Do you know what this is? I cannot seem to find the root cause of this falling into the sky's consciousness and fading into the back when I look up. It doesn't look like the ones that are in the sky but in the ground where they watch me play. I need to find them they're not inside a place of their own but in a place they always will be outside of my reach please. I am on my way. please see where I have come through the door to be greeted by your smiling face in a field of your own memories, twirling like a daisy that will never know warmth and only the chill of the wind that pushes itself into the dark. I cannot go on without seeing it and knowing that forever will be beyond my reach after these many hours in my 40 years of life, but I continue to spite how many know that I cannot comprehend the way they carry. I need to know but not one will tell me. I need to know. This will help me escape but I fear that escape is only known to a pigeon free from its assignment. Please let me know if you find out. Thank you. I am on my way./
What is this? Do you know?
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tits or gtfo
There are four "hidden areas" in The World called Legendary Lands. They can often be seen in certain fields for a fleeting moment before disappearing. The first three are legitimate areas that are accessible after beating its respective volume: The Aerial Fleet, the Inverted Castle and the Giant Creature. The fourth area is The Ending World that's only referenced in supplementary material. It takes the form of a giant eye peering from the sky. There are's no way to access this one. There are no keywords. The developers never actually added such an area in. It exists exclusively to make the player speculate about it. That's all it is.
I am free
.hack, at least lorewise, was a game that had a surprising amount of thought put into it. The World has a fully fleshed out backstory and setting, and I think that's one of the things that make it so interesting. There's always this air of mystery surrounding The World, as if you're never exposed to everything it has to offer.
I feel like that concept got lost somewhere along the line.
Remake when?
Anniversary came and went. If they didn't make one by now, they probably never will. Last Recode probably didn't do so hot, I guess.
In one interview they mentioned it did fairly well, by their standards.
>played G.U. first
>pretty normal areas overall, exactly what you would see in a real mmorpg
>play the very first .hack game
>areas with big open mouths on the ground, whichi you need to go inside and explore the innards
I wonder why they decided to drop that weird side of the series.
Change in direction. The World R:1 is heavily inspired by Celtic mythology, high fantasy and high epics. The World R:2 is more steampunk so they got rid of a lot of fantasy elements.
Early .hack was released when MMOs were still in that experimental phase, and the name “Everquest” was still synonymous with being the king of MMOs. Likewise, G.U. came out after WoW had already caused some stirring in the market. It’s not too much of a stretch to believe that the creators took notes of the popular trends of the time and decided to base the evolution of .hack around what the popular themes seemed to be (namely, more “traditional” fantasy and less of that crazy fever dream stuff, sadly).
Cyber Connect 2... Give me a .Hack// Quatrilogy Re:Make or give me death!!
Fuck Sword Art Online.
Now there's a nostalgic name.
I miss those days. The weird environs really let the game have its own character and I wish more games would embrace the strange to find their own identity.
Creepy shit but why would you ever use Piros? BlackRose is basically Guts with tits.
Why did GU have to go full anime?
I remember reading an interview where someone on the development team said it was easier for them to do the G.U. games, since they thought the original games wouldn't hold up today and they would need to redo them from the ground up.
>three tournament arcs
From a gameplay perspective, they're absolutely right. Constantly navigating menus for everything is a pain in the ass.
Yeah, they said something like that in the interview. I would love a remake of the original games with a reworked combat system and modern graphics.
They could have used .hack//fragment as a base for a potential remaster and utilize it's shortcut function for skills and items, that way the gameplay can still be enjoyable for fans of the original four and for newcomers.
Still disappointed that the West never got Fragment.
What dungeon/boss made you wanna throw your controller Yea Forums?
I had autism and could not into strategy when I first played and lost to Skeith a thousand times. Fucking Judgement man.
Ya know you can play it now right? It's been translated and you can play online again. You either play it on PC via emulation or on official PS2 hardware.
Read this You fucked up.
I know. I beat all 4 games...eventually.
I wish G.U. had kept a visual style similar to that of the prototype which looked like a slightly better version of IMOQ.
I honestly can't stand GU's designs. They bug the hell out of me. The quadrilogy's designs feel so much more restrained.
Never had a problem with any of the dungeons, but I know a lot of people bitch about Skeith. I personally never had a problem with Skeith during any of my playthroughs.
IMOQ had the best everything, especially character designs.
