Im at the last boss but I don't want this adventure to end :(

Im at the last boss but I don't want this adventure to end :(

Attached: Sekiro-Shadows-Die-Twice-19.jpg (845x475, 73K)

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don't worry. it won't end soon :)

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I think about to drop this, not because I'm stuck at a boss but this has been happening to me with from software games for a while where the game length is extended because of the difficulty and I'll lose interest over time because its a constant pattern of get stuck on a boss for a day or two, beat them, progress a bit, run into another boss, get stuck, beat them, get stuck, beat the next guy and before I know it I've probably played longer than I should and by that point I just lose interest and wanna play something else.

Call me a shitter, I've beaten every single boss I've come across and beat the corrupted monk and I'm in the next area (very annoying area where it's littered with assholes who kill you of you take just a second too long to take them out) and I've just lost almost all interest at this point. Sucks because I wanted to finish the game but I just want to play something else at this point.


don't worry, isshin will push your shit in for hours

Same reason I never finished dark souls 1, it took me probably close to a week to beat ornstein and smough (it was my first time fighting them and I didn't use any co-op or summons to fight them it was just me) and really soon after that I just dropped it because I spent so much time on them I just got bored and quit.
You sir, are fucking hilarious. Have an upvote!

>getting stuck on bosses before ssi for days
this game just isn't for you

You're practically done user. Just push through, there's only 2 storyline bosses left and one of them is a gimmick that you'll kill in one sitting easily regardless of your skill level.

I refuse to believe this isn't bait. But someone has also said something similar somewhere along the line so it as well be real.

I uninstalled right after finishing Fountainhead.
I dont want it to end :(

thats how i feel about it and i'm only on genichiro.
doesn't feel that satisfying beating mini-bosses since well they are a mini boss and its just another obstacle until i get to the next one.
maybe i'm used to souls. it was a bit more lax compared to sekiro. it has the jank controls of souls in a way but faster paced. cant keep up

I'm at the last devine dragon gimmick fight & i'm tired of this game. I don't want to do new game+.
Owl 2 is the only boss that really fucked me up. getting stunned by owl 2 was such bullshit. fuck the completely unresponsive & unreliable mechanics like saftey roll in this game. why do i have to use ichi monji to regain my posture? it feels awful. just make all standard combat arts do it.
the games pretty easy apart from the bullshit stun mechanic but because combat doesn't feel tight and rewarding in itself I don't see a point in replaying the game past the initial challenge of overcoming bosses for the first time & there's only a handful of bosses that give you that feeling in the game anyway.

Well I mean when I say for days I usually just mean like one or two and I only play Sekiro for about an hour or so at a time. I have a job user, I only have so much time during the week I'm willing to throw away on trying over and over on the same shit only to get frustrated and not make progress for an entire hour because all I did was lose to a boss.

>it has the jank controls of souls in a way
I really hate that about fromsoft games. every move has to have about 50 frames of start up. and also sorts of arbitrary character states that are hard to notice & cause your player to be unresponsive.
so there's always this fucked up disconnect where you react in time but your character doesn't.

Dude I have a job as well. Clearly these games are not for you if you don't find enjoyment in the process of gitting gud. The fun from FROM games don't come from actually beating the bosses although you get a lot of satisfaction from it, it comes from the progress of getting fucked during your first try and then beating the boss on your X attempt.

Like I said, with no offense in mind, if you can't put in the required effort to learn the game then you're not the target demographic and its simply not for you. By the way, if you're past the corrupted monk, there's only one more boss between you and the last one, which is actually just a cinematic fight with no real challenge. The last one will take you weeks though if you only take an hour or so per day to learn. I assume it's actually harder for you to learn the bosses anyway due to the gap you have between the attempts.

Too bad. NG+ sucks ass and you are going to drop it like a stone.

owl is pretty much the only boss thatll follow up after posture breaking you and put down that punishment, even the last boss was more forgiving i found

Not him but did I fuck up?
I beat the corrupted Monk at Mibu Village. That was the first location I went after beating Genichiro.

