You Nostalgia You Lose. Bringing out the big guns early

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Other urls found in this thread:

Beach master race

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mi negro

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>Here's all the free music you want user
>But you have to give your computer super aids in return

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>not using rose

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>tfw Nickelodeon closed down and all their games are gone

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>mfw all the CP that was on Limewire
Holy smokes could you imagine if Limewire was around today?

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Is there an antonym for nostalgia? This makes me feel that.

It's lunchtime Yea Forums

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The milk is in the wrong fucking place.

Drink the fruit cup. Drink the corn. Drink the mustard. Drink the pizza grease. Put the pretzel on the pizza, fold it, and it it like a taco. Drink the milk.

Flash games were cool

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oops forgot image

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Computer Science class. Man this shit was fun.

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Is Pokemon in the 90s the biggest thing to ever happen to the world? Seriously, I can't think of anything bigger than Pokemon back in the late 90s. I don't even think peak Star Wars hype tops it

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dear lord i spent hours fucking with that little guy

where my inkagames niggas at

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Well done. I lost. I haven't thought about TIM for years.

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>search for bohemian rhapsody on limewire
>top result is teenage_slut_jessica_stuffed_in_all_3_holes


>search bohemian rhapsody on limewire
>top result is 12kb

I used to play this weird asteroid game where it would say "Game over, man!" if you lost. I have no idea what it was called and can't seem to find it anywhere on the internet. Anyone have any clue? Pic related from what I remember.

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god I miss it Yea Forumsros

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I can guarantee you that you still got this commercial memorized

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For me, it's the spooky castle.

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>Use to go grocery shopping with my mom
>Always go straight to the magazine section
>Read all the latest gaming magazines to know about all the new games coming out and get cheat codes
I want to go back. Back when I was happy and so full of life. It hurts

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>Never ended up getting CP
>Just the Bill Clinton ad

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>make sure the stage wraps
>select MIRV or Death's Head
>max out power
>set angle to about 50-60
>everyone is now playing a game of nuke roulette
>bonus points if the class computer was so shit that the game would slow down to a crawl upon the first explosion, making every second tense as hell as everyone waited to see where each warhead would land and then cheered for mercy/destruction as each explosion expanded one frame every 3 seconds

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Black bg acorns you mega faggot

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Reboot when?

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My GF mentions Pegged a lot. Is it fun?

I don't think she's talking about games, sperg

not for you it won't be

If you watched this the most as a kid:

You were the normal kid. You had a great childhood. You were likable and grew up to be a decent adult

>Cartoon Network
You were the autstic kid. You often got bullied and grew up to be weeb. You hate your life and you're a shitty adult

You were the confused kid. You often questioned your sexuality. Often bullied. You're a decent adult but you're either bi sexual or gay.

>Kids WB
You were the annoying, loud, obnoxious kid. You thought you was hot shit. People hate your guts growing up. You grew up still be an obnoxious adult and you think you are better than everybody else

>Fox Kids
You was the hipster kid. You were a loner. Never made many friends and you grew up to a hipster and you hate most everything popular

You were the poor kid. Didn't have much growing up but you were smart. Despite not having much growing you still found a way to have a decent childhood. You grew up to be a decent adult

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>Zelda 64 - the greatest N64 game ever
>can Sonic R kick Mario Kart's butt
would have been Yea Forums threads 22 years ago. hell, the first one gets posted NOW. nothing's changed.

>just now remembered LifeGenesis
>just now realized the connection with Conway's Game of Life

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chillin after school with your friends, deadass playin till 12:30 AM

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konichiwa minasan

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pls don't be bait

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press f to do an fasts

i had a hard drive that would have put anyone in jail for life when i was a wee boyo. makes me sweat

>Just the Bill Clinton ad
a cult classic honestly


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Looking back, when I was a horny 14 year old and I would jack off at least three times a day, I remember searching for "14 year old girls having sex". Holy shit my parents dodged a major bullet

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>nothing about Teletoon or YTV
canada is an entire country above you my man and we're basically the same except we're forcefed canadian media all the time

lool nah dude, i actually high key played this shit, wicked late

totally my dude and I middle key fucked your mom

>Try to download DOOM game
>Get some porno called "Jenna's Anal Doom"
>Don't realise it until too late when my PC is infested with the most ridiculous amount of viruses
Blessed time.


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we all did this user, it's ok.

Heh, it looks like it's beginning to rain...

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>used to play a Naruto-themed role playing browser game when I was in high school
>full of teenage fangirls who were just as sexually depraved as I was
>used to ERP with them in AIM so we wouldn't get banned on the main site
I had some fun times at Shinobilegends. I really attribute my like of writing towards it too.

