the mc of the last video game you played has to fight thanos with the infinite gauntlet and all the gems, can he/she defeat the mad titan?!
The mc of the last video game you played has to fight thanos with the infinite gauntlet and all the gems...
Other urls found in this thread:
Dante would defeat this man with a smile.
>destiny 2
Could be an interesting raid boss. Totally possible.
Last character I played was Sora so I think he can do it.
>NV Courier
I dont know what kind of Speech 100 bullshit he will have to pull.
Don't know actually, would definitely have a decent chance though
some bitch from black ops 4
Hopefully the first two were joke answers as well.
If you kill 50 percent of the population the other half just becomes 100 percent! Don't you see how pointless it is Thanos?
>Nanashi from SMTIV:A
Par for the course really.
>A terrorist is his superhero
this guy looks like thanos
Prince from Katamari Damacy. He's got this.
If you erased 50% of the Universe you can possibly get alot of people killed if you erased a pilot of a commercial aircraft.
Entire MCU is fucked
Not so fast
>Phoenix Wright
Welp I’m dead
It would be interesting to say the least.
fuck off reddit
Wow. I never thought of that. You come up with that?
Fallout protags can Speech 100 perfectly sane people into killing themselves. A charisma-based character like a Speech 100 Fallout protag is probably the only kind of character that could stop Thanos with all the infinity stones. He's so batshit OP and physically invulnerable and all powerful that having him stand down, or even delete himself, is the only way
Slayer Bardin from Vermintide 2. This should be easy, slayers live for this shit!
>Implying he couldn't use logic and trick to convince Thanos to reconsider using the stones to instead increase the resources and ensure universal prosperity
What is Thanos, to an actual GOD?
kek isnt this the dude that got arrested for attention?
I don't think singing to Thanos is gonna get Ninten anywhere, so probably not, no
It's time to fuck Thanos
The MC of my own game, who’s barely above human levels of strength, so no. We’re fucked.
I don't even need someone to defend me, even a kid can beat thanos
And people wonder why normies don't read capeshit
>warrior of light
eh... maybe?
What class are you. I'm on my Warlock, I can do Well.
melting point reporting
r X-Scroll of genocide
What monster do you want to genocide? Titan
Wiped out all Titans.
Well, he did manage to not get deleted by a time paradox, so he might just have a chance.
Mentions in complete detail how wiping out 50% of the population on a planet will cause such complete and utter destruction of society the outcome is likely full extinction of that species
And even if the species were able to adapt to being half wiped out, they would quickly repopulate to previous population levels
Thus regardless of what he wishes to accomplish, the way he goes about it is pointless
aka what the writers should have realized would happen but conveniently ignored
thanos cannot defeat sosa
my osrs character
>demon lord Abel
Yeah, Thanos is fucked.
based thor
Easy mode, Comic boy doesn't stand a chance
In endgame he decides he wants to kill everybody for similar reasons
Reminder that everyone hates Brie and War Machine told her not to touch him during this interview.
Depending on the text available, sure. Or maybe Baba can clone Thanos and doom it all.
Thanos, you seem to have forgotten that the Infinity Gauntlet is LIGHT
Well it's more like he wants to do it since the 50% litterally will always fight back no matter what and for some reason he thought everyone would be thankful
I find it funny she was in all the ads and she's in the movie for like 10 minutes total before thanos bitchslaps her
Yeah, I mean, which people would get wiped?
What if he ended up wiping 90% of doctors and engineers? What if he left millions of children orphaned?
And that is only accounting for human society, the wildlife species that are already struggling to survive would go extinct and fuck the environment.
>Empty is Baba
>Universe packed with Babas
>Snap has an infinitesimal chance of killing anything non-Baba
Would your Nanashi side with the Avengers? Or kill them to keep the Gauntlet to himself?
>tfw less pollution
>tfw more farmland
>tfw more crops to share
>tfw more room to live in
>tfw less people on the road
Jokes aside it bugged me immensely how 50% of the population is gone yet Stark is driving around in a brand new Audi and his house is still managing to power a fucking time machine and ant man is eating taco bell, shit should be more fucked than it was
Holy shit
I fucking knew Drampa reminded me of something, thanks thorman
I stopped watching capeshit years ago but he seems neat
>Cloud after having acquired all the Huge Materia
...I mean, they're basically infinity sones, right?
He also has Knights of the Round.
Yeah they downplayed the post apocalyptic aspect, a shame since it was one of the things I was most looking forward to see how they would deal with it.
also, how the fuck are the fortnite servers still running?
all of society should have collapsed
I mean the god damn RAPTURE happened, Christians and Muslims should be going apeshit
and even barring that several vital roles would be left suddenly empty, everyone is grieving at the same time, multiple disasters should have happened because the people preventing it are dead or grieving
Before snap? Probably not. After the snap? 100%, if he really does have the hero trait
Joker from P5
Purple boy must have a pretty big and dangerous palace.
Thanos is small fry in the Marvel universe. Ghost Rider alone is much more impressive.
I don't think he has a chance, but if it were Francis, it would be a different story.
It's impossible not to hate her.
It had been five years. Humanity must move on at some point. People can't stop living. We'd be back at our daily lives just after some months.
thanos finna get dabbed on
>I heard you got a resource management problem
Thanos is baba
if our modern day society collapsed it would take more than a century for us to catch back up
My Mii Brawler is fucked.
Where there's a Wang there's a way
Ummm..hmm. Well the leader of the last team I was running was kenshin so i’m probably boned.
How is the Infinity Gauntlet in comparison to the City of Forms?
invoker in dota
or if you wanna get lore-technical, the radiant ancient (which is a cosmic power or some shit)
I think he's good
Reminder that he did nothing wrong and just wanted to be a farmer
Is it the virgin mcu thanos or the Chad Mad Titan Thanos?
