Modern id really have no fucking clue what they are doing.
Modern id really have no fucking clue what they are doing
DOOM4 is the best in the series.
Fag gets mad when devs add a fun multiplayer mode to a game's campaign. Terrible thread op, go back to choking of dicks.
id love to play a doom game set up like darksouls
if it actually played like doom and not htis call of duty shit
What makes you think it would work when the last game's multiplayer so banal consoleshit
Fuck off, games need more fun multiplayer modes and less garbage
Invading another player's game as an enemy is always fucking fun, it's been this way since Perfect Dark, even Resident Evil had a fun Agent Hunt mode
just turn it off faggot
How the fuck did Doom 2016 play like COD?
by being cod but only hip fire. oh and press a button do something awesome straight out of dragon age 2. painkillers room by room bullshit. get real
more like DOOM: Eternally shitty
anyone remember the doom live action movie
yeah it's nothing like cod but still a terrible game
the new wolfenstein games on the other hand.
>by being cod but only hip fire.
So every single weapon was hit scan, you moved at a snails pace unless you were pressing the dedicated sprint button and had health regen?
One of my favorite movies, along with starship troopers and fifth element.
this will be the fps of the decade
Invasions make every game better.
It's a fact, and you can't prove me wrong.
>NUDoom is made for NUfaggots
who'd a thunk it
[press e simulator]
On the other hand
forgot link
Doom 3 aesthetic with Doom 4 combat would be great.
The last game's multiplayer was outsourced to a bunch of retards who made the worst multiplayer modes for the Halo and Call of Duty games that even diehard fans of those series hated. I don't know who the fuck thought it was a good idea to get Certain Affinity to do Doom's multiplayer, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was Bethesda's. The multiplayer for Eternal is being done entirely by ID this time.
Doom 3 has one of the worst aesthetics and redesigns in gaming history.
Everything is grey, even the fucking demons.
this is the good shit
Doom 3's gameplay is alright being basically quake, it's let down by the claustrophobic levels and horror wannabe enemy encounters
the campaign is designed the same way, that's just what they had to work with and it's all very halo-ish
>the campaign is designed the same way
No it wasn't, idiot. People hated the multiplayer because it was nothing at all like the campaign. You could only carry two weapons at a time depending on your loadout and there were no other weapon pickups on the map besides the OP superweapons, which is the complete opposite of what Doom's competitive multiplayer should be.
Exactly. It's not Doom and neither was the campaign
in this case? yes.
God you’re fucking stupid.
here, i got somethin for ya
Whatever you say "N-NEW GAME BAD, OLD GAME GOOD" fag. Bet you barely even played the originals.
Feels great not being a cynical retard who can appreciate both the new Doom's and the original classics. Replaying BTSX 2 (bet you don't even know what that is) and can't wait for Eternal.
it plays literally like Advanced Warfare, with hint of Painkiller.
>Fuck off, games need more fun multiplayer modes and less garbage
No. Games need more engaging singleplayer campaigns.
Don't need non arguments when the game exists.
>muh gamer cred
itll be fun as fuck if invaders are somewhat equal to you, just a deathmatch in the middle of the level
>its not Doom
Fuck this argument. Doom can be something other than what it was twenty years ago. Old doom was not perfect. If new doom adds things from games that are better than old doom, isn't that good? No true scotsman!
i mean, the game's highly successful and dare i say, fun
but whatever my guy, keep pretending to hate new things to make up for your lack of a personality
Eat shit and die you fucking faggot
>muh acting like a hardcore fan of a franchise by hating on the newer installment but immediately backpedaling when called out for being nothing more than retarded contrarian faggot.
>pretending to hate new things
I don't hate new things just bad things
look at brand new and it's good, id has no excuse for these doom games
>muh acting like a hardcore fan
you were doing that.
>Doom 3's gameplay is alright being basically quake, it's let down by the claustrophobic levels and horror
Doom 2016 plays like a slower, “zaney arcade” Quake if Quake felt the need to pad every fight with just spawning in more dudes. Doom 3 actually had a tad more level crawling with some surprising fights while NuDoom needs at least five guys on you at a time to at least be “threatening”.
Either way, it’s a ‘fast’ shooter designed for gamepads at its core. Unless it does some real mind bending shit I probably will wait til Eternal’s like $20 or $30.
I just tried playing Doom 2016 and I got lost looking for the blue key on the foundry level. Am I a brainlet?
>Advanced Warfare
Really? I should give it a try someday.
