Notch will not be included in Minecraft's ten-year anniversary plans, says Microsoft

>Notch will not be included in Minecraft's ten-year anniversary plans, says Microsoft


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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sure he's sobbing into his billions as we speak.


Not surprised though, they want to appeal to as wide a range as possible, it would be financially stupid to involve a controversial qanon supporter

He was crying somewhere how depressed he is, and that is really hard for him to find any honest friends, because everyone cares only about his money.

Too busy getting BTFO by furries on twitter and watching his candy wall rot.

That is irrelevant to the issue of his lack of invitation to an event that he hasn't been a part of for a long time. The fact that rich people have problems has nothing to do with Notch not being able to attend a party.

nigga, candy these days is 20% preservatives

people that always make this comment fucking baffle me. You don't understand life.

You don't understand money. If he wanted a party he could throw one and fill it with people he actually wants to spend time with. He's not sweating what these people think of him. Obviously. That's why he's not even showing a sliver of remorse for speaking his honest opinion publicly.

Cant wait till they start banning people for mentioning notch and causing a shitfest

thanks for proving my point. Moron.

lmao nigga just buy a friend

You're not backing up what you said. You expressed confusion, and you claimed that my points aren't credible. If you disagree you need to explain yourself before you can arrogantly act like you've successfully made a point. You've done nothing. Put the work in, faggot.

>and fill it with people he actually wants to spend time with
See Money can't buy real friends, especially when you're a renowned dumbass.

>microsoft will not be included in Minecraft's twenty-year anniversary plans

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>10 years
What did you achieve meanwhile Yea Forums ?

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Damn, now that you pointed that out I realized the errors in my argument, and would like to apologize for making this thread a more toxic place. Please forgive me

Neither do you. I can assure if you I had the amount of money he had, it would be YEARS before I felt truly depressed again.

great job explaining your point, you really nailed him. you definitely look like the smart one here

you cannot buy happiness or friendship. He is a stupid miserable cunt with a sad life despite his billions.

thanks man.

it's their property, so that's coo

That's honestly disgusting. Guess I can see why Notch left those faggots.

it's a lot harder to do things with friends without money.... it might not be able to buy happiness but it sure as hell enables it

>you cannot buy happiness or friendship.
Sure thing, commie

I'm aware, but that has nothing to do with his lack of an invite to this fucking event. Being invited to that party isn't going to somehow make him feel better or more fulfilled, so obviously he's not going to be sad about it you fucking idiot.

Y'all are cute love y'all!


if I was Notch I would just smoke weed every hour

Friends and family are often despicable, might as well just keep a buddy on retainer. You both know the score, now you can move past the money.

Same with bitches. It's cheaper to rent.

Notch is smoking red pills faster than that my dude

>you cannot buy happiness
Perhaps not directly, but if I could travel to every country I ever wanted to visit over the next 5 years and not once have to be concerned about how much money I have in the bank or having to come back home to work, I would definitely be a happy man for those 5 years.

lul, nice cope

Sorry but he's not sad at all, I know you retards love to think people with money are just as miserable as you are but it's simply not true, money can buy happiness and human interaction is overrated

>Put the work in
yeah, this site is a full time job

Yeah that's why he spends all day on twitter, tweeting literally five hundred times a day.

If you want people to take you seriously you need to make worthwhile posts. If you post bullshit you get treated like a worthless fucktard.

looked at his twitter
seems to be happier and not being confrontational

You cannot buy happiness but you can buy a penis.

Do you see me claiming he's happy? All I'm pointing out that him not being able to go to a party with people who don't like him isn't the reason he's unhappy, you brainless retard.

This is what happens when you take /pol/ seriously.

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I would be Notch's friend, don't even want any money from him

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>He's not sad at all
>Spends all of his free time on Twitter
Sounds pretty sad to me. If I had billions to my name, I'd have a harem of ladyboy Brazilians and Taiwanese to fuck every day

not op but you truly are a faggot

Good he’s an ass now.

>publicly state WRONG opinion
>get deleted from history by corporation
bootlickers will actually defend this

Where's your argument? Oh that's right you don't have one because you're a worthless shitposter who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. You never get the privilege of winning an argument because you never put enough thought into making an actual point. Must suck to be such a retard.

Notch once tweeted at me :3

These companies dead ass resemble immature babies. Not included because he doesn't agree with the companies indoctrinated ideology. Kids.

Did you get your customary $5,000 check?

Shit, I'm sorry dude I'll just stop posting


I know, these SJWs are nothing but corp drones.

Were you the guy who told him to check out /pol/? Bet that dude feels like a damn legend

He sends everyone he talks to money. You didn't get yours? What the fuck?

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>the creator of this beloved IP stands accused of wrongthink, so he shall be erased from the annals of history.
the world is a joke

I can’t fucking wait till notch creates a spiritual successor to Minecraft that blows out the original and sells it for another gorillion dollars

how does it baffle you? it's countershitposting against the few autists that make threads obsessing over him. to take what he said at face value is pretty dramatic

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I managed not to kill myself.

Don't bother. If he were smart enough to understand why he was confused he wouldn't be confused in the first place.

Notch should go back to wurm online and pump some production value into it

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One day he'll be removed from the and poem too, clearly the name Markus has no place in a vaguely positive message about living your life and existence being meaningful

>Money can't buy real friends

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Good riddance. We don't need /pol/tards like him in our games anyway.

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>tfw you've never cared much for Notch and honestly don't get why others do
>all this shitflinging
>all these outraged comments
>and it's still not even vidya
I wish the ride would just end...

yea i know. it's just funny to question autists on their high horses. especially on Yea Forums of all places

*and poem
Meant end poem, this is why phoneposters like me should be shot

I don't see anyone denying he made the game, it's just that no one wants to be associated. Your claim would be true if the headline said "Microsoft denies Notch created Minecraft" yet in the headline a Microsoft employee is quoted as acknowledging he's the creator. No one is scrubbing him history user, they are scrubbing him from their company and game because he sold it to them and it's no longer his.

He can't, he did a special deal with micropoop, a deal that he can't talk about minscraft at all or make another similar game

Woah... that really got my noggin joggin.

You are right

t. rich nigga

They've removed unnecessary references of Notch from minecraft already.

Yes but that was only for a limited amount of time. He’s completely free of that contract creatively. He spoke about that already

notch isnt even that disagreeable

It's funny because Yea Forums used to hate Notch and shit all over him for how often he took vacations once Minecraft took off. The moment he started posting alt right nonsense is the moment tons of mongoloids on here rushed to his rescue. It's fucking pathetic that people would forget what a fat lazy shit he is just because he agrees with them on political and social issues.

Do you mind showing me this contract or a sufficient source mentioning this contract's details?

It doesn't make you happy, but it removes like 95% of the things that can make a normal person unhappy

>Yea Forums used to hate notch
Notch used to post on Yea Forums

They don't mind Notch anymore because he's no longer part of the game's development. His laziness is no longer negatively affecting a game.

Goes to show how dangerous the red pill is. This guy, even with his billions, is a fucking failure with no friends and no life. Just because he bought into the stormer-lite (but not really lite) shit.

it's an expression. I am not confused at all.

If i had millions i would continue to do what i always do just like notch

Correct, as I said, they are scrubbing him from the game and company. Let me know when a Microsoft rep outright says "Notch didn't create Minecraft" and tries to have shit like Wikipedia changed to reflect that because until that happens no one is denying reality or scrubbing his name from "history". They are removing his name from having any association with the company and game because it is a financial risk but no one is publicly calling to rewrite history or claim that he didn't make the game.

Bullshit, faggot. You've expressed nothing but a complete lack of understanding which is why you continually argue against the point expressed in that original post you replied to.

Nobody likes trannies.

thinking like that is blackpill propaganda, we all have each other, those of us that have awakened.

>it's an expression

>why was the guy who left the company not invited back
>he literally said the reason he left was to avoid dealing with the game and the community

Yea Forums is not a single person, and they jumped to his defense when he started stirring shit by calling a twitter "feminist" a cunt, which was legitimately a funny shitstorm. The alt right stuff didn't start until a fair amount later.

>It's funny because Yea Forums used to hate Notch
Yea Forums used to like notch

>Just because he bought into the stormer-lite (but not really lite) shit.

