Are they right?
Anthem and the Male Ego
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what does this even mean
Look at this dude.
Makes sense. In andromeda they "fixed" the problematic dialogue before anything else. And not even a Bioware thing, when a tranny cried in twitter about some sort of joke in Pillars of Eternity, Sawyer intermediately opened his anus while asking for forgiveness and fixed the problematic text before any other bug. Priorities.
So what is the problem it has with male ego? Greentext a quote from the article or post an archive.
>Bioware tries to be more progressive
>Draws attention from people who never play games
>Gets attacked more than ever for not being progressive enough
Sounds about right.
maybe, I dunno, they should stop making shit games?
maybe, just maybe...
It means they're looking for ANY possible excuse to explain why anthem failed to avoid admitting a bunch of tumblr sjws at bioware are simply bad at making games.
MEA got one content update and it was literally to make the game gayer. I’m still in awe of that whenever I remember.
As the title remarks, a game being good or shit is totally irrelevant. The propaganda is the only thing that matters.
>Before BioWare even thinks about expanding out the story of Anthem, it should really consider looking at the failings of the base game's narrative and of the instances of male ego that drives the story forward – toxic masculinity which ultimately works to the detriment of the story's core development and resolution.
I still don't understand why bioware bothers including males on its games.
For the gays.
They still need to sell games, bro. Remember they're owned by EA.
Bioware was one of the ones that started this trend. Good to see that it is finally backfiring on them.
Devs should really stop apologizing to these fags and just ignore them. They're gonna get pissed by something one way or the other anyway
Was Andromeda not enough?
thats rit, priorities first!
this, desu.
I need more details
Whats wrong in the story this people are going on about
Male characters motives and egos bring the story down with their pride and masculinity.
What do they actually want?
What sort of game are they looking for?
What do they want EA to spend millions developing?
There's male ego in this game?
Before anthem receives DLC, bioware needs to sell a copy of anthem.
this game is going to get a DLC?! I thought it was so bad it crashed and burned like bioware's future
lol the left is full of fucken idiots. More proof. you SJWs need to kill yourselves.
Complaining about the male ego when the core of game is trash. This is like complaining about how your car has a broken cd player while the engine is on fire
This is why SJW pandering is terrible- no matter what you do, they will find something new to tear into you about. Stop pandering to people who inherently hate your game.
More details
I could write a scene about two men arguing over their dogs that fits that criteria
They want destiny and warframe but don't want to put the actual effort in.
Have sex
When you don't denigrate and make all dialogue about how repulsive a male, that's male ego.
Those games are full of male ego
What they want is a gay sex simulator
to be fair that bouquet is pretty pathetic
Why do journalists think that companies "need" to do what they think they should do?
Should not journalists be reporting facts? Or do they even hide anymore than the goal is manipulation?
Can someone actually the fucking article, I'm not gonna shitpost about this without knowing what I'm shitposting about, that could be so many things.
The delusion is real.
The chink should be happy she's getting anything fucking stuck up bitch.
Imagine if this was the other way round and she was bringing him a sandwich, SJWs would get the get pulled.
it's okay femanon
you can just admit you haven't played the game
Why would I play such a toxic game?
Video games are for kids anyway.
He's better-looking than she is.
Hate to break it to you but that's a tranny
A lot of them actualy do kill themselves
And yet you're here
This pretty much sums it up. They're just pointing fingers at anything in a poor attempt at avoiding the truth; that BioWare is infested with transvestites and gender queer people who can't make games.
Because this thread has been linked on Resetera
I just wanted to see the autistic cancer for myself.
these people are never fucking happy jesus christ we need another fucking war
>Promote women cus we blacklist your game
>Take men down a notch
>Wow your male characters are stupid and unbelievable.
Saved you a click.
Anthem is woke and Bioware is mostly Sjw's, so I do not understand.
