Now that the metaphorical dust has settled, which one is the better fighter?

Now that the metaphorical dust has settled, which one is the better fighter?

Attached: sfmk.png (1093x643, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:

SFV isn't even that bad of a game, the launch was just horribly mishandled...

It’s a pretty bad game.

why pit the two worst fighters of the generation against each other?

What is DoA 6?

every SF > any MK

a playable free to play game, as opposed to these "AAA" titles that were an unplayable mess

sfv is shit

>SFV still hasnt given out the characters for free
>game is also still shit

SFV is mediocre but it's still leaps and bounds above MK11 or any MK game for that matter. Both in gameplay and graphics.

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If you assembled an Earthrealm team for Mortal Kombat using exclusively Street Fighter characters, how would they do? Could anyone even handle Goro?

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SFV is pretty good these days. Still has top tier fighting game gameplay and its only $40. You can get the last 7 characters without spending a single cent just by completing single player content.

>free to play

SFV and it's not close. Yea Forums is full of faggots who just repeat what they read on kappa.

>200 FM has been deposited in your CFN account

Ryu is shoto Jesus so I think he could take Goro. If killing Goro is what determines a win maybe not.

It just makes me happy that people can still argue about SF vs MK. You can't really argue mario vs sonic anymore, or snes vs genesis, or anything like you used to, but SF vs MK is still an arguable debatable topic... except in this situation, where SF5 is just utter and complete shit and MK11 is a great game.

Just pull out Evil Ryu.
Actually would the fact that MK is full of blood thirsty psychos who can still be good guys effect that situation?

both are dogshit

DoA6 is good, fucking poser trying to fit in

mk can rot in shit , again.

Man I wish that was a real costume. Nice mod

Strings and dialacombo systems are cancer. Playing a highlevel cpu in mk and a human opponent felt nearly identical because it was just watching a bunch of canned strings being spammed with tiny slivers of dynamic control. For as much as onga bonga is a thing with certain characters in sf it's nowhere near as bad as any mk character.

You fight to the death in a Mortal Kombat fight, yes.

>7 characters without spending a single cent just by completing single player content
Everything has had the fight money halved or removed COMPLETELY. You can buy one new character, maybe 2 if you grind and do your daily missions. Fucking liar

just as MK11

>man i hate dial a combos, time to play a real fighting game!
>inputs cr.forward on frame 4 instead of 5
woops looks like i dropped my combo lol oh well

Shit. MK rewards reaction and character knowledge, while still retaining difficult timing windows for advanced combos. Having to have frame perfect inputs to link your fucking normals is outdated retarded shit that should have been buried with CS1.

I'm a pretty big SF fan but even I gotta admit MK11 is simply a better fighter.

>DoA6 is shi-

Attached: Kasumi Combo.webm (800x450, 2.82M)

wrong. The trial mode/leveling up characters gives you fucktons of money. Combine that with regular online play and you'll never spend a dime.

their both terrible, pretty much any other fighter this gen is more worth playing.

>cpu in mk and a human opponent felt nearly identical because it was just watching a bunch of canned strings being spammed
Like SFV has any variety rotfl
Every Ryu plays exactly the same regardless of who is playing. It's the same for every character. MK at least has different loadouts and outside of ranked you can customize your own. I still don't reccommend anyone buy it, but it's miles ahead of SFV

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the juggles look really floaty and wierd , like a chinese bootleg of tekken

I prefer MK11 too, but I'm curious for your reasons

Dbz fighterZ

i play and like both so who gives a shit

Nah you'll vet 1 character. You won't make it to two. I wrote as much

You will NEVER get 7 characters doing trials or single player content like you claimed. You are still a fucking liar

You're not allowed to do that.