I was calling you out for being the fake bandwagoning little pussy that you are. Just moments ago you were trying to label Doom 2016 as being "not a true Doom game" as if you have any authority on what makes Doom "Doom". I proved what an edgy contrarian fag you really are and all you can do is squirm and go "n-no you!" It's hilarious.
>it's another zoomers trying too hard to be boomers shitting on the newer entries while looking like contrarian faggots episode
go back to your facebook account faggot
>doom 3 aesthetic
Fuck no, doom 3's aesthetic was like every idtech 4 game and it was hideous in every single one.
Doom 4's aesthetic is a little stylized but it looks great, honestly.
Reminder that all of the major Doom communities on the internet, especially the ones that continue to map and mod the originals really enjoyed Doom 2016 and can't wait for Eternal. Pay no mind to these edgy contrarian boomer faggots trying way too hard.
Invading other people's worlds and shitting on them as a mancubus is quite literally amazing and a very welcome feature
Your shitty 8-way sprites and clusterfucked level design don't even compare you erectile dysfunctional old lame heads
Holy shit the amount of SEETH that is emanating from you right now can power a whole city.
You should.
I hate modern (post 2004) Cowadootehs, but AF was actually pretty fun. Better than nuDUUM.
this is a bait.
>Reminder that all of the major Doom communities on the internet, especially the ones that continue to map and mod the originals really enjoyed Doom 2016 and can't wait for Eternal
[Citation needed], Zenimax's bitch boiy.
oWo what's this? a mod?
Hey now, no need to shit on the classics just because of a bunch of fake boomer fucks trying to look edgy and cool. I guarantee you these fags that constantly make anti nuDoom posts barely even played the originals, like this queer here Classic Doom and new Doom are both great in their own ways.
Why does doom have so many upgrades? It's supposed to be a simple game.
Literally go on any major Doom community message board, from zdoom to Doomworld and you won't see any threads bitching and whining about Doom 2016 and Eternal like you see from fags like you here. Most sane Doom fans enjoyed it for what it was, because we know the originals aren't ever going to disappear or stop having mods being made for it, you tardtrarian.
a new indie game trying to ride on d44m's coat tails.
more like you don't see any discussion of 2016 at all, because nobody gives a fuck about that locked-down console shooter.
y-yeah well my friends on *insert dead quake forum* don't fall for Zenimax shilling!
Got to love when fake faggots think they have any clue how a fanbase feels when they aren't even a part of it. That's pretty funny irony right there. Begone fake boomer.
Doom 4 was Doom as fuck. Anyone who says it isn't clearly watched some YouTube video of some diabetic fuck shitting on the glory kills, if you'd actually played it you may say "I didn't like it" but you'd never say it wasn't Doom. Doom doesn't mean "16 bit sprites and Click Anywhere™ aiming", there was more ripping and tearing AND mastering movement, enemy attack patterns, and weapon choice/ammo conservation was even more crucial in Doom 4 than 1 or 2. Id give you a hundred examples but this is a Mongolian pottery board. There's your proper argument, you debate club faggot.
>when they aren't even part of it
Got to love it when zoomers born a decade after the fucking game came out think they can fool us and try to fit in.
Get lost, Zenifag.
No son, D4 had absolutely nothing to do with DooM. You kiddos just read the unreleased comic strip, maybe played Brutal Doom when it became a meme, and now think "yup, that's duum alright! :^)".
Anyone unironically parroting the "lol rip n tearrr!" shit is such an obvious tryhard poser, it's not even funny any more.
Because console peasants and their dev-overlords think that you cannot have a simple and straightforward gameplay anymore. Or rather: the devs can't design such game any more, so they just pepper some generic console shooter #6211 features on top, and call it pretty names like "let the player play it liek they want!".
>if you'd actually played it
It's shit and not doom because it completely abandoned the design principles of the original
Quick, name your favorite community produced megawad and why it's your favorite. Bet you don't even know what a megawad even is, fake cunt.
>its shit
>61 hours played
I think the game looks fun but I feel like the dash is a mistake
The invasion system looks dope though.
>Variety is bad because it makes my head hurt.
Pirate doom
do you actually think you are a special snowflake for playing doom or something?
>played it too much to have an opinion
>abandoned the design principles of the original
Actually unironically new thing bad. I really don't know what I expected from Yea Forums, if its good enough to gain even ONE new fan you Yea Forumsaggots immediately shit tendies all over it.
No, but you're definitely an unlikable, edgy contrarian cunt that likes to hate new things just because they're different.