>toxic masculinity
yes, because the big problem with Anthem is the storytelling lmao
well its obvious as fuck and
the retarded thing she's doing with her hands fucking enrages me god damn fuck bioware
See: The female ego
that gif speaks volumes
>maybe if you pandered more to the demographics that tanked your company it would turn things around!
Who the fuck cares?
This shit hole os a "gaming" site tranny
Is that the nigger version of the okay sign?
Literally they won't be happy unless a game spends over half it's time chastising white males for being evil. They gave them an inch and they expect a mile. Nothing will ever be enough. These people are professional butchers, if they had nothing to bitch about they wouldn't have jobs, they will never admit victory until everything is burned down. And then they'll quickly find stuff to bitch about after that.
I can't wait for the day that mens prostates get removed at birth. Circumcision is too good for you
Anthem has a problem with being a product of a greedy trend following directionless corporation that rushed out a pile of shit game after it floundered in development for six years. Saying its issues are anything besides that is performative wokeness.
You guys are the only ones who still give a shit about this
Never you silly tranny, also i uncut
men are actually bad
make men bad
women good
women always good
don't make women bad
First it was toxic masculinity, now it's the male ego.
>majority of the people who buy action games are male
I don't get it
Even Reddit thinks you people are insane.
Go back to your garbage pile and stay there
What reddit thinks was insane 5 years ago it gladly accepts now.
We're the future.
And that future is a fuckin dystopia. Enjoy being rulers of rubble.
>Can't reproduce
>High suicide rate
Delusional tranny
The game is an easy topic. Bioware already has a track record of bending over and grabbing their ankles for the power moves by the SJW's on the internet and if at any point Anthem somehow fixes itself in the future, which could be possible as some kind of redemption story, they want to be able to say the game got better because of inclusive diversity. Everything is a play to acquire power
From your perspective,
Stop being autistic.
>Bioware, a company of tranny's and wymen
>Make games that pander to tranny's and wymen
>Are being scalded by tranny's and wymen for obsessing with the male ego
There's really no winning with these "people." I wonder when normal human being are going to realize that they lash out at you regardless of what side your on and stop letting them run amok.
>tranny's and wymen
They're obssed with man user
People will eventually ignore you when something else fresh to bitch about comes around.
have you looked at who these "devs" hire yoou idiot ? what kind of work demographic do you think these companies have since most of them are in california ?
these people are fucking losers
>Someone from ResetEra insulting autistic people.
Please submit yourself to your tranny gestapo. You will have to write 10 articles for my forgiveness.
Of course they're obsessed with men.
They're either gay, "straight" tranny's, or spite driven feminists that literally can't stop thinking about "Straight white toxic male privilege-splaining"
As it turns out these "people" are nothing without men for one reason or another.
Why do people take so many selfies in fucking elevator mirrors like holy shit get a life.
>implying we give a fuck about Autistics
They haven't for the last 20 years, why would they stop now.
Your're for a rude wakening tranny
That's great and all, but they really do all need to kill themselves.
It caters to its target demographic, oh no.
It's honestly fucked up that they even allow this surgery. It's nowhere near the point where it should be performed on humans. I'm more confused about the people who go through with it, though. Like, you know what would really make you feel like a woman? Having to artificially gape the thing your body thinks is a WOUND for the rest of your fucking life.
new word for toxic masculinity.
Female ego is worse
I dunno, cause like, you can play as a girl, so that eliminates one source? I guess the author is talking about how the Monitor, the antagonist, is the villain, your coworker is ambitious and betrays you and that your buddy Haluk has depression and problems accepting his flaws and impedes your progress because of it
Of course it is they wouldn't be complaining about the male ego if their ego didn't make them think that their ego is superior.
It will absolutely be seen in the same vein as lobotomies are today; a legitimate operation that was unfortunately widely abused as it was simpler, more politically correct choice.
trannies tranniying trannies
Back to retardera with you, tranny.
I seriously hope you don't think this.
Yeah, I'm sure large companies like EA really want to capitalise on the 0.05% of the population that doesn't play video games and has at ~35% suicide rate. Great investment.
