Why do we hate him again?
Why do we hate him again?
aside from him being a bitch and getting crazy over just a fucking crab, there is no reason to hate him
>man strangled with his own lanyard by stack of ps3 games
He didn't take a bite outta the crab like Frieza and embrace his rightful place as Smash's biggest heel.
Biggest he was stopping the 20XX Meta
>getting crazy over just a fucking crab,
be honest, you would have cried if it were you.
this dude cried about a tiny crab lmaoooo
>Cries all the time
>Big babby bitch about a crab
>Every match he plays is boring as fuck to watch
he’s just boring as fuck, that’s all.
He's a cutie desu
his character defies the rules of the game and requires literally no skill to master
he's playing the game on easy mode
then why aren't there more puffs?
He's a drama queen, a boring player, and is rude to his fans and fellow players.
Zero is way more disgusting
just go to /vg/, stop spamming smash threads in Yea Forums
because I have dignity
The best part about Melee not returning to Evo is that Hbox will be forever without the coveted 2 Evo titles.
i would only because someone killed that crab for no reason instead of atleast eating it
Because he plays a careful spacing game instead of 1000 APM Fox mashing and ADHD Meleefags literally cannot handle that because they don't play games and just want to watch flashy lights and colors
I don't play Melee but from what I understand about Hbox, he taught Smash babies an important lesson. Everything is viable and winning is the only thing that matters. Don't like watching Jigglypuff fucking clown on everybody else in the neutral? Too bad, it's still the neutral, and if how it's played bores you that's a problem with either the game or your expectations of it. Not Hbox.
talent is still a factor. other jiggs players are just awful players but get carried by jiggs to mediocre
Hbox is a natural but jiggs alone pushes him to god. He's the only one of the 5 without a single secondary and every time he tries another character he embarrasses himself. Without jiggs he'd be top 20 at best
and also this
>if this guy didn't play his main he'd be worse!
Whoa no shit friend. What's stopping anyone else from playing Jiggs then? Fair's fair.
The character is not modified or hacked at all, how does it defy the rules? Because he's the only one who tried to learn the character and not stick to 1 for a decade?
If you really want to know why Melee players hate him just watch this video, he's just a huge faggot.
>Spacie mains acting as if they have integrity
Yes, such a careful spacing game
*throws crab*
What happen?
most players want to feel a sense of satisfaction when they play, like they earned it themselves
>ask question
>get answer
>send butthurt reply with brainlet wojak because you didn't like the answer
hi hbox
Meleefags think that playstyles other than spacies/Marth are literally cheating
are you a literal nigger? because you'd have to be to want to defend somebody throwing shit at a stage.
Wrong, Marth is literally cheating too. Fuck Marth.
It's a non-answer.
>That character is easy mode!
>Well then play that character
>Uhh who wants to play a crutch?
If you handicap yourself in a competitive game you're not better or more honorable, just retarded. Sorry.
>fox's shine
>not cheating
Falco's completely fair though.
she can't be edgeguarded and is completely alone in that regard. Even peach, samus and kirby can be edgeguarded but she cant. That alone is a completely outrageous advantage she has over every other character while herself being ridiculously strong at edgeguarding due to her many jumps. And "jiggs dies early" is a meme by now.
Her smash DI potential makes her hard to combo and hard to kill. She essentially turns the game into brawl and you HAVE to obey her rules
I hate to use
>Don't hate the player, hate the game
unironically but this is literally such an instance. Jigglypuff being Jigglypuff is entirely a matter of the game and how it was designed.
If you don't like him because he's a dick then be straight with it, don't use "Because he is playing the game lame" as your justification, hell it's not even a reason. Just accept that Melee is not a perfect game.
>She essentially turns the game into brawl and you HAVE to obey her rules
if jiggly was OP then the competitive scene would be full of them. There are tons of smash players. JIggly puff players aren't magically shittier.
His boring campy playstyle. I dont give a fuck how he acts
The only way to save Melee is to make its tournaments completely inhospitable for hbox. If you aren’t throwing crabs at him, then you don’t care enough and melee deserves to die.
He's kind of a douche. Me and some friends ate at a Korean bbq place and he was part of our group.
He's also a crybaby when he loses at Mario Party.
He's chilled out over the crab thing now and is laughing it off with everyone else.
That said, it's still shitty to throw shit at someone.