>and graphics

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good point, sf5 has 2 v-triggers per character now but that was added more than a year after launch. mk11 launched with 2 tournament legal variations per character which drastically impact their playstyle, plus fully customizable abilities for all characters both off and online

>Strings and dialacombo systems are cancer
Name ONE fighting game that doesn't have combos

they're surprisingly similar in terms of gameplay. mk has never played as similarly to sf as mk11 to sfv


compare the girls in sfv to mk11. there's your answer

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They completely removed the flat amount of fight money you earned from survival and trial so now you only earn experience. Then they halved the amount of fight money you get from weekly challenges. Then they made it so you can only do those weekly challenges once instead of 3 times per week. You aren't earning shit for fight money that you could have earned at launch.

what do the girls have to do with graphics dumbass

Chad answer

The problem isn't combos as much as it is the emphasis on strings.

Netherrealm finally has a game where movement doesn't feel like complete ass.
For new players MK11 is way easier to get into because of the good tutorials, string system, and block button. I think MK11 is better. It has plenty of universal wake-up options, unlike SFV where getting knocked down is the scariest shit ever. SFV also has only two characters that can actually zone (menat/guile) which fucking blows.
I do love them both though.

These two colossal piles of dung right here are why Melee is still alive.

If I wanted to play a game with Clayface in it, then I would pop in Arkham City. 5's artstyle looks so fucking bland holy shit.

Melee is not a fighting gam

Man fighting games have been traaaaaaaaaash and dead

Mk11 is immensely better. It upsets me on how fucking badly Capcom dropped the ball with SF5. People were talking about MK11 having a small roster at 25, but at least there are many way to play those characters. SF5 launched with 16 characters and only one V-skill for them, no arcade mode, and its "story" mode was like 2 fights per character with ugly ass art work in between fights, and when it got it's real story mode, it was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen. I have no idea how the fucked it up after USF4 was pretty much perfect. SF5 was so fucking bad that it killed Excellent Adventure.

>mk is easier for noobs
I always hear this and it's never been the case from my anecdotal experience. The amount of strings players need to memorize is more overwhelming than anything a noobie would face in sf, where you can get by just crouch blocking and punishing random dps at the lower levels.

Uppercut spammers and poke spammers dominate MK11. It's almost unplayable with certain characters as the hitboxes are fucked up as well. Once again, female characters duck under everything, and the usual homosexual Scorpion players teleport everywhere. I'll still play MK11, but Street Fighter is the better, more balanced game this time around.

Tekken is all that's left

this is some bad bait

What's wrong with SC6?

I play Street Fighter, MK11, and Tekken. You play only MK, so my opinion holds more water. Prove to me that uppercut spammers and poke spammers aren't infesting MK11 already.

cause they're ugly as shit and in a fighting game i want to see big titty bitches not dusty trannies

Name one (1) dusty tranny in MK11.

Imagine if the game had a block button or something

>GI counter everything
>reversal edge mechanic

Imagine having a block button instead of just holding back

still wrong vappas. I got the game this year and haven't spent a single dime on it. I have about half the trials completed and only have two more characters to buy.

It almost was until capcom censored the the entire game.


>he still falls for the "SFV is absolute shit" meme
Imagine sucking r/kappa's dick this hard.

Imagine trying to play against a semi-competent player as Johnny Cage, and he pokes out of literally every string. Play the game before making unintelligent remarks.

If you already know that someone is going to play like that, why don't you anticipate it and counter. Sounds like you might need to git gud if you're falling for that shit.



this nigg actin like MVC Infinite doesnt exist


Despite being dead as fuck people actually liked MvC:I's gameplay, the marketing and roster was just such a shitshow that it died anyway.

As I've explained to the other mentally impaired user, as mainly a Cage player, everyone can easily poke out of my pressure, if that's even a thing in this game. While it's a huge problem for him especially, it doesn't matter if I switch to my other characters, the same things happens. I'll use combos that I worked on for hours and land them, only to get hit by a ''kombo breaker'' and lose almost a third of my health. This game is dumbed down for children like you. The last 2 games were much better.


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Let's be real, MK9 was much better than both X and 11.

Then play a different character or switch your strategy. Using the word spammer actually tells me a lot about your experience with fighting games in general. git gud scrub

>MK9 was much better than both X and 11

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should ibuy tekken 7 on PC since it is onsale now?