Honestly, I have no idea.
Dota has lore?
Also, is Dota worth trying for someone who sucked at HotS?
I'm done w/ Marvel flicks after Endgame desu. They look and feel the same.
if you sucked at hots idk what to tel you user. you can get good but expect hundreds of hours
I know everyone cringed at the girl power part, but was I the only one extra pissed that fucking MANTIS of all people charged in? Like what is she even gonna do, they've established repeatedly she is literally the weakest member of the guardians and probably the entire frontline MCU, whatever small empathy I had for that scene was lost because I just can't take her seriously in a head on battle
Absolutely no way Mars would win. I think the only people in the Dota universe that would have even a modicum of a chance would be one of the Ancients or Elementals, and even then, probably only Ancient Apparition, Io, or Enigma.
I don’t need a stone to go back in time shaka brah
>A terrorist known for necklacing is my hero
arch warden probably or void could chrono his ass before he can react. honestly anyone with time powers can prevent him snapping
MCU Thanos has nothing on Goku, especially not because the latter can take 10 laps around the planet in the time it takes the former to blink
>Captain Marvel was able to at least hold her own against Thanos
>Android 18 can beat CM according to Death Battle
>Goku is easily more powerful than 18
By that logic, Thanos is fucked.
an in-character Goku would lose because he's a dumbass who would try to tease out Thanos' true power instead of getting the job done. Also DBZ characters have shit hax resistance so he'd be turned into vanilla pudding almost instantly.
Nigga he ain't the reasonable titan.
I swear to god people make up shit. Goku cannot do world laps like that
Thanos has the time stone though.
It was weird, it looked post apocalyptic in some parts, but you also had kids running up to Hulk for selfies and Captain America talking about how he saw whales in the New York bay.
>aka what the writers should have realized would happen but conveniently ignored
The writers didn't ignore that, the entire conflict is various galaxies realizing how stupid this plan is and Thanos being an autistic retard with his MUH BALANCE
kids were too young to remember that shit at that point it had been 5 years
technically, with instant transmission he could and if we take the Super version he could punch him in the face a few hundred times with planet-wrecking force before he can register what's going on
>Goku is mc
>Thanks is ma
If Thanos is fighting Goku in anime by law Goku is going to plot armor asspull a victory
No, almost nobody can beat him in that state unless you go by movies or whatever dumb shit, he's the 3rd strongest nigger in the marvel universe with the gauntlet. It'd have to be from a game with a much higher power level setting by default
there we go I accept that
How is it possible for cap to be old were there two of them all the time
I really need to see the Neverending Story. I've seen it when I was young but never rewatched it again because it wasn't cartoons and I thought it was boring. Same goes for E.T.
The argument is that if Thanos can be stopped or subdued in any way for a long enough period of time, the gauntlet can be removed - think of Mantis putting Thanos to sleep in Infinity War. If Faceless Void put Thanos in a Chronosphere, he would be entirely stopped for enough time for Void to pull off the Gauntlet. Of course, the Time Stone (or the Reality Stone? I don't know) may allow him to move around in the Chronosphere, seeing as when Rubick steals the spell, Void can still move around in Rubick's casting of it. Who the fuck knows.
>wearing the gauntlet doesn't make you automaticllly immune to your plan
if by Raiden you mean this Raiden than yes. If by Raiden you mean le funny edgy cyborg man that nobody cared about until plat-shit made a spinoff, than fuck no lol.
>Go back in time
>Seethe in impotent rage because all you can do is kiss some psycho bitch that would sooner end up hitting herself with her own shots than Thanos, while he conquers the earth millions of times until you realize going back in time is fucking worthless if you're literally too powerless to stop anything
It can't even get past a 20-pixel wall without several others online, I don't think it's gonna stop sheer omnipotence.
Who's the first and second? The one above everyone bullshit and galactus?
the op clearly used the MCU picture, which is not an unbeatable character at all
Specs Drampa erases teams. He's dope.
Depends on what proportion of people that got snapped were valuable and what weren’t. It was random, it’s entirely possible the primary contributors for a functioning society disappeared in greater numbers than the less willing.
Hawkeye runs around executing criminals all day for a reason.
Wasn't Liu Kang technically the MC? (At least in 11)
What are they even going to do now that the Avengers shit is over and most of the contracts expired? Are they going to reboot everything with black people in the lead roles?
I can only ever think of a guy whenever these "who can beat this omnipotent comic book guy in vidya" because you need other omnipotent characters God tier and I only know this dude
But fuck if Im ever replaying N&B.
It's not a reboot silly, the comics already paved a road for movies that don't feature the actual avengers, but a minority B team that'll sell like shit and blame racism.
Thanos creates his own losses because of his defeatist mind set. So it doesn't matter who it was they win anyway.
Goku can fly at match 8 in BASE form, he would kill Thanos before the purple guy even realizes his presence
Liu Kang is the chosen one and the character people are supposed to identify with the most but raiden has more influence than anyone on the story. It revolves around his decisions. Either one would be a correct choice
Whooooooo cares. Godzilla time now.
>Avengers shit is over
Uh oh
Thanos would win because dumbass Goku would let him have the Infinity Stones so he can have a fight at full power
More Spiderman hopefully
Holy Mother fucking shit
Only mach 8? That's so slow
Zelda 1's Link. I guess he can take him.
He's the protagonist of several of these things.
Triforce vs Infinity Gauntlet.
I can't even tell if these are fake, I know they are but I'm still on the fence...
