

Attached: dd.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:


How the fuck does that work?

>Dr. Reddit

Attached: broly laugh.gif (500x281, 361K)


Attached: 1552769106704.jpg (172x159, 11K)

Attached: dex.webm (1920x1080, 1.73M)

guessing all the interior stuff is grouped and it enables group visiblility/collision just when the camera zooms into the door

Attached: room.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Just turn the object off and on at the right time.

Attached: 1542083762577.webm (1280x720, 836K)

Attached: 1787293212312.webm (1280x720, 661K)

>music videos

Attached: 2319270401924.webm (1920x1080, 2.24M)

This was a fucking trip

Attached: 1528036435325.webm (1000x562, 2.75M)

love the artstyle

Attached: d.jpg (1200x675, 68K)


Attached: k.webm (1920x1080, 762K)

Glad to see some more people enjoying dreams. For me it's honestly the game of the century.
Thinking of acquiring a PS VR just for dreams, do you think it's worth it? Dualshock controls are fine but doing all the stuff in VR seems insanely fun to me.

There's no VR support yet. Probably won't be added until after full release and will almost certainly have a smaller thermo than non-VR create mode

Yoooo that sucks. I didn't know that. Well I guess I'll wait and thank you!

There is PS move support already but you need 2 move dildos and a cam, it's a huge investment for 1 game. Might as well wait til VR and see if it's any good before buying


Yea to get the full package goggles + move×2 + cam you are at like 450€ already which is hella much for a peripheral.

oh wow that's fucking awesome. Has anyone figured out climbing/climbing animations? Can that puppet attack? Wow I'm so fucking into that jesus holy shit I want to dream

Attached: A_simple_test_of_a_character_I_ve_been_working_on._Any_feedback_would_be_super_helpful_--3t3rn2cn05v (360x240, 2.28M)

look at all that SOUL

I've had move controls since they came out, bought the cam used for half price. I've been using the two, but it's not that great. Like, it's cool, but navigating is actually really challenging, and because holding your arm out at full length can be difficult to hold steady/do for a long time, can be quite the hindrance. Honestly, I'm sticking to them but I think I'd get more done with a DS4.

What's the limit of dreams? Like, everything i've seen so far looks so prettyand perfect. But surely there must be games that make the ps4 chug and heat up like crazy right?

GDC presentation
it was pretty fucking cool

moves are far superior for sculpting when you get used to them, but menu navigation and laying out logic is better with DS4

Actually want feedback?

The Jump anim doesn't always looks like it hits the ground before the next jump. And his climbing anim could be a bit more exciting. Like maybe his knees and elbows stick out. Arms pull up, legs push up, right?

yeah, just sculpting can cause some issues.

But there's some ingenious programming wizardry here, because it seems like the actual input and the rendering engine are disconnected - that is, when you say accidentally make too large an object, the object itself may stop rendering/frames will drop on the render, but the outline and your cursor will still be responsive as normal. So the engine sort of compensates for the relatively low processing power of the PS4. On a standard PS4 with 2 move controls, BTW

These two videos show off two different creators who made some climbing mechanics.

Attached: Ps1_Spiderman_madeindreams_I_hope_you_like_it-4cnhj66gi8v21 (2).webm (360x240, 2.79M)

Its so fucking impressive, its like wizardry. I need to get a ps4 sooner or later, i've been putting off Bloodborne for too long. And this looks like it might be worth my money

Is it out? I've been waiting years for it to come out, then I got bored and lost interest, and suddenly it's out without me knowing?

Lmao this is wild

Attached: 1544847038613.webm (1280x720, 1.26M)

>Console full of walking simulators makes a game where you can make more walking simulators

Oh I am laffin

early access is out
no story mode, VR, or online multiplayer yet

>yeah, just sculpting can cause some issues.
I haven't seen anything in Dreams in regards to sculpting that caused slowdown. In fact the only thing that slows down is the loading time which is almost instant anyway. The thing about sculpts is that it isn't about how geometrically complex the sculpt is it is more about the amount of different sculpts you have.

ITT: shills from RetardEra

sad post

ok well i guess i'll see you on Fifa?

At least Fifa is an actually game by definition. All I see in these threads are single rooms or a very short animation.

No games will be made here.

There’s already games

Like I said, the game itself doesn't actually slow down, the render get's hit though. I've actually crashed it from trying to make a custom shape with the move controls. So they game is not bug free.

But magically, when I do experience any slow down, it's the shape itself that slows down, not the UI or the game. I can still move the camera, but the shape might be stuck in a certain position/frame for a moment too long.

Web fluid


See you on Fifa then?

>I've actually crashed it from trying to make a custom shape with the move controls
Interesting. I would love to see that. I have seen people glitch the renderer a whole bunch of ways but nothing that crashed anything.

Attached: Switch Port.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>it's the shape itself that slows down, not the UI or the game.
Oh yeah this is normal. Happens all the time.

Attached: You're too slow.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Seething lad. Why attack Fifa anyway? I don't even play it but its a pretty funny projection? Enjoy your no games.

Show me a full original game. I will wait :^)

>Broly Mignogna the Legendary Sex Offender

True. See you on Fifa.

This would be perfect on Switch...

Just boot up your fifa bud!

These """games""" are the definition of SOULLESS

This is the power of a sony brainlet.


got me! now take me on in a real game, like Fifa!