Well I already lost to your image OP. But here, TAKE THIS

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>teleports below you
nothing personal, skid

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This shit was disgusting, I don't understand the nostalgia memes for it. I always got packed lunch instead.

death comes to all of us in time

I spent too much time playing those "games." The halloween ones especially

i didn't, you're both just fucking retarded

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>packed lunch
Wow, look at mister fancy pants with the rich parents who can afford food
If I didn't get free government lunches and breakfast at school I would probably just not get lunch at all

Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).

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I was a Nick kid but I’m a bald 350 pound autistic 20 year old


I remember checking this game out of the library and having a blast with it. Don't remember if I could get it to run without the CD though, so I probably had to check it out often.

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>packed lunch

Fucking preps

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Can't believe I lost at this one. Holy shit user. Wasn't this a porn game too? I played it ONCE and that image still blew me away with memories

Do burgers really eat at school? That's fucking disgusting lol.

it was my sisters game but I liked playing it.

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I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.

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Do kids even play outside anymore? I legit haven't seen kids playing outside in god knows how long

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damn, you got me

>that 10 year old bomber who always picks Pablo Sanchez

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Not a game but I had fun with it.

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If you’re not from America please leave the site.

Anyone play Stick Ranger?

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It's about time ya'll motherfuckers got EDUCATED

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What year did it all go wrong for you? 2006 for me when I first entered highschool. My life has been going downhill

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He was broken. If you didn't pick him, you were stupid.
Also I like how this game was actually diverse with no one giving a shit or having it feeling like it's being forced down your throat. I hate all this fake diversity these days.

>tfw your parents never got you a subscription

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That would require me going outside to see

You all lose immediately

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Public schools have a lunch system. You can pay for lunches or if your family is low income you can get it for reduced cost or free. The system is a blessing for poor families or for stressed out single parents who would kill to have even one less chore per day (making their kids a packed lunch). The lunches were generally really cheap and low quality although recently with Michelle Obama's efforts as first lady she managed to improve the quality of school lunches

High school was fine, but after graduating I quickly lost most of my friends. Only have one left and I think he’s getting bored of me...

Where have I seen this? Heavy nostalgia.


Reapermon was so goddamn broken it was ridiculous. Like, did the devs not play test him at all?

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>Chip's Challenge

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High school started for me in 2004. I'd say it went downhill in freshman year when a father-figure of mine died. It picked up in 2007 when I got my first GF that I loved and then dropped again in 2010 when we broke up after I had been in the military for a bit. Got another GF soon afterwards and it picked up again then after marrying her it slowly went downhill. Now that we're getting divorced, it's pretty much at the bottom right now but at least I have a few good friends that give me occasional good moments.

>the torture game
mein nigger. this was the most "sketchy weird kid" flash game out there

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were on the case and were chasing her through history

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I really miss commiting Lemming genocide

For me, it's Lenny Loosejocks

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windows xp. i remember it being in my mom's office computer. she let me play pinball and solitaire before driving me to school... good times. i miss her

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Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

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IIRC it had softcore stuff but even then my memory is hazy and it likely had nothing

Pic not related but I'm sure someone remembers Rumble Fighter

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>drink the pizza grease

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oh shiiiit that game was great

Early zoomer (20)

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>Rodent's Revenge
it's been too long

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Tips & Tricks was my jam.

You all lose

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Who else /win95/ here?

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Everyone lose.

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I know I heard this song before but I don't remember where.

god fuck I wish I was around when things were simpler.

pretty sure it was used in a porn game

When you're right, you're right, user. That shit activated neurons that I was sure had been lost forever.

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what kid watched king of the hill? im from that age demographic and fucking hated it back then, i only loved it when I got older

Me on the bottom


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Yes, I have to deal with trying to sleep through the neigbor kids' obnoxious screaming outside my window after I get home from working the night shift. I want to go back.

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Did this ever finish? I'm guessing not.

you zoomers...

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that and the zoobooks commercial

>Are we there yet?
>Are we there yet?

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>computers cant just run all games in 640x4...

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It was insane what kinds of things people did with this game. I remember finding a working calculator

Is this the one where it counts down from 10 to 0 and on 0, a kid says "HUH?"?


my nigga

lost already

i had this game

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yep and each number is a different voice the black hole and the dynamite was my favorite thing to do at the end of a session

This should get some of you guys

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the slightly zoomer'er version


Only a select few on earth know this

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You say 'everyone' but I feel like you've targeted me

Ah yes, I spent more than a decade looking for this game.

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mmm the old Pac-Land Cartoon....
Brings back memories that does...

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Shit nigor. I had this fucking exact one. I still remember it. Shit

They’ve come so far

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Your parents loved you enough to get you both right?

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it's because you were a child in the 90s dumbass

I still need to play that someday

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I used the experience from this game with my first gf

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other examples of commercials that directly told kids to annoy their parents until they bought the product?

