Bravo Sony
*Applauds while crying gravy tears*
Bravo Sony
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What an asshole
>"California, you're an idiot. Boobs sell games, not dykes."
I don't know how this was so hard.
Two nukes are not enough for California
Why haven't they hired you yet?
So what did he say?
quick rundown on california?
"avocado in sushi is pig disgusting."
Mind fucking telling us what he said, OP?
how brave
Yea but they got Senran Kagura fuck
I'm not even memeing when I say Japan should have won WWII.
Used needles and literal shit on the streets, giving someone AIDS is not illegal but calling a male "him" is a crime. That's sunny California.
Nice clickbait , he doesn't contradict shit .
Friendly reminder that Sony has no problem publishing extreme gore, child abuse, and children dying if it serves an artistic purpose and the only thing they're taking a stand against is garbage pedobait for fat incels devoid of any creative merit. Get fucked, faggots.
is nothing
>sony has no problem publishing extreme gore, child abuse, and children dying if it doesn't offend the #Metoo crowd
got it
And they're back to being snoy.
>sony is gonna ban GTA next and I'm too stupid to see it
got it
It's the same in the UK
you're basically just admitting that this is all made up bullshit based on the feelings of some nobody in california but you're fine with being treated like a toddler as long as sony-mommy bans only the stuff you like.
Marie is such a dangerous girl
Fuck you that's san fran
>executive officers
>Not all games will be scrutinized to this degree.
>CERO standards
Imagine only targeting Japanese games to cleanse them.
No fucking chance.
So far, this policy only applies to niche Japanese games.
Considering that Metro Exodus had bare breasts and wasn't censored, they aren't gonna touch Western studios.
They literally said that this policy is a case by case basis ie there are no clear rules. Which means noone can call them out on their bullshit policy only targeting niche Japanese games.
That is fucked up. Why don't you go out and protest, assault spoons in hand?
why do white people ruin everything?
Found the problem.
Metro Exodus wasn't published by Snoy retard
Also downtown LA. Can confirm because I live here. Really wish I didn't.
You know all the bad shit you hear about America? California is the super concentrated form of that. Except the whole Appalachian redneck sort of thing but those types have always been friendly to me so I don't see what the problem is there.
They wont do that . Just look at how m uch shit they took for censoring an asscrack in DMC5. Only niche games will face censorship .
Glad to know mortal kombat is niche now
Because it's literally legal for minorities to assault whites now, and whites are outnumbered in London now.
There's no way this would end well. It's okay though, the "Great" Britain will collapse on its own
MK is multiplatform cuckery. This is special because it's platform-sponsored.
Neither were the niche games that were censored, moron.
I'm pretty sure the toned down sexiness was all NRS
I haven't been to downtown la that much and i haven't gone for about 2 years now
How long has it been like that
Do you live on skid row or something? people talk about needles and shit on Yea Forums but i never see it
Reminder that Sony rightfully doesn't care about your autistic sexual pedo fetishes and never will. You can cry "censorship" all you want, no one but a minority of Yea Forums gives a fuck. Please do keep wailing though, it makes for a hilarious read
>Sony is totally censoring things arbitrarily but it's only niche japanese games that will be targeted, promise
When are you going to come crawling back when nanny sony bans something you like because the rules are arbitrary, by your admission?
Stiff upper lip, now.
Skid row is a given. Move like 10 blocks in any direction from center and it starts getting shittier and shittier. Eventually you start hitting streets where there's 5 year-old trash littered everywhere that no one bothers to pick up.
>no one but a minority of Yea Forums gives a fuck.
And all of Japan
Go back to resetera if you love corporate cocksucking so much.
Nice try flaseflagger *dabs*
One in San Andreas Rift should be enough
Neither was DMC V.
Nor Senran Kagura.
Nor will DoAX Scarlet be.
Yet they're all censored.
That's like every major city though, LA isn't an exception
Based and redpilled
What is wrong with these people? Please just stay the fuck out of Japan.
They are ALREADY banning shit I like.
I'm just saying they aren't gonna touch Western games cause they don't have the balls. Plus if they fuck with shit like GTA, they're pretty much handing over sales to MS much like Nintendo handed over sales to Sega when they censored the first MK for Genesis.
>Executives and developers at makers of sexually explicit games say Sony used to praise them as an important part of the PlayStation business strategy because their offerings added to the variety of the console’s games.
Shut up retard
Then why is Marie Rose the most popular character?
Actually, giving someone AIDs is still illegal. It's just been drowngraded from a felony to a misdemeanor. It's still degenerate as hell in every sense of the word though, this is a public health concern for fuck's sake.
Is Seattle better than SoCal? I need to leave this dump
it doesn't matter what Sony Japan says or thinks because at the end of the day Sony USA are the real boss.
I said boobs.
I didn't say how big.
This is what UK cops are focusing on while knife crime and rape gangs run rampant in the whole fucking country. What the hell is wrong with Brits? Oh right, you're disarmed and the government and cops are Nanny-staters on steroids.
Is going to the same path
Those kids are going to grow up hating trannies. When kids see their parents being arrested and abused for non-issues like this, all it does is make them immune to the brainwashing before it begins.
Give someone a life-destroying disease with no cure? Slap on the wrist.
Call someone the wrong pronoun? Off to jail, bigot.
>Nip company
>Murican branch exist
>Nip company and murican branch made PS into money maker
>Suddenly Murican branch wants to do politics and throw away the money
>Nip company powerless or don´t care
>Suddenly some weird internal fight now that Nip company is getting angry when all the nips are getting fucked by Murican branch
I don´t fucking get it. How did this weird situation happen to a money making company?