Let's see your game, user

>letting seething shitposters derail the thread instead of just ignoring them
bad user

Have sex

yeah man I don't have sex, do you play Fifa though?

Sure :)


Have sex

The movement in this was terrible, but I enjoyed the visuals.

Attached: Dream 3.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

>when OKC tells you to have sex

Attached: damian.jpg (1022x574, 74K)

Wow looks totally riveting yeah? Walking around and pushing boxes and that yeah? Like, shit two fucking switches but guess what, fucking boxes and that? Got some blowy wind mechanic and that yeah? Totally not like demos found on PS1 demo discs free with a magazine yeah? Fuck off.

>it's not a game because it's not like my fifa

nice one man, have sex lately?

Attached: Dream 4.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Do I need to buy move controllers to sculpt/model well in this?

Attached: 1339011069942.jpg (500x500, 51K)

Wow another fucking room yeah? Like totally original IP don's steal and that? Just walking from one end to the other while your sony neurons are engaged?

Think of Dreams as a super next gen Wario Ware game.

Attached: Dream 5.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Wow, a fucking lamppost turned on its side yeah? Taking this one to E3 are you? Fuck off.


Attached: 1555612513141.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)



Carry on American McGee, you will make it!

I actually hated this game I couldn't HIT SHIT


Attached: soyny.png (981x863, 399K)

Is this supposed to impress me?
>PEW PEW PEW sounds
>No visible damage to anything
>No collision
>Stock techno
>No dynamic lighting
>Barebones gameplay



Feels like I'll be waiting on the inevitable PS5 port of it, since the game as it is seems to barely keep itself together performance-wise as it is.

>expecting there to be full 10+ hour games when it’s only been out for 2 weeks

Attached: C11D2FE2-10E4-4EBC-96F0-7175D11AB037.png (621x702, 56K)

Literally this, sonyfags are the worst

>when no one talks about your game so you have to start console wars to get posts in your thread


that's a sony exclusive alright

Project Spark was pretty limited for the most part and had too much shit locked behind a paywall. Dreams may not be a mainstream hit but I wouldn't be surprised if it garners a dedicated fanbase of autists that create some crazy shit

It's nothing like project shart. For one, you can actually make and share assets rather than buy them as microtransactions kek

>comparing project spark to dreams
Holy fucking nigger faggot

I tried Spark, wasn't that great

i bet you morons have never even played project spark. that game you couldn't make characters, animations, sound effects, etc

you had to BUY premade models and shit from the developer, thats why it failed

>the sheer idiocy of whoever this one SEETHER is that think's we all own a single console

Attached: 1479773689821.jpg (800x705, 86K)

I haven't seen the UI at all. How intuitive is creating in this game?



>xbots WILL defend this

The UI auto hides. On move controls, the UI is attached to your secondary controller. Hold trigger to pull it up, select an option with primary controller. Like VR implementation.

On Dual shock, you press a button to open the menu, and then you select with the gyro on the DS4 (so you can continue to move the camera/manipulate an object at the same time).

It's actually intuitive, you'd be surprised. i was shocked.

First game that makes me want to buy a PS4.
Hope it works out for Media Molecule but I fear casuals rejecting it and Yea Forums just shitposting it to death.

The spark version is cute tho lol

What the fuck am I looking at

Captain shadow is unironically great. Shows the potential of unique 3d platformer games

Fuck I wanna play this but I am the most boring uncreative person in existence. I wanna have some cool idea and spend months working on some little world or whatever and make it exactly how I want. I saw this little area someone made of a library kind of thing and the lighting looked like it was from a big budget AAA game. I was shocked.
I know if I'll buy Dreams I won't be able to make anything cos I suck ass at this stuff.

Attached: 1504992502127.png (633x758, 293K)

>slow and clunky as hell
Like a true sonic game

The good thing about dreams is that you don’t have to be an artist or anything like that since you can remix other projects and make it your own. Can take different gameplay mechanics that were already made and plop them together

How do you create code that creates its own code?

Somebody created a procedural generator already kek




wow it's so fucking good FUCK I WANT TO MAKE THIS

>a game maker in a game maker


They’re working on remaking little big planet in dreams


>Asking this when Little Big Planet had level creation across their games for years and made the impossible possible with limited options when it came with people's levels.
Dreams is just giving more material and options.

But the fact that you can create logic complex enough to create other games - UI, modes, features, etc... it's ridiculous

could you create new tools, to be used in creation? I wonder.

Seems like the overhead of being able to generate such things absolutely murders your ability to do much else with it due to processing limits hit.

I don’t think that’s out of the realm of possibility since we’ve seen people create procedural generation tools

no, that was just a 1 off for the 10th anniversary

Which is why im pretty sure dreams will get a huge bump on ps5

The movement animation, feel, and reactivity to objects is super neat! WOW. I wonder how he did that water? And if he tweaked it so Captain shadow was slower and floatier under water it would be perfect.

Thats impressive

Problem I have with Dreams is that everything has that overly IK'd look to it.



i wonder if he's animated climbing up?

>Little Big Planet level creation were just Alpha and Betas for Dreams
It makes sense now, they were building to this for years but did not have the processing power. Now they have it to do anything. A game within a game, a computer within a computer.
The fucking madmen.

Attached: tumblr_p8aovwKJ2N1rqetpao1_1280.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

>Rumored ps5 back comp
>Nearly limitless thermo
Media molecule. good Lord.

