We can now rest in peace
We can now rest in peace
So long, gay Bowser
Either the recording's fucked or he's losing his mind because the audio clip sounds nothing like that.
Maybe he did that thing that some italian americans do of pronouncing k sounds as g.
Like capocollo turning into fucking gabagool.
I'm so glad Mario wasn't using a homophobic slur.
He says "Bye-bye"
I always thought it was SO LONG-A BOWSER
O he was. Don't you doubt that.
Reality is often disappointing
>So long, kinGA(Y) Bowser!
They know what was said.
Posting the real tweet.
So long-a, Bowser!
Shut up fag
Wow Charles... The 90s really took a toll on you huh?
At the very fucking most we have 5 syllables Charles
SO LONG ___ BOWSA. there is no kinga, maybe KING but unanimously noone hears KING there's no bouncing off a K. I'd be willing to settle on SO LONG EH, BOWSA. but there is no fucking KINGA in that recording you lying crusty old faggot
How brave and forward thinking of Nintendo to make Bowser gay, maybe he kidnaps peach to marry her because he's afraid of what the world might think, maybe he kidnaps peach to get closer to Mario. Im of the mind that Bowser and Mario used to have a very intense sexual relationship and Bowser finds it hard to cope with the fact that his lover has not only moved on, but moved onto women
>Hating on Charles Martinet, who legitimately throws himself into everything because he enjoys making kids happy
Go outside once in a while you jaded cunt.
Nah fuck him. Mario was cooler when he was from Brooklyn and referenced Italian food all the time, before Charles made him BING BING WAHU
I'm a big fan, Dobson.
Friendly reminder the feature length classic had Mario from Brooklyn named Mario "Super" Mario and he and John Luigizamos saved the day talking like humans do, not OKIDOKI WAAAAAHHHHHH THANKYOOSOMASSFORTOBEPLAYINGMYGAME
Mario is STILL from Brooklyn you mong, SM64 stated it in its manual, as does Mario Brothers which was referenced as late as SSS which was recently remade. New Donk just "looks" like NY.
argument invalidated
>Implying he can do anything about that