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That's the point. You're taking the expression too literally. Scrubbing him from the game and company is trying to correct history. They're not removing him from the credits, but that's not the point being made. Don't misrepresent the argument to this degree. It makes you look childish.

Why should he be? The guy sold it.

The problem is that not even you really want each other.

So you’re saying it’s wrong to understand why a company doesn’t want to assosiate with a bad faith actor?

>Oh no, we can't even call poor people parasites or call black people worthless n*ggers anymore without getting banned from private events! This is oppression! GAMERS RISE UP!!!

t. incels

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>bad faith actor

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He has literally admitted to being depressed and sad about his current situation and how lonely he is.
Guy spends his entire day on twitter arguing with people who call him names or trading jokes with his /pol/ pals. And I say this because he constantly talks about how he is one of them.
If that is what happiness what looks like then I am clearly not missing out on anything.

Lack of understanding of what exactly?

That doesn't contradict what's being said. The company chose to less overtly associate itself with him anymore on account of a few statement he has made. If you think that qualifies as "erasing someone from history" even on the most basic metaphorical or figure-of-speech level, you are stupid.

Notch isn't a bad faith actor, he has made no active attempt to harm Minecraft, all he's done is have a prominent twitter presence where he occasionally drops a /pol/ meme in the midst of talking about electronic music and switch games

About why Notch doesn't give a fuck about this anniversary celebration.

Imagine pretending to be cancer and retarded, where is the fun?

Dude stop exposing yourself as a newfag

And then stopped and started posting on reddit more and then started taking nonstop vacations and then Yea Forums started to hate him. I get the feeling you weren't actually around back then and are just repeating things you heard because if you were around back then you would know this is the full story and what I was alluding too.

If you paid for the game when it was 15 bucks like I did, only to have him skip out on promises, raise the price of the game, take constant vacations and then sell if before completing it you should still think he's a fat sack of shit. He is the definition of a sell out.
I am obviously addressing the fact that if so many people went from hating him to liking him it's clear there are some hypocrites in that crowd. If you aren't one of them I'm not talking about you.

Holy shit see above. Why do all you fags try to pretend you know what happened if you don't? The hatred for Notch was insane when he was on his third vacation of the year and released the update with squids in it. Yes Yea Forums liked him in the early alpha days but he couldn't handle criticism which is why he gravitated towards reddit, another reason most of Yea Forums turned on him. If you knew all this why did you pretend to not understand me?

>notch is a qanon boomer
>doesn't use his prodigious wealth to help find this supposed cabal of evil liberal pedophiles
Man even with conspiracies he's a lazy fucking potato head, it's sad.

Obviously there are different degrees by which someone can be erased from history, but when you are actively changing a game someone made to remove mentions of this creator after the fact you are moving in that direction and THAT is the criticism.

so he doesn't give a fuck because he is rich? That's funny. I don't think you'd know what he is actually feeling unless you are him.

>you should still think he's a fat sack of shit
Which has nothing to do with today. It's fine to criticize his past decisions, but it's also fine to not give a fuck anymore. You're holding an unreasonable grudge.

A newfag who was actually around back when Notch posted on here and saw him slowly stop and slowly move to reddit because they sucked his dick non stop rather than criticizing him? Because if anything all these fags going "Yea Forums always liked Notch" are the ones showing they weren't actually here during minecrafts early development when he did post on Yea Forums.

He doesn't give a fuck to begin with. The fact that he's rich is just humorous. Ever heard of "fuck you money"?

>historical revisionism
Fuck off discord tranny

Except notch did none of that? Let's list his crimes:

>Called a person attributing his success to male privilege a cunt
>Said he preferred Trump to Hilary
>posted "it's ok to be white"
>Asked why heterosexual pride day wasn't a thing, and later apologized
>Posted "pizzagate is real"
>Posted in support of qanon

Honestly the last two are the only things that are actual alt right, but neither are nearly as bad as any of the stuff you're strawmanning

This is getting sad dude i understand hating someone but this is just pathetic

Holy fuck bro, you're fucking right. Yea Forums went from loving him when the game was tiny to hating him when he went on vacation every week and never working on the game to loving him after he sold the game and doesn't give a fuck anymore. You're not crazy but the newfag infestion here is fucking insane.

I don't go to sleep cursing his name every night. I just think he showed the quality of his character and the fact that he "owns da libs" doesn't change that nor should it in anyone else's eyes.

Try "what actually happened" but go on and explain why he added a "thanks reddit" message to minecraft along with the "thanks Yea Forums" one if what I said didn't happen.

>a company doesn't want to be held responsible for statements made by an alt-right nazi
Who would have thought? Maybe this fat fuck incel should think twice before throwing toxic insults at people.

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You haven't disproved what i said user
Yea Forums liked notch

i thought it was obvious that i was being hyperbolic, but my point stands. you even admitted they're removing his name from the game. if someone in thirty years or whatever plays the game -- having known nothing about it previously -- they might not see his name in the credits, all because he didn't agree with mentally ill/stupid people whose brains were stolen by cultural communism.
that's a load of horse shit.

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you are mentally ill

What else was he expecting would happen when he tweets shit like this 24*7 nonstop?

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Imagine becoming a billionare basically overnight and realizing you can create whatever you want simply for the artistic value of it rather than any monetary reasons and still not producing anything. Just goes to show he stumbled asshole first into creating Minecraft.

All I did was point out that I don't give a fuck about his laziness anymore because it's not negatively affecting games anymore. This is a reasonable course of action. It'c clear you dislike him for different reasons that have nothing to do with game development. It's for this reason you're going to be ignored. You're trying to change the subject.

Notch was always redpilled.

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Have sex

im not seeing anything wrong here

When did he do any of these things?

Not to Minecraft or Microsoft but if he’s not being a bad faith actor then he sure is a very moronic person for spouting (mostly) nonsense on a public forum.

He shouldn’t be suprised his tweets have consequenses.

Notch should throw all his support behind Hytale and destroy Minecraft.

Maybe he shouldn't have become a social media puppet. Like damn dude is it hard to go outside and play some golf or some shit. Most people don't even know who you are

it's b8

This is why Steve needs to be in smash, so we can take back our game like we did with our frog

>He shouldn’t be suprised his tweets have consequenses
Firstly learn how to spell. Secondly he's not acting surprised. He takes responsibility. That's not a bad faith actor. It's someone you disagree with. Bad faith actors spread lies and refuse to take responsibility.

Imagine being so insecure about being straight. We're the default setting of every species and we're so important that we are a must to continue life. Gays will never know this feeling of relevance, let them have a day.

>He shouldn’t be suprised
Who said he was?

he lives in hollywood so its pretty doable for him

what is wrong with that tweet? i dont get your point.

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Please tell me why newfags like you even come here

Scandinavians are so fucking retarded. Either they're megacucks who jerk off to Abdul fucking their wives, or they're redpilled in a "I'm 13 and edgy and just dicovered /pol/" sort of way. there's no middle ground, they can't just be adults.
they were the niggers of white people in the viking age and not much has changed.

And then hated him.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is mentally ill. I know that's an easy way to brush off valid criticism of yourself but the only one you are hurting is you user.

>It'c clear you dislike him for different reasons that have nothing to do with game development.
No, I dislike him because I paid into an early access game he never delivered on. Why would I not have a negative opinion of someone who does this? Why should that opinion change just because he's not working on the game anymore? I still paid for it and he still didn't deliver, that hasn't changed with time. If you don't give a fuck about his laziness go ahead but I don't get why you would suddenly think he's a great guy after everything he's pulled unless you like him for reasons other than game design, namely the shit he says on twitter.

“It’s okay to be white” is also an alt-right thing, though.

He also likes Milo Yiannapoulis who is also part of the alt-right.

You're the newfag retard. I bet you dont even know why Notch did the Nether update.

I haven't been keeping up, what explicitly happened to keep Notch from being included in the anniversary of the game he created?

why would you be proud of being heterosexual?

To point out newfags like you who are larping that they have been here forever.

Same, that's about to change though.

why would you be proud of being gay or black?

>“It’s okay to be white” is also an alt-right thing
What's up with all this shitposting

I still remember when Microsoft bought it. I thought "wow, we gonna get shit ton of content now"

Telling trannies to get mental help instead of chopping their dick off is bad.