>spiderman new movie
>even another spiderman movie because you know its coming
>same for another Doctor Strange
>same for Black Panther
>movies for nuCaptain American, nuIron Man, etc
>X men
>Fantastic 4
I love Drampa, great design. Wish he was available earlier but eh, single stage dragon type.
love his dex entry too
Mach 8 in base form, user, SS is 50 times stronger than base, SS2 is 100 times stronger, SS3 is 400 times stronger, SSG is AT LEAST 160000 times stronger than base and SSB is stronger than that. MCU Thanos has no chance
Zelda 1's Link only had two games
Thanos isn't even a god, the WoL would kick his ass.
>Thanos snaps half universe
>someone from Z just uses the dragonballs to wish them all back after a few hours
how would Thanos react to that?
This is actually a really interesting concept. The Triforce lets Link get one wish that will hold true until he dies - if he wished for Thanos to no longer possess the Infinity Gauntlet, would that be enough?
He'd snap away them and the dragon balls lol
It's not.
Beyond the power of anyone but super shenron
Don't they get almost immediately BTFOed after this scene
If he has Donald and Goofy backing him up, Thanos is fucked.
Based Aussie
That's not how it works
is there any character in all of fiction who could actually beat this?
Sekiro will parry his snap and stab him in the neck.
Why didn’t Captain Marvel just put on the gauntlet?
Better yet why didn’t they just do a bunch of time heists to 1970 and get more particles, then take their time getting the stones properly instead of risking fucking anything up?
Why was Howard the duck in the final battle?
If Cull Obsidian couldn’t be beat by Iron Man and Spiderman tag teaming him in infinity war, and ant man managed to kill him in half a second by stepping on him, why didn’t they have ant man fight thanos?
Why was Quicksilver from Age of Ultron not even referenced?
How does Thor summoning his weapons and outfit instantly braid his hair and beard?
Why did old man Cap let 9/11 happen again?
My Oblivion character could.
You get really fucking powerful near the end of the game. Like, mind boggingly powerful.
>implying she won't trap Thanos in a time loop
Say goodbye to the entire MCU.
Why didn't Doctor strange rewind time the instant tony said "I'm gonna keep flying"
In fact, why not rewind time constantly
in fact, why did the ancient one not look into the future as well to see this, even if she died when thanos came she was still alive when the hulk was around and knew steve was just chilling among countless other things
>why did old man cap let 9/11 happen again
because george bush told him to
How is he? I haven't played dota in years but the idea of new characters rolling out has me intrigued.
>gets teleported and trapped into another dimension
Yeah, so much for the all mighty Zeno
One of the best additions to the game in years. I've basically only randomed in the past three thousand or so games I've played before he was released, and since he launched I've done nothing but play him. Extremely relaxing, but rewarding to play.
>no Egyptian god cards
Pffft ohnononono
>1 Man Army Vs. Some Purple Fag
>I'll do my best! Thanos won't have his way with me.
Well the last game I played was Euro Truck Simulator 2, my truck driver can take on 2014 Thanos.
Pfft. Butter knives are a joke
Egyptian God cards are actually pretty shit in game
>me and myself, on a furfag VN
>Trapping the guy who can erase all existence in a second
Bye bye MCU
Warrior of Light? Yeah no worries, he has his own set of infinity gems pretty much, not that he needs em
just noticed how spidey is just looking around with a really confused face
A lvl 99 Demi fiend with his demons would fuck Thanos’ shit up.
>Guardians looked and felt the same as Winter Soldier
Nigga I'm just an airplane, the fuck you want me to do?
Yaaaaaassssss slay que-
there is no Mc of tf2 so just all the classes.
>Intend to trap someone in a timeloop
>They become aware and impair you because of their cosmic god like power
>Unable to do anything when you get drugged up from a high school teacher
Uhh I don't know about this one.
>The MC from Might & Magic
I don't think kicking Thanos off a cliff is gonna do it boys
he watch this
Baba has Baba
>side B off the stage
>DBfags think they have any power again
My my my, isn't that adorable?
I think Colin can pull it off with enough troops.
I played Ultimate last, so does that mean the whole roster, or should I defeault to Kirby?
But what if there is no baba
Is Guardians 3 actually in the works? I remember hearing something about a script getting canned and the actors didn't take it kindly or something.
Bitch, that looks more like Tahu
I think you mean with enough money
>Serph from Digital Devil Saga
Only played for a few hours because i just starzed, you fags tell me how he fares before the thread is archived
If he is so strong then how did he lose?
Warband, so no. Harlaus can though, his butter armor makes all attacks slide right off
>ctrl + f
>No Doomguy
Surprised this hasn't come up. Maybe because it's a no brainer. No matter what it takes, no matter how long, no matter how gruelling, he'd win.
They rehired James Gunn, so everything is back on track
They kinda already are...
I had a dumb idea at some point thinking about Asura's Wrath, that you don't need omnipotence to beat omnipotence, instead you only need one very specific ability, "the ability to kill an omnipotent being".
But also Thanos isn't really omnipotent.
Any /toy/fag wanna help me out and tell me what company made that Thanos figure?
Unironically, the most realistic choices that could win
>another Fantastic Four movie
Please just give them a rest, they've suffered enough
My full plate armor and halberd i got off the ground makes me invincible
Literally only care about Doctor Strange now, nothing else seems in any way interesting, unless a Nick Fury-centered movie that is a spy/conspiracy thriller is in the works
>Thanos + 6 infinity stones vs Thanos + 7 infinity stones
Yeah, I'm thinking Thanos is as good as dead.
Only the infinity stones are "infinite" hence the name, whoever wields them however isn't.
The usual suspects for winning power wankery games.
>Sailor Moon
>Superman Prime 1000000
>Another post that ignores the fact the new Avengers has more Hispanics and Asians
The Xbox Wojak based on the living Tribunal is literally the only good Wojak variant in the last five years or so except for the Atari one
>Yea Forums is full of capeshit mousecucks
Why do people hate her and what was the context of telling War Machine not to touch her?
