>putting the hardest boss in the 2nd world
what did they mean by this
Putting the hardest boss in the 2nd world
That's not the giant robot.
The bee, devil and king dice were harder.
i shoulda recorded my playthrough, i oneshot that dragon, that jocker boss did fuck me up a bit but the only hard part in the entire game was the slappin' buoys water level
Fucking This^, fighting the Robot is like hitting a brick wall.
The only reason king dice is hard is because you have to wade through his army of assholes if you get unlucky rolls. Dice himself is one of the easiest fights in the game.My top 3 hardest non-Devil bosses are probably the bee, the train and the robot.
I beat the bee and mermaid on my third try for each.
I hate every flying fight and yes I'm just bad at them
The only hard phase for Honker is when the dog balloons are coming at you with the train underneath it
I thought the flying fights were the easiest because you have more maneuvering freedom
In terms of which took me the most tries:
1. The clown.
2. The bee.
3. The dragon.
4. King Dice.
I'm S-Ranking all bosses, though I've put Cuphead on hold for a long while. That said, I was able to quickly S-Rank the train after about three months of not playing Cuphead. Took me less than an hour, whereas beating the Bee the FIRST time in Normal took me at least 2 hours.
What I love about Cuphead is how much easier the game gets once you figure out a boss. The Bee fight in particular is a perfect example of this. I'd say the part where she becomes a plane is either impossible or very easy once you figure out the control scheme.
Those were easy if you had the tracking bullets.
The dragon is easy if you use the charger
the hardest parts of the game are the run and gun stages
especially in pacifist mode
The dragon is easy if you use the lobber too, that's how I beat it. The only problem is the cloud placement can fuck you up.
In pacifist mode yes. In general I like them but I guess I play a lot of platformers.
I beat them all non-pacifist, thank god they're optional. I died on the very first level way more times than I was expecting.
He got nerfed, but the OG was indeed the hardest. Now i think it's King Dice just because it's long as hell and you mostly only fuck up at the end. The bee is also annoying, some attacks are just hard to evade or parry
I’m currently at the blimp woman on expert and I keep getting killed by those stupid UFOs with barely avoidable beams.
Yep, that's how I beat him. Actually, I ended up using the Charger for most bosses. I think the major exception was the lady in the castle, where I used the one green attack that lets you hit the boss no matter where you are facing. Otherwise it was hard to stay away from her attacks at the end of the match and still land proper hits on her.
Beppi is an easy bitch compared to Wally Warbles.
Took me a long time to beat that Treetop mini boss
The UFOs have set timings depending on their color. I forgot which was which, but one type fires when you're close to it, while the other fires further away.
This guy is a fucking piece of shit. The dog head balloons are what get me most of the time.
>I wasn't the only one almost filtered by Bepis
Good to know, 4 goddamn stages for a world 2 boss is ridiculous
Wally is an easier Djimmi, sit down and shut up
>skipped easy horse
>wasted time on monkey memory flying stage
are you sane?
this. holy crap this guy is nuts
What the hell was the original?
>He got nerfed
can i be in some kind of special club for beating the original and not even thinking he was particularly difficult
Yeah I think his phase 1 was bugged so he wouldn't phase 2 immediately but he retained transform iframes until he changed phases
king dicks isn't THAT hard, just long but this is the only stage with heart refills
also it's really easy to get what you want on the die
So like did anyone have trouble on the Mermaid bitch?
she was JUSTing my shit up
pre nerf Iron Giant was just as easy as post nerf. As soon as you clear the first phase, you win. Phase 3 is the special olympics version of babby's first shmup.
I thought I would die a lot to Cala Maria, but I barely got her with 1 HP left after a few deaths
Werner is my favorite boss
Cala Maria is the second easiest flying boss.
All of the Gradius stages except for the genie are fairly easy.
I thought the robot was easy. The Bee on the other hand pissed me off. Those fists on the final phase feel completely random.
this, jesus holy fucking mary
to be clear i don't think he is unfair bullshit like the like of gtrimmatch, but the combination of his shit will fuck you up
i finally won by went perfect the 1st phase
The genie is very easy though
>Super easy to control dice and your placement in the board
>All the minibosses are easy
>Has like one attack which all comes down to parrying
Never understood peoples problem with him, I beat him in my second try.