He reacted like a gay bitch. I would've laughed at the crab and threw it back and maybe did a suck-it taunt seeing as I'm the champion and your crab is just hilarious arm-flailing. Instead he threw a minor hissy fit and almost cried.
you mistake fast gameplay for thoughtless gameplay. Decisions are being made constantly, like from how someone DIs to how they tech roll. Jigglypuff doesn't have to care about any of that.
That also highlights another problem with puff in how easy she is to play. A bo5 is gonna leave players physically exhausted but jigglypuff once again doesn't have to worry about it since she barely presses any buttons
Is he actually throwing a tantrum in front of thousands of people? Is this for real?
You can't "mash" in competitive Melee, retard.
I dont think you realize how soul-crushing it is to play Jigglypuff. If this was a game with developer support she would be nerfed years ago. The reason people don't play her is because melee paradoxically is about community as well as competition. The game has relied on the community way more than any other game ever and if everyone plays Jigglypuff, the game would become boring as shit and everyone would quit.
So they don't, and the game lives on.
Who cries from getting potential food tossed at them?
That's his reaction to winning Evo.
Crabs have hard shells and are pretty sharp dude. Shit could put your eye out.
Yes that seems fair.
I can't tell if that's actually worse or not.
No that's her bair you retard
Melee is only fun at the casual level.
Oh you
It was when he trounced Armada and officially became THE best Melee player in the world, so it was a pretty big deal to him.
Whether that reaction justifies it is up to you.
wow i cant believe they edited his fat folds out of that picture
So you find a way to contain it, with assistance preferably, until you're able reach the closest stove and put that shit on boil.
You would cry like a bitch if you received half the hate he receives constantly, but you're acting like tough shit because you don't have a face or a name.
Funny thing is Hbox actually cooked and ate that very same crab.
That crab was already cooked.
Pretty sure it was raw
because reddit hates when someone doesnt use blip blip toryaah bullshit and actually plays with fundamentals and skill
>"No one else is playing Jiggs because of MORALS, HONOR AND COMMUNITY!"
Man smelees are the most pathetic community for any game
Either way there's really no reason he had to react the way he did. Hell I'd be pissed if the crab were inedible. At least with a live or freshly cooked one you could instantly comeback with, 'thanks for the free meal' or some shit like that and go about your business. And in case you don't trust it, dump it in the trash.
this guy killed melee hes fucking based
>everything is viable
lol try playing as bowser
Again, the guy goes through a ton of hate day in and day out. It's no surprise that an incident like that would break the camel's back and elicit such a reaction.
Try playing Kirby, no less.
18 year old community speaks for itself doesn't it
Only deadbeat 40 year olds play 3rd strike and ST these days
>Elena brings lame, campy gameplay to the game
>universally despised
>nu-MK and Injustice taint the genre with lame, campy gameplay
>universally despised except for a couple retards and a furry
>Brawl Meta Knight exists
>universally despised and is rent free for 11 years and counting
>ZeRo camped and timescammed HBox(the irony)
>everyone wants his head on a pike
>Jigglypuff grabs the entire roster by the balls and says "play by my rules or you lose a stock to a frame 1 move or several Plesioth tier hitboxes
Why is it that nearly everyone who defends Puff just happens to be someone who not only doesn't play the game, but has never played against a campy opponent before? Not to be confused with zoning, mind you. There is nothing wrong with fighting from a distance if you're constantly applying pressure.
Because Meleefags have managed to delude themselves into thinking that anything other than high APM input execution means you have no skill and are killing the game. Maybe if you actually worked on your FUNDAMENTALS you'd get somewhere, it's pathetic that PPMD is considered the ONLY Falco to really practice his neutral these days, and you all wonder why nobody can beat Hbox.
>if a character doesn't revolve around the tech skills and muscle memory that my favorite balding soiboys spent 18 years perfecting to the point where his hands are now ruined because the GC controller is an unergonomic piece of shit, they're easy mode and ruining the game
>melee "fans" throw shit at the players while they are playing
i don't think i ever need to hear anything about melee players every again. this once instance is enough to tell me everything I need to know.
real niggas play Goldeneye
Lobsters/crabs don't turn the deep red color until cooked.
There were also pictures of the crab in a seat in the audience on twitter.
I'm glad you cretins have your containment game
Melee Jiggs is nowhere near the levels of Brawl MK
It was after the match.
Yeah I knew that about lobsters but aren't there some crabs that are naturally colored red?
Or have I just been fooled by media because i've never actually seen a crab in my life?
>Fighting game "players" rape women that are in the audience
Because all the fast fallerfags will never be your friend, they value their absurd devotion to playstyles over friendships and won't play friendlies with you, give you advice, etc. You'll also get booed all the time.