Seattle is a liberal shit hole too, it’s been awhile since I’ve gone back but I wouldn’t really recommend it.
It comes down to a fundamentally different world view. There's two ways to approach this stuff, either the libertarian "live and let live" or authoritarian "that's wrong, I want things to change for the 'better' "
And armed american are passively watching America going to the same path
it really isn't.
Murican branch IS the main company now. That's how
Photo taken in her native Sweden
I meant the extremely juvenile and effeminate language, really.
Me on the left!
Is this Resetera?
what's a good city in Washington then?
I've traveled a fair bit and it really is
>literally a picture from kym
OK lol
Have sex.
Better make it a half dozen. It's the only way to be sure. Trump should hit the button on his last day in office.
Internal business "politics" is a regular thing, it's just more public when you've got branches in entirely different countries making contradicting statements. Remember Sega America and Sega Japan's issues with the transition to Saturn back in the day?
Have sex
There has never been any bellyaching coming from western sjws regarding Marie Rose and what she looks like. At least that I've seen. Really though, given the entertainment industry's willingness to sexualize minors, I guess it makes sense.
We must destroy California, it only way to save our fun.
Why can't the nips just hire people that won't contradict them, they made the console they should have more power
Seems like nintendo made the right choice by hiring a manchildren like reggie, and now they have bowser who will probably be a good slave
It is a desert.
Deserts have an effect of corrupting the human brain because of the immense heat stroke.
For example, the 3 most destructive religions in the world (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) all come from the middle east, which is a desert.
That's California for you. Also, their neighbor is Mexico, a country of violent and rapey Hispanics. Mexicans come in illegally and make California worse than it already is.
>lite a match
>half the state is on fire
There, that was easy.
Weed is legal
>sjws flip their shit over the new Persona girl having her thighs exposed because her bio says she's underage
>totally okay with Marie Rose being semi-realistic looking hebe
I don't know if its because she's 18 in games or because they have so many irl pedos in their ranks so they can't call it out
>The latest FF struggled to pass a million
Think that might have anything to do with the fact that FF has turned to dogshit?
This retard is aware of how overworked japs are, yet they think it's fanservice that's killing sales of console games? Not the fact that the only shit they have time to play are mobile games on their fucking phones to and from work every day? Which takes this fanservice shit up to 11, by the way.
They expressed awareness of how fucked up Japan's work culture is, but their answer isn't "fix Japan's work culture", it's "censor Japanese games". Fuck people like this, they don't actually give a shit about workers, they just fucking pretend while they try to cleanse the world of anything that offends them.
Fuck these retarded fair weather "socialists" who don't even dare touch on the actual issues causing so many problems to begin with.
Will you help me?
>Then why is Marie Rose the most popular character?
She's legal, but doesn't look legal.
I still can't believe there are retards on Earth that truly believe fiction is real.
It's about time the Yellowstone volcano rises.
The Earth must be purged.
more power and money means "MORE GIBS ME DAT!" begging you for scraps
>CA secedes
>US gets btfo
Ehhhhhyeah let's make CA leave :)
>Delusional commiefornian
Kyaaa ~
N-not until marriage, you silly.
>implying that's a bad thing
just face it cuck, nobody likes California or the US.
The slippery slope is real. Bog-standard gays and lesbians are no longer in vogue. Now it's the far more degenerate and militant trannies and people who want to be able to flip a coin when they wake up every morning to determine which bathroom they get to use who get their cause trumpeted everywhere. Everyone knows that bestiality, pedophilia, and on down the line will be next up. Some in the medical community have even called for pedophilia itself to be decriminalized and be declared simply a mental health issue. They consider it a legitimate sexual preference, and as long as a person doesn't assault any minors, they feel they shouldn't have to hide their sexuality or be charged with anything.
Maybe try going anywhere that isn't a major metropolis.
Then just fucking get it over with, why do they attack the shit that they plan on supporting in the future.If they were consistent and honest maybe more people would support their efforts.
>Some Sony dyke tells rockstar they’re game offends them and they need to put more clothes on the women
>Rockstar pulls GTA 6 from PlayStation
>It’s the ps3 all over again
Its a powerful enough economy to be its own country, but they live in a bubble. Also they basically control information the world gets.
>Destroy California
>the SJW's just move to Oregon, Washington, Texas, and New York City
Killing off one head of the Hydra doesn't magically solve the problem that is this beast user.
Than tell me how to get rid of them, I want them gone.
Meanwhile GTA5 goes ignored because it makes them money.
Man fuck California
Leave if you want niggers
We’ll turn off your water and watch you scramble like the niggers you are
How can they move of they're dead user?
God can’t do all the work.
Get killing user.
Deus vult.
As great as that would be, there is no way this stuff would have the backing of Sony HQ back in japan if it was just a couple crazy dykes. Its obviously a calculated move by the marketing team and upper management if they've convinced Sony Japan that these actions to kill a part of their userbase, no matter how small is a good thing.
First step is to ensure they can't escape. I propose we nuke the fault line to physically separate the state first.
Poison the entire world's kale and arugula supplies.
It does if you kill it with fire
Economy yes, but they lack some basic things like sufficient water to adequately supply the whole state.
No matter what, I can't think of a scenario where these kinds of people go away. Instant online communication has given people with authoritarian "If I don't like it no one can" attitudes too much power.
I never said it wasn't a barren hellscape, devoid of the grace of god, inhabited only by the those with no soul and their warlock masters. Just that its economy is fucking huge.
>tfw spent my whole life in this shithole
Is there any state that'll accept me? I hate Commies and immigrants, voted for trump, and support gun rights.
Reminder that liberals are to blame for censoring your games and no amount of damage control will change this fact.