Fuck, I forgot the name of this.

>retarded animal babies
and i fucking lost

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My mom was strictly a Nintendo mom, mostly because she called everything a Nintendo except Atari consoles because she owned one.

My favourite game.


Orgasm Girl

This is the one I remember the most.

Jesus, that takes me back.

Divine Intervention is kino.


Fuck, I recently remembered one of these games but had no idea what it was called. Lenny Goes Walkabout. Thank you user.

No shit, it's (officially) the coolest game ever made

I did well in school, just got my master's last year and got married the year before. This year, I've failed to get a long-term job in my field, and with every rejection and failed application, I feel like it would just be easier to get a degree and job in something else. I had good as fuck grades too and did really well, but it seems like you have to get a job teaching in Nigville for 5 years before you can teach somewhere that isn't a drug-filled shithole.
So I guess the past 11 months.

Taking advantage of this thread i have to ask about a game i once saw in one of those demo cd’s for pc. It was a strategy game (similar to age of empires) but it was about monsters from transilvania (dracula, morgana, frankenstein, etc) i’ve been thinking about this game for fucking years but cant remember the name and searching it by that vage description brings nothing

Please helo me bros

Remember the custom fish that could eat sea sponges? It was practically easy mode.

my absolute fucking nigger
also this

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>this thread
Nostalgia threads are godly here

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I watched KOTH in 6th grade, 2005. Good days, eating moonpies at my mom's friend's who picked me up from school, watching this til she picked me up

shit, beat me to it.

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So you drugged her and molested her in her sleep?

My mom would play this religiously.

God Tier

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Fortnites pretty big right now. So is overwatch.

Literally not a single good game. No wonder why the PS2 was such a flop

Fuck i lost

what a fucking year

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>baldurs gate
>not good
fuck off with your shit taste europe scum

Please don’t do this. This thread is too pleasant

>he doesn't remember all those shit flash fap games

I mean, you could probably just buy heartgold or soulsilver if you have a ds. Worth it imo only if you have a daughter already.


Jesus Christ you're right. Despite not seeing this for like almost 20 years I still remembered every single part.

my friends and I used to ruin each other's lunch by mixing whatever disgusting shit they served that day (eg. pouring my milk all over friend's pizza) while laughing about starving Africans. good times.

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>spending all nighters pvping with army of ant lemmings and crow mantis
Good times

After watching gameplay of Maelstrom it's almost, but not quite, the same game. Thanks for helping though, user.

WinRoids! I fucking loved that game.

Actually just found it right before posted. WinRoids is correct. I got the color of the ship wrong though.

Serious question: was the masters worth it friend? I'm thinking of getting one in a couple years in hopes of better job but not sure if it's worth the money. I'm in special needs education.

dude battle chess was the most insane. I was like HOLY SHIT IM FUCKING KILLING PEOPLE

2009, Had first GF in junior year, literally did dumb romantic shit like in anime, taking her to the county fair, kissing, holding hands doing all that shit, didn't last, I didn't know how to handle depression at the time and everything just fell apart from there

Much appreciated.

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I just wanna be sure I'm not the only one that remembers this shit

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i just shed a tear

>tfw Sunny Day and Vinnie The Gooch commentate your first backyard baseball world series victory


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Alright you glorious motherfuckers post your "that stage" theme
That and American Idiot.

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I hated the Korean melodrama of the last two chapters, but overall, it was pretty good
here's another one

is it okay/legal for teens to have teen/kid porn in their hard drive?

just realized my brain has been referencing “UNBELIEVABLE” for like twenty fucking years. can’t wait for all these dumbshit memories to be lost like tears in rain.

Was that the second one? Someone else posted the first one here


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If you find the right program and work at the right school it will pay for itself. And you probably have to get so many continuing ed credits anyway to keep your certification (assuming you're in the US). It might even help you land a coordinator position, but at this point, that might be something requiring a PhD anyway.
That said, you're in the field of education with the most burnout, so ask yourself if this is a career that you're going to stick with until retirement (or at least the next 5-10 years after grad school) or if you feel like you're going to need to do something else.

I used this. Same thing, basically.

Attached: luck.png (220x276, 14K)

Still very much illegal, even if they're of yourself.

No Dad, it isn't...

>two options today: pizza or a meatball “sandwich” (2 meatballs and tomato sauce in a hotdog bun)
>scrape meatballs and sauce into corn, stir that shit up
>mush pizza into the hotdog bun
>friends are all laughing
>interrupted by the brony kid vomiting two tables down after getting gut punched by the gay cowboy
Fucking hell high school was some good times

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I know someone else played this. Which one of you faggots was it?