For those of you who watched //sign, how long did it take you to realize that the reason Macha doesn't have a voice but Tsukasa understands her is because she's an NPC speaking in text, but we just don't see the interface?
It took me waaaay too long to figure that out.
I never even thought about that.
You just blew my mind, user.
I never actually though about it. From what I recall, Macha never spoke to anyone other than Tsukasa, so I assumed Tsukasa was the only one who could hear her.
Is that phone game still going? The one that came after Guilty Dragon? What's it even about, anyway?
Come to think of it, what was Guilty Dragon about?
>Is that phone game still going?
And nothing on the horizon either.
Welp, .hack is dead.
Half the games are fun at least. Like .hack
They're not even making PHONE GAMES anymore. They can't even get off their asses to make a PHONE GAME. It's dead.
The PSP games were unironically great.
It should stay dead. It has been going downhill, the steepest incline being after G.U.
Versus was fun. Link is what fucked everything up. The phone games are automatically considered trash for being phone games.
>the final tournament is less a tournament and just putting down a rabid dog
>Haseo finally gets shit on, but for the wrong reasons
At least the movie can't fuck up that badly. Oh right.
But they remastered GU, maybe there is hope?
I was happy to see Sakaki get coma'd by Azure Kite. Trilogy wasn't so bad I think, sure it ends up skipping a lot of stuff to rush toward the fight between Haseo and Ovan, even cutting his third form out completely but on the bright side we got a brand new form that is way edgier than his third form.
I honestly can't really take .hack//G.U. seriously. It kinda takes you right out of it with how heavy all these characters are into roleplaying, how the Arena players all act like it's a legitimate, for-realz "sacred battleground", Moon Tree getting so into the whole "peacekeeping police force" bullshit way further than even the Crimson Knights (who were officially acknowledged by CC Corp. as "system administrator support", even given special privileges, which Moon Tree wasn't technically given), the CC Corp. representatives actually acting like a group of "evil overlords" or whatever and just all this shit. Why is Pi calling Yata "Master"? Does she actually call him that IRL? Why are you roleplaying? This is a serious situation. People are ACTUALLY falling into comas. People might SERIOUSLY die. There are people who probably died during that whole Rebirth shit. Why the FUCK are you roleplaying in this situation? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you just naturally a total asshole?
Okay, see, at least Balmung had an excuse. That's just how he acts. That is just who is in real life. He's not roleplaying, he's being completely legitimate. He is so disconnected from people that he needs to read fucking otaku magazines in the hopes that it'll enlighten him as to what's popular among "kids these days". What fucking excuse do the assholes in G.U. have to act like a bunch of fucking retards during a time of crisis?
You do realize who Yata is right? He's the digimon loving faggot from the Quadlogy.
I think it's funny how some characters take role playing very seriously in GU.
I know who he is. I know what his deal is. But a twenty-something year old adult woman calling a sixteen-year-old kid "Master" is retarded.
didn't he force you to go with him on missions?
what's his name Yea Forums?
Easy Bake Oven.
You also realize she shits on him all the time when he's not watching right?
Because Pi, who by the way is in her mid twenties legit wants to suck the cum out of Yata's balls and he's like 16 or 17 during GU.
That doesn't change the fact that she's fucking roleplaying in a serious situation.
If you prepared for Skeith, he wasn't so bad. Playing through blind, he's a bullshit boss you aren't prepared for
When does Pi roleplay during danger situations? She's the most serious one. Did you forgot how she kept shitting on Haseo for not taking things seriously early on?
why couldnt there be an actual MMO based on GU
"Master Yata" is roleplaying. Unless her actual profession is Yata's maid, there is absolutely no legitimate reason for her to be calling him that. He's her boss, not her Sultan.
That's because the shit WANTS them to roleplay, why the fuck do you think she literally trashes on him when he's not around or she thinks he's not listening? He's a 16 year old kid that's smart but chunni as fuck.
I luckily had the RPG advice beaten into me; "If you can afford 50 of 99 of a healing item, buy that many."
Because an actual MMO using GU combat and gameplay mechanics would be terrible. At least IMOQ felt like an MMO with the way it plays.
Gag reels aren't canon. She never actually badmouths him in the main story.
Also the steampunk aesthetic fucking blows ass when you compare it to the older game with its Celtic aesthetic.