tick tock windows7fags
Tick tock windows7fags
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Feels good to be a 10 chad
Who are you talking to?
Literally never going to install windows 10, pajeet. I would sooner go back to consoles and I'm not kidding. Have a sage.
From my cold dead hands.
sage isn't a downvote newfag. Bump :) btw
the Jaunuary 2020 is what gets to me
like 2020 doesn't even sound real
like something straight out of some movie
>Buying new games for won 10 in the future
>Shilling for win10
Shiggy diggy
I'll build a separate windows 10 machine and keep my 7. No need to throw out a perfectly good computer.
There have been so many quality games over the last couple of decades that if push comes to shove, I can happily spend the rest of my years playing through them exclusively instead of mostly doing so and occasionally spicing things up with a pinch of current industry cancer like I do now
they actually recently allowed win7 support for directX 12
Redditors get the rope first
>there will be kids who weren't even alive for 9/11 who can browse this site this year
>...Have a sage.
Technologically illiterate here.
What's wrong with Windows 10?
literally nothing
>rope meme
Ah, delusional /pol/fag. Probably scared Windows 10 will sniff out your CP collection. People who aren't balding at 20's incels like you don't have disgusting shit to hide
Global Rule 7, idiot.
I look at 2020 and see proto-2030
And 2030 makes me think of that vid with the white guy travelling around future india, marvelling at their beautiful (so beautiful) culture and sneering at white taxi drivers
literally everything
Yeah, just like how every existing game suddenly stopped working on XP back in 2014.
Oh, wait.
Let him. He's one of those retards who thinks "HURR DURR I CAN BAN EVADE IF I DISCONNECT MY ROUTER xD". He'll get his when he runs out of rotating IP's. Lmao.
I'll wait for windows 11 sweetie
Telemetry, windows update and those stupid titles on the start menu that can't be disabled.
The bloatware is not an issue, if you are not autistic about it.
I'll never forget when my nvidia 6600 GT got updated and could start doing 1080 instead of the 1600x900 I was forced to use
Still using Win 7 without any issue, theres no reason to go back to 10.
8.1 gigachad reporting in
Have sex, incel.
>there are people who think windows will stop working
literally loling on floor
I moved to Linux when I built my new pc. Definitely not going back to Windows.
Trannyggers go to sleep
I wont install your spyware os
Didn't AMD and Nvidia stop releasing drivers for 8.1?
Telemetry is annoying.
Disk caching uses crazy amounts of disk I/O compared to 7/8.1
Uses more RAM on idle than 7/8.1
Auto updates are really annoying if you're not on LTSB or don't disable them manually
Updates change shit for no reason if you're not on LTSB
No real benefits over 7/8.1 for Win32 and .NET applications (which are the only things people use Windows for, UWP is a fucking joke)
>tfw early W10 adopter so I've had lots of time to remove the annoying shit and adjust the OS to my liking
Laughing at the W7 troglodytes that are afraid of the plunge.
I still have a computer with XP on it. I have another one with Win 98. I don't see what the big problem is.
oh really did you also make it not shit?
8.1 with Open Shell is honestly the most underrated OS out there. Boot times for me were faster than on 7, and I've always preferred 8's Explorer over 7's.
Yeah but that's my little secret.
What about when windows reverts the settings you changed?
>you can't play this game on linux or wine
look who's stuck in 2017 LOL
How will OP ever recover?
Its always fascinating watching old media where they though the year 2015 is like far far sci fi future
Reality is a bit more boring unfortunately
>all these retards sperging because you saged
>bought cool cheap ass laptop for just 100
>8gb ram, 1 Tera hard drive
>Came new with windows 10
>everything seems ok the first days, start having BSOD on every startup
>guarantee doesnt cover it
>shit i lost $100
>clean install Win 7, nothing but the OS and drivers
>not a single problem again, havent seen a BSOD again, laptop literally flies without the bloatshitware
Only dropping it for Linux in a far future when Win7 got absolutely discontinued. Eat shit 10fags.
can you emulate win 10 only games?
Literally who the fuck cares if someone announces a sage. Most uptight faggoty rule ever
with qemu+kvm and gpu passthrough, sure.
zero reason to run windows 10 as your host os for daily use
>when someone tells me about the dangers of not downloading security updates, and articles just keep coming out showcasing updates destroying computers
I actually just installed linux on my laptop and a dual boot on my desktop because i'm sick of win10. performance on total war games doubled because of vulkan, so that's sweet
I have a feeling that leftist journalists are going to make this a political statement in a year. They're going to be defending Windows 10 and platforms like the Epic Store that are only on Windows.
>Entitled Incel Male Geeks want games for their alt-right operating system that is noninclusive and too hard for regular people to figure out!