Robot and dragon were easily the worst.
how come mugman has that retarded overbite look? something about his him just ake him look like a big derp compared to cuphead
Cala Maria was harder for me.
He's harder than Iron Giant by a decent margin.
it's uncanny because he's supposed to be the Good Boy between the two
ok, idk if anybody have asked yet
and i have to say upfront that idc for it, however im curious to know if anybody have done a rule 34 of the cup bros dp or splitroast ms chalice?
>get's stoned by Cala Maria
>sees the incoming projectile
how many deaths on your first playthrough?
>Dragon takes like three minutes.
>Robot takes five minutes.
>Mermaid was second try.
>Bee was second try.
>But nearly an hour into fish/lobster run and gun and still can't beat it.
Red starts beaming a second after it aligns with you (so dive under it safely), yellow prefires a bit, so get close (hugging wall will make you take the hit) but stay back.
Those are annoying. But they've gotten much better once I realized it doesn't matter how much damage you take.
You just have to use your hearts wisely
Nigga, there was porn of her being made 15 minutes after her reveal
Fucking several.
damn son, for me the fucking circus stage was harder
lobster shit is pretty straight forward without any big gimmick beside the octopus at the end
no wonder journalists hated cuphead
Do they count retries as deaths? There's definitely moments where I'm like "No taking damage on the first phase, no taking damage on the first-FUCKER!" and retrying constantly.
djimmi is one of my favorites, although easier than others. His 3 all seeing eye pyramids on the last phase can be a bit tricky since the beams move with the pyramid
I got this game about a week ago, and I just have the robot and train left on island 3. I miss when the genie was the hardest thing for me.
djimmi just wanted to secure the existence of his people and a future for genies.
should i buy this game again on the switch?
dlc when
man i barely remember all the dumb shit this fucker did because i beat him in like 5 tries
The sound effect when hes in this exact pose is the best thing in the game
Remember the OC?
Load times are pretty bad, but otherwise it runs and looks good. Is it worth $20 to you to play a game you already have?
DLC will probably be shown at E3.
>there exist people in this universe that don't turn off chromatic aberration
I'd stick my straw in her punch
Runs great, load times into levels is a tad lengthy but retries are instant afterwards, I'd say the only complaints I have would be universal across every version of the game, i.e. world map broken into separate chunks.
Load times seem slow when you first start the game, but afterwards it's ok.
Otherwise, the game still looks as it does on PC and it's plays nicely. Also note about the Siwtch's D-Pad if you have issues with it, but I never had a problem with it (except with Tetris99)
I don't use the dpad for it at all, joystick is ok for me
damnit I knew it would be porn before I clicked it
Love that noise, no idea why.
>tfw spent 2 hours trying to pacifist that level
Fucking christ, never again.
I like the "YAAAAAAAAA-AAAAH" when he reveals his slug sarcophagus form better
Porkrind's WELCOM is better
persons who likes cuphead is good people
Use special 2.
I am in need of some Cuphead reaction images for my folder.
coming right up
>Somehow gets more porn then Cala Maria
Well at least we now know who's the better one.
people say werner is easy, but i had a lot of trouble with him
the stupid bottle caps
I'm not sure about that, I'd say they're equally popular in terms of fanart, Cala Maria a bit more maybe
Dropper for his first phase, Spread for the other two.
So how many times have you beaten Cuphead?
So far five times.
once on expert
twice on normal
the first and third phases are pretty easy, it's the second which gives me trouble
Is this game harder than megaman or ninja gaiden?
You can jump on his platform.
megaman, yes
ninja gaiden, not even close
Easiest boss. Almost as easy as the first boss
This, every time you play it he gets easier and easier, and you start to notice how short the battle is.
last one i have
Still my favorite one
Personally, the devil was stupid hard for me while I aced the robot in less than 10 tries. I'm glad I got to experience the way the devs intended I guess
i'm surprised ducking under the goat legs wasn't intentional. can you still duck under the ducks in the fun house?
I'm kind of not sure why people think Devil is hard, I learned his patterns very quickly. The only things that fuck me up are the blue trident projectiles in the throne phase, and sometimes the second giant phase.
Are you me? Seriously those three fights sucked tons of dick
>What the hell was the original?
In the original version of the Robot level, there were no parry projectiles AFAI.
