We're going home boys. Share your classic wow experiences.
We're going home boys. Share your classic wow experiences
I don't know why you think this is going to be so good. You'll play for a week or two before getting bored and claiming that it's bad because of some decision Actiblizzard made (in reality it's just an old MMO and nostalgia can't carry a game)
>home threads getting deleted
>multiple smash threads up always
>squat emoting on tauren females in goldshire or whatever it's called
>going fps in the stormwind ah and jacking off to the nightelf and human models
Ha jokes on you I've put over 6 months in a private server already.
I'll be rolling a female human paladin with the pony tail
Reminder that the undead, who are the horde's smartest race, are still dumber than a fucking dwarf.
never played wow and i might give it go when classic actually comes out.
>Befriend the most hated guy on the server
>Doing dungeon with him and a few members of the best guild on the server (Strat)
>He asks what's happening with flask recipe should it drop, they don't really give him an answer, which is fair enough as the chances it will are astronomically low
>Proceeds to leave the party and start preaching in general/trade how this guild (Best and most respected on the server) are ninja looters
>Gets me kicked from party
>Gets me blacklisted from guilds future pug raids
>Stay his friend because he's funny as fuck
>Full t3 warrior with thousands of gold quits in front of said friend, proceeds to unload all his items, stacks of rare herbs, orbs etc. to him
>Friend gives me a share of everything
That's how I learned to just play for fun and everything will work out. You don't have to suck some turbo sperg raid leaders dick to get ahead.
That's Cataclysm
>Get talked into trying the game.
>Give it a go on friend's account.
>Get to like level 12.
>Tell friend who convinced me to try it that it's starting to feel pretty needlessly grindy.
>He tells me it takes months to reach the level cap.
>Get another two levels.
>Can't sneak around stealing shit.
>Can't kill anything the game doesn't consider an 'enemy'.
>Quests are bland repetitive grindshit.
>Literally nothing to do in the game but fight and grind for the sake of fighting harder and grinding longer.
>May as well dangle a carrot in front of myself on a stick that grows longer every time I take a step.
>Ask friend what the appeal of this game is.
>Can't answer.
>Apologize and explain that even though I really made an effort to get into it as he wanted me to play it with him, the game just has zero attraction to me and I don't understand what anyone enjoys about it.
>Game is supposed to be the peak of the MMO experience.
>Never played an MMO ever again. Just develop a blind spot for the entire genre, immediately dismiss any and all games in it as trash.
Thankyou based classic WoW for showing me in just a couple hours that the entire MMO genre isn't worth my time or money.
hurts just to think about this one
>be me, 14 years old picking up WoW for the first time
>look at website to pick race and class
>really want to be gnome, narrow it to lock and mage
>decide lock cause sounds more badass
>hit lvl 10 after dying like 20 times, decide i want to be destruction cause it sounds way more badass than the other two
>refuse to use anything but 1 dot at a time and shadow bolts
>die a bunch of times in redridge
>accidentally switch action bar to the 2nd one
>"whered all my spells go?"
>decide my character is broken
>delete him and reroll as a mage
>fun times, BC comes out
>finally get to max at 70
>discover locks are better than mages in every facet of the game and much easier to play and dominate with in PvP
thas ok. there are many who do not share in the joy of classic wow. i wish you happiness along whatever path you walk
>female warlock guild member, tanks twin emps in our raids
>guild officer calls her a stupid whore in officer chat while we keep wiping
>turns out her boyfriend was in the chat too
>they get super pissed off and start to try to cause drama
>leader kicks her, kicks her boyfriend, recruit a new warlock for twin emps next week
>down twin emps
>become server first horde C'Thun kill
It was good being in a drama free guild.
what should I roll
>human rogue for nostalgia (my og roll)
>tauren shaman (what I mained in retail)
Not even going to bother with it. I fully know that nostalgia for this game is why I want to go back to it.
It will NOT be the same, I am not 14 anymore and the situation is not how it was when I was some punk ass kid in middle-high school. WoW back then is dead, it exists back then.
twin emps easily one of the sickest encounters in WoWs history
>11 years old
>leveling a forsaken warlock on a PvP server
>make friends with a tauren shaman called "bigbuldik"
>never realised what his name meant until someone reported him and his name was reversed to "kidlubgib"
>hilarious guy, we'd attack Southshore with the rest of the guild, roam around killing alliance in hillsbrad
>he doesn't log on for a few weeks
>his gf said he was shot while on duty (he was a cop)
>said it was fine and he'd recover soon
>never came online again
I played all the way up to Legion and never found a bro like him again.
>in stv ganking this one gnome
>must have ganked him 5 or 6 times before he finally rezzed at gy
>ive been searching for him at the gy, and i see him hearth
>I mount up and stealth into stormwind and then try the inn, auction house, and bank no sign of him
>then i go to the deeprun tram, get on it and go to IF out of boredom
>i gank one or two lowbies who are flagged in their home city and then move my way to the back
>seeing the AH mostly empty of flagged players i stop by this one house
>there he is, that same fucking gnome, he even has a minute of rez sickness left
>i get up behind him and cold blood ambush crit his shit for a 1hit kill
>he immediatly rezzes and then makes a character on the horde to curse at me how im a horrible disgrace to the horde and all players everywhere and should be banned for life for camping somebody for an entire day
was worth it, got a 24 hour ban
love when guild leaders arent assholes
You know, I find it funny that people say it's "just nostalgia" and that we won't enjoy it coming back to the game. When has anyone gone back and played Ocarina of Time, Doom, SM64, or any great old game and people have shit on them and said "IT WONT BE THE SAME YOU WONT HAVE FUN AGAIN!" Fucking nobody that's who. The game wasn't enjoyable just cause you were young. The game was enjoyable because it's a good ass game. I only got to lvl 52 before BC dropped originally but I had a ton of fun. I only got to lvl 27 on Nostalrius but I honestly had even more fun there then I did when I first played. And I'm going to have even more fun playing Classic.
It's actual nonsense to think that nostalgia clouds your judgment and that the game is just magically going to not be fun again when it's been proven time and time again with like every other good old game that people love to go back and play it and still enjoy it.
a 24 hour ban? i dont believe that shit for a second. GMs couldnt give less of a shit if you were getting ganked. it was just part of the game
I think the main difference is that there's this defensiveness about the current state of wow. People playing retail wow are invested deep, and if classic is a success, it means that clearly something went wrong along the way. It would be admitting that the game isn't objectively superior, and it might even end up harming the future development of it.
This is why Blizzard themselves were hesitant to admit that vanilla had merit, because again it would be admitting that they fucked up.
nah got banned for harrasment
Nothing that special and I barely remember the full details, but it was a really nostalgic week for me
>Be like 14
>playing WoW
>Can't just 100% coast on quests so have to grind level ups on just grinding mobs
>Big ass hurricane hit my city and all the power went out for like 2 weeks
>2 days into the outage sister that owns a clinic in town tells us that the clinic is closed down due to hurricane but the power generator is working
>spend the next 2 weeks sleeping at the clinic with family, AC and power working
>get WoW installed on the shitty PC they have there
>school cancelled all 2 weeks
>spend the days farming those huge ass Kodos on that whatever the fuck place in the western region by the ocean (desolace?) while watching some cartoons off the reception area TV
>only place open for food was this nearby pizzeria so we binged on 2 weeks of pizza
>new quests become available and start questing
idk why this shit was just maximum comfy for some reason
Your argument is flawed, user. Zelda/Doom/Mario are single player experiences. They ARE the same every time because it's just a game, everything is the same every time.
What made WoW special growing up wasn't the "enjoyable good ass game" it was that you were experiencing it with other people for the first time.
Key fucking word: FOR THE FIRST TIME. You already know all the strats, you already know all about WoW classic that there is to know, and even if YOU do not know, OTHERS do. This isn't fucking around with a group of level 11s in westfall for the first time, it's a calculated grind of trying to get to level cap with other players that already know where to go and what to do and there is no sense of "that wonder" that you had as a kid.
This is 100% percent pure nostalgia goggles and you'll see for yourself when it hits you a few days after playing it
Are you telling me that if I went back and played, say, F.E.A.R. multiplayer again, it wouldn't be fun? Because I've got bad news for you.
Because nobody plays Diablo 2 anymore right
They should add qol like re spawning in the dungeon, wide loot on mobs, dungeon finder should be like a channel so people don't have to spam /1 , etc.
Vanilla is fucking awesome though, doesn't matter if they dont i just think they would be nice and they are not intrusive to the gameplay.
>let's compare an FPS shooter multiplayer experience to an MMORPG grind experience
What next? HALO 2 multiplayer?
You mean that single player game with a tacked on MP that you can get to level cap in 2 hours of proper grinding? yeah I bet people play it. People play Pokemon, too.
>coping this hard
>can't counter argument this hard
That means I'm correct and you're not :)
lmao not even close. every single game on the market out there is like this. everyone knows everything about every game due to how quick people are to get information out and the youtube/monetization system. even back then, outside of the earliest period of vanilla, there was already so much information online about the game. just go to thottbot and you can figure out how to do any quest, what the loot table is for every dungeon and boss, how to beat every boss, etc.
sure people have tried to optimize the experience more since then, but you're actually retarded if you think people really didnt know that much back then.
hell, even now there are almost as many people playing on random private servers for the old game as there are on the actual retail blizzard servers for the current game. i cant even imagine how hard retailers are going to have to try to cope once classic comes out and dwarfs retails numbers of active players.
>trusting Activision to not fuck up vanilla
>the same people who made WoD, Legion and BfA
>paying real money and subbing to retail to play an Activision hosted vanilla server
You are not having an argument, you are having an opinion, nobdy gives a fuck if you think it's nostalgia or if you think it's glasses, there's a crowd that actually want's to play a wow mmo and some of us play in private servers, we KNOW what we are going to you don't have to remind us that YOU wont like it.
>still can't counter argument
Yeah, I won ;)
>general chat is /pol/ bullshit 24/7
>"you're mage but not gnome so no" when i trying to find party for deadmines
>"this quest is in the guide so i must do it"
>"you're leveling in sub kys shitter"
>"10k is healthy population and ungoro mafia is actually good for server"
Are there any "niche" viable specs? Both PvP and PvE.
oh look more people coming in to needlessly shit on classic.
could it be because they're retail players who are just trying to cope with the realization that their 15 years of work on their characters is all for naught since the game is utter shit now?
could it be others who have grown cynical with the game industry as a whole and due to their own shitty lives just project onto everyone else who are trying to have fun with the games they enjoy?
could it be someone who's own beloved game will never get a rework and it's never coming back so out of envy and bitterness they can't help but shit on others games?
whatever group you belong to, i feel sorry for you. let go of that coping, bitterness, and sadness, and move onto greener pastures anons.
prot war, holy priest and combat rogue
aside from the chinese gold selling, this is some real bullshit i never saw happen on nost, or any other server for that matter. but keep pretending user
>could it be because they're retail players who are just trying to cope with the realization that their 15 years of work on their characters is all for naught since the game is utter shit now?
