Wtf Yea Forums, this shit looks amazing
wheres the hype
A PLAGUE TALE: Innocence
>yet another western walking simulator
also looks a bit generic doesn't it?
>being a weeb that plays kiddy games
Okay I take that back, some of the environments do look nice. But it's still an ewwww for me, story driven survival game with cutscenes everywhere isn't what I like
>open world
>story driven
>third person
>gameplay consists of walking in between cutscenes
yup, it's garbage.
>from the developers of FUEL
Didn't see that coming
Seeing some of the gameplay of that woman trying to avoid the rats I realized there's a chance that Death Stranding will play just like this game.
I think the art style is a bit too realistic for how silly the gameplay is, contrasts with the story
hard pass
looks pretty kino
but the animations need improvement and the garbage modernist UI needs to go
I wonder if it'll come out for PS5 or switch
When did this meme begin of having to make everything just a slow, boring walking slog stopping everything to watch 5 to 10 minutes of dialogue? I just wanna play the damn game, stop making me stop to watch your dull writing.
This is literally just a barely interactive movie though?? Do people really want such "games" to be the norm?
The developers making these games don't care about fun. They see games as an interactive medium to tell a story. You should watch the interviews with the developers, there's a short one midway through OP's video, and you'll understand.
Fortunately there are still proper games being done. Fromsoft doesn't disappoint and now there's Nioh 2 coming out, and unironically indies are getting better.
>being a man children justifying his collection of toys as high art
>Do people really want such "games" to be the norm?
You're asking this over a decade too late. Which is my real problem with the game: it feels like it was designed in the late 2000's.
these people think they're the next spielberg
Say what you will about the gameplay, they nailed the graphics
>I'm so intellectually stunted that I would rather BING BANG WAHOO like a todler than connect with a narrative on an intellectual/emotional level
Jesus Christ nintentards. Get a grip.
>i'm such an illiterate soiboi that i need my intellectual and emotional stimulation from games
read a book, soibean
>nintentoddler ever reading a book
pretentious hypocrite please kill yourself.
This, but unironically.
>it's another over the shoulder third-person game with heavy focus on the story
I don't even own a switch. I just can't stand these pretentious fag who couldn't make it as proper artists shitting up a medium designed for fun and entertainment. Caring about deep stories in games is like showing up to school in a suit.
I have no good damn interest in a game that locks my movement to the characters animations anymore. Animations should reflect my decisions, my decisions should be hampered by the animation as little as possible.
Based. It's a shame though because the game is so pretty
trees and vegetation looks shitty.
also the exess of bloom is annoying and clearly there to cover the poor job on the polygon count.
its also a walking simulator.
have to constantly take care of NPC
>female protagonist.
it has all the red flags for a shitty game.
Looks like shit, and I am 110% sure OP is a shill.
>Creating a compelling narrative using the most interactive medium to ever exist is somehow pretentious because some Yea Forums toddler said so
Ok, retard.
>Pretentious basedboy being a hypocrite and projecting on people who don't want movie games
I don't connect with poor writing so I can feel like I'm more "woke" than other gamers. Get over yourself.
based ESL weeb
>1 min into video
>absolute zero gameplay besides some epic running
this looks like total garbage,kys shill
>Yea Forumsedditard using every buzzword imaginable to try and sound intelligent while actually saying nothing at all.
How about come to terms with yourself, retard.
If they wanted that they should have made Return of The Obra Din. I can guarantee that this game will consist purely of walking from point A to B.
>Completely avoids the argument he is presented with
Yea, I'm done with you. Just kill yourself so I don't have to deal with you again
Has it ever occurred to you that more than one person thinks your a faggot?
>10 minutes of cutscenes
>skip ahead to the gameplay
>there's no gameplay, just an interactive cutscene
>shitting up a medium designed for fun and entertainment
you're like those /pol/shitters who see a bunch of brown people going about their business and immediately go home to start threads about the collapse of the white race
kill yourself. if you're too short on brain cells to handle narratives or stories or have too much ADHD to handle slow gameplay literally all you gotta do is sit back on your bingbingwahoo machine and play kiddie games rehashed and recycled since the late 80's. Fucking cuck.
looks like shit desu
stop trying to imitate realism you unimaginative hacks
>more bing bing wahoo and less realistic games please
It's not realism, their main inspiration is Claude Lorrain as you can see by the bloom and fog. Again, their gameplay may be shit or just nonexistent but their art department is great, they've got some top tier artists working there.
kys retard
>It's not realism, their main inspiration is Claude Lorrain as you can see by the bloom and fog.