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Thanks for the info user, appreciate it.

theyre the best threads on this board, nobody talkin shit or making things difficult, just everyone remembering when they were a little bit happier.

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>tfw most of my childhood was spent in the outdoors among nature
>tfw barely go outside anymore unless its to drive for hours on end with that one song from genesis game "outrun" playing

Alright but how about this

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as soon as that started playing i already knew. Its like it ingrained man.

fucking kek

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Anyone remember an old as fuck shoot'em up game where you had to shoot at chipmunks or rodents? It was kinda like doghunt.

that's still on my old pc.

Funny story, when I was a kid I would take those Publisher's Clearing House junk mail that offered a bunch of magazine subscriptions, and mail in Nickelodeon Magazine over and over. I think I ended up signing my parents up for 5+ years of the magazine before they caught on. They still let me keep them since it gave me something to read, sure wish I still had them today

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PBS and Nick because that's all our basic cable package had. I'm a 33 year old unemployed, friendless, kissless virgin

Why is this so familiar

didnt that come in a cereal box?

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I think the first time I ever jacked off was using a computer at my relatives house and everyone went to go do something and I found newgrounds adult section.

of all of them, you had to choose that music
fuck, I want the old days back

>grow up with Turtles, Simpsons, etc.
>already too old for cartoons when Pokemon or Spongebob become popular
>zoomers on Yea Forums call me a newfag when I don't recognize memes from Rick & Morty or whatever the kids are watching now
It's like everyone here gets younger while only I get older. Should have left this cesspool years ago.

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Did anyone else like to download 3d screensavers with those dumb splash screens and nag screens? I thought I was living in the future with my 10fps 3d lighthouse

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>download what i think is whatever music/porn im into at the time
>open it
>just a young girl, maybe 8-10 standing dead still in frame, in a bedroom, gaze slightly lowered. Waiting
>biiig hairy guy in just underwear walks into frame
>nope nope nope

When you hear that sound so much that you almost start to understand it.

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Now Zoomers are having similar nostalgia as y'all but with Minecraft and the late 00s-early 10s era.

Feels kinda weird, I distinctly remember the late 00s-early 10s used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era" on forums back then.

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(You) lose.

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>not napster
But one of these P2P programs, I don't know if it was Bearshare, Kazaa, Limewire or whatever, let you see the search terms other users entered. I lost faith in humanity that very day.

Kino coming trough:

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Lost hard. gg

I can't believe it's been this long. Jesus what happened

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FUUUUUCK me too dude this game was bretty gud

Heli Attack 2 is where it was at

I'm trying to remember this one Korean (I think?) arena MMO game where you were essentially dueling other people. There was a witch on a broom that would shoot shit at people but she was hard to steer, and there was a dwarf-axe character too. Any lads want to help me out here?

The very first PC game I ever played, I think I was 6 at the time

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This wouldn't be such massive nostalgia bait if Youtube actually encouraged creative animations. Now zoomer's idea of internet entertainment is watching some dipshit sit in front of a camera telling everyone why their shitty opinion matters.

That transcends nostalgia, it's actually genuine kino regardless of age, even if you didn't first watch it as a kid. It's just fucking excellent, end of story. Still got me though.
>mfw watching that and Walking With Beasts as a kid recorded on VHS
>fastforwarding through the commercials on discovery channel
>having to rewind it each time you watch it

Attached: australopithedong.png (383x750, 524K)

>tfw not even the Internet Archive has any of the old pages, none of them work

Attached: bonus.gif (138x196, 6K)

Birth years are off, I was born 94 but I remember core/late millenial gen y stuff more than early zoomer

Survival Project

Survival Project

It says "Primary audience born early-mid 90s" in the late millennial section blind fuck

I want to go back. Let me go back.

>tfw birth year isn't even on that list
Guess I'm just a fossil then

Literally was just gonna reply to say I read it wrong lol, my bad

Hot opinions coming trough:
>Walking with Beasts was better in every way to walking with dinosaurs.

>The opening

>The final scene:

Attached: WALKING_WITH_BEASTS.jpg (720x406, 72K)

Holy shit, thanks so much dudes

Jesus what are you, like 50?

Game of the century. The soundtrack was amazing. I played it countless times.

>tfw it never updated

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Does anyone else remember this browser based, pseudo-MMORPG that was sort of cyberpunk but not really? I just remember there was this high score you could keep accumulating and you'd get on the leaderboards, and there was this space-ish part along with a section of ice caves. Sorry for being vague but this shit has been haunting me for a long time.

I started losing my friends, started getting massive panic attacks, nearly killed myself at least twice

Although I feel like when my grandma died in 2005 was the beginning of the end

Fuck those Aduka only rooms.