How is that dilation going btw janice

He is not a brainwashed poc so companies cant include him

>He also likes Milo Yiannapoulis who is also part of the alt-right.
the alt-right is primarily defined by white identitarianism. Milo is a jew who hates white nationalists.

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Ignore that last part. I read a chain of tweets wrong and thought Notch likes Milo

The phrase "you're a complete fucking cunt and deserve to be shot" is considered impolite in most English-speaking countries. I hope this helps.

you're missing on fucking AAA quality escorts, traveling, eating the best food money can buy, living in a house that is like a 5 stars hotel, driving exotic cars... Basically you can do whatever the fuck you want but humans are never happy because happiness is not something you achieve. You're as happy or sad as you want because happiness is a state of mind.

It's all he knows though. He was never popular or properly socialized, so when he essentially won the lotto he now just continues doing what he would do if he was still one of the poors. He'll never get in shape, or learn how to mingle, or get a proper education, or make a passion project, because he doesn't really have any passions anymore beyond shitposting.

didn't say you should be

Oh booboo.
Get drunk, do drugs, have sex with hookers and you die.

That's putting it mildly

Hey buddy I just want you to take a look at this post
Where someone else is calling you guys out on how absolutely wrong you are. I'm done talking to someone who can only muster a "Y-yea well... YOUR A TRANNY" but I will say the fact that you fall back on this shows what a /pol/tard you are and proves my point about it being /pol/fags who weren't here back then, worshiping Notch now because of his twitter persona, not the games he made.

I never said otherwise

>Why would I not have a negative opinion of someone who does this?
Because it's no longer relevant. He's no longer a part of the development for this game. Where the game stands now has nothing to do with Notch.
>that hasn't changed with time.
It literally has. The game has been updated since Notch left.
>don't get why you would suddenly think he's a great guy after everything
I'm literally never said I thought he was a great guy. I simply don't give a fuck about his laziness because it's no longer affecting me at all.

You need to get a fucking grip, pal. There's no rational reason to hold a grudge over his laziness for this long. The only rational reason why you would dislike him to this degree to this day is if you care about the shit he says on social media and it bothers you. You're a thin-skinned, leftist snowflake. Clearly. Don't try to put on some facade that you give a fuck about shit that happened 10 years ago so much you're still mad about it and you don't care about his bullshit tweets. Recognize the difference. I don't care about his bullshit tweets, and it shows because everything I say aligns with my complete indifference to him. Nobody cries like you do after a decade because they spent $15 on something they felt was only worth $10. Go fuck yourself, SJW cunt.

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Nice rebuttal, friend. It’s still true.

God I wish I was Notch if only just so I could say whatever the fuck I was actually thinking and not have to give a shit. I don't even want a billion, just regular fuck you levels of cash.

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wow sounds like a real fulfilling life

Well congrats you just understood his tweet.

You shouldn't. If your only argument is what aboutisms then you don't have one when someone who doesn't fit your strawman shows up.

I'm gay btw dont know if that matters.

But honestly bro all he has done is tell trannies to stop being delusional.

yes, i know it's impolite. so what? impolite things get said all the time on twitter. people can say whatever they want to say. you dont have the right to not be offended if you go on the internet looking for other people's opinions.
>I hope this helps.
typical self-satisfied smug fuckwit. you realize, of course, that when you speak like this to people, you sound like a condescending holier-than-thou dickhead, right?

>If he wanted a party he could throw one
except he did when he got his new mansion and people found him odd and kinda ignored him. after that it was the last party he had

>LGBTQ Pride day
>This is good!

>Non-LGBTQ Pride day
>This is not good!

Logically, this is not equality.
And saying "but every day is non-lgbtq day" is a prejudiced statement.

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Glad to see you, a shit head who can't even bother to capitalize or punctuate has an in-depth understanding of his social life. Nobody who ever types as lazily as you ever had anything worthwhile or accurate to say.

these days don't work anyway

Everyone claims to be heterosexual, it only takes one guy to fuck it up

Someone explain to me why these well adjusted "old"fag anons are so obsessed with notch

>Because it's no longer relevant. He's no longer a part of the development for this game.
So let me ask you this, do you automatically start liking someone who does something shitty the moment they are no longer actively doing it? If I punch you in the face for no reason do you instantly stop caring the moment I am no longer actively punching you? This is all I'm going to say because I'm done arguing with someone about what I think when the logic is so fuckign flimsy.

Better than being a sad sack of shit that has the resources to do whatever he wants, but still sits in a mansion crying about it. Hedonism is still better than this one man pity party he has every day of his existence.

>bloody violent revolution now. liberals get the bullet too.
>wow... inspiring... rise up, POC proletariat!

>(facetious joke about how you should be shot)
>what the... what the fuck.. that's just, wow. yikes. so problematic

What do I have to rebut? You just made a claim without any logic behind it. Can't believe there are people even in this place that actually believe in such nonsense.

so he wants to kill me for not wanting a hetero pride parade. what a retard.

>And saying "but every day is non-lgbtq day" is a prejudiced statement.
Reality is prejudiced.

I don't give a fuck about skin color or white nationalism, but I thought "it's okay to be white" was a genius social experiment

>But honestly bro all he has done is tell trannies to stop being delusional.
Which has nothing to do with the conversation. It's just a desperate insult /pol/tards jump to when they are backed into a corner. It's no different than "u mad bro" or "cool story bro" which had nothing to do with trannys. It's a way for people who have no argument to avoid acknowledging that while still getting in the last word. The only difference is only /pol/tards are that obsessed with trannys.

>allowing children to use Twitter

The entire problem with modern day education in a nutshell. Younger generations need more control instead of being allowed to ruin the internet.

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this is true, Easterlin paradox is bullshit

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Notch is based and redpilled.
Microsoft wants to work with the Chinese government to better enslave the world.

Notch believes in Q, he's certifiably insane/retarded

>you cannot buy happiness or friendship
>t. wagecuck

What's with this bullshit "if I'm within two feet within him then I accept everything he believes so I have to virtue signal and distance myself from him" logic?

How notch can redeem himself:
>buy Yea Forums
>fund new mega man legends
>purchase some south american country, kick out the natives, and make an ethnostate

lol from what I have read this guy just sounds like an opinionated guy you don't like talking to at work. He made a successful game, but is probably genuinely a dick and that's why he "can't find friends". I bet he actually pissed off enough people at Microsoft that they did whatever they could to cut him out of every single employee event. He probably doesn't shower either. As someone who has suffered from depression for a decade, money helps so much. This guy is just an asshole for sure.

I enjoy his game though. Don't give a shit about his sob story.

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>getting this upset over a message
why did you come back to Yea Forums notch. Twitter not working anymore for you?

You're a complete idiot and you're obviously terrible money if that's what you would do once you had a lot of it. That's literally the worst thing to do. You should only be throwing parties if you have a good income - NOT if you have a pile of cash but no income. Because obviously you will then just burn through the cash.

If you do come by a large windfall, you need to make your money work for you. Invest it wisely. Only if you have a good cashflow should you think about indulging in luxuries.

You're really a colossal moron.

>do you automatically start liking someone
I don't care about Notch. I've expressed this to you several times. Listen to the words I'm fucking saying you to.

>If I punch you in the face for no reason do you instantly stop caring the moment I am no longer actively punching you?
False equivalence. Notch didn't rob you. You made a poor decision and has unrealistic expectations. The responsibility of this decision lies with you; not Notch. If you punch me in the face that is also your responsibility and I will react accordingly. You're acting like you blame him for what is the equivalent of not giving you what you wanted 10 years ago and that this transgression against you is worth your violent fervor right now. You keep scrambling but you're not fooling me, retard. The reason you dislike him has nothing to do with his laziness. The reason you dislike him has everything to do with how he acts on social media. You give a fuck about him and the things he says because the shit he says makes you angry. The only reason it would do this is because you're a worthless, liberal cuckold who can't think for himself and you react like a child with a skinned knee every time someone disagrees with you.

Also, running away from the discussion doesn't make you right. It makes you wrong. Cowards don't win arguments.

What an absolute faggot. This is one of the main tweets, why he is not invited to the "Minecraft anniversary". What kind of sick person is against cock and balls torture, guys?