Attached: 1547826227282.jpg (3840x2160, 334K)

Attached: 1531889503220.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Attached: 1543669398851.webm (1000x562, 2.92M)



Someone on reddit made a lathe you can use to shape materials.

The spongebob racing level is a nice proof of concept that mascot cart racers are possible

>the way the hamburger bun and toppings fly up during a jump


lol the ramp physics are so bad. doesn't even make it to the end, just the moment he gets on the ramp it bounces him up.

inverse kinematic. The biped comes with it and if you don't know what you are doing it is going to look wonky with its movement. However if you tune the walking properly it will look very natural and smooth.

Attached: 1540925981827.webm (1280x720, 600K)

Just like in real life if your car weighs next to nothing.

the engine handles a lot of that AAA look. this stuff mainly isn't that great, you could totally do it

That's not how it works, sweety.

Can’t wait for the silent hill remake bros. The recreation of the opening scene in sh2 is very accurate outside of a few things but the atmosphere is dead on. Pic related

Attached: F21602B4-1204-4C11-BB25-C343A4F4A52E.jpg (1989x1125, 845K)

Holy shit

Konami will be asking Sony to remove it in no time

i really don't think any full fledged 5+ hour games are going to be made in dreams.

If the ground doesn't have much density then yes it does.

Attached: 1537649609606.png (1920x2160, 2.11M)

Will this be the Silent Hill 2 HD that we wished for all along?


Attached: 00C6B065-0BCB-482B-9224-97D283F6C322.jpg (320x240, 19K)

>not Yea ForumsROS

Attached: drem.jpg (1200x675, 105K)



You can connect 'dreams' to each other so I could see a sort of gauntlet challenge by someone compiling a big collection of user created content, adding some mechanic that scores you across them like a timer, or hidden items, then releasing it for players to compete in. A huge self-contained game would take serious dedication, but you can form teams that contribute parts to a main idea, etc. It could be possible.


Attached: ani.webm (1280x720, 243K)


>Xfag tries to shill his shit game
fuck you and fuck project spark

Attached: Project_Spark_E3_2014_Gameplay_Trailer_%2528Featuring_Conker_from_Conker%2527s_Bad_Fur_Day%2529.jpg (480x269, 15K)

There’s already a 3 hour sonic 3d game

Chapter 3 coming soon.

Attached: 56ffd3ba46d18699adbe9e40ffffd45d.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

I really like this cowboy wild west animation


shit i forgot link


That's a handsome Snake.

Just posting cool screenshots.

Attached: c5c3a01827c446af2f55fec54db0d109.jpg (1920x1080, 506K)

What the hell is this game? For all the shilling it gets, they sure do do a shit job of telling you what the fuck you even do in it.

>2006 stick figure animation: the game
sign me up

Attached: 10a0d4b78a66b54d256669e244205476.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

Man that looks great. The walking is a bit exaggerated tho.

Attached: 1544131185407.webm (1280x720, 1.22M)

How long do you think it takes to make a full game?

Its like Unity but for PS4 and with a painting-like artstyle.

Attached: a55d2d6d8ecd61f8d27e9b98e8ba7392.jpg (1920x1080, 527K)

>never heard of this game ever
>suddenly being shilled fucking EVERYWHERE, youtube, reddit, Yea Forums, etc
how can one shovelware dev afford this much astroturfing?

How long will it be though? Is this 'game' going to launch and just be a bunch of characters moving around rooms but with a different skin for the first year?

Attached: f82e28a7693dbab41fbfa204216a77be.jpg (1920x1080, 1.01M)

>Media Molecule
>shovelware dev
Someone sure is seething.

based reddit crossposter

See I don't know what you mean. Unity is a 3D engine for developers to use to make games, not a videogame itself. Are you saying this game is like a SDK? You don't even do any coding

How many 10 hour levels were there in LBP? Are you really that retarded?

you heard of LittleBigPlanet right? this is made by the same developers and has a lot more features and creative tools then LBP


why do you idiots always fall for this shit
lbp sucked ass and no one made anything on it after a few months
no one is going to invest time to make an actual functional game that isn't 2d pixelshit or a walking sim with nothing to do but look around
if they were going to do more they'd sell it instead of paying for the ability to give it away

It supports VR right, so we can all make our own personalised custom houses and live in them with our custom waifus?

Attached: ir1aNkV.png (562x608, 798K)

>lbp sucked ass

>not shovelware
i mean it's better than a David Cage cinematic experience but it's still not much of a game
i guess it must be Big Snoy themselves giving them the shekels for this shill campaign

World portals, probably. Duke Nukem 3D used them a billion years ago.

It will support VR in the future, it doesn't right now though. Expect a bunch of vorefag levels when VR does come out.

>if they were going to do more they'd sell it instead of paying for the ability to give it away
yeah we all know no one will ever mod a game like Half Life and make their own games with the mod tools, why would you when you could sell games

If there is one thing I do not like about the game is that some of the animations come off as janky and/or wonky. Hopefully they fix this or add different animations in the final release.

>people actually shitting on LBP
What the hell has happened to Yea Forums?


based, why the fuck aren't there more pure comfy sims for VR? maybe I'm not looking in the right places but zoning out in some extremely relaxing places would be great

>just be a bunch of characters moving around rooms but with a different skin
so video games?