I do get enjoyment from getting gud, I do progress I just get fucking bored after I've been in an area for so long. I've played and beat other souls games just fine, Orn and Smo in DS1 was the main reason I didn't finish and I beat DS2 and 3 no problem. I haven't run into any bosses in sekiro that have made me want to stop playing the game, I've beaten every one I've come across and some I've beaten easier than others. Fuckin people were saying genichiro was a monster and I didn't have much trouble with him at all. Once you learn his patterns genichiro is a fucking pushover bitch

Can we all just agree that Dragon Flash is the most efficient combat art in the game? It literally fucking rapes Isshin during your encounter on top of Ashina Castle.

You're fine, there are two versions of the corrupted monk, the one you're on has only one health bar, the one the other user is at has three bars and guards the last area of the game. You're merely fighting his illusion right now

no theres another monk

also i wish i stopped hanging around in threads before finishing the game like you are doing now

I'm a huge fromdrone who started with ds1, and my favorite from game that ive played is bloodborne. I havent gotten sekiro yet because I mostly love the statbuilding and character rpg aspects. and i know sekiro is more of a character action game a la bayo or DMC. but this week Ive had three different dreams that I caved, got sekiro and loved it. should I trust them, or continue to sit this one out? again im not saying sekiro is shit or anything, I just thought the gameplay probably wasnt for me

Sorry, didn't quite read that you actually beat him already. Anyway, you're fine

Dragon flash hits hard but I think ashina Cross while hard to use has the best vitality damage in the game and nightjar slash reversal is the most versatile one. Also ichijimonji

Once you learn the pattern of any boss, they are pushovers. That is why SL1 runs are possible. There is no move that you cannot see coming if you know what to expect.

usually i would say just look up a guide for the boss thats pissin you off cause its not worth the anger, but for sekiro id say try to figure out how to just play it better, because the game can really be mastered

for me someone pointed out that i should be holding block more to get my posture down and just flick it to get the parries and that made me a god at the game, cause then i can just focus on perilous attacks

oh and also i changed deflect to L2 that also made me a god

I've tried to get into Ashina Cross and you are right about it causing severe vitality damage. The fact that it can be finicky to use still makes me choose Dragon Flash, especially charging to sound out the shockwave. Ichimonji is great for dealing posture damage though.

>it's hard for me but i wanna get good boy points on Yea Forums

So stop playing like me, I literally stopped playing on the last boss and I will finish it probably when I will feel like to touch this game again, since I know it won't happen when I have to replay the whole playthrough, since game has nearly 0 replayability.


it has multiple ending featuring different boss fights... how is that 0 replayability?

Read you spic. He said nearly no replayability which is true

stupid way of writing that it does indeed actually have replayability so fuck off with your antics.

One new boss per entire additional playthrough for 2 more playthroughs isn't more than "a little" replayability, cope harder faggot, the ng+ and replay value of sekiro are utter garbage.

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additional difficulties, additional combat arts, illusion enemies, upgrading the arm on top of new boss fights.

i'll use your word since you re a parading faggot with no real thoughts. COPE.

Replayability doesn't mean play the same thing again, sekiro doesn't let you progress in any way, you just play the game again and again, multiple ending is not replayabilty

where does Sekrio rank?

I've done every boss available in this first playthrough. ishin and emma are the only 2 bosses left if I want to get the shit ending. so that's like 1 replay whilst skipping as much as you can because you've done it before.

You're not missing much.

>just completed NG+++
Looks like i can now do NG no hp run.
Damage at this point punish me a lot.

>he used any arts
I don't get how you have room for arts guys. In combat i literally have no time to do anything besides breaking enemy posture.

I wish I'd dropped the game after corrupted monk or never even started it in the first place. The game's so god damn boring.

>got to phase three first try on ss isshin
>havent been there since

New Game+ means it doesn't ever have to end.

Get to the point where you don’t take damage on genichiro and only heal once or twice on Isshin’s first phase.

Honestly its Isshin's second phase that fucks you.
Long as spear and a gun.
Constantly sweeps and leaps at you with follow up moves.
If you can get to the last phase, just sprint away and dodge until you can reverse the lightning at him.

Unironically i completed 2 times SS Isshin dying one time to Jobichiro.
It was only time i died, or also once at phase 3.

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