>big glowy path to monster
>can heal while moving
>infinite whetstone uses
>monsters significantly weakened so that even retards can beat it
>SJW-tier woman faces and fridge body so that females feel empowered
Yeah... I'm going back to MH4U
Big glowy path to monster
Other urls found in this thread:
Toukiden 2 is better. Women are pretty there
>I hate something that everyone loves!
>I'm cool and my opinion matters!
Yeah... sorry, nah bro.
Is there any way to unfuck the mouse controls or is it just a hackjob of a port? Increasing sensitivity is fucked because the camera seems to only move at that speed.
when is this game supposed to get fun?
Fucking rose-tinted glasses looking ass, we don't want your kind either as we helped improved the shitty parts to your series too like oh idk
>Hunting Horn Song List on HUD
>Less grind for area items more monster hunting
>No loading between areas bullshit
>Not having to look at fucking migraine-inducing PS1 and PS2 era graphics on shitty handhelds
>Knowing how much sharpness you have left at a certain level before wanting/needing to sharpen
>And there's more
Alright, I'll bite
>big glowy path to monster
Yeah, I don't like it either, but let's not forget it previously was "Remember where the monster is, if not, wander aimlessly until you find it". Sure, I can do it, but let's not kid ourselves. Neither the glowy path or the alternative are good enough.
>can heal while moving
Before, healing stopped you, but it was instant. Now, potions heal over time as you drink it. It's a compromise to make the game more fluid.
>infinite whetstone uses
You'd always be carrying max amount anyway and find more as you mine. The most irrelevant complaint here.
>monsters significantly weakened so that even retards can beat it
Arguable, but I can see the point. However, having played Freedom Unite, Protable 3rd, 4U and World, I'd still say P3rd was easier but I didn't play that much of it
>SJW-tier woman faces and fridge body so that females feel empowered
Because the 3ds faces look amazing, right? Faces are always hidden under a helm anyway, but I'll agree that faces look terrible after you leave the character creator.
Now, can this be a Monster Hunter thread? How's the PC version? I just bought a good PC and might migrate from PS4.
Runs pretty well, the M+KB controls are kinda fuck-y and need some remapping load times are super fast compared to console, there are mods, and you can cheat everything in the game if you don't feel like grind for all your stuff again
Yeah they added a fix back in September - steamcommunity.com
>Less monster hunter equals a better monster hunter
Nah, even MHGU feels more like a monster hunter than God Eater World
eh i won't meme shitpost and say World is bad but only having like 30 monsters is laughable
MHW has many problems, but it is a good step foward, I can understand why veterans might be disappointed with the meta and some weapons movesets.
It still needs alot of fixes with the expansion tho, I'm looking foward to it.
More like better features equals better game.
This is a video game series not an art piece.
>Can paintball a monster so you know where they are at all times
>Can leave an area to heal and remove status effects without getting attacked
>Have to constantly refill your 20-stack of yellow rocks that cost next to nothing
>monster attacks are predictable af so you only faint if you’re unfamiliar with the monster
>Lets you customise your characters appearance when you can’t see their face for 99% of the game
Wew lad
Agreed all around.
Any tips for the spring blossom event, lads?
Some stuff I literally should not miss?
I'm HR13
What my fellow user response said as well as how even for how few monsters there are, there is a lot of progress made, and with transition to making use of MHW's improvements comes more monsters and such to hunt.
Unfortunately MHW sold amazingly well, so "streamlined" normie hunter is all we will get from here out. MH was good while it lasted.
Every Hunter's Dream is the only event weapon that's worth using. Also, Code Red for all the Dante stuff.
See? This is a valid complaint.
>Muh whetstones
Complain about the things that actually matter so we can have better games, people. Another thing is the lack of weapon models. Unless they've patched things since I last played, most weapons in an upgrade path were just recolors.
Yes I prefer the hardcore experience of the older games where you can safely change zones to heal.
Theres tons of MHlikes already so anyone can play whichever fits more for them, no reason in changing the formula that i've been playing for a decade
Look up the MHW Wiki PC Events or similar on the Fextralife wiki. It'll tell you everything you need to know for what each event has to offer.
Here's a link to get you started. I recommend hand's down Wyvern Ignition for how good it is as a GS all around and no less as a non-elemental damaging weapon. Other than that, do everything that gives weapons, layered/actual armor, and so on. Need help at all?
There's controller support, right? right?
>Complaining about whetstones.
How can you be so bad that you were ever at risk of running out of whetstones?
I'm currently starting HR in mhgu but one of the best things are the rare items you need for gathering quests, I feel that was overlooked ain world and they could really make some fun quests with it.
I really like the idea with deviant monsters but I haven't fought one yet. As a world bab It is very interesting to go back and campare the games.
Classic MH formula was good and has had many games. Its time to move on. MHW is next level, and the games will only get better with the new formula which is crazy bc World is the best the franchise has ever been. Its the best selling Capcom game of all time and that has to account for something.
>can heal while moving
>infinite whetstone uses
how are these two bad things?
yeah of course lmao its a console port from 2018 why wouldn't it haven controller support?
removes strategy and makes the game too easy
What about back rolls? God are they game changing.
it just makes the game funnier getting rid of the stupid old mechanics
The worst part is that a shit ton of the roster is identical to other monsters on the roster.
You guys think we'll ever get arts in world?
Fucking normies ruin everything
Every faggot claiming World is too easy also jobbed hard multiple times to arch tempereds, leshen, behemoth, jho, etc etc
Only the weapon specific attack arts otherwise I sure hope not.