I'm just glad the character is killing melee, so we don't have to deal with these faggots anymore.
I can't even imagine what the people who know, who this is, look like
I never said Hbox is ruining the game. It's a common meme but I don't believe it. A single player will never break melee.
This isn't complicated or as convoluted as you think. Jigglypuff is a horrible piece of intensely boring shit and no one wants to play her. It really is that simple.
What the fuck is this crab bullshit people keep talking about?
>implying throwing shit at players, especially out of spite, is ok under any circumstance
No, I didn't imply that. I stated it happened after the match and that's it. If you want to read subtext that isn't there, I guess that's your prerogative, but don't take words from your ass and shove them into my mouth.
Most are brown, some are bluish. Some do look kinda orange pre-cooking, but you can tell the difference.
Some asspained meleetard threw a crab at Hbox when he won a tournament recently.
forgot the pic
some nigga threw a dead crab at him after a set
I'll bite. How do you reliably get communities for those games that already were far, far more niche and in a bad sales period to begin with while also having their main methods of play being arcade machines or consoles that work(dreamcasts were dying a long time ago, ignoring the controller problem altogether)? I'd guarantee you that over 85% of melees sales were not to people who would ever become competitive, but even with a much smaller, more realistic percentage it doesn't matter as this was already a popular item featuring fresh ideas(the series was barely a few years old) and one of the biggest collections of popular IP in the business.
You're right. Brawl MK has bad matchups against Pikachu and Fox. Melee Puff only loses to Fox, but the matchup is still being developed and might be down the line.
Because Melee's fanbase doesn't want to accept that optimal Melee is the same as every other smash game; campy. The solution to Hbox is playing safe and not giving him punish opportunities, but they've become too sheltered and expect their opponents to just "play the game" or in other words, be an idiot and forfeit their right to win.
Nigga, literally every fighter uses those terms. Timescamming is from SF for goodness sakes.
What the actual fuck is wrong with meleefags?
Not if it barely grazed my back lmao.
Sure they are. But actually complaining about it in the current year is a Melee thing. It's like getting asspained over Dhalsim, either get over it or play a different game
yes it's an unfair comparison but i only used ST and 3S as examples because he's clearly a FGC nerd looking for a fight
Even then nips get together annually to play 3S and have fun and there's nothing wrong with that. The FGC is just built around moving to new entries when they're released and there's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't actually devalue older entries. In that sense the FGC is older than the melee community. They're just different communities with different goals.
>complaining about it in the current year is a Melee thing
Only people who play Melee complain about characters. Noted.
>the gods of melee can't defeat Hbox
fucking sad
>Brawl Meta Knight has bad match-ups with Fox and Pikachu
Those are both even at worst for Meta Knight, if you seriously think Puff is comparable to MK I advise you go to Smashcon and play there until you have to go against an actual Brawl MK main. Or play netplay or something, go see for yourself. Also Marth beats Puff in Melee but you all are too obsessed in your anti-puff autism to realize this.
Smash babies are afraid of different playstyles because they reveal the flaws inherent to their little subgenre.
But you aren't complaining about the character you're complaining about the playstyle. You'd shit yourself in anger if any other character who was "lame, campy and timescamming" was used at a high level.
Zain defeated him yesterday though. Twice in fact
What if I told you I had years of research to back up my claim?
I honestly hate smash and all the faggotry around it so Hbox killing the Melee scene is a win for me. He could be the most insufferable faggot in the world, the fact that he muted everyone else makes me like him. The "god" thing is pathetic, glad its half way over.
What was meant by the thrown crab?
You'd shit yourself in anger if any other character who was "lame, campy and timescamming" was used at a high level.
People complain about every character being lame and campy. Because every character can be. It's just a matter of which local [character] main whooped their ass that week. In particular I see plenty of top players complain about Marth, ICs, and Fox.
I'm not really sure what timescamming is, I've never heard it used in Melee but I think it's bringing the match to time? If so then yes, I agree with you. The character I see doing that most is Jigglypuff.
this is another fallacy from outsiders. Melee allows different playstyles for the same characters. Mango was always the berserker falco to PP's laid back neutral heavy falco.
Defensive players have always existed and plenty of characters are inherently defensive like Peach and Marth. Jiggs is just on another level
>"You can be defensive but not toooooo defensive. And I get to decide where the line is"
>HBox loses to someone every once in a while
>whoever who beats him eventually quits because having to eliminate HBox twice in tournament(the second time always having to be Grand Finals) is as stressful as landing a plane
Zain won the battle, but HBox always wins the war.
