He has ranked anxiety

>He has ranked anxiety

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i just rage too much and can't handle the stress
i feel really pathetic

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i-interracial sex must be so embarrassing...

Get a grip, faggots.

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>Drink the anxiety away
>Play like shite
>When you go back sober the only way is up
Lads I think I've cured it

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I have ranked anxiety I don't know to actually stop it.
Help me Yea Forums

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worse, I have ranked rage
If a teammate makes me upset (like not listening to me) I'll ruin it for everyone

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Tell yourself at east you're bigger than the guys you're playing against

This is even more autistic. Like, leagues worse. Get help.

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What's that? Who ranks anxiety?

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you have to be emotionally 18 or over to post here.

>lose game
>me ooga
>team booga

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People who want their problem to seem superior to casual anxiety.

Not for me, that's why I made Zero black.

We can all agree that Rogue was the hottest, right?

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I have zero confidence and I'm scared of making mistakes and being flamed and made fun of by my teammates whenever I play league, I stopped playing exclusively for that reason

Remember playing with people like you in Rainbow Six: Vegas, they'd try play squad leader then rage as I ran back to break and rappel through that one unscathed window
At least their rage was ultimately ineffectual in that, at least as far as I was concerned

>Playing team based ranked games

What a dumb dumb

Play ranked
Keep playing it actually don't play ranked play a game have fun with it

happened to me with hearthstone until I finally got to legend in wild 2 years ago


Imagine having interracial sex and you orgasm like in the movies! Your body just becomes a vessel for pleasure and you let go of all pain, anxiety and sadness. I hate high school, but the way they advertise interracial sex in the teenage media looks so good. The monoethnic sexual couples never have sex as good as the interracial ones in the movies and video games.

I just have anxiety in general and use my brain problem as an excuse for a lot of things that I know aren't excusable.

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I'm the same way with Siege, which is weird since I have no problems playing casual csgo

Disney finally went full MGS1 mode huh?

Hard to choose between her and Kitty.

Well that's just silly.

>playing ranked when every nugame has a forced 50% win percentage

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Get it done with once and it's not the wall it used to be, do it more and it becomes habit until you become self aware and the shakes start again and haha stop ruining me I'm winning

Fair point.

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Then how come you lose over 75% of your games, bronze shitter?

Why do I see this excuse from every shitter that has a sub 50% winrate?

I had the biggest crush on this character as a teenager

>dropped a game ages ago
>reinstall and play it again
>w/l ratio is still high as fuck but suck now
>forced to basically lose 100 times to drop down
Matchmaking was a mistake

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Take a look at your life and evaluate what factors led you to writing that.

I haven't played a ranked game in any game in probably 6 months. There's no reason when nugames have some sort of chinese communist system to prevent good players from being good without beating the system by playing 3-4,000 hours a year.

>not still

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I don't have ranked anxiety becuase I don't play anything else. I'm completely unable to put any effor into normal games, and ranked games are what normal games used to be.

I bet you think poker is a game of luck.

Joke's on you, faggot. I have regular anxiety.

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>you will never be a mutant whose powers nullify other mutant powers, thereby making you her only possible physical companion

72% winrate, I gave up when I started looking at the opposing team and seeing I was going against a smurf every single game and at 10% winrate teammates. There's no reason to struggle through a ranked system that forces you to lose.

AP English, some college, runt of the litter... video games, multicultural friendships... lack of sexual outlets...

Will that game ever be finished?

>not good enough to carry
>ywn the glorious feel of having an insane score that beats the other teams COMBINED

Feels really fucking good to be among the best players in the world and get flooded with umpteen friend requests in order to carry them.

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listen up faglord you're never gonna be a professional gamer and you're never gonna meet the guy you're facing. In fact everyone you've ever faced and will face in any game ever doesn't even remember the match or know you've ever existed.
So stop believing in yourself and have some fun you insecure nipplepincher

She's still my favorite girl from that show.

Not with that chin, my vote goes to Tabatha or whatever her name was.

