>ultimate online sucks
>ultimate players don’t grind
>ultimate players don’t want to be better compared to other games except SFV
>stage builder fucking sucks
was he right?
Ultimate online sucks
No. Salem was right.
Have you finished your research
Leffen manages to have incredible amounts of knowledge on character frame data and other specifics and still make terrible judgments when it comes to tiers and the game as a whole. He's a hack, and also looks more Finnish than Swedish.
It's no melee-piece.
Because he’s korean-swedish
This, but leffen attracts the biggest faggots in the community. They’ll never admit it.
>never wins a dbfz major
>retires from the game
>>stage builder fucking sucks
Uhm no, sweaty.
What makes Ultimate's online ass t. only plays with RL friends.
>SFV players
>wanting to get better
Remember when Punk complained about US players not having the same drive as Japanese players?
>Snake proven to be good
>Melee players going back to Melee, not adapting to Ultimate, only played for viewership.
>Leffen keeps talking shit cause he knows that's what brings him the likes on his Tweets
>Quits after every loss in Ultimate.
Yeah, am thinking, Salem is our guy.
Leffen on the casting couch
online actually sucks
>playing elite
>opponent uses burger king wifi
>Ultimate players don't grind
I call bullshit, if you get invited to a top player wifi discord those guys play for fucking hours on end every day
People like Dabuz even use Elite to grind when no one else is online, I've been able to get a bunch of games with him from that
Online as in the netcode is the same as Sm4sh but much better than Brawl.
Modes are limited to Quickplay/Elite and Arenas.
Been liking arenas actually, I like having the option of more people joining even if I have to sit some out when losing, gives me time to take breaks.
Custom Stages are fucking AMAZING though we finally can play them online and even though limited, people make some stupid ass shit anyway so I am glad it is that way to begin with.
>replace leffen to hot chick
>now it looks like a porn scene
Leffen outplaced Salem at the last tourney they both went to. he talks about quitting because he lives in sweden and doesnt have anyone good enough to practice with regularly+no majors nearby to compete at
Do you guys realize leffen does this to remain valuable to his sponsors? Playing games he doesn't fully enjoy and shit. It's a form of trendsurfing that works for him because he can be at least pretty good at any game he wants to.
I just wish they'd fix the input delay, shit is horrible
Wasn't Salem top 8?
I didn't watch but I thought leffen talked about it on twitter. if not, then my mistake
I read this as "ultima online".
You guys are lame. Fucking dorks.
Play a real game for men like I did when I was murdering nerds and ruining gaming careers in 1997.
nigga it looked like a porn scene even before you replaced the twink with a white girl
his boi pussy gonna get up-smashed
>ugly swedish autist who gets his back blown out by a furry in DBFZ has opinions on competitive games
fuck off.
salem dropped truth bombs so hard everyone hated him at first before slowly realizing he was right about literally everything
Why does Leffen looks like he'd commit date rape or shoot up a school?
Oh right so that's why he looks like a mongolian.
My understanding is that white/asian hybrids are just kind of like that. Small asian frames filled with white people anger, dangerous combination.
It's only ever the guys though. White/asian girls are easily the best looking women on the planet
Finns are more European genetically than Swedes.
at Prime Saga, Leffen got 49th and Salem got 65th.
at Pound the next week, Leffen got 13th and Salem got 5th.
it only goes to show how inconsistent Ultimate is.
Everyone agrees with online being underwhelming and if he really said stage builder sucks, then he's right. Custom stages consists of shitty drawings that looks like paper mache season 1 south park characters and environments. That's all they are. People showing off their ugly drawings with no actual interesting stages to fight on. I would have preferred no stage builder at all than this shit.
It means it’s not as stale as melee? good
Jesus leffen bout to get blacked
how did he practice for melee?
someone add the logo
>leave hungrybox to me
Inconsistent games are not good competitive games
>Probably autistic gamer personality
Does this guy have any nudes/shirtless pics online?
Someone add blacked/brazzers/ whatever to this image
Tekken god, Knee, didn’t win TWT 2018
and tekken is one of the best competitive fighting games of all time
Have you seen any other game? Melee is an exception because the same 6 guys had been playing it for decades so they always got to the top. Ultimate isnt even 6 months old yet. People are still learning new shit, people are still growing in the game. And when you compare only two tourneys you have to consider which players they fought against. What if they both lost to the same player in both or something like that? You need a much larger pool than 2 to prove anything with statistics.
Salem has a problem with BO3s right now, hence some of his recent results.
Leffen somehow always manages to get a really easy bracket. In a round with Ray, Leo, MattyG, Mr E, MuteAce and Salem he fights fucking LingLing because ESAM was busy getting pegged by Peach all weekend. Meanwhile to get there Salem had to go through Anti, MuteAce and Mr R.
>Mr R
Larry Lurr*. Salem vs. Larry for top 48, Pound's bracket got fucked because everyone was sick and getting upset.