But it's actually the opposite Hbox refuses to play friendlies with others and has for years. He doesn't even have to practice his lame playstyle because if he did other people might figure it out. At least get the narrative straight.
>years of research
>hates melee
>likes Hbox
Checks out, every Hbox fan in a nutshell.
Why wouldn't people like the person killing Melee?
Who crab this is
He also refuses to play friendlies with other Puffs and tried to get all Puffs to do the same (which obviously failed), he's an exception. Thing is though, if you play Puff less people will want to play with you, most Melee players really don't care as much about improving as much as having fun and they don't find Puff fun unfortunately.
Yes nigger. This is what happens when you have a character that gives you zero incentive to be aggressive. Your opponent has to respect a 1 frame kill move at all times, so each and every hit confirm has to have flawless execution if you can even land a combo to begin with. Want to grab her for a follow up read? Well too fuckin bad because she can stay airborne for half the match. In the event that Jiggs is offstage, going off to gimp her is suicide as you can easily get fucked by one of her two godly aerials and seemingly infinite recovery.
Melee Jigglypuff is the antithesis of fast paced games.
The line is Jigglypuff. Just because Jigglypuff is defensive and boring doesn't make other defensive characters boring. Keep up
Ey so you be sayin'
>refuses to shower
you is sayin'
>has the same 4 players in every top 4
We be ey
>throws crab
ayo we ain't be invited
>boos games that aren't melee
we ain't in EVO???
then why doesnt everyone just wait out the timer and do sudden death?
>Your opponent has to respect a 1 frame kill move at all times, so each and every hit confirm has to have flawless execution if you can even land a combo to begin with
Isn't that the same thing when you have to combat Fox and his 1 frame shine?
because then the game would be boring and no one would play it
1 frame stun move vs. 1 frame kill move
Would Hbox be more respected if he fully embraced the villain persona?
I mean if 95% of matches you play are going to be against people who aren't hungrybox, and the rest of the matches are hungrybox or people playing close to his style, isn't it worth it just to deal with it for those 5% of matches?
Imagine crying about imbalance in an ancient kusoge, what the fuck did you expect?
hbox matches often go to timer but his character is obviously stronger than yours at camping
just because jiggs is defensive doesn't mean she has absolutely no offense. Armada tried that shit with young link and it was a horrible time
He's cheese, melee players are already fucking insufferable, all of them. He's just king insufferable faggot
Two reasons:
1) Whoever is in the lead wins when the time runs out
2)Jigglypuff is by far the most adept character at timing out the opponent
Just wanted to make sure that you're another hate wagon tool, thanks for certifying.
Who was he lads
>hate wagon tool
Man you guys are seething
If he stopped acting like he was a victim people would probably stop feeling so instinctually disgusted by him. Look at Leffen, he's the biggest faggot in the history of Super Smash Bros and he has a large following thanks to his indifference and embrace of his faggotry.
i thought melee was left enough to embrace self victimizing
>Embrace if his faggotry
You mean having a beard girlfriend and drunkenly making out with his homies?
>all it took to kill melee was someone playing a character that wasn't Fox
Hbox is a cool heel, I hope they get to use him well in this competitive melee arc.
why are you guys freaking out, during the next set of nerfs/buffs they'll just adjust the character.
Melee comes from a time before internet hugbox culture and when people could have a laugh without it being assault, and that carries on in the melee community to this day. If Hbox could stop acting victimized when people call his lame play style gay people would probably like him more. Hbox is actually a tryhard though who wants all the pro-prestige of a regular top player which is why he is so emotional. Also, he doesn't have to buckle down and practice his playstyle like every other top player which means he also never developed the mental discipline of dealing with struggle or loss while grinding strategy or tech which is he one of the most emotional top players. For evidence of this go check out one his regular youtube uploads when he's just playing Ultimate and see that he gets all excited and hysterical about winning or losing online randoms. It's no wonder that he can't contain himself.
I meant johning non-stop over twitter but sure that too.
I seriously used to like melee, 2013-2015 melee was probably the best it's ever been. But I've grown tired of all faggots in the community so far up their own assholes. Melee is not the perfect game, it ultimately whittles down to a stamina battle of who can flub the least amount of techskill and not crack under pressure. The only thing that has been carrying melee is the storyline but it's getting old with hbox dominating, being the only one that can win a serious major. (Zain beat him at a smaller tourney and guarenteed hbox will steamroll him next time) if things don't change for melee by the end of this year I'm afraid the community will end up killing itself.
meleefags already ignored the one official patch they got with the PAL version. No way they'll accept any change.