They’re literally apart of the base moves
1/2 of hammers skills are straight up aerial hammer moves
>step out of loading zone to heal/sharpen
wow I'm a strategical genius to rival zhuge liang
Haha you know whats funny? A free heavy machine gun that hits harder than any other ammo. That would be pretty funny haha
You can do that in World though...
infinite whetstones aren't the problem infinite everything from the tent is the problem. If the new rank in iceborne doesn't lock the tent it's going to be a fucking joke.
Haven't needed to think about a single fight in MHW. Such a disappointment. That said, there are plenty of good things that I hope carry over like the streamlining of collecting items and some other QoL changes.
No one actually ever fucking does this, you stupid shitposter.
Anything past 2 is shit desu kys "oldfags"
yes they do lmao just because you too dumb to abuse a poor implemented mechanic doesn't everyone else is too
Not him but are you actually a retard or do you just play one on tv? Remember, pretending to be retarded is just you being retarded on purpose
Doubtful. Hardest shit requires 4 man teams that have to restock bc everyone blows through lifepowders since the raid monsters do so much damage now. Restocking isnt an issue. Its the powercreep. If you couldnt restock basically nobody could beat Ancient Leshen.
I step into a path that connects to a room in MHW and the monster de-aggros instantly
No one who is actually decent at MH will ever waste time changing zones to heal or sharpen because you can just do this in the middle of a fight. Hell, in some instances this actually works against you because even when changing zones, certain monsters will instantly chase you through to the next zone (Tri Diablos)
I would like and desire for rare item searches that have meaning rather than tutorials for something you'll likely later drop doing and focus solely on hunts less otherwise. Like maybe gathering quests that will give you a consumable that spawns a Grimalkyne trap of a particular tribe w/ additional benefits outside of the usual vines or firing squad.
That and deviants are kinda with Ts and ATs but idk for sure since idk much on what are Deviant Monsters. Nonetheless would maybe be of interest to see.
It's not as egregious as a loading screen though
the monsters still obey "zones" but will chase you and attempt to attack from down range in previous games leaving the zone is akin to walking into a safe room
Speak English, dumb ass
Yes, monsters will not fight in hallways.
Ye though, even Elders like Teostra would sit his ass down in the lava room while I'd jog into the open area in Elder's Recess and not follow
People are soloing Ancient Leshen without restocking. This just proves you're an absolute shitter that needs a retarded crutch to get carried through anything remotely challenging.
Fucking kek. This retarded board never fails to surprise.
Wrong again. That only happens in a handful of areas, such as the Elder's recess Uragaan area. The vast majority of the areas behave just like they used to.
Aggro Luna and go to a connecting path. I have 700+ hours fag and my item box has 50 times what you got so I know youre full shit.
Yeah but youre not and neither is anybody else here fucking dumbass. Very few people can actually solo AL.
So instead of learning to be good you just break the entire fight by spamming infinite life powder. Clearly the way that monster hunter was intended to be played where anything that doesn't instantly one shot doesn't matter because you can just heal up forever.
From what I understand they have unique movesets and fight paterns, like a rathalos that only fights while airborne and has unique aerial attacks. Again I haven't fought one yet.
>Press X to doubt
I literally (in the full meaning of the word) got done farming AT kushala, the fucker would chase me a little pass the zone and wait there shooting wind at me before he would fully de-agrro
>"Remember where the monster is, if not, wander aimlessly until you find it"
Psychoserum, psychic, paintball, balloon tracking. You never played monster hunter before.
>before you had a set number of potions and you became immobile. Now, potions heal over time as you drink it while sprinting, and you have infinite potions, potion mantle, felyne potion, potion bug, potion spike. It's a compromise
Yeah it now requires mmo tier teamwork but on a smaller scale. Its honestly great you should try it if you ever actually get that far. I can give a scrub like you some tips. ;)
It is a welcome change, having to flex after using an item was stupid. What is really game breaking is having acess to your item box during a hunt, that shit is game breaking.
I too disliked forgettin an antidote or deodorant and basically having to cancel the hunt or BEAT THE ODDS giving you access to unlimited items and weapon changing is insane.
>flexing was dumb
Fuck off.
Yeah look how much useless shot they got rid of with one single design choice. Nobody liked paintballs and psychoserums and the related skills.
Only retards had this much trouble finding monsters.
wow lets be civil here. it was dogshit.
>I literally(in the full meaning of the word) got done farming AT Kushala
How's eighth grade treating ya?
Good, how are ESL classes treating you?
Heaven forbid the game were to balance healing. Fuck off back to Bloodborne with your shitty healing mechanics.
Potion flexing was indeed retarded but faggots who cant handle change and new things pretend like it was a much deeper mechanic than it actually was.
nice echoing what people said before the game came out but everyone who plays it knows that's not true. Can't go back to MH4U if you've never left saltyboy
Excellent. I'm set for my first Starcraft major next month.
>but everyone who plays it knows that's not true.
Potion+flex is a commitment to an action. It's 100% your own fault if you eat whatever's coming your way.
>balance healing
More like handicap it, they wanted you to flee to a load screen. You can leash monsters, but it isn't always near or available depending on the fight, unlike older game where ever fight has 3-4 load screens always nearby.
Healing is much better now, the problem is being able to get infinite consumables every hunt.
>moving goal posts
>get game in golden week sale
>9 out of 10 missions I open up cannot be played with my friend because "havent progress enough in the story". What the fuck is this shit? Am I still in the tutorial? I am 3 fucking hours in.
World bab
So is swinging a weapon, and idk, fucking dodging. It aint special boy, and nobody misses it or wants it back.
Having a drinking/eating animation that locks you place for a few minutes when using item
>Devs slap dumb flexing animation on everything to delay you even further than the actual animation
Defend this preworldfags
>they wanted you to flee to a load screen
Even if this was true, you never had to do this.
>healing is much better now
100% bullshit. Now you can just run circles around monsters while chugging potions.