>performance on total war games doubled because of vulkan
Which TW games?
Can’t you read?
just get windows 10 enterprise you stupid cuck, your gay furry porn will work win10 don't worry
Guys how hard is it to make a custom OS?
I literally know exactly what I need to do to make something usable as an OS, but I just need to know how deep the coding for it needs to be. Like do I basically need to know all the mathematical aspects of the hardware side to make a decent OS?
warhammer 2 and thrones of britannia? haven't tried the others yet as I just gave it a 100gb partition and i'm testing my library
Why are you so eager for me to join you in eating shit?
if i have to put up with this shit, then so should everyone else too
only bad part about it is the constant network connection. You can fairly easily convert any legit win10 version to enterprise and have full control over updates and connections though.
M$ did this with win10 because retarded boomers download the dumbest shit and become part of a botnet or get exploited. Some of the largest breaches in security and private data were due to severely outdated systems and stupid users.
It's pretty difficult. It's one of those things where if you have to ask how "difficult" it is it's already too tough for you right now. Making anything usable will take years
Shit, I feel like I've seen that video too, was it a music video?
Doubt it. probably this. Opens like it's fucking Jurassic Park but it's supposed to be just india without designated shitting streets, and if I remember correctly the city shots aren't even filmed there
>"Crazy white people they can never be civilised like these indians, fighting over scraps"
Then I forget the link like a fucking mong
t. thinks windows 7 isn't spyware because it doesn't tell him it's spying on him
I can see I'm not needed here. Stay awesome.
pic related. It's my library.
Unpopular opinion I guess but modern technological marvels are almost as good or outright better than what we saw in shit like Back to the Future. Like in BttF they thought video calls on a big TV would be like crazy and decent food out of a microwave would be ridiculous. Reality is much better, IMHO. Smartphones are actually fucking insane and the internet is probably the most powerful tool humanity will ever create, even if most of us use it to shitpost on Facebook or our favorite chinese image board
Jokes on you i might be dead by then.
Global rule 7
Yeah. I think Windows 10 is shit but I cant fault the logic of "let's just be our own botnet".
So dx12 won over vulcan? Y?
>taking the rules seriously
Fucking newfags. Do you make sure not to use racial slurs outside of Yea Forums as well?
I too obsess over people who couldn't give less of a fuck about me doing things I imagine them doing because they are silly
I kind of agree
some technology today we have is sci fi
like touch screens. To me that shit is just magic
I wonder if Proton will be good.
nothing if you use LTSC/LTSB
This stuff is actually harmful these days because Yea Forums is so full of newfags that nobody even fucking knows that sage exists anymore. Let alone that anyone actually uses it to participate in shitty threads without bumping as they should. So we get to suffer 300 reply posts about trannies all day every day.
It's good so far and had a massive improvement recently.
2020s are gonna be fucking nuts. There are so many cool projects coming online in that time period.
A bunch of super advanced telescopes like JWST, ITER, Starship/Superheavy, new moon missions, electric cars, self-driving cars, even games will probably manage decent raytracing sometime that decade.
There's a bunch of stuff bad about it, but most importantly, it's just not better than 7 in any way at all.
If a schizophrenic who thought that CIA niggers glowed in the dark did it, you can do it.
Yes. Microsoft made sure 8.1 gets just as fucked as 7 in the future. Anyone hoping to switch to a similar OS by 2020 should just install Kubuntu or Linux Mint.
What's racist about calling you faggots niggers?
go back to red.dit
Good atleast Gabes fat ass is doing something right.
Will time travel also be a thing? Because I'd rather just go back to 2004 2bh
>being scared of saying reddit
I have a feeling that you're an absolute fucking headcase.
That phrase is literally marked as spam you god damn newfag. You have to go back
8 months and it already plays 1/3 of windows steam games perfectly. I expect that to double in 8 more months.
Touch screens aren't exactly modern technology, it dates back to the 60s. It's just that is has been modernized and made better.
>marked as spam
>after I just posted it
We are CURRENTLY using a technology that allows near instant communication across the globe for very very very little cost to us. Most of us pay less a month on our internet than people paid for landline telephones in the 80s and 90s. And we get free long distance.
Go ahead try posting that exact sentence without the dot.
Nothing worse than redditors like you trying to fit in
Mate, I'm not buying hard/soft(spy)ware after 2020. I've got 800 Steam games already; my backlog and emulators is all I need.
it hurts my feefees :(
>joining the botnet to play modern microtransaction "games".
Nah thanks senpai
I use Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell
Why the fuck would you use Windows 8.1? It's just Windows 10 but many times worse.
More like global rule unenforced.
>im not new, ive been here since 2014!
LOL newfag doesn't even know that it's possible to evade filters.