I don't give money to Activision Blizzard.
Ok buddy i had enough of your hot dank opinions en garde
That's all? I love everything about Vanilla except this shitty spec viability.
/thread to all "going home" memes !
i saw it on every private vanilla server kys retailfag
>prot war
>holy priest
>only viable tank and best heal
>I love everything about Vanilla except this
how is that even applicable? I'm sad, not angry. I want nothing more in world than vanilla style wow where I can tank as a druid or paladin, or run some weird ass support spec.
then go play retail and kys
>To keep in silence I resigned
>My friends would think I was a nut
>Turning water into wine
>Open doors would soon be shut
>So I went from day to day
>Though my life was in a rut
'Til I thought of what I'll say
>Which connection I should cut
>I was feeling part of the scenery
>I walked right out of the machinery
>My heart going boom, boom, boom
>"Hey", he said,
>"grab your things, I've come to take you home"
Wow, talk about seething...
he said for both pve and pvp but i guess you cant be fucked to read the whole post even when its only 1 sentence
Druid or Hunter lads? The only two classes I havent played past lvl 20 in any iteration of WoW
Heal or pvp?
Never played before, so I don't have any.
I just want to put down windfury totems down and make everyone happy as we rape everything in our path
mages really got shat on in BC. they dominated warlocks in vanilla tho
I started in BC can I still play classic with you guys?
What are you going to roll?
i thought you couldn't make an opposing faction on the same server?
finally no more ":v" shit heads
legit the only thing that happened here on lights hope is the gold sellers whispering you. kys
Deciding between feral pvp and hunter pvp. I'll do PvE and im okay being a heal bitch for taht content tho, but prob not going deep in PvE. Just BWL at most
Oh man he's at it again. Level 23 gonna be cuh-razy.
Any alliance on Northdale that can gank this dude for lulz?
orc warrior because that's what I played in BC > Wrath > Cata > MoP > Legion and a week into BFA
Stop making these fucking threads every single day. Nobody gives a shit about this dead game. Fuck off.
Even tho all i hear is that warriors are a pain in the ass to level i'm fucking doing it.
Clubbing people as a vanilla warrior sounds fun as fuck.
You don't know how happy I was when I found out you were banned and can't use a trip code any longer
I hope you have fun being a fucking pvp beast.
it sucks. do not try any other class like rogue, hunter, warlock, even fucking paladin because you will see just how much better/more fun all the other classes are at leveling.
warrior is only fun when you have a group with someone that can toss a heal at you.
>tfw healer but no friend/partner to play with
I guess I will just find someone to play with while playing.
Fuck off samefag shill
>Be me, 14 or so
>Playing this game for the first time (On a private server called Wowscape because poor and cannot afford to waste money on vidya)
>Be levelling in Hellfire Peninsula
>Some Draenei Shaman kicks my ass and teabags my corpse in a very graphic manner
>Says something lewd
It was my first encounter with such behavior, so i remember it very well, i didn't get pissed or anything i was barely even aware of what "teabagging" implied.
It's not hard to find appreciation in legit RPGs and games like WoWEverQuest.
it happens. i still find people on nost today whenever im out and about. usually i just whisper asking if they are doing the same quest and chances are if they are in the area they are so we bang them out quick. hung around with one for an entire zone like 3-4 levels and he had ended up going to bed. added him since he said he wanted to level more with meand I kinda don't want to level up by myself now in case he gets on again tomorrow.
imagine being this wrong
Weird. I used to crash a lot of RP parties in RPPvP servers.
welcome brother
I'd unironically be okay with something being done to make respeccing not as painful, but if that sets precedent for more qol changes, then I can live without it.
>Shit to mediocre dps
>shit tanking
>worst healers
what's the point of vanilla druids?
in other news: virgin reminds everyone why he is a loser nobody wants to be anywhere near.
Making others feel better about their class pick
I would be ok if they removed respecs all together or gave each player 1 or 2 respecs in total. But not gonna happen. Dual spec was cancer.
>I'm specialized at this
>And also at this hurr :D
>>"you're leveling in sub kys shitter"
Top fucking kekkonen. No one is going to turn down a dps that won't be as likely to take your loot. It's just dps.
druid are the absolute best at being flag carriers in WSG. when you have a good one on your team it feels really fucking good
>pay 50g
>i am now specialized at whatever i want
The gold price was put in vanilla to balance out the economy and have a big end game gold sink.
The talent system was ripped straight from Diablo 2 which had no respecs and it was fine. I wish they had kept that. But imagine the tears from the "Quality of my life" crowd.
I had more fun goofing around with some warrior-esque dude in Duskwood as we curbstomped wouldbe gankers in Ascension than I did in my 4 months back to playing BFA. Grouping up with randos and wandering around has always been a blessing.
Weirdly enough, it sounds kinda like Runescape would be your thing
>best 1v1 in pvp at all levels
>best flag carriers in WSG
>tanking is actually good for both dungeons and raiding (minus nefarian and chromag fights)
>only class with reliable HoTs
>easy to get raid spots if you're competent
you just really aren't trying man
Played on a Wotlk server with 3 irl friends and we had a blast.
The last time I played Wotlk was when I was something like 12 (I'm 21 now), so I there were alot of things I didn't remember about how the game was then, and despite that I was the most knowlegeable of the 4 of us (I assumed the guy who convinced us to play would know as much or more, but apparently he had next to no experience with it)
We stopped playing eventually though, since we could never get the 4 of us available simultaneously, and we didn't want to play in groups of 1-3 since then whoever wasn't playing would fall behind
I occasionally dip back into it to do a couple quests, or even just run around and explore on a different character then log-out
Basically, the 2 main benefits of WoW are getting to play it with either people you know or former strangers, and the large amount of content available
And raids I guess. Raids aren't really a thing that exist outside MMOs.
doesnt the classic patch limit one hot per druid? Druids fucked.
>WOTLK came out 11 years ago
>Cata came out in 2010
Fucking zoomers
not one hot per druid. it was one specific spell at a time for any druid, so like you could have regrowth and rejuv on you at the same time, but another druid cant put those same hots on you. it sounds stupid, but considering there are usually only 2 or 3 druids needing to hot 38 or 37 other people in the raid it never becomes a problem. If BC was any indication, this system probably should have been kept to some degree because once BC came out everyone just stacked druids and they made every other healer look like a joke even worse than priests and pallys made druids look in vanilla.
You can but not on pvp servers iirc
Nothing will change. Maybe some people will play both retail and current wow but I know many people who aren't willing to part with Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Monk class, races etc. So they will play periodically but eventually it will die off or have very little population.
I will honestly be surprised if it manages to not die off completely in a year or something.
so how are those mount and transmog runs treating you? you get your invincible yet that actually means nothing cause everyone else has also been farming it for the past 8 years and it'll inevitably just end up in our mount storage like the other 500 mounts you've wasted time farming?
>in a year
We had one guy yesterday saying it will die in 30 years, that's the record so far.
>30 years
>"i know many people who are definitely real and accurately represent a vastly larger group of people that i know nothing about"
even worse is the fact that you think retail players will be a big part of the people who play classic. the vast majority of classic will be people who havent touched the abomination that is retail in the past 6-10 years. retail players will pop over, get frustrated that they have to do anything that challenges them in the slightest, and go back to being coddled in retail.
Yeah and he was acting all triumphant:
>"You really think you will be playing this game 30 years from now? I don't think so!"
>even worse is the fact that you think retail players will be a big part of the people who play classic.
Even worse you think the majority of classic babies won't just beg for fresh after three months of rediscovering they suck at the game and can't get into a decent raiding guild.
We will see user, I firmly believe you are being deluded especially if you count the private server population as people who would be willing to pay for subs.
>the vast majority of classic will be people who havent touched the abomination that is retail in the past 6-10 years
You can't be serious.
>0 argument can be made for retail being a good game at all so instead of trying to convince anyone that its a good game ill just post wojaks
Could druids cast faerie fire while shapeshifted?
Do you play retail?
>Everybody that laughs at me for being a blizzcuck is a retailfag
What's wrong retard? Are you jealous that blizzard Abandoned you to appeal to whales? Don't worry tranny, they'll milk you with decade old content with a 2-3 years maximum life span.
People do act gay like that though. My friend called me a retro fag because I refused to play apex legends with him and played diablo 2 instead. Normies are actually retarded.
The fanbases are completely different now. Retail is such a different game that anyone invested into it would never touch classic.
Not currently as there's no content that interests me. I did do heroic Uldir with a guild in September before the sub ran out and I didn't bother after that.
>>never realised what his name meant until someone reported him and his name was reversed to "kidlubgib"
my guild leaders name was Huuf. he was a tauren. i always pronounced it as huff and no one bothered correcting me. Realized the mistake 10 years later when i tried to remember what my guild leaders names were.
>plays retail, is a blizzcuck
>hasnt played retail in years, is a blizzcuck
pick one
I leveled a night elf hemo spec rogue in vanilla, who only used daggers. My main method of grinding was running dungeons because I didnt like solo questing when I was a little kid. I also would do random roleplay actions while the healer would drink in between pulls.
I still got invites...
You are wrong about that as I like both of them for different reasons and many retailfags are also willing to play the game. People who spam these threads on Yea Forums have absolutely no idea what they're on about.
for me the fun is in figuring out the best way to kill other players and fighting over resource nodes or grind spots out in the world.
The leveling is only fun otherwise if you enjoy figuring out how to maximize efficiency or reading the quest text.
>Gives blizzard money
>Is a cuck
>probably a stinky tranny
Pick all three.
>>Gives blizzard money
i make a months worth of subscription in an hour
If you ask any retail player to try to convince you that that the current game is good, every single time without fail they just point to what's coming in the next content patch
>"look at all this new content its going to be so good! wow will be good again!"
retail has somehow managed to keep players following a carrot on a stick for like 6 years. i dont get how people continue to be desperate enough to have faith that "oh the last ones sucked but THIS one. THIS one is it" when its been nothing but disappointment for years.
at some point user, you just gotta let go and accept it
Ill be rolling 20/31/0 because FUCK divine favour I want to be able to farm
Unless you are into raiding or mogs/collections there's really no point. Raiding/mythics is one of the few things which keeps the game afloat.