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it's really primal and primitive isn't it

ITT: people without a second brain cell to rub against the first to try and get a spark going say that rich people can't and shouldn't be sad

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>"But it doesn't matter if it's true or not as long as it promotes investigation"

The irony is that the Q shit redpilled me on notch

That has fuck all to do with anything I said. I didn't say it's what I would do. I said it's what he could do.

Learn the fucking difference.

This desu. The "rich people are miserable and awful humans" idea is literally poorfag propaganda

>You just made a claim without any logic behind it.
The slogan that was made by Yea Forums and then later adopted by (far) right-wing groups. Therefore it is now alt-right/far right rhetoric.

You can’t refute it because you are a bad faith actor or a complete moron that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

>you are a bad faith actor
You really need to stop using this expression because clearly you have no fucking idea what it means.

Are leftards literally incapable of making points without revising the actual events of history? Holy fuck

Saturday morning cartoon messages are at least a change of pace from the left's usual frame of reference, Harry Potter and Star Wars

Communists are so brainwashed with their caricatures about the rich

Stop baiting pathetic retard

Their points can't hold water because truthfully admitting they dislike him because of his tweeting gets them a ton of ridicule. So they try to act like they care about shit that is no longer relevant or important in the slightest which also gets them a ton of ridicule. These retards just can't be honest about their compulsion to be outraged at inconsequential shit.

They're welcome to be sad, but if they announce it in a public space, I'm welcome to make fun of their stupid asses for sharing their petty bullshit with people who have real issues. I've got bills to pay that will get my ass evicted or bankrupt if I'm not slaving away, that's real problems. Notch can hire a battalion of therapists to whine to about his trials and tribulations, the proles don't give a shit beyond making fun of him for winning life and still being a weak bitch.

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Too bad they can't remove him from the credits

>telling parents to do their job
lmao good one

They would if they could do it quietly.


lmao fucking SEETHING over here aintcha pal? jesus christ get laid faggot

Saying that he makes them look bad is fair enough, I think.

It's pretty self explanatory.

>The slogan that was made by Yea Forums and then later adopted by (far) right-wing groups. Therefore it is now alt-right/far right rhetoric.
I sincerely hope you've stopped signaling 'ok' and stopped drinking milk then.

>The slogan that was made by Yea Forums and then later adopted by (far) right-wing groups
Ah, I see how that works. Someone from the far right does/says something totally random (not even related to actual discrimination, violence, etc) then that thing becomes tainted in itself... somehow. Makes perfect sense. Retard.

>not insect C&B torture
step it up senpai

Notch doesn't speak on behalf of anyone. He doesn't make anyone look bad except himself.

Ironic considering they patented the twitter witch hunt and online exile/shun tactics


I think it's more because Notch is an asshole to people that he is all alone. Billionaires do have genuine friends.

His name is intrisically tied to a product of the microsoft corporation, if he makes himself look bad, he makes the company look bad.
I understand that PR matters are a bit too complicated for you to understand.



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I guess we see why you will never be successful in business: you can't divorce your personal philosophy from the reality of what is and is not a financial liability.

What did notch even say during the gamergate fiasco?

Keep dreaming revisionist retard

What exactly does this prove other than that the person who made it has no clue? TB is on the Yea Forums side, a man who adamantly defended trannys.

Every single time this place has some community movement, it's always so fucking embarrassing to look at later. Chanology was the same way, when will people learn?

>using a picture where reddit is on the same team as Yea Forums to prove that "we" hated notch
cataclysmic faggot


He said that trannies aren't real women and that it's ok to be white. Both are true.

There's nothing about PR that's complicated. What I'm saying is the actual truth. Notch has nothing to do with Microsoft or Minecraft anymore. Full stop. Any reaction to him on the grounds that he is making them look bad is not reasonable. He is not their employee. They do not need to take responsibility for anything he says or does, and they don't even need to publicly or privately state that his thoughts and opinions have nothing to do with them or their products since that's already understood and implied. They're overreacting, and you're defending this overreaction for the sake of protecting the thoughts of ignorant people who would confuse Notch's words with Microsoft's. They don't deserve protection. They deserve education.

>Notch has nothing to do with Microsoft or Minecraft anymore

When did you come here? Serious question. I dont care about Notch because that 10 dollars was almost a decade ago but people seriously did hate Notch when he slowed down updates and all he did was post on twitter how he was enjoying his vacation. You do understand it's possible for Yea Forums to dislike somebody then like them again right?

>you will never be successful in business
Speak for yourself, projector.
>you can't divorce your personal philosophy from the reality of what is and is not a financial liability
You severely overestimate the impact Notch's social media presence has on the financial success of Minecraft now that he has had nothing to do with Minecraft for several years.

dang super edgy causal transphobia brodude.
have sex

>His name is intrisically tied to a product of the microsoft corporation
It is not. If you're a sportsman and commit a crime, only a bloody fucking idiot would shit on your team. Notch left Minecraft years ago, this takes like half a minute to verify. He doesn't represent the product, he has nothing to do with it now. To assume he does is just proudly displaying your own idiocy.

Get the FUCK out NIGGER, this rage thread has no place for fucking RATIONAL ARGUMENTS

You disagree with that? Do you mind explaining why, you ignorant fucking cunt?

by have sex do you mean go to a bar or a club and pay $100 for two drinks and then try to use that shitty buzz to talk to a girl who's on her phone with a nasally voice and then tell her she's smart and beautiful and listen to her responses without laughing or crying and you have to maintain that engagement all the way till 2am when she might maybe stop talking to her friends and she might consider your advances and you might get her number and then you will have to pull out some more extra cash from the ATM (+$10 service charge) in order to buy her a drink or a cab home. And then you will have to maintain contact with her for like a week and then take her out to an expensive dinner and then continue to listen to her and pretend like you care about what she has to say and then you have to take her to your place or her place and you will have to have sex with her where you can't just cum in the first minute you will have to kiss her and rub her and maybe kiss her vagina a bunch of times and then you have to keep going for like an hour and then cum and then you have to keep playing it cool until you can leave and then you can post here again?

PC culture is trash. Meanwhile it's okay to enjoy Roman Polanski's movies though!

Like 5 years ago, yeah.

The issue is that the entire base game idea, mechanics, and art up to about a week ago, we're his, and all of the additions since he sold it are basically cosmetic or QoL improvements

>He doesn't represent the product
Except he does.

I disagree with it, because the public perception is that he created the game (which is true, actually).
Why would it spark outrage among people that he isn't included in the 10 year anniversary plans, if he has nothing to do with the game?

I honestly think it's just one person replying themselves and pretending to be on both sides. No fucking way Yea Forums is this dumb/newfag.

ive been here for fucking ever. you're right, Yea Forums did hate notch. that picture is still a stupid way to prove it. no one here ever liked reddit.

you have no concept of how much a couple billion is
he actually can do nothing but spend for the rest of his life and be fine

>you cannot buy happiness or friendship.
fuck you. literally all my problems would be solved if i had more money

inb4 he ripped it off from dwarf fortress and infiniminer--I know, but that doesn't change the fact that the successful iteration of that formula is still largely unchanged from notch's original ideas

>you're right, Yea Forums did hate notch
Holy fuck, that's the point everyone has been trying to make you retard. I dont give a fuck what happened before or after.

i started working out, came out of the closet, and started to learn coding so i can finally start making the games i always wanted to make

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>>you cannot buy happiness or friendship. He is a stupid miserable cunt with a sad life despite his billions.

True, he lacks social skills necessary but money more than makes up for it. If he put even a modicum of effort into improving himself, he could make wild gains

what he has yet to realize is that there's no such thing as true friendship. everyone is selfish and looking out for number one. social skills and social capital used to make friends are infinitely more important

>ve been here for fucking ever.
so post 2016 election like the rest of nu-v/

So you wanna be the Master of
circus clowns!
Do you have the skills to be
Number one!?

I wanna take the ultimate step
Find the courage to be bold (circus clowns)
To risk it all and not forget
The lessons that I hold
I wanna go where no one’s been
Far beyond the crowd (circus clowns) Yeah!
Learn the way to take command
Use the power that’s in my hand
Oh hey!

We all live in a circus clown world
(circus clowns)
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all!
(Greatest Master)
We all live in a circus clown world
(circus clowns)
Put myself to the test
To be better than all the rest

So you wanna be the Master of
circus clowns!
Do you have the skills to be
Number one!?
We all live in a circus clown world
(circus clowns)
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all!
Got the power right in your hands
circus clowns!

