This is one of the best games I've played in a while.
This is one of the best games I've played in a while
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Ok, shill
I'd be triggered if I didn't feel bad for you.
yeah, its definitely the best third person open world tedium simulator until the next one comes out tomorrow, then another 15 after that in may, and another 200 by the end of the year.
>I haven't played it, but let me tell you how tedious it is anyway.
Pretty gay.
what's it like having such shit taste?
What's it like being such a faggot that you think you know what a game is without having played it?
>b-b-but you haven't played my shit game
I finally understand nu Yea Forums Every terrible post like this one is trying to advertise something. Saw the same with twitter screencaps and "anons" ironically linking to YouTube. It's all advertising.
Hiroyukimoot is a very clever man. But not clever enough
>Let me tell you why you shouldn't like this thing I've never played.
The game is very fun.
Fuck you. There isn't one fucking thread about the game and I think it's underrated as shit. Not everything is a shill campaign, you cynical dipshit. Some people genuinely like things.
no one wants to play your shitty zombie game
No one wants to play your shitty zombie game
I believe you op
it's sad that this board is so overrun by shills we can't even tell who's who
You do realize that this is what always happens when Yea Forums shits on a mediocre game, right? Crackdown 3 had the same happen where people defended it specifically because everyone hated it. You calling people shill over liking it makes them want to post more, so unless you want to give them a reason to continue "shilling" you do a poor job.
crackdown 3 is dogshit too user, the game isn't fun
It doesn't matter what you think of the game, not everyone in the world shares your opinion. All you do is encourage those who think otherwise to disagree with you.
Did you at least play that one, nigger?
But is it better than Bubsy 3D?
yup bought gamepass to try it out, it got boring after a half hr