>be me, warlock on Kalecgos
>raiding in BWL with guild
>getting prepped for Chrommagus fight
>bored, need to change demon for some reason
>send imp to go attack big demon dog
>imp dies, as expected
>go back to whatever
>hear over vent "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?"
>Chrommagus phased through his cage and wipes all 40 of us lickety split
>laugh my ass off
>nobody knows it was me
>tfw they blame the hunter
It's not going to be the same you faggots are going to be disappointed. The magic you experienced when you were 14-15 is gone.
i didnt experience magic. i experienced a good game.
i would happily play another good game, if any were made. but none have been made in like 11 years.
nah warriors are fun. level as arms and get sweeping strikes, use cleave with it for big damage.
>Yeah I make mediocre money
>So it's okay if I spend it like a retard
Oh nice, good job retard.
i already know this because i actually played at the start back when there were tons of exploits and the game wasnt as balanced like it was in 1.12 with wacky on hit items scaling 1.1 with spellpower.
classic is just going to be like a private server content wise but the mob values will be more genuine. Im going to play it for 2-3 months to see what its like then probably quit forever. I already burned myself out playing nost.
my fucking homie, were you playing on wowlegion TBC? "LFM illi rush no more rouges"
>first MMO experience in third world UO pserver
>shit goes to bed
>hopping from pserver to pserver for years
>never managed to get the same feeling
>move forwards and actually try other games like wow
>magic is back shortly after
>mfw classic zoomzooms still have to realize this
too bad most modern games, especially MMO, suck nowadays
and so do internet communities in general
honestly i think theres a lot of potential for internet communities, but we're all constantly censored by our SJW leftist overlords who ban 95% of human speech and make us use double plus good language
Yeah, I would join SSC pugs and we would spend 20 minutes to down each boss because all our dps were clad in questing greens.
hunters don't scale well with gear but early pve raids they're quite good, so very suitable for your situation.
high end dps in MC but low end in AQ. great base, shit scaling.
from what i can tell it's pretty much what you're looking for. tipsout on youtube has damage meters for pve specs in various dungeons and explains them if you give a fuck, but that's the tl;dr right here.
this way you won't have to respec heals/make a new set to raid.
Mods (and by extension Jannies) are hard left trannies.
WoW: Classic is a right wing natsoc game. It’s no news they hate a game that is built on:
Asmon was watching some retarded autist shill speedrunning for classic. That's the amount of faith in its replayability he has for it. He literally knows classic has a half life of like 2 weeks before most people will burn through all the initial content. Guilds stacked with warriors and rogues clearing everything absurdly fast smashing through all your ideas of classic being balanced. These are dark times.
MMOs are a genre based on 1 and only 1 thing:
Make you waste as much time online as humanly possible and bait you into as many micro transactions as possible normally for cosmetics or “ways to avoid the grind”.
Can any guild leaders give some advice on how to run a guild? What are the most important things/traits you need to have?
Mostly you need trustworthy officers
Ah yes Asmongoloid the ultra casual who can’t even 90% parse or down mythic consistently!
And hoped for classic because he just had to grind instead of getting good!
Then he realized he’d be awful at that too? That asmongoloid?
Help me out, Yea Forums.
I've played on private servers as a shaman and had a great time, but also go engineering/mining because i can't live without engineering and need mining to help out.
Would i miss mining too much if i drop it for something else? And if so, what?
Herbing seems like an easier moneymaker as mining comes down to arcane crystal lottery, and even if i find a warrior to dm:e jumps with me they never want to farm as much as i do and i need fucking consumes.
Maybe mining until i have all my gadgets made, then fuck off and get herbing? or is that retarded? I know in the past i've been jealous of the money herbalists make and have suffered through paying out the ass for mageblood mats or something.
I know herb/alch is probably best pure money profs combined but i cant drop engineering, period. I crutch on it too hard.
>roll a human pally early in vanilla
>picture him as a badass holy warrior
>wtf? I only judge and watch for procs???
>'nice' 5 min buffs!
>what do you mean I need decursive, wear cloth and heal?
>want to tank but run out of mana and got no taunt
I mean I was young and patient to level to 60 like that and even raid like a bitch but how can anybody willingly subject himself to this?
>Why is my HYBRID class not good at every role wtf!!!!!111
Retail tranny DETECTED!!!!
I'm also going mining / engineering because all those toys make the game much more fun.
>why is my STRAWMAN not good
More like it.
Here, I will spell it out for you: why play a HYBRID class that is not good at any role? (Yes, they can heal in cloth but the whole "holy knight" image is a trap.)
So why does warrior get to be the best tank and best dps class (depending on gear)?
>I'm also going mining / engineering because all those toys make the game much more fun.
oh yeah, engineering is amazing. The downside is you're locked into it since you can't use 90% of the fun when you aren't an engineer.
My problem is historically i haven't been great at making gold from mining other than arcane crystals from dm:east. Maybe that's due to overpopulated servers, maybe i just suck. And if dm:e method still works for classic in phase 2 maybe that's my best option, but i hate relying on some other dude's schedule/willingness.
unless you REALLY want engineering trinkets while youre leveling, i would do herb+skinning and then drop whichever for engineering at 60
first thing first: farm your epic mount
Why do white men get to be the most skilled, intellectual and powerful entities in the universe?
Well while leveling it's not really the trinkets, i normally rush to at least iron grenades as that's relatively easy and helps me a lot in wpvp while leveling.
Not to argue since I appreciate the advice, but i'm going mining/engineering to start for sure. My question is if it would be more beneficial to drop mining after or not.
Going 1-60 with engr/mining is already pretty retarded since you can just wait until the server stabilizes a bit, then you can buy mats for 300 engineering pretty easily.
Youre just making it harder on yourself for no reason
whoa dude lay off the antigoblinism.
Idk if this is the thread for that sort of question, friend
It is.
Wow classic is the last stand of white pride and admission white men are superior to diversity quotas.
But what about that human x femnelf interbreeding that's so popular
Like I said, I like the engineering for pvp while leveling. It could be retarded but it's how I've done it before. My question isn't that I can't make gold - i've leveled twice like this and had plenty for epic mount and consumes, but it becomes a chore and i rely too hard on dm:e jumps. I'm curious about if herbing is that much better.
The leveling engineering part isn't hard, with or without mining. That is not my question.
Maybe you play on pve servers but i use engineering basically every fight because I am a shitter.
The question is: Drop mining for
I know you're being helpful but not interested in your basic leveling advice as I know that already, besides I could literally just fish and make more than vendoring skins would ever be with the trade being hating myself.
afaik shamans dont need anything specific so really its just up to you. maybe herb for black lotus farming? with ghost wolf and shock spells you'll have an easier time than a lot of people. alchemy for transmute.
its up to you
>14 yo
>was a troll rogue pleb
>saw a warrior finesse players and win by the skin of his teeth
>liked what I saw and studied it for months
>never keybound more than 5 keys before
>finally decided to roll a warrior and git gud
>at level 1 I /pvp
>'high warlord is just a stepping stone' I say to myself
>I want to be good enough to 1v5 etc
>months later
>everything is bound and I can move as fast as I can think
>standing there in av, on the bodies of my slain hks
>I realized... I killed 4 competent players by myself
>see a hunter coming for me...
>she has raid gear and I can see the arrogance in her every step wanting to finish me
>I just have some blue rank gear and a darkstone claymore
>know exactly what to do with hair raising clarity
>that's when I knew I made it
>a dream realized as I was watching myself tear her apart
>and all of the negativity people gave my in the past vanished
>because I believed in myself and never gave up on myself
>I learned; I adapted; I succeeded; I am successful
>through me all things are possible
>and I just kept striving for perfection as my reputation flourished along with my skills and exploits
I grew up as a warrior, and used what I learned about myself in wow to succeed irl
I'm excited for Classic because I'll be able to enjoy it at a pace I feel like. I never got to experience Vanilla, since I only started WoW about a month before Wotlk launched. Hope you niggers aren't memeing me about how good it is.
>play Classic for over a year but still a total noob
>lvling a new hunter, do it just because I like the Dwarf starting zone a lot
>meet this lvl 60 dwarf dude, he asks me what I'm up to
>explain that I suck and I'm doing the dwarf starting zone just for fun because I know it really well and it's relaxing for me
>gives me enough gold to buy a mount on my main, gives me bags for my alt
>tells me to add him and if I struggle in the later zones he will come and help me
Truly based guy.
i think mmos can teach you a lot about life, as long as you're not mentally ill and can take these lessons to heart
Asians are the femnelfs
White men are the humans
We're making a super race
Were the Twin Emperors really Qiraji? It seems so odd that they'd be made to look so humanoid when the other bugs all look like bugs.
Swifty is that you?
Sartura was also humanoid. I think they're just bugs wearing clothes with their extra legs hidden underneath
>classmates begging me to play horde.
>antisocial edgelord
>role alliance with the idea of eventually outgearing them, hunting them down and crushing their faggot asses
>they were raiding MC before I even started playing
>bust ass to get to 60
>start raiding
>collude and mindfuck my guildies and make them spend all their dkp on literal garbage while they pass shit to me
>literally wearing full AQ gear with an ashkandi
>bump into classmates in felwood as I'm picking herbs and they're ganking.
>faceroll those faggots single handedly for 2 hours straight while tbagging and laughing hysterically
>Diablo 2
>Level cap
>2 hours
Nigger each ladder season lasts like 3 months and you'd be lucky to see a dozen people at 99, or even one person at 98 on hardcore.
>faceroll those faggots single handedly for 2 hours straight while tbagging and laughing hysterically
I'll take things that never happened for 200, Tim
>that feeling when you get power word: shield
>that feeling when you get devouring plague
>that feeling when you get shadow form
I pity anyone who doesn't roll the master race master class.
i had an itch to watch some of those "top 10 things to do to prepare yourself for classic wow" videos that are always in my recommended feed
so i clicked one and started watching and one of the tips was "remember you get different ranks of abilities every 2 levels"
...lol the zoomies are gonna have fun
and then everyone clapped
the end
Scared of going OOM and also of no mobility or little control tools
Whatever, scrub. Why does that seem so unbelievable? A well geared warrior with the best sword in the game (at the time) can two shot nearly anyone. Sword spec procs just 1 time and you're bitch ass is dead. All of that took place over the course of a year and a half. I had 200 days played in a years time. Pathetic waste of my youth but I wouldn't lie about something so gay lol
I don't understand autism, can anyone make sense of this?