Forgot to mention trannies, fuck them as well
You could always go to Alaska. No one cares what you think up there, and the government will pay you to live there for some fucking reason.
That why I voted for Trump even though I'm a socialist.
don't fall for the "the other party will treat me better". 20-30 years ago it was conservatives that censored media, now it's liberals, in another 10 years it might be conservatives again. Censorship and authoritarian policies have no partisan allegiance.
>for some fucking reason.
the reason probably is IT'S FUCKING ALASKA
Texas is hostile that, except for Austin and parts of downtown Houston
are you serious???
how do I apply for it
I wana get payed to litteraly just exist
tourism and cheap undocumented labor carries that piece of shit state farther than it deserves
It's not a ton, but you just get money for being a state resident enough days out of the year. As says, it's their way of saying "Sorry it's so cold and fucked up here in Alaska"
>don't fall for the "the other party will treat me better". 20-30 years ago it was conservatives that censored media, now it's liberals, in another 10 years it might be conservatives again. Censorship and authoritarian policies have no partisan allegiance.
Underrated post, politics is just shit in general.
but is it enough to neet it up?
>and the government will pay you to live there for some fucking reason.
And its massively successful.
fug u have to be a resident to do it
you can just be like i will live in alaska gib moneis :(
It's too late, the contagion has already been released
Well then maybe Trump shouldn't have walked away from his only chance to build the wall.
You could say that about the whole US
A small amount of conservatives tried and didn't really succeed.
Im-fucking-plying these faggots give a fuck about birthrates
are you asking for a final soution so to speak?
Too much opposition from business-allied Dems and RINOs already looking at their post-politics careers.
All you amateurs are blaming California but you are forgetting about the (((East Coast))).
They’re blaming California because Sony HQ is in California, not New York
If it help fix this mess, than yes whatever it take to end it before it get worse.
He had an offer and walked away from it, besides he didn't give a shit until he lost the house.
>destructive religions
I don't remember christians or jews ever driving trucks of peace into people or blowing themselves up in a large crowd.
Sony HQ is in California. That's why everyone is ignoring Measles Land.
It's ironic because California was nice before rural out of state transplants flocked to it because muh hollywood and became turbo liberal because that's the sort of person that abandons their home and family to chase their dreams of being a degenerate celebrity
Then Prop 187 happened and nobody fucking cared
Post some actual news not garbage
>They consider it a legitimate sexual preference, and as long as a person doesn't assault any minors, they feel they shouldn't have to hide their sexuality or be charged with anything.
They shouldn't be charged with something for having a mental illness. Liking something and fucking something are two incredibly different things. If someone likes children but never tells anyone else and has never touched or hurt a child and has no intention to whatsoever, why should they be in prison?
kinda hard to get any work done when half the country throws a tantrum and won't get off their ass for the good of the country
basically the thinking is this way theyd report it more readily. So it dosnt spread as much. Like literraly the only reason.
Liberals want to be able to touch children, though. Hollywood basically celebrates it, and liberal governments usually lower the age of consent wherever they're in power.
It's a state so large it deserves a split into north and south because the views are so different and proportionally split in terms of capital and so left it be it's own country but the later is illegal and the former would give it more power in the senate. Literally Bizarro Florida but still not smart .
literally nothing to do with jews
Why don't I find Marie that attractive? I mean she fits my general taste: tight petite body with budding breasts, slender waist, and feminine hips. Shimakaze, Mikoto, Megumin, Nadeko, Illya, Mikan, etc. But when I got DOAX3 VR, I found myself ignoring a lot of her content in favour of Kasumi, Kokoro, and Momiji. Maybe it's a something about her demeanor? Her baby face? Her fake idol-ish personality? Maybe I just like breasts after all as long as I can appreciate them in 3D? Hmm.
That would actually be surprisingly consistent, but I doubt it desu. They will always oppose youth attraction because it's a movement fundamentally lead by white women. They will freak the fuck out about "pedos" with more fervor than the religious right ever used for gays
That's not even pedo, this is completely within the bounds of normal sexuality.
Half the country isnt a few republicans blocking everything
California is already on the decline everyone
>More people are leaving than moving to Cali
>half the state is on fire
>The other half is filled with STDs
>Hollywood is losing its power because tons of people are moving their filming to Georgia, one of the most conservative Bible Belt states in the US (Where I also live hi)
>Big ass fuckin earthquake still destined to destroy the state
Just sit back and watch anons
"tight petite body with budding breasts, slender waist, and feminine hips" being attractive for a purely 2D character is different from a 3D modeled one with the same described traits for me at least.
It´s the culmination of everything that´s wrong with USA.
The identity politics of the left and the corporate dicksucing of the right.
One major problem
>More people are leaving than moving to Cali
They're bringing all their shit mindsets and voting patterns to the states they're moving to. Look at Nevada and Arizona, and parts of Texas.
Can't we get the government to step in and stop Sony's racist policy?
Fuck you. I dont want to die just cause some pussy assholes censor your pedophilic games.
>Implying corporate dicksucking is restricted to the Right anymore.
If anything, it's the Dems who are most in bed with the cheap-labor demanding business community. Just look at who was at Biden's first big fundraiser after he launched, mega-rich donors, union-busting lawyers, and other corporate lobbyists.
divided government will only get together when potential tax money is up for grabs. Best bet is Sony gets sued in Japan over japanese devs having different standards applied to them. I don't know if japan has laws about discrimination stuff like that though.
We gave you ample warning. You're not one of those people who refuses to get out of the path of a hurricane, are you?
