The main character of the last game you played has to go up against the Night King, one of the most unstoppable villains in all of fiction. How does he/she fair?
The main character of the last game you played has to go up against the Night King...
Battler proves he doesn't even fucking exist. Now please go back to Yea Forums.
My Vanguard Shepard just biotic charges in and then stabs him with his omni-tool blade. ggez nore
>one of the most unstoppable
>gets killed by the oldest trick in fiction
She beats the piss out of him with an umbrella and saves Westeros
I don't know. Contain him and harvest him for energy or something.
Deciding being immortal isn't worth it?
ggez, just teleport behind him and stab him.
He will get trapped into a cycle of guilt and his legs will get shot and forever be not ok
dunno who the main character of MK11 is. Scorp is the cover boy, Lui Kang defeats the big bad, Cassie carries the emotional story arc.
but they can all get their bodies mashed into gibs, only to get up and dust themselves off, a million times over, so i guess we'll be ok.
Scorpion can teleport behind him, so we know he can manage.
>Yfw 4 seasons wasted on some bitch with a dagger
>JC Denton from Deus Ex (stealth build)
Heh, it has been proved the night king can die with a stealth approach
*dds specs* nothin personnel night king
what the fuck does the night king do, ive only read half of the first game of thrones book
They didn't take a single opportunity to showcase an ability or tactic that would make him remotely resistant to fucking arrows, and a volley would definitely have fucked him and his entourage if he wasn't able to do that.
Link has experience in this kind of thing.
Not too used to mega cold but he'll find a gimmick weapon to help compensate.
Who did the move better? Rey, Arya, or the protag of FC3?
Is the 13th man to lead the Night's Watch, marries a White Walker and fucks her, then gets BTFO when Winterfell figures it out 13 years later. 8000 years in the past.
Lmao dude just go to a house of cultists and let them smack you around for a year and you'll become a teleporting master assassin who can take on any threat.
The Night King portrayed in the TV series doesn't exist in the books. A Night's King once existed in the books but THE Night King is a TV-only big bad.
he gets killed by some random goblin(human)
>pre-witch Morgana
yeah, that's a big nope for me
Stares blankly at shit, raises the dead by lifting his hands, and he threw a spear like twice. That’s literally everything he’s done.
How awesome was the Fire God part
>Level 18 goblin with high sneak and a reinforced dagger
should be good to go
I got through 27 levels as the Artificer. Night King is fucked
I just wanted to unlock the clover and BFG...
I think the FC3 use was actually the least retarded of them
It would be a hard fought victory, but nobody can object to his aptitude. He's definitely got the wright skillset to take that Night King down a peg. Conclusive evidence is all he needs to get that edge worth pursing in the case.
Oldest story on the world. Good guy gets seduced by pussy at work, ruining everything.
Well yeah. That's literally what killed him.
>killed by a hunchbacked underage female charging at him head on
I think that's the joke
>the Night King, when stabbed by the goblina
He's basically a worse version of Arthas.
Combined with the super cut of Raidens vs Lui Kangs it was pretty kino tbqhf
She'd manage the fucking artillery and cavalry against him better
He would be one with Yuri.
Bravo, Yea Forums.
NK reminds me of a final boss that has really low stat checks.
Doomguy has inhuman velocity, telefrags and access to every fucking weapon available in any wad ever, without mention of being able to be an anime girl, the weak point of the NK. I give NK two minutes
>gay of thrones thread on Yea Forums
why not just talk about marvel endgame for fucks sake
i hate you all i'm killing myself tomorrow
that episode was pure kino, i wish there was a videogame that gave me the same feeling as the winterfell battle
maybe i'll try warhammer total war
The Night King doesn't exist in the books, it's just a capeshit villain made up for the TV show.
In the books, the "White Walkers" are called the Others, and they're supposed to be ice elves or something, not evil zombies.
That's the joke dude