It isn't
Doom is the most overrated game of all time, with Half-Life 2 being a very close runner up
>Quick, name your favorite community produced megawad and why it's your favorite
Next question.
>hates new things just because they're different
Newsflash: "different" does not automatically equal "good".
If you're not going to be in any way faithful to the IP's name, why even fucking call it a "DOOM"? Literally yet another case of trying to milk quick cash with a classic name and nothing else.
>I dun liek THE grandfather game of an entire genre (that's still fun today)!
That's literally all you're saying.
I can see why people would be wary of a dash in a game pretty much 65% about strategic movement, but if it doesn't come at the cost of less speed I think it'd be a fun addition, at the very least it'd be cool to dodge a melee attack at the last second. Plus in the footage it looks like the short distance of the dash plus its small recovery means you probably break even on average speed, so its more of a lateral choice.
>plays like quake
>with padded spawns and slower weaponswaps
I can still play classic Doom in the modern year and many years to come...
It was meant more as an attack on their elderly penises than the game itself, but that doesn't change the fact that it's overrated by it's cultish sperg fanbase to a near Marvel movie fan level. And playing as a demon and getting your guts ripped out by another person playing Doom guy should excite anyone
How is Doom 2016 really all that much different from the originals? Other than the area lockdowns, which is a criticism I have for the game too, what else was the game lacking that made it an unfaithful adaptation? "If you're not going to be in any way faithful to the IP's name" is really strong hyperbole my friend.
>And playing as a demon and getting your guts ripped out by another person playing Doom guy should excite anyone
>plays like quake
no it doesn't
>slower weaponswaps
depends which one
dash will probably help make it a little more interesting since they completely gimped the movement systems on purpose but it's just another gimmick layered on
What worries me is that it will be used mostly on platforming sections. I don't mind first person platforming but it tickled some feathers when it was in doom 2016. Also what's stopping me from just spamming it constantly to get around rather than using the smooth running speed we have currently?
>no it doesn’t
With all that fast as fuck jumping and shooting? Way closer to Quake than Doom ever was.
>depends which one
1, obviously. Quake 2 is more Doom 3 slugginess and 3 has no campaign besides botmatches.
>what's stopping me from using it to get around
Its on cooldown and the animation has a recovery. It will take away from the "purity" of the game, though. Maybe it'll be a slot that you can assign a different ability to.
you can turn Invasion off
All I remember about the last doom is 3/4s the way to the end I was done but it kept dragging on
I hope the cooldown works then. I couldn't care less about the games 'purity'. What does that even mean?
>How is Doom 2016 really all that much different from the originals?
Map design is completely different.
Originals had non-linear, circular / hub-style maps, that you could explore semi-freely. Keycards were used to provide some control and pace over player's actions, though even there was some exceptions.
Nu-Doom is literally just an endless series of hallways -> lock-down arena -> hallway -> arena ... etc.
The few "secrets" in 2016 version are so blatantly obvious, that you may actually mistake some of them as the intended route you're meant to take in order to proceed. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs just decided to mark some random pickups as "secrets" in a hurry.
Meanwhile, your whole SURVIVAL could depend on discovering secrets in original Dooms. Instead of random memes or collectibles, secrets in D1-2 and 64 provided practical supplies and end-game weapons. Being able to put almost the entire arsenal in use after only couple maps was a huge advantage worth investing time into.
Combat is similarly different.
Where as originals could have any number of any sort of enemies already lurking on the levels, in all rooms, even letting the foes follow you to other areas (and thus provide you with tactical options), nuDuum literally copies Half-Life 2's fighting arena -design Valve coined in their Rising The Bar book. And it does not even reach the Painkiller's or Serious Sam's levels of epic scale, since you never really face more than around ten or so enemies at once.
In originals, you picked up weapons, and that's it. Each gun had its own role and behavior, and it was easy to learn their ups and downs. You had all your "skills" from get-go.
Similar principle applied to the enemies, who ranged from weak hit-scan zombies to projectile throwers and melee-rushers. The main goal was to quickly recognize priority targets in the mobs and proceed to eliminate them in an order, dodging projectiles and controlling melee foes.
... continuing in next post
>With all that fast as fuck jumping and shooting?
yeah it's completely different
>yeah its completely different
Reminder that good old doom still exists with hundreds of thousands of WADs for you to play. A new game playing a bit like quake isn’t gonna change that.
nope they gimped it big time and made it more suitable for gamepads
Doom 2016 is more like a smaller and more restricted Serious Sam. Or perhaps some older FPS with a focus on locked combat arenas.