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I wouldn't say it was better but it was definitely more fun

what's the appeal of mortal kombat? the gore?

Mortal Kombat has literally never been anything better than above average when it comes to gameplay, prove me wrong.

if you liked fighting games sure

probably the best FG of this generation and PC port is good

It's the only fighting game series that actually takes its lore seriously .

pretty much. its a game for casuls who couldn't give a shit about gameplay.

Smash is a better party game.

Why would you a fightan on PC?


I like how they tried to differentiate the palette swap ninjas over the years, I think it's cool

It is the most alive fighting game and really good. There is a steep learning curve though.

StreetFighter does that, too.

Yeah but it used to have edgy dark fantasy metal hypergore style along with scantily clad women to back it up

Now it's closer to a fucking superhero movie atmosphere with the occasional fatalies and muslim clothed women

What fighting game doesn't have a steep learning curve?

Street Fighter has short combos and no creativity, short limbs and random crush counter turn every game into a coin flip. It's true.

>tekken is the most alive fighting game and really good

why lie?

Woah, you browse r/kappa too? Dude, have you ever seen the daigo parry? Third strike is so cool, literally perfect XDDDD

t. silver surfer vappa
if its a coin flip then why has the top spots in the competitive scene always been the same people after all these years?

because they are the best at flipping the coin

>all easily counterable but just not pressing buttons
Maybe you should stop playing fighting games retard.

what did I lie about

tekken gets less viewers and entrants than sfv at any tournament

player numbers look good considering in a few months this game will be 2 years old. i also dont want to pay for ps+ to play online for console.

those are some shitty mental gymnastics you have there. I can't imagine how small your brain has to be to fall for that shit.

I've had a full fighting game weekend with friends, getting to play MKX, SF4, Brawlhalla, Smash Ultimate & Tekken 7.
I definitely had the most fun playing Tekken, is it worth buying it for PC? Not sure if it's the right fighting game to get into this generation, but I found it to be the most entertaining.

I was talking about player base on PC

Why do fighting games always have the cutest girls?

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SF has and always will be superior to MK

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that doesn't matter

SF lore is a fucking mess.

>t. brainlet

you only had "fun" with it because it's the game that rewards spamming random buttons the most

>"it's completely up to chance!"
>"but some people have better chance then others!"
This is how retarded vappas sound.

It's fun and pretty active, it's on sale right now so you can get it pretty cheap.

When did I say I lose more than I win? Did I tell you how many matches I've played, and against whom? Like a mindless, braindead liberal, you jump to conclusions and boast as if you're a good player. Because you didn't deny that you play only MK and no other fighting game, your opinion is still invald. I can beat you with any of my 3 characters too.
You got emotional,because I brought up Scorpion, I get it. But that further proves my point that you have a low IQ; you use Scorpion.

It is for someone who is getting the game on PC.

I take it you haven't heard her voice? May God spare you from her laugh.

Also shes a complete round robbery character and I look at her with disgust because of it.

literally doesn't matter. SFV has crossplay between PC and PS4 and most SFV players are on PS4 because it's the tournament standard.

maybe in teal ranks

Your first mistake was playing with English voices.

Both are shit

Damn that reply took you a while. nah I play Shao Kahn and Liu Kang. Also when did I imply that you lose more than you win? I only said to switch your strat and git gud, too bad you're the type to jump to conclusions. Also I'd play you but I'm on switch and my connections shoddy at best right now. In terms of other fighters though I'm more inclined to play DBFZ or Smash, but I've been liking Tekken more recently

I like MK11 a lot more but it's my first MK I'm playing competitively so I can't say much about it yet. I kind of hated it until I figured out the combos worked more like a 3D game but after learning that I've been enjoying it a lot. If I want to play street fighter I'll just play USF4, you can still get games pretty much any week night. I tried to reinstall V and play a few games through matchmaking but it took a really long time to find matches and then they were all rolling back constantly despite me living near NYC and having good connections in every other game. IDK if people just don't play ranked but the only reason I would play V over IV is for bigger community/easier matchmaking.