Nigger, every PS4 game made in the past decade is chock-full with bloom and fog
looks like shit
such as...?
Have you even watched ONE of his films? Do you even know his name?
You're blind and uneducated, I hate these story driven games but this one in particular nails the Lorrain look
God of War
The Last of Us
Order 1886
insert every other game made here
they shove that shit in everywhere to hide the 2009 level textures, disgusting LOD and zero draw distance
Yes, because sometimes I play a game, to PLAY a fucking game, not sit there and be talked at for 30 minutes like some fucker's trying to win an Oscar without blowing 10 directors.
Nope, it looks like shit. You're a victim of extreme wishful thinking and dishonest marketing.
>God of War
definitely no
sort of
not a ps4 exclusive you retard
Wow, so one and a half games. Good job, now kill yourself.
>the most interactive medium
Yeah. Sure. I too like to only have to push forward on an analog stick and get the game fed to me.
"Interactive" would imply doing more than walking around, pressing the examine button, and hoping the plot progresses. It should just be a movie and cut out the extra steps is the argument against it, and the only thing you've offered is your bitch ass reddit spacing (go back there by the way) and the argument of "Muh Art!!! U just don't get!!!"
Art is an abstract construct forged on the interpretation of a medium; it can be a masterpiece that took a lifetime perfecting ones craft to create; and it can be a black and white photo of a chair lying on its side. "It's art" is not a reason or an excuse.
You like, go ahead and pay full price for this vaporware shit. We don't like it because we want to play a game, to have options, paths before us, interesting dialogue, combat and puzzles, grind rails and carriages, boss fights, and so much more.
All of which is squandered on shit games like this bought by shit queers like you.
>Yes, because I AM an infantile manchild who would rather mindlessly smash buttons than connect with a compelling narrative
söy detected
Wow user look at all these amazing GRAPHICS
Another cinematic game, I'm so hyped you have no idea.
why cant you have both?
>why do game devs use methods to make games look good??? it pisses me off!
>degrading picture quality with excessive bloom, blur, fog, dof, CA and post-processing in general is "making games look good"
this is your brain on snoy
That the best argument you can come up with? Really? Compelling Narrative?
You want to know what's a compelling narrative? Bloodborne is a compelling narrative, The Legend of Zelda is a compelling narrative, Halo is a compelling narrative. Fuck me, even the original Mario brothers had a compelling narrative.
You want to know why they were compelling? Because you, yes YOU, were the one pushing the story forward. Your actions killed the monsters, plundered the depths, conversed with the locals, discovered the secrets, conquered the dangers and saved the fucking day.
You were in the story, part of the story, the epicenter of the story, because your actions, stay with me here, COMPELLED THE FUCKING NARRATIVE.
Here's your you, now fuck off to whatever troll hole spawned you and clean the crusty semen off your screen for god's sake, you're embarrassing your mother.
top literally looks like a 2010 PS3 game.
>reddit spacing
A bit cringe but based
>walking sim
>shitty voice acting
>30 minutes of boredom showed to us so far
>pic related
This is going to be garbage.
3rd person is trash
Those facial animations are kinda janky
As I expect from focus
dont shit on 3rd person just because commiefornia studios ruined it
So your whole argument is that you just prefer to be a manchild? Yea, you can stop replying.
Ok? That wasn't my argument
>reddit spacing
hahahaha, ok
Your whole argument is subjective. You happen to find being a man child compelling, while I find that using my intellect to connect with a narrative on a more meaningful level is compelling.
>3rd person female protagonist
Yeah nah
>he thinks he's being intellectual for liking movie games and pretending they are deep
Keep telling yourself that, it doesn't make it any less retarded.
The only possibility of me wanting to "play" this game is if there was a campaign where you play the crusader and slay thots
not when done well, no.
