Name 1 game better than sex.
Name 1 game better than sex
splatoon 2
Having sex
plant vs zombies
sex is not for relieving stress
The Incredible Machine.
Custer's Revenge
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
How would you even quantify stress relief for a study like this?
t. virgin
Meet and Fuck Kingdom
God Hand
There are studies that show video games cause heightened aggressiveness by comparing Doom to billiards.
Idiocy finds a way to show you what it wants.
get a bunch of people with equally the same amount of stress and make half of them have sex and half play video game. it's actually really simple if you think about it.
The sweet release of kicking a rivals ass in Melee
Resident Evil 4
earthbound, that game has more feelings than sex.
Apex Legends
dwarf fortress
Fuck off. I had sex like you fucks kept telling me. With a fujo friend. Then she became obsessed and then she missed her fucking period. Then it came a month later. Fuck sex, it shortened my lifespan. FUCK YOU
splatoon IS rather Freudian
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Mega Man X
Super Metroid
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter III Third Strike
Super Smash Bros Melee
Sonic Adventure
Halo CE to Reach
Dark Souls
God of War 1 to 3
>Step up your game women
That release when you conquer a previously difficult monster in monhun? That.
Dota2 relieves stress for me as good as I imagine niggers fucking me in the ass for an hour
most games.
>sex lasts 10-30 minutes
>risk of STDs or pregnancy
>emotionally compromises you
>good ones last 6-10 hours with replay value, sometimes even more
>one time investment
Nah man, Meet n'Fuck Secret Spy.
>You are now hearing THAT song in your head.
Not for men anyway. If you don't perform well you can get accused of rape.
The answer is none. If you actually answered with a video game, then you're an autstic dweeb that needs to cope and have sex.
DMC3SE, unironically.
team fortress 2
>it shortened my lifespan. FUCK YOU
Holy shit, this is the literally the worst fucking feeling. I remember the first time this happened. I could barely sleep and felt myself having to shit constantly due to the paranoia turning my stomach to knots. I don't care how much better that shit feels, going in raw ain't fucking worth it.
As someone with only 1500+ hours I fucking agree
>mfw I know people who have over 3k hours and still play the game
>he fell for the sex meme
Why’d you cum inside if you didn’t want a kid, idiot?
Dota 2, you can get pretty ecstatic if you have a good game
Either the woman has your balls on her purse or you're a future cat lady
The fuck is sex for then?
after a game of DOTA2 i always am ready to go into it again for hours.
I will do it once every few days and its not as fun as smashing some kid mid.
sonic mania
any sex/erotica game
how ugly was this bitch
Rquesting a copypasta, I think it goes something like:
"imagine being a women. And in the corner of your eye you see them: Men enjoying themselves and being happy. You have to ruin it all because you cant be happy"
If I fuck in the game, do I double the stress relief?
I had a lot of sex with cosplay and fetish shit in Japan and it was alright, fantasy stuff like futanari still makes me rock hard.
looks like the type of broad that doesn pic related and puts this guy's balls in her purse
Dota 2 is an hour of non-stop stimuli of brainwaves and dopamine. Sex is only good when you're horny and even then I find the foreplay to be more enjoyable than the penetration.
It's just something that women and society use to control you. Don't fall for it. Even if there's peer pressure. It's like for drugs, you're better off not ever taking any that way there's no risk of getting hooked.
>Listening Yea Forums
>Especially Yea Forums
You can't be serious.
flying princess interbreed
Lets be real here, us dudes would only really enjoy sex when we can just cum buckets inside our beloved mates because we want some kids
Why not H-games?
Sex and video games in perfect harmony, can't beat that.
Mercenaries 2
Not based. Very not based.
Gal Gun 2 will never give me an std.
t. brainrot victim
she wanted him to quit
if he quits, he doesn't make money
if he doesn't make money, she bails
>sex lasts 10-30 minutes
Hahahaha, what a quick shooting loser.
based, stop putting vaginas on a pedestal
The whole "shit test" thing seems to be real desu senpai.
LoL, what a stupid bitch.
BJs >>> Sex
>no mess, no condoms
>don't have to bother with taking clothes off
>tongue dexterity feels way better than whatever retarded kegel shit she's trying to do
>can play video games easily while receiving one
Remember boys - if she doesn't like oral, she doesn't like diamond rings either.
I'm what women consider physically ugly so I don't even get to shoot, I was just going off what seemed to be the averages
that guy is a turbochad, he can get whatever girl he wants.
Why do you think an ass is a big loss for him? or for any men?
super based
he doesn't put women on a pedestal and he's confident enough to accept having to put in the effort later to get another girl