>capkeks unironically trying to pretend tekken doesnt have more active players than sfv
>capkeks unironically trying to pretend the pc version isnt the best version where all the pros and playerbase moved to
lol how pathetic can these shills get?

>and graphics

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wait why is nobody talking about killer instinct

Fuck you, some English voices are much better. Alex and G sound like shit in Japanese.

>the pc version isnt the best version where all the pros and playerbase moved to
That's gonna be a [citation needed] from me.

>implying 80% of kekkens playerbase arent league loving subhuman chinks who picked the casual masher cuz much like league its "deep" but accessible

You're evidently bad, so HIS opinion holds more water

literally watch any pro stream and see what version they play

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>"Haha, dude MK sucks, Street Fighter all the way!!!"
>"uuhh... well... um... cause its japanese and... umm...
Fucking weebs.

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>not being able to dominate predictable spammers
Git gud faggot

By saying ''git gud'', you implied I was a bad player without me giving you any information other than what generally happens in every match. I play a lot of KOTH, so I see how others play against each other too.
>Liu kang
Balanced, but annoying
>Shao Khan
Why do you pre order games, bugman?
I can beat anybody in this thread. What character(s) do you use?
Not an argument by the way.

The second anybody complains about scorpion in MK11, his teleport no less, is the second they give away the fact they are an absolute shitter. Scorpion is so easily punishable in this game it's not even funny.

Cause Shao Kahn is cool as fuck, that said I only pre-purchased literal hours before the game was available to download just for the bonus. Something about a character roster that shows a locked character irks me

Another non white fanboy with a low IQ jumping to conclusions. Where in my post did I say I'm not able to defeat spammers such as yourself? Which character(s) do you use?

Go buy your dlc chad, you get to enjoy NRS' wonderful animations.

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Erron Black

Tekken 7 is actually really fucking good.

Don't make me post Cammy's air throw.

if you complain about "spammers" in fighting games your brain is barely functional, easy to see how he drew that conclusion

They're both pretty unimpressive.

I can't help it, honestly. I always crawl back to SFV. No matter what fighting game I play. Everything always just reminds me how shit it is, and how much better SFV feels to play. Even the CFN is leagues better than pretty much every other game on the market save for maybe tekken (never tried it myself, 3D lol)

MK11 feels like much better than previous games, but it still remains the epitome of shit ideas taken too far for too long. As Jhonny Cage once said. "Go back to the 90's.".

Couldn't be worse then this.

Attached: QUALITY 2.webm (1280x720, 1008K)

You're bitching about people spamming uppercuts. You have to be shit to even find that an issue. Anybody who isnt braindead fucking retarded would see that as open season.

>muh animations

is this all street fighter fags have left?

>tekken and SFV players shit on MK and IJ for bad animations
I cant think of anything more ironic

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Because SFV is a relatively good game now. Idiots that know nothing about fighting games beside r/kappa memes still think it's the same game as at release. Characters like Bison, Cammy, and Akuma are still pretty stupid but every SF has dumb shit like Vega in ST and Chun in 3S.

>Scorpion is so easily punishable in this game
Agreed. He was in the last game as well. Bad players like you use him, because he's always top tier and has every tool in the book. Fortunately, Scorpion users are unintelligent and can easily be baited into teleporting like a homosexual. I played against a Scorpion player named ''Naded'' who sent me hate mail after I wrecked him Cage, a handicapped character. You may have seen him before.
I rest my case.
Why do you all sound the same?
Because you can't get away with bullshitting your way to victory. It's an honest game.
Do you agree that people who spam uppercuts are bad at the game? Answer yes or no.

Tekken 7 has the best animations in the genre.

I can
>thinking NRS has anything but the worse animations

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I believe people who bitch about and lose to uppercut spammers are helplessly bad.
If you like weird floaty movement and hits with no weight behind them I guess.

Tekken 7

Because nobody plays good games.