>Too good for casual
>Too shit for ranked

I'm level 130+ on siege but I've never touched ranked because i'm horrible with communication

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I think it mostly is as far as gameplay goes, he's just tweaking stuff and adding more girls now

>I'm level 130+ on siege but I've never touched ranked because i'm horrible with communication
unless you have a 5 stack to play with siege ranked is cancer

This is the other reason why ranked doesn't matter in new games. There's always those faggots that are running full teams sweaty as FUCK just wanting to ruin somebody else's day.

Someone needs to tell Oni to shrink Rouge's chin when you fuck her, it's fucking huge.

Siege ranked is literal ass and aids combined doing it without a 5 stack is literal pain

He needs to fix Emma's awful looking sex pose is what he needs to do

>There's always those faggots that are running full teams sweaty as FUCK just wanting to ruin somebody else's day.
except I want to run a 5 stack because of faggots like you who ruin games by not using mics, or tking because I used your fav op, or throwing the game because youre bored.

>the community is so bad you can't have fun

No you dont, not even when Yea Forums was new

Idk it seems a bit off in places. Idk if i played an old version or what but i remember fircing rogue to basically wear nothing out in public but no one reacted to it and she didn't either. So whats the point?

I have a thing for Jean Grey myself, a shame she barely gets as much rule 34 as the rest of the girls do

The only game that ever gave me legit anxiety is killer in Dead by Daylight. That game was designed to make you absolutely fucking hate yourself as killer.

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That's funny because that is the only multiplayer game where I don't get frustrated because I know my failures are entirely my own.

Does spamming "cope" and "seethe" and "dilate discord tranny" make me emotionally mature?

Are 8 year olds mature?

I have anxiety. I can't play multiplayer games without have panic attacks. :(

Is Goth even still a thing? I would kind of think it and the emo and scene kid stuff that splintered off of it died off during Obama's tenure

>buffs awareness, while reducing charisma

>The one episode where she touches sabretooth and becomes furrybait

>the people posting cope and seethe are the same people posting dilate

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fuck you.
Fighting games are hard but I still have fun

H-hewwo? Is this the hrt thread..

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I think it's mostly w/l ratios that get me. The fact my failures are recorded for everyone to see gets to me. Whenever there isn't any recordings, it feels like it doesn't matter at all and i don't mind throwing myself into the grinder. Deep down i know ratios and shit don't matter, especially when i'm not going ever play in hyper competitive scenes, but it's just one of those things that bothers me.

This is now a rogue-like thread.

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Since when? Also X-23 > Emma

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What's this

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>Play ranked
>Call someone a nigger
>Get banned for a month
>Play unranked couple months later
>Call someone a sand nigger
>Get permabanned
Sometimes I think it was a good thing letting go of mindless vidya like pic related but I miss having the option to play it if I'm bored

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You're not really a mature person until you hit the age where you stop giving a fuck about trying to be superficial for your peers, and that's usually at 25.

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>Obvious full survive with friends joins
>Pull out the cancer loadouts
Hope you niggers like playing on The Game with max terror radius Doctor.

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Ranked in fighting games is the fucking worst

>Play ranked for the fun of it
>Other people are really serious about it
>Just dick around do whatever i please
>Still preform well enough that i don't have to sacrifice fun for practicality
If you can still have fun while playing ranked, you've reach the peak player ability, it's always about fun never forget that.

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I don't like playing ranked because then I will end up with a rank that I'm ashamed of and everyone will see it. If I never play ranked modes I'll never get a "certified shitter" badge next to my name.
I also just feel depressed and angry every time I lose a ranked game. Losing in unranked modes doesn't really bother me because it doesn't effect anything that anyone else can see.

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>having crushes on kitty

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I only play ranked in solo game modes or 1v1 games. My ranked anxiety only stems from letting my team down and ruining their fun.

I don't know what to make of it really. I just want to do the right thing by my friends.

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Since oni dragged his feet so bad that some anons started developing their own modded version in parallel to the 'official' one which looks like shit now.

That's because the prefrontal cortex doesn't usually finish developing until 25. That's the part of the brain that actually deals with facts and reasoning.