You forgot Kirby/Void
>that scene 20 seconds before this where he fucking flings her through the air like a ragdoll
Laughed out loud
Thanos is fucked
If he really was omnipotent he would realise his plan wouldnt work in the end
She told a joke and was nudging him and he just whispered "what did I say about touching"
>Would you have a look at this, Thanos?
>Thanos snaps half the universe into being Belkans
>kill Black Widow
>make big deal out of how irreversible it is
>make Black Widow movie
What the fuck did Disney mean by this?
>a second
Took him much longer than that to erase zanmasu universe
>Set up in a mediocre movie right before endgame
>Only useful thing she does in endgame is bring Tony back from space
>Gone for 90% of the movie because "muh too busy with other planets" as an excuse to not help at all
Is there a more pointless fucking avenger?
If memory serves, pretty damn good eventually
Thanigger is dead
Baba unironically
Gold experience requiem
Movie is set in the past I think
Thanks user
L.O.G is basically the living tribunal of the rare universe even if he's never used again (which he won't)
worst part is after talking him down thanos gives the courier the gauntlet but the game ends in a cutscene a second later.
oh shit I'm playing okami as well
I was thanos on fortnite. I'm guessing no?
Anyone here has a good chance, honestly.
Cloud Strife
But she was kicking Thanos’ ass until he had to you the infinity stones to beat her
After Future Footballhead erased the Future timeline, he was stuck in limbo and unable to do anything until Goku and company traveled back to the future and brought him to the present so no.
>most realistic choices that could win
>Doesn't include Bobobo
I'd like to see that little bitch boy Thanos survive a Wiggin' battle.
>Snaps fingers
>instead of killing anyone it turns him into a magician who pulls rabbit suit wearing guys out of his hat
>Keeps trying to snap only having more absurd things come out of his hat
>this includes the squirrel couple so they can reunite
>only for the girl squirrel to break it off saying she's not sure if he cares
>only for the male squirrel to take one of the stones and offer it to her as an engagement ring
>Snaps again and its now the wedding of the two
>Keeps snapping and we keep seeing snapshots of their lives
>Ends with the two on their deathbeds, holding hands reminiscing about the good times
>everyone crying
>Thanos tries to snap again
>Bobobo Wins
>Turns the gauntlet into a baseball mitt
>The gang play baseball and its now a baseball episode against a hair hunt leader that runs a baseball stadium
Thanos has nothing on the manliest man in the world
>mfw the WoL can survive anything even if they destroy the law of psychics and reality
Actually it does makes sense since if you fight final Omega in alphascape 4.0 savage the WoL can pretty much survive anything. It kinda proves it since Omega has to nuke reality itself to destroy the WoL
The one above all
>hey let's use that time machine to solve our problems from now on
>can he/she defeat the mad titan?!
>Having any effect on western comic characters
>posting the edit
All that shit is fake. Couldn’t you at least get one that has the actual name of the next Spider-Man movie? It comes out in two months
>Very few of these characters even know one another
>Because their females, they're not only willing to work together, but can fight in tandem perfectly
Smart move throwing that garbage in the midst of so much fun shit so people wouldn't have enough time to groan about it.
Thor is best boy.
Laharl from Disgaea 1. He's only level 53 right now, but he has a ton of minions that are stronger than him and he did take out a sizeable amount of a fleet of space ships in minutes all by himself. I think he's got this.
based and nethacked
Settle down, capeshitter. Papa Disney is here.
the only worth-something character there is spidey and pots
She's basically like Superman and can do pretty much anything so to prevent things from being over too quickly they have to figure out ways to remove her from the action and when she does show up she has to make a lot of poor decision and get pounded when otherwise she could easily beat anyone.
Truck kun is cannonically the most powerful character in all of fiction so your good
Which is dumb because the very first scene of the previous movie is Thanos beating THE HULK on a fistfight, and he's the poster boy for retard strength.
That said Doctor Strange is still the best remaining Avenger we have and so I hope his new movie isn't garbage.
>katamari forever
the king must be celestial tier, and since you can roll him, thanos will be no differen-
>snaps half of the living shit i rolled up
as if that will save him, i just need to go with powerful things that don't breath and his ass is grass
If the mortal blade can truly kill anything maybe he has a shot?
I dont think so
The Mortal Blade can sever the connection beings have with immortality, that's not the problem here.
>tfw she's not even that strong canonically
>tfw Thor IS fucking strong canonically but never gets shown.
Didn’t thanos tank thor’s axe because of the stone’s regenerative powers? He says if Thor had axed him in the head he would’ve died so it seems the power of the stones allows you to recover from not immediately fatal injuries. A stab through the heart with the mortal blade would disrupt the healing process and kill him.
Who the fuck is thanos?
Let's find out
Chris hemsworth told a joke about Brie being the next tom cruise and she got offended and said "I'm gonna be the next brie larson, Thank you very much" and generally sucked all the fun out of the room during that interview
I thought he tanked it because he's just that damn strong and having "only" a fatal chest wound still gave him a moment to snap his fingers, do his thing, and go away to heal himself, maybe using the stones for it.
He's just talking about how it would be more sensible to go for the head to incapacitate him right away and give him no time to do anything.
He would fucking die.
But not before letting out a smug face and covering Thanos in his piss.
Isn't he supposed to be literally omnipotent with the gauntlet+gems? How did they get it off him this time? Was it another OOPS I DROPPED THE CUBE moment?
Bro thats just san francisco half that place looks apocalyptic
>All that, for a drop of piss
Couldn't thanos just wish/snap their powers away or literally just wish them dead though?
I think he tanked the axe because he's just generally stronk as fuck, and yeah I guess the MAGIC ROCKS made him stronger.