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Honestly you aren't wrong, I'd go so far as to claim pretty much the entire score as evidence as well actually. That and everything was just exotic and new since that was probably among the first documentaries to cover the Cenozoic, where WWD was just the first to try and shoot dinosaurs like a nature documentary in the style of, say, Planet Earth; but everybody still knew what dinosaurs were, it was still pretty safe. Walking With Monsters gets points for that as well I suppose, though IMO it's the weakest of the three, still a solid 9/10 at the least though.

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You had to been a weeb/otaku on the internet REAL early to remember these

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This hit me hard when I saw James talking about it in a Funhaus video

is that a rich man with no taste`s Johnny Castaway?

Attached: castaway.png (640x480, 10K)

We will never have this kind of soul again.

You mean my dad?

I have never found anyone else who knew Howie. This was my shit, both math and reading.

2013, when I graduated college with a worthless degree. I've been a NEET since.

>he wasn't a mad lad

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Nostalgia is a false memory peddled to you by the jews.

My anxiety got worse somewhere around 2012 in the middle of college and I had to drop out. I'm still convinced the world actually did end in 2012 and I'm now living in a downgraded timeline.

Fuck year. I'd totally forgotten about this, is it worth playing?

do do do doooo
do do do doooo
do do do
do do do
do do do

Attached: e1egsbwt3hp21.jpg (640x480, 176K)

Used to play the fuck out of that shit when it was new.


>you'll never even get close to going back
>you'll never even get close to living in a such a time ever again

Based pico

I feel the same way. I can't shake the impression that something went deeply wrong with reality since then, regardless of what "reality" is.

Fuck dude I haven't thought about these books In years but loved them as a kid.

You lose.

Attached: miniclip.jpg (660x330, 22K)


Kids do play outside a little bit in the apartment complex I live in, but I don't know how poor they are. Rich kids are probably the ones who are more sequestered and on ipads all day long, but honestly I've seen kids just like that who aren't even rich, so who knows.

XP was truly one of the most glorious times to be using a pc.

Read 'em and weep fellas.

Attached: Weapons Grade Nostalgia.jpg (4128x2322, 2.54M)

Thread's bringing back the better days. Thanks, anons.

Reminds me of the turn of the century, playing Pokemon Gold and running around the back forty with the neighbor kids while my parents drank and chatted with their friends at cookouts.

Their friend group kinda got torn apart when they caught my dad cheating. My mom took us and moved a few towns over with some family. With the benefit of years, shit was incredibly bleak but she persevered.

She got a cancer diagnosis this January. Spent eight days in the hospital with her, and drove her new car for errands and showers. I remarked about her new CD player (old car didn't have one) and she told me all her CDs were in the console. FIred them up, it's all the CDs her husband (my dad) bought for her. Stuff I remember her saying she didn't really like, but there it was.

Ended up cruising around town blasting old Hootie, Matchbox Twenty, that kind of stuff.

The prognosis wasn't good. I'm really not ready for this, lads.

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I have a gamepro that had FF7 on the cover that a found just a couple of years ago, it seriously looks like it's brand new. Like literally mint. I don't think it's worth anything obviously but I was just impressed at what good condition it was in after so many years.

yeah, I bet you're a bottom.

Attached: wadf.png (748x598, 153K)

Here, could have posted a picture of which one it was.

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>valleyball game
The secret code is getumout

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We're in this together brother. We feel the same, and somewhere deep down we care about our fellow man. Your mother was strong and you will be too. Thanks for sharing your pain.

good times

Attached: DmTudgFW0AEQgGm.jpg (675x1200, 175K)

You know you're really old if this was part of your childhood

I hope your mom turns out ok user

Who remembers this dumb shit

Attached: Get out of here crush.png (430x600, 308K)

Nah tey fucking ruined it with 3D and dlc.

PC games were something else m8,the amount of crazy was just right & the atmosphere was top notch

Attached: 8-18-17 Bane of the Cosmic Forge.png (956x1481, 328K)

You are based as fuck> I remember playing this game LMAO

Lucky for us Fortnite exists to make this a part of today's kids' childhoods too.

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Where do you input the code?

I loathed this game but always played it.

Anyone remember these ones?
>tfw begging your parents for the thirty dollars for the full versions

thanks friends. They operated on a fair bit of what they found but found shit in the lungs and lymph nodes. So yeah.
I recently quit my job and am moving down there to help out for a few months.

Attached: file.png (275x183, 127K)

Holy shit Im bout to cry user

Also kill siegfred and roy

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Wikipedia lists it as the highest grossing media franchise, if that means anything.

At glorious 3kb/s. I remember being excited the first time a 3MB song took only three minutes to download.