>no one is going to invest time to make an actual functional game that isn't 2d pixelshit or a walking sim with nothing to do but look around
this. I bought LBP and it was just boring novelty shit walking around in a 2D platformer stage-creator

Most people just use the puppet's default animations, which is what you see. There are some really decent animated ones, but most people suck too much to make them.

Attached: Screenshot (388).png (614x652, 272K)

They want replies and shitting on things is easier than thinking up something that might actually contribute to the thread.

>Bought the early access because I am an LBP fanboy
>Played for 20 minutes and never touched it again

Kind of a waste of money, LBP is better.

Its obviously a loading zone. The door opening animation is a dead giveaway.

>Dreams threads

Attached: 1550d02f4e23e7e49bf1a727202bae80.jpg (1920x1080, 620K)

What if our entire earth is just a dream like game made by an advanced civilization?

if you want sackboy, make him

MM has been saying since october that PSVR support will be included at launch of the full game

Star ocean 3 was a fucking excellent game.

>I'm lazy, so this product with more potential is worse

>he thinks LBP is shovelware

You clearly are a fan of LBPs story mode and not its create mode. So why buy Dreams' "create mode only" version? But hey, at least you will get a free upgrade to the full game when it comes out and can play the story mode for Dreams then.

Okay. the big question.

Can you download and keep dreams?

Attached: 1549475434024.jpg (640x758, 52K)

Dr. Who was always shit.


What? Are you well?

Attached: download (4).jpg (100x144, 2K)

got his fucking neck snapped and kept on walkin'. what a trooper

what happens when the servers inevitably go offline

Attached: 1556546980119.png (525x478, 221K)

Little big planet servers are still up

There's no scene transition visual though

Same thing that happens when the LBP servers go offline.

Can you make porn with this game?

Attached: PEANUTS AT THE BOTTOM.webm (960x720, 2.91M)

Whats with this picture?

>I've been waiting years for it to come out, then I got bored and lost interest,
I doubt you were ever interested in the first place


Yes and you can share it privately so nobody takes it down

I played my fair share of "Create" mode, and made some pretty decent levels. Nothing crazy but well above average.

LBP just facilitates more fun creations. Dreams is crazy in what you can accomplish visually, but LBP produces actual fun gameplay. Of the 20 minutes of toying around with the top rated creations, the only thing remotely fun to play was the Media Molecule made level where you run through those quarter pipes as the bear.

Only if the creator has marked them as "Remixable".

this webm.

Attached: 1533776552208.png (700x632, 522K)

This might as well be called the official PT Recreation Maker.

supernatural incident captured on cam

is there a limit?
oh that's fucking lame if so.

it's not exactly difficult to make non euclidean space in a video game.

Ive already made big giggling tits as a "physics test".

Does that happen in the interrogation video or is that just a shoop?

>Dreams is crazy in what you can accomplish visually, but LBP produces actual fun gameplay
You can literally create the same gameplay in dreams

you are just judging some of the default animations
you can create your own, or more likely use the animations others created and place them on your model

The only difference between Dreams and LBP is that LBP had a strict idea for creations. You were limited to a XY platformer plain and were presented with the idea of minaturism for design. Dreams has no restrictions and nothing to get you off the ground to help you make stuff, you are left to your own abilities and imagination.

with the PS5 having PS4 bc, expect the server to be up for at least a full gen
LBP is still up, most likely due to everything carrying over into LBP3

Everything so far has felt really shitty in comparison to Sacboy.

One google search and I found this, that just looks awful to play

>tfw i bought early access and i cant even make a simple character because of the shitty motion controls


Attached: 1556403490070.jpg (2048x2048, 1.4M)

I bought move controllers for the sole purpose of using them with Dreams when compatibility was announced years ago. Dualshock is superior imo.

>LBP just facilitates more fun creations.
>LBP produces actual fun gameplay.
>he wants to be spoonfed content
you can litterlally tweak these aspects to your hearts content in dreams.

Majority of Dreams are marked as remixable though. The main idea of the game is to share assets with everyone and see what people can make. Plus if you use someone elses creation in your Dream, they also get mentioned in the full credits list.

Yea Forums meme

Why would you post this and not this


When you look at this thread and blame the controls, it just shows you're an untalented lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to put in any effort.

>posting the inferior version

That person has no talent, thats why its shitty. You just have to wait for talented people to make stuff. I mean the actual devs recreated this: youtube.com/watch?v=-BU-xadE77k


They take a while to get used too. I couldn't even make a simple flower on my first day. The controls filter out shitters so they don't clog up the game with stupid stuff.

So you didn't even see what the Japs did after just a week of having the game?
No one noticed the most underrated webm itt

Attached: 1554337356770.webm (650x364, 2.84M)

Is the Gardens theme one of the best video game OSTs ever or what?

I will say this looks much more promising, but you can't lie there is still an air of lack of polish in that. Kinda like how you could make 3d-lite levels in LBP3 and they played poorly.

the only thing that matters
where are all the ape escape levels people created
it's very important to post all AE Dreams creations you find

Attached: STAGE CLEARED!.gif (500x400, 341K)


LBP1 and 2 just have fucking amazing OSTs overall. Hopefully Dreams will have some good music on full release.

But this is understandable since it was made by 1 single dude in his spare time in-between work.

>lack of polish in that.
the game isn't even out yet and people are already doing impressive stuff like that
MM confirmed more tools are coming, Dreams is on a whole different level than what LBP was capable of

Good to know with VR tech progressing and stuff like Dreams being made we can all become our own virtual gods very soon

Nintendo, hire this man.