It’s an FPS making much more use of the Y axis than other run-of-the-mill shooters. It’s quicker and more manueravable than Serious Sam or Painkiller although they like to put you in the same rooms for as long.
What other games sans Quake would you compare it to?
...Next, Doom 2016:
>You don't have all your moves, you gotta "unlock" them.
>Weapons start in a shitty, gimped condition. You gotta "upgrade" them.
>All new weapons practically step on toes of old classics, like HAR being practically the slower but better Minigun
>Regenerating (!) Call-Of-Duty -grenades ... because it's [current year]!
>Armor is LITERALLY just a slap-on secondary HP bar, rather than just reducing gained damage by 30 to 50%
Tons of silly filler and just out of place design choices.
Then there's the Elephant in the room: the Glory Kills.
Depending on the person and situation in the discussion, these serious fuck ups seem to range from "the best invention ever!" to "lol you don't need to use them!". Both which are just bullshit.
For starters, since the weapons in 2016 severely lack reach, penetration and Pain inflicting capabilities, you always need to get close. And even then it's not uncommon to empty a shotgun into a regular cannon-fodder's face, only to make it glow like a disco ball, indicating the "Press F for Kool!" cinematic kill being accessible. Especially early on this is all but mandatory in order to proceed in the game, but not for the purpose of getting health. There's plenty of that lying around on the maps, too much in fact - all partly because you CAN'T explore when there's a combat ongoing.
However, later on when you are NOT tied with 20 shotgun shells, that turn into dust after 5 meters of travel time, you can just blow enemies apart in normal fashion, and actually get MORE health drops from a single foe. It's common to go from ~25% health to ~80 in a single second, thanks to some generous imp transmutating into a shower of blue blobs after interacting with your super shotgun's pellets.
Sadly, that does not apply to the bossfights, which you DO need to GK to finish 'em up.
... tl;dr: nu-Doom ditches the light "survival horror" designs and mood of originals in favor of more arcadey shooter madness, with grindy padding.
NOTHING is worse than being a old good new bad purity fag, nothing.
get an actual identity you worthless fucking cunts.
I can’t find much of a satisfying difficulty setting. Ultraviolence was a tad too easy, and Nightmare while fun made health and armor ratings feel a bit moot when you die in one to two hits.
Nudoom? Numale. Get a grip, niggers.
nudoom sucks
shit arena fights
shit map design
shit glory kill fights
shit memes
>the Glory Kills
>it's fast and makes use of some verticality
you have such a shallow understanding of these games and i'm only talking about the movement systems
>more manueravable than Serious Sam or Painkiller
sam sure but that's not the point of those games, painkiller no
>What other games sans Quake would you compare it to?
how about you compare it to id's previous games and everything built on idtech you fucking dummy
>Armor is LITERALLY just a slap-on secondary HP bar, rather than just reducing gained damage by 30 to 50%
>Tons of silly filler
Do you not have self awareness?
Separating it is to balance it against the health generation from glory kills up until you get the ability to make armor.
>Separating it is to balance it against the health generation from glory kills
How is that balanced in any way? Your Armor literally just saps ALL damage in 2016. It's literally yet another blatant casualization.
And once again the GKs are a "good thing"?
>until you get the ability to make armor
Which is even worse. Devs these days really seem to love spoonfeeding the retards buying these games, cutting out all the challenge and especially exploration from their games.
I mean only really using move, jump, and shoot.
>99 posts
>36 posters
Yep, its doom kun, the guy who hates doom 2016 while failing to even have the most basic knowledge on how doom 1 and 2 works
Go home autism boy
>upgrades bad
They help scale weapon damage and health with the increasingly tough enemies. doom 2016 needs this because its campaign takes much longer than old doom, many more hours.
>regenerating grenades bad
why? current year is not an argument. There's nothing wrong with taking things from better fps.
>armor is just another HP bar
True. idk why its such a big deal but this could've been better.
>weapons lack reach, penetration, and PAIN INFLICTING CAPABILITIES.
proofread next time so you don't sound like a retard.
>glory kills bad because they give too much health
confirmed for playing on lower difficulty.
>muh casualization
>muh spoonfeeding
Please define these terms in your own words. I want you to listen to yourself.
Doom 2016 has little to no replayability since every level has at least 2 or 3 arenas. Honestly don’t understand why they didn’t make a survival mode where you can just see how long you can go against the enemies since that’s clearly what they wanted with the level design.
