

Attached: Budder.png (160x160, 331)

That's gold.


Attached: butter account.png (1387x446, 116K)

>get married
>have child
>quit MC to shillout as a dollar store DJ
>wife fucks best friend behind your back
>spend time to fix things with her
>a year later after paying for all counseling she fucks him again
>wife files divorce w/ claims of fatherly neglect from working hard to get family kickstart
>lose custody of one and only son while wife lets best friend move in so he can fuck her more often

Sky had it rough

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Is this really what happened to him?

I didn't know.

Source? I trust you but I wanna know more.

That is why I'm not getting married or getting a gf. I'd rather just jack off to hentai.

>another e-celeb thread

Based sky putting his whore wife up for display for millions to see and gawk at her whorishness

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This. I'm sure the chances of this shit happening are low but I'd rather not risk paying alimony to some whore who pretended to love me for the rest of my life

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That can’t have happened
Shit, he had it worse than Tobuscus

>not knowing prenups exist
cope harder

what a fucking whore

What happened to the rest of his minecraft friends? Did they all fall apart when he left?

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Did somebody say butter?

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Sign a prenup.

>judge throws out prenup

Now you just don't know what you're talking about, nigger.

i watched some of his stuff

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Judges literally throw out prenuptial agreements all of the fucking time. They are expensive toilet paper in California.

Breaks my heart just thinking about something like this happening.


what in the fuck are you talking about
what does this post have anything to do with the thread

It's what this thread is about.

Who's the best friend and how come I never heard of this?

old minecraft eceleb that everyone used to hate got fucked hard by life so now people here feel bad for him

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