That is ok because you don't have to run while drinking a potion too, fucking retarded argument I swear to god you're bullshiting me.
>Having a drinking/eating animation that locks you place for a few minutes
Don't be a shitter and learn how to properly time heals, then flex in front of the monster to show off dominance.
>wanting another asset flip portable g 2nd maximum xx ultimate
I meant moments not minutes
Yeah and you can and do still get hit while healing.
Except that now there's no reason not to. Your character was forced into it before and, by your own admission, healing was instant before but now its more gradual, so even if you decided to just stand still, it isn't the same.
Nice fucking goalpost moving skills.
>That is ok because you don't have to run while drinking a potion too
Because you have health insects, felyne potion on command, health mantel, health AOE.
Also infinite items
Who are you quoting?
You heal faster standing still. You can at least play games before talking shit on them fag.
>Glowy path
Yes, but you've got to track it first. It makes more sense with the new verticality and complexity of the areas.
>Heal while moving
I've seen this in the shift in Dark Souls as well, and concensus seems to be that it feels like it makes more sense - plus you can't run at full speed while doing so.
>Infinite whetstone uses
I mean, artificially ending your hunt because your blows bounce when you already have a timer is a bit pants.
>Monsters weakened
Play high-rank archtempered.
>Woman faces/fridge body
Yo momma
I'm a veteran, I don't touch filthy HR games because my tremendous amount of skill would turn them into a snorefest, I'll wait for Iceborne and it better be good and fix all the ridiculous problems with world.
Yet mh vets still cart. Really makes you think.
Welcome to MHW where they fucked the multiplayer up so badly that it's actually easier to solo everything in the game than it is to play with people like in every other MH.
I started today. Can I still do those crossover events like Street Fighter and Witcher or was that time limited?
Hardly, and even if this was an actual issue, you can dodge in the middle of the healing to avoid the attack
>but the lost health!
Irrelevant because you still keep the health that was recovered, and you can easily just replenish your remaining lost health with the multiple free healing options that the game constantly throws in your face. Hell, the game is so generous with healing you probably don't even need to use potions to do it. You don't even need anything other than herbs to make potions anymore.
Kek, the only ones here carting are worldshits with an inflated ego who try the other games. How is the Lagombi treating you? Or the Great Maccao?
You did not solo Behemoth and nobody else here did either.
Behemoth would turn you into a walking onahole
Faster is not instant, like you even stated earlier, you fucking schizophrenic retard.
I did, it's really tedious with LS but bearable
Monsters are hardest theyve ever been, ofc theyre gonna throw more options to recover. Despite that you, me, and everyone else here still cart.
>monsters are harder than ever!!!!
Is that why they're all objectively easier than their Tri variants?
Bitch please. You cart in MHW and you know it. Dont act like you can sub 5 anything beyond fuckin Odogoran you double nigger
>Monsters are hardest theyve ever been,
Outside of gimmick fights like Behemoth no they fucking aren't. They made monsters weaker while massively overbuffing hunters to the point that HR gear is already more powerful than G rank gear in the other games.
Have sex
Extremoth and Ancient Leshen are objectively the hardest monsters in MH yes.
>meet monster in point A
>break his "appendice", he moves to point B
>meet monster in point B
>break his nose, he moves to point C
>meet monster in point C
>cut his tail, he moves to point D
>rinse and repeat
The only good think about the game is graphics and grinding the best items. Also beating that huge magma dragon with people online was the best part of the whole game.
>reading comprehension
And nothing in World is even remotely as difficult as Tri's final boss, not to mention that LR monsters like the Diablos are actually harder than most of the HR monsters in World.
>it makes sense with the new vertical and complex areas
Maybe we wouldn't need bugs that play the game for you if map design didn't drive off a cliff in 4. Simple maps are always the best. This is why Wildspire Wastes is the only map that isn't straight up bad.
>healing while moving makes more sense in Dark Souls
Away with you, Bloodbornefag. Healing while moving was one of DS3's biggest issues.
>M-muh Arch Tempered elder dragons
Ah yes, the final 1% of the game that's actually considered postgame should speak for the rest of the game. 4 did this shit too where the Monsters practically rolled over until the highest GQ's. Both games have bad pacing because of this.
Oh, and kill yourself for even attempting to defend the ugly character models that plague both sexes. Worldfags deserve nothing less than mass genocide.
>bbbbut this monster doesnt count!!!
>MMO raid boss that doesn't belong in MH
Just because Culex is the hardest Mario enemy, doesn't mean he's a well designed fight.
No one cares you worthless faggot.
Imagine playing MHW and comparing it to a G rank game and not HR games which are all braindead easy with inflated values for hunters. The only one HR game that was even hard was the first game.
You can't say monsters when there's only one that's hard you dumb fuck.
Was that more timed DLC? I stopped playing MH Disney World back in february 2018
>bbbut it doesnt count!!! Im never wrong I swear!!!
Checked and recked
Yeah they finally made a monster that's difficult by giving him a mapwide instant kill if you don't stand behind a rock.
>Monsters are hardest theyve ever been
Its permanent and sorry for your loss
Name one HR only monster hunter thats harder.
Bitch, I have taken dual level 140 apex devilhoes solo back on the 4U days, do you even know how ridiculous that is?
I didn't cart in MHW like you think i did because I'm not a fucking retard who gets their shit kicked in by a reskinned rathian themonly issue that World ever brings is when it just decides to throw ohko attacks that are easily dealth with. Meanwhile you have fucking tutorial monsters in Gen Ultimate that you worldbabs unironically cart to.
Imagine being a pro at World, who goes out of his way to make AT guides for monsters like the Behemoth, and your inflated sense of self worth makes you try the other games while thinking it's going to be a cake walk because you played World, only to get your shit pushed in by the first tutorial monster while eating through all your potions and traps. IMAGINE.