>They help scale weapon damage and health with the increasingly tough enemies
Bullshit cop-out excuse for a poorly designed core gameplay.
>doom 2016 needs this because its campaign takes much longer than old doom, many more hours.
Not at all. Never played Doom 64?
D2016 "needs" that shit because it's default gameplay and map design are SHIT. Nobody would play this shit more than 5 minutes if the starting speed, skills and weapon functions were all you got.
>There's nothing wrong with taking things from better fps.
It's been a while since I've felt shudders from blatant trolling.
For starters, there is no better FPS than Doom. The few rare ones that even get close did not need to use literal 7th gen CoD shit like quick grenades. And not even CoD (to my knowledge) literally regenrates them.
This shit is yet another sign of incompetent devs trying to hide their insecurity with balancing the game to be challenging yet engaging + satisfying. It's another handicap for retards who hate fail states, since apparently running out of ammo thanks to shitty playing style is a no-no in 2010s.
>idk why its such a big deal
Because it completely changes the gameplay and role of the armor. Doom already had blue vials and orbs to go above 100% health, so why add another hundred or so percents of MORE health??
If you were on 1% of HP in original Dooms but had 200% Armor, you were still fucked. Yet you wanted to have an armor because it increased your chances of surviving a rocket to the face.
>proofread next time so you don't sound like a retard.
If you don't have anything to say and zero arguments, maybe don't post at all? Removing features and making gameplay less satisfying is extremely counter intuitive.
>confirmed for playing on lower difficulty.
confirmed for not even reading what I said and trying to blatantly topic-switch to fit your silly narrative.
>Please define these terms in your own words
Already did early on. Learn to read.
lol @ still getting hype for Doom. It's the MK of fps now. Same trajectory.
Invasions in DOOM sound fun as fuck
No, they don't.
Is this coming out this year? There's fuck all coming out this year.
Friendly reminder that nudoom was generic normalfag trash
Actual fucking fact. BASED poster.
>pic unrelated
>Serious Sam's levels of epic scale
>poorly designed core gameplay
The core gameplay is: "enemies aren't dumb sacks of shit that walk at 1/20th player speed and only stand a chance when dropped right next to the player from a closet in overwhelming numbers".
It's telling why you don't like the core gameplay of Doom 4. I don't like the fixed arenas either but that's level design and thus a separate topic even if they're related.
>Doom 2016 is more like a smaller and more restricted Serious Sam.
You mean smaller but less restricted right? 3-dimensional levels with 3-dimensional player and enemy movement makes it less restrictive.
>devil may cry/bayonetta/ninja gaiden black/god hand level design is hallway into arena into hallway into arena etc.
>nobody minds because the focus of the game is obviously on combat and not being in an arena is just downtime
>nudoom level design is hallway into arena into hallway into arena etc where arenas are where the real combat happens
>suddenly everyone minds because ??? or 'its a doom game' instead if judging the game on its own merits
explain this
>its a doom game
Boomers want to relive the 90s instead of playing a first person iteration of the DMC/Bayo formula.
Hey did you guys know what Animal Crossing is literally just COD with village management?
You colossal fucking retard
He's talking about the number of enemies on screen/spawned in you idiot.
You're just a bunch of nostalgic niggers. Doom 1 and 2 were not as amazing as you seem to think they were. Sure, they pretty much made the FPS genere, and making such games with the resources id had at the time (and i don't mean money) is impressive, but it's far from perfect. You just stuck to it like shit sticks to a shoe
Boomer faggots saw Doom as their first FPS game and base all their opinions on comparing other games to it thinking that it's terrible map design was actually good
>COD shill
Why do people keep biting this guy's obvious baits?
>Nu-Doom is literally just an endless series of hallways -> lock-down arena -> hallway -> arena ... etc.
>Meanwhile, your whole SURVIVAL could depend on discovering secrets in original Dooms. Instead of random memes or collectibles, secrets in D1-2 and 64 provided practical supplies and end-game weapons.
It's almost as if the exploration in nuDoom is entirely tacked on and would have been better off without it rather than trying to hamfistedly make exploration work because 'loool its duum its gotta have exploration and keycards n shit'
>nuDuum literally copies Half-Life 2's fighting arena -design
They lock you in because they don't want you to backpedal down a hallway like a little bitch, plinking at everything as it very slowly chase you down like it often did in olDoom
Open circular spaces are necessary for the combat to really work so the AI and the player have ample opportunity to traverse the environment and move around eachother, which is completely lost if combat spaces consisted largely of corridors or narrow spaces in general where all the enemies are placed in front of you instead of around you, which is one of olDoom's inherent restrictions because it was designed around slow keyboard aiming
>And it does not even reach the Painkiller's or Serious Sam's levels of epic scale, since you never really face more than around ten or so enemies at once.
