Boy omp I glad he's in Regice and not omp here!

Boy omp I glad he's in Regice and not omp here!

Attached: 1556073981788 (1).png (960x420, 432K)

Regice for fuck sake are you actually retarded


Attached: 1556323355016.gif (408x342, 2.68M)

Holy Crap!™ It's RegiRock!

Attached: 1555965016464.png (854x424, 248K)

I'm playing my first Mystery Dungeon game, Explorer of Sky to be specific. Are the Regis good in it? It's a fun game but would be more fun if I could play as them.

Attached: Regigigas.png (677x493, 53K)

All of them suffer from a case of the slows. They're mostly shit, registeel is pretty tanky though

I don't get this meme

Look at him go!

Neither do I. Its pretty funny though.

The Pokemon makes the funny noise in the movie