They're obviously shills
There's no way Yea Forums became this left-leaning this quickly

>because the public perception is that he created the game
That has FUCK ALL to do with the fact that he NO LONGER has anything to do with Minecraft or Microsoft. He's not employed by Microsoft. He is no longer a developer for Minecraft.

>Why would it spark outrage among people that he isn't included in the 10 year anniversary plans, if he has nothing to do with the game?
This isn't outrage. It's pointing out disrespect.

You have no fucking argument. Don't try to intentionally misinterpret the shit I say and masquerade it as a point.

It's easy to waste money if you're a stupid retard like Notch probably is. I mean he bought a candy wall so I'm sure he's also buying milloinare bait like diamond studded iPhones, gold toilets and Intel i9s.

>You severely overestimate the impact Notch's social media presence has on the financial success of Minecraft now that he has had nothing to do with Minecraft for several years.
You are proving my point. This is a justification that there is no risk but the reality is there could be, so why take it? There is no good reason, from a financial perspective, to remain associated with someone who draws so much bad press. You can say "it probably won't hurt the game" but you aren't being as cautious as someone in charge of a mulit-million dollar property has to be. If you could give a good reason as to what the financial benefit to remaining associated with him is I'd concede but you haven't yet, your only argument is "there is no risk" but there very clearly is because Notch draws a lot of ire and that doesn't help a business.

You also assume everyone knows as much about the situation as you do which is a whole other issue. You think a liberal mother deciding if she should bring her kids to the upcoming minecraft movie knows Notch doesn't work on the game anymore? Nope, but she might see an inflammatory article about what he's said which faggot journalists are more likely to write if Microsoft doesn't disown him.

Does anyone here truly give a fuck? Does Notch give a fuck? I doubt it.

You know who the happiest people on the planet by a consistent and large margin are? Rich people who were not born rich.

>used to
he still does, he just does so anonymously.
I guarantee at least a couple of Minecraft nostalgia threads here have been him, drunk and lonely looking to talk about his only achievement in his life

Reality does not matter. The feelings people have about something do not care about the facts.
Notch being there means he is associated with the product and the company, whether in current year this has any basis in reality or not doesn't make a difference.

The backlash to not not being invited and the impact of fostering more association between the product and Notch have been weighted against each other and clearly the more profitable decision was to not associate yourself with Notch.
Gee, who'd have thought.

I read that in Ben Shapiro's voice, and now I have trouble believing he didn't write it

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Damn, that was actually really well spoken. How was Nixon such a blunder otherwise?

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There is a tweet with like 20k likes of a dad telling his son that no one invented Minecraft
They kinda do wanna erase him

>You are proving my point.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying either intentionally or accidentally.

>This is a justification that there is no risk
It's a statement that the effect is so marginal that the response to it is more damaging than the problem it's attempting to solve.

>There is no good reason, from a financial perspective, to remain associated with someone who draws so much bad press
He draws bad press for himself. This does not impact Microsoft or the success of Minecraft.

>You can say "it probably won't hurt the game" but you aren't being as cautious as someone in charge of a mulit-million dollar property has to be
I'm not saying they can't do what they do. I'm saying it's not necessary. They're being criticized for doing it. They're within their rights.

>If you could give a good reason as to what the financial benefit to remaining associated with him is
Consider how trying to erase a former developer of a game from the game they created will impact the thoughts and decisions of other developers considering working with Microsoft or thinking about selling their IP to Microsoft. They'll likely be more reticent to agree to a deal with Microsoft if there is any possibility for their hard work to be pissed on after the fact simply if they say some stupid things later.

>You also assume everyone knows as much about the situation as you do which is a whole other issue
This is not a legitimate reason to change a piece of work to suit a new narrative. It smocks of disrespect to the creator and illustrates a clear sense of apathy for the creation itself. Even Disney, a huge corporation, openly acknowledges the racism in its older cartoons and instead of pretending like they didn't exist they preface these cartoons with a disclaimer aimed at EDUCATION instead of censorship.

boo fucking hoo

Then why do so many of them commit suicide?

>Reality does not matter.
This is what I would expect from someone who is defending the act of making the truth look like something else. Defending the act of taking credit away from the creator of a game as much as possible just because he dares to say things you disagree with is reprehensible behavior. You wouldn't like it if credit for your work was stolen from you simply because you expressed a different opinion. Your lack of empathy for a situation like this makes you a shitty person.

Pretty sad there are plenty of people just as wealthy as him and you dont see them boo hooing

Vietnam and Watergate really fucked him.

Too based to handle

people not born rich don’t commit suicide
the exceptions are music artists who are inherently mentally different and fucked up, like chris cornell

I honestly don't care enough to respond to your entire post, I'll just point out that most of these reasons you give are emotional or ethical reasons when I was talking about it from a financial perspective.

>This is what I would expect from someone who is defending the act of making the truth look like something else
Mind yourself, I am not defending it. I am merely explaining the corporate reasoning behind it.
Saying why something is the way it is is not the same as saying that something should be a certain way. My own opinion on this matter has not come up, I was being purely reactionary because you do not recognize the patterns.

And it is absolutely true, in PR work it doesn't matter what the world is really like, only what people think it is like.

>Your lack of empathy for a situation like this makes you a shitty person.
Billions of dollars can heal that little boo-boo of not having your name a video game, I personally have very little empathy for people who made that much money.

You've lost the argument if you can't engage. You also ignored the point I specifically included talking explicitly about the financial perspective.

>went through high school hearing nothing but "NIXON WAS THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER" from my teachers
>went to the same college as Richard Nixon without knowing it before orientation
>the entire time I went there I heard endless comments about how great Nixon was

We live in a strange world.

>le money doesn't buy happiness meme
I'm alone and friendless as it is. A few million dollars could not possibly make me any worse off.

>I am merely explaining the corporate reasoning behind it.
I don't need it explained. I understand why it's happening. I'm criticizing it for happening. You need to acknowledge the difference.

>I personally have very little empathy for people who made that much money.
You're evading the point. I'm talking about YOUR work. What would you feel if YOUR work was being changed to remove references of you? You're not answering this question.

Would he even want to be at this point? He doesn't seem to care about much of anything.

The Penn alumni magazine probably includes a 2 page long apology at the end of every issue these days, lol

I saw half your post was about ethical and emotional shit when I wasn't talking about that. If you can't stay on topic I'm done. You win the imaginary internet award for beating a stranger in a fight about Minecraft, congratulations.

>that quote
Sisyphus would be fucking miserable because he has to witness all his hard work fall back down. Struggle is only worth it if you get results.

>people not born rich don’t commit suicide

You've got it backwards actually. They're the most likely economic group to commit suicide. People who grew up poor and later became rich as adults kill themselves at far higher rates than people who were always rich or people who just remain poor.

Forbes has a pretty good article about it if you feel like googling it.

microsoft is an sjw company, what do you expect? anyone who buys an xbox next generation is a sucker.

I agree with you about how this *shouldn't* be the case, but if notch really cared about being represented in MC he could have chosen not to sell it. By this point he probably would have gotten used to the stress of being CEO or w/e which seemed to be what he wanted to avoid

You're acting like you won an argument when you refuse to read it. I literally told you to go back and read the part where I specifically talk about it from a financial perspective. You don't get to act superior if you're not responding to what you claim you want to respond to. I'm perfectly on topic. You don't get to move the goalposts when you realize you're up against a cerebral titan who actually knows what the fuck he's talking about. You're used to the retards on Yea Forums who can't talk their way out of a wet paper bag. Keep your fucking mouth shut if you aren't going to defend your points.

>I understand why it's happening
a post like suggests that you don't believe that there is any association between minecraft and notch, which contradicts your statement that you understand what is happening.

>I'm talking about YOUR work
If you pay me 2.5 billion for my work, you can do whatever you want to it, I really don't care.

>He's not sweating what these people think of him

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>"Free speech" was a mistake.

only gays are relevant because only gays feel actual love though. straight "relationships" are a sham.

>suggests that you don't believe that there is any association between minecraft and notch
It isn't suggesting anything like that. It's explicitly and specifically talking about how Notch no longer has anything to do with the development for Minecraft, and how Notch is not employed by Microsoft. There is no longer any association. The only association between Notch and Minecraft is that he is the original creator.