>Marvel 3 is dead
>KI is dead
>Guilty Gear and Blazblue are dead outside Japan
>KOF is dead outside Japan and maybe Mexico
>Capcuks and Netherniggers don't have the balls to go back to their roots because Sony and Warner Brothers throw so much money at their newest games

People who play SFV/MK11 and people who play Madden/NBA2K are one in the same. Ya'll talk so much shit about the Meleefags, yet they are free to support whatever game they please and managed to keep their favorite game in tournaments for 15 years.

I have zero sympathy for anyone in this thread.

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Holy shit, this can't be real.

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Its okay when based capgod does it.

You couldn't answer that question. That's your pride getting to you. Pride can get you killed in the real world. Keep in check before it checks you.

It's what movement looks like in every match and how you're expected to move past the 100 hours mark. If you don't move in this way you're playing the game suboptimally and you'll get destroyed by everyone who does it.

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the guy who didn't buy either

>Marvel 3 is dead
Real shame, watchign a million Vergil/Zero/Morrigan teams was so much fun.
>Guilty Gear and Blazblue are dead outside Japan
No shit, no one beside nip autists want to do 5,000 hit combos for 5% of their opponents health bar.

Jesus christ... I get making fun of NRS for animations, but when you are such a fucking weeaboo fanboy you think THIS is acceptable... idk man

I hate spacing fags so much. As funny as it is, that's what matches look like at high level, and you're forced to play like that to avoid being countered or side stepped. Just the way it is.

I definitely agree.

Who doesn't unironically do it?

You are damage controlling so hard right now. The whole thread knows you're a fucking shitter who needs to git gud instead of blame the game/enemy/lag/"spam"

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BB is better than GG and isn't really anything like that. Just admit you're a band wagon riding fucktard with no real opinions worth reading.
Post your steam games list. Show me those installed games of yours. I'll apologize if you prove me wrong and you got at least 5 fighting games installed.

At least Akuma for sure.

Isn't this just animations being cancelled over and over because of inputs?
Doesnt MK11 have the same thing with its wavedash?

Okay? Still doesnt make it not shitty animation work.

Why do people pretend to give SFV a fair chance when they haven’t played it once since 2016?

The game is actually fun as of Season 4.

>just pay for your internet twice goy
I cannot even conceive of being this cucked and yet there are so many of you. Why?

>as of season 4
literally nothing changed with season 4 you retard, they barely made any changes. either you dont know shit about the game or youre a shill

Fighting games are all dead on PC.

He is cancelling his backdash recovery animation into another backdash. It is called Korean Backdashing.

Tekken is very fun for ultra casual matches because you can just mash shit and have fun. It's not all that great at higher ranks, but if you plan on staying noobtier then sure why not.

Only legit criticism here is RE and supers, and only because the animations take too long. Competitively, sc6 is comfortably the best in the series.

Yes. Every fighting game does. Just ignore that dumb faggot, he has no idea what he's talking about. He is a MK fan after all.

I'd give you my gamertag, but you wouldn't give me yours. That's the difference. You're a coward and a non white. You sound like you do a fatality after every win in a FT5 set.

Imagine actually being a NRS shill.

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>i hate people who play the game right
unironically, don't hate the player, hate the game. SFV sounds like more of your thing.

Not him, but if you're at a high enough level to pull this off, you're probably not even gonna think about animations anymore. Everyone's just a hurtbox shifting around everywhere at that point.

>either you dont know shit about the game
Pretty hypocritical to say.

SFV never looks that bad. The only times SFV animations start getting wacky is when someone brings a hitbox and spams down just for the lols.

There's nothing wrong here.

I love Tekken. Re read my posts.
King shill that loves fatal blows here

They're equally dead on PS4, you just can't see the numbers. Fighting games in general have low player bases.

imagine enjoying a video game

>hes so bad hes lost a best of 5 set and came to rage on Yea Forums cause he got fatalitied after each loss
You can't fucking make this shit up

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>As funny as it is, that's what matches look like at high level, and you're forced to play like that to avoid being countered or side stepped. Just the way it is.
yeah, sounds like you really love tekken...

when will they learn that no hit effects look like shit cause why the fuck would such an irealistic game not have them to not look like shit

It's that combined with Eddy's stance meshing horribly with backdash cancels, his backdash is notoriously silly looking.