You cant solo Extremoth, so yeah, its harder.
literally all of them.
LR Tri Diablos shits on every single HR World Monster.
>MHW monsters are harder but please don't talk about any average G rank monsters in other games
>I carted bbbbut it doesnt count!!!
You fucking tendies are beyond delusional.
literally no one will miss you, /pol/cuck
Nothing in other hr entries is harder than AT Luna but its cute that you think that, but then again youre probs a shitter lol.
LR Tri Barroth would shit on everything in world. They had to nerf him in ultimate.
>hurr durr this single monster that uses shitty MMO mechanics that don't fit the game at all is "hard" so it doesn't matter if all the rest of the monster are easy as fuck.
How can world babs recover?
False. Tri wasnt hard and if it was its bc you used a Wiimote like a dumbass. Ill give you Alatreon.
Absolute fucking worldbab cope, holy shit.
>muh tendies
Nice try retard, but I actually played Monster Hunter and didn't make it a console shit flinging contest in the process. World is fucking trash. I hope that, unlike World, the next game is actually good regardless of what platform its on.
>bbbbut it doesnt count!!!
Bet your gay ass I can, I can solo anything, FU's old Fatalis, 140 whatever, max level deviant shit, basically behemoth is my bitch and I haven't even fought it yet.
>Samefagging this hard
why don't you guys ever post his videos of him fighting G-ranks and deivants? is it because it doesn't fit your narrative
>copypasted MMO fight gets put in the game
>Devs say multiple times that it is not meant to be solo'd
>Fight clearly does not work well with the game's mechanics while bullying solo hunters with tornado spam
>a few people barely manage to scrape by or use clust cheese and solo it
>the entire community hails it as the standard benchmark for competence because the rest of the game is special olympics tier or artificial difficulty with engorged stats that no one enjoys hunting
What the hell did people expect from Behemoth, really? Also notice how all the "hard" MHW fights all boil down to dodging AOEs. Capcom made mobility so good that their attempt to balance it was to make a poor man's Frontier.
inb4 people who haven't played Frontier say otherwise.
Its okay man just say you sucked at the game and couldnt get to the actual challenging content. Its no big deal, but you dont have to lie.
>incorrectly calling samefag
Sorry you carted to the tutorial
You literally cant solo Extremoth.
>third gen Diablos
Just imagine the salt from Worldbabs if they ever had to fight G rank Black Diablos. For reference, low rank tri Diablos moves like twice as fast as World Blos and doesn't limp.
There's no actual challenging content to get to in the MHW.
No, it's actually true. The LR Diablos in Tri is faster, has more health, does more damage, and is harder to hit the weak spots of, than everything in World. It evennhas more moves. Not to mention that it constantly goes out of its way to throw itself into its rage mode while screeching like a banshee all the time, which makes it immune to sonic bombs. You haven't seen a pissed regular Diablos until you played Tri and watch it become un-enraged only for it to turn around, look at your Hunter, then get pissed off again for 5 more minutes. World doesn't compare, and Tri isn't even the hardest MH game.
this is supposed to be a hard boss? he literally stood there and got hit then jumped back and took another beating
yall need to take off those nostalgia glasses none of these games are hard if you want a real hard game go play bloodborne its the dark souls of the ps4.
Why not? is there some gay rule that won't allow me to do it?
>what are ATs
I'm sorry you have to post the same video of some literally who when trying to defend your lack of skill in world
Here's the same guy btw no doubt he's better than you now
Not hard.
>Capcom made mobility so good that their attempt to balance it was to make a poor man's Frontier.
Or my favorite:
>fighting monster almost flawlessly
>get hit by random move first time in over a minute
>knocked out, monster chains to strongest move
Cool way of "punishing"
Cope harder, Behemoth is harder than most G-Rank monsters
>Capcom made mobility so good that their attempt to balance it was to make a poor man's Frontier.
We're talking about MHW, not MHXX
Seethe more, worldbab.
Cope genlet
>animu loli pic
Didn't read lol
>Worldniggers are so cucked that they rely on a monster from OUTSIDE THE SERIES to bail them out of their autopilot game
This is actually pretty embarrassing. Face it: If the vast majority of the game is piss easy, then the game is piss easy. No amount of postgame autism is going to change that.
You're all ready and set for IB, right? Are you planning on going through it with a specific weapon or two, or are you angling to pick up new gear as quickly as possible?
Hopefully the fashion aspect of MHW improves with IB, it took me way too long to get some layered armor that I liked to prevent clownsuiting.
I crafted nearly everything in Tri. Nothing in it is even close to endgame MHW save Alatreon. I do miss underwater tho.
Yeah it has so much health it requires more than one person so you dont time out.
>Le trashman
I'll take as your concession, you'll beat world's story mode someday and earn your seat the big boy table
You carted to tutorial
>175 posts and 48 IPs later
This entire thread reeks of mediocre to slighty better than mediocre players that are desperately grasping onto the fact that they are CAPABLE of clearing difficult content but not necessarily PROFICIENT in doing it quickly.
>I disagree
Post your TA runs if you wanna talk shit for real
Then why did you cart to them?
>you'll beat world's story mode someday
Do you think this is hard? It took me less than 80 hours to accomplish this over a year ago
TA's are for autistic nips who hate fun my guy
>He thinks X/XX are the only "Frontier-lite" games
Bitch nigga, World is just as, if not even more Frontiershit than the spinoffs.
If you took LR Diablos in Tri and stuck it in World it would unironically wall most of the playerbase. Hell, I'm pretty sure that LR Barroth could do the exact same thing. World monsters are a fucking joke.