Any alliance on Northdale that can gank this dude for lulz?
>Grinds for 2 hours, dings.
>Quests for 1 hour 20 minutes, dings.
>Hates on questing for wasting time.
The fuck???
I only have a 49 twink warrior on northdale. What's his level? I'm too lazy to watch the yt vid
Imagine zoomers trying to comprehend the concept that you have different ranks of each spell available to you.
user... That's him (the guy streaming) pretending to be someone else. He's always baiting for attention in these threads.
Fuck you put back on your trip stop filter dodging you kike
What a pathetic fag.
No it's not. I am not him. I want him ganked NOWWWWW!
Never play Horde.
>Unironicaly playing Horde
Kill yourself
>Spouts lies
Fuck off zoomer
>autistic tranny seethe replying to every horde post
No fucking changes zoomer retailcuck
Friendly reminder to avoid any guilds from Yea Forums or /vg/.
You couldnt fit more buzzwords in there if you tried, seek help.
This. I will create a guild with my irl bros and then invite every cool player we find on our journey to 60
I'm just waiting for someone to steal the code and give us a private wow classic server.
Try to imagine that you're some failed attempt at a internet personality with a whiny high pitch voice.
You go to Yea Forums to try to shill your pathetically bad content and personality.
Being some fat arse with swole in your name.
Being so unliked in threads you shill in that everyone wants you dead.
You come to every thread attempting to even grasp at views on your already nonexistent channel.
You reply to yourself as a way to get eyes on what you say. And you say retarded shit just to have people call you a retard.
Your channel is full of "Alpha Male" but you're a Beta squeaky voice faggot that no one cares about.
You go to any wow classic related threads on any board shilling your dead channel while trying to push you're a alpha redpilled "male" that once trolled a minecraft server.
This is absolutely true. You'd think it'd be okay, but no... dear god no it is not.
I'm just here to make friends not shill my youtube and in order to make friends I can connect through social medias while recording all the "good times" so I don't forget them when I am older. That is the only reason, it is not for money or fame, but red pilled alpha male bros who share a similar outlook on gaming and life.
I understand you're just a incel virgin zoomer who can't get laid but when you're ready to get redpilled and wake up from the Disney dream, I'll be there to help you, brah.
>you think it would be ok
a tragic mistake
>buy encounter guide that went uo to Ahn'Qiraji (it had that Prophet dude on the cover)
>fantasize about getting sick loot and killing Onyxia in a single Execute, making everyone impressed at my sheer skills
>plot-twist: this was actually during early BC
Will anyone give a shit if I play an edgy undead versus an orc? I dig the orc racial, but eating people before they release is a nostalgic pleasure of mine.
Created a stealth lowbie death squad back on blood furnace comprised of rogues and druids of 30 people. The roads of ashenvale was not a good place to be that day.
do you.
mattering what class you pick ud just as good
unless a warrior all around and maybe rogue for pve you won't be down much
paladin is the ideal class for me but I played horde since 2005. what do?
i wouldnt level a paladin unless you have a friend with you. theyre miserable to solo level
but best pvp healer, bru. the horde has nothing like it
undead is really good for pvp. redditors act like stun resist is the end all be all pvp when its not. it doesnt "hard counter rogues" because pvp spec rogues who aren't retards are going to be sub daggers and rape your booty hole with ambush and backstab crits
meanwhile WOTF does straight up hard country spriests and locks
Not that guy and undead is good for pvp but your logic is retarded
Vs rogues you basically always stunlock, even in dagger spec, or you get gouged and counteropened on
Northdale has already said theyre shutting down afte Blizz launches classic. I imagine Blizz will be more aggressive with their c&d's after classic launches as well.
Good rogues dont open with stun lock in wpvp.
>Be 18 tryhard
>Be financial officer for a major guild at a time in DAoC EU (2004)
>Guild leader provides 5 officers including me with NA WoW accounts to scout the game and see if its worth to move on as a major project for our guild/community
>Blast through content on NA and be 3rd on server to 60, have unimaginable amount of fun leveling and participating in world pvp, seeing all the familiar names i recognize from other big communities from other early mmo's doing literally same as we do and coming to realization that this WoW thing is gonna be hyuuge.
>3 month passes, EU releases, making it through barrens with 10k ping at 02:00AM because midnight release, loaded with knowledge about the road ahead to 60, and hyped af to start raiding eventually.
>Next day account suspended for suspicious activity because i'm a fucking guild bank and blizzard just sweep-banned everyone with over a set amount of gold because of chinese gold sellers epidemic.
>Community outrade, blizzard caves, everyone unbanned next day, mixed feels, missed a whole day of leveling, still manage to catch up with the rest though.
This is the most based and redpilled thing I've seen a streamer say.
I've been listening to you for a while, and I've gotta say you're /ourguy/ for sure. Every opinion you've had is based. Don't listen to the Discord trannies, girl gamers, and hormone deficcient beta blue pills on this site. Keep it up mayng, you're gonna be glorious to watch when you start mega-ganking the alliance.
retarded npc
>Decently geared priest with tank/mage/lock frens
>We get so good at running the 45min Strat cause my pants wont drop
>Start selling the 5th slot to every no gear 0.5 shitter on the server
>Two weeks in we're getting whispers and recognized around Org as 'those Strat guys'
>Months later in TBC I'm healing Heroic Slave Pens and one of the PuGs says "Oh hey you're that 45min Baron dude"
>Never felt so comfy in my life
Which streamer are you user?
I'm going to heal 5mans as PvP shadow and you can't stop me. I'm going to Raid as PvP Disc and no one's gonna bitch cause I'm not a tard that ooms himself in 30sec
But really Not having to farm an extra 100g every time I go from WPvP to Premades would be tops. Guess I just gotta make War/Mage friends asap
>leveling skinning+lw at launch
>have to drop one and leveling enchanting to 265
>have to drop enchanting and level engi
What a bother.
He's SwoleBenji and for some reason he streams on youtube instead of twitch for some god awful reason.
I don't think an enchanting trinket being bis for the entire game is very good design.
Good thing no one cares what about what you think is good game design
Roll another class if it bothers you so much
>please don't say anything negative about the game waaah
>I have to put in effort to get good gear!! WTF IS THIS!!! BUGGED MECHANICS!! BAD GAME DESIGN!!! KOJIMAAAAA
I'm thinking about going with Mining + Skinning only whilst'd've levelling, and then dropping both at 60 to start levelling up Engi with the mats that i saved. Will this work? I figure it can also make me some cash to fund my extra bank slots and bags.
what the fuck is your problem
Literally no one asked for this
wowtards when they post the same thread every day.
>wtf is your problem? im just complaning about vanilla wow and trying to get it changed to be made to be easier
>wtf its not like a bunch of people complained during vanilla wow and slowly ruined the game once
It's actually less effort overall when you get your bis before setting your foot inside a single raid, but ok.
>Roll another class
>Literally every healer
With Eng already being Req for PvP it feels a little much
No one makes you take skinning + lw at launch. You can pick up skinning and ench
Swole's leveling route is actually getting much more clean / productive.
Instead of leveling every 3 hours it takes him 2 hours and 30 minutes now LEL.
what trinket?
female human paladins
female dwarf rogues
male night elf hunters
female night elf rogues
male gnome rogues
female gnome warriors
female gnome warlocks
male orc warlocks
male troll rogues
female troll warriors
female troll hunters
male undead mages
male undead warriors
female undead rogues
put back on your fucking trip you filter doding nigger
>not going female undead warrior for the sweet flip animations
wow 2 please
>gender/race/class combo not listed
wew, guess I am not a prick
>ench at launch with no crafting prof to funnel greens
Good idea if you don't want to be able to afford a mount. If you're picking skinning, you might as well pick LW at the same time since skins aren't worth anything especially at launch, so you might as well put them to use. There are several decent pieces of gear that you can craft, and while you can technically rely on other people to craft them, this can be a bit bothersome at launch if you're leveling fast. And if you level fast, you can rip people off with devilsaur gear.
Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Bis for bears. Your other bis trinket is Mark of Tyranny, which you get from a UBRS quest. There's nothing, even in naxx, to replace them.
Affording a mount at level 40 is going to be easy as fuck if you spend just a couple hours at some point in the 1-40 grinding certain mobs
While leveling Enchanting/Engineering?
You are absolute cracked m8
Enchanting drains a ton of money. A lot of your money while leveling comes from vendoring your greens. Quest rewards, your old gear, random drops. A single weapon from ~35 level quest can get you almost 1g. Suddenly instead of getting a steady flow of money from those, you're turning them into dust and getting absolutely nothing.
If you are leveling engineering while you're 1-40 you're just plain mentally retarded.
I'm so sad the Goblin Land Mine only lasts for 1 minute. It should last for for 10 minutes so you can set it up for an ambush. 1 minute isn't enough, it disappears before you can lure people onto it.
This. I did this on my first character without mining. Shit was not fun.
>If you are leveling engineering while you're 1-40 you're just plain mentally retarded.
pvp isnt the same if you dont have the deathray
i dont know why i keep coming to these threads when its obvious no one here ever touched vanilla.
>Enchanting drains a ton of money
yeah? so does engineering? enchanting doesnt even get expensive until like 150 and by that point you should already have a plan for your gear from 20, 30, 40. 95% of the gear drops youre getting are instant dis enchants.
because you dont get anything good until 225+ which requires being level 40+
why are you even pvping at 1-40 this is fucking stupid you cant even make the deathray until 40+ DID ANYONE HERE PLAY VANILLA
No. We're all zoomers here, lad.
stop whining, boomer
Not that guy but
The expensive part is not being able to sell all green/blues but having to disenchant them instead, which makes it hard to save up for mount/skills etc
Don't take out your idiocy on others.
Enchanting robs you of all your vendor greens. The greens you get from desolace quests, for example, nets you about 7g total. Add in the random drops and you're probably looking at around 10g. Now repeat that for all that zones you're doing. Suddenly you're 50g poorer than you'd normally be at 40.
You missed the point of the game
>great beautiful looking world
>interesting races
>huge cities
>easy but fun combat
>finding new items
>clearing dungeons
>comfy music
>first mmo
This game was literally the peak of fantasy games. But after replaying on an offline server, I realized that all the hype for WoW was just being young and always thinking about this intro
The intro defined WoW for me and that intro is also the reason why I played night elf. I didn't really cared about the grind, because the music and surround was beautiful enough that I enjoyed playing the game, always thinking about the intro.