>BioWare needs to address its obsession with the male ego
What the fuck is this shit? This is a problem? Not something gameplay related? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
>Today, lobotomy has become a disparaged procedure, a byword for medical barbarism and an exemplary instance of the medical trampling of patients' rights
I dunno, sounds about right to me. Also, check em
this is why trannies kill themselves.
And then everyone clapped.
Anthem needs to address its shit gameplay first
>The white male ego is problematic
>they ended slavery
>they stopped the Nazis
>they were the Beatles
>resetranny calling people autistic
enjoy your ban
Bioware is beyond saving at this point, how long till EA kill them.
Oh wow I'm not even gonna read what they mean by that, clearly from that title they just hate all men.
>Let's start with Haluk. He gets his squad killed because he's too prideful to back down.
>In his first attempt at quelling the Heart of Rage – after watching his squad dying off one-by-one in front of him – he still refuses to leave the battle and regroup.
>he never acknowledges the fact that much of what went wrong is on his shoulders – because of his hubris, his unchecked and untamed male ego.
>His uncontainable self-belief means that we have to endure yet another half-hearted story of self preservation and self-reflection from a male character suffering with an overblown ego.
>Where Haluk's downfall was his pride, Owen struggles to confront his crushing insecurity.
>Ambition is incredibly important, without it, people accomplish very little. You need to know when it's appropriate though.
>He doesn't care, he wants to be the hero, he can't accept that he isn't ready
>Owen doesn't just not learn from this but acts like a child when called out on it.
>He steals the only Javelin that can save the day, joins the bad guys, then gets his face burned off and crawls back. Then, despite literally all of these problems he's caused, still doesn't give you back the Javelin, and just disappears. What an asshole.
>there's The Monitor. The very epitome of a classic villain, and also the epitome of sheer arrogance.
>Now, this isn't unusual in video games, in fact, it's pretty much a cliché. His ego is so over-inflated that he genuinely believes he can control creation itself.
>All three of these characters are one-dimensional ego beasts that run afoul of the most predictable story arcs in recent memory. All because they all represent the exact same flaw. They can't keep their egos in check, and they pay the price as a result.
>The idea that men are so driven by their own ego as to wind up failing because of it is outdated. We can have better characters than this, surely? And if any studio will deliver them, it has to be BioWare.
Wait, so he's saying the game makes sexist stereotypes of men?
>implying this doesn't apply to women
how are those all male exclusive problems? a female warrior could also be too proud to back down, or insecure about being a heroine, or arrogant
But only 20% have srs and 40% kill themselves
It's such a bad place for selfies too. The background just shows the lifeless metal doors, dull grey and the buttons of the elevator. Not a sight that's meant to inspire confidence about your life.
Articles like this existing is the reason I hate this society now. When Halo released, even the last one, you never heard this type of shit. Then, overnight, sjws took over and everything became political. Every faggot had to find some reason to insert their agenda onto a game or anything for that matter. Lets just start again
Then these same people hate on the she-goat, because a character who gets assigned a job they're under-prepared for due to family connections is now "problematic" if its a woman in that role.
So basically it's nothing, another worthless clickbait article
There hasn't been anything worthwhile put out by gaming journalism ever
For the sake of women who pitch a fit at a depiction of an attractive fictional woman, but squee over depictions of fictional attractive men.
If by "obession with the male ego", they mean "tendency to fuck around in pre-production for years at a time and slap together a half-baked, scarcely functional 'game' in eighteen months", then yes. Otherwise, no - before story DLC, BioWare needs to address the fact that the game is a hot mess.
sometimes i click on these threads to have a good laugh
The entire article is in
>all males want online shootan
Yikes, that's like saying all women are whores.
Lmao. BioWare panders to these brainlets, but its never enough. Theres always more woke idiots out there with lower power levels. So what's BioWare going to do now in response?
