The game that ruined horror games

The game that ruined horror games

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how so?

it was great so no not really
horror games just fell apart by mindlessly copying it and being indie trash
horror is hard to make so thats not suprising

Fantastic game with a fantastic ambiance.

Fuck that, Silent Hill did far more damage to it by making combat so absolutely shit that you just run past all of it anyway. Amnesia was just the natural evolution of the tradition of shit combat in horror games.

here come the amnesiac drones
next you'll say soma was good

>zoomber mad he can't 360 noscope the zombie doggos

Soma was made by a different company so isn't comparable.

the combat should be shit. youre not supposed to feel like a supersoldier who can blast past all his foes. it makes it more scary to have to run away.

except it wasn't

>what do you mean i can't just kill every horrible creature i see as a normal human being thats never wielded a weapon before in his life?

have sex you idiot.

Game stops being scary once you realize that enemy speed is based on distance. Too far, and they'll start running to catch up. Too close, and they'll charge you. Keep them at just the right distance, and they can never catch you.

You're thinking of Machine for Pigs, which was made by The Chinese Room. That one fucking sucks.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Amnesia: Justine and SOMA were all made by Fricitonal. And they are good games, albeit flawed.

soma was the best story in vidya
gameplay was cool and better than amnesia

gotcha ;)

>actually ruins the horror genre

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>here's a game with lots of combat encounters
>PC is a full-grown man
>can't even swing a piece of wood without nearly tripping over his shoelaces

Condemned did it perfectly. You're never hamstrung, but the atmosphere is still plenty horrific. Why should shit gameplay be defended for the sake of tradition?

it's RE4's action combat standard and Amnesia being a walking simulator both user

Intentionally clunky combat is great and adds a lot to an horror game, frictional ruined the genre with their hide and seek simulators.

I think it was pretty cool with an amazing atmosphere.
It's not game's problem that youtubers and scum turned it in the first of a long line of stupid trends

>so good that it shows how shitty other horror games are
Amnesia confirmed the best horror game of all time

Penumbra was fantastic, I was really, REALLY excited for Amnesia, and I was really digging it until I realized 3 hours in that the game already used it's toolkit of scares and felt a lot more fantasy/fake than Penumbra did.

i legitimately cannot play this game. Im mentally weak and apparently get scared easily. it just freaks me out too bad. so in my opinion it IS the best horror game.


Amnesia is extremely formulaic and repetitive, at least Penumbra experimented a bit while Amnesia just kept hammering what "worked" over and over, Soma is even worse and just straight up removes any remnants of gameplay left.


Yes it makes me mad how they keep making worse and worse games after Penumbra which was great.

Only because it turned every horror game into a shitty stealth game with terrible level design and mechanics.

I was only able to get through about an hour of Soma. I feel like it the environment and monster designs went to waste not making it a real game. Even a simple CRPG in the style of System Shock would have been marginally better.