>bbbbbut it doesnt count!
>GU is totally hard guys because uhhhh the endgame! so what if most of the game is invalidated by styles. the endgame is all that matters!
Does this thread look like it's full of posters who like fun?
why are the characters in this game and in Dragon's Dogma so ugly and dirty?
TA runs in World have no value when EVERYTHING DIES IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES.
>One monster out of 31 is hard only because it requires a group to kill it.
>Uses stupid mechanics like tanking and agro that have no place in MH games.
>Even then the "hard" monster is relatively easy with a good group.
>Rest of the monsters are piss easy.
>"haha, MHW is the hardest MH game ever!!!11"
Do you want a serious answer or a meme one?
>MH needs an endgame
This is why MH died at Vanilla 4, but you wouldn't know that because your first game was 4U.
Do you mind posting your runs if you're so confident?
That has nothing to due with whether a TA run is good or not. It has everything to due with getting closer to a theoretical limit in clear time for that quest.
4U was way better than 4.
Yeah okay but if you took ATs in World and put them in Tri you would get 1 shot blocking with the best lance and gear in the game
come on nigga that was rhetorical
>big glowy path to monster
Good mechanic, better than having to use paintball
>can heal while moving
And if you get hit when you start to heal, you basically waste a heal potion
>infinite whetstone uses
Better, it was unnecessary having to buy whetstones and bring 10+ of them only to use 1 or 2 each hunt
>monsters significantly weakened so that even retards can beat it
Only at low ranks and/or high ranks, most tempered monsters will 2 or 3 shot you
>SJW-tier woman faces and fridge body so that females feel empowered
The majority play the game for hunting monsters, only the minority care about this
In other words, MHW is good and Iceborn will make it so much better, get BTFO bitch
So what, do you even know how much HP and damage reduction the other endgame monsters on other games have? Fatalis activates that awful armor mode so you can't damage it properly, apex are more of the same but there is a way to take it out momentarily, all I have to do is the same, attack relentlessly and shit out DPS until they just die.
MAYBE you are just bad, so you find it too hard.
The hundreds of nerigante speedrun videos a week after release was hilarious because people managed to get him down to 1 minute kills instantly.
Those "mmo" fights still play nearly exactly like the rest of the game dickwad. Git gud and cope.
No I wouldn't, because AT in World is regular HR tier in Tri.
>Four monsters out of 93 are hard only because they're built around countering the game breaking style system
>Uses stupid mechanics like massive MMO AoEs that have no place in MH games.
>Even then the "hard" monsters are relatively easy with a good group
>Rest of the monsters are piss easy
>'haha, MHGU is the hardest MH game ever!!!11"
I know that's why I answered your question with a question
No. Im saying, Extremoth is beyond even those monsters and cant be solo'd. Sorry man.
imagine believing this lmao
you've either never played tri or you just play pretend and have never touched a mh game
Except the hunter itself and thus the monsters in MHW are so far beyond Tri power levels that youre actually wrong. Srry2say
What the fuck are you talking about? Did I say anything about the MHGU?
I didn't even bother posting mine. I just went for sub 5 minute Teo, Kush stunlock, and sub 2 minute Nerg like everybody else. Such a feat would be something to be proud of in any other MH, but I just felt nothing. It wasn't really satisfying anymore.
Whatever you say m8, chances are that you are just a shitter and have no idea what actually hard monsters are like because you only played world.
HT Tri Diablos would unironically spitroast every single worldbab on the fucking planet, don't make me laugh. You idiots probably wouldn't even be able to handle the fucking Qurupeco.
Daily reminder that AT Nerg STILL isn't out yet because Capcom shat the bed with developing Nerg and can't properly balance him without his ass getting stunlocked or bouncing everything with artificially inflated stagger thresholds.
Cool story. What other tales can you share? Did you also sub 5 AT Xeno naked with fists only?
>I didn't even bother posting mine.
Stopped reading, don't make excuses pussy, you're full of shit
Only reason ex-Behemoth can't be soloed is that it uses the inflated multiplayer HP pool even if you try to solo it. It has nothing to do with ex-Behemoth being a hard fight
How the fuck did worldfags cope before their overrated Idol (Behemoth) got added? Did seeing 60 second Nergigante runs make you guys all lose your minds?
Like 99% of Yea Forums, so what's your point?
Comparisons between combat in World, GU, and previous games is like apples and oranges. World is balanced around mantle usage, GU is balanced around styles and arts, and pre-4U just had unbalanced performance across the board for different weapons and can result in massively different experiences.
Ive played MH since you were a hairless dicklet wearing your mommas lipstick pretending to have tea parties with your stuffed animals and special blanky, boy. Im actually capable of recognizing a good mh, and so are over 8 million other people.
Yeah, no
That's not the point. 4 and 4U introduced this silly need for "endgame content" and undermines the rest of the game's progression and pacing.
Some games are meant to be eventually beaten. Monster Hunter was one of those games.
to all the people complaining about how they dumbed it down to appeal to casuals, let me remind you of how previous MH games were designed:
>Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao
Pretty much every aspect of the game was improved with Monster Hunter World; it's hard to list them all.
The biggest is probably the map design, with huge open regions that have all sorts of secrets, verticality, and special interactions. Compared to the flat segmented maps with loading screens every 50 feet, it's like a different (better) game.
Combat is a lot more fluid all around. This is the sum of a lot of changes to each weapon, but stuff like ranged weapons being able to move and shoot, and refinements on the melee weapon playstyles makes combat a lot more fun than it was in previous titles.
Graphics and spectacle, obviously.
Gathering is fast and painless, and can all be done during hunts. No more tediously grinding for whetstones or basic ammo, no more going out for a mission just to get 10 things and come back. The focus is always on what the game does best - hunting monsters.