RE4 had third person and it was good.
>Cinematic game that has you walking through a forest
The biggest surprise here is it's not a Sony exclusive.
Far more intellectually stimulating than BING BANG WAHOO
>all this warring between fans of story driven games and fans of gameplay driven games
I legit don't understand why we can't have both. My 2 favorite games of the previous generation where Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and Alan Wake. One had both the most satisfying 2-handed melee combat and spell casting gameplay I've ever played in a game but also a pantsu-on-head retarded plot and writing that left me wanting, the other was a hiking simulator with admittedly decent resource management but very basic 3PS gameplay aside from the flashlight mechanic, but it basically acted as the backdrop of a Neil Gaiman tier story that you actually got to experience first hand and felt satisfied to complete. I loved playing both, but they scratch two totally different itches.
Games like this definitely have their niche. They deserve to exist and continue to be made. They don't threaten the existence of more gameplay heavy games so I don't see why people get so mad about them. My favorite game of the current generation so far is Attack on Titan 2 which is gameplay heavy as fuck weabshite, but me loving that game doesn't make me any less hype to play this one, or the new VtM coming out soon which should strike a balance between both gameplay and story.
Sometimes you want to play a button masher , and sometimes you're more in the mood for a game with a good story. I don't really think there is anything wrong with that.
are you seriously implying capeshit/GoT level entry level shlock garbage is "intellectually stimulating" in any capacity?
Well at least it's doing something different by being a mom simulator instead of a dad simulator.
Far more intellectually stimulating than BING BANG WAHOO
>French game
>Hire terrible voice actors
Because only faggots bother with internal testing demos and hype in the first place.
>Chromatic Aberration
>not just the shadman
not really, it actually takes some brain activity to steer Mario effectively, on the other hand it takes zero to watch game of thrones as evidenced by all the 50 IQ normalfags loving it
>Being an adult who wears another mans name on his back because he's good at chasing various types of balls
Status quo entertainment is even more vapid and childish than gaming
I want artfags to fuck off.
Graphics look too good for current gen, i have a feeling this is something like the Vanishing of Ethan Carter, gonna be PC exclusive first then ported to PS5/Xbox 2 next year
these games don't exist
Of course it takes nothing to WATCH it, but to fully appreciate it requires an intellectual ability that no Yea Forumsedditard could ever hope to achieve.
>child escort simulator
that's gonna have to be a pass from me
but user iy has knights m8 KNIGHTS!
>child escort simulator
you're seriously trying to use the rick and morty "only for true intellectuals" argument
no you bumbling idiot it's a fucking video game. it's bottom of the barrel garbage with zero depth or intellectual stimuli to it
>1st person is trash
I agree.
The mark of true intellect is knowing that you and your peers are bumbling idiots in the scheme of things.
Phrasing user
let's not go all socrates on this bitch, but yes, we're all fucking retards. we post on Yea Forums after all.
Well i am exited. I like the idea of the character actually having to use her wits to deal with stuff and being unable to fight.
Won´t have much replay value though since once you figure out the puzzle it´s always going to go the same way... on the other hand my memory is shitty so i´ll forget most of it after a while anyways.
okay okay okay
You only say that because you're too retarded to actually grasp the intellectual nuance present within the narrative.
is another Walking Dead.
I hope is not religion = BAD GUYS, it could be peak cliché.
Looks pretty good, I don't know why people are seething
Where is the tits and ass and the sexy outfits?
There is none? then fuck this game
>t. plague tale creator
looks like a good movie, dunno if a good videogame though
People complained there were too many cutscenes in games, the industry "solution" was walking sections. Because slowly walking forward is technically gameplay right?
I wish
the fuck? this trash is literally just the last of us reskinned. why would anyone be hyped for a rerelease of an already boring ass game
>Creating a compelling narrative
But they're not.
>the kind of people who play these games are the kind of people who complain about /pol/ out of nowhere
Im excited for it since I followed the development from day 1. But I can totally get why people wouldnt play it. Heavy narrative over gameplay just isnt eveyones cup of tea I guess.
>walking sim
>female MC
>escort mission:the game
Hard fucking no Jimmy
>reading books is pretentious
Good Lord, the American education system did a number on you