Nah, melee sucked back then too. It just had weird marketing from people making documentaries and talking about it online.
He shows off the fact melee has a super campy neutral because he only get one hit in instead of a near touch of death combo featuring frame one iframe moves that have no lag in between the 30 seconds to minutes spent spamming backair.
E sports are gay as fuck and not vidya, kill yourself.
>buhu Jigglypuff is boring
And the same fox mirrormatch for the last decade isn't? Fuck off, melee is ded
>frame one iframe moves
You know someone doesn't know shit about Melee's scene or gameplay when they mention shine invulnerability.
evo saw it coming
Lmao get over yourself and your jank ass shit
A proper doesn't bitch and cry on a regular basis.
It really doesn't matter. People will hate climbers if no puff, and peach if no climbers, and marth if no peach.
I always forget that a ton of people here are literal autism robots and think you should have no reaction to anything happening to you ever.
Did he kill the crab? What the fuck man. Worse than the thrower
okay as a melee player and a Tekken 7 player, i can say puff is not the problem, it's hbox as a person. Sure in game, puff is unique that in the genre of being a platform fighter, camping is viable unlike in a fixed arena with borders, puff is able to go back as far as she wants both sides, and down. Thanks to her side b she can do that,
Yet we see players like 2 saint and prince abu that playing puff does not mean people hate you.
It's how he acts outside the game, he acts all hi and mighty, never playing friendlies, popping off like a cunt. Begging other puffs not to play with people so they don't learn the match up.
They cannot be this level of camp in tekken 7, sure some match ups are pretty bad, but the camping "puff" cannot run away, as they hit a the end of the circle.Puff this never happens. So when you get a kinda hated char, with a fag of a person, people hate you. In reality it's just because hbox is a cunt
It's okay to be too inarticulate and retarded to make an actual argument but next time I'd recommend not even responding at all.
>please take my post seriously, I also play tekken
>implying you made an argument
Lol this is the smelee tard in action right here
jigglypuff player
>finish final match of melee tournament against opponent
>sweat dripping from my brow
>"Good game" he says
>as I respond "Good ga-" something catches the corner of my eye
>something flew through the air
>look around on ground
>see a crab on the ground
>anger fills me, my blood pulses red hot through my veins
>I pick up the crab and hold it to the audience
>"WHO THREW THIS" I screech
>nobody responds, some in the crowd are laughing
>become even more enraged
>scream "WHO THREW THIS" again
>throw crab to the ground in fit of rage
yup totally rational way to handle the situation. not like 99% of people would have 1. not touched the crab, 2. not made it a scene
>second "implying" post in row
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. Can't even imagine how someone as stupid as you even argues in real life without internet lingo in a green text format.
>implying this is real life
>implying smelee tards live in reality
O I am laughing
Why did he cry like a little bitch after going through an autistic fit? Is he a manchild?
I'm sure this is a perfectly accurate transcription of the event and not at all tinged by your dislike of hbox as a person
I hate mang0 more for sucking ass
I mean, how you can be so bad against BASEDBOX
fucking alcoholic fat ass
Its the first time he has put effort into the game in years but being that slack for so long has fucked him over.
You see his performance at pound? He's on his way back and his Fox is looking a lot like its former self. All he need to focus on now is not being whittled down on dreamland and hold W.
he sucks
Hbox plays 2 win. And mastered the Fox MU. The only thing I agree with you is Hbox trying to dissuade other puffs from teaching others the MU.
>Mangopuff was even more based than Hbox
>He got bullied out of playing Puff
If he keeps putting in the effort then he can turn things around, but I feel like he is going to go back to fucking around again. It would be nice to see prime Mango again but I don't think he has it in him to care anymore.
Main reason I do is because he actively hurts the community. He refuses to play casual matches with other people so that they can learn the match up and he also refuses to give advice to other puff mains so that they can become better. He doesn't care about the scene just about winning.
And then acts like he is the victim when people say they don't care for him.
This is what happens when you based your storyline around 5 players
>He refuses to play casual matches with other people so that they can learn the match up
Why the fuck should Hbox do that?? He ain't trying to make this MU go back to 7:3
mango is washed dude
never gonna make it, has no strategy ever. just goes by reflex. he'll never win again in the advanced melee climate.
I don't get it
Because if he truly wanted to be the best. He wouldn't hide from people trying to take him on.