Scoutflies and tracking are so much nicer than paintballs.
The armor trait system is more streamlined, in a good way. Building sets and theorycrafting with armor skills and decorations in World is a lot more interesting than how previous entries handled it. The only thing holding this back from being an objectively superior system is how the older games had so many more armor sets that they offered more options sometimes.
Quests just make more sense. The main quest / side quest / expedition system is intuitive and convenient.
Im still right fag.
Can you imagine coping this hard.
based & redpilled
If hes so easy why did you cart?
Never said world was bad, but it definitely isn't on the same league as a G rank game, do not be retarded user.
Anyone else play with the nude mod?
Go emulate Tri right now and stream it for us so we can laugh at you.
I see that you ran out of the arguments.
I'm not asking for your approval. I'm just telling you that I didn't feel like pissing in that ocean of piss. My point is no one really gives a damn anymore.
I saw someone triple cart to regular Zorah Magdros
Yeah, im coping hard with all the cringe coming from you. Yikes.
Cope and seethe
>Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao
Dude let me just put on my mantle that plays the game for me lmao.
I see that youre incapable of admitting to losing numerous times at an "easy" game. Maybe its not actually that easy hmmm? Uh but no! That would go against your narrative!!!
You can only use that mantle for 90 seconds every 300 seconds so it's perfectly fine.
Tri was my first game you dipshit If could beat HR took me like two carts before realizing diablos was just barroth but harder, used the strat i used for barroth and it was piss easy, yeah that's right a fucking cakewalk imagine if it was that easy for me while getting my MH cheery popped how easy it'd be for someone who already has MH experience
If you're gonna act cocky tribab you mind posting you solo behemoth clear ti- oh wait you don't have one
>The armor trait system is more streamlined, in a good way. Building sets and theorycrafting with armor skills and decorations in World is a lot more interesting than how previous entries handled it. The only thing holding this back from being an objectively superior system is how the older games had so many more armor sets that they offered more options sometimes.
Literally 90% of the melee meta sets are Behe Master's Touch + 100% affinity. There's 0 theorycrafting involved.
Stay mad, worldshit.
Yet even with that mantle you still carted. Literally lmaoing at the tendies coping.
Most monsters will die during Temporal mantle immunity followed by Impact mantle stun lock.
TA sets arent meta unless you TA which you arent. Theres plenty variety.
It's nice not having to clown-suit or wear wildly different pieces just to get 1 skill up. I could see why Excel knights might enjoy writing a Google spreadsheet that everyone will eventually copy anyways, but sometimes gearing can be simple.
There are a few major problems with MHW
>Large and small monster variety
>New skill/stat system favoring DMG and DEF over everything else thanks to the lack of negative bonuses and less skills overall
>Cosmetic variety of armors and weapons
>Endgame skill and power scaling
>Timed events
I'm sure that there are other anons that could add to this list, but these are some reaspns as to why I Still think MHW is Good but not the best. Even with all of it's improvements.
>it was just barroth!
With more moves, more health, more enrages, trampling, and dig attacks. I doubt you even played Tri, you delusional worldbab cuckold. The same tactics don't even work because unlike the Barroth, the Diablos doesn't limp and it will actually chase through zones. Not to mention that it actively uses nearby wildlife to fuck with you during the fight and it's actually harder to hit because its taller.
Kill yourself dumb fuck.
I can agree on most of these except time events. It is nice to have things rotate in and out to keep players involved. If you left everything open, newer players would constantly be at odds for grinding with groups. Having something that will only be around for a short time makes more people flood the content.
yeah i finna think im gonna start up my mhw save in 4k thanks
>>big glowy path to monster
This is dumb, I wish there would have been more focus on proper tracking. Checking tracks and such. That would have been an awesome addition to the series while deepening the knowledge base required for the player. Memorizing tracks and other things.
>>can heal while moving
I wish they would have balanced this differently. Maybe slowing down healing while moving to lengthen overall time required to heal.
>>infinite whetstone uses
I've never had to worry about bringing whetstone in any of the games. This was a fin change for me.
>>monsters significantly weakened so that even retards can beat it
This bothered me as well. Especially in multiplayer. Things die way too quickly and they dont feel aggresive enough.
>>SJW-tier woman faces and fridge body so that females feel empowered
I didnt really notice, as the women have never been notably attractive outside of a couple gals.
I like the timed events when they give shit like Palico armors or layered armors, but having the best armor/weapons locked behind timed events you don't know when/if they are going to return sucks ass.
This is how you can tell someone hasn't played any of the previous games, saying stupid shit like this.
>N-no! don't make fun the monster that roadblocked me!
With more moves, more health, more enrages, trampling, and dig attacks. I doubt you even played Tri, you delusional worldbab cuckold. The same tactics don't even work because unlike the Barroth, the Diablos doesn't limp and it will actually chase through zones. Not to mention that it actively uses nearby wildlife to fuck with you during the fight and it's actually harder to hit because its taller.
Yes it's because designed barroth is just diablos with training wheels on, you say played tri but now I'm starting to doubt that if it took this long to notice
Lmao I had a harder time with LR barroth, HR Jho and Alatron, lol get the fuck out of my face acting like hr diablos is the pinnacle of tri, you where a shitter when tri came out, you're a shitter now, and you'll be a shitter in a few years from now when the next game mh game comes out
It's not THAT unreasonable as a solution to prevent burning out on Kulve Taroth grinding. There aren't any other significant "timed exclusive" quests.
>>Large and small monster variety
This was my single biggest gripe with world. They have so many different types of monsters to draw from and that picked some of the absolute worst.
>>New skill/stat system favoring DMG and DEF over everything else thanks to the lack of negative bonuses and less skills overall
Agreed. I basically just upped defense and never looked back.
