ITT: Tech wizardry

ITT: Tech wizardry

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Pretty much all of Red Dead Redemption 2

N64's RE2 port.
Jamming 2x CDs into one 64 Meg cartridge, with some new content AND on-cart saving = fucking mindblowing.

literally nothing about it was impressive, demanding, nor even new. Just something that should be taken as granted this day and age finally materializing as a real triple-A product, and yet being mediocre as fuck game in the end.

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I could write a book on the weird shit they changed for the N64 version. Like your first pic, the bus zombie is inexplicably a diffierent model to that of the PS1 version, which makes me think his PS1 model was uniqe from the rest and they changed him to save memory.

I love this kind of shit, anyone know where I can read about this kind of stuff or good videos? Just stories of neat tricks to pull off really unorthodox stuff

Company of heroes 1. That game is stunning still.

It's a background

df is retro has stuff like this

*df retro

Iridion for GBA

Hell basically any Shinen game.


Soldiers: Heroes of World War II is even more stunning and was released two years before, sadly it got no attention. Fully destructible environment and insane amount of small details that could change everything in the blink of an eye. The game is basically Hollywood WW2 scenes generator.

Horse testicle physics are indeed impressive technology

Attached: dmc4.jpg (460x215, 36K)

>literally nothing about it was impressive
So that why every dev making new games is praising it hell and back huh? Nice bias fag.

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How so


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>30 FPS even on One X
>everything further than 5 feet away is blurred or covered with fog

Am I the only one who was blown away by how great MGS 3 looked visually at the time? It looks like a PS3/Xbox 360 game.


Attached: yw7D7wC.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

>a 2019 Japanese game

Attached: sekirshit.jpg (1920x1080, 635K)

Have sex


>30 FPS even on One X
the fact that it looks so good even on such trash hardware is what makes it so impressive

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Not a single PC it doesn't run on.

Attached: granoli.png (1230x1080, 818K)

Capcom is the only dev pushing graphics in japan

the remake runs like shit though

yeah but base dmc4 is magic

sound design in jet force gemini and donkey kong country

wasn't the GBA 32 bit?


>i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?

lmao. this is what zoomers actually believe

>google it
>now i'm on the list
thanks user

Any of their ports

Attached: panic-button-1121015.jpg (665x376, 19K)

that's because of capcom's MTframework, I'm still astounded by that engine

Attached: NWF 2019.png (1200x1200, 1.32M)