Unironically MKXI, I'm a SF fanboy too. SF has no flavor anymore. It's too rigid, no room for self expression.

What the fuck kind of a punch is that? It's objectively bad. I like NRS games but I'm not going to pretend a lot of the animations aren't ass.

I've tried liking anime autism combos, I really did, but spending hours on a combo you will never hit confirm into is never fun.

I really wanted to love Skullgirls, you can see I even messed around with it last month, but fuck actually playing it.

Attached: I tried.png (374x191, 110K)

explain why its bad

You're not supposed to fatalities during sets, because you're both trying to get better at the game. That's the point. Jumping to conclusions again, negro. 13% of the population....
There's a lot of things I don't like about America, but I love being an American.

I don't think you know what this word means.

Why isn't the momentum of his upper body causing his lower body to move at all? If you throw a punch you won't stay in place.

anything under 1k hours in a fighting game aint shit

>You're not supposed to fatalities during sets, because you're both trying to get better at the game. That's the point.

It's Scorpion. He makes anything work in any situation. Ed Boon has a hard on for the ninja characters.
Why do you do fatalities during sets? I've never had this problem in MKX.

No, you're clearly not trying to get better if all you do is bitch about shit on Yea Forums and blame you getting uppercutted on the dude uppercutting you cause you probably timed your shit wrong and got punished.

THEN you bitch like a whiny little girl cause he just does a fatality and humiliates your God awful ass. Theres literally no "d-dont fatality m-me" rules outside of your head, pussy!

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>There's a lot of things I don't like about America, but I love being an American.
You are trying to move the goalposts. You should't hate "spacingfags" for playing the game properly. You should acknowledge that as a (debatable) flaw in the game, not the player base.

Blazblue you might be right but Guilty Gear's damage scaling is crazy lol you can do 70% in 10 hits depending on how much HP you have and what character.

anyone who doesn't say MK doesn't know what teh fuuck they're talking about, no questions asked.

I heard MK11 borrows lethal hits from SC6, is that true? I think lethal hits are the most interesting new mechanic in a fighter this gen so that would be cool if true.

It's true.

>Why do you do fatalities during sets?
Because they get nerds like you mad.

SFV has fundamental game problems hat might be impossible to fix due to its age. You see intelligent design every now and then, but because so many games went through the development process of increasing the chances of comebacks, "evening" the playing field between good players and bad ones, and e-sports viewership it'll probably remain heavily flawed. It would take a major overhaul, and at this point they're better off devoting time to SF6.

Mortal Kombat is just made by idiots that don't know what a fighting game is at all and will remain the retirement home for washed up FGC pros and people who rely on gimmick 50/50s instead of solid play.

>I think lethal hits are the most interesting new mechanic in a fighter this gen so that would be cool if true.
You didn't like them when they were called Fatal Counters in 2009?

>people who rely on gimmick 50/50s instead of solid play.
Literally fixed in MK11.

Then pray tell what MK doesnt have that real fighters do? What is "solid play"?

Except they didn't. They just made the game slower and even more brain dead.

>100 hour work weeks created this

Except it's the opposite.

yes, MK11 crushing blows = lethal hits

50/50s no longer lead into max damage setups or even safe pressure for that matter.

There's nothing wrong with doing fatalities in single player, ranked matches, KOTH, or Survivor. Doing fatalities during a set is pointless and stupid as you're both trying to get better at the game. They don't really do it in tournaments either. You're just wasting time. You saw them hundreds of times anyway. You can do them during a set if you like, but don't expect me to hang around.
>getting uppercutted by scrubs
I'm not repeating myself for 10th time. Nice Reddit spacing though.
I play like that too. I've been playing Tekken since 3. Another person who can't read.
Why would a fatality get me mad when I can just back out upon defeat? While you're jerking yourself to the same fatality you saw hundreds of times, I'm already in my next match getting better at the game. In KOTH, sure, it gets me mad.
>enjoys making people angry
You might be a sociopath.
Instead of 50/50s, we have MK1 uppercuts, pokes that force games into projectile faggotry, and fatal blows for bad players who can't learn the fundamentals of the game.
But some characters still have them while others have jack shit.