I thought Spark was one of the games Microsoft cancelled.

The cool part is there’s going to be multiplayer on release as well along with VR. Yea Forums mansion soon

Actually impressed at the Mario model though.

I hope so. Like I said I love LBP, I just haven't felt the same gameplay polish as I have in LBP. Even the controlable puppets MM have made don't feel as good as their LBP creations, maybe I'm a weirdo.

If you never have, do yourself a favour and listen to the LBP Karting soundtrack, its filled with amazing remixes of LBP1 and 2 songs. And they are actually great remixes, not just there for remixes sake.

Kek the trees are dead on. Too bad the person is a shit sculptor

A studio is making a survival horror using Dream, is going to be a commercial fully develop game.

Attached: file.png (395x640, 491K)

why isn't the music legato. Never realized how much I like that song until now.

Have you tried this doggo?

Attached: 1537934568658.webm (650x366, 2.88M)

>If you never have, do yourself a favour and listen to the LBP Karting soundtrack
I have a grudge against that game because it killed ModNation Racers. But I will give a listen to its OST.

Spark was good, Microsoft drop the fucking thing at the place to let the thinig free to the pubblic. BTW, the thing was f2p full of microtrasaction, if you wanted to do really something you needed to spend tons of money.

This one looks awesome.

Best thing Dreams has over LBP is that there isn't a 1 minute load time between level links, most of the time its instant or takes a couple seconds.

That looks pretty good, reminds me of Mario 64

>Apparently, there may even be a potential one day for players to sell their Dreams creations as PSN games. Speaking to the EDGE in their March issue (316), Media Molecule’s Mark Healey talked about the prospect of one day letting users sell their creations- which is not something the game will support upfront, but is still something that may happen in the future.

>“Potentially, in [the] future, some people could use [Dreams] to make a PSN game, for example. That’s not really something we’re talking about at the beginning- but it’s one of the long term goals in my mind. The problem arises with making sure that everyone who contributed to the game gets credited properly, so there are some sticky areas to tackle there.”

Sad thing about dreams is that since shit requires effort, you wont see anything good come out of it until maybe a year or two after it fully releases.

considering that it's in early access and all of the EA creations will be in the game at launch, that's a good head start for content

Wont take that long, there are some talented people already making good stuff. Will probably be a couple months before we see some great things.

Here’s what I was working on during the beta.



Did we play the same game? LBP 1 and 2 are treasure troves of high quality user-generated content. Did you just search for newest levels or something?

I'm starting to actually suspect the people bitching in this thread are just trying to be contrarian or bitter that they can't get into sandbox games.

Attached: 1555978676187.png (625x626, 128K)

Of course it will take couple of years.
Most people, even with experience from playing with LBP, will need time to learn to use the tools and find out the least system taxing ways to create things.
Theres already a few group projects on the way that will proabably get reworked as new exploits and tecgniques are found out to make things easier.

Do the music controls let you use buttons? Or do you have to set notes using the motion controls because that would be a pain in the dick

It’s motion controls and yeah it’s kinda fucking annoying

You can't export levels to your hdd so presumably that'll be the end of online stuff. LBP has a couple archivers collecting popular levels for prosperity, but unless they add export/import features this can't happen in Dreams.

Did some recreate those LBP shark escape levels


MM already confirmed they’re working on making the menus and creation tools completely playable without motion controls

This shit looks gay as fuck and will be forgotten in a month.

Is this what ur mom said when you were born?

Lmao it looks like a dude in a sackboy costume. Could you at least have complained about the recreation made by actual MM?

Only out in America?

>tfw brainlet
At least I get to play cool stuff made by superior humans I guess.

Attached: 1556056489577m.jpg (1024x906, 101K)

nah its just difficult to find in the store. keep looking

You're welcome to ignore it then. Less shitty content to filter through.

Has anyone remade Dreams in Dreams?

Attached: Dream 6.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

The level loading's actually really interesting in how it works: it captures all of the movements your controllers make during the creation process, and simply copies those movements to remake the level super quick.
It's a really novel way of doing it.


>get dreams
>buy playstation 4 camera so I can use my move remotes again
>sprain my wrist a day later by jacking off too hard
Im sad

Attached: links crossbow training.jpg (2448x3264, 1.5M)

>Dr. Hue
>Custom walking sim maps

can somebody please explain to me what the big deal is ? worlds.com has all of this, SL has all of this, VR-chat has all of this.

do you have a huge dick or a really small one? how the fuck do you sprain your wrist doing that?

Dreams seriously needs a better way of displaying the top content. The same shit is there all the time in the surfing menu and a lot of it is either non interactive, barely functioning or unfinished.

This, it should be done a lot more

There are 'new' moves out for the ps4. Are those compatible with the ps3? Had none for my ps3 and might pick up some cheap move games for my ps3 as well, house of the dead, time crisis etc.

Frenulum stimulation my dude.

Unless you don't have one then too bad.

I've been masturbating since I was 6. I'm really good at it and I'm not satisfied with a single orgasm. I get really into it.

I heaed sculpting with the DS controller was impossible and you need a Move controller.

Terrible feedback.
>Just make it better, mmkay?

Somehow Media Molecule games are immune, you can find any copyrighted material under the sun on the LBP servers

what the fuck?

Are you okay? Do I have to get your handler?

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There's a bunch of shit from other ips and none of it has been taken down.