I'm not SwoleBenji just cause I talk about him doesn't mean we're the same person he's the only one posting WoW content on these threads and I look forward to seeing his farming techniques. This guy speaks several redpills per stream I can feel myself getting more hope that one day I can stop being a virgin just by watching him. He's also hyper aggressive towards alliance which is a major plus.
Based. Intro is legendary.
Put back on your fucking trip you nigger
He can't, he got banned.
I just said just cause I mention him doesn't mean I'm not him if you paid attention to his stream (You do watch it, right? Why the fuck would you watch normie reddit scum when we have a literaly 4channer making content) he went to the fucking gym.
I'd like to see you go to the fucking gym you fat neckbearded permavirgin beta cuck faggot incel filthy casual beta orbiting toe sucker.
I'm not gonna play a 2005 game but I have some fond memories, I'll share one with you
>be me, fresh lvl 60 undead mage
>got some UBRS, scholomance etc blues
>feeling pretty spiffy, the world is my oyster
>run around in tirisfal glades on my lvl 40 mount
>make a stop at scarlet monastery
>a wild lvl 40 human warrior appears
>sheep him, load up a pyroblast
>suddenly blessing of freedom
>suddenly lvl 60 paladin mate
>suddenly my screen gets spammed with /spit and /dance emotes
I was so obviously the villain who got what was coming here, I punched a wall in anger during the corpserun, my rightmost knuckle is displaced to this very day because of the rage and disappointment I felt at that very moment.
Damn what I would give to go back bros ;_;
Eat a .45 you literal who
More memories to come! pvp in vanilla wow really gets the blood going
Why the fuck do you think I'm him? I'm not. I am my own person I am not SwoleBenji he is at the gym I am not at the gym therefore I am not SwoleBenji who the fuck are you some Discord tranny?
i don't have any because i started playing in cata
i'm excited to try it and make some because BFA is probably worse than fucking WOD, and i just want to play a world of warcraft, any world of warcraft, that is good
>Be zoomer in classic
>Get killed and /spit on
>Right-click > report player(yes, they're adding it), that sure will teach them not to harass me!
Put back on your trip you nigger
I never tripped I am not him I am merely a poster of these home threads whom watches the content the people of Yea Forums creates and that does not make me him to merely watch him you do not become the person you watch are you new to the internet?
>tfw i can tell straight away this is SwoleBenji simply because of his writing style
Been in these threads too much lately.
He's so obvious and he thinks he's so fucking sly.
It's amazing how brainless he is.
his grammerz r ackchually bettr dan dis guy gramer u kno??
Most of my Vanilla experiences were pretty meh, even though it was the best game I've ever played. Unfortunately, I was emotionally stunted at that time and fucked up a few times. This carried on to TBC, so I missed out on the best era even though I was there and played the game every chance I had.
Biggest one was getting kicked out of a raiding guild two-three days in. Another that I distinctly remember was getting into a paid MC run to get something for 100g. I was so scared, when I heard Lightbringer Belt dropped, I took it for those 100g just to not have to raid with this guild (which was one of the best on the server, The Flaming Ruby on Argent Dawn EU). I ended up writing a quasi-RP letter to the guild master thanking him for the opportunity.
One of the reasons I'm looking forward to Classic is to set things right and see all the content I missed out. Played on two private servers but on K2 my guild fell apart and I didn't bother with Ely due to corruption and difficulty of being yet another Ally rogue, even though I put out really respectable DPS.
Dude, dawg, bro, brah, put your trip back on so I can filter it.
Eat a .45
>hey mon why dont you get me some silithid eggs
best quest in the barrens hands down
My favorite part about vanilla is the fact people will actually read my mail I send to them.
I'll write down names I like and send them mail and always get a response even if it's days later.
Put on your fucking trip so I can filter you already.
Can you fucking put on your tripcode so I can filter it?!
Pretty sure lil benji got b& in the thread yesterday. He usually posts 8-10 pm EST anyway.
Put on your god damned tripcode so I can filter it Benji.
>'Hey mon, you see those big bugs over dere? De really dangerous ones.'
>'Yes... Why?'
>You see mon, I be hungry. Bugs lay eggs right? So those big bugs must lay BIG eggs. Why don't you go fetch me some.'
>'You want me to risk MY life so you can have breakfast? Why should I?'
>'I'll pay you.'
The life of an Adventurer for hire must be shit half the time. Imagine risking your life so some troll could get some bug eggs.
He's shilling his shit and using his images in thread already.
So he's evading but mods are worthless
I'm going to send every user mail that I see! But y'all better not be girl gamers I hate those
i remember coming to duskwood with my paladin and smacking a worg for like 20 minutes and then cancelling my sub
t. catababy
I really do wonder why people still play the current retail WoW compared to other mmo's. There's so little passion and so much blatantly obvious greed involved. They barely even listen to the fans anymore.
Meanwhile you got FFXIV where even the events change every year to be different instead of the same stagnant crap and ESO that plays like an actual RPG.
Heck, FFXIV even has that "adventure" experience, that good feeling you used to when you grow gradually through the levels and get things like your first chocobo mount or etc. With way more social content that you can do with your FC/buddies and a way more interesting and complex class system and gameplay, WoW just feels ancient in comparison and dead-simple.
Benji, you'd better put your trip code on RIGHT NAOW!!!!!
Listen Benji, just put your tripcode on so I can filter you.
Those Radiation Green Scorps are gonna filter the shit out of cata babs
reminder that Ion is /ourguy/ on the inside saboting retail who wants to go back home too
Retail WoW lives on past glories, pretty much.
WoW has actually good gameplay at high end compared to other MMOs and outside Vermintide no other game has good pve.
But it’s mostly collectathon retards and ERPERS.
Only /ourguy/ is SwoleBenji. He is based and redpilled. I am sick of beta bluepilled gamers. Gtfo Yea Forums trannies.
Aghhhh don't remind me of those. Even as a hunter they fucked me.
are warlocks are useless as people say until they're fully BWL geared of better? will I have issue getting groups?
every class is viable
Warlocks are awesome from the start, only exception is world pvp during leveling when you are alliance.
Groups LOVE warlocks at all stages and soloing is only second to hunters, but more fun.
How the fuck did THAT get in here?
because you have these fucking threads daily for months now with no new info. it's a general at this point which belongs on /vg/
Wie dumm bist du eigentlich?
It’s the same gameplay loop as wow.
>do repetitive task to have a chance to do repetitive task faster
>Inb4 some deluded retard thinking wow and MMOs at any point don’t use this exact formula because “they pvp’d!” Or some other stupid reasoning
Does anybody know Classic’s release date? August? June? July?
Similar story and feelings here
>swg sith guild leader
>burn my own friends because edgy teen darksider
>feel like shit worse than any CU or NGE because I'm a little shit so i quit the game
>join WoW and a few strangers are nice to me
>i feel so good, i try to copy their kindness
>encounter an edgy selfish guild leader
>make my own guild to be as selfless as I can be, to lvl together and socialize
>decide to poke fun at the selfishness i experienced, and name my guild after my character, and all the ranks too.
>giving people tips, running lowbies constantly, helping people get their mounts
>always pvping warrior with something to prove
>i always wanted my guild to one day become a "real" pvp or raiding guild something respectable
>the expansions made my guild obsolete
>only when i lost it, did i realize my stepping stone guild helping lowbies was my home.
hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaha GOOD
This stream was actually very entertaining.
how easy is it to aoe farm on a mage and make bank? i'm terrible and making money and am fucking clueless as to how I will make enough for riding
Too bad I’m not 20 anymore. I ain’t got time for Classic WoW, lads.
They are also said to have been created in C'thun's image which makes it all even more confusing.
I started playing WoW a month after it launched. I played until Cata.
IMO, it started going downhill in BC when you split the community. They completely seperated the player base by adding a new zone when instead, they should have added zones to the existing worlds.
In WoW, you absolutely have to run into higher levels. BC took that away.
But since the game was so damn good to begin with, it still climbed in numbers.
I started playing again on a private server to get the hang of it again.
Still love it as much as I did then. The nostalgia argument is dumb.
Pretty easy in DM East, but that won't be out at launch. AoE grinding to level is a trap though because of how many people are going to be leveling.
Warlocks are fine DPS and are needed in MC for banish. They sometimes have trouble finding 5-man groups because they don't bring Polymorph.
i wish i didnt have time for classic. i'd like a wife and kids. but every grill i go out on dates with has tons of baggage and basically hate small children.
i mean i guess theres like 29 year olds who got pumped and dumped by chads but i'd rather just be single forever than slurp up chads leftovers
>warlock: "dont worry guys i can CC one of the mobs"
>*starts casting fear*
What's the appeal of this Asmon faggot? I watched one of his videos and he looks like he barely survived stillbirth. He's not even funny.
So basically your standards are basically virgin Saint Mary.
it'd be cool if they stamped a release date before "classic summer" being may and all
He goes on a long tirades of thousand words with zero meaning and that somehow appeals to imbeciles in chat consisting mostly of unironical gamersriseup dipshit incels. Basically he talks a lot and in their small brains it makes him sound smart, sort of same appeal jordan peterson has. Dumbfuck virgins flock to them like fireflies to a fire and worship the fuck out of their idols.
I saved myself for marriage and want the same
I want a big happy family and want a wife who wants the same . Crazy , I know
If the people who hate Asmon use inception unironically , then he must be doing something right
FPBP, people LARPing that this isn't anything more than another timesink with little enjoyment are all retards. The rapid creation of countless MS paint comics to counter this is only evidence of how deep in remorse they are.
You're not going home. You're still home. Move out.
classic had no microtransactions
I killed some animals for some Exp... Then I quit the game out of boredom.
sorry its difficult for you to have fun the world
>i saved myself for marriage
incel cope
They aren't useless lol who says this
Warlocks are wanted in groups, raids and premades for a reason
>I saved myself for marriage and want the same
This is your excuse, but in reality you are propably ugly/disformed, fat, a brainlet or you simply lack personality.
You are scared, because you have no experience. Virginity isnt that big of a thing, yeah for you it is, thats why you "Save yourself for marriage" Truth is your first time will be over in a couple of seconds. And in that moment you realize what you just did, could have been done 10 years ago.
>male undead warrior
Well, that's your opinion man.
How many dungeons in vanilla have undead enemies? I need to know for research
>playing on Horde to avoid trannies
>won't be able to get comfy in Duskwood again
Can't you play classic on a server? I've never paid for wow.
Based jannies and mods
>female dwarf rogues
>male orc warlocks
>male troll rogues
>female troll warriors
>female troll hunters
>male undead warriors
what's wrong with any of these
I did that too. Ironically, it's what destroyed my marriage.