I play tekken and I afraid of ranked.

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starcraft 2 ranked matchmaking is harder than my job, which is the biggest account in my company. ladder anxiety makes jobs in the real world so easy. i was able to be drunk from lunchtime onwards practically the whole summer last year and still had to fix my coworkers mistakes.

Just don't lose bro

Only because I have no friends and there isn't a solo queue option.

>he plays ranked

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Isn't Jerid a Chad's name?

pretend everyone you're playing against is a cpu

she was actually a bitch during the cartoon

I tried for LoL and lasted only one match

I immediately got hyper-sensitive over my internet connection and stuff

Eventually I tried a mobile MOBA and did ranked for months until I moved back to single player console and gacha games

Kitty > Rogue > Emma >>>>> Laura

Isn't she literally a Jew?

Yeah she's not like the comic books version.

>call out enemy team hotspots in allspeak just to piss them off

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Get this, I feel anxiety when playing fucking smash bros online, the only thing I know about my opponent is his nickname and even so I get extremely nervous in the middle of the match. A few days ago I tries to force myself to play something like 15 matches in a row and after that I could not stop crying like a little bitch in the shower.
And I will probably cry again if you guys make fun of me

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Does the modded one let you have foursomes?

I have ranked rage

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>Ranked is the default game mode
>Doesn't tell you from the start
There, fixed it.

>get on mic
>get titled or tilt someone else
every time

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Cute plankton

>ranked games are team based
>don't like team based games
No thanks

Being a high rank is actually suffering.

You start looking at the game the way Neo saw the Matrix. It's not fun anymore, it's all numbers in an optimal order.

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League of Legends / DotA are some of the worst """"competitive"""" games of all time.

Fighting games are the only real competitive genre. No bullshit factors.

>average switch owner

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>which looks like shit now
Modded version beats out vanilla by content alone, but there are some things in vanilla that are better.

>mained trapper on release
>that nearly orgasmic sound of a bear trap activating
pure catharsis. that game was fun as fuck until survivors got the hang of destroying killers.

Just wash your anxiety, bro.

goddamit im laffin

>Absolutely destroy my friends in fighting games to the point it's not fun for either of us
>Online I get my ass handed to me like no tomorrow


>playing games to feel anxious
Imagine being so much of beta that you'll play super duper serious mode instead of casual to prove how UBER HARDCORE you are at the game. I like playing with shit teammates who are funny more than play with dorks like this

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>tfw crippling social anxiety
>tfw cant even socialize in online games
I want to join a guild in FF14 to reduce those queue times but I just can't handle the potential implications

Online socialization is easy. Unlike IRL you can just ghost everyone and never interact with them again with minimal effort should you choose to do so.

>perform poorly as Killer
>still effortlessly rank up into the sweaty SWFfest ranks at a disgustingly jarring pace
>perform even more poorly but still pip every match

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>tfw no mutant gf

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>win buy just a hair carrying slack jawed shitters solo
>next round you switch teams and get to beat all their assholes in for making you work that hard

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Can someone please post the latest version of modded Roguelike?

>gta heists with randos
>led by an old sounding guy and another guy on a mic
>me and the other guy are micless
>doing everything he ordered during the setups and playing well since I had played a lot before
>he keeps getting on our asses for not using mics
>keeps blaming all our failures on me instead of the other guy who kept futzing up (he might have been new I think)
>eventually he fucking insults me for not doing the job right when I was in the middle of doing what I was supposed to do

What the fuck is wrong with these assholes?

This is what I used to feel back when I was into competitive play

Now it kind of transferred over to hard video games, where I stop having fun and only use the absolute most optimal things required to succeed, while the game offers hundreds of slightly less effective but fun options.

Make it stop.

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Thought I had the same problem

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You have anger, you need to forgive yourself.

This was the last cartoon kino made

It's the same thing with Street Fighter. You would min-max a matchup just for kicks, but the higher you go, the more you need to min-max, it can be really confusing.

Also what're some others like it?

I'd say
Kitty=Rogue > Emma