I think his heart was probably fuckin smashed which is why he's in genuine looking anguish when thor smushes the axe deeper, but a boi that big doesn't instantly die cause you blew his heart in half
Don’t bother. Don Cheadle already BTFO’d people claiming he hates Brie Larson on Twitter. It’s just people stirring shit now
Thanos already dies to fortnite characters
I was just joking with someone about this... Thor could have landed after smashing the axe into Thanos and snapped his neck so fucking hard it would have done a 720 by the time it stopped. Instead though he's gotta make quips while the SPACE TITAN with MAGIC ROCKS still holds tremendous power..
The whole point of thor’s arc was to find a weapon powerful enough to kill him even with a full infinity gauntlet, and the stormbreaker was just that. The only things he specifically commanded of the stones was the snap and the destruction of the stones himself, the regeneration was just a product of the gauntlets power
>Thanos get Isekai'd by Truck-kun
>Stones are just colorful rocks in other realities
Truck-kun nerf when?
Disney forced her in, Russo Bro's didn't want her in the film originally, that's why shes only in the start & end, reshoots put her in
But they could have at least used her to make some really cool fight scene with Thanos, after his headbutt had no effect, he should have powered up using the IG & had a massive DBZ battle with her, instead he just punches her all the way to fucking Mars, which was kinda cool but a bit wasted potential
He destroys the gauntlet himself, and then they go and do time travel tomfoolery to circumvent the entire problem and get the stones in a different way I think.
>how did they get it off him
Literally just ripped it off his arm, not even joking.
>muh too busy with other planets
It may just be bad writing for her but does she not consider that Thanos, who wiped 50% of the universe, is the biggest threat in the whole galaxy? What other fucker is doing something with more priority than him at the time?
>What other fucker is doing something with more priority than him at the time?
Someone was manspreading while praising the patriarchy
Neverending story is a good series
>can he/she defeat the mad titan?!
I think he can
>thanos shits out a supressor grenade because its the revelry
huntards btfod once again
Demonbane is at a larger scale of reality warping than the Gauntlet, TTGL would just not give a fuck hard enough to resist it, Saitama is explicitly defined as being strong enough to always win, Sailor Moon is a literal inevitability - her power is omnitemporal, and erasing her at one point will just cause her past or future incarnations to fill the hole, and SP1Mil is implied to have metanarrative powers beyond his ridiculous array of powers.
When I heard the story about "fight scene with 40-ish characters in it" and the leaks that the movie would involve time travel, I somehow convinced myself that it would be a setpiece where they would bring every single villain from every past MCU movie to be a meat wall the protagonists would have to cross to get to Thanos and that seemed like a great idea. Like Obadiah Stane shows up, yells "REMEMBER ME TONY", and then gets swatted away in two seconds to show how much they grew between movies.
Pity that isn't that at all.
I'm not 12, I do not play games where the main character is some kind of superhero and I'm not interested in power levels.
A Bronze Age civilization in the moon of Xigbar V wasn't paying any taxes to help support Israel
It’s over you purple faggot
& this is why no one likes Captain Marvel, but GURL POWER
Fuck Captain Marvel & fuck Superman too
This thanks is like comic thanks but a fucking moron. He’s a good character but a shitty thanos
Should I read the demonbane manga or the visual novel
Which Thanos?
End Game Thanos is a complete fucking retard compared to Infinity War Thanos
Shit boss monsters not even worth a tribute summon.
>loses to future doom
>goes back to try and get the spotlight by defeating Thanos
>gets bitchslapped
>Tony saves the day
so you're 16? what a big boy you are
A man got hired for a management position over a slightly less qualified woman
My greatest foe yet
An incel reported a woman’s premium Snapchat to the IRS
>thanos snaps 50% percent of the universe away
>it actually ducking works on earth
She doesn't know where Thanos is.
Sphere Ra is a decent sideboard card.
They stopped him from snapping his fingers because lmao that's how it works now
Jesus Christ be praised!
>Give muh berd Mr Thanos
Finding a home for the Skrull rapefugees
>turns All Dante Devil arms in pizza
>Now you have to Deal with Thanos AND Dante
Ammy's got this
Tough call.
>no Channel + Fireball
>no pre-errata CED + Yata
>no Bombazar
>Fire God Liu Kang
>The man who can single handedly beat a time controlling goddess
Yeah, I'm guessing he can beat Thanos easily.
She thinks Thanos is dead. She shows up as deus ex machina. Not any better, but it makes sense as to why she felt cool with leaving Earth.
Back home in time for lunch
Fuck off shitter boss monster SWARBAGE. No protection lookin ass, thanos removes you with a regekei.
Three turns later.
>Extremely wide variety of alien forms each with their own strengths,weaknesses and special powers, several years of experience with them.
>Redirected the big bang at the beginning of time as Feedback
>Effortlessly recreated the universe from scratch after shrugging off the doomsday device that destroyed it in the first place as Alien X
>Intergalactic Celebrity thet even gets cheap live shows and radio drama localizations of his escapades on the extranet
>Was president for a short time.
>Drowning in so much pussy that his son had to go back in time to assure his own existence, Reality Warper threw a gameshow with every female character including villains (family was disqualified shortly before the game started) and love interest where the winner gets to have him.
>*sips smoothie*
>*unzips Omnitrix*
Dmc fags are definitely worst posters on this board.
Thanos will kill every dmc character and monster ever in a snap.
So how was the movie Yea Forums? any good?
The mcu gauntlet is weaker than the comic gauntlet, and it most likely has the same weakness of being useless outside of its universe of origin. So, thanos gonna get clapped.
Not as good as Infinity War, but felt like a good conclusion to everything or at least it would were it not for all the other movies
Captain Marvel sucked ass, Thanos 2 was a poor way to handle him
>the mc of the last video game
The master of ceremonies?
