Banjo-Kazooie > Banjo-Tooie
Banjo-Kazooie > Banjo-Tooie
Banjo feet
oh fuck Banjobros guess we've been BTFO for all eternity
What will you do if Banjo does get into smash bros
BK > N&B > BT
Smashfag pls leave
Rent free
cope, Banjokes
Yes. Might be the only collectathon that's well played.
this but unironically
stay irrelevant banjofags
Agreed, while I definitely appreciate Tooie having more ambition, actual bosses and interconnectivity, in the end the meat of the game dragged on too much. Kazooie stayed reasonable with each level like Mario and Spyro did, and I liked that.
Fuck off tranny.
agreed, but I'm going to replay both games soon
I prefer Tooie despite its flaws.
I liked Kazooie for the levels
I liked Tooie for the mechanics and new moves.
I'm more of a Banjo Pilot type of guy.
I started a new playthrough of Kazooie, already at Gobi's Valley.
It's annoying the game makes you backtrack to Bubblegloop Swamp and Freezeezy Peak once you get the shoes, but that's the only problem I have with the game at all, Kazooie is perfect.
I disagree but respect your opinion
Yeah I agree but I think my next play through will be Tooie first. I never 100 percent tooie after burning out on kazooie first.
[Spoiler]Waiting for Rare Replay on switch[/spoiler]
Kazooie is just a big beta demo of Tooie
Banjo-Kazooie = Banjo-Tooie
Deal with it
Rare to see someone prefer N&B over any banjo games
Discordfag where are you right now?
Ok, guess we'll get in as a Retro pick.
Which Discordfag?
>he doesn't know
>Thread is in no way related to Smash
>Stevefags appear
>Still playing victim
>Claim Banjofags raid
>Act like Banjofags are just as bad as them.
Still acting like retards huh?
So I'm curious, how many Banjo fans have played/beaten the ither post N64 titles besides the first two. Grunty's Revenge, Banjo-Pilot, and the infamous Nuts and Bolts, any fans of those games?
Understandable but I still feel Tooie is a straight up upgrade in every single fucking instance
I loved Nuts and Bolts for what it is, the main city has it’s charm with all the characters
And especially seeing how all the character shift roles in every world was neat.
I’m still fucking upset that Jingaling wasn’t used for anything
>What’s that? You want Jingaling in the Jiggyseum? Nah fuck you, have Picklet for the 7th time
I did GR (somewhat), but that's about it. N&B had an interesting hub world and builder, but the levels were so fucking barren I stopped giving a shit immediately. It was like making a supersized Armored Core but with nothing to really do outside some races, and within the husk of a long-desired platformer no less.
I still liked exploring in Nuts and bolts
Banjo Land was easily the best designed world in any banjo game
Sometimes I forget he was even in that game, he really was mostly a non-entity. Still ticked that the Stereo reward you get for playing the bingo game is so limited, only two songs when you have four potential sources to pull music for. Hell, it could have at least been a sound-test item like in Tooie but they couldn't be bothered I guess.
I wanna lick those soles!
I really like exploring Nuts and Bolts too, but climbing up LOG's factory was a bitter-sweet experience though because it felt so close to an actual Banjo-Kazooie platforming experience, I ended up annoyed that I wasn't actually playing Threeie. Still, it was cool to reach the top and see everything that surrounds Show-Down Town. pic related, you can see Ghoulhaven Hall is visible in the distance of Show-Down Town.
The fucking parody intros of Nuts and Bolts were great
Forcing Mumbo and Humba to be husband and wife was kek
>They shamelessly re-use Boggy twice as NPC mission giver in the same exact level of Terrarium of Terror.
>The game even acknowledges it in the dialogue.
Wonder if it was intentional or if they added the dialogue after goofing it up.
god why did they make banjo look like that, fucking rare.
Better than what happened to Conker, I still find it hilarious that later in Project Spark, he was mostly back to normal. They back-pedaled so hard on that redesign, I wonder if they fired the artist responsible.
I'm still confused why Mr Fit was in the game. Like of all things in the Banjo Universe to reuse it's the guy in Cloud Cuckooland.
I always thought it was odd too. I guess the devs really liked him or something.
What were they THINKING??
Do you guys think they'll ever have Tooty back? Or is she forever destined to be a missing character gag?
It kind of sucks they couldn't make her playable in the final battle.