Fire 1000 over worker and be the legend
>released shit game
>nobody plays it
>OMG male cis scum
like clockwork
>no romance in a BioWare game
>nobody cares because all the characters are fucking hideous
keep digging the hole
at first I wanted Bioware to die with dignity, then I wanted EA to just put them out of their misery, but now I want to see just how pathetic they and their fans can get
They also started slavery and both world wars
>slowly turning anthem around
>when they just announced that the roadmap they set out is fucked and they have to fix the core game, basically re-releasing it and putting all updates on hold
Slavery exist in mexico before the white people even came there, African people sold their own people.
yeah, THAT'S why their games suck
>X needs to do Y
the shit article headline.
I'm talking about males in general
The title alone didn't tip you off to the fact that the writer is talking out of their ass?
they could have talked out their ass and googled anthem once.
Do people actually read gaming journalism nowadays?
Livin' the elevator life.
I never thought anything from last year and this year could be a bigger dumpster fire than 76 but then Anthem came along. I mean at least 76 didn't seem to be steeped in this woke shit. Or was it?
another one bites the dust
Remember when game journalists defended ME3 saying BioWare didn't have to change their creative vision to satisfy anyone? Fast forward 7 years and they're demanding they rework entire plot lines and themes to satisfy their own whims.
This is why Frank Zappa hated hippies. The far-left is never happy. They're never satisfied, and the second you do or say one thing they slightly dislike they'll nail you to a cross. No matter how many years you spent on your knees sucking their feminine cocks.
They could have, but articles like these are more like creative writing pieces. The game itself is just a prompt they can use to write whatever, and establishing any sort of actual relationship with the game is busywork that doesn't really matter in the end.
Not really. There was an article about some sort of in-game homophobic attack, but it came long after everything else, and by that point, nothing short of Bethesda dragging players out into the street and shooting them could make that mess more than a bad memory in the internet's collective rear-view mirror.
If you read about the history of the bolshevik movement, you'll find that they respected external enemies more than their own who had been deemed to wrongthink. They had a massive obsession for finding traitors, paranoia ran wild in the East Bloc. Nothing pleases a leftie more than ousting a friend who has been found to have wrong thoughts.
Also, in their world an apology means the same as admitting to the crime and is the very last thing to ever do if you end up in their crosshairs. It gives them all the justification they will ever need to flay you as hard as they can. Not too many PR departments have realized that.
Anthem has a shitload of problems and male ego isn't one of them.
Bioware had crossed a threshold when they made a stand on a political agenda, and now they're getting their shit pushed in every time they do ANYTHING
Pro tip: don't fucking cave to any social group or they'll just keep moving the goalpost on every project you ever have.
Is “male ego” nu code for “fucking shit gameplay”?
>started slavery and both world wars
How ignorant.
WW2 was directly caused by the conclusion of WW1, and whites didn't cause WW1. Blacks did
I don't think the writer really cares, he's just meeting his quota of pumping out clickbait headlines for his site. He probably forgot about it the moment he send it to be published
>"Bioware needs to address its obsession with the male ego"
what the fuck does that even mean?!
exactly this, his actual complaint is that these are cliched character flaws, especially in vidya, but hey why not score some progress points by clapping back or whatever the fuck about 'toxic masculinity', never mind that it was being portrayed negatively in the first place
well, yeah, the good looking guys are for gays and maybe girls
These are not male exclusive character flaws or behaviours and the story is not why Anthem failed.
Anthem failed because it's a shit game.
Didn't a Serbian extremist shoot Franz Ferdinand, prompting a declaration of war from Austria-Hungary on Serbia, which led to their allies and their allies' allies simultaneously declaring war on each other in a giant continental fuckpile?
why yes.
>That one tumblr post about how all boys should literally be castrated before puberty after being shamed by being paraded down the street completely naked
Difference is that you're just shitposting while that tumblr post was 100 percent serious.
I know this isn't a unique or new opinion but these types of titles are and always will be pure fucking cancer.