>I really don't care.
Then you don't really have a leg to stand on in this argument because the point I was making is that you have no ethical or moral compass. You believe that because he was compensated for his work that it is fully justified to take credit away from him in various ways. It would be the same as a company taking an invention you invented and insisting you had nothing to do with it because you got a paycheck. You're running away from the point.

lmao, I always thought it was an innocent "let's have a straight pride parade!" tweet. This could get you locked out of your account nowadays.

So were you

>because everyone cares only about his money.
that's a non issue. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can't live humbly. He doesn't has to tell everyone he meets that he is rich.

Being rich is one thing, but being rich and famous is another. You can't hide your wealth.

But he didn't invent it. He stole the entire idea from another game.

Ideas don't make money. The rubber needs to meet the road.

>Notch, Pewdiepie, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, etc. become independent billionaires
>have no one to answer to or anyone to impress
>they start sounding like /pol/ and speaking the truth freely

It's almost as if... political correctness is fake

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unironically this

>you cannot buy happiness
Houses cost money, food, amd water cost money. You're saying you'd still be happy without those things?

lol didn't read

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In other words you concede. It feels great to be right.

Or maybe they are paranoid and fall for propaganda due to ego. Bill Gates doesn't do this and Steve Jobs fell for the all natural cancer cure meme.

the reason of why Yea Forums is so shit nowadays and why notch is depressive

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Bill Gates has other aspirations that still rely on his reputation being immaculate. He does a lot of charity work. But it's also possible that Bill is just a nice guy. Money lets you do what you want. It just so happens that when most people can do what they want they stop caring about what other people think. Bill most likely still likes to help people but doesn't care what people think at the same time. Imagine if you tried to shame Bill for doing what he does. Would he care?

Notch is Yea Forums
Yea Forums hates itself
Yea Forums hates notch
makes sense

Notch should just buy Yea Forums and let the bodies hit the floor regarding moderation.

>Implying he doesn't just browse Yea Forums, surrounded by the closest thing any of us has to friends

>You're a thin skinned leftist snowflake

Ironic coming from someone writing an essay where they are clearly triggered

A former game journalist I see

>Independent billionaire
>Loan from daddy
>Other businessmen who actually know what they're doing bailing him out because if he sinks they go with him.

If you lived in NYC you'd know the truth about Trump.

You forgot to mention that was like 4 years ago

Notch is the only Yea Forums superstar
The fact that he became a billionaire who sits in his mansion tweeting depressive shit only makes it funnier

Notch is only "famous" in select circles. Even most people who play Minecraft these days don't know who he is. Just like most people on Yea Forums in 2019 don't know who moot is.

>thinking that's an essay
150 pages is an essay. That's shit I typed in the time it takes to drop a deuce. Don't confuse someone being verbose with someone triggered.


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He can't walk outside without being recognized user.

He tried. Moot wouldn't sell it to him as he was trying to ingratiate himself with the New York Gawker crowd and the hit pieces against Notch had already started then.

Internet went to shit when Yea Forums was created

You often date men without googling them? You're clearly not a woman.

Moot is just modern day dr frankenstein

Poor people ARE parasites, and blacks ARE worthless though.

Why does he buy it off Hirohito Hinoyuki?

>You cannot buy hapiness or friendship
That's what wageslaves say to themselves when they feel urges of commiting a robbery

and neither do you lmao

There's no evidence that Milo is Jewish. He just said he was to make his racism seem more justifiable.
You are correct that he isn't alt-right though.

Part of being a genius is hiding one's unpopular opinions, no matter how self-evident they are.

Didin't Trump multiply his og fortune for four?

You can buy people but you can't buy friends.

It shouldn't be wrong to have a hetro pride day or say be proud to be white. This isn't true equality. I really feel bad that this is how society will soon collapse.

The lottery doesn't count.

They should invite Zach Barth to the festivities, after all it was his code Notch lifted to make Minecraft.

Dude just went on twitter and posted about how this was the worst year ever for minecraft, just because microsoft removed his name from the game. He's salty af

>get a loan of a million dollars
>turn it into a coupon billion
wtf bros trump stupit

Ditto, I just like his twitter. It's pretty much a constant "fuck normies".

>money can buy happiness
>Notch has literally broken down on twitter multiple times about how much his life sucks since selling minecraft, the thing that made him what he was

More than that. Millions to billions is a much bigger jump than brainlets give him credit for.

With help. He doesn't own most of the buildings and businesses with his name on them.

I didn't say he was stupid. I said he's not an independent billionaire. Learn to read, Trump dick rider.

>is a racist
>is a BBC queen
Milo is just an obnoxious faggot. Also a hebephilia apologist. But he's not a Nazi nor is he a "racist" unless you apply the most useless definition possible.

Anyone remember that game with the modular spaceships you could program in assembly that Notch was working on? Wtf ever happened with that?

I know this is bait but trump is a millionaire at best. Maybe not even that. He's filed for bankruptcy so many times

>poorfag propaganda
Do you really believe that if you defende the rich you will eventually be rich or something

He didn't spend enough of it.

He absolutely is racist. He launched a racially-motivated harassment campaign against Leslie Jones because she was in a shitty movie. People sent her tweets calling her an ape and other obviously racial stuff.

That's weird because i been to his twittwr today and he seems very happy

Everybody is responsible for their actions.

He's never filed for bankruptcy. You should do research before talking out of your ass, user.

A business filing for bankruptcy is very different from the owner of the company filing for bankruptcy. Trump has never personally filed bankruptcy.

Robin Williams and Chester Bennington seemed happy too before unfortunately taking their own lives.

dumbass deserves it for being a complete nonstop sped on social media. Dude likely doesnt understand social interaction to begin with

So Yea Forums if you were a millionaire and could afford to buy Yea Forums from hiro would you do it and if so what changes would you make?

Making fun of somebody for being ugly isn't racism you hysteric. Celebrity negroes aren't a protected species.

I'd buy it, shut it down and laugh at the meltdown.

>Robin Williams seemed happy
no he didn't. he had a degenerative disease that was killing him slowly and painfully.

Because he knows we're talking about him. He's basically one of those Instagramers who take photos of their feet and post fake vacation to make people think they're happy. But in reality they're dying inside.

It's why Notch breaks down and says stupid shit every 2-3 months but all the posts in between are memes

You're being disingenuous. There's a long history of racists calling black people apes. We don't live in a vacuum, these things have a social context.

He sent hateful tweets to Harambe, or his mongoloid fans sent them?

You can have the same problem without being rich, rich and friendless> poor and friendless

Maybe Notch should not have sold out if he wanted to be invited so badly.

>With help.

Do you think every other billionaire just jams his fingers into the earth and starts pulling up gold bullion? Of course he had help, he's in fucking real estate.

Both, and Harambe? Really?


Don't reply to him he obviously mentally unstable
I would buy it hire new mods and random ban 5 anons for 1 day everyday

Buy it, fire the mods, put on my own clique of friends as mods, sweeping changes to the existing boards and rules.
While all that happens, every board is in /vip/ mode until a better way to ban is made.

Or that.

Show me the tweet that he sent.

>Harambe? Really?
Would you prefer "Koko"?

I prefer Hamada, personally.

It's either shut it down or delete every board that isn't directly related to anime or Japanese shit and perma ban anyone that tries to post their dogshit here.

Anyone know how to get around twitter asking for a phone number?

I don't own a phone, and I can't shitpost on twitter where I BTFO girl gamers then tweet them the video of them getting rekt.

Can anyone help me get around this phone number block. Any time I log into twitter it wants me to add a phone number and I can't skip that screen. I tried emailing support but it doesn't ever get a response, and I tried making another twitter but the same shit happens.

It all started when some twitch thot got her orbiters to mass report me.

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>twitch thot troll

Just put in a fake number.

>Do you think every other billionaire just jams his fingers into the earth and starts pulling up gold bullion?
No but you don't get to claim to be self-made when your parents money and/or status gave you a headstart, One of those Kardashian Jenner fucks tried to call themselves self-made when they know damn well no one would know who the fuck they were or gave them a chance if it weren't for their family.

I mean, it's not like that association just came from nowhere.