Get comfy in silverpine instead, very underrated zone.
Which priest should I go for healing? Does it really matter much if I go undead over troll?
Undead is so comfy, love the starting zone and Tirisfal Glades.
SM Graveyard
DM west
Priest race doesn't matter on Horde. Just go undead.
Fuck off nigger
>it's ok to have endless threads about console wars
This isn't even a general.
skinning seems like a no brainer but what should I get for my second leveling skill?
mining seems more consistent than herbalism to me but I'm not sure
what happened did she not expect a tiny dick or something?
Wrathbabbie here. Were herbalism/alchemy or tailoring/enchanting viable combos back in vanilla?
Cool, thank you.
I don't think tailoring/enchanting earned you much unless you got a rare recipie
Was in a uk cod2 clan when wow first dropped and we all vowed never to get into that flower picking game which is like a drug, fast forward 3 months and the clan leader tried it out then we all followed suit and had a fucking blast! Will never forget us all making our characters and giving them Mexican names, because why not? And that first time going to STV and being in awe of the sheer size of the place and spending weeks going through the quest line and having battles with the horde! Damn I miss them days! But it won’t be the same for me as I won’t have the chance to play a game with my old clan bros
tailoring is mandatory for casters
okay and? just because you're a low iq failure incapable of finding someone with compatible morals and values, doesnt mean everyone else is the same.
At least I've had sex. Turns out I hate it.
BC was the best. Vanilla sucks in comparison.
She was very manipulative and abusive and did everything in her power to keep me from leaving her. But thanks for the victim blaming though.
Yeah that can work although you will only be making money with skinning plus mining like herbalism is hard to get at launch since everyone else is grabbing them as well
>When they tell you everything is going to be fine and it’s not fine...
mining is damn near impossible to keep current on a new server. go skinning and nothing, or if you want another gather it's a dice roll. most likely you will never mine tin until you buy up copper ore for bloated prices from ah to smelt to 80
OK thanks.
original going home content, with author's permission to repost
>still no release date
What are they waiting for?
>b-b-but Vanilla was hard
Method is currently pulling Mythic Uu'nat for the 600th time this week after its release last wednesday. They're still nowhere near a kill.
BFA is WAY harder than Vanilla, you retards.
pve is for clowns
they are not comfortable. it's either a stability thing or they found some issues that don't have a definite fix deadline. best case there is no problems and they announce a date in the coming week. it's getting close to that line though, and feels like they're late to announce it by a month already
PvP doesn't even exist in WoW.
Go play Chess, Starcraft or Counter-Strike if you want PvP.
I will do some pvp in your moms ass later this evening
Retail Multi Glads getting 3-0 shit on in Vanilla WSG literally earlier this week by Perp/Goth/Boney/FrauFrau
Ye nah ur a cunt. Vanilla PvP is a hellscape that forges the hardest of men into the finest of competitors
>The last boss in a 2 boss raid is massively overtuned compared to the first one which nearly every single progress killed has already killed
>So overturned that blizzard has had to patch it in the last few days because some phase overlaps make it literally impossible
Every single fucking raid since MoP has sceen the mythic guilds steamroll the entire thing in under a day, only getting stuck on a middle boss because it's either actually difficult or overtuned (gorefiend in HFC, Fetid in Uldir, etc.), up to the last boss which then takes up 99% of the overall time they'll spend in that raid because nu-blizzard thing good end-boss design is to make it near impossible to do, and then patch it later on to make it fair. The only time this wasn't the case in recent memory was Emerald nightmare and thats because the entire raid was undertuned because blizzard didn't bother to test how powerful the players would be with their max AP artifacts and BiS legendaries that the world first guilds saw mandatory to have.
I'm not saying C'thun being mathematically impossible to kill was any better but atleast in vanilla most bosses posed an equal challenge rather than almost being like trash before you get to the last boss.
Raids get cleared faster now than they did in Vanilla
>Faggot posts stream in thread
>Fuck it
>Not even a minute passes and he farts in the mic
You're an autistic faggot.
because since legion they balance around titanforging, you need higher ilvl to kill a boss than the loot he drops, essentially they timegate overtuned bosses behind tf rng
Does anybody have good Vanilla-era WoW forum posts saved?
I used to spend all day browsing the forum in class when this shit was current.
artificial difficulty
With a talent, yes
>Share your classic wow experiences.
>join guild at level 13
>play with them for hundreds of hours, run dungeons, gather herbs, help them get raid mats ready, help people with crafted items (killing devilsaurs, demons, crusader mats)
>regularly schedule prebis farming runs, smooth and quick and getting people geared
>they are assembling the raid finally after getting enough people
>a couple new people join the guild
>"hey everyone (new guy) is going to be our MT" for mc and bwl other (new guy) is our OT" :)
>"what about user(me)?"
>"oh he can dps if we have a slot"
>"I don't have prebis dps gear though, since I thought I was going to be tanking"
>"oh well I guess you will have to sit out the first raid, try to get hitcapped for next time"
>"I helped everyone get their gear and now you are benching me for people who just joined?"
>"I'm the guild leader, if you don't like it you can quit"
>"I helped YOU get most of your gear, and made half the raid mats, what the fuck man?"
>(you have been kicked from the guild)
then after a week of moping I advertised my services as a geared tank, and a guild instantly picked me up and treated me like a god, and I never farmed anything ever again, just raidlogged and collected my loot
the end
this is so wrong and it was prove in the WF BFD race. The guild that that cleared it 1st (and 2nd) were lower ilvl on average than the groups competing with them.
The reaction times needed these days for mythic raiding is a totally different beast than what was needed in vanilla. I don't want to quote a streamer or anything but Asmongold said it best. His mom could clear every raid in vanilla (besides Naxx because she didn't play at the end there) but she can't do one raid in Legion without dying. The game was just much slower paced. Look at any world first kill video of vanilla. You will see that almost every PoV there are people clicking some of their spells. That shit would not fly today.
Vanilla raiding itself isn't hard. The hard part of it is the grind outside the raids to get your millions of consumables and world buffs.
At least you learned something.
If you're a tank, you're nobody's bitch.
>Start as miner, blacksmither.
>See this amazing lvl 60 sword. Looks cool as fuck. Awesome stats
>Dream about sword all the way from 10-60.
>Farm mats for sword
>Save up for sword
>Craft sword
>I've never felt so accomplished in my life
>Shamans cant use swords
what a dick. back then I would post that in the general/realm forum so people knew not to run with him for being a faggot
Generals are for when it's going to be going on for years. This is going to get way less threads a month after release because everyone will be playing the fucking game. Also if you purge every fucking video game from Yea Forums then what's left? /vg/ was a mistake in the first place.
And then the whole bus clapped
>star wars galaxies is gone forever
>everyone standing in the same exact place for the first 4 minutes
>literally nothing to worry about besides hitting your 4 button rotation
>a few adds finally appear
>kill the adds
>go back to the same spot and keep hitting your 4 button rotation until the boss is dead
wowee what a tuff-e
I'm gonna make myself a baron of one of the epl towers and there's nothing you can do about it!
asmongold is a clueless shitter
a literal monkey can do that
>want to start a guild
>asking people to join
>just need them to sign up for a few hours while I wait for other friends to join in
>some of them agree and sign up
>one of them asks for gold to sign up
>I reluctantly agree
>get last two signatures needed
>nothing happens
>check signatures again
>people have dropped out
>find them again, ask why
>they demand gold for signatures
>I don't have much
>they take whatever they can get
>okay, FINALLY have what I need
>a signature is missing
>first guy that wanted gold
>ask him why
>demands more gold
Raids were worse, and honestly, the best dungeons I ever did were pugs, except for the occasional ninja. Guilds were a disaster.
I came back for WotLK, and people were even shittier than before.
You can't go home twice, you shitlord shill, and that game was a dumpster fire.
Sadly, no.
There was a legendary forum troll on my server, I wish I still had his posts.
Releasing during "a" summer!
>re-DL WoW
>Make some starter account characters for fun
>Run around world a bit
>Realize I don't miss classic, I actually miss TBC way more
>Suddenly get turned off to the idea of classic
TBC was better simply because class balance was actually a thing they considered when making the expansion.
>WoW thread
>we going home now
>WoW home
>I love WoW
>Goldshire Home(deleted)
>tfw no rp-pvp servers
All ERPers (trannies) will stick to retail and their slutmogs. The only RPers that will play classic are the ones who enjoy wpvp and military RP in general. WHY Activision, why?
raid mechanics were simpler because the actual game mechanics were more nuanced and complicated. threat, mana efficiency, raid composition, and party grouping were all super important in vanilla. blizzard's attempts to streamline these aspects ended up with them just completely removing nearly all of them, and so the only way they could keep players engaged with wow's extremely simplistic gameplay is by making gimmicky raid encounters. i'm not defending tank and spanks, but the reason that the raid encounters were so much easier in vanilla was because the game as a whole was harder.
I have a feeling Blizzard will fuck it up somehow so I'm extremely skeptical
this but unironically
>have to wait 2 more years until we MAYBE get tbc
I dunno man I'm a slutmogfag and I'm gonna be rolling on RPPVP because it also happens to be pre-BiS for my spec.
Ah yes because MC consisted of you teleporting to rag and everyone doing everything perfectly.
Vanilla and TBC raids were designed for the whole thing to be a challenge rather. Trash posed an actual threat and so did each boss, compared to modern raids in which the trash may as well not exist and only the last boss matters.
Also, intricate boss mechanics =/= difficult. Argus' orb juggling and death stuff was piss easy, while 40 drakonids bum rushing you on Nefarian was a challenge.
This looks boring. Good thing PvP is the real end game.
user, there won't be any Rppvp servers at launch
>MC trash is hard
>The 4 reskinned salamanders that do nothing different were hard
>getting into the raid was hard
you heard it here folks
It's pointless to say "if there are RPPVP servers at launch" because I won't be rolling at all if there aren't. Post launch would be way, way too late and all the guilds and communities would already be split and founded on RP servers.
tbc's only problem was moving groups around in combat + bloodlust, no idea why blizzard went full retard and made EVERYTHING raid wide in wotlk
as someone who actually killed all but one raid boss in vanilla, this is very true.
smug shit you realize all of the pservers and UNDERTUNED, right? when vanilla hits people are gonna be turning heads for weeks, maybe even months. you just dont remember how hard it was, dude. just go back to retail.
I want a profession that lets me share stuff and help out guildies while also being able to rake in a decent profit on the side.
Which is more lucrative between enchanting and alchemy? I imagine the former is more expensive/time consuming to level.