Try playing one of the later levels like VEGA Processing on Nightmare and see how easy it is to get overwhelmed
Low-tier bait.
What if the retarded niggers at ID put the multiplayer budget into preventing d44m from turning into a corridor? Would you feel the same, if d44m has been fucking incredible, partly because no time was wasted on a shitty multiplayer mode nobody will play anymore since: 1. there are better multiplayer games and 2, there is a sequel coming out
>And once again the GKs are a "good thing"?
Their purpose certainly is
Ever saw how people played Vanquish like an absolute basic bitch cover shooter despite knowing you can go full cuhrazy? It's because playing the game like a basic bitch cover shooter worked just fine with there being no INCENTIVE to go crazy otherwise. nuDoom gives you free health if you actually get close to enemies instead of sniping everything like a bitch, and even the biggest DSP-tier retard can tell free health is always good
You could upgrade Glory Kills in nuDoom to give you a speedboost and in Eternal it'll boost the power of your next punch to stun the enemy guaranteed, so you might as well do it every now and then
Besides, nobody complained about the fact that you had to kill most enemies through canned finisher animations in Sekiro, so what's the deal here? It's not like it's even that unavoidable here, later on you can oneshot weaker enemies and finish off bigger enemies with one regular weapon shot anyways
>slower weaponswaps
Hold my beer
>muh unending waves of the same enemies over and over
you may well be the biggest retard in this thread
This post might hold more weight if you actually explained why
Painkiller is a braindead game where you only fight one or two braindead enemy types at a time and can easily outrun everything by bhop when it isn't the ice bridge level
It plays nothing alike
>Fuck off, games need more fun multiplayer modes and less garbage
>Invading another player's game as an enemy
is always fucking fun,
It's rare pic related is so accurate. "Kill yourself bro"
Nobody has mentioned the real problem with DOOT, the challenges. There are rune challenges, weapon mastery challenges and level challenges. These all suck because they force you to play a certain way to get upgrades and make the game boring as fuck to replay if you want to replay the game again without your fully upgraded equipment.
Did we really need an entire thread to complain about a feature that is togglable?
Jesus Christ, his Neurokinetics are way above normal!
>If you were on 1% of HP in original Dooms but had 200% Armor, you were still fucked. Yet you wanted to have an armor because it increased your chances of surviving a rocket to the face.
So? You still want armor now because it gives you greater survival. Nothing has changed.
Fucking up other people as a CHAD Revenant is going to be fun.
I think that all the best "Doom" maps are the ones where the mapper put in a ludicrous amount of detail and it makes you go "wow, he did all of that with this ancient 2.5D engine?".
Most of the time the abstract level designs of traditional Doom maps are just there to be a nigger and toss you into silly situations that you hate being in.
>20+ beheaded
>10 kleer
>10 gnaar
>4 arachnoid
>2 reptiloid
>6 mechanoid
>10 harpies
>6 werebulls
>4 imps
>2 hk
>2 mancubi
>10 posessed
>4 caco
>4 hell razer
>2 pinkies
>2 revenants
>1 summoner
And I'm being generous and granting you all those doom baddies at once. Now unless you're pretty fucking retarded you have to admit one of these lists has a significantly higher number of enemies on screen at the same time, and roughly the same amount of diversity.
Boomers want their auto aim guns and shitty level design from the origibal games back, anything else requieres skills beyond being brain dead
Modern "id" isn't id, just Bethesda with a recognisable company name.
Doom4 was definitely performance-restricted to have fewer demons at once but they move in full 3-dimensions and have unnaturally accurate ability to lead their shots. You can be running on the other side of an opaque wall and two imps on the other side can lob fireballs on the spot you're going to be standing in in exactly 48 frames. Do Serious Sam enemies move in 3-dimensions across the vast horizontal fields of nothingness and do they have behavior that is not "run straight at player and shoot where he is"?
By the way I'm not defending Doom4's deficient monster numbers. It is a blatant technical compromise imposed by optimization for the least powerful platform of the multiplatform release. The game design could always be balanced around having more. But does advanced AI behavior not somewhat balance out the deficient numbers? Quality vs quantity?