Thats a very cute joke king unga of bunga town now suck down my THE LIGHTNING
thanos is pretty strong but i dont think he can deal with bullshit luck
Extremely based
The last game I played was GioGio's Biazarre Adventure so...
See pic related
Phoenix already beat Galactus though.
That would be Minecraft Steve. He does have amazing strength with being able to carry lots of stone. Problem is that his agility sucks and quickly loses stanima from hunger. Prob would lose
I liked it but I think infinity war was better. Endgame though still had several funny moments. My favorite was bum Thor
Reminder that Goku only fought Freeza at full power because he wanted to destroy Freeza's pride entirely (and also wanted a good fight after becoming Super Saiyajin).
He stops fighting Cell because he knew it was a losing battle, and stopped fighting Buu because he was almost out of time on Earth and figured Gotenks could solve the issue.
People take one moment out of context and use it as a basis for all possible actions.
>truck-kun most powerful
>literally defeated by Not!Putin
Think again.
>Demonbane is at a larger scale of reality warping than the Gauntlet
It's not just the gauntlet though, how the fuck is Demonbane going to escape going to the shadow realm and whatever Thanos wishes Shenron for?
Also Triforce powers and all the Chaos emeralds. Thanos wouldn't even have to touch the other jobbers to defeat them.
It's hiiigh noon
>Nelson Mandela is a terrorist
George Washington was a terrorist too though.
>>Superman Prime 1000000
Thought robot supes>SP1M
>using GotG as comparison when it's a definite outlier to all Marvel movies
>wipes out half of the universe
>Izurujime is so lucky none of his friends are erased. Thanos himself is
I love how even normies hate her
Just the Soul stone would fuck up Ghost Rider.
Thanos quest in isekailand with Truck-kun as final boss when?
IW and Endgame were filmed before her actual movie
>protag gets ability to literally just be 100% invincible
Was this the laziest asspull in the series?
>turns All Dante Devil arms in pizza
>makes dante even stronger than ever before
How come thanos was able to destroy them?
I last played as Thanos, does that count?
We could have had the best Captain Marvel but instead we get this dyke.
>The Arisen from Dragon's Dogma
Yeah I'm good.
Fat Thor would come to his house and beat the shit out of him.
Blessed post, thanks for the nostalgia brother.
how bout fuck you fag
You're welcome Jellybro
Is fat thor going to become a fucking meme? Are we going to have edits of people looking out at their front lawn and seeing fat thor waiting for them after they shit-talked online?
Why would it, though? All he did was make a kid cry over the internet in a little scene.
>push some shit around to spell "Thanos is You"
>make him walk into lava
If he can get through a couple loops and get the right combination of items (or a really lucky sequence), he may just have a chance.
>Solo Wasp movie
>Solo Widow movie ever being more than a bunch of sweaty neckbeard's pipedream
>Fantastic 4
>Inconsistent typography
We will probably get at least half of those movies though
>aj styles
One phenomenal forearm coming up!
>my LR hunter in GU
Fuckin nope, let me get to G rank and maybe he'll stand a chance.
i love chris hemsworth !
>fortnite characters with auto-aim
Scarlet witch all most beat Thanos by herself. He had to call for help or he was dead.
You're so cool
Have sex.
Genuinely hope any future Captain Marvel movies have better characterisation and less production issues (apparently). I liked the first one but it's just pretty 'meh'.
Lmao he's even got fucking Exodia there's basically no bearing this thanos.
>"Hey everyone, Henry came to see us!"
I don't think she'll get any more solo movies, but she'll probably guest star in a few.
>No one saying Madara Uchiha
I'm disappointed
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil' Reese and them
is this real
Who would the MC of Fortnite be?
She could do it if the avengers are around.
Demonbane exists beyond anything you can think, if Demonbane can't do X thing, he can summon another Demonbane who can, and now Demonbane can too
Demonbane is legit bullshit and the one true "I win" button
Yes. There’s literally only one character.
Is there any character stronger than Madara Uchiha?
And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. No, I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara. Hell, I'm not talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. I'm talking about Kono Yo no Kyuseishu Futarime no Rikudo Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushodo, Shurado, Tendo, Ningendo, Jigokudo, Gakido, Gedo, Bansho Ten'in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sozo) capable of using Katon, Futon, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yoton and even Onmyoton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujo because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano'o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudodama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudo Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kotan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
The only interesting thing they could've added was a story about losing his eye...
But thanks to Capt Womyn, he lost it to a fucking cat.
Did he not give cell a senzu bean though? That's the point hes done it twice to main villains, the only reason he didn't heal buu to fight him at full power is because Buu had already annihilated all of humanity and Goku actually sensed some urgency for once. He would most certainly allow Thanos to get the infinity gauntlet and the six stones.
How will they remove this?
Could ranger even manage?
Maybe she could stab him in her dreams. That's not very productive though.
Yeah my Vestige could totally take him
But can Thanos defeat the mascot of Yea Forums and cutest idol on the world: Sachiko Koshimizu?
Gimme gimme gimme
>Mega Man
No not happening
The fight would be pretty cool
Easiest case of my career.
>summons Knights of The Round
>Thanos uses all the powers of the stones to try fighting them off one by one
Either that, or something like Advent Children's Sin Bahamut fight, except Avalanche is teaming up against Thanos.
He only channeled their power to make them destroy themselves.
He will die before he gets a chance to snap even fucking Thor and Captain Feminist make a joke out of the guy.
Who needs infinite power if you can have infinite knowledge?