>forgetting chris g morrigan/doom
>top player refuses to play against others to remain being a top player
>this is bad
Lmao. Actually git gud retard. You faggots act like he’s never lost ever
They can go to Prince Abu. Hbox trying to stay being the best. Fuck all that nonsense.
Hbox struggled to make that MU possible for Puff
It is.
Armada who was top player until retiring frequently played with other people and taught them shit. Hell he even showed me how to play peach better when at a tournament. Yet he still dominated for years only losing to like 7 people total during it.
But no HBox is special and isn't a cunt for trying to hide puff so he can win.
>hbox camps in real life
>Every match he plays is boring as fuck to watch
thats just smash, its fucking boring
You do know he’s not obligated to play with others right? I’d do the same
So the entire community shouldn't ever play each other outside tournament because somebody might learn something?
You forgot Fchimp Magneto if you're bringing Mahvel into this. I Mahvel players because even they had to play on the offensive if their fortresses cracked.
They should if they want to. I understand it’s annoying as fuck but from a competitive point of view I also see
Why someone would do it
so this means that puff have weaknesses, and hungrybox is basically confirming it by not giving friendlies
in other words every other competitive player is way too retarded to figure it out, and since they have too much honor to play her and realize all of her weak points first hand they keep losing?
or are you complaining that hungrybox does not go around saying "hey guys look at my puff here are all of her flaws, so you can exploit them and beat my ass"
You're right. Nobody competitive should ever do anything that benefits the community as a whole. If you ever see a basketball player talking to kids make sure to knock him out to keep your competitive advantage.
That's usually the American mindset as far as sharing tech. This is why you dumb mutts are always behind in conventional fighters.
That’s not the same thing at all though
This and then player who got assaulted after leaving the venue because he beat the scene's precious SonicFox. What is wrong with fighting game communities?
It is. Nobody competitive should ever give advice so they can be the best.
I've come to realise this from my experience on different character discords. Never ask for assistance when Americans are the primary people awake.
Did someone name who threw the crab? I know the TOs identified him and banned him but exactly who?
It’s been many many years and if they can figure the mu then they deserve to lose. This game is an eternity years old at this point
So is basketball.
it was none other than chillindude829
I don’t care
>wasting food
Come on now. The man attempting to bulk beyond critical mass would never do such a thing.
I miss that meme
the truth is he didn't throw it
he burped it back up in disgust upon seeing hbox win
American amateurism at its peak. ladies and gentlemen
You don’t have to knock someone down in order to keep your strateges being exposed, but competitive sports such as soccer still try to hide their strateges to their rivals
Of course you don't. It's why you'll settle for mediocrity to keep your ego intact.
You wanna know why the Japs and Koreans are so fucking good as a whole? It's because they put that pointless crap aside and work together.
It’s a game my dude. I don’t even play competitively. It’s not that deep
They also have a godly arcade scene and its easier to travel to play against the best. In America your fucked if you don't live in California New York, or Florida.
My comment still holds true.
how has this thread gone on this long without anyone linking the Hungrybox gif?
You mean the arcade scene that's dying? They still maintain that mentality in their lobbies.
>living in California
I would never EVER ducking live there. Disgusting place
What’s wrong with there? I want to go there first when I travel to usa
I don't like him. But, on another note, I love M2K.
You still got Florida and New York.
Same shit holds true in everything. In CS the NA scene kept fucking itself over by refusing to work together. So they kept making excuses like there's no good practice and you have to travel too far. Next thing that happened was a Brazilian team and Australian team came on the rise who had all the NA excuses of literally no practice and extreme travel and were out performing NA. It took probably 3 or 4 years to catch up to the Br team and their level.
yo me too
For visiting it’s perfectly fine. For living it turns you into some weird numale freak. My cousin moved there and was a reasonably normal person but now he has half his fucking body pierced and takes questionably gay photos on fucking Facebook. But yea tourism is great.
Biggest meme country in the US. They’ll never recover
Unfunny, takes himself too seriously, won't fuck off with his boring playstyle that shits up every tournament.
I went to High School with this nigga. Such bullshit that he won the $50 from every anime club smash tournament freshman-senior year like how the fuck is that fair
Hbox seems like "that friend" in the group that hangs around with you but everyone bullies the shit out of him constantly for being annoying and a loser.
He's black
here. He wasn’t really bullied but I remember him being kind of a dickweed. His older brother was a massive faggot though, so it’s understandable where he got his attitude from.
Name of the high school?
Freedom High in Orlando Florida