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This is the only GamePro magazine I ever recall having and I have no idea why

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>this dog was probably dead throughout the majority of the magazine's lifespan

Attached: Zelda_van_gutters_from_march_1997_contents_page.jpg (185x136, 7K)

Fuck. I havent thought about this in so long.

this show is 10/10 quality shit

Fucking Lego island will always send me back to the era of CRT monitors and track ball mouses. The music is great btw.

>Ask my coworkers if that song sounded familiar
>Almost everyone says yes
>mfw their eyes widen and they realize

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Despite using this wallpaper on XP so many times the first thing that came to mind was that stock Spongebob island but mirrored. How the fuck am I losing memory of the past already, probably going to have amnesia before I become an old man

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Don't use the version on miniclip, they seem to have removed that feature

for some reason this reminds me of all those point and click games that got ported to nes like Shadowgate and Uninvited

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Attached: Carnival_of_Horrors.jpg (2000x2935, 1.43M)

Why must you remind me of all the autistic sonic shit I was into in the mid 2000s

For the fucking weebs out there (-3-)

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That explains it, I never had the option.

>We are just about 7 months away from 2020
Please God let the 2020s be a good decade, the 2010s are horrid

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It was just Christmas the other day, what in God's name happened to the time?

thats not the 1998 marineland commercial

ok so this was actually a game, i remember playing this back in the day but could not remember the name of it

Whatchu know bout that? Prolly nuthin'

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I watched it with my dad a lot purely because he loved it, so I have a lot of nostalgia for it just from that bonding time with Pops

basically when i got my own computer and started watching porn. so around 2005.

bitter sweet

lol stfu nigger i like hunger
>wtf did you just say
no no no wait i was kidding hunger ruined the ga-


Attached: cluefinders.jpg (400x500, 67K)

That's 8.1 for you

Ah, yes. Computer-class the size of a broom-closet with several 386's with pc speakers only. What fun.

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>dress-up games
>the jennifer lopez one

stfu retard
tank controls suck

EZ Clap

Attached: jetboat.png (697x520, 753K)

Fuck, does anybody remember what game?

see wrong thread zoomies. re2 remake is gooder than ykur shit fag

Reminds me of those games you'd find from the Scholastic Book Club magazines

2007 along with apparently half of the site, or at least the people that post in threads like this. I'm not quite sure why but it seems that 2006 and 2007 are extremely common years to cite as "the beginning of the end" in almost any context around here.

Prairie Dog Hunt? Used to play that on the old Packard Bell.

Hell yeah I had the Mathra one.

Fuck it, I just looked it up and it was early mnf

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kys retard
quit running frome faggatron
*cranks my nuts up a bit* *shorts come flying off BRRRAAAP* ok test me faggot kick your ass faggot dare you faggot muh muh BLUUUBLUUBLUU ETIKA BLACK BAD BAD BAD up down IN THE FAGGOT WESTERN SIDE OF THE WORLD like it FUCKING FAGGOT MATTERS

muh epic wojak funny meme muh muh jhunger hunger baby boy faggot

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Ummm take meds sweetie

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tfw born mid 90s but grew up with early through to late gen Y shit + golden era Hanna-Barbera and WB cartoons


Don't reply to the schizo. Just watch the madness unfold.

I watched it because I live in Texas


wont give you the ching chong chance faggot *crack* *WHAM* *shits on you* homo suck my fat nuts

U wot?

takes me back

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What happened to Youtube makes me sad
Almost all the top subscribed channels are corporations now

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This might hurt a little

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>Poor nigs and white trash
>Decent adults
Poorfag detected. Cartoon Network was the best

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I cummed so many times to this one and the art isn't even good. Back then though. Fuck.

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Around 2012, year after I left high school. Realized those were going to be the funnest years of my life.

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This image makes me angry.

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The website still looks the same today.

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castle of the winds


who was in the right here

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>Take me back!
>Expect something old.
>It's fucking Pokemon Silver.

End yourself.

>Retarded Animal Babies
FUCK ME. I just had that feeling when neurons fire in your brain that have been completely dormant for nearly two decades.

>Frank's adventure
My fucking dudes.

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NG's audio portal was pure kino as well

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Came here to post this, glad I found someone else already raised the flag. What a fucking game, might go get a DOS emulator and play it.

That's a shitload of asparagus.


>improve the quality
t. someone who never had to eat it

Attached: 23CDBD0F00000578-0-image-a-22_1417883417325.jpg (636x382, 74K)

>I'm not quite sure why but it seems that 2006 and 2007 are extremely common years to cite as "the beginning of the end" in almost any context around here.
I think it's because that's when many people here's childhoods ended and the Gen Z/Zoomer kid culture began. Nick and cartoon network "Got rid of all the good shows" at that time, according to many.

Fuck, I never played that but I played the other game about the girl. What was it called? I loved that shit. Wasnt it like Juno's story or something?