>>Cosmetic variety of armors and weapons
>>Endgame skill and power scaling
The change to grinding gems over charms was retarded as fuck. Grinding one piece versus having to grind multiple gems for multiple pieces of armor was asinine
>>Timed events
Doesnt bother me since it can help keep people active on the game. I can see why it would bother people though.
The glowing path became necessary because of how much of the forest is an overdesigned pile of shit that they clearly spent 90% of the development time working on while other maps were thrown together at the last moment. It would be impossible to realistically track monsters in that area unless you know exactly where the monster spawns and the areas it will patrol.
>Psychoserum, psychic, paintball, balloon tracking.
so big glowy pa- dot to monster then.
Yeah I totally see how World really got it worse.
I totally agree they should not put the BiS stuff in events. I use GS religiously and waited about 2 weeks to get the Wyvern from the unassuming event. Maybe if the quest card had what items the quest gave, it would help?
I get that, I suppose what I'm saying is that designing a MH game around tracking would be a meaningful and good change.
>>can heal while moving
Honestly, I would have been cool with this if they kept the flex in as an incentive, where you could tap Y (or whatever the PS equivalent is) to gulp it down and do the classic flex and get a temporary 5% ATK/DEF/Affinity boost. This would be a good compromise; you can take the casual route and heal on the go or you can plan ahead to find the right moment to heal like the previous games and be rewarded for it. And the flex will be more meaningful in the process.
Honestly, the best part about World is how fucking good it feels to get back to MHGU afterwards. I can't help but laugh every time I try to heal and get smacked as a result. Every second that the monster leaves itself open feels like a reward from heaven.
But Lunastra was a good fight. The only good fight in a very short and dull game, but I won't deny that at least one thing in World resembled Monster Hunter.
>play it tactical
This can't be real
>new bad
>old good
There's an option for the mouse controls to stop imitating a controller and behave like an actual mouse, it will elevate your bow play beyond any console peasant
Literally nobody ever said MH1 or 2 are better than 3U or 4U. World and Stories just happened to be bad games, dude.
>new has flaws
>old has different flaws
This is more accurate if you aren't being a baitful cunt.
Have MH threads really become so shit that people fall for OP's bait? It's not just Worldbabs or XXfags it's everyone that falls for it now, can't we just go back to using bait to start comfy MH threads?
Monster Hunter was fucking shit before Freedom 2.
>even the most "content" packed games in the series barely have any monsters and have their lists peppered with Ultra Instinct Rathalos style derivative garbage
Isn't this series 15 years old or some shit? Are the devs just incompetent??
Only retards complaint about fireflies, you'll find the monster the same way you did in any other mh once you have fought it enough times and memorize where it will appear, otherwise other mhunters were easier because psycoserum would instantly tell you where the monster was. Fireflies only tell you where the monster is instantly once you've fought it several times. It's basically the same shit, this is shitty bait thread , can't believe so many retards still bite.
Monster Hunter was never good
Dude what are you talking about MKB is absolutely perfect, I went from controller to MKB and never looked back.
One of the most popular mods is the one that removes the scoutflies. Even PCasuals know they're an obsctruction.
THE most popular mod is the one that fixes the handler's horrid manface though.
You mean like monsters using the same skeleton? Just like ANY other monster hunter before?
ITT: Kids who swore up a storm getting bodied in MH4U claim they're gods of MH and MHW is 2casul4me
That's how it traditionally always is until they release G-rank.. or the ultimate version
How recent did you switch? at launch the MKB controls were odd but in their defense they patched them multiple times and made it better
M+KB is even better because you can hotkey your items to the functions keys and don't have to deal with the shitty item wheel.
I like the nude mod. I wish I could put it on NPCs, Or replace Handler with Serious Handler
>new bad
>old good
Why, WHY
>One of the most popular mods is the one that removes the scoutflies. Even PCasuals know they're an obsctruction.
By far and large most popular only because it was one of the first
"we're at war" jesus christ these people need to feel a pussy
Depends on the monster and its state, some won't, others will do when they're enraged, other will do regardless (Fucking AT Lunastra)
Are taking the piss Wallace? MH1&2 are hot garbage it's amazing they had enough general interest to get FU made
New is uninteresting and boring
Old is interesting and engaging.
At least make a less reddit argument meme. This old good,new bad is blatant advertising for new shittier games.
>Inb4 prettier means better
New games are just milking off the success of old games not improving them. I have failed to see a innovative game in the late 2010's. Every "new game" I've seen this far only copied from other older popular games.
I don't want to drool over graphics I want to be blown away by great game play.
For me, it's Nibelsnarf.
I think the actually most popular mod is the light beams for the monster materials.
>You explain all the reasons you dislike something
>But it's popular so yr just a contrarian faggot!!
Yea okay bud
I rest my case.
Honestly scoutflies is a pretty minor issue. I hold fast that the only really truly harmful change World did that cannot be ignored was removing the flexing. If you get poisoned you can just run laps around the monsters while healing yourself, and taking damage means nothing unless you're really really unlucky several times in a row, completely removing the intensity of the fight.
I think transmog mod is by far the most ubiquitous
play it tactical is my new go to line holy fuck LMAO
Did the PC version ever get performance fixed? I'd get some stuttering and particle effects tanked fps to a degree I never experienced even more demanding games
>2 and 5 millions
ESLs should all die.
Speak for yourself I love all the maps and the verticality. Over time healing while moving is better, and finally all monster hunters, EVERYSINGLE ONE has shit easy monsters at low rank, and high rank, it's only when you get to G-rank that it becomes somewhat hard. MHW has not even gotten G-rank yet and AT elders, extremoth, lashen are extremely hard.