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The number is to send a verification code, which I would not be able to provide to unlock the account.

is there a more stupid statement than money cant buy happiness? how about you leave everything you have and begin a homeless life. would you still be happy?

>having to dumb down technology to protect the precious feefees from the truth

Here you go. Milo responding to a faked tweet and claiming it to be Leslie Jones'. Bix nood is a racist joke popular on /pol/. I'm trying to be as nonpartisan about this as possible, but I have an interest in the facts.

Attached: TviT4YM.png (942x368, 117K)

Money can't buy happiness is propaganda rich people tell poor people to keep them satisfied with how little they have.

>Bix nood is a racist joke popular on /pol/
I assure you this is a Yea Forums joke. /pol/ is not responsible for everything you dislike.

Did he send it to her, though?

>Independent billionaire
This is an oxymoron

Technically, it came from a dumb Nick Bougas (Wyatt Mann) cartoon, and spread to Yea Forums. But if you noticed, I said it's POPULAR on /pol/. I made sure to mention that because /pol/ is the 100% unironic racist part of Yea Forums.

bix nood is older than you and /pol/.

Hey asshole, read the post right above you.



It's more popular on Yea Forums and has been for far longer to boot. Once again stop acting like /pol/ is the boogeyman of Yea Forums. You're exposing yourself as a fucking newfag. For someone who claims to be interested in the facts you sure as shit don't mind spreading falsehoods either out of ignorance or to fit your particular narrative. To put this in perspective I'm not the person you were arguing with. I'm only someone who pointed out how bix nood has almost nothing to do with /pol/ considering it was a joke on Yea Forums since 2005 at the latest. Attributing it or associating it with /pol/ is disingenuous. Do not try to paint /pol/ as everything that's wrong with Yea Forums. You have no fucking idea what Yea Forums is if you think it's simply /pol/ and /everythingthat'snotpol/.

Objectively incorrect

you're clearly too sensitive and young to be on this site and are only here to push an agenda.

also this.

We both know you started posting in middle school

I can call you pathetic for chasing after e-whores for epic lulz while also not being a supporter of them, dumbass.

Notch is /our guy/

no, you really can't actually. people who troll streamers are based and doing god's work. you're only upset because they bullied your crush probably.

>expecting a billionaire to commit

He admits to beta orbiting / white knighting THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF Yea Forums.

I wish I was his friend. We could just hang out and eat M&Ms all day.

You better buy your own M&Ms.

Buy a burner phone, use a prepaid debt card so it cant be traced.

Yeah basically he said to was too complex.

Dude, you're completely misinterpreting my post. I know bix nood was a Yea Forums thing. My point was it became a big part of /pol/'s culture in 2015-2016. You can easily look at old /pol/ threads and see how common it was. And yeah, /pol/ is the "boogeyman" of Yea Forums. Even Yea Forums hates those guys.
My point was simply that it's no coincidence that a meme that /pol/ started using around that time was spread by Milo and his followers.

>too sensitive
I've stared at Goatse WITHOUT FLINCHING.
Get on my level.
>too young

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Not reading the rest of your autistic reply chain, but this post was cringe as fuck.

That was the point.

>Dude, you're completely misinterpreting my post.
I'm not the guy you were arguing with. There's no misinterpreting. You're attempting to give /pol/ credit for a racist joke that Yea Forums created in order to push this idea that /pol/ is the outlier of Yea Forums. It's not. Your point has nothing to do with me. I simply corrected the misinformation you tried to post specifically because you were simultaneously trying to act like you're some kind of champion for truth when you're so willing twist the fucking facts. So learn how to shut the fuck up about how you care about the truth unless you're actually going to be speaking the absolute truth, you fucking hypocrite.

Does he have any peanut allergies? I like those M&Ms best, he can share mine, if he wants.

big yikes

How much money is needed for fuck you lifestyles? Enough so that even banks won't try to kick you out?

Ok I'll give credit where credit's due. Even though you strawmanned him, you're good at mocking people.

I'd say like $5 million+ if you can live frugally.

You'd have to be a liberal to think that was good. The left can't meme.

>using meme as a verb
I shiggy diggity doo.

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Case and point.

>there's no such thing as true friendship
How well did you handle it when you realized that? It honestly threw my head into a spin when I did, and even now it's always in the back of my head. Now I can understand why I love Star Wars so much, it's this pollyanna-esque vision I desperately wish was true.

The guy was too paranoid for his own good.

It was more than that I'm afraid. When that happen I took upon myself to investigate on what pushed him on the edge. Here's what I gotten so far:
>company owned him money
>didn't pay
>pour his own money to keep his show alive
>critics bombed it into cancellation
>became depressed
>gold digging wife wants more money
>dried him up
>took his life
>wife cries crocodile tears

all the years of being a entertainer to be reduced to this

If only.

Where can I learn more? I really don't want it to be true.

>people who troll streamers are based

"The /r/games thread has a bunch of posts claiming that a fake racist tweet is real, based on someone replying to a Notch tweet 8 years later with the fake screenshot and falsely claiming to have replied hours later despite both Twitter timestamps and archives proving this is not the case. The fake screencap itself has been floating around since 2011, someone on Something Awful originally made it as a joke. The real tweet that it's an edit of is a joke implying that people in a fictional setting were bigots.

I was going to reply pointing out the screencap is fake but the thread has now been locked "due to the amount of comments that promote transphobia, homophobia, racism, and bigotry" (which based on the actual comments seems to simply mean that some people were disagreeing with the smears), so now the comments promoting the fake screencap stay up and nobody can correct them. Prior to the recent smear campaign the most attention the fake tweet got was being flashed in the background by comedy Youtube channel TheBestGamers in RockCock64's Minecraft review, but of course people mostly weren't stupid enough to think it was real."

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This is why wealth will always be better than fame. And wealth + fame is the worst possible combination.

I've been broke and rich and I'll choose rich any time of the week, it actually does make you happy if you're not a god damn retard

fat swede basedboy gets immensely wealthy through almost shear dumb luck but then
>lives miserably alone in big mansion
>too autistic to get a license so doesn't drive
>sits on his ass yelling at children on twitter
This man's head should be on a pike and his wealth should be redistributed to those of us that actually work

You can find interviews of his old cast members talking about his behavior on his show in his last days.
this is his wife mourning btw

you have to go back

>money can buy happiness
Then why does /biz/ have the most mentally ill degenerates of any board?

Back? Back where? the future!

Good. I hope that loser kills himself. He's existence reminds me that it will never get better, no matter the money or fame.

Because /biz/ is populated by the poorest people who also have the strongest desire to be rich.

based commiebro
revolution when

money can't buy happiness, but it can lease it

There are some richfags on /biz/ and they're just as bad, if not worse.

>linking to reddit

Vote for Sargon so he can finally start Gamergate 2. Fuckin retard.

notice how resetera has been desperate, lately?

man his wife is a really bad actor. what a horrible shrew. wouldn't be surprised if she murdered him.

>worshiping a fat retard because he's wealthy
wow he doesn't even need to pay you to defend him, do you get off on thinking about this sperglord in his ivory tub tweeting from a golden iphone ?

Start living your own life user, this was a sad post to read

they were gonna include him but he's on vacation this year

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this. he's rich but still an /r9k/ hopeless waste of human life. use that money on whoever, it will improve their lifesomewhat. It;s pretty clear it won't improve Notch's life even a bit.

not soon enough

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He probably actually is, and that's kinda fucking sad. The guy's a fucking wreck of a human being

Yea Forums hates notch, but the fact that they're trying to erase his name from the project he created is all kinds of fucked up. Even if you don't believe in the Notch aspect of it, you should at least be angry at the history revisionism aspect.

Erasing people from history because they did some things later is a legit nazi tactic, but no one is calling microsoft out on this. Instead it's "Oh good, I'm glad that nasty shitlord is being erased by the people I really trust, Microsoft!"

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NEVER GET MARRIED LADS! Get REDPILLED as to why marriage is a bad ending route to your life!


He got bored after a few months and went back to sitting on his ass and sperging out about niggers. This is a hopeless case.

>too autistic to get a license so doesn't drive
Is this true? You can't go anywhere in LA without a car, especially when you live in the most secluded rich neighborhood in the hills.

His opinions are literally a threat to profit. How can you be surprised about this

What's wrong with being alone? Would you really die if you were alone for a few years?