What the fuck is wrong on clapistan? I'm living in a third world shithole but good time came during college. Literally forgot everything before freshman years. All those fags thinking they're hot shit during highschool lmao who's the loser now fuck offfffff

Attached: kuroneko.webm (1280x720, 479K)

>F-Zero GX

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this was my jam..on the amiga..

Attached: pinball_fantasies_iphone.jpg (514x383, 147K)

>I'm not quite sure why but it seems that 2006 and 2007 are extremely common years to cite as "the beginning of the end" in almost any context around here.
There was a chart that showed a lot of early catalysts to ironic shitposting, postmodernism and general traits we endure now reared their head during 2007, Big Bang Theory, iPhone and with it phoneposters. A lot of subtle things in social media platforms began to stir.

It wasn't a perfect storm, but an ill wind was starting to blow.

Any boomers here?

Attached: bang.png (514x458, 7K)

When do we get to go back, bros?

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Fuck.....1992...I used to be considered so young here. I hate myself for letting go of reality

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m-maybe someday I will too.

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>All those kids are 30 yo boomers now

Newgrounds anyone?

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Bear with me...fairly new guy on Yea Forums. Threads like this and on /pol/ are so fucking similar it’s uncanny. Like, do y’all not realize that aside from a belief or two you’re all the fucking same (myself included)?

I’m starting to think y’all are all good-hearted fellers who got shafted a couple of times and, well, don’t feel like commiserating together despite the fact y’all’re more similar than not.

Anyhow I lost at probably over a hundred posts ITT. It’s bedtime for me so pleasant dreams y’all.

I would kill to get my old book back. It wasn't just fun as hell, the photography at work here was phenomenal and just flipping through these pages was insanely enjoyable.

Attached: Spooky Night.jpg (600x802, 73K)

Does anyone remember this?

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>tfw I used those "free coins" on the computer to play the game in secret since my parents thought that downloading any games would cause our computer to shit itself.

Attached: insaniquarium_title_resize.png (349x262, 211K)

Who am I kidding, no one has ever played this game but me

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I almost got grounded for playing that shit, mom did freaked


which tere was higher quality picture

I can never remember this one old game I had on my PC. The details are all fuzzy and all I can recall is that you're in a ship or something, you can explore any direction, and it's on some planet with different zones. Can't remember if you could attack the enemies but I know I'm just making up this memory

This game terrified me when I was in school.

Attached: NJPkxAD.jpg (350x305, 36K)
Kino big-tiddy-goth-GF-weeb-sim I used to play when I was a little faggot. Bomee's games all had charm to them even though the art was cheesy.

Attached: Moonlight Dating Sim.png (619x355, 322K)

Holy shit, is that fucking KISS? Thanks for bringing this out of the dregs of my memories, I now remember all the wonderful faps to this and its many variations.

wtf is this atrocity? Did you go to jail in the 90's/early 00's?

Rectangle pizza was great.

My life only went downhill after Messenger got shut down

Attached: 609__winMessengerLive3.png (485x444, 82K)

2016. Got married and lost everyone else in my life. I'm dead to my bros. I've been having panic attacks and going to therapy. I didn't want to fail them.

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as soon as the maplestory drug hit my veins at age 10 I was fucked for the rest of my life pretty much. so much birthday money wasted on fucking nexon 3 month expiration date avatars when I could have just had cool toys or more bionicles

23 now btw

Attached: 1548738533831.jpg (970x545, 771K)

I made a fortune by getting to dungeon level 999 using chat commands and selling the crap I found there. Good old times

I was 8 when this happened


Me and my brother like age 7 or 8 fought to play on the computer, for fucking this. One day i walked into poop on the chair. He fuckin pooped himself playing it. I suddenly realized it wasn't that big a deal.

Is that what it is? And what makes it nostalgic?

>confessed to a classmate that I liked her
>only reply was 'ew'

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>try to talk to parents at dinner about the new video game I like
>'I don't really care'
>'user why don't you talk to us more'

I'm pretty glad my mother at least just lets me ramble about whatever shit I want. I know she doesn't really care but it's still a nice gesture, I don't get why most people's families seem to be cunts about most things.

>All those nights talking to her on MSN
What was her name, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1555676728743.png (876x970, 976K)

I think in my case they were just worried about me playing so many games and wanted to discourage me from it. All it ended up doing was discourage me from talking about anything though.

Not American. I took a sandwich with chocolate spread to school almost every day for 12 years, and even some to university. It's not lunch, but it was enough to keep me going until lunch at home. Because it's the parents' responsibility to feed their children, not the school's.
In America you give children the ability to choose what they're gonna eat for lunch out of some crappy cafeteria choices, endorsed by fast/trash food brands that help pass regulations such as pizza counting as a vegetable serving. The children just stuff their faces with pizza on a daily basis, because they are kids and kids are dumb. And then people are puzzled by their obese children.