Make them move to Georgia where there's churches 5 steps away from each other
They need Jesus and they can't escape him down there
>Best bet is Sony gets sued in Japan over japanese devs having different standards applied to them. I don't know if japan has laws about discrimination stuff like that though.
This is what I am hoping for. I want to see Sony get sued and gets fucked over hard.
casualties were an inevitability, unfortunately
>Western culture literally creates the idea of modern fanservice
Why are Americans like this?
And the producer left
Generating govt bureaucracies on a whim is why we're in such a dire state to begin with
Once you create them they are here for good and they will aggressively find reasons to justify their existence
Why is this thread still up? Pol faggots can stick to thier site just piss off.
They are batshit insane, but nobody really thinks to question american moral values because they are the most powerful and influential country on earth, which poisoned other cultures with theirs, first through missionaries and now through social media.
Basically this .
Unfortunately, for that to have any chance at succeeding, they'd need sufficient evidence of it being discriminatory.
By the time they get enough, the niche developers will all have long moved onto Switch/PC.
but we're over half asian in our small town here. it's a small haven. if cops see any homeless people, they just drop them off a few towns over and tell them not to come back. i once got caught with weed before the whole legalization thing and they just told me to smoke it in the next town over, but i guess it was always tolerated here
>Censorship on anything sexually explicit
>ONLY targets Japanese aka "anime" games
It's a political hit job. It's okay if a western game has two underage girls rubbing their cunnies together as long as they're ugly enough to no offend anyone.
SNOY is after us, they want us to die out. Their first step is to eliminate our pastime, they want Japan to stop making videogames. Then we either play SJW trash western shit, or what they really want us to, kill our selves.
All because Trump supporting twitter users with anime avatars meme on the left and the left can't meme back.
>can't even keep their bullshit excuses straight
The fire rises.
Seattle has horrible problems. Recently one of the local semi-independent stations created a documentary about the homeless crisis in Seattle.
All of the local non profit groups funded by all the tech billionaires like Bill Gates immediately joined forces to push pro-homeless articles and phony research on every single newspaper in the state. A massive fake news media blitz. They'd say shit like "70% of people polled think we need to spend more on homeless", but this was only because they phrased every single question in the poll like "Other cities spend far more on the homeless than Seattle and are seeing steady improvement in the situation. Should Seattle spend more?" meanwhile, the preface to the question is bullshit and misleading.
Seattle is a fucking group think hugbox orwellian nightmare where police officers are killing themselves because they hate having to protect the very people that want them sent to prison for attempting to keep the streets safe.
Any liberal city these days is a fucking nightmare. Every single liberal city is going to turn into Baltimore if you give it enough time. Just a blown out shithole waiting to catch fire and burn down.
>So are you still gonna censor games?
Bravo snoy, also good job nips for banning MK11. Can't wait for the day you ban your own country's developed games next.
Honest question, has anything positive come out of the UK in the last year?
Your post implies Dems are left wing, which they are not.
Only a handful of them (Bernie, AOC, Tulsi, and others) are, most of them (Clintons, BIden, Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Beto, Kamala, etc.) would fall on center-right on most western countries.
The DNC became a neoliberal party when Bill Clinton started his "new democrats" bullshit, Bernie and AOC are trying to do the same now but in the other direction.
No I'm talking about people ruining states dumbass.
Do you know who hates trannies the most in the US? All minorities.
>First, it was "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"
>Now, it's the Metoo Movement
Although, I'm more inclined to believe the latter, I wonder what they'll come up with next.
you forgot the "adhering to global standards" excuse from a couple months ago.
I thought that was part of the first one.
>adhering to global standards
>which they import and force on the rest of the world
Many born there say that the type of Californian's people hate arent born there
I believe it was the #metoo one as we have devs who are upset with the policy saying it is too and that it literally spawned during the creation of that movement
>have literal cartoon graphics and fanservice
>sell 2m in the first week in Japan
>prove he's retarded
maybe? I remember it being separate because it was the one where the "it's because china" narrative started getting pushed.
THIS right here. Niggers hate trannies and gays more than anything. Use that against them.
Except they'll just tear down the churches and replace them with mosques and synagogues.
based Asukaposter
>Young men turning to right wing extremism and fascism
>it's because liberals became neo-puritans and targeted their games and cartoons
That's the real fucking clown world
It's also Hellworld where people die because Big Pharma decides to jack up the prices on medications by several thousand percent.
>Implying when everyone owns a gun down there
who cares about that shit bro i just want anime tiddies uncensored
You weren't even alive when Christianity had actual political power.
Read this.
Not him but, hurricanes are for weeding out the pussies in populations. Real men stand on their front porch and ride those fuckers out like a bronco. Yeehaw motherfuckers
We’ll warn you when the nukes will be dropped.
And hey, if you live in northern cali you may be fine
>they could've had their NWO if they just left the tiddies alone
Nah, because we're nuking Washington and Oregon too. They contribute to the problem in their own ways
Thats what happens when you work with dirty Western Pigu's.
>men get stoned watching Honoka honkers
>soviets take them away
>men snap out of it and look at the state of the world
>sudden realization
When you put it this way it's a good thing, almost.
Something something don't fuck with bread and circuses
here it goes
name a single institution in the world that has done AS MUCH good as the church has?
how many schools, colages, hospital orphanages and homeless shelters did they built?
how many people did they saved from death in war times?
>but muh inquisitions
>but muh cruzades
>but muh book burning
for every life lost during the those events another 10,000 were saved
for every book burnt another 100 were painfully saved by christians monks
Basically. I don't care about anything else so if they wanted to get me motivated and turn me against them radically they did their job.
lol not happening
Everything wrong with the USA summed up in one state
And NY and NJ who were the ones that came out here and ruined these states in the first place.
