Hey, kids, I know video games can be awesome, but what if I tell there is a game you can play anywhere...

Hey, kids, I know video games can be awesome, but what if I tell there is a game you can play anywhere, doesn't need a controller and everyone can play it?

Attached: sportacus.png (800x790, 110K)

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Ironically, board games are boring Mr. Sportacus.

Oh really? Tell me more about it

Attached: 76298357243.gif (480x270, 249K)

That game is mine.

Attached: stingy.jpg (1123x1200, 111K)

I've aldready played Doom countless of times sportaflop

I can't fucking believe Sportacus is dead

Fuck you Sportacus. I'm stuck on a wheelchair forever, I can't even feel my dick.

Take that back

he's not dead, the actor who portrayed Robbie Rotten is.

But Robbie Rotten taught me to stay inside and play vidya, surely he must be right?