>alpha client was datamined
>the armor values are actually OVERTUNED on private servers
Also did you know that private servers are made HARDER because the game was so easy? Please take a look at this video and educated yourself retard.
You're beyond the brainlet status of a frogposter in the year of our lord 2017+5-3.
The core of the game was completely different. Resistances mattered, aggro worked different, dps could go oom, raid comp actually mattered, and so on. Thats what made the raids hard, because the game overall was harder and more nuanced.
>inb4 the retard doesn't watch this video
Haptix was an actual vanilla player and plays private servers religiously as well as has chats with Nostalrius devs on the podcasts. The truth is Nost was made harder just so guilds don't clear all the content as fast.
People enjoying private servers so much just absolutely shits on the rose-tinted glasses argument.
>taking the bait
Why do you keep trying to push this meme of armor values being something you can find from the client?
I'm going to farm for the Deathcharger's Reins in Stratholme on my alliance character like a retail zoomer would, soley for the express purpose of killing undead players and having them seethe has I ride away on the only thing about their race that's not dogshit.
desu im pretty worried endgame raids are gonna be too easy and steamrolled. really hope im wrong
literally the first guild that can zone into the raid will be the one that clears it
enchanting is more time consuming both to level and make profit from. you will need to farm every rare recipe in the game in order to keep a regular client base since most people get all their enchants at once, so if you're missing an enchant they need they'll likely just find another enchanter. also you will have to manage your clients manually via trade chat and advertising since you won't make any real money just by throwing stuff up on the AH.
alchemy is arguably not as lucrative, but is much easier to manage. you'll still need to farm recipes, but you can always just pick one type of potion/flask, farm for those mats, and throw them up on the AH and wait. lots more freedom to decide how you want to make your money imo. also transmutes are literally just free money on a cooldown.
that easy, huh? how competivite is it gonna be for loot then, if everything is cleared so easily wont that mean everyone will have everything real soon? wont that kill the longevity of the game?
ah the trannies have arrived
well the first guild with pre-bis raid gear will. if they are organized and already know who they will funnel gear too and what dungeon groups are going to run on repeat to get gear etc.
there will be some organizing involved but those guilds will figure it out. once they are ready it won't be a "race" on the boss itself like we see today. It will be a race to see who gets the gear first.
basically classic wow is going to be something like a speedrunner game.
i fail to see the correlation between trannies and speedrunning?
>first mmo
fuck you this is not true
He's obsessed with dicks just ignore him
Why do you even care. The raids won't actually be made easier - you'll just think they are because if you were farming MC in vanilla, it's technically like someone put a pause on that and 15 years later unpaused it.
only incels are obsessed with a game to the point that they do "speedruns". and incels always end up being trannies.
ever heard of GDQ?
Yeah, that's about what I expected.
I think I'll go with herb/alch and just play the auction house.
because im wondering if i should even get back into it, i was too young to play back then. only had 1 month sub, got to like lvl 50 or something
Armor values are not stored on the client...
Who /Paladin/ here?
>trusted strangers on the internet to keep their word without building any prior trust
>this makes the community bad!!!!
holy shit dude I understand if you don't want to be advertised at but don't admit you're a fucking idiot to us and then ask for sympathy.
>Me and childhood buddy
>Both 13 y/o
>Always play games together since we were able to
>I roll Horde warrior and he rolls priest
>Get to Desolace
>Also be way into gangsta rap, not in a "ay nigguh" type of way though, we just like the music
>Get to centaurs
>Crew up with the Eastcoast centaurs cus Westcoast is fucking wank
>Kill blue Crip Alliance scum every chance we get while rolling with our Centaur bros
>Spend 9 levels in this zone just doing this before finally moving on
Cringe, but fuck if we didn't have fun though
if I get roped into playing Alliance by my friends, most likely.
at least dorfs get to be pallies.
>star wars galaxies is gone forever
Well it is and it isn't.
the main swgemu project is still going strong, just very slowly. They are creeping up on finally having jump to lightspeed, however, and after that they'll close the beta server and open suncrusher - and other servers will use their work as well.
So as far as private servers, we'll have a ton to choose from for SWG. That of course has its own issues, similar to WoW pservers, but it's more than "gone forever".
The current large beta server, basilisk, is good but also botted to hell and back, very top heavy with everyone having multiple characters and being self sufficient in galaxies kind of ruins other aspects of the game pretty hard. BUT the future isn't looking bad, and there are a handful of other servers that are non shit as well (just low pop).
More related to what I think your point is, I'd give my left nut for an updated SWG2. Or even an official relaunch. But both of those things are fantasies as everyone involved has long moved on and I believe it would fall under EA as they still have the star wars contract. Which would be mmorpg poison and have as much to do with old galaxies as current swtor does, which is to say pretty much 0% from a gameplay/mechanics standpoint even before making shitty themepark vs sandbox comparisons.
>played female undead mage
>did one of these retarded quests where you grind for an item with < 1% drop chance
>guy invites me to party
>turns out he already did the quest and just wants to help me
>wow, what a nice guy!
>takes like half an hour of grinding until the item drops
>"thanks so much dude! :)"
>"no problem, are you a girl?"
>he stands still for 30 seconds and disconnects
In the early stages of WoW people seriously deluded themselves into thinking you're a girl if you have a female avatar. I kid you not, this happened to me several times.
Always made me feel really awkward and bad, I never lead anyone on. Anyone else got stories like this?
Based. I'm in the same situation. I'd rather go shaman but if my RL friends prefer alliance i don't mind that, I'll just try to make us all go dwarf as a compromise.
I can't even imagine being alliance and not being a dorf, makes no fucking sense. Who the fuck wants to be a druid or a stupid wizard anyhow.
Well if you never did a raid back in classic i can promise you that even if everyone else knows what they are doing, you'll still enjoy it because a lot of it comes down to your own effort.
at least city of heroes is back, though i haven't got in yet because the queues
Shaman would be my first choice as well but as long as I still get play a class that can toss out heals and buffs to help out my bros its alright.
>Anyone else got stories like this?
kind of but not strictly related.
Had a real life buddy who insisted on always playing female characters, and when called out on it he would use the typical "lol like i want to stare at man ass all night while i grind lmao" excuse, he wouldn't even shift through the other excuses/reasons like "i like their animations" or "i think shes hot". Just went straight to outright denial.
He would constantly try to tell people he was female in real life, and back then it wasn't uncommon to never use teamspeak/mic so far too many people fell for it. Another friend of mine once stepped in after some 40 year old dude a few states away bought our e-gurl friend hand of edward the odd for like 500g or something, letting him know he was being scammed, and the 40 year old literally stopped playing that character altogether or even quit (i don't remember exactly but know he vanished).
Anyhow, since this is Yea Forums this part won't be a shock, but flash forward to 2019 and the dude is still my friend but he now lives as a woman. He came out first as gay like 5 years ago and "Trans" a little after that. Not judging him but i do find it particularly funny since that same type of behavior is so prevalent in /vg/ vanilla private server guilds (i'd imagine other xpacs too but no personal experience with it) and I always assume i'm witnessing the prelude to coming out in real time.
This still happens to me on private servers when I play a girl. I'd play a guy instead but male nelves are ugly as fuck (if they aren't in full armor)
Fuck yes I did. Funny thing, I was playing a male character, but one day decided that I was going to enter a guild and tell everybody I was a girl.
I can't even begin to describe the amount of favours and items I received, even at low level. There was this guy that would clear whole dungeons for me, multiple times. I remember him asking if he could add me on MSN, and I blatantly lied to him tell him I didn't have one.
Poor guy, it makes me sad a little today if I think about it.
it's worth looking like shit in cloth and having inferior animations just to be spared this sort of thing happening, because it still does somehow
Yep, shaman or paladin for me as well. I like being a support class and i feel like both of those classes can contribute so much to a group, especially in pvp. I don't mind healing, it's just another part of your toolkit as cliche as that sounds.
Orcs are my favorite followed by dwarves, can't really get into the other races but i don't mind trolls.
There is literally NOTHING wrong with taking advantage of beta orbiters.
I mean, if you play with a female avatar, you are a beta to begin with.
ITT: retailfags LARPing as vanilla experts and giving terrible advice
I'm going to play a BVLL Tauren Feral Druid and you can't stop me!
>paladins before prot is viable
>paladins before draenei
no thanks
I never had the chance to get into WoW as a kid because we couldn't afford a computer to run it.
Should I give classic a go now? The new game seems overwhelming to me.
I'm thinking Tauren if I end up going Horde.
They look cool in shaman gear and I like war stomp.
Real talk:
Where the fuck is the launch date announcement? I know it's fucking dorky but i'd love to be able to no-life a week or two and have fun with old friends, but i need to indicate i want the time off NOW.
What the fuck is the hold up?
yeah warstomp is great! I prefer the stun resist but warstomp is still really good, especially considering shamans have no stuns.
Draenei Paladin is really cool until you get out of your starting zone and into other Alliance zones and every NPC just treats you like human adventurer #4863.
I mean, I know I have to suspend my disbelief, but they are just one of those races that have no place in the world and the average Stormwind commoner would probably spit out his drink if one walked into the tavern.
>no one's ever really gone
The new game is garbage, don’t even touch it.
Now is absolutely the best time to get into it, since Classic is essentially one big reset button. Just educate yourself on how classes/races work without spoiling yourself too much and you’re good to go.
You have no idea how many people want to be in your shoes right now. Make the most of it.
I didn't get too far on Classic. I got my Shamanlevel 56 or something before BC came out. Still got to heal for AQ20 once, as crazy as that sounds.
But since I played on my father's account and he had a really well-equipped hunter. That was crazy fun. Scatter shot + Aimed shot + Multishot + Autoshot often meant insta-death for blue people.
Then I got my own account at the start of BC, my father and I stood in a queue at midnight waiting for the game to be released in a store and I had what was definitely the most fun I ever had in gaming, raiding with him, I even have nostalgia for the weeks of wiping at moroes and the curator because the shitty retard boomerguild (full of nice people, though) we were in sucked.
I miss you, dad.
Yeah, I imagine orc and troll racials are generally better but I like having an on-demand stun.
Will be really nice if I get to do any PvP as enhance too.
This STILL happens on retail.
All through legion I was an undead human mage and was treated like a normal player which by retail standards means no one socialises and you may as well be surrounded by bots.
Then, Nightborne come out, I grind one to 110 for the heritage armour and then racechange my undead mage to a female nightborne mage. INSTANTLY people in dungeons and so on are talking to me, even if it's only basic human interactions.