Dr. Kahl's difficulty is entirely frontloaded in the first phase because his bullet pattern in the third is sleep inducing
I found the cheese on my 2nd attempt, robot is the real cunt.
Hell was extremely annoying because of all the shit flying around being distracting. And since you can't duck under his goat arms anymore it can be a bitch to time right
king dice is ezpz dash to the edge of screen and shoot straight up with the chaser while jumping. the only trip up is that he starts on a random side and theres like a 10% chance he spawns cards from the same side 2x in a row
How many buttons (other than dpad) do you need to play this game?
I like his laugh personally
>stay still and aim
The last one sounds niche and it is but you need it
When's that DLC coming out? It's been almost a year now
It's a lock for E3, either a release date or a delay announcement (the base game was delayed numerous times so I won't be surprised if the DLC falls behind too)
at least a snes worth
Best song in the game
twice. First on normal and second on expert.
Sally was the best boss.
>that new secret phase
I love when devs finish unused content and put it into an update
>scorpion titties
never forget
change weapon
shit, you're right. No idea how I forgot that.
CUMhead and SMEGMAn
What's the best weapon to use?
that pic is some pizza cats shit
The spreadshot and boomerang
I'd argue that Roundabout is the best choice overall, but the weapons are fairly situational (i.e. Charger and Lobber work really good against Grim Matchstick)
Lobber and peashooter/spread
is the charge not good anymore?
I think it did get nerfed in a patch after launch, but I just don't use it often regardless
the one that goes "pew , pew" and "tic , tic"
>Genie has lamp shoes
Meant for
>scorpion titties
Go on
there are scorpion titties in this video
The monkey is the only bad boss in the game. The memory shit is too time consuming for a miniboss.
Advice for the bee?
I did. No regrets
The fact that there were hidden boss phases took me by suprise
Chaser is a must if you’re not good at shooting downwards while moving around platforms
I s-ranked every single boss. Warbles was very difficult. I also had a surprisingly tough time with Sally Stageplay.
Bought it on the Switch. Kinda fun, but immediately stopped playing when the girls who was a reference to Pearl from SU showed up.
You can't ruin immersion like that.
>you will never have a plastic straw drilled into your skull
God the fucking ocs
>search cuphead on tumblr
>literally 100+ oc askblogs come out
>half of them have practically the same design and personality
Take a shot when you see an oc in a suit who works for the Devil and overall just a normal human with a non-human head.
What's the casual filter of this game?
Really though, what the fuck was up with that robot? No other boss in the game gave me half the trouble he did.
reminder to bind the dash to a shoulder button, switchfags
I always bind something like a dash to the shoulder buttons or triggers in platformers/run and gun games like Mega Man X for example. It just feels too right.
Wait, are there people who don't do this? I've been dashing in games like this since Mega Man X. MMZ on GBA felt so good.
really should be the default mapping t b h. hollow knight got it right
King Dice for me for sure too. Having to do the bounce on top of his cards to survive ended me more than enough times. Got to the point I could nail all of the sub-bosses no issue, but that one fucking attack of his I never could bounce all that well on.
The only ones that gave me any trouble was Hilda Berg, Dimji, Beppi, and Rumor Honeybottom. And even then they are easy to beat. Just hard to A+ (or S if on Expert)
Spread shot is better for that. Also Beppi himself doesn't damage you during that phase which is good.
poor mugman
The only shit you need is default, spreader, and coffee. Lobber for this guy and the bee bitch but otherwise you're good.
I found him the hardest as I was pretty shit at parrying and dashing over his cards. The robot is rough to go through as well.
Is it just me, or is there sometimes a hitbox for King Dice's head that appears at random? It's the simplest shit, you just keep parrying cards and get a bit of breathing room. Sometimes randomly, though, Cuphead doesn't go left or right towards a pink card and he just sort of dashes in place or stays hovering for a bit before landing on a regular card. It's killed me more than once and I fucking hate it.
Trust me, mugman, it is the only way!
Poor Mugman
smugman? more like smegman
based poormugmanposter
more like cumhead
i'm stuck, game is bugged. worst 20 euro i've ever spent
The parry slap has to be the most satisfying sound ever.
>Tfw a new Onions truck opens up near your wife’s son’s school
I’m listening.
art thou speak of realms not reached by man ?
We have to pigeon, and it is good, pray.
I prefer this version.