>mfw she didn't need any female power anyway because she's Feige's OC DONUT STEEL waifu and just blasts pasts al their efforts to fight the horde
I mean I get why the scene was thrown in there and it's a nice little inclusion for what's essentially the B-Team + Spiderman, but damn if Marvel haven't written themselves into a corner with Carol Mary Sue Danvers. If she was actually anywhere comics accurate, where her binary form can burn out so she has to be careful with it, then the scene would have been needed. But it wasn't. She just effortlessly blows through everything.
The real question is, why do they need to do the snap? When Gamora talks about Thanos and how he would accomplish his goal she says that with the gauntlet and the stones it would be as easy as snapping his fingers, it was just metaphorical
>the Avenger who is widely mocked for making dumb fucking decisions in the comics because the writers think it makes her look vulnerable and relateable, makes dumb fucking decisions that could possible ruin everything
Could kiryu do it
if he can fight a balrog he can fight Thanos
I remember sitting in the cinema and having the group of girls behind me woo at this scene after they realized it's all girls.
It's a bit cringe, but i give them those 5 seconds of joy so whatever, it doesn't ruin the movie for me
>literal capeshit thread at 300 replies
good job neo/v/
proving once again youre a bunch of underage tards
-COMPLETED: Deal with Thanos
-COMPLETED (Optional): Talk Thanos into surrendering the Gauntlet to you.
he founded a famous terrorist organization responsible for killing over a hundred civilians, most of whom were their fellow blacks
what, they don't teach you that in your multicilultiral reeducation camps in US? shocking
To be fair, they literally killed him. Who would've predicted that Thanos from another timeline makes it to their timeline somehow
Just ignore them and make Doctor Doom's movie, you idiot. With Thanos gone you gonna need a new villain.
Gunn got his job back, but they're putting it on hold until his Suicide Squad project is finished
>captin falcon
the older brother from The Goonies
I like to think Chris truly believe Falkor is real.
Doesn't Thanos from the past coming to the future only to get snapped by Tony create a fuckhuge paradox? Like, they have Steve go back in time to replace every items they've displaced especially to avoid breaking the timeline, but how do they intend on putting Thanos and his army back in place now that they're dust?
What does it matter? You've won either way.
It's metaphorical but it also looks cool. Thanos wasn't content just thinking half the universe away, he wanted to add some gravitas to it.
True, I also get why Ironman did it but what about Hulk then
The only way the movie makes sense is if the time travel works like in DBZ where going to the past is actually an alternate universe.
You are right Sora now I truly see
Havent watched the movie, please explain
Now thats just unfair for Thanos
Nigger was just sitting around doing shit, by that logic every time a person gets bored and takes a nap a they become a paraplegic .
>Like, they have Steve go back in time to replace every items they've displaced especially to avoid breaking the timeline
Yes but not because of time paradoxes
Old timelady states it pretty clearly, if she doesn't keep the timestone then everything will go to shit LATER, so they have to bring the timestones back when they were taken, they are not trying to avoid time paradoxes, they are trying to avoid the next villain of the week showing up in the timeline where X stone was taken and fucking everyone up because the stone isn't there.
Leave MCU to me Thanos
No iron man movies..
Based gigachad Hemsworth
The abrahamic god is supposed to be omnipotent. I'm no too much into high-fantasy so i'm not too sure though.
Didn't Rance kill god? Also what do you mean by hero trait? I thought that he was never designated hero and all of his successes were just due to cum filled determination.
Slugcat would actually agree with thanos
Rain world is all about reaching salvation through oblivion
He is not a terrorist, the struggle was recognised by the UN and now the USA as a legitimate liberation conflict.
Keep crying cuck.
> infinite knowledge
Mind stone
10 Luck Fallout protag + jinxed could pull some hilariously ridiculous bullshit too
>Thanos tries to snap his fingers with the infinity gauntlet
>accidentally breaks his own fingers, then breaks his own arms and legs
Madara Uchiha.
slip in Kirby as his friend and he'd be unstoppable.
2B sits on him
>my irl superhero is a black "woman" who never did a single thing and an African mass murderer who turned South Africa from safest to most dangerous place on the continent
honk honk
>Asks about his motive
>Psychlocks appear
>Proofs to Thanos he doesn't give a shit about saving people
>Thanos goes catatonic upon realising his death fetish
>Michelle Obama
lol what the fuck
>Thinly disguised Avengers Endgame is still up after two days
>Game of Thrones' threads are deleted on sight
Good. cape movies may be lowbrow entertainment for simpletons, but at least they aren't pretentious tryhard edgy shit for people who love the smell of their own farts.
>Mercs 2 Mattias Nielsen
Hope Thanos likes nuclear bunker busters
>shot-puts a bowling ball into Thanos’ head
>Fate/Grand Order
Sweet, new Avengers
Play the games.
I used to feel the same way.
>Kratos actually aims for the end.
Um sweetie, she’s a woman of color
Does Mash also have America's Ass?
She has Japan’s ass so it’s already superior
>half the theatre let out a sign as this scene happened
why didn't op mary sue just snap the gauntlet herself when she had it?
Can't believe it took someone this long to mention Kratos, he literally has his own version of the Gauntlet.
Leave Thanus to me
the absolute state of americans
rance isn't the hero, he never was
but he has unlimited fast leveling
>why didn’t they have ant man fight thanos?
They had to write him out of the battle, Ant-Chad too strong
You already failed Carol
>these guys
Well they've defeated purple aliens once before...
Yep, I'm thinkin Thanos finna get btfo by the power of song, baby
>mass murderer who turned South Africa from safest to most dangerous place on the continent
This is a blatant lie, we were in a state of constant war from the 50s till the end of Apartheid. Violent extremists and secret police led to thousands of deaths on all sides of the political divides, along with countless mass graves that are still being uncovered. For Christ's sake we were almost invaded by a coalition of armies led by Cuba and strategically lost the largest battle in Africa sins the end of WW2!