I joined some casual guild, never brought my gender up but because my character's name was vaguely female sounding everyone was overly nice to me. It didn't properly kick off though until I joined their discord with a anime female as my pfp. Said I didn't have a mic and was too shy to join VC, and it was like I'd opened some sort of floodgate of orbiters. Got loads of free stuff and help like I wanted but fucking hell the stuff guys say to girls in private when thy've conviced themselves they have a chance with them is seriously fucked.
I'd do it again in a hearbeat though. I was using gold to pay for sub for months before I quit just from farming betas.
meant undead male mage
ugh, it's not related but unfortunately ep8 made me very very uninterested in future star wars. I can't get over luke attempting to murder his nephew because he had a bad dream.
What race/class are you guys going?
I've only played Night Elf so I'm thinking I should try something from the Horde.
>Will be really nice if I get to do any PvP as enhance too.
it's a great racial for any spec.
But yeah the stun resist is generally considered better since resisting a stun can equal a won 1v1, but still warstomp is great. Troll racial is "best" for resto pve but it's so marginal that it doesn't matter.
Like you're saying, the pvp racial comes down to personal preference so no wrong answer.
Still undecided after thinking about it for months. Probably Orc Warlock, but I'd also like to try Warrior this time. And Druid. And Hunter.
goddamn. Why are guys so thirsty and cringy? It isn't like meeting females in real life (or even online) is difficult.
Is it the fantasy of meeting one in their video game? Or are people just lonely?
My first ever character was a nightelf and some of the fondest memories I have are of leveling in comfy teldrassil with it's owls and furgolgs, so I'm really tempted to go a nightelf.
However, I want to play warrior and mainly pvp so Dwarf for stoneform is mighty tempting.
You don't want Druid. Trust me.
Ep 8 killed starwars games, clothes, home / office, toys, /tg/ all in one fuckin swoop those sales died
I'm debating between Lock and rogue. Race and faction I'm still unsure. Leaning toward horde because Alliance is filled with tryhards. If Northdale is any indication, I'll get a lot of hate If I'm not a gnome.
Don't play druid unless you know you want to play druid. People say warrior is a struggle, but druid is the real struggle. There's such a stigma with the class you might have trouble finding groups just because you're a druid. God forbid you're not resto.
Gnome Warlock. Never played this class, the racials might come in handy in PvP even if my focus will be PvE. My other choice would be Hunter but I played a Goblin in Cata and it was... okay to fun. Definitely don't know the ins-and-outs of the class so I'll have harder time marketing myself, at least Warlocks are easier to raid and more in demand.
From the DM convos I had with them, it seems that they're pretty desperate for female interaction which they can't get IRL. The prospect of a girl that they can spend all their time playing wow with (which they do anyway) combined with also being nice to them sends them into a frenzy.
The saddest part was that it all seems to come down to exclusivity. You'd have guys literally stabbing eachother in the back if it meant i'd do stuff with them on their own rather than in a group with multiple people. I imagine thats to do with how insecure they must be and how every other human male is a potential threat.
>run around post-shattering azeroth
>don't miss classic
Have you even played vanilla?
>Warlock tanking Twin Emps
I really don't know why this strategy was ever used.
The strat where you just had another Warrior tanking Vek'lor (magic emp) by spamming shouts for threat and assigning all magical DPS to bug duty was a million times easier.
MMOs are filled with a bunch of beta faggots that have no experience with women. They think that women want you to be nice to them, but they just want you to treat them like a normal person.
Only reason I don't feel like playing druid is because I know I'll get forced into tanking in 5 mans since nobody wants a healer who can't res out of combat.
If I wanted to tank I'd play warrior.
You know it's now your duty to make a tauren shaman called Bigbuldik now, don't you?
It was used because the warlock took infinitesimal damage and took pressure off the healers, while also shortening the fight since you weren't wasting dps on bugs.
Lock is more threat and more mitigation
>an actual classic thread with some storeis
good thread OP. some of these stories were really good keep them coming
>nobody wants a healer who can't res out of combat.
druids can res out of combat
Its ok, I'm going to show them the power of the big bear paws. I like to tank, and Kitty DPS isn't awful, but if you want maximum you gotta farm crap I guess.
Also gonna juke nerds in WSG with the flag all day.
They can, but it has a 10 minute cooldown. They didn't get a normal OOC rest until wotlk.
Reminder to make a female character in classic so you can take advantage of betas for free stuff by convincing them you're a girl AND put incels on suicide watch by stomping them in pvp and letting their own seething mind assume you are female.
Easy mode: Human, Nightelf, Gnome
Hard mode: Troll, dwarf, undead
Comfy mommy GM mode: Tauren, orc
You mean with jumper cables?
Yeah, I guess.
Who deserves the shoulders more?
If you're in a party with a warrior who doesn't have them and you ask for them (not being a warrior yourself) then you deserve to be kicked.
He still has til like 2038 to be right or not...
Warriors already has a set of 200+ Shadow Resist gear for Ebonroc, so he's mitigating all the damage just fine.
You didn't need to worry about threat because you just had to keep ahead of the healers, which you easily did just spamming Battle Shout.
You had to assign DPS to kill bugs in the Warlock tank strat too, so that's no different either.
Unless your raid was stupidly overstacked on magical DPS it was just easier.
>not reaping the benefits of a population of lonely men thinking you're female and that you might like them if they give you stuff
>having such fragile masculinity that you're worried playing as a female character might impact you in some way
It's not our fault you on the fence about sucking cock, user
the hunter, of course.
t. warriorlet
just put on your dress and go outside to suck some dick already
>I'm just erping with this dude for the luls and gold hahahaha
hahaha, hope having to grind 800-1000g all by yourself instead of being given it provides you with ample time to cope
I forgot that meme existed
>MMOs are filled with a bunch of beta faggots that have no experience with women
it's honestly not exclusive to mmos, however, even tho that explanation is convenient and does sound good.
I could make a fake female in any chatroom in the universe and be spammed with direct messages. Or any discord server for any game/hobby/whatever. I've seen obvious men mentioning male things in theorycrafting discords (a meme all on its own, i assure you) that since they're using an anime girl avatar will have orbiters. And certainly a percentage of those orbiters realize they are talking to a man and don't care, but others honestly do not. Just by virtue of numbers alone you have to make that assumption.
I could offer more but it would be pure armchair psychology so my analysis is fairly worthless. Still very interesting if cringy.
Who said anything about rping? see and All you have to do is exist and their beta minds will assume the rest.
at least try to refute the fact that you're a tranny doing this because it makes you horny, my dude.
>Comfy mommy mode: Tauren
Every time.
And warlocks get 60 shadow res from talents, 15 from demon armor plus soul link. Literally no reason to use a warrior.
>being so obsessed with your alt personality in game that you cant make actual friends, resorting to flirting and pretending to be an e-girl, even going so far as to copy some thot's instagram pictures and create a fake persona for your discord whack off rooms
Honestly even beyond the pure cringe associated with that behavior, that shit would get so old so fast. And end up stressful. You wouldn't be able to play in peace and wouldn't have any lasting meaningful in-game relationships. You know, in the game best known for making fucking friends. But you can't, becasue you're fake, your "friends" are fake, and no one cares about you past the lewd things you type from your anime girl avatar and the pretend tit pics you send them.
At that point it's almost less cringy to be a sweaty pserver tryhard playing 20 hours a day with lisping euros. At least they have a definite purpose and aren't pretending.
happened to me once, albeit in wotlk.
>play a fem belf rogue since i like the stealth animation more than the male's
>questing in icecrown
>fem tauren balance druid asks to party with me since we're doing the same quests
>spend like 2 hours questing and chatting randomly
>says she's excited she just got her cold flying
>we're flying along together and she keeps saying things like "just a girl questing with her pet hawk lol"
>after we're done questing says she added be and hopes to see me again "gal"
>reply "haha", hearth, and immediately log off
race changed to a male ud a day later. it felt even more awkward than the typical "r u a gril" beta orbiter stories that i had gotten familiar with around then because i could tell it was actually a girl/woman by the way she typed.
Kind of reverse situation. Not a grill, but for some reason girls on retail were able to sniff me out like bloodhounds and would talk to me for no fucking reason whatsoever. Literally writing me as soon as I logged on and shit. I never used smileys or asked them about personal shit, nor shared much either.
I let one of them talk me into meeting up at some point and we dated for about a year. She was insane, a lifetime of neglect and depression, but a good fit body and a pretty face.
Anyway, I was in my late teens by the time we broke up and I convinced myself all these e-girls were fucked up based on the relationship I had. I just stopped replying to chicks when they wrote me.
Joke's on me in the end, because now I haven't had a girlfriend in 9 years.
Knowing you're seething enough to have replied multiple times now thinking that might be the case gives me the same feeling of joy that i'll get when in a few months from now you willingly give up loot for me because i asked nicely and gave you a little
did you ever tell them it was you, though
>He still doesn't refute it
It was my first reply to you, but thanks for basically admitting that you do it because you're a degenerate tranny
Hey, wanna join my guild?
>still can't cope
The fact i'm going to be living rent free in your head now every time you encounter another player is all I could ask for.
dirti, yer makin me wanna kill me'self.
So much for "Classic" WoW
Now we wait for the micro transactions announcement
Pretty sure my dumbass "fury tanked" in ST because I didn't know jackshit about mmos and when someone invited me as a warrior I thought I could just play as I had been. I honestly don't know how we made through that without them kicking me either. I didn't even have taunt on my bars which I clicked as I couldn't see what it even did as I only ever used it solo and thought it was broken. I don't think I learned what tanking was until BC when my guild mates had to explain it since I never made it 60 before BC and rarely if ever did dungeons. It'll be nice to understand the game now that I'm not 12 and retarded.
not him but you realize normal people don't orbit e-girls, right? Even on private servers it may seem common from the memes but the reality is only the cringiest of the cringy engage in that behavior.
I'm in a private server guild that has literally three biological females and no one orbits them.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen since of course it does, but 9 times out of 10 when the players are adults it doesn't mean fucking shit. The jokes about girl gamers and anything cringy get out of the way fast and after that no one gives a fuck, and the players that do give a fuck end up moving on. When you're playing this shit as an adult as a fun hobby and not being a horny teenager, orbiting or even flirting with some e-thot is absolutely more effort than you're willing to invest.
This doesn't mean your deceptive plan of faggotry won't work, but it certainly won't work to the extent you think it will, and especially in 2019 when people aren't going to jack it with you without seeing a fake social media of some sort or hearing your voice. And the people that DO jack it with you - newsflash: they know you're a guy.