Unironically the GOAT 2D platformer.
Unironically the GOAT 2D platformer
Diddys Kong Quest is better
I’d say you’re both right. Truly the best platformers ever made... followed closely by SMW & M3.
That isn’t Celeste.
imagine going from this to New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
DKC2 is better, but maybe the best to come out past the year 2000. It doesn't really have all that much competition though.
Celeste is good, but the GOAT? lol. No, you zoomer.
The third in the nu-trilogy could be an absolute masterpiece. It needs to be designed specifically around playing as separate characters though instead of riding on DK's back. Also need to make Diddy less useless.
Really hope that's what Retro's been working on.
celeste is good but not GOAT
this, and sonic 3&k + sonic mania
Retro is working on Metroid.
And yet it sold bad. I feel sorry for the DK series. The main entries aren't bad, but in recent years they sell poorly. Also Nintendo doesn't seem to permit DK to properly become a 3D series. They want to keep DK as Kirby. Just 2D.
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
>he thinks ANY sonic game belongs in a best platformer discussion
Yes but there's no way they haven't been working on something else in the 5 years since Tropical Freeze
And after that's done, rumor between fans is they want Retro to try saving Star Fox instead of returning to DK. That's what fans are wishing for in their desperate hour thanks to Miyamoto destroying Star Fox (starting with Adventures).
Stunned as well. Wow.
>Celeste isn't in the conversation for GOA-
Now they are. They weren't just sitting on their asses for years and getting paid by Nintendo for doing nothing at all. Whatever they were working on is probably nearly complete so they could jump on Metroid now.
I’d be okay with Retro handling any mainline Nintendo series. Hell, I would be happy if they made Mario 2D games moving forward.
Didn't that tranny do the review?
Sometimes I think about getting the game but I always eventually decice not to, because already seen it. Plus you're forced to play as Donkey in single player and the bonus rooms are bad.
You only say that because you grew up with it.
It sounds like you’d rather watch Twitch.
Yep. Best 2D platformer ever made.
I didnt though
I played DKC2 for the first time last year and agree with him.
Implying this review isn't fucking BASED. One of the most un-fun games Nintendo has ever put out. The game is cheap as fuck and the controls are fucking whack compared to shit like Celeste.
Well watching others play is nice entertainment so yeah I do that a lot, very rarely live and on Twitch though. Mario Maker find most fun to watch, it's cool that still often see techniques etc that not seen before.
>Dude spikes lmao
The epitome of trash platformer design
what is this super meat boy mod?
Looks like shit.
I grew up with DKC2. Went back for a visit a couple years ago, and it didn't live up to the nostalgia as much as I'd hoped it would. DKCR and DKTR were very much similar in structure, meaning they had the same sort of problems with cryptic hidden bullshit. And while they certainly look nicer by modern standards, they aren't nearly as groundbreaking as the old games were.
I can't decide between them. Both are god tier though and anyone who disagrees should be shot in the streets.
I haven't played any of the DKC games yet, but I wanna give them a shot one of these days, they look fantastic. Trying to find an emulator that has a scanline filter that's not shit since from what i've seen the prerendered sprites really get fucked by not having a CRT or some sort of way to emulate the scanlines.
That being said, the best 2d platformer i've played thus far is pic related. Fucking fantastic
If you like this do yourself a favor and play literally any Genesis Sonic game/Mania. This is genesis sonic with bad physics and feature bloat.
All of the DKC games are GOAT. Even 3 which is considered the black sheep of the bunch is still decent.
Looks like a trash Sonic... which is already trash.
>Even 3 which is considered the black sheep of the bunch is still decent.
Let's not get too carried away.
I've messed around with them before but I have issues with them that I feel freedom planet fixes
as I say above, I feel like FP fixes sonic's issues
>but I have issues with them that I feel freedom planet fixes
This ought to be good.
Please do enlighten me on how your derivative indie schlock is an improvement over the classics.
Fixes what? Freedom Plant is okay but let's not shit ourselves. It isn't even in the same league as the genesis Sonic games. Not even the first one.
Actually not. The graphics are beautiful and music is alright, but the controls are not nearly as tight as people claim. It was a chore to finish.
All of you are fucking casuals.
>Great OST
>Made by Gunstar Heroes devs
>Unique gameplay you can't find anywhere else
How did based Treasure get away with it?
have gex
3 decades and still untouched
Incredibly bizarre idea for a game but I love it. Really utilized the Genesis in a beautiful way.
I agree. I'm not going into go into an indepth review, because I trust anyone who cares to have an opinion knows the DKC series intimately and don't need a lecture anyway. But I was thinking deeply about it, trying to figure out why I like DKC2 better than Freeze, willing to accept it may just be nostalgia and almost settling for the idea. But then, as I played through them both back to back again, I finally realized what the big difference was. However, if you disagree with me on the next point, then my conclusion here doesn't hold up at all. And that point is that all the fun of DKC is finding all the secrets in each level. In the first Donkey Kong Country, the bonus rooms are all lame and repetitive, and there's no reward for getting 101%. But in DKC2 and 3, every last bonus room has an entirely unique challenge formed from three different objectives, and each level has a hidden DK coin which can range from crypitcally hidden to showing in plain sight but requiring skill to collect. On top of all these, you get short term rewards for all your secret hunting by visiting the lost world every 15 coins, and a long term reward by getting to fight a secret final boss. For me, the secret bonus rooms and DK coins are what make Donkey Kong so fun to play.