To be fair, Episode 4 was a post-Doom II release
>advanced AI behavior
>olDoom's inherent restrictions because it was designed around slow keyboard aiming
Doom was designed with mouse support in mind from day 0. Many people didn't actually know how to actually get mouse support in dos though.
Please stop talking about subjects you weren't even alive for.
Or are you some form of colorblind? The game has options for that. And they look pretty cool for someone with normal vision
Boomer intellect lol
I believe you missed the part of the post that is asking a comparative question. A game that you can cherrypick for AI bugs has "advanced" AI compared to one where the AI does fuck all to begin with. If the situation you showed as an example happened in Doom2, those barons would have been aimlessly randomly homing into the general direction of the player with zero awareness of any geometry, not just unawareness of the size of their hitboxes compared to the door an one isolated malfunction of the level's navmesh. Doom AI is literally retarded whereas Doom4 AI can run into situations where they are literally retarded. So how does Serious Sam fare?
Unironically Doom's enemies would have no problem getting to the player in that situation.
Doom 4 is objective trash and only celebrated by children and mindless consumer drones that jump on anything that has a recognisable name, like the current wave of capeshit faggotry.
Multiplayer nearly killed the game before it was released since that's all that was shown.
Will we get classic doom mp this time I hate quake champions so I just want one game with classic mp
Is that why even with mouseaim there's auto-aim out of the wazoo, and why Quake still had keyboard aiming as its default? Marathon came out not too long after Doom and it had fully-fledged mouse support right out of the box, as far as a 2.5D game could support it anyways.
Invading another persons single player is the best form of online you retarded boomer cunt
>no problem getting to the player in that situation.
Literally untrue. Doom AI movement is random, and you can witness a baron on the other side of a doorway like that endlessly pacing back and forth on the other side of the doorway never entering the door because they're walking into directions that are avoiding clipping with the walls. The only thing that can motivate them into walking into any other direction is their aggro on the player, and the AI programming is so primitive that they literally have no senses. They just home in on the player and vary their homing in movement with random lateral variation. The AI is absolutely braindead, which is why it works because the game is so simple.
Why do so many games nowadays have shitty gernade cool downs instead of just having Gernades? Like do characters now pull gernades out of the gernade dimension? It happens in doom and battlefront 2
>can lob fireballs on the spot you're going to be standing in in exactly 48 frames.
this isn't anything new, even the mancubus in doom 2 fires shots based on where you are moving in the combo, same with descent and that is a real 3 dimensional game
Doom's AI is simple but effective they all kinda do there own thing which creates interesting and unpredictable situations making the game infinitely replayable
sam is even simpler, they all just come at you, some will manuever in a zig zag or something but it's mostly about the speed/distance they cover
>auto-aim out of the wazoo
you make it sound like the auto-aim is like how console games do it now which is not the case, and doom is not about precision anyway, aiming is only half of it
If nuDoom actually got serious with its enemy count then you'd get this shit
You'd have to be fucking mental to want a heap of enemies to fire at you at once who are also capable of projectile leading
fuck off, go back to your retro shit retard
>Click random point in vid
>Glory kills
No thanks I just want that raw shotgun blood splatter feel not the push E to animation feel.
Yeah, remember when Painkiller had max 12 enemies on screen?
>even the mancubus in doom 2 fires shots based on where you are moving in the combo
And it's 2-dimensional and calculated for projectiles without gravity. In Doom4 it's 3-dimensional for projectiles with gravity. So literally "advanced" in comparison.
A game like hitman and crap can do 100's of npcs on screen without effort.
Meanwhile doom can't do more than a few when u are literally fighting the forces of hell.
Tbh, it looks fun. I'd be okay with a shiny graphics over classic doom gameplay, but it's nice of them to do their own things.
Was nuDoom as good as the old? No.
Was it still fun and worth playing? Yea.
Nigga, look at this and tell me how the same randomness wouldn't apply
And yet it would be able to walk around that object just fine, while the supposed "advanced AI" just mindlessly walks into the fucking wall.
meant to reply to
i like how you keep saying the same thing in different words without ever explaining what you mean you fucking mongoloid faggot
There are literal pictures of Romero using a mouse when playing Doom before it was released. The lack of Z-axis aiming is purely because of the limitations of the renderer when looking up and down.