Shortly after the fall of apartheid, South Africa did see some moderate economic growth, at least compared with the previous decade of civil turmoil and punishing foreign sanctions.
>The growth phenomenon was largely attributed by economists to an influx of foreign investment, relaxation of draconian race-based economic restrictions imposed under white rule and an end to harsh foreign sanctions aimed at the apartheid government.
“the main reason for the improvement in RSA's growth after 1994 lies in the lifting of sanctions and the subsequent reintegration of the SA economy with the global economy,” says J.Laubscher, group economist for the SA financial company Sanlam.
Louw said both the left and right have an agenda in making South Africa appear worse off than it is.
Forces on the right, he said, want to make the current regime and leftists in general look bad, and some also have a “racial agenda – blacks can’t govern, that sort of thing.”
“The agenda on the left is toward more socialism, bigger government, more nationalization, more retribution against whites, and so on,” Louw said. “It's interesting to see the right and the left have this very bizarre, unusual common interest in simply falsifying data.”
Indeed, despite claims and anecdotal evidence to the contrary, Louw said it is an “objective fact” and “not debatable” that blacks as a whole are better off, even economically, now than under apartheid.
tbqh,hang yourself.
More importantly, how and why is a PS4 being played in 2023 with server hosting on fucking Asgard? And also how is fortnite still the thing to play??
Pannen with his A-press Inhibitors, just to be fair.
One Punch Man
Baron Munchausen
Giorno with GER
WoD Caine
Essentially any character whose entire gimmick is "fuck you, I win".
Have sex.
>Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Volume 3
>is there any character in all of fiction who could actually beat this?
And now whites are being forced out of the country and farmers are having well-funded hit squads sent to their property. One surveillance video catches a dude using a multi-frequency backpack hammer; the kind that costs tens of thousands of dollars and isn't commercially available in any country in the world.
>And now whites are being forced out
Step aside
I’m black so my family loves the Obamas but i specifically have a bone to pick Michelle because I was a teenager when she started doing her thing.
Our school lunches were god tier before her, homemade giant cookies and sub sandwiches made on the spot. But in walks Michelle with her plans to “cut down on obesity”, and suddenly, lunch people are only allowed to serve what the government gives them. Say goodbye to banana bread on every other Wednesday, Michelle Obama thinks you’re a fat bitch.
Fuck you, Michelle. We didn’t deserve that shit, you didn’t fucking think of what your stupid plan would entail.
He's not entirely wrong. It's happening in my country's old African colonies too. We're not "white" by /pol/s standards but we're still Europeans. And every once in a while there's another dead person who was unfortunate to be living on that one African colony (sometimes it's for business purposes) that gets murdered by a nigger
Is this a capeshitter's idea of good character design? He looks ridiculous.
Arisen with Maker's Finger.
name a more based character than Thor
>doesnt give a fuck about his looks
>even if he is fat, he is still stronger than everyone
>put faggots in their place while playing online
>hits Thanos with a jarate
>gets the bushwhacka crit
Literally killed God by kicking, punching and shooting enough. I'm thinking he does it.
>Thanos molds the gauntlet into an ubersaw using his stones
>100% crit rates you
Now that’s just too powerful
it was ok, Infinity war was better
>usec pmc in escape from tarkov
Get fucked.
When was Death Battle ever right?
Blacks are the fattest race in America. You should be thanking her for trying to cut down the obesity percentage
>My Anno 1800 character
Ophelia from Octopath Traveler
no, she'd get curbstomped
Oh no is Jobberseid!
>An alien that needs magical stones to do actual damage vs an god that lives beyond space and time that already posses a power that rivals the stones and has no limitations
If you think Thanos is more powerful than Darkseid, you are just deluded.
>Thanos got BTFO by a squirl girl
>Arrested by cops
>Cannonicly had a helicopter
>Literally a cuck
Marvelshills are at full force here.
>TLB with all perks.
Thanos is fucked.
So here's the thing.
They explained how killing Thanos in the past wouldn't change the future, since this would create a separate timeline where he died, without changing their home timeline. This is why they stole the infinity gems from the other timelines to snap everyone back while inside their home timeline, since this change would persist.
Killing Thanos from the past doesn't create a paradox, it only causes him to not exist in his original timeline anymore.
As cool as the final battle is this shit was cheesy as fuck. Just for the sake of having all women there they throw in mantis with no weapon. What the fuck is that bitch gonna do shes completely useless in that scenario
There is no power consistency in marvel movies I've learned.
>joke comic
>literally not canon comic to toddlers
>it's from the same comic as the last one
>literally fucked the entire galaxy and had more than 100 childrens cucking every race
DCucks are truly pathetic, just like their characters lmao
>More importantly, how and why is a PS4 being played in 2023 with server hosting on fucking Asgard
Well for one thing they werent on asgard, they were in norway iirc. I personally suspect fortnite will get the TF2 treatment where people will be playing it for decades on bare minimum updates and the 4 remaining youtubers
why is there no porn of this character?
Xcom 2. You tell me how the commander would do.
>talking shit about the Thanoscopter
The Doom Guy.
>He truly is a marvelshill
They had to change Thanos goal because he being a cuck beta lusting for bone pussy was too pathetic for a movie.
>Chadside can rip portals with his bare hands and travel through dimensions by going in
May as well send WhiteNight too.
Yeah, Michelle pretty much turned lunch into a rather unpleasant affair all said.
There’s a LOT of shit to learn. Like a LOT. People claim the game destroys friendships, but if you play alone you’re gonna kill yourself because you’ll be constantly surrounded by morons. Also if you do play DON’T ABANDON it tanks your behavior score and you’ll get placed with all the worst types of people
Owari da
Fully MAXed Charisma with stat boosting Chems and clothes is stupid overpowered .