>take people's money in tithes and use it to build schools to indoctrinate the next generation
>get credit
Why couldn't you say the same thing in favor of modern governments user? After all they take your tax money and spend it on aid and welfare programs, isn't that nice of them?
That said the church was fine by the standards of large organizations, probably better than average even though it was still pretty corrupt and hypocritical desu
Seattleite here, do not come. It's turned into a literal hell hole. There are junkies shooting up and smoking crack on the streets. I work in Seattle and I'd do anything to get out. We are planning on moving in the next year.
>years ago it was conservatives that censored medi
the same jews that are censoring shit today tried to censor shit back then
Their fault for hiring terrorists(SJWs) to work in their California HQ.
why would the governament build stuff that the church already did?
more than half of orphanages and homeless shelters are built by the church and run by nuns
but sure
we should let orphans and the sick die so they dont get indocrinated.
In 10 years there is not going to be conservatives, we'll have western gulags.
You think we're gonna revert back and be allowed to call trannies "him" and have a resurgence of sexism and fanservice in vidya? Good fucking luck.
I'm awaiting the day of the UK caliphate.
Reggie wasn't a manchild though, he just understood what his role was. It wasn't his job to decide what Nintendo of Japan did, it was his job to make what Nintendo of Japan did work and sell in North America, and guess what, he did that really well.
>The same people that campaigned against violence because of Mortal Kombat and got crosses and religious imagery altered in Final Fantasy are responsible for today's titty censorship
Can you explain further? I don't see it.
If they grow to be liberal faggots they might as well starve to death first.
I'd say montana. But we hate trump because he is retarded
literal mansplaining
AZ fag here. They'll ruin us like they did Cali.
>goes to akihabara or other otaku niche community
>doesn't expect lewd anime girl posters
What about cream cheese?
Based sony Japan, hopefully they take action and force American snoy to uncensor everything
ctrl f the word jew
The most good the church ever did was occupying the attention of fanatical retards, like giving a pitbull a squeaky toy
Now that the church is in such a degenerated state, the fanatical retards have been unleashed to flock to a "religion" with even more mass appeal than Christianity which was itself a progressive crap religion that pandered to the lowest denominator back in the day
They forgot the feces and typhus.
I love California. It is my life's mission to move to LA. I'm an sjw too so I'm sure we'll all get along great. Still hope glorious nippon crushes them on censorship though.
Wait, isn't the japanese representative stating the same thing? How is this a contradiction? There is a case-by-case review of games, particularly japanese games. Because who gives a fuck about niche japanese games? Certainly not Sony, japanese or not. America wins again!
This will not harm Sony at all. Normies will not know, nor give a shit. What this WILL do is possibly kill off niche japanese developers and publishers. Goodbye NIS, XSEED, Idea Factory, Aksys. Rest in peace. Time to move to phone games like the rest of japan.
Nah, XSEED was already dead the moment the last hard anti-censorship guys left. If you read the interviews with the two that left, they made out that the rest of the team were rabid with censoring all anime tiddies.
One is stating that its to appease the CERO ratings board, the other is stating thats bullshit and that its to "protect the children" and enforce a "global standard"
>Even games featured in Famitsu might not be legal in UK
UK is a shithole.
>Reputable stores have floors dedicated to fanservice things that make me uncomfortable
This is only in Akihabara, and designated nerd stores in other places. If you to fucking Animate, you better expect to see things that are gonna be at Animate.
in Japan the nerd goods are in specific few stores, aside from some extremely popular things like One Piece. You're not gonna see Senran Kagura at Shibuya, for example.
>The latest FE struggled to sell million
Still sold way more than GBA, DS and GC era ones. I'm not a fan of Fire Emblem's new direction either, but before Awakening the franchise was on chopping block. It was what revitalized the series on both Japan and West. Fates also similarly sold much better than previous games, despite being rubbish.
I do agree with the third point, though. Having a child in Japan is absolute pain in ass and incredibly expensive, and no amount of marketing to otakus about how hip and cool it is to have wives to knock up is gonna change that.
>actually thinking that supporting right wing authoritarians is going to lead to less censorship
I've got news for you, it was a corporate decision driven by PR research. Corporations do what's in their best interest to protect their profits. In this case, that means sacrificing a very niche audience in order to curry favor with the larger general audience and avoid unnecessary scandals. Who you elect has zero effect on this, so voting on this issue is beyond retarded.
Let me guess: you must be one of those morons who believes the EA poll about gamers wanting more diversity right after BFV bombed, and the 50% women gamers thing were legit.
You know the majority of what you mentioned applies to Islam, right?
>Having a child in Japan is absolute pain in ass and incredibly expensive
You mean in every modern country. The cost and effort required to have a family and raise children nowadays is so high nobody wants to bother anymore, especially when the bulk of this responsibility is expected to be covered by the male.
I don't think it's as black and white as you say. The whole thing is them taking a chance, they weighed the odds. The issue is I think marketers and the like overestimate how much they'll grow their brand compared to how much they'll lose, especially when you remember that the weebs are the ones that are/were dedicated fans that always bought playstations and the normalfags aren't gonna stick around forever if microsoft looks more appealing next time around.
>Move to a different religion
>Worship the same God
Whats the point then?
Eh, it does not matter if the rest of the guys at XSEED are hellbent on censoring titties - what matters is that the Senran Kagura games are some of their best sellers. The company still has good will - Sony was the reason for them making changes on their latest game as the Steam version was fine. I am sure the sales numbers will back it up compared to previous games, so they don't want to fuck that up.
So essentially the japanese will just have to bend their knee to their american superiors with whatever they want. There was a lot of flowery language but it essentially comes down to that.
