 80% like you say. Even Dark Souls 2 has a good story and world, it’s just not executed as well as 1. But 3 is where they dropped the ball. It’s a mess and it retcons stuff from the other games
I only speak to human beings.
is dark souls an action game?
why the FUCK
is everyone using a dark longsword + chaos dagger
your mom is a riding game lol
Aw yeah bois lets make this stupid fucking thread again and again until we hit the 10 year anniversary hahaha yeeeaaah RETARDATIOOOON WOOOOOO
>want to be an epic pvp player
>search youtube video
>finally build a proper character
>wait a shitload of time to invade people HOPING that they have worse builds than me
>end up invading ganks all the time
Nothing ur just fucking dumb lol
It's too hard
Literally the best dark souls game. Best bosses and most good bosses in the series, most challenge in the series and least shit areas/bosses. Bloodborne is still better but that's a given.
DeS >DaS > BB
Fuck 2 and 3
I know most people like BB the most , but I had the least fun with it and I can't exactly tell why. It was my first souls game too
I don't understand the Dark Souls 3 Bit. Why is he on Anor Londo if the game ends with the First Flame?
i refuse to believe this.
I know dsp is bad at video games, but there is no way he died this many times
Imagine playing dark souls for plot/lore.
The last thing he did in the run was kill Nameless King, and went to the out the dragonstone on the Silver Knights
>Dude muh sacred cows DaS and BB
III has twice the amount of good boss fights as DaS.
the game peaks at cathedral
You got 30 seconds to tell me why references to previous Souls games in any Souls game is bad.
It's more fun after you acquire every weapon. Also there's a handful of optional areas that are very easy to miss, and those are arguably the best : Cainhurst Castle and Upper Cathedral Wall. Plus DLC of course.
none of the games after DeS ever referenced the Fluted set which would be the best reference any of them ever made
the closest was DS3 where the default knight set is designed to look like a hybrid between Fluted and Elite Knight
DaS is carried by its great world design. The bosses aren't particularly mechanically great, but they were popular for a reason, everyone remembers Quelana, Artorias, Sif and Seathe, but no one will remember Vordt, Deacons, Yorm or Aldrich.
I remember Aldrich if only for how fun the arrow attack is
which is an attack from the poor husk of Gwyndolin. pretty Moonboy is probably the only reason people would find the fight memorable.
Ds3 story is fine and it never retcon anything unless you take vaati’s lore as official lore.
DS3 only downside is that the world is linear but it is peak soul gameplay, enemy design, and boss design while level design is pretty good as well. Though the decision to have such high encumberment for armor is questionable, maybe fromsoft realize that nobody wants to play with slow roll/fat roll. Stamina cost for roll and attack is pretty low, but it allows from to be more flexible with boss design and demands more action from the player instead of just playing safe
Call me a peasant but DSIII is probably my favorite. DeS is my second favorite but I haven't played it since 2011 so maybe my opinion would change if I played it again but I remember it being nice a weighty and DaS feeling floaty in comparison
I live DaS world design too, but people use it as a mask to justify their nostolgia/original bias towards it. It's no different than people giving BB substantial brownie points for having a lovecraft setting.
I've already platinumed the game. I just didn't find it very fun but it definitely has the best setting in the series. I like the concept of trick weapons at first but then it just basically became a two in one weapon.
Most people actually loath Aldrich for being Gwyndolin: Naga addition and not a big sludge blob if only because the cinematic hypes you for it.
The only reason to prefer DS2 is if you love the weapon/build variety and the rpg aspect of the series.
It has shittier bosses, level design, and combat than any other game in the series.
The only good bosses in 3 are Dancer, Pontiff, and Nameless King
Who would actually want a sludge boss. Sludge bosses in games are notoriously medicore to bad.
there's no way you went as far as to platinum the game and didn't find it fun. i would never play a video game that much if i didn't think it was fun.
If that is your standard then the only good DaS fight is Artorias
what about Iudex Gundyr, the Abyss Watchers, and the Twin Princes?
You forgot Abyss Watchers, Champ Gundyr, Dragonslayer Armor, Twin Princes, Demon Princes, Friede, Midir, or Gael
Why ludex over the champ where you can find the human state with improved moveset and NOT having the shitty black blob state
People expected a good one sludge boss. There was a thread where this guy shared is whole concept for pure Aldrich, it was some kind of "floor is lava" deal.
Lack of build variety
Lack of replayability
Shitty dragon form despite Bloodborne having come out before it and having a sick ass beast/Cauliflower form
Covenants are lame
Lack of a mechanic like bonfire ascetics
Areas feel like a chore and none of them are that memorable
Pvp is shit
Pyromancy and other spells are lackluster
The game has good boss music, bosses, and I like that they went back to the art direction of dark fantasy over DaS2's generic fantasy, but that's all I can really say DaS3 does good.
Felt very directionless, like the story hit a dead end and decided to LOL THE FLOW OF TIME IS STRANGE into a writting dead end
Fact: Gundyr would be the most powerful souls boss if he two handed his Glaive like a normal person.