There are plenty of linedefs with incorrect properties in the original Doom games that prevent monsters from walking over things that they shouldn't be walking over. It's not really an AI issue. It's a problem with the navmesh. The dynamically changing colliders of that level in particular change the layout of the navmesh and the level incorrectly calculates possible paths for the AI to take in that particular configuration. Doom 1 only makes one calculation. No pathing whatsoever. Is a monster clipping with a linedef they shouldn't be clipping? If not, continue to that direction if the player is in that direction. It's literally as dumb as gravity. Fortunately the level geometry is equally dumb. Unfortunately the player isn't.
They probably did experiment with a crosshair that one could adjust vertically without affecting the perspective of the rendered scene. But relegating vertical aim to automation was probably the right call.
I bought the dvd
the zoomer is confused and enraged when he finds that ironsights are an unnecessary crippling of the player to make it so that consolefags can shoot eachother
Nice but zombies are an incredibly boring enemy.
actually mancubus can fire on the Z axis and you didn't even comment on descent which is almost as old as doom is
The mancubus can fire on the z axis but I don't think its vertical aiming leads any shots based on the player's vertical movement since almost nothing in the game actually tracks the vertical movement of anything. And I'm not commenting on Descent because I haven't played it but more importantly I am only saying that features in Doom4 are advanced features. Compared to Doom 1. An unrelated game having an equivalent feature that is more advanced is entirely irrelevant. Doom4 has better AI than Doom 1. Cherrypicking rare AI glitches in Doom4 is much harder than just finding one instance of AI being completely incapale of following the player in Doom 1. In fact the latter takes 4 seconds. That u-shaped wall in e1m1 with the zombiemen inside it? Just run past that structure and the AI is stuck, completely incapable of following you because they can only home in on the player with random lateral variation in movement.
>I don't think
>I won't comment
>but the shit in Doom 4 is super fucking advanced!!!
you are one ignorant fucker
And you are apparently an illiterate mongoloid. I recommend returning to talking in three syllable sentences with your caveman buddies.
Sam 3 had a Mancubus clone and that game could still handle hundreds of active enemies at a time.
Absolutely based and sane opinion
Doom4 can probably handle a lot more than what the artificial limitation dictates but the consoles are so trash that probably just adding one vastly increases the performance draw on those shitty systems. And because of the retarded greedy practice of making shit that is the same on the best platform as on the worst one as opposed to porting a separate shit tier version for the worst platform, the artificial limitation is nowhere near realistic. And because of the double-retarded idea of adding cross-platform Snappy Mappy garbage level editor, even with user generated content that artificial limitation can't be allowed to be exceeded.
Everything that is wrong with Doom4 is the fault of garbage consoles.
It was a masterpiece.
They really don't. But that's okay.
When I tried Doom 4 on my old PC, it would barely hit 30fps on absolute minimum settings while Sam 3 would run at a stable 60 on medium/high.
>That u-shaped wall in e1m1 with the zombiemen inside it? Just run past that structure and the AI is stuck, completely incapable of following you because they can only home in on the player with random lateral variation in movement.
you mean this one where the zombiemen don't get stuck and can chase you around the level?
the only thing that stops them is something physical like a wall or a drop if there isn't a "stair" close enough, the only other thing is a linedef they are tagged with not being able to cross which can be used to keep them out of certain areas of a map or whatever
You misunderstand. I just tried it and confirmed it. The Ai is so stupid that when you park yourself behind the U they can't get to you. In fact as I enabled IDDT and looked at the map I ran into a weird phenomenon where one of the monsters started walking away from the U while the rest were still bumping against the wall trying to walk towards me. The stray hit the opposite wall and started walking towards the U again with only slight random variation, until it joined the others in being stuck. The AI in Doom 1 absolutely braindead compared to Doom4. As I said. Finding an exception where the AI doesn't know what to do in Doom4 is hard. Finding the norm where the AI doesn't know what to do in Doom1 takes 4 seconds.
they weren't bumping into the wall to get at you they were just bumping into the wall, once they are activated they just do their own thing which is what makes it interesting
the points you are trying to make are just bullshit
Incorrect. All I said was that the AI in Doom4 is objectively more advanced and retards are disputing it as if they have any sort of a case at all, and you're just digging yourself deeper with that asinine response talking about "doing their own thing". Wrong. They home in on the player and make random movements left or right as they do and that's the extent of their navigation AI. There is no pathfinding in the engine. Every teleport closet is designed so that monsters are on one side and the teleporter is in the side where the player is assumed to be when they are supposed to be teleporting so that the monsters walk into the teleporter linedef while attempting to walk towards the player through the wall. You don't know what you're talking about and you should just stop posting.