>Corporations do what's in their best interest to protect their profits
Sony should've left well enough alone then. Normalfags and casuals have no idea most of the games that got censored even exist.
Every time someone on social media got super huffy about weebs liking 2D to the point of screaming pedophilia, they ended up being pedophiles themselves. Maybe someone working at Sony is just one of those guys? Trying to deflect attention away even though they're the only one harming children.
The difference here is Leftists defend the fuck out of Islam while they shit on Christianity.
>cheese toasties
Do we even know who the people in charge of Playstation America are? There could very well be some creepy Sony Pictures executive up there that wanted a cushy do-nothing job.
Not him but Sony is banking on the multi-million selling exclusives to build their brand. They want the last of us, spider man, and god of war audience. Abandoning the weebs was a simple numbers game - less risk, higher reward through "global standards".
Pretty much. As much as I hate it, this is Sony's own fault for turning over control of the Games department to fucking Americans and Californians at that.
Never had this issue with game developers in Dallas, TX
someone get this man a bike horn
stop this clown planet, i want to get off!
That makes sense. I don't think it will work though, as much as it's fun to make fun of nintendofags it's them and the sheer number of them that keep nintendo relevant, I don't think Sony can replicate that kind of fanbase and business model with normalfag western games.
>censorship is ok as long as it's something TV tells me is bad
Literally kill yourself, you won't be missed
Why isn't Sony of Japan stepping in and telling these fucktards over in cuckfornia to fuck off like Microsoft, and Nintendo are?
>20-30 years ago it was conservatives that censored media
It was Clinton, Kohl and Lieberman that pulled this shit in the 90s in regards to videogames, all Democrats.
>Donny boy is president
>SJW commie fucks running the video game community
>Except nintendo who has done a 180
>Bob Dylan didnt die
Seriously, who the fuck has been fucking with the timelines. I can't keep fixing this shit you fucks
It's fairly cheap in Finland. I'm not sure how it is in other western countries, but comparing Japan and Finland at least, former has no signifigant support from government after birth, only few weeks of quaranteed leave after birth, no free day cares, and most of all education is very expensive. Pre-elementary can be 3K bucks year to average earning parents and while elementary education itself is free, school activities, books and lunches will be around 20K bucks through all of it then highschool will be 1.2K a year, and getting up to this level of education is required to land a job in the society.
All in all, very expensive.
Sony of Japan handed the keys over, why else? They're not the authority here, they're that sad soft boy in the closet watching a Tranny fuck his daughter.
Master Chief (and Mario)
Because $ony wants sjws money
forgot the to add this: Playstation has always been about having ALL the third party stuff and the variety they gave their systems. The consoles that sold exceedingly well (all of them aside from PS3) did it because they had the sports games, the shooters, the AAA western games, the action games from Capcom, the JRPGs and the weebshit.
I don't think it would be good for Sony to try and build an identity for themselves all of a sudden when their success was built on the very opposite.
>Sony of Japan handed the keys over, why else? They're not the authority here, they're that sad soft boy in the closet watching a Tranny fuck his daughter.
Sad, but true. Honestly thought it couldn't get any worse after they fucked with Anonymous :(
>Corporations do what's in their best interest to protect their profits.
How is blatant censorship in ANYONE'S best interest? They're a fucking games company, not the state, what the fuck are they censoring shit for?
>what the fuck are they censoring shit for?
does it now?
last time i checked islam was beheading homeless people and blowing up orphans instead of helping then
instead of guiding the sheep mohamed was fucking it.
would solve so many problems desu
$ony can't but with Micro$oft being incompetent It will be sucessfull
Also Arabs and Pahjeets who get ass hurt over anything (outside of Fifa)
>b-b-but LEFTISTS
Leftist here, both are cancer, kill yourself /pol/faggot
That's the problem with Microsoft. They need to loosen expectations and just give what their users wanted
>what the fuck are they censoring shit for?
To protect their brand reputation, obviously. Note that I'm not agreeing with it.
No but seriously I really DO need you fucks to stop fucking up the timelines. Shits causing some major fucking paradoxes in the future and last I checked, we have Mickey Mouse (Not the corporation, Disney hired an actual fucking geneticist to create Mickey Mouse) as president.
I agree. But it will be interesting to see Sony go on their path to attempt to be the Hollywood of gaming - to spend a lot on making games, betting that they will all be blockbusters.
You both can enjoy the rope
Did the mouse gassed the jews?
Have sex
I’ll find you and kill you. How about that incel.
No unfortunately. Someone in this timeline decided it would be a brilliant fucking idea to fill Nu Disney full of diversity fags and trannies.
Except he's completely right
>50 people gunned down in New Zealand
>constant coverage for weeks, people get literally arrested for posting memes about it.
>Muzzies blow up 300+ people in Sri Lanaka on fucking Easter
>Radio silence, Blatant bullshit like calling Christians "Easter Worshippers"
You kind of people are hypocritical, disingenuous and legitimately insane.
This is the white kid who goes to the ghetto in his Nikes listening to music his iPhone asking why he got jumped by a gang of niggers.
Basically, nothing significant regarding California is going to happen for a long time.
You people can't make phone calls and get ptsd from twitter
>commie fucks
CEOs worth 6bn who hoard their profits and don't share much with developers are the opposite of communists. This shouldn't be difficult.
Which is where they can Cooperate with it's fellow competition. As a Publisher, developer, and a distributor of their currently owned IP's (like Persona)
Point taken.
>implying the CEOs actually run the company
they just sit and collect a paycheck while deranged SJWs run it into the ground. They don't care about long term, it's all short term cash for them.