Because it is a good exercise.

How are you more autistic than the autists making shit in this game?

Do the newest ones work with the ps3 as well?

I have the move, and was debating buying the ps4 camera for this game, however I find it hard to believe the dualshock is better since it relies on gyroscopes, while the move has real 3d tracking.

I was under the impression VR was only for the creation stuff and now playing?

there will be VR play mode but the complexity limit will be smaller to maintain 60+ fps. don't expect existing levels to be playable in VR unless the creator makes a new VR version

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I just feel bad for the software engineer that had to write the performance profiling tools for the game to determine the reasonable limits for both regular and VR modes.


How do you make models in this? Do you have to use the PS4 or can you import stuff?

Nope. EU, Aus and Asia too IIRC.

everything is made ingame

do one with sneed's feed and seed

Game Freak

Looks better than sword and shield

From what I've been told the only hardware difference between the PS3 and PS4 move controllers is the updated charging port. PS4 moves should work just fine on a PS3.

How does it run on ps4pro? I’m noticing a lot of sluggish frame rates

It's purely the lack of analog sticks.

Pretty much the same from what people on the subreddit are saying. Their Pros are blowing the fans just as hard too.

I love seeing dream threads up when I dont expect it
>still havent bought it myself tho

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Tell us what you want to see. What would make you not cry like a little bitch? Are you still even capable of happiness?


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Just want to put out that this level is beautiful

>have to log in

Think Dreams is starting to get popular?

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I wish PC had an equivalent to this, these ps4 controls are pissing me off.

Yea there’s lots of creations

the only difference is the usb port,
PS3 can handle it

death stranding?

>*soul fades away*

Can you use the nunchuck type move controller?

>small hips and thighs

can you play others creations, or is it still limited to your own stuff because of early access

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Googled it and bunch of people saying they don't work on ps3s, stinks

The high speed hovercraft demo is legitimately fun and satisfying to control


No, you need two move controllers. Can't just use one move controller.
Yes. You can.

Those rocky cliffs look great, wonder what it takes to make that.

You can play all creations uploaded and search by keyword/most recent/most thumbs up etc. you can also follow projects or remix them to add to your own game or see how they applied logic

thats sick

>bunch of interesting creations didn't toggle remix availability
Fucking assholes. I want to try and understand their animations and game logic.

>muh oc donut steel

It seems legitimately easier for someone who cannot draw at all to pick up Dreams and sculpt something half decent than to learn how to actually draw paper+pencil

Yea they really are faggots but oh well.
>muh super sekrit logic

When the game is out there might be a community mandated policy to always toggle remix whenever possible. LBP had something similar IIRC

It got more SOUL

Remix should be toggled on permanently. The whole point of Dreams was for the community to share stuff. It’s not like we can’t see who originally created it in the creation credits.

The game rendering tech must have been a nightmare to come up with since it's building polygons out of millions of defined points in 3d space dynamically, per frame.

It doesn’t use polygons. The engine uses something called flecks

>autistic about building cities and shit
>played and 100% all MM games
>missed the window to get on the early access train to practice using the tools early

And so I wait

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It’s still up on psn

>missed early access
What? Just buy it.


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Anyone know of some really polished platformers? I really liked MM's little gravity race thing they have uploaded.

Love that one. Wish the town was explorable.

Little Big Planet was the shit.

I like how MM built a fanbase full of people who just like to embrace their autism and create no matter the limitations from very early on. And then they progressively gave them more and more tools to mess around with.

Well damn i didn't look hard enough. I cant believe it's just 30 bucks though

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do the tutorials. It's a lot of smear+clone.

Not a lot of tutorials and you need to figure it out on your own. That why it's that low. Also better with moves and camera. Making it more expensive.

Its the eaarly access for people who mainly want to create. They give you the game when its released if you buy this version.


Nintendo loves MM and wishes they bought them to develop games for their consoles iirc. Not jealous. Just respect and love from some article.
Don't start a console war now.

Yeah the good thing about that is when the full game releases you already bought early access for half price

>tfw nintendo wished they hired that man

I reported it to sony california.

For now? No.

In a month or two, when they implement VR support? Hell yes.

what a cute robot


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This dude has been modeling a pair of tits for hours now.


Game is probably going to blow up once talented people start finishing their projects but will probably start to slow down once companies start requesting take downs.

So there is literally no reason not to get it now, got it.

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>See Dreams
>See how awesome it looks
>Think about how much time and effort it must have taken to make some of this stuff

>Think to myself "Wait a minute"

If you're gonna spend that much time and effort inside Dreams, why not just learn a legit game engine and make a game in that?

LittleBigPlanet had a little bit of an excuse, just because it was limited in scope, and there was a lot you could do but ultimately everything looked like LitteBigPlanet, because that was the point.
But with this, this looks SO open-ended, and SO massive in scope, I really can't see the point of using it over an honest-to-god game creation engine.

Like, even just watching videos of the modeling tools, I can already tell Blender is exactly as easy to use (if not moreso), and ten times as versatile.

Unreal Engine requires no more than Dreams from the user, but again, it's a hundred thousand times more versatile, scalable, useful, and above all, potentially profitable.

While I can appreciate what they're doing on an artistic and technical level, I feel like Media Molecule is kinda missing the point here. The more they make games like Dreams, and the bigger they make them, the more of an argument they're making in favor of their own obsolescence.