their other game has already been teased, it's not DK. It's some weird new IP with a robot boy or something
But I think Freeze (and Returns, but I'll just say Freeze from hereon) really drop the ball on this. In Freeze, the secrets you are looking for are puzzle pieces. The KONG letters are almost always in plain sight and hardly ever difficult to reach so I won't count them. The way these puzzles pieces are hidden are split into four kinds: bonus rooms, 'paying attention', invisible triggers, and actually good ones. One quarter is hidden away in bonus rooms. But much like the first DKC, there are only about five kinds of bonus rooms, all having you repeat the same task, not a single of them unique and all boring. The second quarter of puzzles pieces are simply found by not running past everything - just make sure you interact with everything that can be interacted with, and a puzzle piece may pop out. The third quarter are hidden by invisible triggers similar to the first Rayman; if you stand in the right spot, something might happen. Like a trail of bananas appearing, or one banana showing up you collect to make another banana show up, finally resulting in a puzzle piece. These micro tasks present no challenge and what you're actually being rewarded for is standing in every spot you can just to make sure you haven't missed an invisible trigger. The final quarter of puzzle pieces are actually hidden in clever ways, like making you wonder 'hey this gimmick is fun but what if I used it in this way the devs probably didn't expect?', and then boom, a puzzle piece appears. These are the only ones that make me feel like I'm actually playing Donkey Kong Country. Except in DKC2 or 3, instead of finding a puzzle piece here, I may have found a Bonus Barrel which takes me to a completely unique bonus game to play. For me, this is what I think makes DKC2 (and even 3) superior to Freeze. I also much prefer the instant momentum platforming by rolling on the spot in the SNES games, but that's a different matter entirely and I think not as significant.
My problem with original Donkey Kong County is that all the secrets and bonuses just equate to more lives which can be easily farmed in the first couple levels.
I thought the fun of DKC was the kinetic platforming and varied levels, but you do you user
Donkey rolls too fast. Not nearly as satisfying as DKC1-3
>Dull level design
That's spot on.
No it was a guy who likes JRPGs and Bayonetta, and hosted a show about phone games. Why GameSpot got him to review a 2D platformer is beyond me.
for me, the SNES DKC games feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better to control. DKCR is too floaty.
No, it's not.
Nice try
Not even close.
This is just personal opinion but I feel like DKC2 also had nicer locations to visit. I still remember the Bayou, Amusement Park, Haunter Forest, etc. fondly whereas TP had fun backgrounds but they didn't feel as neat to visit. It feels like when they made DKC Returns and TP, most of their inspiration was to make DKC1 over and not repeat what made DKC2/3 more varied.
>Platforming game where you don't even need to platform
I never played a Yoshi game so maybe I'm seeing this out of context but that looks like the exact opposite of good.
Imaging making a string of incredible platformers in the early 90s and then evaporating. SEGA of Japan is one of the dumbest corporations in the history of video games.
diddy's kong quest was better, DKC 3 was better in some ways too but obviously rife with problems. the level design in tropical freeze was overall very uninspired and could get boring quickly, much of it was the same horizontal movement and platforming unless you were playing a challenge level or something. DKC2 took much greater advantage of not only it's gimmicks but also vertical movement, making the levels feel not only larger but more organic. the classic DKC games also benefit greatly from the pseudo-realistic art style
>DKC 3 was better in some ways
Sonic 3 is better thank Knuckles. Fucking fight me.
>muh classics
I have a feeling you aren't going to even read my post if I bother.
I think I might just want different fundamental things out of it then you both.
I feel like the small screen size and the fact that contact with enemies directly damaging you goes aginst the core design of Sonic. I get that the idea is that you play slowly and you go fast with mastery, but in practice that just means memeorization. Freedom planet retains a lot of the same ideas but having more screen space and making it so only enemy attacks are damaging helps fix this, and FP also has a lot more visual and mechanical variety in each of it's stages, and obviously has better visuals and has actual setpieces by virtue of the better hardware.
overrated shit
there's more to DKC3 than baby kong, the world map, and world 1, you bandwagoning faggot.
b-but muh gimmicks
My dick still gets hard looking at stage maps for DKC2.
The one Koin challenge in DKC3 where you have to learn how to make the barrel roll slowly enough not to reach Koin before you do and make him turn his back is a better challenge than anything presented to you in Freeze.
You mean no one's played it in 30 years?
Low energy troll, man. You can say it isn't the best, but it is a fucking fine game.
if you're having a hard time liking it perhaps the remake on the GBA would be more to your taste? You get a bonus world with unique mechanics like underwater levels with wind in them! And music that while sometimes better than the original (due to David Wise coming back) can be annoying at times (see the Treetop levels).
I agree fuck autoscrollers,
I don't know about that, I only really liked sonic cd.
yoshi's island has autoscrollers too you fucking idiot
Yeah, you'd be surprised by how much better New Super Mario Bros U is
Cut the ones out where you can.
based retard
Playing it on my Switch right now. Eat shit faggot.
Tropical Freeze's only flaw are how repetitive the bonus levels are
this. No nostagia either, I have more nostalgia for Mario World since I played that first, but Mario 3 is the best one.
and that Diddy is pretty much useless
Why are there so few of us that dislike Tropical Freeze, contrarian user?
I see there are still some Wii U cucks left still shilling this Dreamworks tier trial and error farce of a game
Tropical Freeze zoomers need to step the fuck back