I think it was Megan or something.
I was 9, she was about 14, but we still got along really well, surprisingly.
One day her boyfriend got pissed that she was talking to me, confronted me himself despite me being an actual child, and I never got to speak to her again.

She really was lovely, I don't remember having that sort of interest in her, but I worried for her a lot after that for like a year straight since I knew she was going through a bit of a rough time, both with her bf and with life in general.

I guess that makes some sense but still. If you want to talk about something and they act like nothing you enjoy matters then Idk what they expect you to do

Oh fuck, I remember dicking around with the various Windows 98 themes just for the fun of it
Thanks, user

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If that's the Howie I think you're talking about, I "played" Tuneland all the time. It came on a combo CD-Rom with Ecco the Dolphin.

All these nostalgia threads can't be good for my health as I stay up until the sun comes up hitting F5, thinking and wondering where it all went wrong.

I go to bed somber but somewhat hopeful that maybe one day these zoomers will grow up and bring about new creations with soul that comes from a newer, youthful generation. Or perhaps maybe even one of us will create something along the same vein.

But then I end up sleeping for 3 hours, groggy and irritable, until the next thread comes and the cycle repeats.

Fleens?? You're not Fleens!

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Here's another in /wsg if you haven't checked it out yet bro. Sometimes it isn't so bad to appreciate what we had, bro. You've made it this far. You deserve to look back with pride.

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My dad and I had to sit down and have this talk. He told me porn was fine, but I had to stop looking up girls my own age.

A lot of people are nostalgic for the 80's, a lot of people are nostalgic for the 90's and a lot of people will be nostalgic for the 2010's. You just have to realize that the time "where it all went wrong" is subjective to you. I feel nostalgic for 2015 because all I did was play OSRS and watch vinesauce streams. I still do but it will never be the same because 2016 was the year I got a full time job doing monotonous bullshit and got a lot more shit to worry about. If you want to feel happy again you're gonna have to create that happiness yourself

I didn't. I was looking for normal porn, damn it.

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I looked through our family photo albums back home and I stopped smiling around 2009.

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I look and this and realize: Wow, kids today really have literally none of this.
I would have expected something to come along and at least be an analog to the cool things when I was a kid, but there isn't any.

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and the sequel

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staying up late during the dial up days to wait for this to load. good times

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My nigga

>not a void of infinite black

>"You've got Mail!"

You got me hard on this one...
I miss spending time with my dad with my noisy PC

I remember computers all through the 90's having lifegenesis but I never figured out what it was about.
I think it's game of life but on a sphere?

I always went robot.

topfuckingkek I hope you didn't use google user

Attached: Digger_Remastered.png (641x400, 17K)

What actually bothers me is that Microsoft, instead of spending a few bucks on making a few default games for windows like they used to do, even if they were primitive: will instead push King AIDS on every fucking copy of windows they sell which are all cheap knockoffs themselves to begin with riddled with microtransactions.

They could easily have any of their engineers in their company replicate these games (because it's not like King made the games in the first place) and release them with Windows, maybe in a nice pack of some sort, and not fuck the user over with their retarded schemes to get people to download 'affiliate' games.

Windows 7 and the 'Games explorer' shit was the beginning of the end. Just come with 5-6 preinstalled games, you fucks.

Attached: ms-arcade-ent.png (647x409, 13K)

I don't think anyone will be nostalgic for the last three years. This is truly hell.

Mobileshit happened.
Free games stopped being about 'Hey look at this cool thing I could do in flash' to 'Hey look how many dumb fuckers I can get giving me their money for a .2 point lead in a pachinko game"

Guess that's true

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dude this is activating parts of my brain i forgot were there

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It all works out in the end, my dude

OG chips challenge is special for me. My cousin and I used to play this almost constantly even when we had objectively better games.

I can't remember the name, but there was a game about a cartoon duck superhero who picks up eggs of three different sizes, shoots with a pink laser gun. The first boss was a hunter who toots a duck whistle.

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Maybe someone can help me here. Looking for a game that was on an old dos compilation disc. Was called something like "Ultra Man" or at least "____ Man". You were like a red dude in a suit and you could climb ladders and there were enemies. The compilation disc I had also had Jazz Jackrabbit on it and it had a bronze star logo.

Unironically the best thread on Yea Forums in a while. Thanks for the memories bros

Micro Man? I remember it on old DOS game compilation discs.

Here's one for anyone who can maybe find such things: I remember a 2D platforming game where you play as a pixelated guy in a red trucker's cap trying to save your son (I think from a haunted house). I remember the gimmick being that your starting weapon (maybe only weapon) was a double barrelled shotgun, and reloading was a definite component of gameplay.