The dynamic duo of Yea Forums, optimistic chads promoting innovative tech in comfy threads with actual discussion and webms, fuck the naysayers.

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I don't think so. A lot of the copyright BS is proof of concept. It's easier to imitate when learning.

The good creators started there to test out the tools. Once they have that down they'll move on to their own concepts, and thats where they'll make real projects. Give it to 2020 when you start hearing about the 30 level puzzle games etc. Like, the only thing keeping a game from getting bigger is going into the scene and adding a gate to another scene... it loads almost instantly and logic can carry over. So you could be perpetually developing a game.

you ever read the comments of an unreal or unity tutorial? people are braindead. dreams lays it out for dumbos

fuck off this is not video games

If you just want to get it for dream surfing its fine too, but this version is aimed for the creators.
I imagine the full game will have its own singleplayer campaign along with other things aimed for players added to it.

Why waste your time making a game in this when you could make an actual game and sell it.

You can export you creations to Unity

I would imagine total remakes (if actually finished to completion) would be kept and shared privately since that’s actually possible in dreams

holy fuck


For fun

Oh for real?

Well then holy shit, carry on then

The appeal of dreams is having everything in one platform allowing the player to go from one game, video, song, sculpt, concept, etc to the next seamlessly.



You can export creations as a 3d printable file.

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That article is from 2015, though, and I can't find anything about it newer than 2017.

Apparently it's not implemented in the game at the moment, and is more of a "It's technically possible but we'll see what happens" kind of thing.

That's actually pretty cool.

I played one level with a turtle in a top hat that chugged a bit at the start. My PS4 slim has heated up more than with any other game too.

They have 3D printing and model exporting working currently but they dont want to polish it unless people show support for it based on their twitter and discord

Probably going to wait for full release and have implementation with their site.

Oh shit i didnt even know that.

wtf I'm a furry now

You can also import audio done with studio quality equipment if you have access to it. You can also create instruments to use in game via importing

Keep on walking in your simulator.


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Anything that lets me create things I tend to make big projects with. Most I give up on but some I dedicate years to. Sounds like a huge learning curve but I'll at least give it a shot

The absolute MADLAD did it live. He has fully jiggly tit animations while walking now. He’s still streaming

More like nintendo sue this man

Even JERMA is streaming dreams

Dreams will become an immense deposit of pretentious shit.
However, I believe that in a few months there will be some good simple arcade games that will be better than many things available on PSN. I can imagine someone doing stupidly fun stuff resembling classic games like Micro Machines, Marble Madness, etc.

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>Dreams will become an immense deposit of pretentious shit.

and i will be adding to it


im watching right now

this reminds me of the wild fash game days

That's never going to happen.. The assets are all created by the community and the only guarantee that no one will abuse them is that games can only run in a controlled and non-profit environment.
Allowing people to start exporting projects to Unity would be a copyright nightmare that would probably destroy any cohesion in the community.

this is how art is created

>all the fetish games that will be made with this

still less janky than the adventure games

why the fuck did nobody tell i could get in on this shit right fucking now god dammit you guys

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How hard would it be to make a game in this where you play as a delinquent going around a big city beating up other delinquents from other schools?

So, since you can add your own sound and everything, there will be adult animation right

Yes as long as you don’t publish it and share the creations privately

At least its not Justin Bieber levels

Sounds pretty rudimentary DESU

1. model the buildings
2. model the schools
3. model the bullies
4. tie up the logic
5. play

>all the giantess games
If no one makes them I will

Watching this tit sculpt is oddly relaxing

>in vr

Can't wait for Undertale fags to ruin the community like they always do with UGC

Then the game is as good as mine when it comes out.

I will get PS Vr just for this, my body is ready

It is out

Wait what? I thought it was in beta and only so many dudes could play it?

it's in early access on the PSN store for 30 bucks and you get upgraded to the full version when it releases for no cost. basically gives them time for the community to make stuff before the official release

Early access is on psn. It’s $30 for the full creation tools and you can also play and remix other people’s creations. Come full release you get the full game without paying any additional cost since it’ll be $60


>baby doesn't know anything out of his 4 year old memes.
You can just SMELL the newfag.

This took way too long to come out, and they're locked to a single low-performing console. Now they've got to compete with Fortnite for people who just want to dick around and make stuff.

It reminds me a lot of secondlife

As in, this could actually be competitive with SL in some ways, it's edging on their turf a bit with the creative process.

But being console exclusive pretty much destroys it out of the gate.


Holy fuck we might actually return to the old days of good Nickelodeon games.

It's Garry's Mod for PS4 but less flexible and buggy shit

It still has to rasterize it with polygons at some point, unless it wants to software render everything, which would be murder on a PS4.

"It was beautiful"

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Dreams editing is kinda hard to learn.
Game dev is VERY hard to learn. Hell, even Unity and RPG Maker are more difficult than this. Also what the last guy said.

>game footage isn't video games
Inbred detected. Deploying missiles.

Oh my god don't remind me.

At least you can't make your character scene/emo/furfag shit.

real tlak, when this game goes official, this will be removed, right? I was palying this on dreams today, and it has the music, sound effects, everything. it was on a fucking ps4. there is no way ninty and all the other games will be allowed to say, WITH the music, surely?

Enhanced Edition already exists.

Nintendo can't do anything.

Not once did that other poster mention Nintendo.