Legally recognized and legislated slavery was started in the middle east THOUSANDS of years before white people had anything to do with it.
So no, you're wrong, brown people started slavery, white people finished it.
slavery has existed, since humans, gathered in any numbers, saying what you said, is as stupid as what he said. Well almost as stupid.
but this game isn't getting DLC, at thing point the game might not get any new content at all
Who the fuck wrote this article? No one gives a fuck about the story, the game is a boring technical mess and now it's a ghost town
middle easterners are caucasian genius, more so than snow mongols for example
it's actually a pretty funny story, that one. the assassins had a convoluted plan to kill franz, but it all fell through when franz ended up being in a completely different place than they expected. So the assassins, all dejected and shit, decided to just go hang out at a local cafe while they think things over. But then guess who of all people just so happens to pull up on the other side of the street...
>First one
>Because it is the "male" ego
>overblown ego
What the actual fuck.
>Woke Broke meme
but honestly wonder if these devs even know that pandering to people that never purchase or consume your product while being offended by everything is worth jackshit. Look at that Warhorse founder who made KCD. The game sold well without caving to SJW bullshit because not surprisingly people just want to play good games.
Bioware did it right in their early days. They had straight and homo options without a bunch of noise. Now devs act like it's a feature.
No one in gaming seems to remember the golden rule of PR.
NEVER respond to outraged people. Never apologize.
Just say nothing about it and everyone will get bored and give up within like a week at most. The second you respond you're giving them positive feedback and attention and that is exactly what they want. So they'll keep tearing into you no matter what you do, in fact your efforts to placate them will do nothing but egg them on and make them go even further to tear you apart.
Just fucking ignore them and they'll move on to whatever the next thing to be pissed off about is. It's that simple.
Thank you user, very cool.
how do these idiots even come up with these titles?
Yeah, that's what's dragging it down
Good-lucking guys are for girls to fawn over, you fail to realize how valued a handsome man is for the women that play the game.
>when you got to clickbait the ever loving shit out every single article to even hit minimum ad revenue to justify your sad existence as a McReporter
When is game journalism going to just disappear?
You saying that because midle easterns have the same skull form that of europeans turn they white?
The fact they're resorting to articles like this means they're dying. Healthy news doesn't need to do this.
I'm saying they're the same shit just different skin tone
No no no.
If a character is arrogant and shitty and a male, they're toxic masculinity.
If they're arrogant and shitty and a female, its problematic and misogynist
If they're cool and competent and a male, its a power fantasy.
If they're cool and competent and a female, its just a guy with boobs.
The point of outrage culture is that there is no way to win.
Which is sad because she actually learns from her mistakes and works to do better, hell even when she was fucking up it wasn't because she was an idiot or an asshole just in over her head and it was endearing that she tried, Mercedes and Dragons Dogma as a whole were way better than it had any right to be
You could have typed dilation gone wrong and it would explain everything.
>If they're arrogant and shitty and a female, its problematic and misogynist
>male ego in the story is the real problem, not the multitude of gameplay issues including useless item stats in a fucking looter shooter
game journos are a cancer that must be removed
Never trust an Uncle Ruckus whether he's black, white or something else
This disgusting Marxist word always gives me the creeps, knowing what it means and how it enslaves makes me realize how far we have fallen that people demand you live apologizing and become an ally enslaved by a debt based on tribalism and some sort of sin you carry in order to control you or keep you out of being the next target.
Reminder that Gamergate resulted in a catastrophic defeat.
>Actual complaint is that the characters are cliche and they expect better from Bioware
>But they used those dreaded sjw buzzwords so Yea Forums loses it's goddamn mind
pretty funny desu
>expecting better from Bioware
He looks like a creep. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some skeletons hidden in his closet involving him molesting women or abusing girlfriends in the past. Of course, he makes articles like this to make it seem like he's a saint who is above that kind of behavior, just like religious boy diddlers make angry sermons against homos.