So the mouse don't cleased Disney?
CEOs arent the ones actually running that shit. They just sit there and rake in the profits. So long as that changes, they dont give a fuck what lower management actually does.
Its the ones MAKING the fucking games and making the creative decisions that are the commie fucks
>Not him but Sony is banking on the multi-million selling exclusives to build their brand
By making three of them every console cycle?
Those massive AAA story-games that take 6 years and $60 million to make aren't the big money-makers anymore, vehicles for microtransactions are. They sell fine but then fall into obscurity a few months later, they do not have anything close to the staying power you see from Nintendo's first-party games. Spider-man sold the vast majority of what it will ever sell in its launch window and following few months, its all but forgotten now and isn't moving copies. Meanwhile stuff like Mario Odyssey sold a fraction of what its sold so far in its launch window and has since sold almost 15 million copies.
>nintendofags it's them and the sheer number of them that keep nintendo relevant
Or maybe Nintendo just makes games that stay relevant that people still want to buy and play more than a few months after launch. Because they're not flavor-of-the-month setpiece tours with zero replay value or depth you play once and then drop forever, moving onto the next FOTM setpiece tour with zero replay value or depth.
>Or maybe Nintendo just makes games that stay relevant that people still want to buy and play more than a few months after launch. Because they're not flavor-of-the-month setpiece tours with zero replay value or depth you play once and then drop forever, moving onto the next FOTM setpiece tour with zero replay value or depth.
Like Smash Bros. Melee
Americans have always been racist towards Asians and hated everything about them. This is just an extension of that.
Wrong, everything major that happens in the company happens under their oversight. If that's the company direction, it's because the CEO wants it that way. If the monied interests thought that the company direction wouldn't make the maximum amount of profits, they would see to it that it changes into something that will, according to the latest market research.
>Americans have always been racist towards Asians and hated everything about them. This is just an extension of that.
And look how far we come at actually enjoying each other's company :)
Here's what they actually do
>I see we're still making money
>go on and keep doing what you're doing while I take my 10th vacation this month
They literally don't care until it effects their bottom line. If that doesn't happen, they won't step in. It's all long term shit that will bite them in the ass, nothing here has been happening long enough to have a large enough effect on their bottom line, give it 5 or so more years and see if this shit still happens
They may cost $60 million to make, but take into consideration that each game at launch is $60. Spider Man has sold 9 million copies worldwide as of November 2018, which is a substantial profit. This is the direction that they want to go.
I agree that Nintendo games have staying power. Sony has moved more consoles outside of the Wii though, because normies flock to it for FIFA and GTA. Not to mention their subscription services that people buy into.
All you have to do is look at fucking Blizzard to see youre wrong.
>CEO of Blizzard just sit around, already confirmed by Brevik to not actually give a shit about fanbases' opinions, just where the money is at.
>Blizzcon happens
>Fucking retards announce Diablo Immortal
>Fanbase everywhere calls them out on it
>Community managers go full damage control
>Stocks start to tank
>CEO finally realizes shit is hitting fan
>Resigns in shame
>Those massive AAA story-games that take 6 years and $60 million to make aren't the big money-makers
And yet sony is doing better than ever and gow4 and spiderman made tons of money
Blizzard is betting on the purchasing power of the Chinese market, along with whales on the western side. They are coasting on brand recognition alone to carry them.
They could give less of a shit about their fanbase because the above two categories will potentially provide them substantially more money.
>This is the direction that they want to go
That's the direction games went in for the last decade, Sony's been making photo-realistic movie-game setpiece tours for almost a decade. But they don't make nearly as much as, say, something like Overwatch or The Division, which just rake in hundreds of millions, if not billions, in post-release content sales like loot crates. Creating platforms for micropayments is the direction the industry is moving in, Publishers like EA and Ubisoft maker as much or more with micropayments as they do actual game sales. And let's be realistic, Sony's own setpiece tours are not the main selling point of their console, people buy it for, as you said, FIFA, GTA and other third-party games.
And yet their stock is still in the fucking shitter
Yeah cause so many people have gone to jail for using a wrong pronoun. Jesus you're a nutjob.
They do in the UK, haha
>Activision/Blizzard made more money in 2017 with microtransactions than they did actual game sales
>$7 billion in profit last year with over $4 billion coming from microtransactions
>lol da CEO is juzt a fig-your head XDDD
You're fucking retarded. Those fans they pissed off are a fucking drop in the bucket. They could make the perfect traditional Diablo game and it would make a fraction of what a mobile game they can shit out in 2 months at a tiny fraction of the cost will make. Its all about monetizing everything with micropayments now.
You sound like you read the headlines of op-eds and still consider yourself educated.
>made tons of money
Relative to platforms for micropayments they made fuck-all.
You're not getting it, its not about having something that's somewhat profitable, its about what's MOST profitable. Its why most publishers have been shying away from big single-player games, its why the ones that do get released play it as safe as possible and appeal to as wide an audience as possible.
Sony can crap out 3-5 big-budget AAA setpiece tours with the same art direction and gameplay loops every generation and that's fucking nothing compared to what third-parties make with micropayments on their platform.
Activision/Blizzard made $4 billion with micropayments in 2017. Spiderman and Dad of Boy made chump change compared to this, took years and substantially more money to make.
Will nips slowly agreeing with new sony or will they do something of their own? like a new console?
And yet, as evidenced by the 45% drop in their stock price since Blizzcon up until today, you can see a marked decline in Sales in general. Now whether that drop is coming from microtransactions, software sales, or both, it is enough of an impact in revenue for Morhaime to resign as CEO
The hope is that they give Sony the finger and start releasing games that used to be PlayStation only on every platform except PlayStation, because that would guarantee that Sony didn't make them change anything. Only possible indication of that though so far are the Switch exclusive Senran Kagura spinoffs.