Likely it will be among the only stuff to die. LBP 1 and 2 both have a ton of Nintendo user-generated content and it very rarely got removed. From what I remember, there was a purge shortly after lbp1 came out when everyone was paying attention but soon afterwards everyone forgot about the game and fan content thrived. Same will probably happen here where Media Molecule decides not to hunt down stuff themselves unless threatened.

In real engines you have the problem that is create/buy/steal assets. Creating is difficult. Buying is costly. And stealing is laborious.
On Dreams you have access to an assets library where the community have all the incentive to share everything because the games run in a closed environment where no one will be able to make money or steal the merit of others.
It's a good way to make people who do not have professional ambitions have fun with game development.

Mark my words, Dreams will be huge.

Is this like one of those "genre maker" games?
If its on PC that might be something good.

ps4 exclusive

Add a boost button and it would be exactly like a modern sonic game.

Then it's shit.

>game maker on a console only

Dead on arrival.
Mario Maker worked because lol Nintendo fags


fucking seriously, stop talking about it it's annoying as fuck

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LBP turned out fine

this is basic shit for garry's mod

>stop talking about videogames in a videogame board



Do newfags not remember Little Big Planet? PlayStation has been wildly successful with this genre.

Filter it then you ginormous faggot

>this thread bothers a retarded Jojofag

Please OP, by all means, spam this thread.

smash is allowed to have a general on Yea Forums just for a map creator but talking about Dreams is bad?

Why does the reticle become a behelit?

Not him but you can't deny that lbp turned out fine lol.

Dreams only exists because LBP turned out fine

bruh...look at this dude

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nuh uh cuz i no liek sony

Certified retards. Your certificates are in the mail, congrats.

Not him but it is obvious shilling

It's a discussion between early access players. MM doesn't need to shill. What makes you feel like it is?

How was that a sucess exactly? I would say it was just Sony trying too hard to sell a shitty IP.
Which is even worse considering Sony had so many better IPs that they just let die.

>obvious shilling
I dont even have a PS4 or have any idea what this game is, but if Super Smash is allowed to have a dozen threads everyday, then fuck you anyone is allowed to make whatever thread they want here.

Smash bros has a reason since it's successful and widely known you retard.

Do you really want to justify that a game should not have a thread dedicated to it because you are not interested and because it is not as successful as Smash?
Come on, man...

Smash is actually a video game, and the most notable video game release in years to boot.
This trash can barely even qualify as a video game.

And Dreams isn't? We're all here aren't we? Is Smash the par or something, asshole? Why are you fighting a game getting a discussion here?

>And Dreams isn't?

>It's bigger on the inside

Either you are autistic, or retarded.

>waah I don't pay attention to Sony stuff so games coming out are always coming from nowhere
Why are so many people who don't like Sony here? Just to seethe? I've been waiting six years for this game to come out, it's only your fault you didn't notice it until now.
Also I don't even feel a slight urge to visit threads for games I don't like to bitch and moan. How many paint chips do I need to consume before I think like these people?

>it’s another autistic nintendofanboy ruins another dreams thread episode
At least it’s almost at bump limit. See you bros again in the next thread whenever that goes up

He purposely comes to a thread he doesn't like to tell everyone how much he dislikes the game.

>its smaller on the outside


Sony has barely done any marketing for this game that's why nobody knew about it until very recently... even at E3 Sony kept alluding to the game(the bumpers before the show were made in dreams), but they didn't talk about the game at all... they didn't even shill it in their PSVR direct thing.

How do you define "not well known"? Cause it seems to be getting a lot of attention since release.
Also do you expect all games to be widely popular before discussion can begin here because you're a dipshit or because you've put no thought into this at all?

We have 1 thread at a time, not even all the time; ya fucking nigger

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Is this the most innovative game of the gen?

so you are only allowed to discuss successful games?
doesn't even make sense

That question made me realize how rare decent sandbox games are getting. What a shame.

You're actually a retard.

Probably. I'd be happy to hear other contenders.

Serves you right for ruining everything else.


nope is soulless

even pokemon is soulful

You can't really prove Alex Evans did 9/11, even if you put all the pieces together. As far as you'll ever prove in court, he was just in New York at the time to visit family.
Fucking stop trying, you're just asking for trouble.

This game seems to be literally "X - HIRE THIS MAN" simulator. I haven't seen a single fun little game yet.

What is the objective of this "game"?

>I need to be spoonfed information

Can you currently export creations to hard drive? Not for printing, just as level files for safer storage like LBP offered.

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go to bed

The fun little games makes up the majority of the content online. Yea Forums's just full of hacks who just want to see games they already bought fan-ported to ps4, even if you can never get the physics just right. Don't worry, the silly little bits of original gameplay are where Dreams really shines.

To make "games" "music" "mechanics" "character models" "scenes" "logic"

It's a platform to make content in. There's a story mode but it's about as important as LBP's story mode was.

Why are Nintendo fans so insecure about dreams? Is it because people will be able to make games that nintendon’t?

To make porn and get away with it.

>if we have another thread, anonymous will have a meltdownie

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Enjoy being banned from psn and permanently losing access to all your games. Unless it's gay porn, in which case it will be featured on the main page.


There really is nothing to fear but Nintendo fanboys will never understand that for some reason. They got just as flustered back in early lbp2 and lbp3 threads when people kept saying you can make anything. I mean this is an amazing game platform thing, but it can't beat real devwork, nor is is intended to.
Maybe they're just mad that they don't get any sandbox titles?