>I must go now to my own PU

He's finally free from the curse...

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Because Notch used to be seen as the big indie creator behind the project, erasing his name is a threat to profit as well, but no one mentions that aspect.
They only mention the SJWs on twitter who get booty bothered and scream racism and rape (between their usual pastime of screaming racism and rape) because of a tweet he made eight years ago.

>Yea Forums hates notch
lmfao no, only some obsessed twitter trannies

I guess you didn't get 2010-2011 Yea Forums while you were in-utero?

I already have video games if I gave a fuck about purpose and goals in life. Now what I need is money to pay the bills.

2014..... and a week still doesn't go by without it being mentioned at least in passing in the news somewhere

whats wrong with the world

Yes, truly orwellian. Very fascist. Really says a lot about society

His name is there. He's credited. Noone denies it. He's not in the main menu anymore, and they don't really invite him to events, because he's a conspiracy nutjob and a sperg. I wouldn't want to have the guy's name flashing on my front page as well, it's bad for business and I would not have any obligation to do so.

If I had the money notch has, I would buy a huge apartment overlooking central park and pay a different 18 year old model to come over every day to do nude photoshoots. It would be absolutely amazing and I can't think of anything more enjoyable in life.

We do hate him, though. He:
-Shoved his development duties onto Jeb for like five years
-Disappeared when asked about current and future updates to the game
-Left Yea Forums so he could pal around with the people who are calling him a Nazi right now
-Cashed out the second that someone offered a big enough number (we would too, so this gets a pass)
-Didn't even consider sharing this with the rest of the team that actually built the majority of the game.

Notch might be /our/ fat autist, but he's still a fat autist with some backstabbing tendencies.

that was just when Yea Forums was contrarian about minecraft and notch wasn't even a personality or anything, just the minecraft guy

>Yes, truly orwellian. Very fascist. Really says a lot about society
You have a fucking corporation erasing people from their project, that's really fucking scary. Do you have to frame everything in some cringey reddit meme to dull the pain?

>His name is there. He's credited. Noone denies it. He's not in the main menu anymore, and they don't really invite him to events, because he's a conspiracy nutjob and a sperg. I wouldn't want to have the guy's name flashing on my front page as well, it's bad for business and I would not have any obligation to do so.
Pushing away the creator causes more harm than good, it's only appealing to twitter users who don't play the game anyway.
The actual players of the game know notch created it and would have loved to see him.

So just buy a ticket and go as a normal attendee, they can't ban him from the event without generating a lot of bad optics.

Literally who cares about Notch nowadays?

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>there are kids playing Minecraft right now who will never know Notch created that game

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>Yes, truly orwellian. Very fascist. Really says a lot about society
Yes, it is. Yes, it does.

Maybe the kids that grew up with the game?
I'll be first to admit he's a literally who twitter troll, now. his big project about a spaceship collapsed and nothing he has made has come to fruition.
But he's still the face of old minecraft. The minecraft that made hundreds of kids autistic.

>Bill Gates used his massive fortune for the betterment of humanity
>Notch bought a mansion with a built-in candy store and cried on Twitter about having no friends

Absolutely pathetic desu, the guy has (almosty literally) been handed a blank check to do whatever he wants in life and this is what he chooses

you go crazy

He's hoarding an immensy amount of wealth to do something no different than neets do. Just replace mom with a butler bringing him tendies. He bitches about his life and sounds miserable on twitter all the time as well.

Nothing wrong with being alone, if it makes you happy. He's a miserable neet stereotype, probably contemplating suicide as we speak.

>implying you'd do better

Corporate bootlicker detected.

Helping more african niggers reach adulthood to breed isn't exactly bettering humanity, user.

Or maybe you don't know what he does with his life at all and all you know about him is from third hand twitter posts from 5 years ago.

Yes, you have corporation erasing his name from their main page, yet still giving credit, after giving the guy 5 fuckin billion to legally be able to do what their please with his game

It's very comparable to book burning and killing intellectuals who are a threat to the regime

there is nothing wrong said. Anti-heterosexuals should be killed off because they are outright extremely hostile to the rest of the human population's existential progress and are explicit biological dead ends

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A known twitter racist isn't invited to a corporate event. Shocking!

I suggest to choose one out of sperging out about commies and sperging out about corporations not doing everything you want them to do.
You can't do both.

dude was on vacation a third of the year and wasn't implementing half of the shit he promised, that halloween update was basically the end of it, thanks for proving you weren't there though.

>if you have bad manners, you will be erased from recognition of any type
literally, erasure by wrongspeak

>sneezes in the wrong direction

>spergs out about genetically inferior races
>you sounds racist

>ITT: Trannies seething over Notch being the greatest shitposter of all time

>having different ideas is grounds to being excluded and excommunicated
this is the biggest bigotry you can commit as a liberal

>spergs out about genetically inferior races

Source? I've seen him complain alot about SJW's but never seen him be outright racist.

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>washed his hands of his franchise before the fad ran out
>isn't included in Microsoft plans

I think he'll cope.

Worst thing I've seen him do is refuse to state outright that Nazis were evil.

I'm not even /pol/tard edgelord, just tired of everyone getting called nazis for not pushing SJW agenda.

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>when did he ever say any of those things

okay retard

I will legit invite him to game with me right now.

Well, Notch is. There is a lot more to this than retarded shit like Pewdiepie says nigger, so he's an undercover alt right leader. Notch has regular meltdowns.

someone get this man a helicopter ride!

seems pretty neutral to me if you're open-minded enough to understand that good and evil are subjective social constructs

>fat rich sack of shit no longer involved in or referenced in the intellectual property he's most associated with "creating" despite having very little to do with why it was successful at all
>after having sold all rights to the property for a tremendous amount of money

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>Act like a faggot on twitter for 5 years
>People don't want to associate with him
They're only doing themselves a service by not including him

He can wipe his tears up with his billion dollars

Yes, everyone with /pol/-tier views goes around them the same way in public than on /pol/. Fuckin Mike Enoch does not explicitly say niggers are inferior and should be killed in his videos. But it's pretty clear to anyone who's familiar with the talking points.

>despite having very little to do with why it was successful at all
What? He was solo until he got rich and hired code monkeys that never changed the game in any relevant way.

so he burns through all his cash and then he can make real friends again because he has no money. Sounds like a win win.

I hate SJW's with a passion but notch legit went off the deep end.


Holy shit so it wasn't a meme after all, no wonder microsoft isn't keen on ever mentioning Notch again. But then again he could still just be shitposting and i don't think it's fair to completely erase his name from the very game he made.

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>responsible for the overall story arcs
>Is able to recognize talent and bring them together to produce films that raise the bar for sound, art design, and visual effects
Also Lucas donated the money he got from Disney to charity.

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George was actually involved, he provided the story for the other people to make something usable out of. They are currently running around like headless chickens without him, Minecraft without fedora man
went just fine.

>Erasing people from history because they did some things later is a legit nazi tactic, but no one is calling microsoft out on this.
it's literally only because they're not sony. if it was sony doing this, there'd be nonstop outrage on Yea Forums.

>Sells rights to Disney for loads of money
>Disney kills franchise with "representation" and "wokeness"
>as a final nail in the coffin to BTFO his retarded fanbase when asked who his fave star wars character is he replies Jar Jar Binks

how can one man be so based

>ken ashcorp
what the fuck

If he cared he wouldn't have signed off literally everything
Fucking aspies yelling ''MUH 1984!'' every single time anything happens
He chose this himself and he's a few billion richer for it

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He's a pizzagater and Qretard as well. It's the same stupid situation as Konami removing Kojima's name from the box art, but this time at least they have some basis to do so. Konami were just bitter assholes over personal stuff, here it's more like having a Randy Quaid case on their hands.


Yes, the biggest problem with TLJ was that it had niggers in it. No that it's probably the most retarded big budget movie ever made.

you say as if those things are somehow unrelated

He's sperging out about THE LEFT being taken over by evil all the time, so he does not.

Finns presence wasn't the problem, it's the fact Disney is too scared to do anything with him that's the problem.

Each time he fights his rival, he beats her easily
Each time he nearly gets hurt, DONT WORRY KIDS HE'S JUST FINE

Nothing matters, theres no consequences, no "minority" in that film can ever fail, how can it be an exciting story.