Not if it gets dumb shitters like you mad

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>I play like that too. I've been playing Tekken since 3. Another person who can't read.
but you dislike it, do you not? just admit it, you dislike at least one aspect of tekken because you are bad.

SFV is a step down and lacks soul but is still playable while MK games are jokes mechanically. You only play them like single player grind/unlock games.

>But some characters still have them while others have jack shit.
Like who? I'm genuinely asking


Street Fighter characters are superhuman. They are no doubt stronger than the mk kast.

>More characters never

Or you know skill? Testing your reactions and hit comfirms differentiates a good player from a bad player. Also its sfv you are given some lee way on your links, cant say that about mk youre pretty much using safe strings or going for your silly dail combo. You can go back to your baby 50/50 simulator now.

Re-read my post.
I dislike one thing about the game. I don't have to suck corporate dick and admit a game is flawless.
Johnny Cage; the worst character in the game right now. He even sucks in the story. It's like they want to destory his character because he's a ''chauvenist''.

SFV is fucking ugly, shit aesthetic.


Are you legally blind?
MK11 is the best looking fighter made to date. This isn't even debatable.

>I dislike one thing about the game.
git gud scrub. you only hate it because you are bad.

>the best looking fighter made to date.

Attached: 515705-soulcalibur-vi-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 136K)

What gave you that impression? I hate the thruster pack in Halo 5, but I still like the game.

Good reading comprehension.

MK11 looks vastly better than SC.

perhaps this post >i hate spacing fags so much

Sup, no one asked you to speak up. stupid looking cartoon ass game.

I like SC6 but it looks like like an upscaled PS3 game.

>No one has posted it

also sf5 is an awful garbage game

Attached: ig7xdEWFsPlZpv28mJ2n_XpBY5DaT68V0B7-aIvCovY.jpg (600x533, 79K)

Before this I would've said SF easy, but MK11's gameplay is so different than any MK before, it might be my second favourite fighter after Tekken 7

To be fair T7's combos don't look very good either

It's easy enough to deal with, but yeah the game does encourage people to play like absolute unfun retards

Versus the usual:
>capcom's loyal shills shill the game
>game is released
>it sells poorly, is received poorly
>FGC shills game for several more years than it's worth because they love sucking the capcock
>its long dead after a year
>release a super ultra hyper ex version of the game with fixes/content that should've been in the original
>still sells like ass

>Fatal Counters in 2009?
Are those the same? What makes lethal hits interesting is the variety of activation conditions, none of them are actually based on counter hits.

SC6 is pretty gud fightan but the visuals are really only serviceable... like basically every jap UE4 game that isn't cel shaded

>Are those the same?
More or less

>none of them are actually based on counter hits.

netcode is fixed so this pic is outdated nice tears fag post

No, I'm legitimately not aware of any lethal hits that have CH as their activation condition. At least not for any of the 5 characters I know. There's probably a couple, but generally LHs have nothing to do with CHs. Which doesn't seem to be true for fatal counters?

Skullgirls isn't anime, or at least isn't "anime" like Guilty Gear is "anime," it's MVC2.
There are a lot of potentially legitimate complaints about Guilty Gear but long, weak combos are not one of them.

They have to sell the games to every angle possible.

Attached: jw6z6436n7v21.jpg (1024x576, 50K)

why is she mad

Attached: c cage.png (1631x886, 1.17M)

Kuai Liang won't let her play on the Nintendo

Mortal Kombat > Street Fighter

No matter how much the fighting games community may disagree with me, Mortal Kombat is a better fighting game IMO. The combat isn't as flashy and seizure inducing as Street Fighter. The humor is much funnier in Mortal Kombat with self referential jokes and the violence is very satisfying feedback. Street Fighter is fun, but the control scheme is confusing and they're pussies in comparison to MK when it comes to both crude humor as well as violence.