What are B team doing?
Yes. Though I beat the game beforehand because I'm an idiot.
The only painful part was the ayylmao dragon who'd make the FPS tank literally every second and it's a really long fight unlike Gypceros-lite.
Probably designing real monsters instead of generic dinosaurs.
AT elders are not hard by a long shot. Also while the MHW doesn't have the G-ranks yet it does have rank 8 weapons/armors.
Except that's not true, the most popular mod is the lightpillars for sourvenirs... I wasn't even aware that there was a mod to remove the scoutflies. I'm using the mod that removes the annoying camera neck snap tho.
Sure wish I could go back to the time where the worst MH threads would get was weapon wars, and even then the most it'd do is add maybe two dozen posts about how LS is a tripping machine for the millionth time.
Remember when we posted rooms and played with each other?
Now it's just "Worldses isn't a real MH" and endless binging
Around December because I was trying to learn Bow
>Remember when we posted rooms and played with each other?
You mean back when online wasn't fucked and MH was fun to play?
I guess you can dismiss everything by saying "it's not hard". There's really no point in engaging with contrarians, I'll stop biting now.
>and finally all monster hunters, EVERYSINGLE ONE has shit easy monsters at low rank
GM is the first boss and can leap across half the area to twoshot you
No monster in World is that punishing until Behemoth, which is post-game and not meant to be soloed
Except you're wrong and anjanath can do exactly that...
Great Jaggi would dab all over this lime looking faggot
Kulu-ya-ku can also do that btw
Never forgot all the shitters Yea Forums who where getting triple carted by the final fantasy event kulu
Anjanath is the apex monster of the first area like lagia/rathalos yet is on the same level as great fucking maccao. Plus he's just poor man's Dinoworld who's much faster, stronger and less predictable.
>SJW-tier woman faces and fridge body so that females feel empowered
Monster Hunter girls have always been chunky though.
unreal, holy shit
>yet is on the same level as great fucking maccao
Alright man..
>It's a compromise to make the game more fluid.
Kill yourself casualfaggot the flex was a core part of the monhun soul.
Hey what the fuck are just gonna ignore me?
I'm or are you going to be disingenuous and say some shit like "that doesn't count!" because it doesn't fit your narrative?
I thought you were joking? What does it matter if a monster can leap around if you can move while healing? GM is dangerous because no matter when you try to heal, you risk dying.
>pulling a "it doesn't count!" even after I called it
lmao what fucking goal moving
I guess by that logic macco's leap doesn't count since you can just move out its way
Havent played world,but is anything on there as hard as bloodbath diablos?
Even with a full team i have yet to beat that fuckers EX version with 2 high lvl gunners.
Just love how the second one has like double the hp of the first
There's no way Kulu will two shot you after the leap.
Behemoth's pretty unfair soloing it because of how its fight works, I suppose. Archtempereds are also "shits out damage" difficulty rather than actually difficult, and Lunastra seems to have a hidden automatic tempering to it even while normal.
Yeah Kulu yaku is not really hard, the event version can 1 shot you but that's its gimmick.
No. Explain your point to me.
>>Kulu-ya-ku can also do that btw
>anything but a joke
the only difficulty in the fights is getting around the duranium object it's holding that takes up like 90% of its hitbox from the start of it's arms.
>Using "soul" to defend the flex
I don't even hate the flex. I said I've played other monhun games before and I like them, but the least you could do is state at least one of the several perfectly agreeable arguments to defend it other than just saying "soul" and "tradition".
You can't claim macco is some sort of legendary game threat because its leap when world has a monster with a similar move but ignore because "you can move while healing" as if its leap is a non-factor
You don't move fast to avoid Kulu's leap if while drinking potion so if you where at low health you'd be dead, by the same logic macco's leap is non-factor because if you were at low health you could just walk out of the zone and negate the monster in its entire, much less it's singular leaping attack
I predicted you would make a dumb argument in favor of proving yourself rightwhile being disingenuous hence i made fun of you for goalpost moving, non of shit even maters because only a total GenUnoob or WorldBab would see either macco or kulu as a threat in the first place
Macco is also a joke he spends about an entire minute telegraphing his strongest move and he can easily be knocked out of it
It can leap with the rock, backstep, then leap again. It's unlikely, bit it can in theory two shot you.
How nice that you competently ignored the part about monster two shotting you after the leap and then cry about moving the goalposts.
Did world make layered armors not shit yet? It was pretty retarded going from a perfectly functional transmog system in GU to what was absolutely MTX bait in the samurai layered armor, and then backpedaling by putting them into limited events instead. On that note, have they made any events permanent yet? That was probably my single biggest gripe with the game. MH should be good enough to not require MMO limited time strategies to keep people coming back and pressured to play.
Nobody gives a shit what you like, fuck off.
What is the option labeled specifically? I can't really identify anything. I made a temporary fix by changing MouseBaseSpeed from 2.000000 to 0.250000 in the config.ini and it's pretty satisfying but still not quite perfect.
Only if you go afk for 10 seconds it takes Kulu-Ya-Ku to go for the second leap.
nigga just move out the way if, you let macco leap on you twice in a row you're garbage and deserved to die anyway
Should be this, friend
I can't wait for Iceborne and capcom to announce that the PC version won't be released until 6 months after the console version. Since 2 minute load times on console for fights that last 2 minutes is the definitive way to play.
Nips can't into PC programming, do you remember how they broke tempered devil jho's quest and delayed the event by a day all because they tried to move it from the ancient forest to the elders recces?
You'll understand one day.
I've played Monster Hunter since it came out and find it absolutely hilarious how distraught all you retards get that they'll stop selling you 60$ asset flips.
>prefacing opinion with "I've played series since MH1 therefore...."