> floor is lava
That sound really unfun already, especially if you expect to do platforming with soul platform mechanic and you can’t run nor fast roll in lava
I got the names mixed up! Of course I'm talking about the champ
He would be even more powerful if he doesn’t wield weapon with any hand and just elbow, kick, and grab you all day
DaS1 and 2's generic fantasy parts are done really well though. You could count places like Darkroot Garden, Anor Londo or Dragon Aerie as generic fantasy, but they gave a great adventure feel which DaS3 doesn't have enough of.
great bosses by game:
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Ds3 definitely wins in terms of quality bosses.
add Sanctuary Guardian to DS1
Everyone probably remembers those characters only because DaS is a lot of people's first Souls game. I remember how momentous each boss fight felt in DaS and how oppressive and dangerous exploring the world felt. Now, after DaS2 and BB, I can run through entire areas in DaS3 without dying and discovering an upcoming boss fight just makes me feel like "cool, I'm about to be another step closer to beating the game"
Is it just me, or is DS3 the easiest souls game?
All depends on personal preferences and habits. It's probably the hardest game for me because I'm just too slow for it, DaS and DS2's fights are paced in a way I like a lot more. It's also why I have no interest in bloodborne whatsoever
It's easiest because you had four (4) Souls games to practice for it. After completing DeS, DS1, DS2, and BB, you've pretty much mastered this series. If we compare difficulty objectively and throw a bunch of new, equally skilled, equally ignorant players at each game, DS3 would probably be the hardest. Compare Iudex Gundyr, the tutorial boss, to Asylum Demon or Vanguard or Last Giant. Compare the rare black knights in Undead Burg (backstab, strafe, backstab, strafe, backstab, strafe, win) to the rather common Lothric knights in High Wall (both one and two handed movesets, can do 5+ attack combos, punish back stab fishers by swatting enemies behind them).
Welp it's not the easiest one is DS2 i mean you can even beat it in a pacifist way lol
I personally liked Pursuer, Ruin Sentinels, Smelter Demon, Darklurker, Sinh, Fume Knight, and Sir Alonne boss fights.
Each game has it's own strengths
DS1 has good world design and mapping
DS2 has amazing weapon choices and builds (I miss dual wielding)
DS3 just feels like a decent balance, you can definitely tell this one was rushed due to lack of weapons like they had in ds2
BB is it's own thing and doesn't at all play like the souls so I wouldn't really compare them.
I was late to the souls games and only started them right as ds3 came out so I played ds1>2>3 all within a few months of each other but the bosses in DS1 seemed to have the strongest impact on me. Few fights have given me the same feeling as the smough and ornstein fight, except the fume knight from ds2, that one was hard but so much fun to beat after learning his patterns.
Try a parry playthrough for some challenge, it can be hard but a lot of enemies/bosses are parriable.
damn dude you have a shit taste
Absolutely. Not sure why people say DS2 is irredeemable, it does have great bosses. And even if demon of Song is a weird boss it's still incredibly original and memorable : 2 staples of boss design in DeS.
Bamco forced a passive aggressive Miyazaki to make a game he didn't want to make
How could you forgot the Ivory King tho
Not to mention, DS3 has fucking Friede, which literally requires you to fight harder Priscilla, harder Ornstein, and harder Lady Maria, back to back to back. And many don't consider her the hardest boss in the game, with Gael/Demon Prince/Nameless King/Dancer/Midir being considered on a similar level.
They thought it was a good idea to link melee attacks to a mana bar. If weapon arts weren’t fucking consumables the game would have been 100 times better. Imagine if trick weapons ran on a mana bar.
I think Deacons gets too much hate.
Just carry some ashen. The game gives you so many estus that if you just get hit less, you can have fun with weapon artes more
Its called allotting more Ashen estus retard.
the amount of DS2 memepraise these last weeks is so pathetic and obvious
You are stupid if you think Bloodborne is nothing like Souls.
Yeah no fucking shit. Still not a practical solution for ppl like me that like to journey long distances without resting at bonfires.
Ashen flask isn’t the point. It should be limited to begin with.
BB plays VERY differently than souls games.
It's not a fair comparison because they go for something different so you cant fairly compare them like you can souls games.
Most WA are powerful moves, having then be free would be broken. Plus, the AE flask would be pointless beyond specific builds. Having it be upgraded solely with atn was the real mistake. Having a small amount with vit would have helped.
Weapon artes are really strong though. Their BB equivalent would be trick weapon attack that consume Bullet. Many would be broken without being limited by a resource
>very differently
No, the design philosphy is the exact same and the gameplay is the same minus shields for the most part. It isn't nearly as different as you want to think.
i don't think it's hate as much as it is being underwhelmed, unless you're playing pure mage or fist weapons you can steamroll them with anything
So you guys agree with having it linked to mana bars then? You think that was a good calll? Because I’m still not convinced. There has never been a time for me that weapon arts would have been more practical than just r1 or r2. Like over half of the worthwhile weapon arts take way too long to even connect from the startup animation, and that should have been the extent of the drawback, not mana consumption.
I said I found it the least fun out the rest except DS2, but I did enjoy the game. Chalice dungeons are the only parts where I didn't have fun at all and had to co-op to get the trophy. Though my experience with BB was a weird one , initially played it and dropped it for 2 years thinking the souls genre sucks. Came back in 2017 and the game suddenly clicked fighting crow of cainhurst.
Yea I don’t see anything wrong with it because I find many of them really powerful. Some of them can be true combo from an attack for really high damage or allow a true combo follow up with a regular attack which is helpful as WA breaks through poise like crazy.
I'm probably bias because I use OWCS.
They can’t rip too much from Demon’s Souls because Sony effectively owns the franchise like Bloodborne.