Next gen will be the deciding point, with fresh install bases there won't be any market reason to release neutered versions that cost more dev time to make.
I really should holiday in UK before it is too late.
The UK is a sad place.
This can't be real.
>I wont confront the state
Jesus, they really HAVE implemented Big Brother tier laws
V for Vendetta tier England when?
They won't, but there not be a New console because they don't care about consoles anymore
It isn't.
Seems to be and edit of a series that was up about bus etiquette
what the fuck is wrong with the west
Obama had to deal with worse and Trump didn't have to give one single fuck about the dems before the mid terms.
the only chance was giving amnesty to a bunch of illegals, nah he made the right decision
Anything and everything associated with California culture
Point being the CEO isn't some fucking know-nothing figurehead, why would you ever fucking think that was the case?
You can see by the hair how they pasted a different head over the guy on the left
Goddamn the left one is hot.
>they just drop them off a few towns over and tell them not to come back.
Wait a minute, I remember this in a movie...
>won't eat smelly food
>keep my feet off the seats
What's wrong with these?
Since the end of the Cold War there’s been nothing for Western Civilisations to struggle against, and the easy times have created weak men.
We’re in the fun ‘tear it all down’ end of a great civilisation stage basically. On the plus side, the next stage is war and conflict, which most of the planet seems to be preparing for, and that should reset all this self destructive bollocks.
Don't put your feet on the seats, man
Which part of Australia
Yeah he did, Cali bitch said there was actual written out rules whereas Mr. Nip said there's no rules just case by case review.
I bet you put your feet up on the table at home with your shoes on too
Keep your feet on the floor, you goddamned muppet. Why should other people have to sit on whatever you've stepped in
>Century old enemy put down a landmark in one of the greatest cities of the west
>Not to fight
But then we can't fight with the guys that control most of the oil of the world
I think what user is getting at is it's an odd thing to ask of people. But he doesn't realize it's talking about Indians who do both.
Please nuke this hellhole of a state. I want guns and freedom but this faggot ass state hates everything fun. When I get the money to leave this shithole, I'm booking it faster than trannies commiting suicide.
I don't think telling people to not put their feet on the seats is an odd thing to ask. Its basic hygiene, whatever bacteria you have on the bottoms on your shoes are now going to be on someone's clothes.
And not stinking up the whole car with food that smells like shit is just common courtesy and doing so is frankly bad for the public transit's business, regardless of where the food is from. If someone wants to stink up the whole care with their vomit-inducing fish filet or whatever diarrhea they're eating they can fuck themselves, its not their personal living space.
>Fifth largest economy in the world
>lol nuke cali brah am i cool yet XDDDD Trump 2020
How about we just nuke everything between the coasts, the 500k people in Wyoming won't be missed.
If American rightists had some spine they should start agiting in the armed forces( wich i suppose is mostly right inclined) and provoke a civil war ro eliminate the progressive scum of the continent
And them you starve to death, you silly commiefornian
No, it's an odd thing to ask in a supposed first world country where no one does those things, is what i'm getting at. Everyone else is scratching their heads like, who'd do that, meanwhile poo's do that.
so the power...of california....
Can someone tell me how did it get this bad? why is it getting worse each year? when will this madness stop.
>ticking seismic time bomb
>constantly on fire
Japs culture is built around not saying it straight.
>Y-you'll starve to m-me....
California is one of the largest food-producing states you fucking moron, and again is the fifth largest economy in the world with a population of 40 million.
Christ, you people are fucking stupid.
It'll stop when we drop the mind numbing entertainment that has placated us and take a stand against tyranny.
and who do you think buys the food your fly-over states produce?
certainly not people in other countries anymore thanks to tariffs and a beyond-retarded trade war, but sure nuke commiefornia too and sell your food to yourselves :^)
California hate thread?
>i became a nahtzee because of censored titties
this is why the bottom 80 percent of men shouldnt have the right to vote. women are unironically better than the ghetto trash nigger gender that is males.
is your state based?
get raped
I thought you american faggots said anime tiddies are protected by constitution?
san fran feefees are more important you backwards bigot
>I want lewd in my vidya
>y-you have sex fag
California isn't suitable for mass production of grains necessary for the sheer calorie consumption of 40 million people. Not enough rainfall.
But only from the state.
Honestly rural California is a completely different place altogether. There's a reason you see them with the "NO WATER = NO JOBS" signs all across the I-5 in protest to the environmentalists here claiming there's more than enough water for everyone prior to the drought ending. Most people here in the city from my experience either forget they exist or in a couple cases think they're bigots for fuck knows why reasons.
Crime is so bad the police no longer respond to petty thefts
Human waste, used heroin needles, trash and hobos everywhere
The most liberal state in the US
Capitol of SJW faggotry
The whole place should be just nuked already
Imagine a world where the Brits exterminated the puritans instead of letting them fuck off to America.
how come the tree hugger capital of the world has such a squalor problem? :thinking:
>Let's tank the US economy because muh SJWs
/pol/tards are beyond retarded, we need a new name for them
Let's genocide all Americans then.
>Let's let Muslims take over the western world
lol, enjoy
You mean Russia
>Nuke Commiefornia
Do it.
You mean China
>Everyone in Commiefornia dies instantly
>The rest of you die slowly and painfully
lol go for it
See It's basically China without dog eating. That we know of.
I am willing to die if it mean all the sjw die with me.
I thought /pol/tards liked authoritarianism
No because it means trannies and no tits.